#Chad thundercock
canonically47 · 9 months
claiming this tag. i’m the CGCU fandom founder. children come to me
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darknessillumina · 8 days
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altos papos 💭
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lonehuna · 5 months
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The Nightwalker is a dark elemental. Barely controlled by The Deep One, after Winter's Prince broke the Land of the Dead. While they do still lurk the empty plain of the dead, those ones are no worry to any but the last hiding dead (DV community ?). Loosed upon the mortal world, their are about 3 Nightwalkers who slowly march toward the nearest undead they see. If they are attacked they will stop lumbering in a straight line, they will run faster than a human at their size, and tear through a host of little fools. Long (15f reach) arms snapping up, and through ING them up, Skyrim like. Whipping Thier long clawed arms to slashing through many at ounce. They can jump 120f straight up (no fall DMG) if hit or trapped (this move gives them a strength save of 20). Ounce the cold purple clay of their body is pierced, there's a single burst of grey sickening water that coats anyone. Undead will suffer an aura of fear (5f) for the next week.
direct (IE in a devine or devil kingdom) sunlight will cause it to tumble into purple clay. But the eyebat can just tap it with something necromantic to reactivate the Nightwalker. Or an undead touching the clay would be drained and NW revived.
if destroyed the eyebat will fly off and burrow into some clay to hibernate and can reform the night stalker on Halloween.
Encountered at a camp at night, the party sees an eyebat which is very interred in the skeleton key or the talking skull or whatever necromancy item.
Later, next night even, camped in a Sentinel (loooong slender tree) forest, they see serious wind on the other end of the vally. Not a breeze on this side but That one tree is swaying. That one. And no others. Then it sinks, into the blackness of the vally.
Or a encounter in a city, where it will scale the walls in no time so the party needs to grab an undead guy (lock the eyebat on(be the closest to the NW) then in a carriage, lure it away into the wilds, hoping it locks onto something else. (maybe an weak/crazy necromancer was freed from jail cus he said he could res a slain wolf in a specific ritual to create an undead that would be faster than the NW and could kite it away. But needs to be the one to kill a wild wild by dagger, so ur quest: draw the NW attention away from the city, lead it out into the wilds, find - sacrifice - resa wolf, then the city is safe!
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liroyalty · 1 year
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I will once again say, never been a big Resident Evil fan, but the RE4 remake got me. Leon can get it-
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ayinglair · 11 months
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vain-gege strikes again
this is from memory so if it's off it's not my fault. you try drawing yourself from blurry memories of your reflection in bronze mirrors and bodies of water
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brucebocchi · 1 year
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Chad Thundercock in the cuck chair
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kosmical · 1 year
danganronpa fans characterization of makoto be like "He's so uguu soft waa waa his backbone is made of silly putty" or "He's A Master Of Manipulation And His Middle Name Is Chad Thundercock" and honestly i dont know which one is worse
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nov4-rocket5 · 2 months
I completely understand why people hate Jaune from how he acts in canon, how he has too much screentime, to how he's portrayed as Chad Thundercock by fanfic writers, to how he's the writer's pet.
I get that but I still like the CANON character because currently as of right now whenever it's just team RWBY, shit is just boring. Blake lost some braincells somewhere in Menagerie and now is nothing more than a damsel in distress who needs Yang and Ruby to save her, Weiss never does shit besides threaten her little brother and drink tea in her mansion, Yang's too busy babying Ruby while making kissy faces with Blake, and Ruby's crying every two seconds about having some burden placed on her shoulders when NO ONE has done that. They had 5 whole episodes just to themselves in volume 9 and it was BORING SLOP. Ruby and Weiss never got to talk about Penny's death all of it was off-screen. Weiss never got to talk about the guilt she feels from letting Atlas fall. Shit only picked up once Neo and Jaune came into the story. But that's really because KERRY, EDDY, and MILES don't know how to write the female characters.
