#Change Facebook password
aarthi-m · 1 year
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springsteens · 7 months
is someone else's facebook and messenger down, too or did I get hacked???
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
oh my god the amount of tech macgyvering it took to get my email and password updated for instagram
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noodles-07 · 1 year
good omens fandom is NOT talking enough about the “for one prince of heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story, for it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem” line. btw. especially not that line paired with Crowley having been a high enough rank before he fell to access the thing that Muriel couldn’t. btw. are you picking up what I am putting down here
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Every time I let my guard down, I’ll get one of those fucking texts. “Your package couldn’t be delivered” THE USPS DOESN’T SEND TEXTS LIKE THAT, THE USPS WEBSITE HAS .gov AND YOU ARE USING A FUCKING HOTMAIL ADDRESS! You thought you could catch my ass when I was waiting for a package, no, I actually double check with the usps website. You thought you could take advantage of my slight panic response, and you almost got me ONCE when the text woke me up, but i caught on… I have forgor how to report these people though O_O I reported the first guy out of spite for waking me up but now it’s such a pain
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kit-kittredges · 2 years
my life would be better if cameron [my last name] would stop using my email address to sign up for things
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wannabeartistic · 2 years
how is like number 1 internet rule to never share your full name on the internet and then facebook is standing in the corner waiting to introduce itself
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dejatiny · 10 months
Welp on that note im going to bed.....fml ughhhhh why
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deer-butch · 2 years
hey instead of bullying or scaring you into switching to firefox, let me tell you why i LOVE firefox and how my online life has improved significantly since installing it
- the setup process is easy, and even fun! if you’re using tumblr rn, you can handle it, and if you’re the kind of tumblr user who likes customizing your blog or tinkering with xkit, you can have a lot of fun personalizing really granular settings and picking themes and extensions and everything, it’s very customizable and i happily spent like 2 hours getting everything perfect.
- you can use a command line entry tool to change specific settings right from the search bar! i did this to make firefox stop auto filling my email information since i use a different password locker (which you should too! try bitwarden!), and it was easier than digging through a bunch of submenus for a setting i wasn’t sure existed. you can just turn shit off!
- there’s a preset theme called aurora that’s purple and VERY pretty
- once you get ublock origin and as many other blockers as you’d like set up, no ads, anywhere, ever! streaming sites, youtube, all the basics, totally no stress and no compatibility issues for me
- in browser screenshot and picture in picture functions!! holy shit i use these every day, the PiP is especially helpful, it replaced an extension i used to use on chrome and it’s leagues better and works on all video content pretty much
- overall better downloads management imo, it’s a lot easier to get to your downloads and find them later
- better bookmark system, with the ability to organize your bookmarks with searchable tags and assign them a shortcut you can type into the search bar to go to
- containers! you can have two accounts to the same website open in two different tabs and switch between them without having to switch accounts. also gives firefox the ability to contain facebook and their trackers, so you can click that party invite link without feeling like you just let mark zuckerberg into your house
these were just off the top of my head, i love firefox a lot and actively enjoy using it, which i never felt with chrome! please download firefox!! you will not regret it!!! where’s your fucking rage!!!!!! go!!!!!!!!!
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
woke up from my nap to find my facebook account got hacked and some malware link got sent from it to every single person in my friend's list, so that's fun :/
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digitaltechfix · 1 year
How to Change Password on your Facebook Account computer 2023
Check out our Tutorial on YouTube "How to Change Password on your Facebook Account computer 2023"
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Mr. Flanagan, I’d like to ask a question and I deeply hope that it does not offend or upset you. I am strongly considering canceling my Netflix subscription due to their new password sharing policy. However, Midnight Mass is one of my favorite shows of all time and I know it isn’t available on DVD, and I’m also profoundly anticipating your take on my favorite Edgar Allen Poe story. So I wanted to ask your take on people accessing your work through, uh, other means. If it’s something that’s offensive to you or will harm you or the other people who work so hard on these shows, I’ll happily keep my Netflix just so that I can keep supporting your work. I respect you far too much as an artist to do otherwise.
Again, I really hope I’m not upsetting you by asking this question. Thank you for everything, and I hope you’re having a great day!
(NOTE 6/4/2024: I'm editing this entry because, well over a year since it was posted, some journalists dug this up and used it to create click-bait headlines that are misleading, out of context and artificially combative. While I was of course disappointed over the years that Netflix opted not to release my work on physical media, I never experienced any hostility or aggression in those discussions, and I sincerely regret the manner in which this post was used in the press this week.)
Hi there - no offense taken whatsoever, in fact I think this is a very interesting and important question.
So. If you asked me this a few years ago, I would have said "I hate piracy and it is hurting creators, especially in the independent space." I used to get in Facebook arguments with fans early in my career when people would post about seeing my work on torrent sites, especially when that work was readily available for rent and purchase on VOD.
