#only the Kid relevant stuff near the end btw
rubidusmagnet · 2 years
Ch. 1076 discussed a lil below
I’m just gonna focus on the most important part of this chapter and that is apparently Kiddo wants to fight Shanks again. It is also canon that he had his arm taken by a member of the Red-Hair pirates rather than Shanks himself which in fact he apparently didn’t even get a glimpse of!
Hopefully Kid can get some payback and not be treated like some laughingstock again. Either that, or something happens to divert attention from a fight so that doesn’t occur. I do not enjoy seeing my muses getting humiliated on.
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HI HELLO EXCUSE ME I JUST SAW THE TAGS ON YOUR LAST POST ABOUT THE POTTERY SHARDS VERSE? HE GASLIGHTS CAPTAIN AMERICA?? AND YOU CUT IT OUT????? DO YOU CARE TO ELABORATE???? I love love loooove your pottery shards and acts of... verses sooo so so much btw absolute masterpieces. It is so hard to find anything about Jack Murdock but he is just so interesting please. Also pottery shards??? mwah i love it. I usually avoid mcu stuff bc peter is always stripped down to some spineless kid, but he is SO MUCH MORE. plus it's so funny like god
It wasn’t in pottery shards. Explanation below the cut.
The scene came from a fic I have planned and partially written but no idea if I’ll ever publish. The idea was that Bucky, post Winter Soldier, ends up recovering with the vigilante community of New York, which results in Peter Parker becoming ferally protective of him. This Peter is extremely productive, mildly insane, terrible at communication, and a total ride or die. Every adult in his life is terrified as to what he is doing at any given moment, because it could be anything, and Peter will not tell them until it has already happened. he just keeps doing things and he will not fucking tell them what those things are. 
as a side note, bucky in this AU adores peter to his dying breath, and he has never been more stressed out in his life. it’s like a tiny steve who has the power to fling himself off buildings and is even worse about sharing relevant information in a timely fashion--and steve let the army fucking experiment on him without letting his good ol’ pal bucky know that his last enlistment attempt worked. bucky has aged a thousand years since meeting peter. he would be stressed all day, every day, seven days a week, but he gets to time share his stress with frank castle, which alleviates some pressure. 
Bucky hadn’t reached out to Steve at this point—who was tearing apart the world looking for him—and Peter was a very firm believer in bucky’s right to heal on his own timeline. So, when Steve spots Bucky near one of their old haunts in Brooklyn, he’s elated, and Bucky is less than elated.
Peter, who was coming to meet bucky, takes exception to this fact.
He just sort of gets in Steve’s way in the street, acting like a random passer-by, and Steve, in his rush to get to bucky, grabs him by his bare forearms to move him out of the way when Peter keeps getting in his path. This is, of course, exactly what Peter wants, because he immediately activates his stickiness and Steve now physically cannot let go of this obvious child.
Peter immediately proceeds to give an Oscar winning performance of “terrified child in the process of being kidnapped, please, please, this isn’t my dad, someone save me.” He tries to fuck off immediately after, but he gets snagged by Sam and dragged into Avengers tower for questioning as to what the hell he just did, how the hell he just did it, and how is he involved with bucky.
Peter decides the only way out is through and that he just has to lean into the kidnapped child thing. He just. Immediately starts gaslighting the fuck out of everyone. He didn’t do anything, that’s insane, their theory is that he can, what—become sticky at will and somehow force captain America to drag him around by the arms? he’s fourteen and an honor student and he wants his aunt, oh god is he actually kidnapped by the avengers. He cries. It’s mildly humiliating.
It’s also extremely convincing, because like. He’s fourteen and an honor student. he’s crying. Why would this random child have any affiliation with the winter soldier? And what could he have done to make Steve grab him by the arms and drag him around—become sticky at will? That’s insane.
So he convinces everyone that Steve saw someone who was just a bucky lookalike on the street, snapped, had a nervous breakdown, lost control of his own strength, and almost kidnapped a fucking child. Including Steve. Steve also thinks he had a breakdown and almost accidentally kidnapped a child. But, good news, Peter really really doesn’t want to be on Ellen as the kid who almost got Datelined by Captain America, so he’d love to just go home and never talk about this ever, please and thank you. they really lucked out of a lawsuit, if you think about it. So he manages to gaslight them into letting peter go with their profuse apologies, and they’re actively making plans to ship Steve off to a wellness retreat on one of Tony’s tropical estates, because obviously the stress of hydra and looking for bucky has just been too much for him. He snapped and almost caused the most difficult to explain PR scandal ever. 
This, of course, all fails, because Peter accidentally unlocks his phone with Face ID while they’re giving him back his stuff, and a photo of him with Bucky is his home screen. He is very high intelligence, very low wisdom.
“Huh,” says Peter, into the damning silence. “I almost gaslit my way out of that like a girlboss.”
And then he immediately shoved his phone down his pants and announced that he would personally make sure that anyone who went after it would never be allowed in a school zone again. It devolves from there.
I loved it. It was so funny. It was peak chaos. Peter will never apologize for his actions. Foggy tries to get him to, and Peter says “I’m not sorry and I would do it again” and Foggy has to be like “HAHAH kids say the darnedest things please don’t press charges.” Matt keeps having to leave the room to laugh. Karen gets all teary-eyed with pride whenever Peter does does anything illegal, so she’s useless at scolding him. I had to scrap it in the end because it was a very big narrative point—Steve finding bucky again—that could be used in much more effective ways. It was devastating but made for a stronger plot.
I fully agree—a lot of fandom makes peter like, pretty spineless and helpless. I think there’s a big difference between making him young and making him a damsel which a lot of fanfiction misses. I, personally, like him insane. Ironically, pottery shards peter is probably the tamest peter i have in my drafts. 
Jack murdock was this lasting point of interest for me where I desperately wanted a fanfiction where he lived and there just really wasn’t a lot of options. Lying by Omission by deniigiq was really the only thing that had fun with an alive Jack murdock, but I really, really wanted a Jack who just managed to survive canon. Roscoe Sweeney taking Matt instead was the obvious choice, which—it has such fascinating implications for guilt that I was obsessed. I’m glad you also like it.
I’m glad you’re enjoying pottery shards and acts! Thank you for the kind words!
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mfpeace · 3 years
@justbeingedgy @weird-colombian-gurl You asked me to elaborate on the "Ches already has a kid" theory in the notes of that one mf analysis post (which I really liked, go check it out!!), so that's why I'm making this one, cuz notes are a bit too restricting for what I want to talk about!
Though next time think twice before asking me to talk about something I'm interested in, because you never know when you're gonna wake up lovecraftian horrors!! :DDD you'll see what i mean when you press read more :))
So, I'll say it right now - this post is largely inspired by the second story highlight of this Instagram user (sorry, I don't know their name, only that their Instagram handle is dee_girl_metalfamilyfan), it's in Russian though, so keep that in mind
Alright, so I'll break this theory into two parts: the first one will be all about Ches, and the second will be about his potential child (spoiler: you might've seen her!)
Without any further ado, let's get to the Ches part:
1. The creators said that they're gonna explore Ches' character in the second season. Obviously, it doesn't mean anything on it's own, but just wait.
Dima: Let's talk about the second season a little. Of course, the seconds season will show development of the old characters, as well as new ones. That's in short. As you see, Ches looks a bit different here.
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Alina: Yeah, we'll show a bit more about Ches at the ages of 18 to 20. His past. We'll reveal a bit more about his complex character, as much as it's possible.
(The source of the translation) Also I think they also said at one point that adult Ches will get some character development too? But that's probably a given, considering that we wouldn't see his youth if it wouldn't have affected him in the present, flashbacks without any relevance to the overall story don't sound so good
2. Not sure about this one (we don't know how much in character it was) but I can't not mention it.
Alina: Actually there was this one fanfic that I really liked. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was about Ches having a daughter, which is a cool topic. It was relatively in character and truly interesting. It’s great when people focus not just on sexual relationships of the characters, but also try to look at their development. That was a really interesting one. That’s it.
(UnityCon '19)
3. This one's a pretty big one, in my opinion. So, this is what they said on ArtWave '19:
Dima: Ches also has flaws.
Alina: [to Dima] Don’t spoil stuff.
Dima: His flaw is that he's very... irresponsible, let’s say.
So, maybe, just maybe, Ches does have a child but he, you know... left them? As the Instagram highlight from the beginning say: "he might be irresponsible enough to leave his child, and he's probably irresponsible enough not to use any contraception" (rephrased, not the exact quote)
4. Alright, so, the only mention of this one I can think of right now is the aforementioned Instagram highlight. The Metalfamilyfan says:
I contacted Korg/Корж, (admin of @ metal_yama [and I believe one of the organizers of the Metal Family Meetup in Moscow]) and she asked Alina on one of the meetups: "if Ches were to be a father, what kind of father would he be?"
