#Chalamet fc
txboocvntboisrp · 2 years
When the school announced that a retired police officer would be visiting classrooms to talk about personal safety Blaine, like rest of the students, groaned and assumed it was going to be some geezer going on and on. Out of curiosity, Blaine googled Office Davison and what a Dilf he was? And he was out! That changed things considerably. Blaine made sure to sit where the cop could see and wore booty shorts that showed off his ass and camel toe.
It must have worked because here Blaine was in Doug’s car, on his lap, moaning ‘Daddy’ while Doug played with Blaine’s pussy.
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silvyysthings · 4 months
Forza Roma
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earthgif · 1 year
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by clicking the source link you will find 450 gifs of timothée chalamet in beautiful boy. all gifs were made by me from scrath so, please, don’t edit, repost in other hunts or claim as your own. you could also donated to my ko-fi for a update. hope you find this useful. ♡
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draumas · 6 months
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elecctricsugars · 3 months
open rp // mfnb all ages @indiestarter
summary: [new friends and old friends welcome!] the candy man is found mid-song while picking some fresh fruit ingredients 🫐🍒 does your muse choose to interrupt or will they simply stop and listen?
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"♪ Where can this good fairy be? Waiting in the woods for me... Maybe she lives underneath the CHOCOLATE-tree! ♪"
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bcntbouquet · 3 months
open rp / any muse 21+ (pre-estab vibes only plz)
connection: family member, best friend, or significant other.
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"You don't understand it, and that's okay... But if you've ever been a kid driving down Route 42, you'd know there's something magical about that dewy dome and all those palm trees..." He's referring to The Wildwood Inn, a tacky theme hotel he's dreamed of visiting for twenty-some years and counting.
"Please go with me... PLEASE? Oh, and help me pick a room! I love them all, I can't decide... I'd like to stay in each one, just once," he sighed dreamily. "I swear on all that is holy, that if I ever come into enough money, I'm starting my own theme hotel... and I'll get to stay in a different room every night... and the only thing that'll remain the same is waking up and having breakfast with you..."
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harleystuff · 2 years
Timothée Chalamet Gif Pack
[LINK] In this gif pack you will find 207 gifs (275*167) of Timothée Chalamet as Theodore “Laurie” Laurence in ‘Little Women (2019)’. I made these gifs from scratch, so please don’t claim them as your own and do not repost them in gif hunts (instead link back to this page).
You may crop/use them in crackships & stuff, but please don’t forget the credit ! (& since I’m kinda curious, I’d very much like to see :p)
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
Content warning : kissing, food
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andthesunrisesagain · 2 years
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Timothée Chalamet
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reveriestardust · 2 years
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lolarkive · 1 year
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    ❚  𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙚 ⌵         jason morozov and juniper jacobs          ᐟ ﹟ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ                  
   « volevo ringraziarti, jason. »   « e di cosa vorresti ringraziarmi, tu, meraviglioso petalo d’oleandro? »   « per aver dato un senso alla mia esistenza in questo mondo. »      « ti ho solo aiutato a vedere le scelte che avrebbero potuto renderti la persona che desideravi diventare, meravigliosa alba d’occidente... sei tu ad aver lottato, sei tu che hai resistito, tu che sei andata avanti, nonostante tutto, ché puoi anche esserti piegata al volere degli altri ma non hai mai perso te stessa. ( ... ) hai te stessa, quindi, da dover ringraziare... io ho già ricevuto la grazia di poterti guardare mentre splendi dei colori che ti sono sempre appartenuti, che sempre sono stati dentro di te, anche quando ancora non riuscivi a vederli.  »     « tu mi hai rimessa a posto senza spostare nulla, jason, è un merito di cui non puoi privarti e questo è il dono delle persone speciali. ( ... ) se potessi tornare indietro rifarei tutto nello stesso modo solo per poterti incontrare. anche se non accetterai la mia gratitudine, mi basta che tu sappia quanto ti sia riconoscente. che tu possa riconoscerlo o meno, mi hai salvata e questo per me significa tanto, significa tutto. darei la mia vita per te e non c'è nulla che tu possa dire o fare per cambiarlo.  »
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eddysocs · 9 months
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Introducing: Gideon Thibodeaux
Fandom: True Blood
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
Full Name: Gideon Olivier Thibodeaux
Age: 25
Myers Briggs Type: ESFJ
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Love Interest: Russell Edgington
Occupation: Server
Collections: Rings
Style/Clothing: Gideon loves a nice suit, but he’s more partial to wearing peasant tops and skinny jeans in his day to day. He spices it up with a bit of leather or velvet while at the club though.
Signature Quote: "Call me old fashioned, but I think it’s real sexy when a man comes to my rescue."
Plot Summary: Gideon has always been obsessed with the idea of vampires and the day they "came out of the coffin" was the best day of Gideon's life. He considers himself one of the OG fang bangers and frequents vampire nightclubs, until he eventually starts working at one. It’s his dream come true, at least so he thinks, but one night a vampire loses control and nearly drains him dry. He’s saved by one Russell Edgington, who's entranced by his resemblance to his recently deceased Talbot. It’s up to Gideon to prove himself as a worthy replacement, or get himself killed in the process.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies, @b1rvt4, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs
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silvyysthings · 1 year
So very happy for Armie and his loved ones! But my my how convenient Timmy just had to leave the country (and let it be known he's in Europe) the minute this major news drops. Once again...patterns mean something!😏
Mmmmh not convinced sorry anon. He ' s a big fan of Roma fc team , if he wasn't working for me it was impossible he wasn't in budapest
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iconsfabric · 2 years
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I C O N S ― Timothée Chalamet
@iconsfabric​ · ©
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draumas · 1 year
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TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET 2023, ph. Mario Sorrenti for Chanel
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elecctricsugars · 3 months
open rp // mfnb all ages
summary: woe is willy. y/m could be a stranger he's venting to or they could be an acquaintance. ocs and canons welcome. @indiestarter
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"... First icy water interrogation, then a four-mile swim... at night... and now... attempted-murder by chocolate made via cooked books... It's not an exaggeration to say I need to go for another swim just to get all this off me..." With curls sweetly stuck to his skull, Willy shakes his head, crestfallen. One of the few times he's been seen this way since beginning his journey of joining the great Galleries Gourmet. "My clothes... I hate to say it, but they're practically ruined... I think this is too much laundry even for Willy Wonka's Wild and Wonderful Wishy-Washy Wonka Walker..."
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"Luckily, we won't be needing its services anymore." Even his scarf was currently chocolate-covered, not proving useful in this particular moment even as a handkerchief.
"Or Tiddles', for that matter..." Is it wrong he missed that big lug of a pooch? "You know, with Scrubbit and Bleacher behind bars, what's going to happen to him? Tiddles, I mean... I-I really need to see to it that he goes to a good home! He must miss Bleacher something terrible!"
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bcntbouquet · 3 months
open rp / any muse 21+ summary: derward thinks your muse is staring at the lollipop in his mouth like it's something inappropriate; up to you whether or not y/m is actually staring for that reason (or at all). dynamic is strangers who have never met, so if he knows your muse it will be an au/first meeting interaction. i just need more insecure-fighty dee in my life.
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"Quit looking at me like that... Yeah, in your dreams, motherfucker..."
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