Back in 2014, my movie Before I Wake was pirated and leaked prior to any domestic release, and that was devastating to the project. It actually made it harder to find distribution for the film. By the time we were able to get distribution in the US, the film had already been so exposed online that the best we could hope for was a Netflix release. Netflix stepped in and saved that movie, and for that I will always be grateful to them.
Working in streaming for the past few years has made me reconsider my position on piracy.
In the years I worked at Netflix, I tried very hard to get them to release my work on blu-ray and DVD.
It became clear very fast that their priority was subscriptions, and that they were not particularly interested in physical media releases of their originals, with a few exceptions.
While companies like Netflix pride themselves on being disruptors, and have proven that they can affect great change in the industry, they sometimes fail to see the difference between disruption and damage. So much that they can find themselves, intentionally or not, doing harm to the concept of film preservation.
The danger comes when a title is only available on one platform, and then - for whatever reason - is removed.
We have already seen this happen. And it is only going to happen more and more. Titles exclusively available on streaming services have essentially been erased from the world. If those titles existed on the marketplace on physical media, like HBO's Westworld, the loss is somewhat mitigated (though only somewhat.) But when titles do not exist elsewhere, they are potentially gone forever.
The list of titles that have been removed from streaming services is growing.
I still believe that where we put our dollars matters. Renting or buying a piece of work that you like is essential. It is casting a vote, encouraging studios - who only speak the language of money - to invest more effort into similar work. If we show up to support distinct, unique, exciting work, it encourages them to make more of it. It's as simple as that. If we don't show up, or if they can't hear our voice because we are casing our vote "silently" through torrent sites or other means - it makes it unlikely that they will take a chance to create that kind of work again.
Which is why I typically suggest that if you like a movie you've seen through - uh - other means, throw a few dollars at that title on a legitimate platform. Rent it. Purchase it. Support it.
But if some studios offer no avenue for that kind of support, and can (and will) remove content from their platform forever... frankly, I think that changes the rules.
Netflix will likely never release the work I created for them on physical media, though I'll always hold out hope.
Some of you may say "wait, aren't The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor available on blu-ray and DVD?" Yes, they are, because they were co-produced with Paramount, and I'm grateful that Paramount was able to release and protect those titles. (I'm also grateful that those releases include extended cuts, deleted scenes, and commentary tracks. There are a number of fantastic benefits to physical media releases.)
But a lot of the other work I did there are Netflix originals, without any other studio involvement. Those titles - like Midnight Mass, The Midnight Club, and the upcoming Fall of the House of Usher - along with my Netflix exclusive and/or original movies Before I Wake and Gerald's Game - have no such protections. The physical media releases of those titles are entirely at Netflix's discretion, and don't appear to be priority for the studio at this time.
At the moment, Netflix seems content to leave Before I Wake, Gerald's Game, Midnight Mass, and The Midnight Club on the service, where they still draw audiences. I don't think there is a plan to remove any of them anytime soon. But plans change, the industry changes.
The point is things change, and each of those titles - should they be removed from the service for any reason - are not available anywhere else. If that day comes - if Netflix's servers are destroyed, if a meteor hits the building, if they are bought out by a competitor and their library is liquidated - I don't know what the circumstances might be, I just know that if that day comes, some of the work that means the most to me in the world would be entirely erased.
Or, what if we aren't so catastrophic in our thinking? What if it the change isn't so total? What if Netflix simply bumps into an issue with the license they paid for music (like the Neil Diamond songs that play such a crucial role in Midnight Mass), and decide to leave the show up but replace the songs?
This has happened before as well - fans of Northern Exposure can get the show on DVD and blu-ray, but the music they heard when the series aired has been replaced due to the licensing issues. And the replacements - chosen for their low cost, not for creative reasons - are not improvements. What if the shows are just changed, and not by creatives, but by business affairs executives?
All to say that physical media is critically important. Having redundancy in the marketplace is critically important. The more platforms a piece of work is available on, the more likely it is to survive and grow its audience.
As for Netflix, I hope sincerely that their thinking on this issue evolves, and that they value the content they spend so much money creating enough to protect it for posterity. That's up to them, it's their studio, it's their rules. But I like to think they may see that light eventually, and realize that exclusivity in a certain window is very cool... but exclusivity in perpetuity could potentially limit the audience and endanger the work itself.
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yuureimajo · 2 years
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learnaside · 2 years
Tumblr media
If you wish to speak to live person at Facebook, then you can opt for the phone number, and get instant help from them. Besides, the live experts are 24/7 available through the phone number, and can also talk thoroughly regarding Change Facebook Password issues especially restoring your account.
