#Ch. 1076
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rubidusmagnet · 2 years
Ch. 1076 discussed a lil below
I’m just gonna focus on the most important part of this chapter and that is apparently Kiddo wants to fight Shanks again. It is also canon that he had his arm taken by a member of the Red-Hair pirates rather than Shanks himself which in fact he apparently didn’t even get a glimpse of!
Hopefully Kid can get some payback and not be treated like some laughingstock again. Either that, or something happens to divert attention from a fight so that doesn’t occur. I do not enjoy seeing my muses getting humiliated on.
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kookoofufu · 1 year
Color Spread Graphic Tees Appreciation Post
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joy-girl · 2 years
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One Piece chapter 1076 / One Piece chapter 1063
40 years old emperors Shanks and Blackbeard looking like bullies in elementary/middle school, picking on little kids so that they give to them all the snacks they have lmao.
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lovingalways37 · 2 years
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- One Piece Chapter 1076
Colour Spread by Oda Eiichiro
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dbphantom · 2 years
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Alright, holy shit lmao
What a chapter
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
1076 — Old friends
I’m sure the chapter titles will make sense once we have the whole picture, but at the moment I am very confused. Sure, it refers to the end of the chapter, but will it also (in hindsight) refer to the beginning?
No cover story but very pretty colour spread:
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The dynamics of Kaku and Lucci with Zoro and Luffy are just *chef’s kiss*
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Oda’s perspective shifts, both narratively and artistically, are really nifty. Here, for example, we don’t know what Kaku means, since his face is in shadow and mouth hidden. We just have the two very different interpretations as offered by Luffy and Zoro to go on.
The following pages don���t shed any further light: did Kaku want to get feee to pursue their original goal in the end, or did he just keep mum about it to reduce antagonism due to “you’re just here to kill us”-vibes? Why is Lucci really telling all — is he confident in their ability to fulfil their orders, no matter what their opponents know, or does he bet on honesty over deception to get out of their cuffs?
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It’s a nice reminder that the others are still in danger!
However, Zoro, you should have more confidence in your crewmates. They can take care of themselves once they get their head in the game, even the Weakling Trio (all conveniently paired up with a stronger member at the moment).
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Good thinking, Luffy, making sure Lucci goes first after you when all’s said and done. Of course Lucci couldn’t ignore such a thinly-veiled insult.
Luffy does have an eye for personal drivers and battle strategy, doesn’t he?
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I just enjoy the pairing of brute force + brute force and slicy + slicy.
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But what is happening on the island? Who captured Vegapunk?
Is it evil Lilith, who was shown to control the seabeasts? Is it logical Shaka, voice of reason and analytical skills? Is it A Secret Third Thing?
Too tired to think about this right now, hopefully there-crafters out there fill in the blanks.
And my new favourite sub-arc! Kid vs Shanks!
First, the introductory panelling is genius. Even though we see a house, the disparity between ship size and house size could be chalked up to rushed sketching or lazy reading. The placement of the “bar at a small port”-bubble, completely obscuring the ship behind confuses further.
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And then, of course, we have just a silhouette we all know and a very familiar call-back to the very first chapter. Everything looks nice and normal. The size of the sake cup is similar to what Shanks was shown to share with Whiebeard, so nothing particularly remarkable there — the dude’s been shown to love partying, after all, maybe he just loves over-sized cups. The size of the meat could also be just seaking or something similar.
And then, sudden giant blueberries.
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We’re not in Kansas, anymore, Toto.
I wonder who won the fight in the end.
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Shanks has a certain je ne sais quoi. I love him.
So Rockstar’s role seems to be messenger. Iiiinteresting.
It’s so funny to see the dejected kid from a few pages ago just completely dwarf Shanks and his crew. Could he even fit on the Red Force?
A bit weird that the giants follow Shanks, though. I thought they’d be much too fierce warriors to do so, but on the other hand: Harjudin and his New Giant Pirates served under Buggy, so maybe the last 100 years without proper leadership really left Elbaf to the mercy of other powerful players?
And how will Usopp visit if the island is under Shanks influence — would a Straw Hat visit be construed as an act of war?
