#Charles Clarence Bennett
perfettamentechic · 11 months
22 ottobre … ricordiamo …
22 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Peter Scolari, Peter Thomas Scolari, attore statunitense. Il padre era di origini italiane e giocava a baseball semiprofessionale prima di diventare avvocato. Era meglio conosciuto per i suoi ruoli come Henry Desmond in Bosom Buddies (1980-1982), Michael Harris in Newhart (1984-1990) e Wayne Szalinski in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997-2000). Le lotte di Scolari contro l’abuso…
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The Round Two Contenders
Hello, all! As we go into round two, I'll be accepting propaganda for only the following nominees:
Glenn Gould
Link Wray
Curtis Mayfield
Bob Seger
Oscar Peterson
Eric Stewart
Klaus Voormann
Paul McCartney
Gene Autry
Rod Argent
Freddie Mercury
John Paul Jones
Sly Stone
Tom Scholz
Justin Hayward
Roger Hodgson
Bo Diddley
Rick Wright
Gram Parsons
Geddy Lee
Ray Manzarek
Sam Cooke
Jimi Hendrix
David Gilmour
Noel Redding
Fats Domino
Eric Burdon
Jim Morrison
Bjorn Ulvaeus
Smokey Robinson
Nat King Cole
Dave Davies
Ray Brown
Ron Mael
Ian Curtis
Arlo Guthrie
Micky Dolenz
Syd Barrett
Chuck Berry
Renato Zero
Bruce Springsteen
Al Green
Miles Davis
Bill Bruford
Charles Brown
Mickey Finn
Bob Marley
Eric Dolphy
Neil Peart
Alan Parsons
Brian May
Neil Diamond
Mick Taylor
Robin Zander
Billy Preston
Mik Kaminski
Tony Bennett
Mick Ronson
Steve Miller
Tony Levin
Johnny Cash
Stevie Wonder
Gordon Lightfoot
Frank Zappa
Ernie Ford
David Coverdale
Marvin Gaye
Buddy Holly
Marc Bolan
Rory Gallagher
Todd Rundgren
Willie Dixon
Joe Strummer
Carl Palmer
David Bowie
Alvin Lee
Rick Danko
Clyde McPhatter
Cab Calloway
John Oates
Kenny Loggins
Roy Orbison
John Fogerty
Richie Havens
Ricky Nelson
Denny Laine
Otis Redding
Dave Vanian
John Coltrane
Elton John
BB King
Dean Martin
Rob Grill
Don Henley
Russell Mael
Jimmy Page
Cat Stevens
Tommy Shaw
Robbie Robertson
Phil Ochs
David Byrne
Steve Winwood
Donald Fagen
Carlos Santana
Peter Hammill
Tom Jones
Bev Bevan
Clarence Clemons
Sammy Davis Jr
Robert Lamm
Bobby Darin
Johnny Mathis
Tony Banks
Robert Plant
Brian Eno
Benny Andersson
Barry Gibb
John Deacon
Pete Seeger
Phil Lynott
Andy Gibb
George Harrison
Mickey Hart
Jack Bruce
Keith Moon
Those in bold have lots of propaganda already, so they're low priority. Rules for submitting propaganda are in the FAQ. If there are multiple people in the photo, please tell me which one the propaganda's for. Good luck to the round two musicians!
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jpbjazz · 5 months
“Those male trumpet players guard those positions like a bulldog on a bone. We got a tough row to hoe with the trumpet.”
- Clora Bryant
Née le 30 mai 1927 à  Denison, au Texas, Clora Larea Bryant était la plus jeune des trois enfants de Charles et Eulila Bryant. Bryant avait deux frères, Frederick et Melvin. Le père de Bryant était manoeuvre et sa mère était maîtresse de maison. Bryant avait seulement trois ans lorsqu’elle avait perdu sa mère.
Bryant avait d’abord commencé à apprendre le piano avec son frère Melvin. Bryant avait adopté la trompette après que son high school ait décidé d’établir un orchestre et un ensemble de cors et clairons. Durant son enfance, Bryant avait aussi été membre de la chorale de l’église baptiste locale. Même s’il était peu fortuné, le père de Bryan l’avait toujours encouragée à devenir musicienne et lui avait même payé des cours privés. Comme Bryant l’avait expliqué plusieurs années plus tard, "Nobody ever told me, 'You can't play the trumpet, you're a girl.' Not when I got started in high school and not when I came out to L.A. My father told me, 'It's going to be a challenge, but if you're going to do it, I'm behind you all the way.' And he was."
Lorsque son frère Fred s’était joint à l’armée, il avait laissé sa trompette derrière lui, et Bryant en avait profité pour apprendre à jouer. Durant ses études au high school, fascinée par la musique de jazz qu’elle entendait à la radio, Bryant avait d’ailleurs joué de la trompette avec l’ensemble de cors et clairons de l’école.
Après avoir refusé des bourses pour aller étudier dans les meilleures écoles musicales au pays dont le Oberlin Conservatory et le Bennett College, Bryant avait commencé à fréquenter le Prairie View College de Houston en 1943. Fondée en 1876, Prairie View était la première école entièrement réservée aux étudiants de couleur à avoir été reconnue par l’État du Texas. Bryant avait choisi Prairie View parce que le collège avoir avait un groupe de jazz féminin de seize membres, les Prairie View Co-eds. Comme Bryant l’avait précisé plus tard:  “When I found out they had an all-girl band there, that’s where I was going.”
Devenue membre du groupe, Bryant avait fait le tour du Texas, avant de se produire au célèbre  Apollo de Harlem en 1944. Après que son père ait décroché un emploi dans un chantier naval de Los Angeles, Bryant avait été transférée à UCLA en 1945. Après avoir entendu le trompettiste Howard McGhee jouer au club Down Beat de la Central Avenue, Bryant était immédiatement tombée amoureuse du bebop.
En 1946, Bryant s’était jointe aux International Sweethearts of Rhythm, un big band qui avait été fondé deux ans auparavant par Clarence Love et qui était alors le groupe de swing féminin le plus important au pays. Après avoir obtenu sa carte de l’Union des musiciens, Bryant avait finalement décidé d’abandonner l’université.
Fascinée par le bebop, Bryant avait laissé tomber les International Sweethearts of Rhythm pour se joindre à des jam sessions dans des clubs de Central Avenue comme le Club Alabam, The Downbeat et The Bird in the Basket (aussi connu sous le nom de Jack’s Basket Room). Comme Bryant l’avait expliqué des années plus tard dans le cadre d’une entrevue d’histoire orale: “I would not go without my horn. If I knew there was going to be somebody there, I’d have my horn with me, because I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to try to learn something.” Un jour, Bryant se produisait dans un club d’Hermosa Beach lorsque Charlie Parker était monté sur scène avec un saxophone qu’il avait emprunté. Pour la mettre en confiance, Parker lui avait alors chuchoté à l’oreille: “Stick to what you can do. And know what you can’t.” “I almost wet my pants”, avait déclaré plus tard Bryant.
Par la suite, Bryant était entrée dans le groupe Queens of Swing (comme batteuse) et était partie en tournée avec la formation. En 1951, le groupe, qui comprenait la saxophoniste Minnie Hightower, s’était produit à la télévision sous le nom des Hollywood Sepia Tones dans le cadre d’une émission de variétés d’une demi-heure diffusée sur les ondes de la station KTLA. La formation était ainsi devenue le groupe de jazz féminin à faire une apparition à la télévision. L’émission avait finalement été annulée auprès six semaines faute de commanditaires. À l’époque du tournage de l’émission, Bryant était enceinte de sept ou huit mois. Après la naissance de sa fille, Bryant s’était jointe à la revue entièrement féminine d’Ada Leonard. Malheureusement, Bryant avait dû quitter la revue après seulement une semaine après que la direction ait reçu des plaintes des spectateurs réclamant son congédiement en raison de la couleur de sa peau...
Durant la majeure partie des années 1950, Bryant avait dirigé régulièrement des jam sessions dans les environs de Los Angeles. En 1951, Bryant avait fait partie du groupe-maison du club Alabam, ce qui lui avait permis d’accompagner des chanteuses comme Josephine Baker et Billie Holiday. Toujours en 1951, Bryant avait été membre d’un sextet entièrement féminin dirigé par Ginger Smock avec lequel elle avait joué, non de la trompette, mais du violon. Le groupe, qui s’était produit durant six semaines dans le cadre d’une émission diffusée sur le réseau CBS, était ainsi devenu le premier groupe entièrement de couleur à animer une émission de télévision.
En 1954, Bryant était retournée à New York, car elle n’avait plus le goût de jouer avec des groupes. Deux ans plus tard, une autre pionnière du jazz féminin, la tromboniste Melba Liston, qui faisait alors partie du groupe de Dizzy Gillespie, l’avait présenté à ce dernier. Ébloui par le talent de Bryant, Gillespie était devenu son mentor et lui avait obtenu du travail. Gillespie avait même fait cadeau à Bryant d’une de ses embouchures qu’elle avait utilisée par la suite durant des années. Comme Gillespie l’avait expliqué en 1989 dans le documentaire “Trumpetistically, Clora Bryant”: “If you close your eyes, you’ll say it’s a man playing. She has the feeling of the trumpet. The feeling, not just the notes.”
En 1957, Bryant avait enregistré son premier et seul album comme leader, ‘’Gal with a Horn’’ À la demande de la compagnie de disques Mode Records, mais contre son gré, Bryant avait chanté sur les huit pièces de l’album, même si c’est son talent à la trompette qui avait surtout impressionné, révélant les influences tant de Louis Armstrong que de pionniers du bebop comme Dizzy Gillespie et Fats Navarro. Pour obtenir plus de contrats, Bryant avait même commencé à imiter la voix d’Armstrong dans le cadre de ses concerts. Et ça avait fonctionné. Comme Bryant l’avait expliqué en 2014 dans le cadre du documentaire The Girls in the Band: “And I was a hit, honey. They loved me!”
Au milieu des années 1950, Bryant était retournée à la vie de musicienne itinérante, se produisant particulièrement dans les clubs de Chicago et de Denver. Bryant s’était également produite à Las Vegas avec Louis Armstrong et Harry James. En fait, Armstrong avait été tellement impressionné après avoir entendu Bryant jouer dans un club qu’il avait insisté pour monter sur scène avec elle dans un club de Las Vegas en 1960. Bryant précisait: “He was in the big room and I was in the lounge, where he’d been catching my act in the back. And one day, here comes Louis with his whole band, coming from the big room, walking through the entire casino and coming up on stage and singing and playing with me!”
À la fin des années 1950 et durant les années 1960, Bryant avait fait la tournée des principales villes américaines, souvent dans le cadre d’un hommage à Louis Armstrong. À Las Vegas, Bryant avait aussi joué avec Damita Jo, Harry James, et Sammy Davis Jr., avec qui elle avait fait une apparition dans le film ‘’Pepe’’ en 1960. Dans les années 1960, Bryant avait également fait un séjour à La Nouvelle-Orléans avec le groupe d’Horace Henderson.
De 1962 à 1964, Bryant avait collaboré avec le chanteur Billy Williams à Las Vegas avec qui elle avait participé au Ed Sullivan Show. Bryant avait même composé une pièce de l’album “The Billy Williams Revue.” De 1964 à 1966, Bryant avait fait équipe avec son frère Melvin, qui était chanteur, acteur et danseur, dans le cadre d’une tournée autour du monde. Ils avaient même eu leur propre émission de télévision en Australie. Après la naissance de son quatrième enfant en 1969, Bryant s’était inscrite à un baccalauréat en musique à UCLA, s’intéressant plus particulièrement à l’histoire de la musique afro-américaine.
À la fin des années 1970, Bryant s’était produite avec différents groupes de Los Angeles, dont le Bill Berry’s LA Band. En 1975, Bryant avait rendu hommage à son idole et mentor Dizzy Gillespie dans le cadre de la suite “To Dizzy with Love”. En 1993, Bryant avait de nouveau rendu hommage à Gillespie en dirigeant le concert Trumpet Summit aux côtés de Clark Terry, Jon Faddis, Freddie Hubbard et plusieurs autres trompettistes. Vers 1980, Bryant avait également assuré la relève de Blue Mitchell dans le big band de Bill Berry.
Souvent victime de discrimination en raison de son sexe et de la couleur de sa peau, Bryant n’avait créé son propre groupe qu’après son retour à Los Angeles en 1979. Tout en dirigeant le groupe Swi-Bop (son fils Kevin avait même été le batteur de la formation à la fin des années 1980), Bryant avait terminé son baccalauréat en musique à UCLA et travaillé avec le sextet du saxophoniste Teddy Edwards. Elle avait aussi joué  du Dixieland avec les New Orleanians de Roger Jamieson. Au cours de la même période, Bryant avait également collaboré avec le big band de Gerald Wilson, tout en travaillant avec Jeannie et Jimmy Cheatham, la chanteuse Nellie Lutcher et le pionnier du rhythm & blues Johnny Otis.
En 1982, Bryant avait enregistré un dernier album avec la chanteuse de blues Linda Hopkins. Parallèlement, Bryant avait continué de se produire sur scène, participant notamment au North Sea Jazz Festival avec le Sweet Baby Blues Band de Jeannie Jeannie et Jimmy Cheatham en 1987 ainsi qu’à plusieurs festivals de Los Angeles.
Loin de se décourager du peu d’occasions qui lui étaient offertes d’enregistrer et de se produire sur scène, Bryant avait même écrit personnellement au président Mikhail Gorbachev en 1989 en lui proposant de devenir “the first lady horn player to be invited to your country to perform”. Sans doute pour plaisanter, Gorbatchev avait fait parvenir à Bryant une invitation formelle de venir jouer en URSS. Prenant Gorbatchev au mot, Bryant avait financé son voyage grâce à l’aide de la communauté musicale de Los Angeles. Un an plus tard, Bryant avait fait la tournée du pays avec ses fils, devenant ainsi la première musicienne de jazz à faire une tournée en URSS.
Au début des années 1990, les contrats étant devenus de plus en plus rares, Bryant avait été contrainte de vivre sur la sécurité sociale. Elle avait même dû céder deux de ses trompettes à un prêteur sur gages afin de pouvoir survivre. La majorité de ses biens avait également brûlé lors des émeutes de Rodney King en 1992 qui avaient emporté la plus grande partie de sa maison.
Après avoir été victime d’une crise cardiaque et avoir fait l’objet d’un quadruple pontage coronarien en 1996, Bryant avait dû cesser de jouer de la trompette. Elle avait cependant continué à chanter. Bryant avait aussi commencé à donner des lectures sur l’histoire du jazz dans les collèges et des universités. Bryant avait également co-dirigé un livre sur l’histoire du jazz à Los Angeles intitulé ‘’Central Avenue Sounds: Jazz In Los Angeles (1921-1956)’’, dans lequel elle avait évoqué la glorieuse époque du jazz sur Central Avenue. Elle avait aussi écrit deux livres pour enfants et travaillé dans les écoles élémentaires de Los Angeles. Une des plus grandes satisfactions de Bryant était cependant d’avoir réussi à obtenir une étoile pour son idole Dizzy Gillespie au Hollywood Walk of Fame en 1991.
