#Chace Cawford
adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Covenant (2006)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The Covenant is a laughable attempt to give us the teenage boys’ answer to The Craft. It’s not the exact same movie but it feels like what you’d get if you replaced the goths with jocks. Filled with useless characters, a confusing mythology, horrible performances, lacklustre special effects and a dismal script, I suspect those watching will fall into one of two camps: those who will be bored to tears and those who will find it unintentionally hysterical.
The American town of Ipswich was partially founded by five families of witches. In modern day, their descendants possess magical abilities which manifest on their 13th birthday and grow stronger until they “Ascend” at age 18. At their strongest, they can bend the world to their every whim - but each use of their powers will cause them to age. Caleb (Steven Strait), Pogue (Taylor Kitsch), Reid (Toby Hemingway) and Tyler (Chace Crawford) use their magic to get back at bullies, impress girls and have a good time. With Caleb’s 18th birthday coming up, he’s become cautious about using his abilities. Spell-slinging has the tendency to become addictive. When a student is found dead of unexplainable causes on campus, Caleb wonders if Reid - the most reckless of the group - is responsible.
The film is simultaneously as predictable as the face of a clock and completely bewildering. The reason for this is the cast. All four of the boys and nearly every other male attending Spencer Academy look the same. Their personalities are shallow, the character development all but non-existent. If someone doesn’t have a wildly different haircut than the rest, you’ll have trouble remembering who they are. When we learn who is responsible for the campus murder, you'll think "I should’ve seen it coming". The hints dropped are not subtle but you’ll still wonder if this is the first time we're shown them.
Your only hope is to keep track of every character by giving them nicknames. The main character is “Discount Jacob”. The guy with the blonde hair is “Draco Malfoy”. The girl falling for Discount Jacob is Future Hostage/Sarah (Laura Ramsey). You’ll probably remember Pogue because his name’s so weird. Also, he’s dating the other (useless) female character, Kate (Jessica Lucas). I don’t want to sound mean but it’s true. The ladies in this movie might as well be valuable lamps the villain threatens to break. They’re powerless compared to the wizards and contribute nothing to this story. Their principal role (besides being put in danger) is to confirm that, despite all hints of the contrary, the four best friends are definitely not gay. Isolated clips will make you think this film is about a love quadrangle between four very handsome, very fit teenagers but “no homo dude, I’m kissing a girl in this scene”.
The story is a hodge-podge of clichés and discount-bin tropes. Your brain is already sizzling from the strain required to keep track of the characters and the ludicrous, poorly-established mythology. There’s no way you could become invested in the story even if it were any good. “I’m going to make you my Wee-yotch!” Is probably the worst line uttered in any film made in 2006. “Come to save little Ms. Muffet, have we?” Is another solid contender. These are the most obvious examples of bad dialogue, but there’s no shortage of it.
Director Renny Harlin and writer J. S. Cardone get the big things wrong and the details too. Take an early scene in which Future Hostage Sarah is in the communal shower. She gets spooked by strange noises and then hurries away in her towel, walking nervously while her eyes dart in every direction. Either she A) undressed in her room and walked through the long, dark corridors practically naked, or she left all of her clothes behind. Either way, in the process, she shows us three of the five rooms in the high school. Or is it high school? None of these actors LOOK like teenagers and we learn the villain did something bad on their 18th birthday, which was some time ago… Everyone owns cars or motorcycles, there’s an extended scene in a bar. Nothing makes sense.
The Covenant feels like a bad CW show, a brainless knockoff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that’s gotten lost in the shuffle and accidentally ended up on the big screen. Most of it you just can’t believe someone looked at during the editing and said “yeah, let’s go with that”. It’s frequently laugh-out-loud funny in ways it never intended to be and the cherry on top of the sundae has to be the ending. It contradicts a point The Covenant was repeatedly making during the whole film AND sets things up for a sequel. Even back in the day, I could’ve told you that wasn’t going to happen. (March 20, 2020)
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chairlovegossipgirl · 11 years
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