I like the blonde's blind optimism. I like how he treated Jessica in the movie helping some kid through her anxiety is great I just don't get why no one else volunteered to do the same. I especially like how human he comes off with him basically helping the community with small time shit. He's just consistently a good guy a boring one but a good guy nonetheless.
It also helps that his cut reminds me of Laios from Delicious in Dugeon.
Yeah, a lot of people like to blame RWBY's lackluster main cast development/characterization on Jaune eating up screentime. But the core problem is that CRWBY just seemed to struggle with juggling a huge cast of characters.
Which is odd, because Early RvB had a huge cast that all were handled pretty well.
Let's be honest, plenty of characters besides just Jaune eat up screentime. Pyrrha got loredumped on and is one of the main focuses of Volume 3, all while Team RWBY just kinda dicked around Vytal for most of the season.
Look at the WF subplot. Jaune wasn't stealing spotlight on that at all; CRWBY was just terrible at writing "le racism" and decided to drop it by Vol 6 because they realized how much they sucked at it.
The only reason Weiss is sometimes deemed the best out of the other 3 members of her team is because she's the only one with a tangible character arc and development. Even then CRWBY choked in the end on that too.
Jaune went from pretty bad, to solid, to kinda bad again but not as bad. Team RWBY aren't underdeveloped because of him, they're underdeveloped because the way they've been handled is just incompetent. If you cut him from the show entirely the problem would be blamed on some other character.
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cellgatinbo · 1 year
did cellbit just name his character chad thundercock....
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marshmallowloves · 5 months
very vague short descriptions of f/os I haven't made public yet because I'm an embarrassed nerd (in order of how strongly I'm crushing on them, most to least)
lover of hole, destroyer of dole
his name is diarrhea
chad thundercock
cursed with nightly shenanigans
ironic that I like the one whose origin involves wanting to destroy my favorite celestial body
sorry for being a doormat
4th wall breaker extraordinaire
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maybeathens · 8 months
A Travesty
It is with a heavy heart to inform all two people reading this that Chad Von Thundercock met his end by nobly sacrificing himself to the HoD. Long live the warrior poet fuck boy.
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"Spare the others, I am ready."
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darknessillumina · 8 days
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... 🤔💭
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megafunk · 2 years
why the fuck am i watching horseland???
the show is so bad lolol and it's as bad as I remember it. I will beat the living shit out of that goddamn pig( and every other character, except for the Chad Thundercock instructor guy)
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purgatorypal37 · 1 year
I came out to my dad.
He wants to call me ‘Brock Thundercock’ or ‘Chad’ now and idk how to make him stop.
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problematiquearts · 2 years
actually. fuck it. bro strider 4channer to furry pipeline:
his first fursona is one that he makes as a joke. its a smuppet and for maximum irony it's drawn in the mlp style. no one *really* gets just how funny this is
but hey i turns out hes like... actually pretty decent at the mlp art style? someone on /b/ (bro strider 4channer canon) asks him to draw fetish art of one of the ponies and that's *hilarious*. porn of a kids show? Fucking phenomenal. never been done before. show stopping. you will never understand the levels of irony he's on. drawing porn of a kids show, that he watches because its funny for him, the manliest man ever, to watch a tv show aimed at little girls about the power of friendship. Fetish art that he's being commissioned for by some loser who's actually into the fetish and doesn't see the hilarity of human sexuality like he, the ultimate chad thundercock, does. weird way to say you get no bitches but go off, king <3
draws weird crossover saw/mlp art for the lols. (you just dont get it. you dont understand the irony. you dont see his vision.) Rainbow Dash in a reverse bear trap. Pinky Pie as john kramer, but the depressed one with straight hair.
then equestria girls comes out. he has Opinions. Why make them human and keep the fantastical skin tones? Theyre not even horses. Ridiculous. At least stick the pony heads back on them shits. Rainbow Dash still best girl
He does just that. put them pony heads back on those human bodies stat. Cue the 'lol furry' comments on /b/ for that one. And actually, wouldnt that be hilarious? who would think *he* would be a furry at first glance? Comedy has never been so sweet.