And poor Makino (beloved OTP) if the behaviour of the ladies in this chapter is something to go by. A girl in every port, huh…
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Kid looks a bit worried there, while Shanks exudes calm and confidence.
I wonder if Shanks has the last missing Poneglyph. We also didn’t get confirmation that they found Kaido’s red one in Wano, so that’s still up in the air.
So exciting!
I give the chapter two thumbs up: one from Shanks and one from Kid.
I give the chapter two thumbs up (one from Shanks and one from Kid).
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larkreadsop · 1 year
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This is played for laughs but Luffy’s...generally good at being able to tell when people are lying and quite honestly outside of their undercover job in Water 7 both Kaku and Lucci have been...pretty genuine when it comes to keeping their word!
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beaulesbian · 3 months
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ONE PIECE ep. 1109 // ch. 1076 - Luffy & Lucci
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crabapplebread · 4 months
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i can't believe the way this man does his job(s). interrogating a (potentially) random university student, getting semi famous as a waiter of all things...
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you know why he was this threatening? because kaitou kid (17 y.o.) ruined his card trick 😭
Vol. 101, Ch. 1076
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jezebelletauralene · 1 year
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Sanji is about to go on a fashion rant for his boyfriend (who he probably helped dress on this day)
Inspired by the cover art for ch 1076!
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alexblakeisgay · 7 months
Dating App Mishaps (Ch. 6)
Ship: Alex Blake/Reader
Summary: Alex didn't have Tinder by choice...but that doesn't mean it isn't going to come in handy.
Word Count: 1076
"Why did you make me come with you?" you whined, trudging along behind Quinn, "You know I think this place is elitist and snobby and brainwashing young adults into..."
Quinn interrupted your spiel with a 'yak yak yak' hand gesture. "God, do you ever shut up?"
"Do you?" you retorted, wishing you had something more clever to fire back with.
Quinn just rolled her eyes, but didn't dignify your retort with a verbal reply. "I need you to carry all my textbooks," she said as if that should be obvious.
"Umm, did you break both your arms?" you scoffed.
Rolling her eyes harder, Quinn replied, "I just got a manicure and you have horny lesbian nails, so you're not going to risk damaging a hundred dollars worth of acrylics."
"How the fuck do you afford tuition and still piss away money on spa days?" you asked, fully anticipating her to give you the finger in reply.
She surprised you then by seeming surprised. "You didn't know?" she said at length.
"Know what?" You hated her smug grin, the superiority in her smirk.
"My sugar daddy pays for everything... I thought you knew that."
Your brows leapt up your forehead. "Excuse me?"
Quinn shot you a look that seemed to suggest you'd said something intentionally obtuse. "You do not get to judge me, Miss Milf Horny," she said, surprisingly intimidating for her smaller stature.
You held up your hands in self-defence. "I wasn't judging!" you insisted. "I just...didn't know." You shrugged.
She seemed like she would have liked to say more on the subject, but before she could, she got a text message. "Speak of the devil..." she said with a waggle of her brows. "I'll be right back."
You rolled your eyes, leaning back against the wall to wait.
You were typing on your phone (admittedly waxing poetic to your best friend about how you hadn't heard from your almost-hookup in nearly a week) and not paying attention to the pile of books you'd left on the floor...
And by the time you looked up from your phone, you realized a moment too late that said books were exactly far enough into the hallway that they were going to cause someone to trip.
You had exactly enough time to catch the victim of your inadvertent trap as she fell...bringing you face to face with Alex. Immediately, you felt your face heat up with embarrassment as you flashed back to grinding your bare cunt on her thigh.
"Al-Alex, I umm..." you stammered. "It's... It's umm...nice to see you again." You winced, hating how awkward your greeting sounded.
"Y/N," Alex said, sounding mildly surprised as well, but hiding it better.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, collecting the books that had been scattered when Alex tripped over them.
She watched you for a moment before responding, "I teach here. Are you a student here?"
Glancing up at from where you were kneeling on the floor, you were quick to insist, "Oh, no!"
"Those are the standard textbooks for a first year kinesiology student," she pointed out.