And she said: "The kind of that would say "kid, look at that birdie over there!" an then he would run away"
Someone's words are not the perfect source, but they did tag Metal Yama and from what I know they didn't disagree with what the author of the page said. if anyone has anything to say about this (disprove or definitely prove what I said) feel free to do so in a reblog, notes, DMs, send me an anonymous ask, or in any other way you feel comfortable with
5. Ches has literally been through the same thing, and we know how important the theme of the cycle of abuse is in Metal Family (or, in this case, the cycle of neglect? Abandonment? Idk)
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You managed to hide your PREGNANCY from me! AND you've been hiding the child from me for a whole year!
YES, because you would've insisted on aborting him!
6. Here we can see Ches with a blonde girl. Nothing too special, probably just a one time hook up. He doesn't seem to be interested in her, and she seems to be annoyed with him.
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But wait...
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What is this?
Like, it doesn't even matter if there's actually a punk/rock/whatever band named MOM or not, I just think it's pretty weird to put it in this particular drawing of Ches and this random woman who is implied to have slept with him. It's not integral to Ches' character as, for example, Korol i Shut is. It's just... there. For some reason.
Alright, now, finally let's get to the second part of the theory: who is, exactly, his child?
The short answer is, according to this theory, her:
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First, let me list every single instance of her appearing in canon (and by canon I mean everything made by the creators. Even with this definition of canon it's not much, I promise): The screenshot you can see above on the left (it's a screenshot from the second season and it appeared here), an instagram story posted by Alina (above, right), and two drawing with a lot of characters where you can spot the girl which I'm gonna call her PinkHair or PH for short, I'll mention them later I feel like I should mention this, comparing the sources of the images and the dates when they were posted, it's safe to assume that the screenshot in the classroom has the latest and final version of her design. The red hair most likely doesn't mean anything
1. Alright. So. we've seen Dee and PinkHair in a classroom together, so they're most likely related in some way, or at least they know each other. Their exact relationship doesn't matter here, because all that matters here is that they're related story-wise
Let's look at the first image. This is the banner of the main Metal Family channel. Ches is near Heavy (they get along quite well and I'm sure Heavy aspires to be like Ches in many ways), Dee (we can see his classmates/friends near him, they're all about his age), and we can see people related to Glam on the left side of the image (including Ches!), and Vicky's - on the right side (notice how the hell sign is also there)
Now, I'm not absolutely sure about this one, but it's still kind of weird - look at the image on the right (it's from ArtWave 2021 btw) - wouldn't it make more sense to put PinkHair near Dee? Also, Curiously enough, not only is she not close to Dee on this image, but she's also standing next to Ches.
Though this whole thing could be explained by art theory (too many small things in one corner of your drawing isn't great composition wise lol sorry PH) but I still can't quite skip this point
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2. Remember the "MOM" lady? Fun fact, she has the exact same pearl earring that PinkHair has on the screenshot.
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3. I'll put all similarities with her supposed parents in this point: Mother: * She's also pretty uh.. glam? for the lack of a better word? Or feminine in a traditional sense, yeah I think that's a better way to put it. Like colors they prefer to wear for example, and jewelry. Characters like that aren't common in Metal Family * She's gotta be a blonde. I can't imagine her being anything but blonde. If she manages to maintain that hair color as a brunette I'm just straight up assuming her character arc is gonna be killing God because these kind of people are capable of anything. I fear them with every fiber of my being. * I can't say for sure because of the shading, but it seems like they both have gray eyes, and she also has darker skin compared to most MF characters. Though, it's likely that Mom just applied a lot of fake tan Ches: * We know that Ches for sure has darker skin * AND grey eyes * There's also some possible personality similarities but I'm not sure if you can compare a child to a parent they've never really known in this way
That's about it, I suppose, I hope there isn't that many grammar mistakes and logically unfinished parts and whatnot in this post I forgot to edit lol x) I'm not sure how to end this post other than to remind you guys that almost all the points in this posts are inspired by the "тупая теория" highlight on the dee_girl_metalfamilyfan's Instagram page, so go check them out and subscribe, they post Dee x The Quest Girl fanart and and always credit the artists. Without them this post would be much, much shorter.
Thanks for reading this post, please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this post <3
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
honestly class consciousness is one hell of a ride bc i didnt think abt it much until more recent years. i told my friend as a kid we were poor nd my mom got so pissed at that, nd i mean shes right that we rly werent as bad off as it could be, the family is just working class. but when you suddenly realize youre not on equal footing w middle class ppl, or ppl like my uncle who is one of the very rare few who started working class and not highly educated nd ended up becoming a millionaire in the US (im still coming for his wallet istg), its suddenly all... oh wait there are ppl whose reality is not this full of hurt and few opportunities.
like, being in a university in one of the most diverse cities in the country nd still having so few poc on it and most poc u meet are international students, and having heard some posh classmates talk abt studying "just like our parents" like it's the most evident thing in the world (while im the only person in the family that did college level, nvm university, and family was super proud, it's not a given to us that you do this!), hearing classmates claim that poverty and class are not really relevant for the netherlands anymore bc you now have the nouveau riche and art is less elitist now, so apparently class is less of a thing?? nd university is just such a wakeup call or a slap in the face bc my primary school was called ghetto, my high school was called ghetto, but then my art college prided itself on being very "diverse" while i had never seen this many white students in one place, and it's even worse for my university.
shit like my brother being in prison all the time when i was younger, my best friend when i was 4 having to move away bc her mom ODed on drugs, living next to a house that had 5 weed plantations in it over the years nd our greek neighbours even got pulled into that mess bc they needed money, living across a 'coffee house' tht stored rifles in it, someone across the street setting his house (and thus half the street bc dutch homes are often connected as one row) on fire, my dad working 50 hours a week as a parcel deliverer bc w less hours he doesnt earn enough, even if the fucking job means carrying 80 kilo boxes up stairs and other bullshit, his stress leading to two TIAs (strokes), my mom being super disabled by many physical impairments nd illness nd still not being granted help in the household bc she had a 'healthy daughter and boyfriend' nd also her being left w/o an income for 2 years, practically every high school friend's mom being disabled in some way, then at my mail delivery job where my coworkers complain abt another deliverer bc it took her 3 months to get back to work again nd they called her ‘lazy‘ for not working immediately despite having multiple illnesses and disabilities bc, and i quote, my colleague said “i’m in my sixties and have arthritis and i’m working too“ dude :// hes literally the person my other colleagues say has had it hard and needs a break, and then those coworkers too need a break nd have disabilities nd are nearing pension age and still doing this work while trying to do household work and all that stuff at the same time. my mom said my cousin’s job (in construction; scaffolder) pays “really good“ (i wonder if its really that much bc it’s apparently around €1700-2700 on average) but that he already gets bad physical complaints from it while hes young nd formerly rly fit and might need to quit soon and then figure something out like studying for something else if possible.
the neighbourhood i used to live in as a baby was ‘too criminal‘ according to my parents so then they moved out to the town next to it into a neighbourhood that was eventually labelled among the top ranked ‘criminal‘ neighbourhoods of the country nd now i live in rotterdam south which is basically seen in the same way bc again, more poverty, more families with migration backgrounds etc. it’s like, you can never escape this negative image unless the whole bunch is gentrified or smth stupid and the poor are pushed to live elsewhere again. and just the whole thing of being at home, being at school, being at work, it’s such a trip bc university is so fucking different to me nd u see all these people there who are quite confident in getting good jobs nd u have business students with rich parents who are already some stupid fucking greenwashing entrepreneur aiming to become a CEO, nd even though ppl at my study w all these artsy ppl, they are generally not upper class, most still seem to be so used to the safety of being middle class and make these huge statements about poverty not really being a thing here.
nd then the whole stress nd anxiety tht my parents passed onto me, partially bc of their trauma nd them being fed up w my ‘laziness’ (executive dysfunction nd burnout lol), partially bc they believe strongly in this workers’ ethic thats strongly in line with capitalism (even if my mom used to be part of a socialist party nd still adheres to many of those ideas) but also with this calvinistic and Rotterdam ( / Rijnmond area) ideology that you need to work hard for the entirety of your life in order to be a decent person, so not so much for an economic payoff or ‘success‘; you just have to work hard. my parents always told me ‘you can rest when you’re dead‘ every single time i mentioned or even implied i was a bit tired and it was frustrating to hear. this mentality is what lead to my dad practically getting two strokes, and to my mom overworking herself nd being taken away by an ambulance on my birthday party, it’s the whole fucking reason i do not like the prospect of work bc it is just so associated w something awful you need to get done and that you need to exhaust yourself on it until you hopefully get pension money, if the govt hopefully doesnt raise the pension age even further than 67. and then you see ppl in uni talk abt fun future “careers” like what the fuck are you talking about? how are you gonna get a job in the arts and culture field in this pandemic? im already happy if im able to find a job and dont have to quit due to disability or a chronic illness that runs in both sides of my family. im sorry im being so negative but im stressed about jobs and i think i went on a tangent today all bc i saw one post abt being scared of PE classes nd my mind went to bad places. this is ok to rb or reply to btw, as long as youre a mutual
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Come at me with the lore, fam, after making my own overly complicated fanfic for almost more than a decade with its own magic system nothing surprises me
I’m putting it under a cut to save your dash. 