Consciente de la nécessité de transmettre ses connaissances aux futures générations, Bryant avait précisé: ‘’When I grew up there were legends everywhere, and now the legends don't make themselves available to young people anymore… these days people just get in their limos and away they go, and it hurts my heart."
Le 6 mai 2002, la carrière de Bryant avait été couronnée par la remise du Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Award décerné par le Kennedy Center de Washington, D.C.  C’est le légendaire pianiste Billy Taylor qui lui avait remis son prix. Bryant avait même chanté quelques-unes de ses compositions dans le cadre de l’événement. Le Conseil municipal de la ville de Los Angeles avait également décerné à Bryant le titre de légende du jazz et d’ambassadrice de bonne volonté en 2018. Bryant avait aussi remporté deux prix de composition et de performance de la National Endowment for the Arts.
En 1989, la cinéaste Zeinabu Irene Davis a consacré à Bryant un documentaire intitulé ‘’Trumpetistically, Clora Bryant.’’ En 2014, la trompettiste avait également été en vedette dans le film de  Judy Chaikin intitulé ‘’The Girls in the Band’’
Bryant avait épousé le contrebassiste Joe Stone en 1948. Stone, qui voyageait souvent en tournée avec T-Bone Walker et Jimmy Witherspoon, avait rencontré Bryant alors qu’elle se produisait dans les environs de Los Angeles. Le couple avait eu deux enfants: April et Charles Stone. Le mariage s’était terminé sur un divorce. Bryant avait eu deux autres enfants de sa liaison avec le batteur Leslie Milton, Kevin et Darrin Milton.
Clora Bryant est morte le 25 août 2019 au Cedars-Sinai Medical Center de Los Angeles après avoir été victime d’une crise cardiaque à sa résidence. Elle était âgée de quatre-vingt-douze ans. Ont survécu à Bryant ses quatre enfants, April, Charles, Darrin et Kevin, neuf petits-enfants et cinq arrrière-petits-enfants. Ses frères Frederick et Melvin étaient déjà décédés au moment de sa mort.
Avant même d’amorcer sa carrière, Bryant avait toujours su que le double handicap posé par son sexe et sa couleur serait un obstacle à sa reconnaissance comme trompettiste de jazz. De fait, mis à part la période où elle avait accompagné Billie Holiday au club Alabam de Los Angeles, Bryan avait souvent été reléguée dans des groupes exclusivement féminins comme les Queens of Rhythm avec lesquels elle avait même joué de la trompette et de la batterie simultanément après que la batteuse en titre ait quitté la formation. C’est seulement au milieu de sa carrière que Bryant avait été considérée comme une musicienne à part entière dans les groupes et les big bands de la région de Los Angeles. Faisant référence au peu de reconnaissance dont Bryant avait été l’objet au cours de sa carrière, le saxophoniste Teddy Edwards avait déclaré: “You know, she’s as good as any man. She has range and ideas and enough talent to go to the top.” 
Décrivant le style de Bryant, le journaliste Dick Wagner avait écrit dans le Los Angeles Times en 1992: “When Bryant plays the blues, the sound is low, almost guttural, a smoldering fire. When she plays a fast tune, the sound is piercing — the fire erupts.” 
Consciente de toutes les épreuves qu’elle avait dû traverser au cours de sa carrière, Bryant ne s’était pas gênée pour comparer les trompettistes à un ‘’Boy’s Club’’ au cours d’une entrevue qu’elle avait accordée au réseau NPR en 1993. Bryant avait déclaré: “Those male trumpet players guard those positions like a bulldog on a bone. We got a tough row to hoe with the trumpet.” L’un des fils de Bryant avait confirmé: “It was a man’s world and that made it hard for her. But it only fueled her fire, made her more determined.”
Même si à la fin de sa carrière, les autres musiciens de jazz lui avaient démontré beaucoup plus de respect, tel n’avait pas toujours été le cas des propriétaires de clubs. Comme Bryant l’avait déclaré au cours d’une entrevue qu’elle avait accordée au New York Times en 1998, “When you put that iron in your mouth, you run into problems. The other horn players gave me respect, but the men who ran the clubs considered me a novelty.”
Se considérant simplement fière d’avoir pu jouer la musique qu’elle aimait, Bryant avait ajouté: “I’m sitting here broke as the Ten Commandments, but I’m still rich. With love and friendship and music. And I’m rich in life.” 
Évoquant ses débuts sur la Central Avenue de Los Angeles, qui était un peu l’équivalent de la 52e rue pour New York dans les années 1950, Bryant avait commenté: “When I came out here, there weren’t any girls playing in jam sessions on Central Avenue. Hey, I had nerve! I’d get my horn and just walk up there and start playing. And I was the only female who did that. I had antennae like you wouldn’t believe.”
Un peu comme sa grande amie la tromboniste Melba Liston, Bryant avait servi de modèle à plusieurs musiciennes de jazz qui avaient été trop souvent confinées à un rôle de pianistes et de chanteuses. Comme l’avait déclaré la trompettiste canadienne Rachel Therrien, “Clora Bryant was an unforgettable and powerful role model. She’s inspired me to push forward as a jazz trumpeter and a bandleader. While I never got the opportunity to meet her personally, I am forever grateful for all her hard work, which opened the path for future generations of women like myself.” 
Malheureusement, Bryant n’avait jamais obtenu toute les chances qu’elle méritait, non seulement parce qu’elle était une Noire, mais aussi parce qu’elle était une femme.
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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garudabluffs · 1 year
"Trumps Criminal Associates from A to Z”
Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump; >>> Greg Abbott, Ali Alexander, Samuel Alito, Rick Allen, Brian Babin, Jim Banks, Steve Bannon, Kathy Barnette, Bill Barr, Tom Barrack, Maria Bartiromo, Glenn Beck, John Bennett, Andy Biggs, Dan Bishop, Christina Bobb, Lauren Boebert, John Bolton, David Bossie, Kevin Brady, Mike Braun, Mo Brooks, Taylor Budowich, Ted Budd, Aileen Cannon, Madison Cawthorn, Tucker Carlson, Matthew Calamari, Kenneth Chesebro, Andrew Clyde, Jeffery Clark, Robert Cheeley, Chris Christie, Chris Collins, Susan Collins, James Comer, Kellyanne Conway, John Cornyn, Thomas Bryant Cotton, Kevin Cramer, Dan Crenshaw, Steven Crowder, Raphael Edward Cruz, Ken Cuccinelli, Warren Davidson, Louis DeJoy, Carlos DeOliveira, Ron DeSantis, Betsy DeVos, Lou Dobbs, Byron Donalds, John Eastman, Larry Elder, Jenna Ellis, Michael Ellis, Tom Emmer, Boris Epshteyn, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Nigel Farage, Tom Fitton, Harrison Floyd, Michael Flynn, Matt Gaetz, Bob Gibbs, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Louie Gohmert, Sebastian Gorka, Paul Gosar, Trey Gowdy, Lindsey Graham, Charles Grassley, Mark Green, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ric Grenell, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Alina Habba, Harriet Hageman, Misty Hampton, Liz Harrington, Nikki Haley, Scott Hall, Sean Hannity, Josh Hawley, Jody Hice, Hope Hicks, Thomas Homan, Richard Hudson, Duncan Hunter, Laura Ingraham, Kay Ivey, Ronny Jackson, Jim Jordan, Mike Johnson, Ron Johnson, Alex Jones, Fred Keller, Keith Kellogg, Mike Kelly, Bernard Kerik, Charlie Kirk, Kim Klacik, Kenneth Klukowski, Jared Kushner, Trevian Kutti, Tomi Lahren, Kari Lake, Cathleen Latham, Bill Lee, Mike Lee, Stephen Lee, Mark Levin, Corey Lewandowski, Christopher Liddell, Mike Lindell, Billy Long, Barry Loudermilk, Cynthia Lummis, Nick Luna, Nancy Mace, Paul Manafort, Roger Marshall, Thomas Massie, Douglas Mastriano, Angela McCallum, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Kayleigh McEnany, Johnny McEntee, Mark Meadows, Molly Michael, Chris Miller, Jason Miller, Stephen Miller, Barry Moore, Steven Mnuchin, Rupert Murdoch, Greg Murphy, Heather Nauret, Waltine Torre Nauta Jr., Peter Navarro, Carl Nichols, Kristi Noem, Ralph Norman, Oliver North, Devin Nunes, Bill O’Reilly, Candace Owens, Stefan Passantino, Kash Patel, Dan Patrick, Rand Paul, Ken Paxton, David Perdue, Scott Perry, Rick Perry, Mike Pence, Judge-Jeanine Ferris Pirro, Mike Pompeo, Erik Prince, Vladimir Putin, Sidney Powell, Kim Reynolds, Karrin Taylor Robson, Michael Roman, Chip Roy, Marco Rubio, Anthony Sabatini, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, George Santos, Steve Scalise, Dan Scavino, Rick Scott, Tim Scott, Jeff Sessions, David Shafer, Ben Shapiro, Bill Shine, Kyrsten Lea Sinema, Ray Smith lll, Victoria Spartz, Sean Spicer, Todd Starnes, Elise Stefanik, William Stepien, Shawn Still, Roger Stone, Jason Sullivan, Clarence Thomas, Virginia (Ginni) Thomas, Tommy Tuberville, Mike Turner, James David (JD) Vance, Herschel Walker, Kelli Ward, Jesse Watters, Allen Weisselberg, Matthew George Whitaker, Susan Wiles, Ben Williamson, Chad Wolf, Lin Wood, Todd Young…Just to name a few. “Vote Blue in November: In numbers too big to rig, in numbers too real to steal….
381 Comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY8rIL3xUKc
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daimonclub · 1 month
Aforismi e citazioni sulle vacanze
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Aforismi e citazioni sulle vacanze Ogni individuo ha diritto al riposo e allo svago, comprendendo in ciò una ragionevole limitazione delle ore di lavoro e ferie periodiche retribuite. Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani (Articolo 24), 1948 Essere in vacanza è non avere niente da fare e avere tutto il giorno per farlo. Robert Orben Non c'è nulla come una brutta vacanza per riconciliarci alla vita lavorativa. Arnold Bennett Quando dovrete lamentarvi con un burocrate vi diranno che dovete prendere un appuntamento, poi il fatidico giorno vi diranno che non c'è, è appena uscito, oppure che è in riunione, viceversa è in ferie, oppure ha avuto un malore... Carl William Brown Ho compiuto settantasei anni. Sono in pratica uno che ha avuto trenta giorni di ferie e che ne ha consumati già ventisei. Luciano De Crescenzo La felicità consiste nel vivere ogni giorno come se fosse il primo giorno della tua luna di miele e l'ultimo giorno della tua vacanza. Lev Tolstoj La formica è saggia e sapiente, ma non sa abbastanza per andare in vacanza. Clarence Day Allontanarsi dal proprio ambiente di lavoro significa, in un certo senso, allontanarsi da sé stessi; e questo è spesso il principale vantaggio del viaggio e del cambiamento. Charles Horton Cooley Il vantaggio di trascorrere le vacanze in casa sta nel fatto che ciascuno è libero di fare quello che gli pare. Non esiste una vacanza più rilassante. Erma Bombeck Un vero guerriero non va mai in vacanza, il conflitto infatti non ammette alcuna tregua. Carl William Brown Si misura la felicità di una coppia dalle loro foto, e le foto si prendono durante le vacanze; senza le foto delle vacanze, non si potrebbe mai sapere quanto si è stati felici. David Foenkinos Esiste una tecnica delle ferie, ma nessuno ce l'ha insegnata; dai nostri genitori abbiamo imparato a calcolare quel che l'ozio ci fa perdere, non quello che ci fa guadagnare. Oggi, dobbiamo imparare di nuovo a rilassarci. È un mestiere come un altro; una vocazione, anche. Paul Morand
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Aforismi celebri sulle vacanze e le ferie Penso che la migliore vacanza sia quella che ci libera per un po' dalla nostra solita vita per poi farcela desiderare nuovamente. Ann Patchett Riesco ad annoiarmi benissimo qui senza andare in ferie. Vittorio Feltri È sorprendente come le persone trascorrano più tempo a pianificare la loro prossima vacanza che il loro futuro. Patricia Fripp Purtroppo se non avete un certo senso macabro dell'umorismo sappiate che l'imbecillità, la stupidità e la banalità dei politici e dei loro sicofanti non vanno mai né in ferie, né in vacanza! Carl William Brown Siamo diventati gente che alterna le vacanze con le ferie. Enzo Biagi La domanda che bisogna porsi non è se i genitori debbano portare i figli con sé in vacanza o lasciarli a casa, ma a quale età possano lasciarli a casa. Erma Bombeck Se uno facesse tutto ciò che deve fare veramente prima di partire per le vacanze, terminerebbero senza neppure essere iniziate. Beryl Pfizer Felicità è stare con degli amici a guardare le foto delle loro vacanze, e sapere che sono tornati da un soggiorno in un campo di nudisti. Johnny Carson Chi è così stressato da aver bisogno di un periodo di ferie, non potrà mai riadattarsi o riprendersi in due settimane. Ciò di cui ha davvero bisogno è di trasformare la sua vita. Elbert Hubbard Un gruppo di amici in vacanza è come un manipolo di soldati spedito in guerra: possono diventare eroi o carne da macello. Una cosa è certa, se torneranno a casa saranno pieni di medaglie o cicatrici. Giovanni Veronesi Moravia ha scritto: « è un popolo che ha due straordinarie qualità: la gentilezza e la mancanza di retorica». Non per contraddire il Maestro, ma questa gente amabile abbandona cani, gatti, vecchi per andare in ferie, e perfino la mamma. Enzo Biagi Una buona vacanza è quella trascorsa con persone la cui concezione del tempo è più vaga della tua. J. B. Priestley
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Aforismi celebri e idee varie sulle vacanze La ridicola borghesia moderna è più interessata ad una vacanza al mare, al giardino della propria casa, o ai vari optionals da montare sulla propria auto che non alle reali sorti dell'umanità. Carl William Brown Non è il tempo che trascorri da qualche parte a renderlo memorabile, ma il modo in cui lo trascorri. David Brenner Detesto il concetto di vacanza intelligente, che recentemente ha avuto gran successo; mi pare presupponga che l’anno sia tutto idiota, eccetto quei quaranta giorni. Giorgio Manganelli Qual è la vacanza ideale? Non fare assolutamente nulla, nemmeno una visita turistica, in un posto completamente nuovo. Raggiungere questo stato d’animo è un’arte. Patricia Highsmith Le uniche vacanze dell'uomo sono i nove mesi che trascorre nel grembo materno. Frédéric Dard Esiste una tecnica delle ferie, ma nessuno ce l'ha insegnata; dai nostri genitori abbiamo imparato a calcolare quel che l'ozio ci fa perdere, non quello che ci fa guadagnare. Oggi, dobbiamo imparare di nuovo a rilassarci. È un mestiere come un altro; una vocazione, anche. Paul Morand La vita è una vacanza da due eternità. William S. Burroughs È meglio lavorare poco e fare tante vacanze, piuttosto che lavorare molto e fare poche vacanze. Massimo Catalano Il rientro dalle ferie è stato scaglionato; le famiglie sono rientrate man mano che finivano i soldi. Antonio Di Stefano e Lino Giusti Avrei bisogno di una vacanza di sei mesi due volte all'anno. Pete MacArthur Dopotutto, la parte migliore delle ferie non è tanto il riposo, quanto vedere tutti gli altri impegnati a lavorare. Kenneth Grahame Le vacanze non sono altro che una serie di “momenti”. Si tratta d’istanti magici di cui si conserva il ricordo tra un trasferimento faticoso e l’altro. Erma Bombeck Le vacanze dimostrano che una vita di piacere è sopravvalutata. Mason Cooley Se uno passasse un anno intero in vacanza, divertirsi sarebbe stressante come lavorare. William Shakespeare Uno dei sintomi dell'arrivo di un esaurimento nervoso è la convinzione che il proprio lavoro sia tremendamente importante. Se fossi un medico, prescriverei una vacanza a tutti i pazienti che considerano importante il loro lavoro. Bertrand Russell La morte di alcuni operai in un incidente stradale ci appare quasi come una drammatica liberazione; quella di alcuni ricchi vacanzieri in un disastro aereo ci sembra già più simpaticamente umoristica; infine, la morte di alcuni devoti in pellegrinaggio a Lourdes si rivela invece tragicamente comica. Carl William Brown
