#Alright those are all the spoiler tags I can think of atm
dbphantom ยท 2 years
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Alright, holy shit lmao
What a chapter
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scarlett-olivier ยท 7 years
10 (30?) Questions Writing Game
Hey, y'all. I've been meaning to do this for a hot minute now. Ever since I got tagged by our lovely @faireladypenumbra. So without further ado, lets get started.
1. What do you hope to communicate to your audience with your WIP?
Find the people who appreciate you for you. Even the best of us have hard times. Finally, even if you've had a really shitty past, or are currently in a shitty situation, you can still be the hero of your own story and possibly to someone else too. ^.^
2. What do you find the hardest to write? (Ex: emotion, humor, seduction, etc...)
Anything fast paced is notoriously difficult for me to write. Humor, wit, action, any of those things that live in the fast lane, and are usually just a one-two punch, are horrendous labor. They take forever to write (I'm sure there's some kind of irony in that statement). I love for my audience to be able to savor the moment and live vicariously through my characters, so fast paced moments always feel well, rushed and forced to me. It takes at least 4 drafts of the scene for me to feel alright about it.
3. How bad do you feel your first draft was/is?
Oh, my, holey spacerocks batman, was it awful. POV breaks, spelling errors (their mostly. I before E my ASS. My peeps, beware of the grammar fuckery, it abounds everywhere.), wrong verb usage, and just all around plot and flow shittiness. I kept some of it, but 2/3 got hit in the face with a rusty crowbar, shoved right up in the payload area of a rocket, and blasted off into the sun.
4. What is your favorite genre to read? Write?
Fantasy. To both. All the fantasy. Gimme.
5. Who have you based your style of writing off of?
Honestly, I'd like to think that I've picked up bits and pieces from a multitude of various authors' style and garishly sewed it all together to fashion my own personal brand of magnificent monstrosity. However if you forced me to narrow it down to three specific authors, I'd have to say... Edgar Allen Poe, Jane Austen, and Angie Sage.
6. What made you want to publish your work?
I ran out of books on my bookshelf, and I'd read the ones I had to the point I could almost recite them by rote. While I was writing my first story, I thought that my problem could be someone else problem too, and it was selfish of me to hoard these stories I kept on inventing to myself when someine out there might like them. So, I decided to share.
7. What have you had to research the most for your WIP?
How to write. Due to my upbringing's effect on my mental health, and the fact that I'm a high school drop out deciding to get together and tag team my self confidence into the nearest portapotty and flip it down a hill, I'm incredibly hypercritical of my own abilities. Therefore, I acknowledge that I lack the ability to judge my own work properly and rely heavily upon research, beta readers, and critique partner feedback to appropriately improve and turn out a quality product.
8. What character do you like (that you've written) the least?
Hmmm...... Merlin. He's a douchenozzle in a saint's disguise. If he were real, I'd have to punch him. Repeatedly. In the face.
9. Are you basing any of your WIP off your life and what would it be ( if not to spoiler - ex: people, places, situations)?
Finally, an easy question! Yes and no. Every author draws inspiration from life, but as far as specific instances or anything of that nature? No.
10. Who would you dedicate you book to?
My mom, my daughter, my fiancee, and my critique partner. Without them, the book would've never happened, for whatever reason.
11. If you could steal one idea from a famous author, what would it be?
I dunno. Honestly, even if I were able to do that morally, what would I possibly DO with it? I think the reason some stories are timeless is, in part, due to the author. They've poured their heart and soul into their work, breathing a life into it that could've only been so perfectly captured by them. Even if I took the idea, it wouldnt turn out the same in the end. For example, my Frankenstein would be vastly different from Mary Shelley's, simply because we're two different people with different values, morals, beliefs, and standards. I'm not saying my version would've been bad, per se, but it definitely wouldn't have been Mary Shelley. In ancient times, it was thought that the story (carried by the muses) chose the author, and the author had minimal control over what story they were to write, and I kind of follow that line of thinking.