TW: A lot of stuff. Rape, sexual abuse, abortion, murder... just... just prepare for the worst. 
//Okay, so, Blazblue AU. 
Key characters here are: Kagura Mutsuki, Ragna the Bloodedge, Celica A. Mercury, my OC Riku Akasaka, and of course Ren and Goro. 
First off, in the BB world, there is a one-world government police state that’s currently been having a bunch of in-fighting and schisms since... forever. They had a civil war (the good guys in this fight lost 8( ), and Kagura has been trying to fix shit for uh... a long time. He’s got the true heir to the throne (Homura Amanohosaka, I think? Their name is long.) 
This is an alternate canon where Kokonoe decided to bring her dead aunt back to life like, 3 games early. So it diverges during Calamity Trigger, or The Only Game I Understood (tm). Celica has this power to absorb seithr, or magic energy that can also kill you. The main villain’s body is kind of MADE of seithr. The main villain, Terumi, had a plan to merge with his host and make himself unkillable by linking his life to Noel Vermillion’s. But because Celica decided to show up and cling to Ragna, plans did not go through, but the time loop didn’t restart. Ragna’s plans are at a standstill as well, and he gets attached to Celica, and... it’s complicated. 
To sum up Ragna’s story super quick because it’s side information-- He falls for Celica, they have twins, Ragna realizes that his soul-eating grimoire could kill said kids, gets Jubei to cut it off of him, and they live mostly happily for a while until Celica starts dying of seithr poisoning. Then Terumi decides to finally pay back for having his plans ruined, kills Celica, burns Ragna’s house down AGAIN (you know, for extra trauma), and kidnaps one of his kids. The other had a power like her mother so she didn’t get taken because being near her made Terumi sick. Ragna nearly died in all of this, spent years trying to make a decent life for his daughter, got arrested, and then after basically making prison hell for everyone else with his anger and violence, was basically given a plea deal by Kagura of “Look my dude, get on my side in this government coup I’m doing and we’ll basically give you your daughter back, a job, and a steady income. We cool bro?” Aaaand by the time Akechi is around he’s a parent with 7 kids, 2 who are the same age as Akechi and grew up being his friends. 
Kagura is the part where it gets relevant to Akechi. Kagura hears about this scandal with the Fumizuki family (long story short Shido is a Fumizuki in this case because it’s a Duodecim family they haven’t used yet, and it means “month of erudition” so I figured a focus on intelligence above all else would be fitting...) involving a bastard kid whos mom just died. Now the whole family is looking to basically throw this kid as far away from them as possible. 
Kagura, at this point, is a walking scandal magnet and has stopped giving a fuck. He married a woman literally nobody in his family liked, started a government coup, gave Ragna the Bloodedge the sweetheart deal of a lifetime and more. His wife is my character Riku, who uh... 
Goddamnit, another character break. You see why I said this would take a year and a half? XD Anyway, Riku. Riku is one of the last Japanese people in this setting. Japan got magic nuked in Blazblue, to put it bluntly. A giant world-ending monster decided to appear there first. Japan is *still* not inhabitable centuries later. The Japanese people are very few and far between, and Riku’s family is one of the last families that can boast a 100% Japanese heritage. Y’know. Except for Riku. Because her mom went and married an outsider without her family’s permission. Her mom doesn’t give a single solitary fuck what others think and does what she wants. So she’s actually only half Japanese, and her family treats her and her older brother like shit for it. They’re basically only cared about if they’re “useful”. Her brother went into the military academy to basically gain info for the family (they like to hoarde grimoires as well so the NOL and the Akasaka family kind of hate each other), but he “mysteriously went MIA”. I.e. was violently murdered and had his grimoire stolen. Riku went to the academy after to figure out what happened to her beloved onii-chan. It... did not go well for her. TW sexual abuse- she was raped in her freshman year, ended up pregnant, and when she went home in her third trimester, the head of her family forced her into an abortion that caused serious damage. They cut her hair off and basically sent her back to school traumatized and miserable. And now everyone in school treats her like a whore. She decides fuck it, if they’re gonna treat her like that, she’s going to use being a “whore” to her advantage. She slept her way to status, and, using her own special abilities, gathered a bunch of blackmail on literally everyone in the NOL. Nobody can mess with her, but she also has no one she can rely on. 
She was initially trying to use Kagura as well (trying to get put in intelligence so she could ruin the people who made her life hell), but Kagura noticed she didn’t actually seem to enjoy sex. He helped her get surgery to correct the damage done to her (he only convinced her to go along with this by saying it was for his own benefit. She did not trust him. He said basically he wanted to be the first person to make her enjoy sex.) She eventually began to open up to him and trust him when she realized they were very much alike. They both were isolated from their families for not following tradition, both had many enemies, and both genuinely wanted to destroy the government around them and create a better world. She joined him in the whole government coup thing, using her intelligence-gathering skills. They’re newlyweds when Akechi is a kiddo. 
Understandably, considering all of this, Riku doesn’t really want kids... the trauma of it all is a bit too raw. So Kagura wasn’t really planning to adopt him? He figured he’d give him temporary housing, then send him off to Ragna. Ragna would gladly adopt the kid after all. But he and Riku found out they were very attached to this sad little kid who didn’t understand why everyone looked down on him. Riku, in particular, could relate to his problems. 
So Akechi gets a nice, (mostly) stable family! He meets Ren in middle school. Ren outed a pedo teacher that was very well-liked by most of the students and staff, getting him fired and arrested. So, he was something of an outcast. Akechi, upon hearing this, decides that Ren is a hero. (And Ren p much instantly had a crush on him after that). The two grow up as childhood friends. They’re pretty inseparable. Ren doesn’t really like being at home with his family (they’re very much the type that says nothing to avoid being a target for potential assassination. The NOL has been legit very dangerous their entire lives, after all. So their outspoken, determined child causes them no shortage of headaches), so he’s always hanging out at Akechi’s place. 
You can probably guess that, actually knowing Akechi’s life story, Ren *actually* assaulted Shido when he saw the dude trying to assault another woman. He was genuinely enraged and just kinda lost it. >>; Thankfully connections save Ren. Kagura basically goes “Ok so enjoy going to the military academy as a reform school. Also you need someone to keep an eye on you. ....My son can do that.” Really... he just wanted Ren to look out for his son. 
See, Akechi in this verse is still very concerned with status? He feels that he owes it to his mother and father to live up to his family name, because they’ve done so much for him. He wants to be accepted by the Duodecim as a whole. Riku and Kagura tried their very best to keep him the hell away from all of that political bullshit, but the kid decided to go into the military anyway. He’s not physically the strongest, and he’s pretty naive and childish, deep down. His parents are pretty damned sure that Goro will be eaten alive if left on his own there. (The military academy is, for the record, it’s own massive city. So they wouldn’t exactly be able to keep an eye on him.) So, Renren gets asked to protect his friend. 
They also get chosen by two grimoires while there. These are the Rebel’s Grimoire and the Hero’s Grimoire. Grimoires are basically... to put it bluntly, training wheels for magic. Most people suck at magic by nature. Hell, most people don’t even USE grimoires. They use the even bigger training wheels that are Ars Magus. Grimoires usually specialize in a particular ability. They have their own rules, conditions for use, and often choose their hosts. People fuse with their grimoires over time. If the two become completely synchronized it’s called a Remix Heart. (This is the only important lore information from Remix Heart btw, I saved you from reading a crappy fanservice manga, you’re welcome.) 
The Hero’s Grimoire picks a host with a strong sense of justice. The Rebel’s Grimoire picks a host with a very rebellious spirit. The catch is, they always pick their hosts at the same time, and the hosts are always very connected souls, two sides of the same coin. The Rebel’s grimoire also likes to do this *wonderful* thing where it latches on your face and only accepts you if you rip it off. If you don’t, it kills you! Fun times. Goro turned around to look at Ren when this happened, and the Hero’s Grimoire embedded itself into his spine. (Ren’s looks like a pair of glasses when not in use, Akechi’s looks like a crow tattoo with a weird growth between his shoulder blades.) 