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Citazioni e aforismi celebri sulla villeggiatura Ma, insomma, che cosa sono, oggi, le vacanze? Sono una faccenda triste, anonima, caratterizzata da cibo infimo, rumore, alloggi scadenti; soprattutto, da folle sterminate. Giorgio Manganelli Il paese delle vacanze / non sta lontano per niente: / se guardate sul calendario / lo trovate facilmente. / Occupa, tra Giugno e Settembre, / la stagione più bella. / Ci si arriva dopo gli esami. / Passaporto, la pagella. / Ogni giorno, qui, è domenica, / però si lavora assai: / tra giochi, tuffi e passeggiate / non si riposa mai. Gianni Rodari Andare in vacanza con la propria moglie, è come andare al ristorante con dei panini. Frédéric Deville Andare in vacanza è cambiare padrone. Pasquale Cacchio Dormiamo in camere separate, ognuno cena per i fatti suoi, facciamo vacanze ognuno per conto suo: insomma facciamo di tutto per tenere unito il matrimonio. Rodney Dangerfield A molta gente piace fare vacanze avventurose, piene di pericoli. La mia idea di vacanze avventurose e piene di pericoli è andare a Beverly Hills senza carte di credito! Bob Saget Le ferie sono allettanti solo per la prima settimana, dopodiché, non è più chissà quale novità alzarsi tardi e avere poco da fare. Margaret Laurence Una vacanza perpetua è una buona definizione dell'inferno. George Bernard Shaw Trovo affascinante che molta gente pianifichi le proprie vacanze con maggior cura di quanto facciano per la propria esistenza. Forse è perché evadere è più facile di cambiare. Jim Rohn Una vacanza offre la possibilità di guardare avanti e indietro, di resettare la propria bussola interiore. May Sarton Chiunque se lo possa permettere, dovrebbe costringersi a una vacanza di un mese intero ogni anno, che abbia voglia di farla o meno. William James Una buona vacanza è finita quando si inizia a desiderare di tornare a lavoro. Morris Fishbein Se rubate poco finirete in galera e sarete classificati dei delinquenti; se rubate molto potete sempre andarvene in vacanza nei paesi caldi e vivere di rendita per il resto dei vostri giorni; se poi siete dei veri artisti del settore, lo stato vi garantirà anche una ricca pensione. Carl William Brown Un luogo di vacanza fuori stagione ha sempre una magia speciale. Max von Sydow Diciamocelo. Quando son finite le ferie avremmo proprio bisogno di qualche giorno di vacanza. Luciana Littizzetto Un uomo non ha mai problemi con le vacanze: il suo capo gli dice quando farle e sua moglie gli dice dove. Evan Esar Le vacanze sbiadiscono in fretta. I ricordi che lasciano vengono cancellati dalle piccole beghe quotidiane. Erma Bombeck Quando ti piace il tuo lavoro, ogni giorno è una vacanza. Frank Tyger Nessun ha bisogno di una vacanza tanto quanto chi ne ha appena fatta una. Elbert Hubbard Quest'anno voglio proprio godermi una splendida vacanza in Italia, una bella camera con vista su uno sterminato e confortante mare di merda. Carl William Brown La cosa migliore di una vacanza è pianificarla. Andy Rooney
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Aforismi vari sulle vacanze La migliore condizione di lavoro, è la vacanza. Jean-Marie Gourio Qualunque cosa abbiate fatto durante le vacanze, alla fine sarete più stanchi che all'inizio. Arthur Bloch Niente logora così tanto come le vacanze quando si prolungano. Jean-Christophe Rufin Si dovrebbe essere una persona diversa non durante la vacanza, ma dopo la vacanza. Gerhard Uhlenbruck Prendi le ferie, parti per il mare, trovi una spiaggia, ti spogli quasi del tutto, apri una sedia a sdraio, ti ci adagi, chiudi gli occhi. Incomincia il mistero. Cosa si fa quando non si sta facendo nulla? Stefano Bartezzaghi Le ferie dovrebbero essere abbastanza lunghe da far sentire la tua mancanza al tuo capo, ma non così lunghe da fargli notare che può andare tranquillamente avanti anche senza di te. Jacob Braude Una vacanza è come una storia d'amore: anticipata con piacere, vissuta con disagio e ricordata con nostalgia. Evan Esar Per raggiungere gli obiettivi della tua vita hai bisogno di disciplina, di fortuna e di qualcos'altro di altrettanto importante: di vacanze! Mehmet Murat Ildan Quello che distingue un vero samurai dagli altri personaggi, è che il combattente originale cammina sempre con la morte al suo fianco e si allena sempre, con la mente soprattutto, invece di andare in vacanza, anche quando è festa. Carl William Brown Il dolce far niente è una meravigliosa occupazione. Peccato dovervi rinunciare proprio durante le vacanze, quando è essenziale che si faccia qualcosa. Pierre Daninos La sola parola vacanza m’infuria. Pasquale Cacchio Per me, la vacanza migliore consiste semplicemente nel potersi rilassare sul divano! Scotty McCreery Pensavo che le vacanze mi avrebbero svuotato la testa. Invece no, le vacanze svuotano soltanto una cosa: il portafoglio. Jean-Philippe Blondel Per anni io e mio marito siamo stati a favore delle vacanze separate, ma i nostri figli sono sempre riusciti a trovarci. Erma Bombeck La migliore condizione di lavoro, è la vacanza. Jean-Marie Gourio Vacanze: due settimane sulle spiagge assolate ? e il resto dell'anno sugli scogli della crisi finanziaria. Sam Ewing Lanciata in America la rivoluzione delle "ferie libere", per cui ogni dipendente può assentarsi quando e quanto vuole. In Italia si chiama "pubblico impiego". Steve Kitkars Oggi non è tanto facile godersi la vacanza. Ci sono troppi concorrenti impegnati nello stesso godimento e strenuamente determinati a conseguirlo. Così anche la vacanza è diventata faticosa ed affollata. Raffaele La Capria Per molte persone, le ferie non sono viaggi di scoperta, ma un rituale rassicurante. Phillip Adams Sono una grande sostenitrice della vita da vivere come una lunga vacanza di lavoro. Victoria Moran La vacanza è breve per definizione, altrimenti sarebbe qualcos'altro: pellegrinaggio, esplorazione, desiderio di cambiare vita. Duccio Canestrini Nel periodo di ferie, milioni di persone sono obbligate a divertirsi, così come nel resto dell’anno sono obbligate a lavorare senza tregua, a sognare di trovare un lavoro o a guarire dai guasti e dalle malattie, causate da un’attività lavorativa coatta e quotidiana. Silvano Agosti
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Aforismi celebri di autori famosi sulle ferie Una volta t’accorgevi che le vacanze stavano finendo dalla città che tornava a riempirsi. Ora dalle richieste d’amicizia sui social network. Ermanno Ferretti La partenza intelligente è problema secondario. Il vero nodo cruciale è il ritorno deficiente: come evitare che tornino fra noi i milioni di pirla partiti per le ferie? Enzo Costa Tunisia, terrore in spiaggia: 27 morti nell’attacco a due hotel, tra cui britannici e tedeschi. Con un po' di pericolo, il turismo, i viaggi e le vacanze sono senza dubbio molto più eccitanti. Carl William Brown Esistono vacanze più profonde del prendere congedo da sé stessi? Amélie Nothomb Non si ha mai tanto bisogno di una vacanza quanto nel momento in cui vi si è appena tornati. Ann Landers È per questo che la gente va in ferie. Non per riposare o divertirsi o vedere posti nuovi. Per sfuggire alla morte insita nelle cose di tutti i giorni. Don DeLillo Quello delle vacanze è il periodo che consente ai dipendenti di ricordarsi che le aziende possono continuare senza di loro. Earl Joseph Vacanze: periodo in cui si spende un mucchio di soldi per sapere com'è fatta la pioggia nelle altre parti del mondo. Robert Orben Madri e casalinghe sono gli unici lavoratori che non hanno mai vacanze. Anne Morrow Lindbergh Lavoratori di tutto il mondo unitevi. Ma durante le vacanze sparpagliatevi. Marcello Marchesi Più sguarnito, più diseredato del troglodita, il civilizzato non ha un momento per sé, i suoi svaghi stessi sono febbrili e opprimenti: un forzato in ferie, che soccombe all'uggia dell'inattività e all'incubo delle spiagge. Emil Cioran Essere in ferie e avere dei figli non è però vantaggioso: bisogna comunque alzarsi presto, lavarsi, mangiare a orari regolari. Non c’è gusto. Infatti in genere non vedo l’ora che finiscano le vacanze per potermi finalmente riposare lavorando. Ermanno Ferretti Invece di chiederti quando saranno le tue prossime ferie, forse dovresti crearti una vita da cui non devi scappare. Seth Godin Sul turismo, i laghi e le vacanze, potete anche leggere: Citazioni e battute divertenti sulle vacanze Un estate al lago Citazioni e pensieri sul lago Aforismi e citazioni sul mare Pensieri e riflessioni sulle vacanze Quotes on vacation Aforismi sul viaggio Riflessioni sul viaggio Italia in breve (E-book) Job tourism in Lombardy Turismo e viaggi Turismo enogastronomico Luoghi più belli del mondo The Lake District Aforismi per argomento Aforismi per autore Pensieri e riflessioni Saggi e aforismi Read the full article
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petnews2day · 6 months
King Charles breaks cover and is seen for first time since Kate Middleton cancer news
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King Charles breaks cover and is seen for first time since Kate Middleton cancer news
King Charles has been spotted in a car driving into his London residence Clarence House today marking the first time he has been seen since the Princess of Wales revealed her cancer diagnosis King Charles leaving Windsor today before heading to London(© Jim Bennett) King Charles has been carrying out engagements today marking the first […]
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spiderandthesims · 3 years
1880s Names
Abel, Abraham, Adam, Addison, Adelbert, Alexander, Alfred, Aloysius, Alphonse, Ambrose, Amos, Anderson, Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Anton, Archibald, Art, Arthur, Aubrey, August, Augustine, Augustus, Avery
Ada, Adelaide, Adele, Adeline, Agatha, Agnes, Alice, Alma, Almeda, Alta, Anastasia, Angeline, Anna, Annabelle, Anne, Arizona, Augusta, Augustine, Aurelia, Aurora
Barney, Benjamin, Bennett, Bernard, Bishop, Bradford
Beatrice, Bernadette, Bess, Bessie, Beulah, Birdie
Carlton, Carson, Casper, Cassius, Cecil, Charles, Chauncey, Chester, Christian, Christopher, Clarence, Claude, Clement, Clifford, Coleman, Conrad, Cornelius, Curtis
Camille, Caroline, Catherine, Cecilia, Celestia, Celestine, Celia, Charity, Charlotte, Christine, Claire, Clara, Clarice, Claudia, Clementine, Conception, Constance, Corda, Cordelia, Cornelia
Dallas, Daniel, Darius, David, Dennis, Dewitt, Dorsey, Douglas, Dudley, Dwight
Daisy, Delia, Della, Delphia, Docia, Dollie, Dolly, Dolores, Dora, Dorcas, Doris, Dorothy, Dove, Dovie, Drucilla
Early, Edmond, Edward, Edwin, Eldridge, Eli, Elias, Elijah, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsworth, Elmer, Elton, Elwood, Emerson, Emery, Emil, Emmett, Enoch, Ephraim, Erasmus, Erastus ,Eric, Ernest, Ervin, Erwin, Eugene, Everett, Ezra
Edith, Edmonia, Effie, Elaine, Elda, Eldora, Eleanor, Elise, Eliza, Elizabeth, Ella, Elma, Elnora, Eloise, Elsa, Elsie, Emily, Emma, Emmaline, Era, Erma, Erna, Ernestine, Essie, Esta, Estella, Estelle, Esther, Ethel, Ethelyn, Etta, Eudora, Eugenia, Eula, Eulalia, Eunice, Euphemia
Felix, Ferdinand, Francis, Franklin, Frederick, Fredrick
Fanny, Fay, Felicia, Fern, Fidelia, Flora, Florence, Florida, Francis
Gabriel, Garrett, General, George, Gideon, Giles, Golden, Gregory
Geneva, Genevieve, Georgia, Georgie, Goldie, Grace, Gwendolyn
Harmon, Harold, Harris, Harrison, Henry, Hollis, Homer, Horace, Howard, Howard, Howell, Hugo
Harriett, Hattie, Henrietta, Hester, Honora, Hope, Hortense
Imogene, Indiana, Iona, Iris, Isadora
Jack, Jackson, Jacob, James, Jasper, Jeremiah, John, Jonathan, Joseph, Josiah, Judson, Jules, Julian, Junius
Jane, Josephine, Judith, Julia, Julie, Juliet, June
Lawrence, Lawson, Leander, Leonard, Lewis, Lionel, Logan, Lucien, Lucius, Luther, Lyman
Lacy, Lillian, Lilly, Louise, Lucia, Lucille, Lucinda, Lucretia, Lucy
Major, Malcolm, Marcus, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathias, Matthew, Maurice, Maxwell, Michael, Miles, Milo, Milton, Monroe, Morgan, Mortimer
Mabel, Madeline, Magnolia, Marie, Mary, Matilda, Maude, May, Melinda, Mildred, Millicent, Millie, Minerva, Minnie, Miriam, Missouri, Mollie, Mona
Nathan, Nathaniel, Neil, Nelson, Newton, Nicholas, Noah, Noel, Norman, Norris
Netta, Nettie, Nevada, Nona, Nora, Norah, Norma
Oliver, Oren, Orson, Otis, Otto, Owen
Odelia, Odessa, Ola, Olive, Ona, Opal, Ophelia, Ora, Orpha, Ottilie
Patrick, Percival, Percy, Peter, Phillip, Pierce, Pleasant
Pansy, Parthenia, Patience, Pearl, Penelope, Permelia, Philomena, Phoebe, Polly, Priscilla, Prudence
Raymond, Richard, Richmond, Robert, Rodney, Roger, Ross
Rita, Rosalie, Rose, Rowena, Ruby, Ruth
Samuel, Seymore, Sidney, Silas, Simon, Solomon, Stanley, Stephan, Sterling, Stewart, Sylvester
Samantha, Sophronia
Thaddeus, Theodore, Thomas, Thorton, Tillman, Timothy, Tobias, Truman
Tennessee, Thelma, Theodora, Theodosia, Theresa, Tillie
Valentine, Vernon, Victor, Vincent, Virgil
Vera, Verona, Vesta, Victoria, Viola, Violet, Virginia, Vivian
Walker, Wallace, Walter, Warren, Watson, Webster, Wesley, Wilber, Wilbert, Wilbur, Wiley, Wilfred, Willam, Willard, William, Wilson, Winfield
Wilda, Wilhelmina, Wilma, Winifred, Winnifred, Winona
Zella, Zora
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Waterloo Bridge (James Whale, 1931) Cast: Mae Clarke, Douglass Montgomery, Doris Lloyd, Frederick Kerr, Enid Bennett, Bette Davis, Ethel Griffies, Rita Carlyle, Ruth Handforth. Screenplay: Benn W. Levy, Tom Reed, based on a play by Robert E. Sherwood. Cinematography: Arthur Edeson. Art direction: Charles D. Hall. Film editing: Clarence Kolster, James Whale. Music: Val Burton. If I had to name a favorite underappreciated director, I think it might be James Whale, best known for Frankenstein (1931) and its even better sequel Bride of Frankenstein (1935) but also for the first (and best) sound version of Show Boat (1936) and for the semi-spoofy The Old Dark House (1932). Whale had a gift for irony and for spiking things with a bit of acid wit -- something that becomes apparent when you compare his version of Waterloo Bridge with Mervyn LeRoy's somewhat mushier 1940 film. MGM tried to suppress Whale's film when it got the rights to make its own version of the Robert E. Sherwood play, but it didn't have to work hard: The Production Code had made the earlier version, which is more explicit about the fact that Mae Clarke's Myra is a streetwalker, unavailable for exhibition when it went into effect in 1934. As an actress, Clarke wasn't a patch on Vivien Leigh, who played Myra in the later film, but she doesn't really have to be; Whale's direction keeps the story moving and surrounds her with some strong performances, including Doris Lloyd as her tough-girl friend Kitty and Ethel Griffies as the landlady. I was puzzled when I saw her leading man, billed as Kent Douglass. I knew I'd seen him before, and it wasn't until I checked that I recognized him as the Douglass Montgomery who played Laurie in the 1933 Little Women. He's suitably callow in both parts, which acted to his detriment in establishing a career, though I prefer him to the ever-pretty, ever-vacant Robert Taylor, who played the same role in the 1940 Waterloo Bridge. Billed sixth in the cast, after Frederick Kerr and Enid Bennett, is Bette Davis, who plays Montgomery's sister, Janet -- a space-filler of a role. If Davis had been cast as Myra -- which she devoutly wanted to be -- this version of the story might not have been lost to sight for so long. It was stored in the vaults at Universal, where it was discovered in 1975 but not released until the 1990s.
