#Celaena deciding three days in she is going to get drunk off her ass and fate can come find her or else because girl needs therapy
acourtofquestions · 4 months
The true villain of Heir of Fire MISSCOMMUNICATION
because for the love of wyrd CHAOL CELAENA DORIAN just sit in a room together and talk and please especially the latter SOMEONE FILL DORIAN IN🤦‍♀️😅😂
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propshophannah · 8 years
Do you have any Chaol head canons?
Chaol Westfall is a total dad. When Dorian is sick, he brings him meals, he yells at him when he hasn’t been drinking enough fluids, he get fussy when his friend wants to get out of bed (because he still has a fever!), and he likes to bring Dorian extra books so that he will stay in bed.
Chaol Westfall does not know how to be useless. He is a doer, not a sitter. When he realized he couldn’t walk he was shocked. For hours, days maybe. He feels inadequate and lonely and so fucking useless that he can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
One night, he sneaks out of his room on the ship. He drinks himself drunk on deck and then hauls himself onto the railing. It would be so easy to just climb the rest of the way over. To drown himself in the ocean. No one would even know. The worst part is that he thinks Nesryn would be better off. He climbs back off the railing and slumps on the deck. When Nesryn finds him she screams and yells and tells him how fucking stupid and selfish he was to even think of that. And Chaol tells her that he wasn’t going to do it, that he doesn’t want to die…he’s just not sure how to live anymore. and he knows he’s lost her trust. That something is broken between them because he thought she was babysitting him before but after she finds him, Nesryn is full on mothering him. And not in the way he usually likes. She watched him like a hawk and he feels so fucking guilty but what can he do? He thought about doing a stupid fucking thing and he deserves to be treated like a child for it.
Nesryn takes the bathroom door off the hinges. She adds a lock on the windows and door to their cabin that is too high for him to reach from his chair. She puts beads on the spokes of his chair so she can hear him if he gets up at night. She removes everything from their room that he could be used to harm himself, and she cuts up all of his food into tiny pieces so he can’t choke himself on purpose. And of course she doesn’t allow him to use utensils.
And every day and night he apologizes and tells her he wasn’t going to hurt himself and that he’s sorry and her only response is, “You should be sorry. You acted like a selfish dick. Like a spoiled brat to even think about that. To put that on me. To make me the guilty one when Dorian told me to go with you. How dare you.” and then she usually digresses about Dorian and how he’d been to selfish to think about how the king had put his trust in Chaol and that there is a war coming and how dare Chaol leave his brother like that. The conversation usually ends with her saying, “You’re a selfish prick.”
When they get to the Torre Cosme, they meet Yrene. And she begins healing him. She has to heal him in stages and they talk about everything when she’s administering treatments. It’s three weeks before Chaol realizes that when she talks to him, she’s trying to heal his mind too.
The first time they get Chaol upright again, everything hurts. He grips a set of parallel bars and he’s so embarrassed because he’s holding more of his weight in his arms, but his feet are on the ground, and he can feel the ground beneath his toes. He sheds a few tears. He doesn’t even make one step before he falls.
He falls for the next few weeks. Over and over and over again he falls. And every time he does, Yrene is there to tell him that he has to learn to pick himself up again. He has to remember what it’s like to stand up for himself and what he believes in.
Chaol tells Yrene about his shitty childhood. He tells her about his prejudice father whose loyalty was to money and not to his people. He tells her how he never wanted to be anything like him. He tells her about his mother, who he loves, but says that she is so controlled by the father and so willfully ignorant of the outside world that he can’t stand her either. And Chaol tells her that he ran away because he hated them, hated them all, and because he wanted to be different and turn into his father. But he confesses that he realized one day that he had. With Celaena. And he tells Yrene how he tried to make it right, tried to accept her as Aelin, but it was hard. Her having magic was hard. Knowing she could never be with him was hard. And knowing the future he’d once thought was his…no longer was. He tells her that Dorian Havilliard is the only family he has ever had and that he almost let him down the say on the ship when he couldn’t find a reason to live without his legs.
And Yrene tells him that if he wants to learn to pick himself back up and to not be like his father, she can help him. But she tells him that it will be more than learning to walk. And it will be work that he will have to do every day for the rest of his life.
A month after the first time he falls, Chaol Westfall walks for the first time without help. He invited Nesryn to come that day to see his progress, and he is embarrassed for her to see him because it’s not anything special because he used to walk all the time. But to him, somewhere inside, it means something. It means something to let her see him succeed. To let her see the progress he’s made. And when he gets up and walks across the room, she starts to cry. So Chaol walks to her. And he’s reminded what a gift it is to wrap his arms around her while he stands. He remembers what a gift it is to wipe her tears and to look down on her instead of up. And he decides that he’ll never forget the strength it took to lean on her. To trust her with that broken part of him. And he decides that he’ll never forget the way her face looks when she smiles at him the way she does in that moment. “That’s the smile,” he thinks, “the one I want to see on her face for the rest of our forever.”
When Chaol finds out that Dorian is warming a witches bed, his first thought is, “I’m going to strangle him!!” But then he reminds himself that he can’t be prejudice. That he has to give the witch the benefit of the doubt. 
Then Nesryn reminds him that the witch in question is the one who spared his life in Oakwald and that it was actually Aelin’s fault the witch came after them, but that it was he, Chaol, who saved the same witch from falling off a cliff. Then she tells him that this is the same witch who told them Dorian was still alive in the collar. The same witch who rushed to Adarlan and kept Dorian alive long enough for Rowan to take him to safety. Nesryn quietly tells himt hat she also found out that Aelin, Rowan, and Aedion were prejudice against the witch when they first met her, and smugly, Chaol decides that he can show his shit if only to make them feel inferior.
It works. When Chaol meets Manon for the first time, everyone expects him to freak out and start yelling, but instead Chaol offers Manon his hand and tells her he owes her a life debt for keeping his king alive.
Aelin’s so pissed she says, “Did Nesryn tell you Dorian has been riding around on a wyvern?”
It takes all of Chaol’s self control not to throttle Dorian on the spot. 
When Chaol meets Abraxos, he decides that Aelin is an ass. 
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