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minglana · 2 years
if you havent switched over to firefox, i recommend you do. unlike chrome and other browsers, firefox does not use your personal data to cater ads to you, and its way more customizable. and, since the start of 2023, add-ons including adblockers can no longer be used. im hoping this post can be a sort of guide people can use if they want to start using firefox
to start off, you can import your bookmarks and other data (like logins and saved passwords) with this easy tutorial. and if it hasnt asked you yet, you can make it your default browser like this. i also recommend making an account in case you ever want to log in from another device or anything happens to your computer. with this option, you can choose which data syncs to all devices and which doesnt.
just as a disclaimer (i am adding this on april 15th 2023, over 3 months after i published the post) this information is bound to change, and some addons and settings may become obsolete or redundant, with firefox adding more privacy-friendly settings, or removing available addons. i will update the post accordingly.
last updated: august 27th, 2024
these are things i recommend you do in settings. at the same time, you can also customize your settings any way you want to.
1. in the ‘general’ tab
‘make firefox your default browser’
check for updates to be automatically installed (its near the bottom)
2. ‘home’ tab
scroll down to ‘shortcuts’ and uncheck ‘sponsored shortcuts’
3. ‘search’ tab
make duckduckgo your default search engine
4. ‘privacy and security’ tab
standard security is fine, but strict doesnt hurt either. as it says, it may cause some sites to break, but ive found that barely any do. you can always switch back to standard security if you come across any problems
under ‘website privacy preferences’, select both options
under ‘firefox data collection and use’, i recommend unchecking the first one
under ‘website advertising preferences’, uncheck it
under ‘https-only mode’, enable https-only mode in all windows. again, if a website happens to not work, you can always go back to disable https-only mode
if you want to further customize your experience, you can go to about:config and mess with the settings on there, although you will need to be careful with some, as they can severely impact your firefox experience. some of the settings you can change are:
widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style to change the scrollbar style. the available parameters are 1-5
browser.tabs.tabClipwidth set to 999 if you want only the active tab to have a close button
extensions.pocket.enabled set to disabled so that pocket doesnt show up
browser.backspace_action set to 0 to use the backspace button as a button to go back webpages.
here are all the about:config entries, i recommend leaving most be, but some can be useful to customize.
THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE is uBlock origin. if you dont want to use any addons, and/or don’t like them for whatever reason, please please please get this one at the least. its not only an adblocker, but also blocks most unwanted content on any website. if any content on a website is bothering you, you can disable it by right-clicking it and checking ‘block element’, for example.
to get rid of cookie warnings, you can simply go to uBlock origin settings, and under “filter lists”, scroll down to the “ads” section and check the boxes for “AdGuard Base” and “EasyList”. This does the same function as the add-on “i don’t care about cookies” (which is no longer recommended). under the “annoyances” section (further down than the “ads” section), you can check off all of them, but if you dont feel like checking them all, the most important ones are “AdGuard Annoyances“ and “uBlock filters-Annoyances“
firefox multi-account containers. if you use multiple accounts on a same website, this is for you. you can be logged in to two tumblrs at the same time with this addon, for example.
facebook container. similar to the last addon i recommended, this one isolates all facebook-related activity
now. youre seeing this post on tumblr. which might also mean that you use tumblr web. well, you should probably add xkit rewritten then. it lets you completely hide filtered posts, has a mutual checker, gets rid of the ‘youre caught up’ bar, and many more things
bypass paywalls clean. lets you get through paywalls. it’s also updated frequently, adding websites with paywalls
instead of the addon (it was deleted from the firefox store i believe), you can copy this link (not the text on page it takes you to, just the link!) into the text field you get when clicking on ‘insert’ at the bottom of the ‘my filters’ page on ublock origin settings.
bitwarden. open-source password saver and generator. make an account and save all your account passwords. also generates passwords. with this, you only need to remember your master password, and bitwarden does the rest, really
tab session manager. lets you save all the windows that you close, in case that you ever accidentally close out of a window. that way you can recover all your tabs
terms of service; didnt read. lets you know about a websites terms of service. summarizes the basics point by point
clearURLs. cleans urls of any tracking elements
you can avoid having one more addon by copying this link and following the same instructions as for bypass paywalls clean
there are many more extensions you can use, here are the ones that the firefox team recommends
i also recommend using firefox on mobile, especially android, since you can use add-ons with it too. again, i recommend using uBlock Origin. it is not as customizable on mobile but its still extremely useful. since the beginning of this year, firefox for android has over 1000 addons available. for iOS users, if you want ad-less browsing, you can install firefox focus, although its not nearly as customizable as firefox for android.
i hope this guide is useful for anyone wanting to make the switch!
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da-rulah · 1 year
I saw an aesthetic picture about spreading Satan through the Internet recently and it got me thinking about being the IT support at the ministry, and which papas and ghouls would be best and worst at technology. So now I obviously want to hear your thoughts.
(I think Primo would surprise us by being surprisingly proficient, sort of like how my grandma mastered email and Facebook in her 80s.)
