#Charity Raffle for Anvorgueso
pastenaga · 4 years
Help me give Anvorgueso a second chance
A week and a half ago, at around 8 pm, a young boy came to the clinic (I'm a veterinarian, for those of you who're not aware). He told me he had just picked up this kitten in a big avenue, but that he couldn't take him to his home because "his parents would kill him". He told us that if we dind't find someone who could take him right now, he would have to leave him on the street again. On top of that, he claimed he didn't have any money. His grandma called him and told him he could take the kitten to her house but would spend the night outside the house (that day was rainning a lot and it was really cold). The kitten had approximately 4 months, it was obvious he had some kind of rear fracture, since he wasn't setting his left back leg on the floor, the tail was flaccid, he didn't have anal reflex (and he was bleeding from there). So I was faced with the dilemma of letting the boy go with the cat, knowing he was probably going to die from the cold weather (and in pain) that same night, or keep the kitten...
Personally, I don't like people who don't take responsabilty of their actions, making others responsible of their own acts, and making threats that puts us between a rock and a hard place with our morals/ethics, making us accomplices by force.
On my personal and professional right, I could have told the boy that there wasn't anything else we could do for him there (though, we did give the kitten primary attention, wounds cleaning, analgesics), but knowing there was a high probability that they would just let the cat die, I realized it wasn't fair for him, after suffering what was probably a run-over car accident, that his fate was to freeze to death. So I decided to take him and look for a home for him.
But, to my susprise, the cat had more complications than I expected. 2 fractures of relevance on his back leg, and a probable vertebral column luxation due to his lack of rear sensitivity and control. The kitten defecates uncontrollably, but on the other hand, he doesn't urinate; there's no leak of urine, it acumulates on the bladder. We put an urinary catheter the firsts days to secure urine flow, and it became the principal worry since the fractures didn't risk his life, but the fact of not being able to urinate compromised not only his life but the quality of it. So we decided to go for vertebral column surgery first, before the other fractures, to try to recover his sphincters control. If it didn't happen after the surgery, his life well-being would be compromised, and it'd have to be decided if he could live with a family that could take the responsability of his condition, or to be euthanized due to the compromise of his vital necessities.
I personally want to do everything that's in my powern to help this kitty since I think he deserves better than what he's lived.
Some of you know I'm a vet, but I can't do everything that this baby needs, and like others I need to go to other veterinarians that know how to do what he requires; and that obviosuly has a cost. I admit I don't get public price, nevertheless it's still expenses I wasn't considering (I’m literally expending all the money I have) and I too have a house to mantain and my own pets to feed. It's not only veterinarian expenses, but in this special case, he needs diapers, bandages, tape, ointment, etc. I also want to take him to the neurologist if I can get the money...
I'm planning on making an ART RAFFLE to gather money for the kitty (that we call Anvorgueso) 
 I'll post about the raffle soon, so I'll be very thankful to you all for your support if you can! If you can't participate on the raffle, it'd help me a lot if you could share this story. Thanks a lot!
Ps-. He's super sweet, since the first day he only wants to cuddle. He's a very noble cat, despite the horrors he's lived. Every day he shows such strenght, he's such an inspiration. He deserves a long and happy life, and I hope that with your support, you can help me to get him a better chance in life! Thank you so much.
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pastenaga · 4 years
Anvorgueso update
Well a lot has happened this month, he recovered fully of his vertebral column surgery. He had his spinal cord decompressed and had a vertebral fixation with a screw:
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He had to repose in cage for 7 days, and during that time his tail began to necrotize, and some days later, he ate it :’) 
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Shortly after teh surgery we started to see positive progress, since he was able to leak pee drop by drop and occassionally a little bit more than a few drops. His anal sphincter started to look more contracted and that was great. This is the first time he was able to pee on his own:
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On these weeks he was able to support his fractured leg little by little, and if you see how he moves now you might not even think he’s still fractured. That leg doens’t bothers him right now, so it’s not a priority to ‘fix’, it probably will just stay like that. He runs, jumps, and plays with no problem, he’s not in pain, so that’s why I will just leave it as it is, at least for now. 
And he has made some friends at the vet ^^
They help him exercise and contract his bladder ahaha, ‘cause he often pees while he plays with the other cats at the clinic. 
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The bladder state (and anal sphincter) is constantly getting better and then backs down, and then gets better and such. Because despite he was able to pee a little, he couldn’t do it fully, so he still needed help (I manually squeeze it to make him pee), because if the pee stays there a lot of time he would have a bacterial infection, and could lead to stones.  Nonetheless, the manipulacion of the bladder also provokes inflamation that could lead to narrowing of the urethra and ... well, make a physical obstruction that would block the urination. So several days his pee had been red due to this inflamation, but he has been able to pee on only on his diaper, because it makes pressure on his belly, and that helps him (Just like when he’s playing with the other cats, his muscles contracts a lot, and that’s whhe’s able to pee while he plays). But he has been improving that, just the other day he peed outside the litter box, so that’s something. 
I was able to take him to the neurologist and I’m still struggling to find a medicine he told me to give him (Diazepam), it’s expensive and really hard to buy, since it’s a monitoring medicine, and they can’t sell it ‘just to anyone’. But I’m working hard to get it. Despite that, he’s so much better than a month ago, and that’s  really hopeful, he might be able to recover almost 70% or so. He will not have a normal cat life ‘cause he will have to wear diapers if not all the time, most of the time. That has its own problems too, because his anus will get ulcerate constantly because of the contact with feces and urine, and it might be unpleasant to him, but it won’t prevent him from having a good life quality even so. But it’s necessary to be extremely careful about it. 
I took him to acupuncture too, and physical therapy, we goo every week, that’s why he’s been improving a lot too. They work his spine, and he’s slowly getting stronger.
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This all has been possible thanks to the donations we received of the Charity Raffle, so from the bottom of my heart thank you so much to those that participated (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ❤ And thanks so much to my patrons too, their monthly contribution has also helped me a lot (╥ω╥)  ❤
it’s been a heck of a work to take care of him, but if he can live happy at least one more day with every effort we made for him, it’s really worth all the exhaustion.
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pastenaga · 4 years
Anvorgueso Charity Art Raffle Winners ❤
@origami10 , @kairei-chan  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ I appreciate your contribution from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me, you’ll have my eternal gratitude. I’ll be contacting you guys to talk about the details of your prizes  ♡.
There was some errors on the page while picking the names, but I still respected the names by order. I just put on a * on the undefined name, and if that name and number came up again I erased it without adding them to the list of winners that's all I have to clarify about this. Maybe I didn't explain it well, but you'll see it on the video haha. The errors appeared on winners #7, #19, #21 & #23.
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