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Ada Wilson
Ada Wilson (b. Zoa Ada Bisdey Elbury)
Birth date: 1863 Attacked: March, 1888 (ca. 25, survived) & 25th June 1891 (ca. 28, survived) Death (age): August 24th 1952 (aged 89)
Complexion: ? Eyes colour: ? Hair colour: ? Height: ? Ocupation: Seamstress, tailoress, waterproof hand clothes making.
Resting place: ?
Early life
Zoa Ada Bisdey Elbury was born in 1863 in Bristol, to Henry Edwin Elbury and Emma Fry. They married shortly before she was born. He had been born and bred in Bristol, and she was from Somerset. Henry’s father and elder brother were both stoneware potters – he followed them into this occupation, and seemed to do reasonably well. By 1871, Henry and Emma had been married for eight years, and had three children – Ada, Charles and Henry – and a servant. They lived in what seems to have been reasonable comfort on Clarence Square, in Bedminster, Bristol.
In the circumstances, it is hard to know whether the family’s next appearance in the census – at 39 Stratfield Road, in Bromley St Leonard, signified a reversal of fortunes. If guests and auxiliaries were anything to go by, then they had a lodger in 1881, rather than a servant. There were more mouths to feed (Rose, Emma and Thomas) and Ada, now 17, was earning her living – as a tailoress.
1888 Attack
Ada Wilson lived at 9 Maidman Street, Burdett road, a small thoroughfare lying midway between the East India Dock and Bow roads in Bow, a district in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in East London. On March 28, 1888, at 12:30am while she was at home she was attacked by a man of about 30 years of age, 5ft 6ins in height, with a sunburnt face and a fair moustache. He was wearing a dark coat, light trousers and a wide awake hat. According to Ada, the man was a completely unknown, and forced his way into the room and demanded money, and when she refused he stabbed her twice in the throat with a clasp knife and ran, leaving her for dead. It is reported that nearby neighbours almost captured the man, but he found his escape.
Witness and neighbour Rose Bierman, a young Jewess who lived upstairs with her mother at the same building as Ada, explained that she knew Ada was married but didn’t know her husband, and that she was always getting visitors. About the man who attacked her she said that “whether he was her husband or not I could not say.(…) Well, I don’t know who the young man was, but about midnight I heard the most terrible screams one can imagine. Running downstairs I saw Mrs. Wilson, partially dressed, wringing her hands and crying, ‘Stop that man for cutting my throat! He has stabbed me!’ She then fell fainting in the passage. I saw all that as I was coming downstairs, but as soon as I commenced to descend I noticed a young fair man rush to the front door and let himself out. He did not seem somehow to unfasten the catch as if he had been accustomed to do so before. He had a light coat on, I believe. I don’t know what kind of wound Mrs. Wilson has received, but it must have been deep, I should say, from the quantity of blood in the passage. I do not know what I shall do myself. I am now ‘keeping the feast,’ and how can I do so with what has occurred here? I am now going to remove to other lodgings.“
A couple of young women rushed up to two police-constables on duty outside the Royal Hotel, and said that a woman was being murdered. The two constables, Ronald  Saw  and  Thomas  Longhurst, immediately ran to the house indicated, and there found  Ada Wilson lying in the passage, bleeding profusely from a fearful wound in the throat. Doctor Wheeler, from the Mile End road, was instantly sent for, who, after binding up the woman’s wounds, sent her to the London Hospital (Sophia Ward), Whitechapel, where Dr William Rawes ascertained that she was in a very critical condition.
Detective-Inspectors Wildey and Dillworth had charge of the case, and looked for the attacker. Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper, April 1, 1888 issue reports that “subsequent enquiries … revealed the fact that a dispute arose between the woman and a man who she states is her husband … He was pursued for some distance by a neighbour … But the would-be murderer sharply turned a corner, and was soon lost in the labyrinth of streets.” No conviction was ever obtained. By the time Ada Wilson returned home from the hospital, on April 27 1888, all hope of finding her attacker – or of proving anything in a court of law – seemed to have disappeared.
Authorities at the time of the 1888 Whitechapel murders made no link between her attack and those murders and she never was questioned again.
Mrs Wilson
On 2 January 1889, a little over eight months after returning from the hospital, she married Samuel Wilson (she was already using his surname as many women did when lived with their common-law husband but weren’t legally married) at the registry office in Bristol. Samuel was older than Ada: he said that he was thirty-three on his marriage certificate. He described himself as an engine fitter. He abandoned Ada in or around February 1891; she returned to her parents’ house in time for the 1891 census, at which point the family resided at 78 Rounton Road, Bromley St Leonard. According to the enumerator’s records, Ada was married, twenty-seven years of age, and a “waterproof hand” – making waterproof clothing from India rubber. This profession – lightly skilled, but perhaps quick to be picked up once one had the job – perhaps suggested a degree of specialisation, but Ada was still firmly in the clothing-manufacturing trade.
Ada was attacked by her husband again on June 25 1891. He was drunk and asked her money, which she didn’t have, and he asked to live with Ada again, but the proposition failed to appeal to her. “Go to work,” she said, “and be different”. He was arrested. According to the Daily News, July 8, 1891 issue, “Samuel Wilson, 40, was indicted for maliciously wounding Ada Wilson, his wife” who was also injured with a knife on her neck. Her parents were also assaulted. When the case came to the Quarter Sessions at Clerkenwell on 7 July 1891, Samuel Wilson defended himself. The chairman Mr. Richard Loveland-Loveland, said that “the prisoner was a very dangerous character, and therefore he would be sentenced to six months’ imprisonment with hard labour.” She asked for a separation.
Little  more is seen  of Samuel,  or  Ada.  Whether  they  ever  took out  their separation  order is  not  known. In December 1898 Ada’s brother Henry had a daughter and named her Zoa Lavinia  Elbury.
Later life
Zoa Ada Wilson died on August 24th 1952, aged 89 of a pneumonia, at the Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone, London; she was the widow of engineer Samuel Wilson.
Authorities at the time of the murders made no link between her attacks and the Whitechapel murders. Samuel Wilson was never arrested for those crimes.
To know more:
Casebook website - Casebook Message Boards - Press report (from Casebook) - Press report (from Casebook) - Press report (from Casebook) - Biographic details from Casebook website - Wiki Casebook - Casebook Forums
JTR Forums
Jack The Ripper.org - Press reports (from Jack The Ripper.org)
Jack The Ripper Tour
The Jack The Ripper Tour
Jack The Ripper Map
Crimenes de Whitechapel (Spanish)
Jack El Destripador (Spanish)
Red Jack (Italian)
BEGG, Paul (2013): Jack The Ripper. The Facts.
BEGG, Paul & BENNETT, John (2014): The forgotten victims.
BEGG, Paul; FIDO, Martin & SKINNER, Keith (1996): The Jack The Ripper A – Z.
EDDLESTON, John J. (2001): Jack the Ripper: An Encyclopedia.
FIDO, Martin (1987, 1993): The Crimes, Detection and Death of Jack The Ripper.
HINTON, Bob (1998): From Hell… The Jack The Ripper Mystery.
JAKUBOWSKI, Maxim & BRAUND, Nathan (1999): The Mammoth Book of Jack The Ripper.
MATTHEWS, Rupert (2013): Jack the Ripper’s Street of Terror: Life during the reign of Victorian London’s most brutal killer.
RIPPER, Mark: Ada Wilson. Doubly Unfortunate, in Ripperologist no. 125, April 2012.
SCOTT, Christopher (2004): Jack the Ripper: A Cast of Thousands.
SUDGEN, Phillip (1994): The Complete History of Jack The Ripper.
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Clarence Charles William Henry Richard Bennett (May 21, 1870 – October 22, 1944) was an American actor who became a stage and silent screen actor over the early decades of the 20th century. He was the father of actresses Constance Bennett, Barbara Bennett and Joan Bennett with actress Adrienne Morrison, his second wife.
Bennett was born in Deer Creek Township, Cass County, Indiana, in May 1870. Called Clarence until he was 10, he was the eldest child of George Washington Bennett and Eliza Leonora Bennett. His younger sister was Ina Blanche Bennett. For a time, he was a sailor on Great Lakes steamer, a professional boxer, medicine showman, troubadour and night clerk in a hotel in Chicago. Bennett made his stage debut on May 10, 1891, in Chicago, in The Limited Mail. 15 He went to New York City, where his Broadway debut was in His Excellency the Governor (1899), which was produced by Charles Frohman. In his third Broadway production, he played the role of Father Anselm in Frohman's production of A Royal Family (1901–02).
Bennett was married to Grena Heller in 1901 in San Francisco. They soon separated and were divorced in 1903. Using her married name, she starred in a few plays on Broadway and went on to a successful career as a music critic for Hearst's New York American.
On November 8, 1903, Bennett and actress Adrienne Morrison were married in Jersey City. They had three daughters, all notable actresses: Constance Bennett, Barbara Bennett and Joan Bennett.
In 1905, Bennett won fame as the leading man, Hector Malone, Jr., in Shaw's Man and Superman. That was followed by his role as Jefferson Ryder in the stage hit The Lion and the Mouse (1905).
A series of spectacular roles followed. In 1908, he played the role of John Shand opposite Maude Adams in J. M. Barrie's What Every Woman Knows. Frequent quarrels between the stars occurred during the run of the play, and when Adams opened in Peter Pan, Bennett telegraphed his congratulations "on achieving your long ambition to be your own leading man."
Bennett is also known for adapting socially conscious works of Eugène Brieux, including Maternity.
In 1913, Bennett had a theatrical success starring as Georges Dupont in the stage drama Damaged Goods, which he also co-produced. He won a reputation for his curtain harangues, which friends—and critics—said were at least as good as his stage portrayals when he wound up an appearance by stepping in front of the curtain and castigating the police and courts for "narrow-mindedness." He developed this penchant until his ab-lib speeches won greater applause than many of the plays in which he acted.
Bennett reprised his stage role for his feature film debut, Damaged Goods (1914), which co-starred his wife, Adrienne Morrison. He helped adapt the screenplay and direct the drama. In the drama The Valley of Decision (1916), which he wrote, Bennett appeared on the screen with his wife Morrison and his three daughters.
In 1922, Bennett starred in Broadway's English-language version of Leonid Andreyev's melodrama He Who Gets Slapped, playing the title role as He. The success of the play led to a film adaptation by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, with Lon Chaney in Bennett's role.
Bennett and Morrison appeared together on stage in the 1923 play The Dancers. They were divorced in April 1925.
In 1925, he became acquainted with Aimee Raisch in San Francisco, during the production of Creoles, in which she played a minor role. She was a young socialite and aspiring actress who was divorcing her millionaire clubman and polo player husband, Harry G. Hastings.
Bennett and Raisch were married on July 11, 1927, in Chicago.
His daughter Joan made her stage debut acting with Bennett in Jarnegan (1928). This play, in which he played Jack Jarnegan, provided one of his favorite roles—that of a belligerent, drunken movie director given to acidulous and profane comments on Hollywood.
He and Raisch separated April 3, 1934, and were divorced in 1937.
With the advent of sound film, the middle-aged Bennett found a niche as a character actor. In 1931 he appeared with his daughter Constance Bennett in Bought. He played the dying millionaire John Glidden in If I Had a Million (1932). Bennett is probably best known for his role as Major Amberson in Orson Welles's second feature film, The Magnificent Ambersons (1942). Journey into Fear (1943), Welles's next production, was Bennett's final film.