I have discussed this at great lengths with my best friend, @her-satanic-wiles, and these are the conclusions we have come to. These include all technology and use of the internet and social media habits.
Please enjoy as much as we did - it was too much fun. This is long, so i've put a page break in.
Some 18+ content here, MDNI!
As you said, surprisingly proficient.
He learns very fast, intently listening to you when you explain email, Microsoft Word & Excel, and Facebook.
He doesn't get Instagram but that's okay, that's not his target audience.
Doesn't understand how the internet works... "So, is it floating around in the air, or...?"
But he does know how to work it, and how to use it.
No patience for technology at all.
If it doesn't work how it should, it is immediately referred to as broken.
"Mostrami solo le mie email, pezzo di merda!" you'll hear him scream from his office.
If it is not broken, it soon will be. His frustration makes him violent.
Got the iPhone 4 when it first came out but it perished in a mysterious fire. He doesn't know how it happened. Stop asking him.
Has been through four Ministry issued keyboards and one monitor that saw violent ends.
Not bad at technology at all, in fact learns very quickly.
However, the discovery of Internet Pornography set him back in his paperwork by about a week.
He takes casual nudes and sends them to everyone, like him sat on the toilet or just having got out of the shower. Just because he can.
Your phone keeps saving them automatically and you have to do a mass exodus of Terzo nudes at least once a week to save your phone memory.
When you delete them he sends you more out of spite.
Ends up with Malware on his computer all the time from scam emails that promise him 'hot single babes in his area'.
The kind of guy to go on Omegle to flirt with random people, maybe find someone to jerk off with.
He's bloody useless, it always makes him feel like a silly old fool.
The only thing he can do by himself is search YouTube for rat videos, because you've shown him a million times.
Types with the screen close to his face and with one finger.
FaceTime angle of a typical dad.
"Look at this!" and proceeds to not flip the camera because he doesn't know how so you just end up staring at his face anyway.
SHOUTS when he's on the phone, no concept of noise at all.
Always forgetting his passwords - you get phone calls asking what his password for this and that is every. damn. day.
How many times do you have to remind him his phone unlocks with FaceID?!
Got scammed by a Facebook ad and had to change all his credit cards.
And now for the Ghouls...
He's VERY good with tech.
Quiet little genius, knows all the keyboard shortcuts and phone tips and tricks going.
Others ask him for help a lot, and he gets such a sense of pride when he can help them, swishing his tails and smiling to himself as he's helping.
Rain is also in charge of Copia's computer. He built it, fixed it, and cries every time Papa does something he shouldn’t to it.
Technology conspiracy theorist.
He is terrified of tech, thinks it's listening to him all the time. Alexa is a demon he doesn't trust and his phone is an old Nokia he uses for emergencies ONLY.
That Nokia is also his weapon that he throws at people's heads when they piss him off. Which happens entirely too often and has caused some damage...
Always up to date with the latest tech, never misses a launch.
He keeps leaving his second-hand phones in places Swiss will find them to trigger his technophobia and paranoia.
"DO THEY BREED, OR SOMETHING?!" Mountain is snickering outside his dorm listening to the chaos he's created.
Chaos maker, through and through.
He is a serial redditer. The havoc he creates on there is diabolical, honestly.
Goes on Omegle to troll people.
He came across Papa Terzo one evening. They both agreed to never speak of what he saw ever again.
Plays on Swiss' technophobia along with Mountain.
He even created a cruel "conspiracy mode" on the Alexa that plays dramatic music, changes the lighting and shuts the window blinds in Swiss' room whilst Alexa tells him "I'm here, Swiss. I see everything."
Has absolutely no interest in the internet or technology whatsoever.
Serial text forgetter. Sees you've text him, ignores it. Promises to get back to it. Never does.
When it comes to guitar tech though, he'll chew your ear off for hours. He knows EVERYTHING.
Ask him a question, but be prepared to be stuck there for approx. 45 minutes while he explains it in great detail with tangents you didn't ask for.
Very good with tech, specifically social media.
Basically the social media manager of The Ghost Project.
She loves tiktok, makes them regularly. but it gives off 'Illegal Disney' vibes... Total crack.
Papa had to stop her making them and tell her to take them down.
Ask her about dance challenges - she knows them all.
Why does everything take so long? Typing and everything... so much effort.
So she's a voice note kinda girl.
And they can be full blown podcasts, she talks and talks and talks....
Always takes Mountain's old phones after Swiss has been spooked by them. She hasn't bought a new phone in 6 years. Mountain is none the wiser.
Has a basic understanding, but feels guilty asking for help from IT support.
If an error message pops up, she'll panic and call Aurora.
"No but it says Error 404... WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!"
Queen of cat videos. Falls asleep to 10 hour loops of rain storms on YouTube.
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