You looked from Alex to the textbooks and back. "They're my sister's," you said, "I'm just her pack mule." You watched as something that looked a lot like relief washed over her face. A few seconds later, your brain caught up to the situation. "What could possibly have been a 'work emergency' for a college professor?" you blurted out without stopping to wonder if there was a reasonable explanation.
For a brief moment, surprise flickered across Alex's face. "You didn't Google me," she said, unsure if it was a sentence or a question.
You shook your head. "Was I supposed to?"
"I just assumed," she admitted. "The work emergency was for my other job." A beat. "With the FBI."
"Does... Does that mean you aren't ghosting me?" you asked awkwardly.
"Ghosting you?" Alex repeated. "Heavens no!"
Of course, that was the answer you'd been hoping for. "Really?" you couldn't help asking, needing to be certain.
Rather than directly answer, Alex instead said, "Have dinner with me."
"Really?" you said again.
She couldn't help the soft little laugh that bubbled up. "Please?" she added. "It would be my pleasure."
Before you had a chance to reply, Quinn came flouncing back...and the moment she caught sight of Alex, a wickedly mischievous smirk crossed her lips. "Wellllll," she said, drawing out the syllable. "What have we here?"
"Get lost, Quinn," you hissed from between your teeth, attempting to convey with your eyes alone that if she didn't, you couldn't be held responsible for what you might do to her.
Quinn, of course, ignored you. Still grinning like the cat that got the cream, she turned to Alex and knowingly said, "Have you asked her out yet?"
"Quinn!" you squeaked, scandalized. You whipped your head around to fix Alex with an apologetic grimace. Turning back to Quinn, you attempted to be polite as you said, "Kindly go away."
She ignored you. "Don't get me wrong, Y/N is great and everything, but she really needs to get laid. Like the situation is critical..."
You had no idea what to say or do in this situation. The best you had to offer was swivelling your gaze from Quinn to Alex and back, mouth hanging open a little.
Alex, at least, seemed to find the situation amusing. "Is that so?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Quinn, knowing full well what she was doing, nodded. "The last time I stayed at her place, she was in the shower for like forty minutes, if you know what I mean..." She winked, just in case her double entendre was unclear.
"Good to know," Alex remarked. She was clearly doing her best to quash a grin that threatened to break free.
"Oh-kay," you said slowly with an expression that quite clearly said you were going to murder Quinn, "That's more than enough sharing." You dug your fingers into Quinn's shoulders as you forcefully turned her around. Over your shoulder, you shot Alex an apologetic smile, half convinced you'd never hear from her again.
You were frog-marching Quinn down the hall when Alex's voice rang out, reminding, "You forgot the textbooks..."
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tae-rambles · 1 month
can someone who can read Japanese please help me determine which translation of this panel in ch 1076 is more accurate?
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because why would anyone think Shanks is dead? he's a Yonko! one of the most famous pirates in the current world. so there's no way you wouldn't know about him unless under specific circumstances
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gardenofkore · 1 year
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“In the year of the Incarnation of the Savior 1089, Count Roger took a new wife, his former one, Eremberga, daughter of Count William of Mortain, having died. Her name was Adelaide and she was the niece of Boniface, that most renowned marquis of Italy; to be precise, she was the daughter of Boniface’s brother. She was a young woman with a very becoming face.”
Goffredo Malaterra, The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of his Brother Duke Robert Guiscard, book 4, ch. 14
Adelasia (or Adelaide) was born around 1074 in Northwestern Italy. Her parents were Manfredi (or Manfredo) Incisa del Vasto, a member of the Aleramici House, and his unnamed wife. From her paternal side, she was the niece of Bonifacio, Marquis of Savona and of Western Liguria, “the most renowned marquis of Italy” (in Goffredo Malaterra, The Deeds of Count Roger ..., book 4, ch. 14). Adelasia had a brother, Enrico, and two unnamed sisters.
Following their father’s tragic death (killed together with his brother Anselmo during a popular uprising in 1079), the siblings were entrusted to the guardianship of their uncle Bonifacio, although quite soon Enrico decided to travel all the way to Southern Italy to help the Norman leaders Robert and Roger Hauteville in their conquest.