Richard Bennett died at age 74 from a heart attack at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. Episcopal funeral services were conducted on October 24, 1944 in Beverly Hills. He is interred in Pleasant View Cemetery, Lyme, Connecticut, beside his second wife and mother of his daughters.
Bennett was fond of saying that the movie industry was not a business, but a madhouse.
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citizenscreen · 5 years
Out of the blue I watched a new-to-me movie the other day about a retired Army Colonel who takes on corrupt politicians in his hometown in Georgia. The movie’s title is Colonel Effingham’s Raid, a 1946 comedy directed by Irving Pichel starring Charles Coburn as the title character. Colonel Effingham’s Raid has a lot going for it with charm high on its list of attributes thanks in large part to Coburn, the Georgia native with a talent for comedy and an English accent. It was then that I decided to dedicate an entry to him because I enjoy him so…and…lo and behold, this week would have been his birthday.
Charles Coburn (June 19, 1877 – August 30, 1961)
We have an embarrassment of riches in the character actor department of classic films. There are numerous memorable actors who deserve praise for bettering films simply by their appearance no matter how small a role. One of those is Charles Coburn who enjoyed a popularity many of the other character players did not. Indeed, thanks to Coburn’s 3-decades-long screen career during which he appeared in nearly 100 movies and television shows, his name recognition rivaled that of the stars whose names appeared above the title. Coburn was also highly regarded critically receiving three Academy Award nominations for Best Supporting Actor, taking home Oscar once for his delightful portrayal of Benjamin Dingle in George Stevens‘ wartime comedy, The More the Merrier (1943). More important than awards, however, was Charles Coburn’s undeniable ability to delight greatly with his talent.
Charles Douville Coburn was born in Macon, Georgia on June 19, 1877 and grew up in beautiful Savannah. He was the son of Scotch-Irish Americans Emma Louise Sprigman and Moses Douville Coburn who were not entertainers, but that didn’t stop young Charles from taking odd jobs at the local Savannah Theater starting at the age of 14. He was bitten by the entertainment industry bug early and did everything from handing out programs to being the doorman to theater manager by the age of 18. Failing to make his mark in Georgia, Charles left for New York at age 19. Although Mr. Coburn didn’t hit the big time immediately, his Broadway debut in 1901 was an inevitability as was his forming The Coburn Shakespearean Players in 1905. His partner in that endeavor was another actor, Ivah Wills, who became Mrs. Coburn in 1906. The two had six children together.
In addition to managing the Coburn Players, Charles and Ivah starred in and produced many plays throughout the decades during which the troupe traveled to college campuses across the country and appeared on Broadway. The couple met when he was playing Orlando to her Rosalind in As You Like It. They continued to work together until her death in 1937 performing Shakespeare and French and Greek dramas and comedies. In her book, Greek Tragedy on the American Stage: Ancient Drama in the Commercial Theater …, Karelisa Hartigan mentions how the Coburn Players would give over 100 performances every summer mostly outdoors. The popularity of their performances created an interest in outdoor theaters with other companies following their lead. Charles Coburn played most of the male leading parts with Ivah, billed as Mrs. Coburn, playing the female leads. The productions were often called “amateurish” by critics, but the performances were always praised. These scholarly productions likely led to Charles’ English accent despite being a Southern gentleman.
I’d be remiss not to mention that although few know her name, Ivah Wills had a long list of credits in her own right both as an actor and producer in a career that spanned 35 years. Ivah garnered positive reviews along with her husband and both were highly regarded members of the acting community. To put it in perspective, consider that George M. Cohan was among the honorary pallbearers at Ivah’s funeral.
Cobrun and Wills in The Taming of the Shrew
Ivah and Charles
After Ivah Wills’ death, Charles Coburn moved to Hollywood to start a movie career. He’d already appeared in a 1933 short film and in The People’s Enemy, a crime drama directed by Crane Wilbur. However, the roles that would cement his legacy as a screen star began in earnest in 1938 with comedic performances far removed from his classical training, but roles in which he excelled. Coburn’s best movie roles are the ones where he perfectly balances the high-brow snootiness with a touch of bumbling fool. Roger Ebert described him as a toned down Charles Laughton and that’s exactly right. Coburn paved the road to stardom at the age of 61 and became a steadfast presence that could be counted on for his comedic timing as charming old men with affected manner and accent – always with a monocle, which he removed only to eat, and sometimes chomping on a cigar. One cannot help but smile when he appears on screen.
Clarence Brown‘s Of Human Hearts (1938) offered Coburn his first substantial role alongside a first-rate cast led by Walter Huston, James Stewart and another terrific character actor, Beulah Bondi. Although that film is a Western, Coburn played a doctor, the type of professional role along with several judges, business men, a couple of “sirs,” and rich guys that he enjoyably brought to the screen throughout his career.
Charles Coburn’s memorable big screen credits are too numerous to list, but he made important contributions to such enduring classics as John Cromwell‘s Made for Each Other (1939) and Garson Kanin‘s Bachelor Mother (1939). A personal favorite of mine, Preston Sturges’ The Lady Eve (1941) wherein Coburn plays “Colonel” Harrington, father to Barbara Stanwyck’s Jean Harrington, a duo of card sharps adept at swindling the rich, would not be the same without him. The actor followed that Sturges gem with his first Oscar-nominated performance as an irascible tycoon who goes undercover as a shoe clerk at a department store to try to uncover agitators trying to form a union in Sam Wood’s The Devil and Miss Jones (1941). Starring Jean Arthur, Robert Cummings and a slew of fantastic character actors like Spring Byington, Edmund Gwenn, S. Z. Sakall, and William Demarest, you must make time to watch The Devil and Miss Jones if you’ve not seen it. It is bewitching fun.
Coburn and Jean Arthur in THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES
The 1940s served several standouts for Charles Coburn who appeared in 4 to 5 pictures a year in the early part of the decade. Of course, his Oscar-winning performance in Stevens’ World War II comedy The More the Merrier stands tall above the heap. Opposite Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea, Coburn is wonderful as the retired millionaire who finagles his way into a room during the wartime housing shortage. Coburn’s blustering but endearing manner in this film typifies the greatest gift he brought to the movies, by my estimation, and it is hard to resist. Variety agreed with me as of this movie they wrote, “A sparkling and effervescing piece of entertainment, The More the Merrier, is one of the most spontaneous farce-comedies of the wartime era. Although Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea carry the romantic interest, Charles Coburn walks off with the honors.”
Another worthy 1940s turn for Coburn was Ernst Lubitsch‘s Heaven Can Wait in 1943. Here he plays another grandfather and another millionaire with usual memorable flare alongside a stupendous cast led by Gene Tierney and Don Ameche. Once again I must mention Pichel’s Colonel Effingham’s Raid in which Coburn co-starred with Joan Bennett and William Eythe and several other veteran character actors like Donald Meek and Cora Witherspoon. This was a fun discovery.
Charles Coburn received his third Academy Award nomination for what TCM’s Robert Osborne described as a “rip-roaring performance” as a gruff but loving grandfather in the coming-of-age tale told in Victor Saville‘s The Green Years (1946). Following that performance, Coburn’s big screen appearances slowed down significantly. He had signed a contract with Columbia Pictures in 1945, which required only four films in two years. This meant that the actor had more time to return to the stage and to dedicate time to television work, which he did with gusto starting in 1950 as a premiere guest on many anthology series. Still, Coburn made a few notable pictures in the 1950s delighting audiences with a comedic millionaire performance as Sir Francis “Piggy” Beekman in Howard Hawks‘ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), a role that could have easily been creepy portrayed by anyone else. He also played against type in John Guillermin‘s murder mystery, Town on Trial (1957), which I must get my hands on.
Coburn with Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe in a publicity shot for GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES
Coburn’s final screen appearance was in The Best of the Post, an anthology series adapted from stories published in the Saturday Evening Post magazine. The March 1960 episode is titled “Six Months More to Live.” That seems a somber ending to a stellar career, but one to be proud of for many reasons not the least of which is that Coburn appeared in five Oscar Best Picture nominees: Kings Row (1942), The More the Merrier (1943), Heaven Can Wait (1943), Wilson (1944) and Around the World in 80 Days (1956). Only the last of these won, but they were all improved by the Coburn brand.
At the time of his death Charles Coburn was married to Winifred Natzka who was forty-one years his junior. The two were married in 1959 and had a daughter together. The actor’s final acting role was fittingly on stage in a production of You Can’t Take It With You in Indianapolis, Indiana a week before his death at the age of eighty-four. The previous year he had been honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame located at 6268 Hollywood Boulevard. If you ever pass that address be sure to look downward at his star – it was well earned.
A Tribute to Charles Coburn Out of the blue I watched a new-to-me movie the other day about a retired Army Colonel who takes on corrupt politicians in his hometown in Georgia.
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perfettamentechic · 3 years
22 ottobre … ricordiamo …
22 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2018: Gilberto Benetton. A lui si deve la creazione dell’impero finanziario di famiglia.  (n. 1941) 2006: Arthur Hill, Arthur Edward Spence Hill, attore canadese noto per le apparizioni in teatro, film e televisione britannici e americani. (n. 1922) 1992: Cleavon Little, attore statunitense, ricordato principalmente per aver interpretato il personaggio dello sceriffo Bart nel film Mezzogiorno e…
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nsula · 5 years
Spring 2019 Honor List
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand forty-three undergraduates were named to Northwestern State University’s Honor List for the Spring 2019 semester. Students on the Honor List must be enrolled full-time and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49. Students listed by hometown are as follows.
 Abbeville – Annemarie Broussard, MaKayla Lewis, Zabrinia Spates;
 Aimwell – Jonathan Poole;
 Alexandria – Markeyla Anderson, Gavin Arabie, Sharenthia Chew, Angel Christophe, Josyf Das Neves, Joshua Dorsey, Alexis Flowers, Kelvina Ford, Zuleika Fountain, Vanity Givens, Kyle Guillory, Khloe Jasper, Whitney Joffrion, Gustov Johnson, Martavius King, Ashley Koestler, Kasey Lacombe, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, Jimmie Magee, Dean Mayeux, Jason McDaniel, Jalyn Mcneal, Ashley Mitchell, John O’Dell, Madison Ogorek, Tiffany Ore, Sadae Polk, Alyssa Rivers, Mart Sampson, Brandy Sayer, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Kiaijah Thomas, Hailey Urena, Jenna Wade, Alysha Walker, Aalyiah Williams;
 Amelia – Renwick McPherson;
 Anacoco – Rachel Fournier, Angela Guy, Andrea Halladay, Tristan Harvey, Madeleine Hensley, Aaron Norris, Jason Ortiz, Ireland Slocum, Amanda Sorg, Tyler Stephens, Emily Williams, Rhonda Perry,
 Arlington, Texas -- Mariah Denson, Devin Gipson, O’Shea Jackson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd, Bailey Dautreuil, Maddison Janice;
 Athens – Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta – Ashley Mitchell, Jackson Teal, Jamie Wagley;
 Aurora, Colorado – William Mccullough;
 Avondale – Mikala Clark;
 Bastrop – Alisha Bolton;
 Baton Rouge – Jordan Hall, Melvin Hudson;
 Belcher – Loriann Long;
 Boyce – Lane Robinson
 Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Angel Chavez, Christopher Constance, Bryan Sayes, Vanessa Toney, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Allenicia Arbet;
 Baton Rouge – Mark Alexander, Chloe Castello, Ricky Chatman, Shelby Christian, Briyonna Collins, Madison Harris, Mckane Kinchen, Griffin Lundin, Cydni Millican, Rachel Monsour, Katie Pham, James Steelman, Jharon Whitfield;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Bedford, Texas – Katina Booker;
 Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Kelly Bass, Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones,
 Benton – Bryanna Cooper, Steven Gardner, Milla Gonzales, Grayson Isom, Colby Ponder, Blaine Reeder, Hannah Schott, Jackson Mathews, Megan Russell;
 Bermuda – Michael Vienne;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Big Spring, Texas – Kristin Wilson;
 Birmingham, Alabama – Emma Wallace;
 Bogalusa – Amanda Crawford, Taylor Johnson;
 Bossier City – Yetunde Adegbovega, Austin Averitt, Abigail Castillo, Kendall Corkern, Cameron Davis, Daniel Dial, Kimberly Eloby, Ri’Kaela England, Khairig Frost, Hannah Gaspard, Margaret Gates, Jacob Guest, Tangy Heilbling, Ashlynn Henderson, Jordan Hunter, Shane Kaiser, Alyssa Kidd, Seth Lowery, Jordan Markle, Rebecca Markle, Jennifer Martinez, Rance Mason, Coby McGee, Alexa Montgomery, Yuridia Olea, Sabri Parks, Shelby Peebles, Brittani Phillips, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Litzy Rivera, Gabriela Rodriguez, Madison Rowland, Rheagan Rowland, Dakota Schudalla, Makayla Strother, Trevor Tackett, Kellie Toms, Bobby Trichel, Madalyn Watson, Pamula Whicker, Elizabeth Zanca, Nour Zeidan;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
 Boyce – Savanna Budnik, Timothy Glass, Kaitlyn Miller, Jessie Turner, Julia Watson;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Buffalo, New York – LeTerrance Reed;
 Bunkie – Izola Williams;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine;
 Campti – Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kourtney Horton, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd, Madison McLaren;
 Canton, Texas – Tiffany Cayson, Jack Dyre;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Malik Babin, Chaney Dodge, Harold Williams;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Samantha Arellano Chavz, Edwin Castro Frias, Jalima Dias, Miledys Jiminez Vasquez, Daniel Racero Rocha, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Sadoc Silva Calderon;
 Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Hogan Nealy;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Chalmette – Isaiah Carpenter, Gabriel Ernest, Sara Mendoza;
 Chatham – Jonathan Gill;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer;
 Clarence – Quintarous Coleman, Kimberly Reliford;
 Clinton – Arianna Parrish;
 Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
 Colfax – Camren Bell, Kensey Knight, Paidin Luneau, Kaitlyn Slalyter, Ontavius Williams;
 Colorado Springs, Colorado – Sarah Wagner;
 Columbia – Jackson McCann;
 Columbus, Mississippi – William Taylor;  
 Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Victoria Gasper, Wade Hicks, Jared Jagneaux, Skyler Laroux, Ashley Sims, Delia Smith, Triston Waldon;
 Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
 Cottonport – Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs, Christine Lemoine;  
 Coushatta – Journi Brown, Faith Cason, La’Zaria Clark, Jon Hester, Tawanda Johnson, Amey Sepulvado;
 Covington – Madison Blanks, Sarah Shiflett, Jennifer Vo;
 Coyolilla Veracruz, Mexico – Guadalupe de Jesus Mendez Zaragoza;
 Crowley – Mc’Kayleen Milson;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps;
 Cut Off – Zachary Breaux, Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Dallas – Nadia Carney;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 DeQuincy – Hayden Robertson;
 DeRidder – Carson Brown, Lauren Callis, Maygin Chesson, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, Katherine Goodman, Michelle Green, Alexis Holland, Elliott Jones, Ethel Jones, Jordan Mack-McNair, Presley Phelps, Richard-Jayson Puzon, Morgan Smith, Heather Sorton, Madison Tilley, Tyler Wright, Airiuna Satchell;