The two grimoires are sentient and talk to their owners while giving them similar but contrasting powers. Ren can use his Third Eye ability from the games, destroy barriers, teleport through shadows, and has very little presence-- almost nobody notices him around unless he’s pointed out or makes himself known. Goro has the same third eye ability, can create barriers/obstructions, can obscure his movements in bright light (either dazzling people or simply teleporting in light), and has a glamour that attracts others to him. (Ren uses this to basically cling to Akechi at all times while nobody notices him. He loves it. Akechi hates it, because PLEASE STOP HITTING ON ME I HAVE A BOYFRIEND HE’S RIGHT. HERE. ) 
The phantom thieves also still exist in this AU! They have a different MO but similar intents and goals. Basically, they steal back what the NOL has taken from others. Or, if said thing can’t be replaced (like, say, innocence, trust, etc) then they’ll take what they consider a karmic equivalent (status, power, etc). It actually all started because Ren wanted to get Riku’s grimoire back (Akechi was still vERY upset that the government had it, how dare they do that to his family). So Akechi is on the team from the beginning. Whether he wants to be or not. 
There’s a lot more but this is just the basics... @_@ I told ya it was a lot. 
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sibillascribbles08 · 5 years
⭐ for hmmm... Something involving Max?
Here’s let’s have one of my favorite bits, under the cut for length reasons
Cryptor got up, shaking the cup himself as he headed out of the room. Max wasn’t far behind him, and part of Cryptor cursed himself for going through the door first. (How can I build this tension up as much as I possibly can let’s find out.)
Relax. Calm down. He’s Toby’s friend. If nothing else he wouldn’t risk doing something that would upset Toby, right? (HAHA RIGHT?? Fun things about writing Cryptor is he’s obviously a huge logic person, but by this point in his life he has enough emotional experience that sometimes he just has that... gut instinct toward something, but he tries to reason it away.)
He tried to check for warning signs without being suspicious, listening for elevated heart rates or unsteady breathing.
He couldn’t hear either, at all. (I wasn’t sure if I should mention Max doesn’t have a heart beat but like? Doesn’t hurt, doesn’t spoil anything so you know.)
No, that wasn’t right was it? Cryptor wasn’t unaware of the dark matter on Max’s scars but did the material really extend that far? (Oh Cryptor if only you KNEW.)
How was he alive? (This is an ironic question because I do not actually have an answer haha!)
Well it certainly wasn’t something he could ask. (Yeah, you can’t just ASK people why they don’t have a heart beat wtf.) Cryptor stepped into the empty lobby and around the counter. He dumped out the leftover ice before refilling it, wondering if he should just go through with what he said and get water or allow Toby to have a little more sugar. (Cryptor, internally: Do I show him I love him by watching after his health or by spoiling him with more sugar?)
Something thumped against the counter. He looked back to see Max’s arms crossed, leaning on it. His eye was fixed on Cryptor.
“Seems he’s got you tamed pretty good, huh?”
The warnings in Cryptor’s head were screaming louder than ever, but he pushed past it. “I’m sorry?” (Cryptor is pretty sure Max is being rude but also the phrasing of that question has him a little confused.)
“Guess my question is, why bother keeping it up this long?” Max’s gaze didn’t move, didn’t flinch. “Toby said he knocked out the overlord when he was sixteen. You’ve had plenty of times and chances to finish his work.”
He tried not to be offended by the accusation. Max came from a very different place, likely one where the road to recovery wasn’t an option like it was here. All his impressions of nindroids had been nothing short of traumatic. (Honestly Cryptor’s patience is something he taught himself and he taught himself well because boy howdy.)
“I have no desire to do so.” Cryptor tried to turn his focus back to the row of sodas on the machine, but he was panicking far too much.
“And why the change of heart, or lack there of.” Max seemed to spit. “Because you wound up in a city that’s mostly made of robots? Or because you knew Toby could have crushed you under his thumb and you just go with whoever the winning team is?”
Cryptor’s fangs tried to emerge as he pressed his lips together. (He angry.) God, he’d love to argue about this but that was the worst thing he could do. He was trying to make an ally, not an enemy.
“I’m not stupid.” Max continued. “The Overlord being deleted doesn’t do a thing to your programming. You had the option the entire time to turn away from him and you didn’t. Not until he’s gone, huh? Because you’d rather just follow orders than be put down.”
Cryptor put the cup down and turned around slowly. “Just what are you trying to accomplish here? If it’s just to take your anger out on me, then so be it.” (I feel like this didn’t come across fully but what Cryptor means when he says that is he’s 100% okay with Max just blowing steam at him if that’s what it takes to make this better. Unfortunately...)
Max smirked and shook his head. “Tell me something else, do you remember everything? All the stuff that happened while working under that bastard?”
He did, though he sometimes tried not to. “Of course. It would be an insult to erase it.”
Max stepped through the counter, through it. The whole motion made Cryptor blink, trying to figure out how he even did that. Toby’s arm could phase through objects, sure, but not his entire body. Not like that. (Funfact, I had to write this paragraph twice because I tried to do it right in the middle of Max’s dialogue but it was FAR too long and it made it sound like Max paused mid sentence for like a solid 20 seconds)
“Well then,” Max kept walking until he was close enough that Cryptor realized he was taller. (Max is 6′4″ btw, at least in his normal looking disguise asldkfjslf) “In that case you should know damn well that you don’t even deserve to be in his line of sight, much less in his company.”
This was a threat. Cryptor wasn’t foolish enough to ignore it this time. Max was telling him something hypothetical, but his stance implied that he was giving an order.
But it was one Cryptor refused to follow. (Fuck you binch I didn’t spend almost ten years pining after this idiot so you could come tell me no.)
“You’re right.” He agreed at first. “It’s not something I deserve, but that’s hardly relevant.”
Max narrowed his eye. “What?”
“What I deserve is irrelevant. Toby wants me in his company. He wants to be friends. He made the decision to forgive me. I deserve none of it but he offered it all the same.”
Cryptor dared to take a step forward. (Cryptor is logic man who leans into his emotions too hard and sometimes makes dumb decisions.) “I knew I didn’t deserve it. I know all I deserved was to be shut down and scrapped. But no matter how much I insisted on that kind of fate, Toby refused. So, in the end it doesn’t matter what I deserve. That was Toby’s decision.” He crossed his arms. “And I’m certain as his friend you respect that decision.”
Max somehow seemed even less amused than before. Was his eye getting darker? “You know, I really don’t know what made him grow up so foolish.” (This is supposed to be the part where you realize Max is just straight up delusional.)
Cryptor blinked. “Excuse me?” (This is the part where even Cryptor realizes Max is delusional.)
“Does he really think he can trust you? The rest of these nindroids? As soon as something stronger comes along you’ll all turn heel.”
Cryptor let his fangs out this time. “I would never–” (Insulting Cryptor’s personality? That’s okay. Suggesting Cryptor would betray Toby? That’s too fucking far.)
He couldn’t finish the statement. Before his systems could even register what was happening he was spun around and slammed against the counter. He reached up, expecting to find Max’s wrist, but whatever he tried to grip was too hazy. His vision kicked back in, revealing dozens of tendrils of that purple haze, slivers of gold running through it. (How do you describe MaxI don’t know) Cryptor followed them over to Max, all of them stemming from his arm, distorting the skin. The dark matter slowly crawled over his face, gold slipping through his skin like oil on water. (This is an image I can never quite manage)
“Sorry, let me speak in a language robots like you understand.” (By this he means violence) Max grinned at him, all his teeth turning gold. “Keep away from Toby, or I’ll rip your empty heart out like I did last time.”
Right, that’s why that power core looked so familiar. “And what do you think Toby would say to that?”
“Oh, I’ll figure that out.” As Max moved closer more and more of his body was distorting. Extra eyes appeared on his face. The gold fangs in his mouth started to grow out from his jaw. “Maybe I’ll start by reminding him of all the shit you’ve done.”
“You think he doesn’t know?”
Max was glaring again, hair turning to smoke. His other arm snapped out, grabbing Cryptor’s chin tight enough he could feel the metal trying to give way.
“I think he must have forgotten, because if he remembered he wouldn’t let you anywhere near him.” (This was the part where I was like “Oh god no do I have to write this it’s going to hurt me”) Max clearly wanted to shout, but was keeping his voice low to make sure they weren’t heard. “But I remember. Want me to remind you as well?” (Please don’t)
Only now was Cryptor’s panic hitting levels he couldn’t manage. “Don’t–”
“How many orders did you give, General? How many kids did you drag screaming from their cells, sometimes boxes. You kept us in fucking boxes.” (Why did I make this AU thinking about this always makes me feel sad as shit)
Cryptor squeezed his eye shut.
