#Chaol’s love language being let me send you to another continent
acourtofquestions · 4 months
The true villain of Heir of Fire MISSCOMMUNICATION
because for the love of wyrd CHAOL CELAENA DORIAN just sit in a room together and talk and please especially the latter SOMEONE FILL DORIAN IN🤦‍♀️😅😂
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ae-neon · 1 year
Reading Throne of Glass (23-25)
Kaltain Rompier is risking using Duke Perrington as a stepping stone to get to Dorian
Celaena grows closer to Dorian, Chaol and Nehemia. She also saves Nox Owen's life.
Chapter 23
Celaena has a nightmare she's back in Endovier, it's pretty well written.
The whip fell, slicing into bone, reverberating through her body, making everything collapse and explode in agony, shifting her body into a graveyard, a dead- Celaena’s eyes flew open. She panted. “Are you . . . ,” someone said beside her, and she jerked. Where was she? “It was a dream,” said Chaol. (...) She was sweating, and the sweat on her back felt uncomfortably like blood.(...) “Celaena. It was a dream,” the Captain of the Guard said again. “You were screaming.” He gave her a shaky smile. “I thought you were being murdered.”
Poor girl.
"It’s Samhuinn." Sarah...
“Of course. And will you be summoning the dead to you this haunted night or lighting a bonfire with your companions?” (Celaena) “I don’t partake in such superstitious nonsense.” (Chaol)
You live in a world with faeries and witches??
Celaena always adds insane amounts of sugar to her breakfast. I don't understand sweet breakfasts in the first place, but is this something to keep in mind? Is this gonna be relevant? Why is it always mentioned? If it's not gonna matter it should have been edited out.
The last Test had been javelin throwing on horseback, and a spot on her wrist was still tender. so we skipped another Test apparently.
As a writer I totally understand why SJM didn't do a POV per chapter, if actually really difficult, but it still feels a bit weird to just switch over outta nowhere.
Dorian has just come out of a temple service which his mother - the Queen of Ardalan, Georgina Havilliard - used as an opportunity to try to point out some more eligible ladies to marry.
He’d spent the entire service trying not to scream at the top of his lungs. He's apparently very frustrated by this.
He bumps into Celaena and she's with Nehemia and Chaol. Core 4 moment.
Personally, I just like having 4 main characters, even in my own work.
The politics between Ardalan and Eyllwe is a little confusing. Perrington is suggesting keeping Nehemia in Rifthold and sending more troops to squash the rebels but Nehemia's own father sent her there, clearly he's willing to work with Ardalan
Now, standing before her, Dorian quickly looked away from the princess. If he were anyone but the Crown Prince, he would warn her.
I need the fics y'all. This is such a nicely complicated dynamic. Is it problematic? Yes but so is the canon
Nehemia: I don't really like Dorian, or Chaol, or anyone here, except you
Celaena: you're so cool, you're the best
He looked handsome today. It was in the way his hair met his golden skin—in the tiny gaps between the strands, in the way it fell across his brow. sorry I literally don't understand what this means, like I cannot picture it
“As my friend, you should either bring me along, or keep me company.” “Friend?” he asked. She blushed. “Well, ‘scowling escort’ is a better description. Or ‘reluctant acquaintance,’ if you prefer.” To her surprise, he smiled.
Cute. Chaol's side of the love scale stacking once again
Nehemia wants Celaena to teach her the language but let's think about this:
Nehemia is a princess
Eyllwe, Ardalan, Terrasen are on the same continent, all on the same coast and bordering each other
Clearly the people of Terrasen and Ardalan speak the same language
Why wouldn't the people of Eyllwe speak that same language because they're black?
Like even if they had their own language and odd one out culture why wouldn't the Princess and others have been taught that language from birth
ESPECIALLY when Ardalan is the new superpower and has been for 10 years.
Nehemia would definitely know this language
Cain was kneeling by the creepy clock tower.
Nehemia tells Celaena the marks by the tower are called Wyrdmarks and part of an ancient religion. She wants Celaena to forget about them/leave them alone.
After Nehemia seems suspicious of Celaena they agree to teach each other their languages.
Chapter 24
It's midnight and Celaena is bored in her room while most people are at the feast.
There have been hints of drafts and smells in her room even when the windows and doors were closed. Now she sees a tapestry with a silver haired woman on it swaying slightly. She finds a hidden door in the wall.
She smartly puts a chair in the secret door so it doesn't close on her and ties some yarn to it so she can follow it back. Idk about tying the yarn to the chair because then you could accidentally pull the chair into the passage.
Celaena follows the passage and eventually ends up at an old abandoned escape route to the sea and she's like "HA! I'm outta here"
She knew that she could easily escape, and that it would be foolish to do so. The king would find her, somehow. And Chaol would be disgraced and relieved of his position. And Princess Nehemia would be left alone with moronic company, and, well . . . Celaena straightened, her chin rising. She would not run from them as a common criminal. She would face them—face the king—and earn her freedom the honorable way.
Suuuuuure, I guess...
She follows another tunnel and ends up in a small tunnel overlooking the hall where the feast is happening.
She sees Chaol, a few other competitors.
The other Champions were allowed to attend, and she wasn’t? (...) —even the pimply-faced Pelor sat near Chaol! A half-rate boy assassin! Not too much on my boy Pelor, miss Sardothien
The Chaoleana stack: moments, character development, sparring, her remembering his brother's name etc
The Dorlaena stack: she wants to kiss him
Lol jk, but her moments with Chaol are definitely stronger so far
Celaena thinks Chaol is leaving the feast to come to her room so she runs all the way back and dives into bed.
Dorian comes to Celaena's room around 2 am but the scenes with Celaena happened around midnight so it's possible Chaol did come to her room and we just didn't see it.
Lmao maybe not, Chaol shows up and drags Dorian away.
It's interesting - if a bit creepy - to see their different thoughts as they look at sleeping Celaena. Dorian sees the girl under the assassin. Chaol sees the assassin under the girl.
Chaol gives Celaena a ring from the party says they were given out, that most of the women would probably give them to their servants. But the ring is silver?????? SARAH JANET ARE YOU INSANE???
Still sitting at a nice middle ground
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