 Delhi – KeDiejah Cooper;
 Denham Springs – Samantha Burgess, Joni Burlew, Caleb Callender, Zyneshia Jennings;
 Deville – Emily Bonial, Courtney DeVille, Amy Henderson, Ashtyn Knapp, Karlee Littleton, Morgan McCrory, Caleb Rhodes, Marcia Rogers, Garrett Sellers;
 Dodson – Nolan Griffin, Brendan Thomas;
 Donaldsonville – Jermaine Collier, Natalie Landry;
 Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
 Doyline – Carmesia Russell;
 Dry Prong – Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Oilvia Hancock, Kayla Loyd;
 Dubberly – Audrie Dison;
 Duson – Alexandra Broussard, Desmond Prejean;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Ravon Nero;
 Elizabeth – Hannah LaCaze;
 Elmer – Victoria Coleman
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux, Emily Deshotel;
 Falfurrias, Texas – Marco Arevalo;
 Farmerville – Adrianna Loyd, Jalissa Loyd;
 Fayetteville, Arkansas – Cody Coleman;
 Ferriday – Dalenesha Wimley;
 Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Katelynn Alford, Danielle Anthony, Gabrielle Bryant, Braelyn Calhoun, Magon Lester, Ashton Remedies, Jordan Weldon;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Randall Ruffner;
 Folsom – Monique Basse, Shaylee Laird;
 Forest Hill – Adrianne Dore;
 Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
 Fort Polk – Brittany Chadwick, Mara Eifolla, Jayla Hart, Andrea Marquez, Madison Popp, Amanda. Ridenhour, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Kiara Turner, TeKweena Wilson, Alexie Sarabia;
 Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
 Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
 Franklin – Zachary McEndree;
 Franklinton – Randy Garza, Brittany Sanders;
 Frierson – Mason Barnes;
 Frisco, Texas – Hallie McCarroll;
 Geisman – Rylee Leglue;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Garland, Texas – Joseph Goodson, Kobe Poole, Nia Randall;
 Geismar – Elijah John-Baptiste;
 Georgetown – Kaleb Hudson;
 Glenmora – Reagan Humphries, Abbie Johnson, Kerstyn Johnson;
 Gloster – Caitlyn Burford, Paris Gillum;
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Chaquera Caldwell, Ashlyn Chenevert;
 Grand Cane – Sandra Kimble, Ciana Mcintyre, Emily Miller;
 Grand Isle – Abigail Frazier;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Garrett;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot;
 Greenwood – Leah Evans, Tamera Harris, Trenton Starks;
 Gretna – Braxton Brown, Leroy Holmes, Nadia Johnson, Michael Wilson;
 Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hahnville – Cierra Puryear, Colin Vedros;
 Hammond – Kaylon Wiloughby;
 Harlengen – Frances Knight;
 Harvey – Destiny Johnson;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Shakayla Bell, Katelynn Edwards, Anitra Fayad, Camry Heath, Kylee Jackson, Timothy Newell, Angie Nguyen, Makenezie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Bailee Rattanachai, Kaylee Sanford, Joshua Steele, Megan Tilley, Laura Waldroup, Katherine Weeks, Kacie Wilkinson, Chases Woltz, India Wright;
 Haynesville – Jmarquiez Robinson, Sabrina Sowell, Michael Turner, Allysa Dodds;
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Kyle Smith;
 Henderson – Andrew Blackmon;
 Hessmer – Daren Dauzat;
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll;
 Homer – Francene Ferguson, Keyana Mccoy, Mariah West;
 Hornbeck – Lane Alford, Ariel Rodgers;
 Houma -- Courtney Chancellor, Rhiannon Dean, Venessa McKinley;
 Houston – Rafael Bonilla, Jennifer Hitt, Casey Irvin, Natashia Jackson;
 Humble, Texas – Toiquisha Johnson, Furquan Shorts;
 Independence – Maria Thomas-Alfaro, Chloe Whiddon;
 Iowa – Keiona Guy;
 Jasper, Texas – Linsey Guthrie;
 Jeanerette – David Blakesley;  
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Tiara Brown, Braegan Burlew, Candace Decker, Madison Erwin, Jasmine Furlow, Chelsea Redd, Tyler Thomas;  
 Jennings – Destiny Brown, Anayah Joseph;
 Jonesboro – Ashlyn Gaines, JaVonna Lawrence, Alex Toms;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittnay Cecil, Floyd Turner;
 Keatchie – Sarah Plaisance;  
 Keithville – Germany Jones, Shelby Loftin, Cara Lorenen, Maya Porter;  
 Kenner – Emily Bennett, Willie Soniat, Parul Sharma;
 Kentwood – Iris Travis;
 Kernen – Antonia Blattner;
 Kinder – Teralyn Plumber;
 Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
 Labadieville – Jacellynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
 Lacombe – Amy Schneider;
 Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Ashanti Alfred, LaToya Bellard, Emma Burlet, Jared Dore, Reagan Guillory, Jacob Hawkins, Qualantre Jackson, Michele Kramer, JaKayle Lee, Paul Martin, Skylar Mccoy, Robert Middleton, Sarah Palmintier, Aishwarya Patel, Tylar Senegal, John Touchet, Ireland Williams, China Young;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Charles – Landon Dore, Camren Green, Joel Moreaux, Jordan Mulsow, Destany Washington;
 LaPlace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
 Le Mars, Iowa – Shannon Smith;
 League City, Texas – Lacee Savage, Blake Tessitore;
 Leander – Karissa Boswell;
 Lebeau – Sharissa Tanner;
 Lecompte – Logan Cheek;
 Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Cecilia Alfaya, Kimberly Alwell, Jebediah Barrett, Hailey Brantley, Kaylee Buby, Victoria Butler, Anthony Cantrell, Charlotte Cassin, Joseph Cryer, Cameron Davis, Marlee Dowden, Payton Gordy, Caleb Hillman, Hanna Johnson, Zachary Keeton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, Gerard Lord, Brianna Maricle, Billy McGhee, Amy McKellar, Ashley McKellar, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, Cesar Santos, Dalton Schulte, Erin Schwartz, Megan Trask, Tabitha Vasquez, Marissa Weldon, Lana West, Cheyene Wise, Mikayla Zills;
 Lena – Dillon Guin, Courtnee Hamberlin, Cortland Smith;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Little Elm, Texas – Daniel Larin;
 Little Rock, Arkansas – Whitney Jinks;
 Livingston – Jay Gentry-Pace;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Rebecca Tomlin, Shelby Woods, Kendoyle Cox;
 Loranger – Cambree Bailey;
 Lubbock, Texas – Miranda Stroud;
 Mansfield – Tremeon Allen, Latyeauna Goodwin, Nicolette Hogan, Canessia Johnson, Demetric Preston, Madylin Sullivan, Kyah Wilson,
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Bailey Perrilloux;
 Mandeville -- Mya Holmes, Jalen Willis;
 Many – Jocelyn Cannon, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Sydni Easley, Kyle Elliott, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Moses Gonzales, Jessie Johnson, Clayton Kelley, Lathan Meyers, Darion Miller, Matthew Peace, Andrew Penfield, Tanner Rains, Madison Rutherford, Aubrey Sepulvado, Mallary Veuleman;
 Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Nichole Dauzat, Leah Dupuy, Kayle Gaspard, Olivia Johnson, Victoria Lucas;
 Marrero – Kelsey Brooks, Lius Escobar;
 Marshall, Texas – Alexis Balbuena, Abagale Godrey;
 Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Veronica James, Thomas Lirette;
 Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
 Merryville – Kyleah Franks;
 Mesquite, Texas – Eric Renova, Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Madysen Norra;
 Midland, Texas – Channing Burleson;
 Minden – Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Abby Greene, Karasha Harris, Kiara Jenkins, Donna Law, Asata Sylvas, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
 Monroe – Demonta Brown, Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Kiara Drumgo, Taylor Edwards, Jaronda Griffin, Prettyunje Hunter, Diamond Knox-Jackson, Ashley Murphy, Keldrick Ward;
 Montegut – Stephanie Cohen;
 Monterey – Rebecca Womack;
 Montgomery – Tabatha Bowlin, Payton Carroll, Gerald Chelette, Hailee Skains, Laryn Graves;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mora – Gracy Rowell;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander, Ashley Dunnam;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Cass Arnold, Aaron Averett, Thomas Balthazar, Adam Barnes, Blake Bechtel, Terrius Bell, Kacy Bonds, Matthew Brown, Charles Bouchie, Santaurus Burr,Ladiamond Burrell,  Dominitra Charles, Kaleb Chesser, Lane Clevenger, Jessica Coleman, Kaia Collins, Christian Cunningham, Sean Day, Moises Florez-Perez, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Abbie Garner, Peyton Graham, Denetria Green, Pamela Gross, Thomas Hadzeriga, Jalen Hall, Jasmine Hall, Samantha Hall, Deshon Hayes, Jett Hayes, Saul Hernandez, David Holmes, Jasmine Howard, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Emily Johnson, Karlee Laurence, Robert Lee, Emily Leone, Christopher Lewis, Helen-Lois Mancil, Wesley Manuel, Savannah Maricle, Brooklyn Martin, Tyler McCain, Lamarr McGaskey, Kristin McQuillin, Joshua Minor, Jair Morelos Castilla, Jakori Morris, Katelyn Murphy, Tori Neitte, Matthew Nelson, Donovan Ohnoutka, Christian Owens, Leilani Padilla, Kenneth Penrod, Eryn Percle, Veronica Pikes, Kenneth Poleman, Katherine Rachal, Michael Raymond, Jeffrey Remo, Devin Reyes, Kayla Rokett, Taylor Rutledge, Shelbi Ryan, Jalon Sangster, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalie Sers, Anna Sibley, Athena Smith, Blake Teekell, Joseph Thibodaux, Margaret Thompson, Lantz Vercher, Elizabeth Vienne, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Laurin Waldrip, Jacob Ware, Brianna Watermolen, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Ellen Wells, Deondra White, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shavon Williams,
 Natchez – Victoria Bradford, James Rougeou, Lauren Seawood;  
 Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
 New Iberia – Mia Bashay, Dainell Ledet, Alex Romero;
 New Llano – Deja Castille, Laura Cowell, Kendra Jones, Earnesta Riggins, Gabriel Vargas, Caden Wheeler;
 New Milford, Connecticut – Lisa Rosenberg;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Nyasha Brown, Damon Carter, Jeron Duplantier, Darlene Fairley, Matthew Gonzales, Omar Hall, RyShaneka Kirsh, Maxwell Martello, Phallon Robinson, Jonae Skinner, Rishard Winford;  
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Shelby Etheridge, Tiffany McMillion, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
 North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
 Oak Ridge – Kelly Futch;
 Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Destani Johnson;
 Olla – Morgan Barbo, Amanda Fenoli, Savannah Kirl;
 Omro, Wisconsin – Jason Kralovetz;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Kayla Pitre, Lashante Richard, Kallie Zeringue;
 Paris, Texas – Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tyler Howard;
 Pensacola, Florida – Mallory McClain;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Melissa Barnhill, April Cain, Erika Carter, Korey Cleveland, Luke Conway, Sydney Duhon, Selena Ferguson, Ameera Ghannam, Ollie Gossett, Leia Graham, Megan Jacks, Trey Joseph, Ethan Lachney, Brooke Leger, Rodney Lonix, Sierra Matney, Sonya McClellan, Autumn McSwain, Abby Nichols, James Perry, Hannah Pusateri, Christina Rachal, Amaria Sapp, Elizabeth Shuler, Laikyn Slusher, Robert Tabor, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes;
 Pitkin – Braydon Doyle, Jayce Doyle, Jessica Jones;
 Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
 Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
 Plaucheville – Alexis Casarez;
 Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrik;  
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Sarah Hunt, Dalton Kopp, Allyssa Zemp;
 Ponchatoula – Keyadda Brim, Kaitlyn Hawkins;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Evan Daigle, Kaleb Gauthier;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Kristen Sonnier;
 Prairieville – Hannah Beason, Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Kristen Prettelt, Lysia Varisco, Elllise Vice, Brady Wilson, Faith Wilson;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson;
 Princeton – Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
 Quitman – Cindy Crawford;
 Raceland – Emily Adams;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Bishop Breaux;
 Reno, Nevada – Sydney Oren;
 Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, Texas – Ebonie Francis;
 Ridgecrest – Melissa Kelly;
 Ringgold – McKenzie Davidson, Autumn McCoy, Olivia Prado;
 River Ridge – Rachel Chimeno;
 Robeline – Chad Berly, Patricia Goodwin, Hannah Hennigan, Kristal Lachney, Kacy Morae, Ember O’Bannon, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Hannah Schoth;
 Rosepine -- Emilee Johnson;
 Ruston – Paul Bryant, Tekiren Evans, Jalen Garrison, Seth Hartsfield, Christopher Letendre, Aujani Richburg;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot;  
 St. Bernard – Ashlie Kieff, Emily Snyder;
 St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
 St. Martinville – Belinda Alexander, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White, Cassandra Zenon;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Makayla Jackson, Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche, Aaron Savell;
 San Antonio, Texas – Matthew Aguilera, Anthony Renteria;
 Sarepta – Katie Ingle;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Tayla Soileau;
 Shreveport – Aubrey Allen, Katelynn Benge, Frances Boggs, Leta Broome, Makayla Bryant, Shatericka Christor, Kesherion Collins, Naterria Davis, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Miya Douglas, Daja Easter, Deadrian Egans, Meghan Fry, Cassidy Giddens, Savon Gipson, Ellen Grappe, MIzzani Grigsby, Lindsey Hagan, Adrianne Hampton, Katelyn Householder, Shelby Hunter, Jazzmine Jackson, John Jefferson, Drake Johnson, Korynthia Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Alicia King, Lauren Lee, Samantha Lyons, Tiffany Mack, Caitlyn Malloy, Christopher Markham, Andria Mason, Ashley Mason, Tifphany McClinton, Rici McDonald, Claire McMillan, Samantha Metoyer, Najah Mitchell, Brittney Nicleso-Rayfus, Megan Osborn, Tara Pair, Tierry Perry, Christina Peterson, Kalyn Phillips, Hayden Pilcher, Sierra Prelow, Shelby Reddy, Grayson Roberts, Jalisa Roberts, Savonya Robinson, Madelyn Ruiz, Amanda Rushing, Breanna Samuel, Angelica Satcher, Shermaine Shorter, Jackiesha Simmons, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Kendria Smith, Jessica Sowers, Jamie Stewart, Somer Stratton, Lindsey Stroud, Khalil Sumlin, Destini Sweet, Hailey Thomas, Anne Tibbit, Katerina Vargas, Khamaria Vaughn, De’Andra Washington, Lakayla Whitaker, Gaylin White, Jamisa Williams, Lajayda Williams, Tre’Darius Williams, Kristy Wilson, India Wright;  
 Sibley – Madison Mouser;
 Sieper – Emily George;
 Simmesport – Lexi Gremillion, Elise Normand;
 Simpson – Katelynn Martin;
 Slidell – Terran Cole, Noah Glass, Tristan Johnson, Rachel Reed, Maci Walgamotte, Thomas Garner;
 Sondheimer – Anna Marsh;
 Springfield – Tyler Pigott;
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Bessie Cable, Dawson Cranford, Emma Delafield, Emmy Hinds, Robert McAllen, Mackenzie Panther, Maguire Parker, Heather Schiller, Tehya McDonald, Chassidy Sutton;
 Sugar Land, Texas – Jake Gore;
 Sulphur – Andrew Stephens;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Lauren Pope;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Taylor, Texas – Jake English;  
 Texarkana, Texas – Daphne Hammett, Kristin McDuffie, Jasmine Neal;
 Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch
 Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
 Tomball, Texas – Natalee Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Toronto, Ontario – Rhea Verma;
 Trout – Makayla King, Haley Lisenby, Kalee Mcguffee, Andrea Walters;
 Troy, New York – Kasey Whitmore;
 Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
 Ville Platte – Gabrielle Chapman, Nicholas Blood, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Shae Cramer, Toby Stanley, Alayna Zaunbrecher;
 Violet – Callie Maschmeyer;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott, Chase Lewis;
 Vossburg, Mississippi – Chequira Bonner;
 Walker – Madison Arnold;
 Walworth, New York – Devonne Seelig;
 Washington – Kyeishia Evans, Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Blakely Canfield, Zink Kiper, Laken Thompson;
 Welsh – Autumn Hanks;
 West Helena, Arkansas – Brittani Arana;
 West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Austin Dodson, Brianna Fife, Kennedy Ford, Allison Freeman, Aubrey Gamble, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford, Madison Shidiskis, Melissa Taylor, Christopher Wynn;  
 Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
 Wilmington, Delaware – Amy Bourett;
 Winnfield – Annalise Austin, Harli Austin, Rhonda Duff, Kara Grantadams, Rakeen Williams, Caroline Womack;
 Winnsboro – A’Lexus Johnson;
 Woodworth – Lexus Weston;
 Youngsville – Devin Forestier, Devyn Shores, Sophia Toranto;
 Zachary – Laney Davis;
 Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Dayton Craig, Trenton Malmay, Ariana Martinez, Treveon Perry, Autumn Wyatt.