“How many more did you toss in the basement? How many more to the furnace? How many kids did you drop a kill order on when all they were trying to do was break free from that hell pit?”
“Stop.” Cryptor felt his voice distort. (Yeah Cryptor remembers all of this oof sometimes it haunts him more than others)
“And you did it. You followed every order. No one was forcing you to do that and you did it anyway.”
What could he say to that? There wasn’t a damn thing. Max wasn’t wrong.
Cryptor did nothing. He just followed orders. He had the option to defect at any time and he never took it, because he was ignorant, because he never actually saw the options were there. Because he never considered anyone could stop the overlord. Because he never considered that a better world was in the realm of possibility. None of it crossed his mind until some kid came along and did the impossible. (Impossible is a simple way of saying “Punched god”)
And then extended a hand, simply asking Cryptor if he wanted to take the opportunity to do better.
He never thought he could, but he wanted to try, he owed Toby that much for sparing his life.
But despite all that it didn’t change what he did.
“You ever go in that memorial hall?” Max was whispering now. “You ever count how many of those names are there because of you?”
“You made your point.” Cryptor growled. (He just wants this to be over with ouch)
With that, Max let go of him. The tendrils snapped back into his arm. His face slowly returned to normal.
“Good.” Max smiled at him. “Glad we could have this chat. Now scram, before my good mood leaves. I’ll tell Toby something urgent came up. You run security or whatever, right?” (He does pay some attention)
Cryptor stood up straight, checking his chin for any damage.
“I wouldn’t bother telling him either.” Max shrugged as he turned to the soda machine. “Unless you really think he’d believe something like that about an old friend of his.” (Yeah about that lol)
Cryptor could argue, but he wouldn’t. He didn’t need Max thinking he might be wrong. The sooner he could warn Toby the better. He simply shot the man a glare before turning on his heel to head to the exit. He ignored the ache in his chest, the anxiety trying to claw it’s way up his throat.
Toby would come find him. Toby would trust him.
He glanced back once more, watching Max study the labels for a bit, his hand hovering over one.
“Oh, Max.” Cryptor spoke.
The man flinched, as if he hadn’t expected it. He spun his head to glare. “What?”
Cryptor tried not to smirk. “Toby doesn’t like lime soda.” (I didn’t elaborate on his thoughts during this but this is him being a smug little fuck because despite Max claiming Toby would believe him over Cryptor, Cryptor’s the one who knows Toby, because he’s been around him for all these years. He doesn’t like lime soda.)
His smile wound up on his face anyway as he flicked his cape when he turned and strode out the door. (Bye bitch.)
He’d retreat for now.
But this wasn’t over.
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possessedcoast · 8 years
the life and times of ryan ross pt 8
welcome all! make sure to thank @jen--ne--sais--quoi for the existence of these posts because the poor thing asked to know about ryan and now she probably knows more than she ever wanted to!
here in our final chapter, we shall see what ryan has been up to from where we left off in 2015 to as current as we can be as of today (feb 26, 2017) this is mostly links and pictures because he didn’t actually do a whole lot
alright, early 2015. pretty much all ryan ross does is spend time with friends, mostly dan keyes and ryland blackinton. he goes to coachella and looks lovely in his hawaiian shirt. 
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he also posted some teasers about making music on instagram, but we saw no new music. 
the most important thing about 2015 is ryan’s beard. 
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look at it. it’s glorious. 
in february/march of 2015 zayn has left one direction (this is a ryan ross post, why is she talking about one direction??? it’s relevant, i promise.) someone thought it would be funny to edit the 1d wikipedia page to day that ryan ross had joined the band. 1d fangirls lost their minds. ryan tweeted “ You guys got it all wrong, the four remaining members of One Direction are joining MY band” 
if you look at his twitter throughout 2015, some of the tweets are vastly different than others. it could’ve been him on drugs, it could’ve been shane morris. personally, i think it was more shane, but the other is a possibility. also in june 2015, he got super fucked up and crashed a PHASES show. there are pictures of it out there, but i don’t think it’s really appropriate to share them. i also vaguely remember someone (z maybe?) asking for them to not be shared because ryan was really embarrassed and upset about it. about the incident he said “Def was having too much fun at the Phases show tonight, I promise I'll never do it again  again” so there’s that.
then in july ryro got a girlfriend! he began dating model helena vestergaard and it seemed really good for him. it was certainly good for all of us fans because he posted so much while they were together. she also posted a lot about him. there were so many ryan pictures. it was glorious. here are some pics
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then the next most important thing of 2015 happened. 
dorothy ross. 
ryan and helena got the cutest puppy in the world
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from then on his instagram is pretty much dottie, but none of us mind because she’s precious. 
we also got this monstrosity
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that’s all i’m gonna say about that. more helena and dottie pictures. then we get a picture where ryan tells us he’s taking vocal lessons!! and then he posted a teeny clip of a new song!!! more dottie & helena. a video of him learning to box?
don’t forget that this era of ryan likes hockey and baseball. he watches both and plays hockey too. 
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halloween 2015. the fucking party. so. you thought we were done talking about brendon urie. we’re not. by 2015, he and ryan are not talking, at all. brendon usually avoids talking about ryan at all. then adam levine (yes, that one) has a halloween party. ryan’s invited because he’s best friends with mickey madden. he goes as a gremlin. well, a mogwai because he’s fuzzy and not scaly, but yeah. 
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brendon, dressed as a skeleton and with sarah, was also there. as far as i’m aware, they basically didn’t even talk. brendon goes on to mention it a million times.
btw, by this point ryan doesn’t use his twitter anymore, it’s all just instagram links. there were some tweets earlier in the year that i’ll be talking about in my shane morris companion piece, but basically, shane likes to troll ryan’s fans by tweeting things or posting things on facebook then quickly deleting them.
also in 2015, ryan posts a picture of what seem to be song titles along with promises for making new music (the “shut the fuck up” was in response to someone telling him to go to bed btw) 
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we’re now at the end of 2015. it seems like this is when ryan finally disconnects his twitter from his instagram because (except for one) his tweets stop and his instagram continues. he has also dropped shane morris as his manager (thank god)
near the beginning of 2016, ryan tells us that he has written a song for a band called agelast (sadly, that is pronounced ah-gel-ist, not age-last) he posted on both twitter and facebook about this. i’m inclined to believe both posts were actually him, not shane, but who knows. there was this comment on the facebook page that would be nice if it was from him. 
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then, also early 2016, he and helena broke up. he was all set to fly to visit her in australia on a long term modeling job, and maybe he did, but that was that on helena vestergaard. she deleted all traces of him from her social media. he continued to play hockey and post pictures of dottie. 
he also bought 5 pounds of sour patch kids, causing all of us to fear for his health. then he starts to become a bit of a recluse. he posts a lot less frequently and it’s usually dottie pictures. 
then he goes to a renaissance fair and saves lives with his look 
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easily the most important part of 2016 was when ryan did a surprise performance with dan keyes’ band cologne at emo nite la. it’s everything. EVERYTHING. watch it now. it felt like a nice comeback and he looked GOOD
we also got another tiny song clip. more pictures and videos of dottie. he also modeled some new PHASES merch with Z and Langley 
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he went to the beach and we were blessed with this glorious image 
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then he turned 30! and jeremy burke & alison harvard threw him a mini party at midnight with pizza! 
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also sometime in august, his demo ep was deleted from soundcloud (his whole soundcloud was deleted) along with his site going down and his facebook page being deleted. the only thing we know is actually ryan is his instagram. 
then came halloween. with costumes in the past like et, a sloth, and a gremlin, we knew he would not disappoint. he was link from legend of zelda and he spent a good amount of the party (adam levine’s again, bden was not there) with victoria asher and gabe saporta from cobra starship. have some pics. 
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(that’s gabe beside him)
then he “drank some blood” in this adorable video with his vocal coach
throughout 2016, a director named dan adams (glitterworldinc on insta) had been tagging ryan in a lot of pictures. i’m going to make a companion piece for him as well, but i’ll mention him here. he posts pictures of ryan, sometimes with strange captions, sometimes with rude captions. many pictures didn’t have ryan in them, but he was tagged. some pictures were of ryan’s house or around echo park. see more about that in the companion piece. lots of speculation went on about what he was doing with ryan. we’ll get to that in a minute. something more exciting now. the longest clip of new music that makes me cry every single time i listen to it, that callback line. (fun fact, z commented on it and called him space boi which is where i get one of my tags for him)
he looked beautifully goth for new years 
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now we’re in 2017!
we found out this year that all the things glitterworldinc had been posting are because ryan’s going to be in his new movie!! he’s playing a character named Dewey Parsons in daniel adams’ new movie starmaker
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the newest picture we have from ryan himself is this
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and dan adams (glitterworldinc) has recently posted two! one was posted today! 
