#Chat noir is confused
zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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Now pick a side Marinette!
Episode 43 Part 11
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 3 months
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miraculousdoodle · 1 month
Spots on!.. Plagg?
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valentinafoxr · 3 months
You know what the ‘leaked’ Chat Noir look on that poster reminds me of
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This silly little guy here
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
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marinette's friends while chloe is accusing her of theft
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lostuntothisworld · 4 months
okay time for another unhinged rant to the MLB fandom:
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Love bombing is a type of emotional abuse in which someone uses grand gestures to manipulate another person. [x]
When Adrichat compliments and flirts with Maribug and shows her affection it is NOT love bombing. He is not doing it to manipulate her, and when he gets moody, it's because he's a traumatized teenager (sound familiar?). He is the romantic lead, and always apologizes, and I genuinely doubt they'd make a romantic lead abusive in a show aimed at children.
When Gabriel "steps up" and "improves" as a father, especially in season 5, it IS love bombing, as it IS manipulative.
Gabriel allowing Adrien to quit modeling just so happens to coincide with his nefarious plans. Gabe making Adrien elaborate meals is manipulative, as he made it very clear that Adrien can be forced to go back to modeling if he disobeys. Gabriel sweetly gifting Adrien an alliance ring in order to make him a more powerful akuma is about as red of a flag as you can get.
And all these things leads me to the conclusion that Gabe is just as terrible of a person, if not more, when he was actively emotionally abusing and neglecting his son.
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piixxiidust · 1 year
the more i think about paris special evil bitches ladynoir the more i go. theres no way these fuckers arent queer in some way. like even if theyre full heterosexual couple no theyre not theres somthing queer about it there cant Not be i personally vote for them to be lesbians
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
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damfangirl08 · 14 days
A day in the life with my family(illustrated):
Three of my siblings and my sisters boyfriend trying to get my cat to join them on the trampoline(note her expression)
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My mom petting our cat on the couch sayinh "is something wrong with you" with a baby voice(he usually doesn’t like cuddles)
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Me and @blueskybehindtheclouds bonding on a piano chair that barely has space for one person on a good day(honorable mention to our cat named chat noir)
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And last but not least this with no context im not giving context
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fandomofone · 6 months
Most recent work: The Best Worst Day Ever
Full summary:
Riding high after Hawkmoth’s latest defeat, Adrien’s promising day begins to unravel when he arrives at school and discovers that Chat Noir is apparently a laughingstock following yesterday’s fight against Malediktator- and he has no memory of it. Feeling somewhat hurt and embarrassed, Adrien questions Plagg and is shocked to learn that the source of all his woes may be… his Lady? As if that’s not bad enough, Marinette unwittingly gets roped into his miserable day, and a misunderstanding between them leaves Adrien anxious about the future of their friendship. Can this day possibly get any worse?
Well, there is still patrol duty with Ladybug to look forward to...
His fingers caught hold of a very feminine, very dainty wrist, and he yanked forcefully, trying to keep the girl that was attached to the wrist from hitting the ground too. Apparently, it was too much for her smaller body mass to handle, and she ended up overbalancing and careening straight back into his chest again with a strangled “Oooof!” The impact knocked an involuntary grunt from him, but she was so light he’d hardly felt it. His hands came up and wrapped around her upper arms to steady her as he got the first good look at her startled face. Marinette.
UPDATE 4/9/2024: This story now features some gorgeous artwork by my friend @kuromori4 ❤️❤️
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miraculous-hotmess · 2 years
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No thoughts, head empty. Only them.
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am? Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
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car-toons · 2 years
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I am VERY mental about this!
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finalfantasyx · 1 year
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Yes Marinette, me too
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writingraccoon · 3 months
I'm so sorry but you will catch me dead before I spell Cat Noir with an H. Like I don’t get why it's so widespread. Ik it's the French spelling but. like. the French spelling of ladybug is 'coccinelle' according to Google translate, so clearly that's not a consistent thing across the fandom.
The descriptions of the show episodes that y'all watched spell it Cat. I personally found it incredibly confusing when I first entered the fandom. Like, I guess I'm open to change, but can someone explain why y'all do this? It seems kinda stupid and pointless to me.
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sloyla · 6 months
If the writers don't give us an explaination (or just bring it up again) in season 6 about how felix forced a kiss on Ladybug, I will just start to assume it was a scene written for people who said the PV version was better than what we have right now. Cause what was the reason behind that scene really?
We know Felix Agreste was cursed with the black cat miraculous and he needed a real love kiss from Ladybug to get rid of it. Many people on the fandom liked the old idea better and said Felix Agreste as a love interest was better than Adrien. However Thomas insisted the opposite saying Felix didn't actually liked Ladybug he just wanted her to kiss him. So he just wrote that scene to show people what it would be like if we got the PV Ladybug plot. Proving to fans it was not romantic rather just disgusting.
To the PV fans I know Felix was suppose to fall in love with her while trying to make her fall for him but we all know what Thomas prefers to believe. That man is just awful. He says one thing one day then says something completely different the other day.
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kammit-02 · 9 months
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I finally got a drawing tablet!! hell ye
She's exasperated
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