The Aleramic scion was gifted with the counties of Butera and Paternò for his services. But the del Vasto family fortunes were destined to grow as Enrico’s sisters married into the newly established Hauteville comital dynasty. His unnamed sisters were betrothed to the Great Count Roger’s bastard sons Goffredo (who would die young without getting the chance to marry) and Giordano, while Adelasia married the Great Count himself.
In 1089 Roger was at his third marriage. His first (and beloved) wife Judith d'Évreux had given him only daughters before dying in 1076. The following year, he married Eremburge de Mortain, who bore him his first legitimate son, Malgerio, and died in 1089. With just a son (who would die young around 1098) as heir, it isn’t surprising Roger remarried. The choice of an Italian wife (his previous ones had been fellow Frenchwomen) was part of the Hautevilles’ strategies to latinize Southern Italy by welcoming Gallo-Italic immigrants with the hoped result to counter the already existing Greek-Arabic majority.
Adelasia would bore Roger two sons: Simone (born in 1093) and Ruggero (born in 1095 – although Malaterra records “in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1098, Countess Adelaide became pregnant again by Count Roger” in Goffredo Malaterra, The Deeds of Count Roger ..., book 4, ch. 26) and at least one daughter: either Matilda (born between 1093-1095, future Countess consort of Alife) or Maximilla (birth date unknown, future wife of Count Palatin Ildebrandino VI Aldobrandeschi), or perhaps both of them.
The Great Count died on June 22nd 1101 in Mileto (Calabria). Following her late husband’s wishes, 27-years old Adelasia assumed the regency of the county for her 8-years old son, Simone, who became the new Count of Sicily. She smartly surrounded herself with capable and trusted men, like her brother Enrico, or Christodulos, a Greek Orthodox (possibly a Muslim convert) admiral who had been nominated amiratus (Grand Dignitary) of Sicily already under Ruggero I.
Little Count Simone’s rulership was tragically shortlived as the child died in Mileto, on September 1105, at just 12 years old. He was succeeded by his younger (and, according to the sources, better-suited) brother, Ruggero. As the new Great Count was even younger (10 years old), Adelasia resumed her role of Regent. It is in this period, precisely in 1109, that the Warrant of Countess Adelasia, Europe’s oldest known paper document, was issued.
Although a more generous patron for the Latin clergy, Adelasia maintained a good relationship with the Muslim and Greek communities, granting them freedom of worship and a relevant administrative autonomy (so that in a Greek-Arab charter dated 1109 she is called malikah). She was well aware that, following the change of ownership, her adoptive country was in need of a stabler bureaucratic apparatus, justice administration and a proper capital city. Mileto had been dear to her late husband, but Adelasia had different ideas. Although she preferred Messina for its strategic position, she realised Palermo, having been the capital of the Sicilian Emirate and thus adorned with splendid buildings, was better suited to become the capital of the Hauteville counts. In 1112 she moved the capital from Mileto to Palermo and that same year she stepped back from the Regency, allowing her son Ruggero to start ruling by his own right.
Not used to sitting around and willing to increase her son’s power and fortunes, the dowager Countess accepted to marry in 1113 the childless and older Baodouin I, King of Jerusalem. Prenuptial agreements stated that, in the absence of issue, the Kingdom of Jerusalem would have been inherited by Ruggero and his descendants. This royal marriage proved to be a faux pas as Boudouin was still legally married to his second wife, Arda of Armenia. The King had merely decided to chase her away, sending poor Arda to live in a nunnery, but then simply allowed her to go back to her father’s home in Constantinople without properly annulling the marriage and casting the shadow of bigamy over the new marital union. Moreover, always in need of money to pay for the troops, soon Baodouin spent all of Adelasia’s dowry. Taking advantage of a temporary illness, Papal Legate Arnoul de Chocques convinced the King to annul the marriage so that his wife could be sent back to Sicily. Despite complying, the King was not the least happy as he wished to milk some more the of his Norman wife’s riches, but as the royal union was still childless, Pope Pasquale II could not risk seeing the Hauteville expand their influence over the Holy Land in a possible near future.