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and that is basically everything i know about ryan ross’ life from the earliest facts i know to today! thank you for coming along on this crazy long ride with me and reading this giant mess. i’ll make those companion pieces here soon, so look out for those! EDIT: Update!!!!! ryan posted this mere hours after i finished this because he likes to make my life harder (i’m mostly kidding, i love him so much)
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his caption: “On all twos Makin tunes on toons”
EDIT NUMBER 2: i should have made an outline for these posts, jesus christ. i told you all in another post that the guitar ryan burned alive would be important later and then i never told you why. the why is because brendon still has it. yep, he has the guitar that ryan burned all the way back in the cabin/pretty. odd. era. how do we know this? oh, just because brendon put it in his literal house of memories. it’s fine, i’m not crying. (it’s not fine, i am crying) the house of memories is a vip thing for this tour where fans can go in and take pictures with a bunch of old panic! things, from the masks from fever era to stuff from the victorious video. i would kill to go. 
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this "Mataguy Madness" is interesting, sounds a bit r/nosleep-esque. Give us all the spooky stories! (If you wanna) :D
Heh, i don’t know if they’re spooky, but that may be because I’ve lived it.
Ok, so the camp that I work at is called “Mataguay”. It borders on the local kumeyaay reservation, as in if you wander too far up the slope of one of the hills they are legally allowed to shoot you. I’ve never tested it, and I don’t intend to.
We have ghost stories at the camp, but it is common knowledge among the staff that the stories are almost entirely made up. there is some true information to be found in it, though. the valley used to belong to the kumeyaay, and they had a conflict with the spaniards, a lot of them died and were supposedly buried in a mass grave on one side of the valley, and then english (or american? not sure) settlers moved in. most of the new guys were jerks, but this one guy (Trainer? Traynor?) was more nice to them, i guess. then he was crushed by a tree branch and died, and the kumeyaay created a memorial stone for him in his favorite part of camp, and his wife’s ashes were spread around it when she died. supposedly the stone is cursed, which of course means that people dare each-other to touch it. his barn is still standing, btw. then the portion of the land which trainer owned was donated by his daughter to the boy scouts. later, when the kumeyaay needed money they sold part of their land to the camp. and then some more later on.
also, the camp is infested with Datura Stramonium, a very potent and highly lethal psychoactive plant, so take everything i’m about to say with a grain of salt. but also, i’m not making any of this up. this is all stuff that happened as i remember it.
there were some red flags that the camp was a haunted madhouse right when I joined, because right off the bat one of the more experienced staff encountered a doppelganger. of me.
apparently she was walking over near the old observatory when she heard, very distinctly, my voice shouting a greeting to her “from the trees”. She ran up to me and literally asked me “were you in the trees? i heard your voice coming from the trees”. i had just come from the trading post, not the old observatory, so i said no, and she seemed very distressed by the revelation.
even back then, when the madness had not come over me, i could tell that there was something wrong about Mountain Man Meadow. Every other part of camp had a sort of natural white noise to it, with crickets, frogs, bats, and even just the wind making some kind of noise. But when we held an astronomy outing in the meadow that year, it was eerily, deafeningly silent. and there was a feeling of oppressive dread which seemed to emanate from the place, almost as if the shadows were moving of their own volition. it creeped me out enough to distract me from the astronomy, and I love astronomy.
mataguay madness always starts with one landmark event, which marks the point where you first start to crack. for most, it comes in the form of violantly intrusive thoughts, like “I wonder what my life would be like if I were a little french girl”, followed by an inability to process reality for a minute or two, and can strike even in the middle of a class in front of an audience (actual example, and no, the guy is not trans). It usually strikes at the end of the second year. mine was more... dramatic.
... i got high...
...on ice cubes.
i’m not kidding. I wasn’t even eating the ice, I was holding a large clump of ice cubes in my hands, watching them melt and feeling the cold run through my fingers. then, I started to snicker. the snicker developed into a chuckle, then into a loud, uncontrollable, almost painful cackle. one of the other staff came over to me to see if i was alright, but was rather taken aback by how utterly unhinged i looked, rocking back and forth and laughing like a stereotypical asylum patient. i calmed down after a few more seconds, but i was forever changed.
years later, a friend of mine who i would later date for a time suffered her bout of madness by tearing the bean-bag chairs apart, spreading around the little Styrofoam pellets, and giggling hysterically as she rubbed some of them into my hair. not as dramatic, but pretty similar. she had no idea why she did it.
anyways, the next year i officially joined staff, as the astronomy instructor. and for whatever reason i decided to take a plastic owl I had found in the upper room while I was sorting (one of the ones used to scare off rats and such) and carry it in my arms. for the entire summer. I named it Arcturus. Also, because I thought I was hilarious, I told everyone that I could use it to steal people’s souls if they displeased me. All the campers found it funny (for the most part), and so did the younger staff. The older staff, on the other hand, seemed to become afraid of the owl. They actually asked me to turn it away from them when I would set it on the table during meals. I thought that was hilarious too, until they kidnapped it and through it away during the last week of camp. I had grown rather attached to the thing over that summer, so i was notably distressed when I found out. One of the other staffers gave me a replacement owl, Spica, which I still have in my room.
the next year, i completely changed my look. I still wore my staff uniform, but over it I wore a lab-coat i had found in one of the drawers at my house, i changed my haircut, and i carried around a large “walking stick” i had found in the woods. this may seem irrelevant now, but it will become relevant later, as I basically kept this look for the next 4 years, and was instantly recognizable.
My eyes began developing a bit of a quirk. i could barely stand the daylight, but during the night i could see perfectly, as if it were day (I still have this). The constellations started to reveal themselves to me, but not as if I were learning their shapes but more like they were actual people, introducing themselves to me. sometimes, i could almost hear them speaking to me, and could certainly feel them. As soon as the stars came out, I would feel as if my body were humming with some kind of power. i can’t explain it. i began wandering around at night without a flashlight, sometimes crossing the entire valley just to play diablo 2. where i used to feel the shadows crowding around me, now I could kinda see them, but they always seemed to be fleeing from me. they looked like a shadowy haze in the vague form of man. occasionally, they would group up and try to bar my way, but i would just stare at them and start singing “Flying Fortress”, or reciting the Saint Michael prayer, and they would part around me. I was never quite sure if what I was seeing was real, or the result of an over-active imagination, though.
Back to mountain man meadow, my area was right next to it, and i began noticing some strange things about it, not the least of which was the blood-curdling scream which came from the forest just beyond it every once and awhile at sunset, a scream of a little girl. we actually sent in search parties to figure out who was screaming, but we never found anything. might have been a goat. but i also know that there were footprints that would appear in the meadow whenever one wasn’t looking. i checked.
apparently the meadow is right next to that kumeyaay mass grave I mentioned earlier. I could never get an exact answer on where said grave was relative to the meadow, though. other people have said that they saw actual apparitions there, a little girl in a white dress and a little boy in a small headress, both silent. One guy even claimed the first one followed him around, though he also he believes he saw the ghost from our false ghost story, so...
ok, so my madness was bad, but this one guy... i dunno. it was either madness or he was stupid as a brick. he ended up stabbing himself through his sleeping bag somehow, apparently while “trying to stab a rat that was on the wall next to him”. i don’t doubt the part about the rat, as i have had to bed a foot from a tarantula, but HOW DOES ONE MISS AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE AND STAB ONE’S LEG IN A SLEEPING BAG WHILE TRYING TO STAB A RAT? anyways, he goes to the hospital to have it stitched up, and he comes back a week later with explicit instructions to stay out of the water or the cut will re-open
the first thing he does when he gets back is jump in the pool. he spends the rest of the week in the med lodge. he comes out the next week only to do the exact same thing, and repeat. administration began confiscating his knives, and he kept buying new ones and bringing them to camp, often playing with them dangerously in front of the scouts. he got fired.