Hes a furry puppet porn artist now. He's gonna make popular furry crushes to do snuff in puppet form. Gets really into the muscle bara types of furries. Also horses, hes already committed to being a clopper. Might as well commit to the bit a little more and just make it all cartoon horses.
... this is feeling less and less ironic as the days go by. so many people think hes like these freaks online and he's still doing the occasional commission for whoever is brave enough to approach him on his mountain of weird fetish porn. when finally..... finally....... someone asks him if he as a sona because they never see him draw his own stuff.
Well... no. he didnt. he had an old smuppet mlp oc but that... well its not that it wasnt him, it was that it wasn't.... really a sona in the ways these people meant it. And hes supposed to be committing to the bit right? double or nothing. So he does some research. (its a 3 day binge of every how to guide on deviantart and furaffinty) About how to make a fursona. I mean that doesnt... he not *really*, ya know? its an ironic thing.
So he makes the hottest horse-man youve ever fucking seen just as a way of taking the joke full circle. of course bro doodles him occasionally, sticks him in a smuppet kigurumi and everything.
and then he gets his first piece of fanart. it's like... actually good. they drew him his fursona with a loving kind of detail and Bro doesnt... know how to take that. This genuine affection for something he's done without expectation of reciprocation is kinda frying his brain. He doesn't respond to the post or the message. he does make it his profile picture though.
and someone asks about his puppet videos, if he makes all of the plushies himself? Maybe if he takes custom orders. And asking about the puppets genuinely is like a cheat code to get him to talk, even if he's got short responses. his first special interest was the muppets and that slid into puppetry so easy it was like breathing.
so he says the exact specs are a trade secret, but yeah, commissions were on the table for the right price. And that's how he gets roped into making his first fursuit. It turns out surprisingly well! Bro is a perfectionist and years of sewing famous characters and celebs into snuff fueled stop motion sex dolls has given him a lot more technical know how than you might think.
one thing leads to another and Stratos Fur rolls around. he doesn't buy a ticket. But he does make an excuse to himself to be near the convention center/airport. Someone's seam rips and he insults the shoddy workmanship. This is how he makes friends <3
'You paid for that crap? the stich tension alone would be a waste of good thread. Gonna fall apart under its own weight in 6 months.'
oh yeah smartass? what's your suggestion, then?
'get your money back. Or find someone who actually knows what they're doing. aint my wallet screaming'
As much as it's a dick thing to say it does kinda make them laugh. Finally, a non fetish based insult. Bro watches them go to sew it up themself and clicks his tongue. 'Whip stitch is gonna look like shit on the outside. Use an overlock.'
it's clear they have no idea what the hell that means. He huffs. 'Gimme the needle 'fore you hurt yourself.' And he slav squats right there for the next 15 minutes sewing a straight line without so much as a hair out of place. Human touch isn't nearly so bad through a layer of foam and fabric, as it turns out.
I've lost steam here but what's important is that Bro realizes that the fursuit limits human contact and theoretically would just be like piloting a giant furry mecha + inability to be over stimulated because he's being lightly squished by foam on all sides in a dark place. he can chill even while he would normally be freaking out. personal fursuit time babey.
Also important to me is that his asshole behavior correctly reads to other socially awkward assholes as 'not actually trying to start shit. human connection is just hard' and he gets adopted by the furry catgirl coders. he let's it happen because they remind him so much of Roxy and he's always had a soft spot for her, even if he denies it all the time.
having friends his own age who share his interests is good for him. support system to teaching him a few good coping mechanism to getting him on an ssri to hey if that's not working you wanna try my mood stabilizers? I switched to a different brand and I like just ordered a 3 month supply of the old ones to oh shit, he's kinda normal now. he really does need to be on those, huh?
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
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Pokemon horizons.
(Explosion induced by childhood whimsy) (and a bit of cringe but hey, thats what growing up does)
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