12. What's been the hardest to write in your WIP so far? (Ex: beginnings, middles, ends, etc.)
Beginnings are the bane of my existence. Like I said before, I'm hypercritical of my abilities, so during the beginning of a story (before I get into the flow of things) I spend a ludicrous amount of time going over, and over, and over, and over my starts. On the plus side though, by the time I'm somewhat satisfied by the "first draft" of my beginning, the rest seems to fly by in comparison. Just gotta get over that initial hump. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜œ
13. Which characters in your WIP get along the worst? The best?
I'd have to say Merek and Rowan, as the worst. As the best.... Cassandra and Nimue.
14. Tea, coffee, water, or nothing when working?
Tea, mostly. Tea is life. Followed by Redbull and Pepsi. I rarely drink coffee.
15. Is your desk organized or messy?
*eyes a particularly large stack of objects suspiciously.* Hang on a sec. *sweeps the uppermost of the stacks onto the floor with both arms.* Amazeballs! I actually have a desk! How long has that been there?!
16. Can you summarize your favorite piece of writing (that you've created)?
Orphaned girl gets captured by strange creatures and thrown into a world not her own, where she's informed she will finds out that not only is she NOT an orphan, but she will have to fight one of her parents to the death for the fate of the multiverse.
17. How long have you been working on your current WIP?
About a year and a half? Ish. It will, hopefully soon, be my first published novel. ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ
18. Sum up your main characters in three words. (Sorry, not a question)
Nimue- Troubled, stubborn, curious
19. What time of day are you most productive?
1 bloody a.m., when I'm trying to sleep.
20. What's your favorite fictional place?
Neverland. Because Alliteration. Magnificent Murderous Mermaids....
21. What book inspired you to write the most?
Probs a toss up between T.A. Barron's The Lost Years of Merlin series, Tamora Pierce's The Circle Opens series, and Cecelia Dart-Thornton's The Bitterbynde series. I love all of them.
22. Do you write by hand, type, or some combination of the two?
Both. I prefer to type because it's far easier on my hands and joints, but writing by hand seems to improve my productivity. Not that I have the option of typing atm... My fan quit on my laptop and I can't afford the replacement part for it. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ why, wiritng gods, WHY?!
23. A book you would recommend to anyone?
Well, unfortunately, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all book. Books are usually targeted towards a specific audience, and will tend to go over better with that audience, than with those aren't part of that particular grouping. A book recommendation is a highly personalized experience based on a variety of factors such as; age, gender, orientation, beliefs, and morality.
29. What is the one thing you NEED while writing, that isn't necessarily a writing tool?
Scully, my skull shaped pillow, a warm blanket, and music. ๐Ÿ˜† I know you said one thing. I lumped them all together under the comfort umbrella. Comfortability is a major factor in my productivity levels. If I'm in pain, those levels drop, sharply.
25. How much time do you spend writing?
Ideally? When I'm not in the midst of a pain flare up, 30hrs a week is pretty typical.
If I'm in the middle of a flare up? 10 to 15hrs per week. I hate myself for it all the time.
26. How much time do you wish you spent writing?
Again, ideally, I would wish to spend about 8hrs a day, 5x a week on writing. This would leave the weekends open for time with my loved ones.
27. Do you set writing goals? If so, what is your writing goal for this year?
Oh boy. I set myself some unrealistic goals. They are as follows;
- Finish writing my horror short story, edit, and publish it.
- Finish editing my novel 'Something Wicked'
- Send out ARC copies of my novel
- Set a solid publishing time table and sales goal for my novel.
28. What's you favorite POV to write in?
Limited third person will always be my go to.
29. How may WIPs do you currently have?
One short story, two novels.
30. What is your favorite thing about writing?
Watching the world, that had previously only been a seed in my imagination, bloom into it's multi-tiered glory.
And so concludes the 30 questions game! Thank you again, to @faireladypenumbra for the tag. Sorry it took me so long to get around to. Also, in return, I'm tagging @alisonhaines and @alittleredfinch. I hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed answering the questions. ^.^ Hope y'all have a lovely day.
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