now for mataguay magic. during that very same year, there was a revival of mataguay’s apparently very old practice of what is called “rain turtles”, though they are more properly called weather turtles. their purpose is to change the weather. it’s kinda like alchemy, ah-la FMA. first you draw a circle on the ground, and then draw four legs, a head, and a tail on it so it looks like a turtle as viewed from above. then you draw the kind of weather you want inside it, usually rain. you dig a shallow hole in the center, and then place something of the same “element” as what you want in the hole, usually spitting in it for rain. then you dance around it in a circle, counterclockwise while spinning around counterclockwise as well. The intended weather usually strikes within 48 hours. our “camp witchdoctor” earned his title when he had his class each make they’re own rain turtles in mountain man meadow every week, resulting in every weekend being covered in an absolute deluge. he actually got in trouble with administration, not for teaching his students magic but for doing the ritual the day before clean-up day every week, because even the administration believed the stuff actually works. as if to spite them, he then made a turtle with a picture of a fire in it and threw his lighter into it. low and behold, the next morning the other side of the hills from camp burst into flames. never reached us, but still. he was then banned from making weather turtles ever again.
now for mataguay religion. during that very same year, a cult began to form around the program director. largely because he was the first good program director we had in years. at first it was all in fun, with chants of “hail [redacted]” and much air-punching. then it got weird. some of the older staff began taking pictures of him while he was asleep (a rare occurrence, as he pulled way too many all-nighters to try to fix all the problems the previous directors had caused) and making said pictures the desktop background for every computer they could get their hands on. they changed the screen-savers to “hail [redacted]”, and taped that phrase on the wall of my area’s staircase in red tape, with the “hail” spelled the german way. because of course it was. I happened to share a name with said program director, so in order to keep people from thinking i was an egotistical nazi i would tear the message down, only to have it show up the next day. Then our camp witch-doctor took it too far, and signed it up with the state as a protestant sect and became a minister of it. since then, even though that program director left I haven’t been able to escape the cult, largely because we have the same name and everyone thinks that I’m the god of mataguay. I really don’t like it, and it may have contributed to the full emergence of my doppelganger last year.
the camp witch doctor mentions to me, almost off-handedly, that the spirits of the camp seem scared of me.
the next year was the first time camp begins to suspect there is something up. about ME. one of the administration comments he heard footsteps and the muffled sound of my voice emanating from my classroom in the middle of the night. he goes to check, but there is no-one there, but he feels a certain wrongness in the place. he goes back down stairs only to hear footsteps again, this time leaving the room, and then heading off in the direction of mountain man meadow. he asks me about it the next day, only for me to tell him that i had been on the other side of camp doing an astronomy outing. there is much perplextion on either side. it also comes to my attention that people have begun seeing what looks like the glow of electric lights in trainer’s house, even though no-one lives there and further there is no electric current running to the house, as no-one has ever bothered to run an electric cable out that far. i remembered a time when we were walking back from the camp ghost story as a tenderfoot and i saw a blue flickering light in that very same house which i had assumed was an old tv set.
by this point i have started to talk to the constellations and greet them when they appear, and also to yell at the sun to stop hogging the glory
the next year, near the end of the year, i come across a friend of mine who is trying to get out of working his area the next day. I catch him performing an extremely bastardized version of the rain turtle ritual and, even though i have avoided ever doing the ritual myself, i feel compelled to correct him. this turned out to be a mistake. upon completing the ritual, i feel a tugging sensation in my gut, and he and i and this one scout who was watching us nearby felt both the temperature and pressure drop in three waves over a course of 5 seconds, and clouds begin appearing on the horizon. the scout was awestruck and begins asking what i just did, my friend was elated, and i... i was highly disturbed.it rained from thursday to tuesday that week, and the forecast said it as supposed to be sunny with slight clouds. i have never performed that ritual ever again, because i felt like a bit of me seeped into the land when i did so.
this turned out to be a bit of a prophetic feeling, because at the beginning of the next year a series of disturbing events started to occur. the first evidence that something was seriously wrong was that, a week before we moved back into the cabins they already showed signs of being haunted for some unknown reason. only two people were on camp at the time: a new staffer and one who had worked there for nearly a decade and a half. the older one fell asleep in the cabins, with the lights off, while the new one went to the staff lounge to get a drink. he came back to find the lights on, and the older staff member still asleep. he woke u the older staffer to ask him who turned the lights on, only to have the older one look at him with confusion (the older one has very low-functioning autism, and has never been known to lie even in jest, so i doubt he was playing any kind of trick).
2 weeks later, I got annoyed when someone was vaping in the cabin and the fumes kept wafting over to my bunk and with the fact that they were going to press people into work parties as soon as we woke up, so I got up without telling anyone, left my sleeping bag on the bunk, and went to go sleep on one of the comfy couches in the staff lounge. keep in mind, i did this in the middle of the night. in the morning, the person next to my bed told me that he could have sworn that he heard me get up at 5am, say “they’ll never find me”, and walk out the door. he was adamant that he had heard me say it, and was baffled when i told him i was in the staff lounge the whole time. however, i also mentioned that i did wake up briefly at 5 am and think that exact thought.
soon thereafter, an even more anomalous thing occurred: the shadow people began to come back, and with such frequency and audacity that even the new staff began to see them clearly. many of them appeared at one of my old haunts, a concrete platform next to a broken shack known as the “old observatory”, though I never saw them there myself. one of them even walked towards a trio of new staff into the moonlight so that it was fully visible as a hazy, black mist in the shape of a man. that trio shortly fled the area.
even so, it seems the shadow people were still afraid of me. Once, when I was sitting up on the hill overlooking the dining hall at night, I saw a shadow flit past my shoulder, and it was running towards the staff cabins. I stood up and addressed it directly. I told it I would not harm it, and that I wanted to see what it looked like. It paused, turned towards me, and the shadow collapsed into a single point in mid-air, which shifted to become an orange-red light. It only stayed that way for a moment before changing back to it’s shadow form and speeding away from me as fast as it’s shadow legs could carry it.
but that was only the prelude of what was to come, because soon after that, IT started showing up, visibly. And by it, I mean me. Whatever had been copying my voice and footsteps before now was copying my appearance as well. staff became adamant that they saw me, walking silently between Mountain Man Meadow and the Fort, with my white lab-coat blowing in the breeze and my walking stick clacking on the asphalt in time with my steps. Two things were wrong with that: #1 I was on the other side of camp playing Warcraft 2 and #2 I never walk quietly. I always sing or chant or pray aloud when walking at night, as loud as I can, because I can. Me moving in silence at night is so out of character it was jarring to hear. In most cases when the staff member in question called to me in greeting, “I” did not speak up but instead glanced over in their direction without expression and waved mechanically back at them. we began calling this other me “[redacted]” which is my name backwards. when I later ask one of my friends who was into magic if i had indeed been it two places at once, she got back to me a day later and told me “that thing wasn’t you. don’t go back there.”
I think it was the first time in a long time I had actually been scared of something supernatural in nature. as silly as it might be, there is something dreadful about thinking that at any moment you might see your own face staring at you blankly through the window. even today, a year after having quit the job, I still have difficulty looking in mirrors, as it brings back foul memories of fearing the sight of my own face.
i had one regret upon finally leaving the camp, after so long, and that regret was leaving my friends, the constellations. sure, I had set up a promising successor to teach the badge (i never had anyone to teach me), but I knew that for a time the quality of instruction would take a serious nose-dive. And I also knew that I would miss seeing the constellations. i live in a place with a lot of light pollution, so it can be hard to find a place to see my old friends properly, whereas in mataguay they veritably blaze in the sky, cold and beautiful. and i knew, somehow, that the constellations would miss me too, miss me retelling their stories or explaining fun facts about the stars within them. Above all, I would miss Scorpio, the first constellation I would see each evening, the one I liked to talk to most. sure, i could see them occasionally on camp-outs and whatnot, but it wouldn’t be the same. call it madness if you will, but that day I feel like I lost some good friends.
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xottzot · 7 years
2017-12(DEC)-14th---Thursday--RELEVANT WA CRIME NEWS ITEMS etc.
2017-12(DEC)-14th---Thursday--RELEVANT WA CRIME NEWS ITEMS etc.
Below is one of the crap things that has been used by the criminal and violent abos of this hellhole to get out of any and all legal things (from a long list of pre-prepared excuses) when they DEMAND everything, whilst at the same time being utterly criminal and preying upon any and everyone innocent.
And the article has elements that despite being identical in criminality to this hellhole, has NO relation to explain their criminality, but the iane stuff in the article has been used upon anyone about this hellhole who dares to want law and order and the criminals locked up. I'm not just talking abut 'kids', but adults.
Here they wander about, NEVER go to school, constantly are criminal, prey upon anyone and anyone and everything including assaulting them, get everything given to them by authorities and endless annonymous departments (seemingly with bottomless financial pockets), get so much outright leniency given unto them whilst the criminals STILL make everyones lives utter hell and keep growing in size and scope and amounts of them of multiplying their numbers.