In 1117, after four dissatisfying years as Queen Consort of Jerusalem, Adelasia returned back to Palermo. She spent the last year of her life devoting herself to religion. She died in Patti (near Messina) on April 16th 1118 and was buried in the city’s cathedral, where she still lies. 
In 1130, her beloved son Ruggero would be crowned the first King of Sicily. According to chronicler William of Tyre, Ruggero never forgot the humiliation his mother had to suffer in Jerusalem so that he and his heirs never truly reconciled with the Kingdom of Jerusalem (“Qua redeunte ad propria, turbatus est supra modum filius; et apud se odium concepit adversus regnum et ejus habitatores, immortale” William of Tyre, Chronicon, XI.29)
Brugnoli Alessio, La tomba di Adelasia del Vasto
Catlos Brian A., Infidel kings and unholy warriors : faith, power, and violence in the age of crusade and jihad
Curtis Edmund, Roger of Sicily and the Normans in Lower Italy, 1016-1154
Edgington Susan B., Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100-1118
Garulfi Carlo Alberto, I documenti inediti dell'epoca normanna in Sicilia
Hayes Dawn Marie, Roger II of Sicily. Family, Faith, and Empire in the Medieval Mediterranean World
Houben Hubert – Loud Graham A. - Milburn Diane, Roger II Of Sicily: A Ruler Between East And West
Malaterra Goffredo, The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of his Brother Duke Robert Guiscard
Pontieri Ernesto, ADELAIDE del Vasto, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 1
Tocco Francesco Paolo, Ruggero I, conte di Sicilia e Calabria, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 89
Tocco Francesco Paolo, Ruggero II, re di Sicilia, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 89
William of Tyre, Chronicon
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amu-azu · 1 year
Okay, today during movie 26‘s Black closing event’s stage greeting, Gosho revealed the next case is indeed going to be a KID case with Hakuba‘s cameo! I’m glad it’s a KID case , as the possibilities to get an amuazu crumb are higher, but not sure. I would be even satisied, if it’s a little crumb, similar to little jealousy moment of Azusa, when she saw Amuro staring at Rumi‘s photo on his phone and not an entire Amuro and Azusa chapter as ch.1076 and ch.1102 T.T
Oh. I would love to see a scene similar to the Rumi scene but with the role reversal.
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
excuse me but i’m just gonna cry about op ch 1076 under the cut, because one of the great things about One Piece is that, as you go on, you really truly get a sense of other things happening in the world outside of the narrative and then it leads to things like this
is it s-mingo, s-croc, and s-gecko going rogue? with prior instruction via an elder? or a vegapunk? is it an alber-clone going berserk? is it another lunarian entirely? a shandian? pls let wyper be ok. would any potential clones for weevil, buggy, teach, and law be advanced enough to be in combat, let alone do anything else? is there a way to negate the authority chip technology? vegapunk stella transport mission turns into hauling seven vegapunks, stussy, and varying large clone-beings to safety let’s goooooo
still thinking about how these fits are absolutely wonderful despite the fact we need more of the women in pants but whatever this is japan and oda we’re talking about
shanks apparently makes wooing barmaids with his charm and getting small children upset over barring them from coming along on his adventures SUCH A HABIT how many times has this happened other than to Makino and Luffy and now this giantess and Vicky the Viking smh.
oiimo and kaashi T_T dorry and broggy T__T
how many more long-time characters we gonna see next? iceburg? paulie?
was it beckmann who sliced off kidd’s arm that’s what the translation i read made it sound like bc damn
Art-wise, I think it’s really interesting how Shanks’s hair is screentoned while Kidd’s hair is not, despite them both being about the same shade of red. Huh.
Did Oda foreshadow Shanks and Co being on Elbaf with the design of their ship’s prow in Romance Dawn or do I just have a severe case of the paranoids bc that’s what this man has done to his fan base
shanks and beckmann got the bitches though... as is right and correct
now where is jaygarcia saturn pls tell me he gets there two minutes too late; he then has to report to carlosantana neptune and jimihendrix jupiter while tonyimmoni pluto and genesimmons uranus are in the background trying to distract im omg what is this i would scream
where’s my cross guild update you bet i need it in my very soul
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