#Larry Hart
rockincountryblues · 1 year
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Larry Hart, probably 1958/59
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perfettamentechic · 8 months
22 ottobre … ricordiamo …
22 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Peter Scolari, Peter Thomas Scolari, attore statunitense. Il padre era di origini italiane e giocava a baseball semiprofessionale prima di diventare avvocato. Era meglio conosciuto per i suoi ruoli come Henry Desmond in Bosom Buddies (1980-1982), Michael Harris in Newhart (1984-1990) e Wayne Szalinski in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (1997-2000). Le lotte di Scolari contro l’abuso…
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eway · 8 months
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I love all of these and I love that they are official.
Gumshoe, Cody, and Lotta not knowing what a Wii is in the first one.
Edgeworth getting Will's autograph in the second. And Max Galactica doing a trick for Maya and Pearl (lemme headcanon it as the anime version he's a much more likable character there)
Desirée protecting Ron from Gumshoe (leave my boy alone, Gumshoe!) in the third. With Mia talking with Godot and Iris teaching Bikini how to play on the wii!
I love these so much!
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sinnabum45 · 3 months
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HC: I hc that Miles really did love Manfred like a 2nd father, maybe not as much as Gregory, but still. Miles at this point spent more of his life with Manfred than his own father. When he seeks comfort, he sees Manfred. He may have pictures of his dad, but it's different than seeing him in person-the memories of Gregory are faded. Miles lost both of his fathers and the memories of his life with the von Karmas are forever tainted by the man who supported him at his worst. And he had to struggle with this all alone for a long time.
Also, imagine how Franziska feels now that it's come to light that her beloved papa was the one who hurt her precious little brother. The boy she tried to protect. The betrayal and guilt-- Miles doesn't blame her at all, but she still feels hurt by the whole thing. Her entire life also shattered after this case. Now they're left trying to make sense of what happened and move on. These siblings make me cry EVERYTIME 😭 ( I can't stop thinking about them 😢)
Links to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
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tossawary · 5 months
Miles' perspective on his own trial must be incredible because, like, he's having the worst fucking days of his life. He's been arrested for the murder of someone he hated and has no explanation for it, he's relentlessly having nightmares about his own father's murder (it's the ANNIVERSARY of that murder), he's spacing out constantly due to no sleep and trauma and overwhelming confusion, he got to spice up his flashbacks with a panic attack thanks to an earthquake in front of Phoenix, who is his only option for defense and has very little experience and is now in the line of fire of von Karma, and he's being prosecuted by his own mentor who has never lost a case and is also just a colossal ass.
And THEN comes the parade of more unreliable witnesses. A dropout university student hoping to be the investigative photographer who catches a lake monster, who has convinced herself she saw him do it. A boat rental caretaker who has amnesia and also possibly brain damage and may or may not be connected to his father's murder fifteen years ago. And then LARRY BUTZ, who was there for some reason??? And somehow just reversed the guilty sentence with his stumbling testimony about listening to the radio??? Miles must be wondering if he's hallucinating any or all of this because everything is SO BAD.
And THEN... AND THEN... it's time to cross-examine the parrot.
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tudirkulosis · 7 months
aa/dgs textposts i made for my insta but im also posting them here bc i'm more active here anyway
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allieangel44 · 1 year
Here, take a hot chocolate, a blanket, and some textposts
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This Klavier one is based on an inside joke
Once again, more textposts under the read more
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soencersocks · 9 months
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wake up the brainrot hit again
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zoruathemageknight · 9 hours
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Hello, Ace Attorney gang
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that one fucking color theory post but with trilogy characters
edit: image ids under the cut
image 1: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. adrian andrews says “So our local children’s hospital recently redecorated, but I’m not too sure they really thought things out” with a panicked, nervous expression. underneath her words is a picture of a white hallway a large red trail on the floor, as if someone dragged a corpse through it. dick gumshoe comments “Literally any other colour would’ve been a better choice guys.” with a sheepish expression. end id
image 2: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. pearl fey posts a chart that shows that the color red has more positive meanings (willpower, warmth, energy, power, enthusiasm, leadership, strength, love, determination, and passion) than negative meanings (danger, alert, war, lust, anger, stress, violence) and states “I’d like to point out that the colour red has more positive than negative meanings” with a joyful expression. lotta hart says “im sorry but this reply absolutely killed me red can mean whatever the heck you want it to mean, that is never going to change that this straight up looks like they DRAGGED A BLOODY BODY ACROSS THE FUCKING FLOOR 😂” with a happy expression. ema skye then says “Hi fun fact, colors do have meanings and there is a legit thing called color theory. Red does has more positive connotations than negative like the @mintymaiden said. Red is associated with more love, lust, passion than blood and death just like the chart shows you but if you want, here’s a link for you to check it out yourself. Also, check out “The Designer’s Dictionary of Color” by Sean Adams. Have fun learning something Xoxo -Designer What is Color Theory?” with a happy expression. end id
image 3: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. mia fey says “I think y’all are missing the point here.” with a disappointed expression. franziska von karma adds “You can theorize to Nebraska and back but that doesn’t change my immediate reaction which is that someone is literally dragging a corpse around” with an annoyed expression. miles edgeworth comments “I like that the presumption here is that “No One On Tumblr Has Heard of Color Theory, Let Me Explain in Depth” rather than simply acknowledging that the VISUAL EFFECTS of this particular color choice, applied in the manner it was, can still amount to “this is a hospital and that looks like blood” like, color *theory* doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If your design of choice for Blood Red Paint is asymmetric splatters and sploches against the wall, or in this case, a snail trail on the hallway’s floor, an infographic won’t override the viewers’ instinct.” with his arms spread, as if presenting an argument. end id
image 4: image id: a tumblr post edited to look like characters from the ace attorney trilogy are speaking. phoenix wright says “this post is the perfect summation of tumblr’s reading comprehension and critical thought abilities” with an exasperated expression. maya fey then, smirking, posts a picture of kirby pointing to a sign that reads “Color theory don’t Mean shit when You is Leaving Blood trails”. larry butz then says “Homicide detectives: why are you dragging that bleeding corpse around? Me, an intellectual: well you see it’s basic color theory…” with a smug expression. end id
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if-i-eated-soaps · 1 year
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mebrob · 1 year
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just finished AA i'm going to be very normal about them
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overlordneptune · 3 months
Forced to post this on Tumblr after Tiktok’s stupid policies decided to make my life hell.
None of the placements mean anything it’s just vaguely kind of height headcanons BUT if I were to pair them up for dancing it’d go:
Phoenix and Maya
Edgeworth and Franziska
Godot and Mia
Gumshoe and Maggey
Larry and Lotta
Will and Adrian
(Honorable mentions: ron and dessiree because I had to take em out of the edit)
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thewormsdontstop · 2 days
The suit of Wands
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links to the individual posts under the cut
Ace of Wands
Two of Wands
Three of Wands
Four of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands
Wands court cards
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werewolfsister · 2 months
Ace Attorney: Witnesses
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Kiyance got me this stuff! And since that show was canceled she got it for free!
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devilpanda17 · 1 year
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