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placesiwannagoto · 3 years
woodland trails sussex
charles e burchfield nature & art center
sunshine park
wendt beach park
mill road park
kinzua rail viaduct
five mile park tucumcari
five mile park tucumari pool
cazenovia creek wildlife management area
harlem road park
dorrance park
switzer park
hillery park
brookdale park
children's memorial park
raymond park
honeycrest playground
dartwood park
orchard acres park
eiffel park
cheektowaga volunteer firemen's park
bailey peninsula natural habitat park
greenway nature trail
keysa park
heritage trail
meadow lea park
westwood park
walden pond park
port dalhousie waterfront trail
cranberry lake preserve
kenneglenn scenic and nature preserve
orchard hill nature center
dater mountain nature park
shagbark nature park
hunters creek county park
walker's creek
bell slip
dufferin islands nature area
rolin t grant gulf wilderness park
rosberg family park
larkin woods/franklin gulf
stevensville conservation area
golden orchard park
canal valley
rouge valley conservation center
wilma quinlan nature preserve
orchard hills park
merritt island park
niagara regional native center
victoria junction
humberstone marsh conservation area
siamese ponds wilderness
green ribbon trail
heartland forest nature experience
louth conservation area
larry delazzer nature park
marcy's woods
rouge national urban park
mud lake conservation area
heaven hill trails
rockway conservation area
tillman road wildlife management area
great baehre swamp wildlife management area
ellicott creek trail way park
hunters creek county park
walton woods park
swallow hollow
tow path park
darien lakes state park
tonawanda wildlife management area
tinker nature park/hansen nature center
panama rocks scenic park
turkey hill overlook trail
chimney bluffs state park
midway state park
great baehre conservation park
pop warner rail trail
laclair kindel wildlife sanctuary
ricketts glen
falls trail benton pa
delaware water gap national recreation area
shoshone park
hudson highlands state park
tucquan glen nature preserve
whitewater challengers
george w child's park
lytle nature preserve
shawnee state park
french creek state park
birdsong parklands
union canal tunnel park
hickory hollow natural area preserve
bushy run battlefield
sodus point new york
codorus state park
elizabeth a morton national wildlife refuge
woodward cave
friends of memorial lake and swarta state parks
mason dixon trail
conewago recreation trail
houghton park
kaaterskills falls trail head
storm king state park
frank e jadwin memorial state forest
abandoned restrooms lafayette square
shelton square comfort station
lafayette square comfort station
ps 75 abandoned
j.n. adam memorial hospital
sattler theatre
rail yard through tifft
jackson sanatorium
gallagher beach
gallagher beach silo
buffalo audubon society
town of lockport nature trail
abandoned roswell springville
witchs grave south of springville on the road walmart is on
buildings at intersection of west ave & tonawanda st near niagara
abandoned brylin in alden
ward road and niagara falls boulevard bell aircraft
perry projects abandoned
south long beach
kings park psychiatric center
floyd bennett field
clarence escarpment sanctuary
fort tilden
fort totten
flooded gypsum mines around old peanut line clarence
onondaga escarpment caves
landstone drive mansion abandoned clarence
blackrock/riverside train tracks
clarence bike path
abandoned buffalo china building
clarence nature center
bassett park
75 hayes place buffalo
abandoned art deco train terminal
the gel mac silo
abandoned millard fillmore gates hospital
delta reservoir
castle on the hill/physical culture hotel in dansville
elko quaker bridge
love canal
concrete central elevator
southwick beach state park
ray bay
lake erie beach
split rock falls
otter falls
stony kill falls
vernooy falls
enfield falls
buttermilk falls
dunkley falls
bournes beach
the old sea plane ramp at lasalle park
murder creek
new ireland
frontier town schroon lake
rt. 77 lewiston road east of alabama
bethlehem steel lackawanna plant
kinzua dam
oswego new york hamlet
red house
iron island museum
venus fountain statue wolcott
worlds largest pancake griddle penn yan
central terminal buffalo
mount st mary's nursing home niagara falls
hh richardson complex
niagara falls police station ontario
st ann's cathedral buffalo
toronto power generating station ontario
mutual riverfront park
penn dixie fossil park & nature preserve
gorcica field
chestnut ridge park commissioner's cabin
eagle crest
seneca bluffs
erie county forest
buffalo harbor state park
wilkeson point
knox farm state park
eighteen mile creek lake
mountain meadows park
elma meadows park
hunters creek county park
como lake park
broderick park
lake erie beach park
windmill point park
ellicott creek park
westwood park
meadow lea park
hobuck flats
colden lakes resort
black rock canal park
town of orchard park skate park
beaver island golf course
town of sardinia music in the park
oppenheim county park
hyde park
reservoir state park
southtown salt cave
knights hide-away park
brook gardens
0 notes
altusfl · 6 years
39.  The 1987 Season --- Team rosters
Team by team breakdown of more noted players in the 1987 season
Atlanta - QB Steve Bartkowski,QB Walter Lewis, RB Kirby Warren, FB Ken Talton, WR Marcus Anderson, WR/KR Cormac Carney, DL Curtis Anderson, and NT Bob Nelson OLB Cornelius Bennett, ILB Larry Kolic, P Jim Grupp K Efren Herrera 
Arizona- QB Alan Risher, QB Doug Woodward RB Kevin Nelson,RB Nuu Faaola, RB Scott Stamper, RB Randy Johnson RB John Barnett,FB Mack Boatner, WR Jackie Flowers, WR Neil Bahlholm, WR Lenny Willis, TE Mark Keel, G Carl Roberts G Frank Kalil, C Mike Katolin OL Jeff Kiewel RG Alvin Powell, DE Skip McLendon, DE/NT Mark Buben DE Mike Mraz DT Stan Mataele NT Dan Saleamua OLB Ed Smith, OLB Ben Apuna, OLB Scott Stephen MLB Byron Evans  DB Lance Shields DB Eddie Brown  DB Gordon Bunch,FS Allen Durden SS David Fulcher SS Don Schwartz P/K Frank Corral 
Birmingham- QB Cliff Stoudt,QB Bob Lane, QB Mike Shula, RB Brent Fullwood, RB Earl Gant, FB Tommie Agee FB Leon Perry WR Jim Smith, WR Joey Jones, WR Ron Fredrick, WR Perry Tuttle, WR Greg Richardson TE Darryl Mason TE Allama Matthews T Pat Phenix, T Robert Woods G Pat Saindon, G Buddy Aydelette, C Tom Banks G Dave Drechsler DE Jon Hand DE Dave Purifory DE Jackie Cline DE/DT Jimmy Walker DT Doug Smith, DE/DT Ronnie Paggett,  NT Donnie Humphrey OLB Herb Spencer,LB Dallas Hickman, LB Thomas Boyd CB Ricky Ray CB Dennis Woodberry CB Frank Reed DB Dave Dumars  SS Billy Cesare FS Mike Thomas FS Chuck Clanton P Danny Miller K Scott Norwood 
Boston - QB Mike Hohensee QB Steve Beuerlein RB Troy Stratford, RB Richard Crump, WR Joey Walters, WR Kelvin Martin WR Nolan Franz, TE Dan Ross, T Pat Staub G Steve Trapillo G John Schmeding G Gerry Raymond C Mike McLaughlin DE John Bosa,DE Kenny Neil DE Robert Banks DE Wally Klein NT Mike Ruth OLB Ben Needham ILB Marcus Marek CB Goldie Lockbaum CB Woorow Wilson S Joe Restic P Bucky Scribner K John Carney
Chicago-QB Vince Evans, QB Jack Trudeau RB Bo Jackson, RB Thomas Rooks, FB Keith Byars, WR David Williams,WR Steve Bryant, WR Doug Donely, WR Jaime Holland WR James Maness TE Cap Boso, TE Jerry Reese LT Mark Dennis, LT Lee Spivey,LT Duane Wilson,RT Jim Juriga,RG Arland Thompson, C Bill Winters  DE Tyrone Keys DE Don Thorp, DE Ken Gillen, NT Paul Hanna DT Tony Suber ILB Pepper Johnson ILB Jeff Leiding LB Byron Lee LB Scott Leach LB Larry Kolic OLB/DB Jim Bob Morris, OLB/DB John Barefeild OLB/DB Larry James CB Rod Hill, FS Craig Swoope DB Mike Ulmer S Sonny Gordon P Jim Miller K Max Zendejas
Denver- QB Doug Flutie, QB Bob Gagliano RB Bill Johnson, WR Leonard Harris, WR/KR Marc Lewis, WR Vincent White,WR Frank Lockett, LT Steve Rogers, C Tom Davis OL Sid Abramowitz DE Bruce Thornton, DE Calvin Turner, ILB John Nevens, LB Greg Gerken CB/PR David Martin, CB David Dumars CB Nate Miller, P Jack Weil K/P Jim Asmus (Future deals- FS Scott Thomas, MLB Terry Maki, and CB Tom Rotello)
Hawaii - QB Jack Thompson, QB Robbie Bosco,QB/RB/WR Raphel Cherry, WR Walter Murray, WR Mark Bellini , WR Glen Kozlowski, RB/PR/KR Gary Allen, RB Del Rodgers, RB Anthony Edgar RB/PR/KR Vai Sikahema,  FB Lakei Heimuli, FB Tom Tuipulotu, TE Trevor Molini, TE David Mills, RT Jim Mills LT Darryl Haley, LT Dean Miraldi T Vince Stroth, T Nick Eyre, T Wayne Faalafua G Joe Onosai G Louis Wong G Bernard Carvalho, C Ed Riewerts C Robert Anae DE Jason Buck DE Jim Herrmann DE Brandon Flint DE Brad Anae, DE Junior Filiaga,  DT Kit Lathrop DT Tom Tuinei DT Colin Scotts, DT Brad Smith, OLB Kyle Whittigham, OLB Leon White, LB Cary Whittingham, LB Filipo Mokofisi, MLB Kurt Gouveia,MLB Marv Allen CB Dana McLemore CB Jeff Griffin  CB Manny Hendrix, DB/KR Erroll Tucker, FS Blaine Gaison FS Jeff Wilcox SS Mark Kafentzis SS Kyle Morrell SS Jeff Sprowls, S Verlon Redd P/TE Clay Brown K Paul Woodside
Houston- QB Jim Kelly, QB Todd Dillon WR Richard Johnson, WR Ricky Sanders, WR/PR Gerald McNeil, WR/KR Clarence Verdin, RB Sam Harrell, RB Darryl Clark, LT Bryan Dausin RT Tommy Robinson T Ernie Rogers, T Denver Johnson RG Billy Kidd, LG Scott Boucher, C Frank Kalil, DE Pete Catan, DE Cleveland Crosby DE Hosea Taylor DE Charles Benson DT Tony Fitzpatrick DT Hosea Taylor  OLB Andy Hawkins, MLB Kiki DeAyala, OLB Mike Hawkins,  CB Will Lewis CB Mike Mitchell FS Luther Bradley FS Hollis Hall SS Calvin Eason,S Tommy Myers P Dale Walters K Toni Fritsch,
Jacksonville- QB Ed Luther, QB Robbie Mahfouz WR Alton Alexis, WR Perry Kemp, WR Wyatt Henderson RB Kevin Mack, KR/RB Tony Boddie,RB Archie Griffin, FB Larry Mason T Bob Gruber G George Collins C Jay PennisonT Roy simmons C Mike Reuther,RT Ralph Williams, LG Rich garza,DE Mike Raines, DE Keith Millard, DE Phil Dokes OLB tom dinkle LB OLB Joe Castillo, CB Van Jakes S Don Bessillieu S Chester Gee CB Mark Harper DB Bobby Hosea, P/K Brian Franco
Los Angeles- QB Rick Neuheisel, QB Mike Rae RB Christian Okoye, RB Reggie Brown   RB/KR Jarvis Redwine, WR JoJo Townsell, WR Mike Sherrad WR John Jefferson WR Duane Gunn TE Tim Wrightman TE Ricky Ellis OL Rod Walters, Vince Stroh, Bob Simmons, Doug Hoppock, Perry Harnett, &  Jerry Doerger,  C Mike Katolin & G Alvin Powell, DE Lee Williams, DT George Achica, DE Fletcher Jenkins, DE Ben Rudolph DT Eddie Weaver,DE Dennis Edwards, DE Ray Cattage, DE Rich Dimler OLB Eric Scoggins ILB Howard Carson,LB Danny Rich  LB Sam Norris CB John Hendy CB Tyrone Justin CB/S Mike Fox SS Tim McDonald P Jeff Partridge K Tony Zendejas,
Memphis- QB Warren Moon, QB Mike Kelley, WR/KR Derrick Crawford, WR Derek Holloway WR Greg Moser,  WR Sam Graddy, WR Ted Wilson, WR Gizmo Williams RB Tim Spencer, RB Harry Sydney, FB Cornelius Quarles, TE Keli McGregor RG Myke Horton G Bill Mayo DE Reggie White, DE/DT Calvin Clark LB Rod Shoate, LB Mike Brewington CB Mossy Cade CB Leonard Coleman CB mike thomas CB/s Mike Fox DB Terry Love FS Vic Minor SS Barney Bussey P Jimmy Colquitt K Alan Duncan