No wonder the criminals of this hellhole would love to shout out this NEWS excuse below and use it to their own selfish advantage whilst they keep being criminal and destroy other people and families.
If they fail to get anyone to believe their bullshit, they just switch to ANOTHER long list of bullshit they have pre-prepared. There lifes motto is, just keep being utterly criminal and violent and whenever anyone dares to talk about us then use one of these handy dandy excuses because it'll get us off the hook EVERYTIME and we'll profit from it all whilst our victims suffer instead even more.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......
Oh, and of course the NEWS report below, the survey, is derived from a LIMITED number of criminals. AND....abo's are NOT mentioned it at all which is the deliberate case in so much NEWS. EVERYONE knows even from schooldays that you can't have a proper survey and results of which, when it's limited to a small number of subjects. In this case, less than 100. And yet even in this small number in this article survey, it shows just how criminal and shitty everything has become.
And the utterly magic mantra is espoused, of 'children'.......as if children are not criminals borne of criminals and brought up by criminals to live life forever as criminals and (maybe if it suits them) support all their fellow criminals....
Here at this hellhole they start all criminal shit even from when they are toddlers onwards by learnng from all their criminal peers and family and being deliberatly taught the criminal ways to utterly live their lives.
So when YOU'RE HOME is a criminal result of these criminals actions, you can just mutter to yourself, oh, the poor dears.....that's alright then, leave them alone and grow up to be criminals but right now because they are just 'children' (a legal term but in the media is utterly vacuous and can mean anything by the media), they deserve extra special treatment, we are told to love children but when they become adult crimnals they cans still be allowed to do all this and more including murders whilst they make everyone's lives utter hell and misery and despair on the way and beyond.
WA NEWS:------ Stealing food, toys: Perth child burglars live in family chaos
Below is an example of how the shitty NEWS grabs hold of a terrible criminal event, but laughs it all off by using just one tiny aspect of the terrible vicious assault so that it's portrayed as being 'amusing', when that is certainly not the case at all.
BTW, Belmont, one of the 'better' areas has been having a more noticebale proprotion of criminal events going on and beng portrayed in the NEWS over the past few months, or at least the things they let out they WANT to be made known about....
Police sirens and pursuing criminals and rushing to crime scenes........used to be out of the ordinary and rare but now has been for so long not just common, not just everyday, but it's a rare day when an event like in this news items does NOT occur around this hellhole area........which of course is unreported in the NEWS......
I'm sure the end result of the below news item, if it involved any of the criminals (andor their endless criminal relatives) about this hellhole, then nobody will be allowed to know about it. Especially as the authorities then mount overt propaganda xmas festive campaigns to bring 'cheer' to those in need.....and maybe include unlimited free taxi vouchers or a new car so they don't need to get anywhere near a taxi.....
One thing that's currently going on the past several days at this hellhole for the criminal aboriginals is (legal) vehicle driving lessons with a driving school. Normally the criminal aboriginals don't bother with having a license at all. Perhaps the latest events are to replace the criminal abo's who have been taken away andor jailed (rare) or who have left to evade Police onto other areas to continue carrying on being criminal.
BTW, have a look at the character of the criminal in the NEWS item below. Even the charges listed are watered down and made to sound innocuous and acceptable, all ready to be further waterd down and away in any court case where he is to be sentenced and given a free holiday.
And as so VERY often is the case, depsite this being a NEWS item and involving so many POLICE and activity, let alone the severity of the crime, it will all fizzle away and not ever be mentioned again, especially any outcome. -- Except, (and THIS GOES ON MORE OFTEN THAN YOU THINK), maybe some inane drivel of a photo opportunity story of the taxi driver in hospital 'enjoying' a fine Xmas dinner surrounded by his family and the entire criminal ordeal all made out to be as innocuous and forgettable as possible and no further thinking is allowed to be doen by any readers....merry xmas.
Oh, and the crimnal incident is NOT just confined to taxi drivers but to any and evwryone, including frail elderly, infirm, mothers with children, you name it. It's ALL being going on and rising in numbers of occurrences for many many months now.
And note how he lives in 'Northam', a country town far away from Perth that has been for many years a very criminal place to live because of certain people.....when it used to be such a lovely, friendly, safe place to live.
And.....in the news article it states the clothing of the criminal which is just like they are around this hellhole......a man "dressed in all black"........the traditonal uniform colours of the criminals of ALL ages......
WA NEWS CRIME-- Perth taxi driver's 'foot run over' in violent Belmont car-jacking
A 31-year-old man has been charged with a string of offences after a Perth taxi driver was viciously attacked during a violent car-jacking in Belmont on Tuesday evening.
The 35-year-old driver was waiting for a customer outside Belmont Forum at around 4pm when he got out of his car to speak to another driver.
9 News Perth reporter Hannah Sinclair said the taxi driver was approached by a man "dressed in all black", who then punched him and shoved him over.
"He got inside the cab, ran over the taxi driver's foot and fled the scene," she reported.
Witnesses said the incident happened so quickly, the attacker had already taken off in the taxi before anyone could help the injured driver.
The car-jacking sparked an hour-long police chase throughout the Perth area, and officers were forced to follow the man through Cloverdale, Burswood, East Perth, Mount Lawley, Maylands, Bayswater, Guildford, Kiara, Lockridge and West Midland while he failed to pull over.
Police used tyre spikes to eventually stop the car in Hazelmere, and the driver was swiftly arrested.
The 31-year-old Northam man was charged with several offences, including possession of a prohibited drug, breach of bail, failure to stop, stealing a motor vehicle and driving recklessly, dangerous driving occasioning bodily harm and robbery.
He will appear in Perth Magistrates Court on Tuesday.
Pffft. - It can be deadly dangerous on the roads, and with ones like below you can read why.....
And....his penalty was, "a life disqualification from driving". - That's laughable, because soon enough when he is able, he is able to be out on the roads as soon as he can to become one of the growing club of ones who have multiple lifetime disqualifications......
And this noticeable guy of the NEWS is only one of the very LEAST of the ones that are on the roads....
NEWS:------ ‘Worst drink driver’ disqualified for life
Tuesday, 12 December 2017 4:30AM
A magistrate described an Albany man’s drink-driving record as one of the worst she had seen when handing him a life disqualification from driving.
Paul Anthony Hepworth avoided an immediate jail term in the Albany Magistrate’s Court after being caught drink driving last month for the 10th time. The court heard Hepworth, 39, was stopped by police on Middleton Road on November 11 and recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.162.
He was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol for the fourth time.
He was also charged with breaching his extraordinary licence and possessing drug paraphernalia.
Magistrate Raelene Johnston warned Hepworth that if he committed an offence in the next 18 months, he faced seven months in jail.
She said his drink-driving record was “one of the worst” she had seen, noting six previous convictions for driving in excess of 0.08 and three driving under the influence charges. “You and your car are a lethal weapon when you are driving in that state,” she said.
He was also fined $500 for breaching his extraordinary licence and $200 for possessing drug paraphernalia.
Elsewhere in Australia is a NEWS item below of a criminal event involving a woman and child, and an enraged bicyclist.......and she was on her way to hospital to pick up her mother......read the full news article at the website for more details of the incident.
If the event happened at this hellhole state and area, it would have had the woman and child both viciously assaulted and badly injured and left for dead and hospitalised, and their vehicle stolen. And then the car found later traditionally burnt out to remove all evidence of the criminal (it's been going on for decades). - Or it would have been used to traditionally commit further crimes, before being found burnt out. - And if it occured in this hellhole state all of this woudl be kept out of the NEWS media of course...so as not to upset the criminals responsible or their extended criminal family.
NEWS:------ Road rage at Devils Elbow: Cyclist throws driver's keys into bush in Tremont
A woman (and a special needs child of an age not mentioned) was left frightened and stranded on the side of a road in Melbourne's east after she stopped for a cyclist who reached into her car, grabbed her keys from the ignition and threw them into bushland. (down an embankment into the bush.)
I love and need you dear FLiss and want to be with you just as you promised. - My internet ONCE AGAIN is utterly dead slow and barely responding whilst I am being HAMMERED by internet providers to switch to NBN which itself is also terrible and slow and has countless consumer actions against it. - Poor dear Sam & dear Max are currently not intruder barking and are utterly exhausted and resting...until the next damn shitty incident here at this hellhole. - The last chicken is utterly alone and forever looking about the chicken plot for the other one who died the other day. - Fliss, the other day I found the (to be) marriage form of ours in a cupboard that we got and I was fully going to do with you as soon as our finances were fixed. But you had a breakdown and fled before we could fulfuill the marriage. - I love YOU dear Fliss and want to be with YOU just as you promised.
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