Miami – QB Vinny Tesreverde, QB Don Strock RB Curtis Bledsoe, RB George Works, RB/PR/KR Eric Robinson  FB Dwayne Crutchfield, WR Eddie Brown,  WR/KR Mike Harris WR Greg Taylor, WR Ricky Simmons WR Elmer Bailey TE Willie Smith TE Bob Niziolek LT Joel Patten RT Jeff Seevy RT/RG Dave Pacella RG Ed Fulton C/G Brian Musselman C Tony Loia T Ed Muransky Vaughn Harman DE Willie Broughton DE Ken Fagan DE Greg Feilds, DE Malcolm Taylor,DT Jerome Brown, DT Dan Sileo, LDT Bennie Smith DE Bob Cobb DE/NT Richard Tharpe DT Kevin Kellin DT Gurnest Brown  OLB Winston Moss LB Jon McVeigh LOLB Darnell Dailey ROLB Joe Hines MLB Mike Muller LB Ken Kelley CB Jeff Brown CB Reggie Sutton CB Trent Bryant CB Willie Holley FS Victor Jackson SS Mike Guess  P Greg Cater  K Jeff Brockhaus
Michigan – QB Richard Todd, QB Jim Harbaugh QB Whit Taylor RB John Williams, FB Albert Bentley,WR Anthony Carter, WR Chris Carter, WR Anthony Allen, TE Mike Cobb,TE Donnie Echols T Ray Pinney, T Chris Godfrey T Ken Dallafior,G Tyrone McGriff, G Thom Dornbrook, C Wayne Radloff, C/G George Lilja DE Larry Bethea DT/NT David Tipton DT Mike Hammerstein DT/DE Allen Hughes ILB Ray Bentley, OLB John Corker, OLB Kyle Borland OLB Angelo Snipes ILB Mike Mallory ILB Robert Pennywell CB Clarence Chapman,CB Brad Cochran CB Ron Osborne DB Oliver Davis S Garland Rivers S David Greenwood P Jeff Gossett K Novo Bojovich
New Jersey- QB Steve Young, QB Tom Ehrhardt RB Hershel Walker, RB Dwight Sullivan RB Calvin Murray, FB Maurice Carthon, WR Scott Schwedes, WR Clarence Collins WR Walter Broughton WR Tom McConnaughey WR Charlie Smith, TE Gordon Hudson, TE Brian Forster C Kent Hull, DE James Lockette, DE Ricky Williamson, DE Freddie Gilbert DT Tom Woodland, LB Jim LeClair, LB Mike Weddington CB Kerry Justin,CB Mike Williams CB Terry Daniels S Gregg Johnson DB Tony Thurman P Rick Partridge K Roger Ruzek
New Orleans- QB Reggie Collier, QB David Woodley,  RB Buford Jordan, RB Marcus DuPree, RB Anthony Steels, WR Trumaine Johnson, WR Jerry Gordon, WR Ron Johnson WR Mardye Mcdole TE Sam Bowers  T Broderick Thompson T Randy Theiss G Gerry Raymond, G Louis Oubre G Terry Crouch DT Jerald Bayless, DT Henry Thomas DT Jeff Gaylord, DT Larry McClain, DE Darryl Wilkerson DE Larry White NT Jerry Ball NT Oudious Lee  OLB Micheal Brooks KB ray phillips CB Lyndell Jones  S Charles Harbison S Tim Smith P Dario Casarino, K Tim Mazzetti
Oakland- QB Fred Besana, QB Tom Ramsey RB Eric Jordan, RB/KR Elmer James FB Tom Newton FB LaRue Harrington WR Gordon Banks, WR Ken Margerum, WR Lew Barnes WR Kevin Williams, TE Brian Williams, T Gary Zimmerman, T Jeff Hart,  G Tracy Franz, G Jim Leonard C Roger Levasa RDE Dave Browning, DE Greg Feilds, LDE Monte Bennett, NT Tim Moore OLB David Wyman OLB David Wyman OLB Tim Lucas OLB David Shaw ILB Gary Plummer LB Tony Caldwell LB Mark Stewart LCB Mark Collins,RCB Derrick Martin FS Frank Duncan SS Marcus Quinn,  P Stan Talley, K Sandro Vitiello
Oklahoma – QB Doug Williams, RB Ernest Anderson, RB Allen Pinkett, RB Andrew Lazarus, RB Vagus Ferguson,RB Mike Gunter FB Ted Sample, FB Derek Hughes, FB Jim Stone, WR Al Williams, WR Kris Haines, WR Lonnie Turner,TE Ron Wheeler,TE victor Hicks, LT Joe Levellis T Mike Perino, RT Jim Bob Lamb,G David Huffman, G Tom Thayer, C Mark Fischer,  DE Leslie O'Neal DE Bob Clasby, NT Tony Casillas ILB Putt Choate,OLB Dewey McClain OLB Kevin Murphy ILB Terry Beeson, LB Vic Koenning, LB Tony Furjanic CB Peter Raeford,CB Rock Richmond, CB Barry Copeland, CB Roney McMillan CB Lee Wilson DB Rod Brown FS Kelvin Middleton SS Herb Williams, P Case DeBrujin, K Luis Zendejas
Philadelphia-  QB Chuck Fusina, RB Kelvin Bryant, RB Paul Palmer RB Allen Harvin, FB David Riley  WR Scott Fitzkee, WR Willie Collier WR Tom Donovan TE Ken Dunek TE Steve Folsom RT Irv Eatman, RG Chuck Commiskey, C Bart Oates, LG George Gilbert LT Mike McClearn D Bill Dugan NT Pete Kugler, DE William Fuller, DE John Walker, DE/DT Willie Rosborough ILB Shane Conlan, ILB Glenn Howard, OLB John Bunting OLB George Cooper LB John Brooks CB Garcia Lane, CB John Sutton CB/S Roger Jackson FS Mike Lush, S Scott Woerner, SS Antonio Gibson  P Sean Landeta, K David Trout
Pittsburgh- QB Glen Carano, QB Craig Penrose, HB Mike Rozier, HB Walter Holman, RB/KR/PR Mel Grey FB Amos Lawrence WR Greg Anderson, WR Julius Dawkins, TE Joey Hackett LT Don Maggs LG Corbin C Correal RG Lukens RT Feilds OL Emil Boures LDE Sam Clancy RDE Tony Woods DE Doug Hollie DT Ken Times, DT Mike Morgan, DT Dennis Puha, LDT David Graham RDT Dombrowski DE Ike Griffin NT Laval Short LOLB Rich D'Amico ROLB Mike McKibben MLB Brian Bozworth,LB Craig Walls CB Jerry Holmes,CB Virgil Livers, S Tommy Wilcox, P Larry Swider K Tony Lee 
Tampa Bay – QB Chuck Long QB Jimmy Jordan, QB Ben Bennett RB Gary Anderson, RB Greg Allen,  FB Greg Boone,WR Larry Brodsky, WR Willie Gillespie WR Chris Castor TE Marvin Harvey, LT Dan Fike, RT Reggie Smith LG Chuck Pitcock RG Nate Newton C Chris Foote DE Mike Butler DE Don Feilder DE Walter Carter, NT Fred Nordgren, DT Mike Clark DE Jim Ramey ROLB Alonzo Johnson LOLB James Harrell, MLB Kelley Kirchbaum MLB Fred McAllister CB Jeff George,CB Warren Hanna, FS Zac Henderson SS Blaine Anderson DB Alvin Bailey DB Doug Beaudoin P/K Zenon Andrusyshyn,
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winsonsaw2003 · 4 years
I'm looking for descendants of Major General Henry Stuart Man (1815-1898)
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Major General Henry Stuart Man,Resident Councillor of Penang from(1860-1867).Major General Henry Man was born in 1815.Son Of Henry Man & Elizabeth Thompson. He served in the 49th Madras Native Infantry. He was the captain in 1848, serving in the second Anglo-Burmese was 1852-1853 later becoming executive engineer and superintendent of convicts at Mulmein, Burma. In 1858, he was the officer-in-charge of the detachment that secured the British landing at Port Blair and formally annexed the islands to the British Crown.He was promoted to Major-General in 1881. He died at 2 Palace Road Surbiton, England, on 10th April 1898 was buried at Thames Ditton, Surrey. Man was married to Emma Martha Thompson on 14 July 1842 in Madras.Their children were:-
> i)Harry Charles Hannam Man(1845-1918).
> ii)Edward Horace Man(1846-1929).
> iii)Arthur Charles Man(1847-1872).Unmarried.
> iv)Georgiana Emily Man(1849-1927) who married to Arthur Frederick Laughton.Their issue -
> ai)Herbert Furnell Laughton(1869-1954) married to Annie Kate Warner.
> aii)Arthur Lionel Laughton(1871).
> aii)Violet Evelyn Laughton(1872-1954) married to Charles Edward Lewis Heath.
> aiii)Eustace Harold Laughton(1875-1935)married May Orr.His issue:-
> bi)Evelyn Marquerite Laughton(1907-?)married Gordon Elphinstone.
> bii)Arthur Laughton married Madge Hutchinson.His issue:-
> ci)Kenneth Laughton.
> cii)Keith Laughton.
> biii)Winifred Laughton married Herbert C. Dean.
> aiv)Daisy Christine Laughton(1877).
> av)Kenneth Heath Laughton(1878-?)married to Helen Mitchell.His issue:-
> bi)Gwenda Elizabeth Laughton married Robert Johnstone Donaldson.Their issue:-
> ci)Peter Donaldson.
> cii)Christopher Heath Donaldson.
> ciii)Ian Donaldson.
> civ)John Donaldson.
> cv)Ann Donaldson.
> cvi)Michael Donaldson.
> cvii)Simon Roderick Donaldson.
> cviii)Bronwyn Mary Donaldson married Timothy James Barber.
> bii)Dorothy Laughton.
> avi)Grace Winifred Laughton(1880-1957)married Frederick Arthur Lowry Barnwell.Their issue:-
> bi)Frederick Reginald Lowry Barnwell(1907-1984)married Norah Manning Powell.His issue:-
> ci)Elizabeth Ann Lowry Barnwell married C.H.C. de Montfort.Their issue:-
> di)P C.L. de Montfort married Kate Elizabeth Huntington-Whitely.His issue:-
> ei) Guy Alexander de Montfort.
> eii)Charles Nicholas de Montfort.
> eiii) Sean Thomas de Montfort .
> dii) John Henry William de Montfort married Emily Jane McDowell.His issue:-
> ei)Frederick Loftus Tottenham de Montfort.
> cii)Katharine Grace Lowry Barnwell.
> ciii) Lionel Michael Lowry Barnwell married Augusta Wileen Wood.His issue:-
> di)Jessica Louise Barnwell married Robin Banerjee.Their issue:-
> ei)Lyla Banerjee.
> bii)Charles John Patrick Barnwell(1914-1998)married Elizabeth Mary Shore.His issue:-
> ci)Patrick Hugh Lowry Barnwell married 1stly Julia-Anne Charnley and 2ndly Barbara Claire Patricia Pestell.
> cii)Robin Charles Lowry Barnwell(1953-1970).
> avii)Gwendolen Edith Muriel Laughton(1890-1957) married to Archibald John Buchanan Atkinson.Their issue:-
> bi)Frederick John Buchanan Atkinson(1924-1994)married Joan Valerie Hunt.His issue:-
> ci)Rosemary Joan Buchanan Atkinson married Kevin Galway Bennett.Their issue:-
> di)James Galway Bennett.
> dii)Anthony Derek Galway Bennett.
> cii)Diana Rose Buchanan Atkinson married Barry Toby Davies.Their issue:-
> di)Nicola Leigh Davies.
> dii)Cheryl Ann Davies.
> ciii)Andrew Jonathan Buchanan Atkinson married Caroline Carey-Smith.His issue:-
> di)Christine Oena Buchanan Atkinson.
> civ)John Michael Buchanan Atkinson(1960-2003)married Julie Hinton.His issue:-
> di)Bradley Derrick Buchanan Atkinson.
> dii)Derrick John Buchanan Atkinson.
> bii)Elizabeth June Buchanan Atkinson married 1stly David Husband and 2ndly LLoyd Howell.Their issue:-
> ci)Angus James Buchanan Husband.
> cii)Gregory David Husband.
> biii)Christine Margaret Buchanan Atkinson married Clarence William Stalham.
> vi) Edith May Man born in 1851.Married to Thomas Grenfell Vyvyan.Their issue -
> ai)Irene Victoria Vyvyan married to John Sextus Matthews.
> aii)Beatrice Edith Vyvyan(1876-?).
> aiii)Richard Norman Vyvyan(1876-?)married to Mildred Tawney.His issue -
> bi)Constance Christina Vyvyan.
> bii)John Michael Kenneth Vyvyan(1907-?)married to Elizabeth Mary Lauder.His issue -
> ci)Caroline Mary Louise Vyvyan(1942-?)married to Stephen Charles Archibald Pryor.Their issue -
> di)Henry Charles Pryor(1965-?).
> dii)Rachel Elizabeth Pryor(1966-?)married to Montague John Erskine.Their issue -
> ei)Iona Nancy Erskine(1998-?).
> eii)Honor Caroline Erskine(2002-?).
> diii)Charles James Pryor(1971-?).
> div)William Tawney Pryor(1973-?).
> dv)Richard Charles Pryor(1976-?).
> dvi)James Charles Pryor(1979-?).
> cii)Charles Gerard Courtenay Vyvyan(1944-?)married to Elizabeth Frances Paget.
> ciii)Jane Elizabeth Vyvyan(1949-?).
> civ)George James Tawney Vyvyan(1951-?)married 1stly to Diane Elizabeth Hill & 2ndly to Venetia Ruth Turner. His issue -
> di)Charlotte Elizabeth Vyvyan(1996-?).
> aiv)Kenneth Man Vyvyan(1878-1900).
> av)Dorothea Margaret Vyvyan(1879-?)married to Arthur William Bernard Perceval.Their issue -
> bi)Gladys Beatrice Marie Perceval(-1950)married to Charles Henry Norris.
> bii)Leonard Spencer Perceval(1890-1963)married to Effie Eileen McCullock.Their issue -
> ci)Daphne Ann Perceval married to Graham.
> cii)Thomas Leonard Bernard Perceval.
> biii)Arthur Reginald Paul Preceval(1899-1965)married to Constance Irene.
> avi)Vyell Kingsley Vyvyan(1881-?).
> avii)Maurice Courtney Vyvyan(1891-?)married to Hilda May Bradbury.
> vi) Amy Frances Man born in 1853.
> P/s contact me at :- [email protected]
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