#Chelsea ladies
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The FA Cup Final
word count - 1k
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“What time are you going to be at the game?”
You glanced over at your wife, Sam, as she sat on her side of your shared bed as the two of you got ready for bed that evening.
You placed your phone on the bedside table and when you finished setting up an alarm, you crawled over to her and laid your head on her shoulder. “— it starts at two thirty, right?”
When you saw her nod her head, you continued on speaking. “So me and Joey will try and aim to get to Wembley just before two, so we can see the warm up.”
Joey was you and Sam’s almost three year old son. You had decided to go through with your IVF journey just after your honeymoon to the Maldives.
The first two rounds failed but in the third round, you got pregnant with your son and your lives have been the happiest of days ever since he graced the planet.
Third time lucky some may say.
You had decided to name him Joey Albert Kerr.
When you were pregnant, your wife had always called him her little Joey, due to her home country.
When you found out that you were having a little boy, Sam would call him her little Joey, her little kangaroo.
So when he was born, and you both saw his perfect little face for the first time, the name Joey, simply stuck.
“You’ll be cheering me on,”Sam nudged her face closer to yours lips brushing against the cupid's bow on your face. “Right?”
You smirked as you pressed a kiss to her lips. “— we’ll be yelling the loudest, you won’t be able to miss us.”
Sam had left early in the morning to head to the pick up point where the other team members would be getting picked up, so that meant you were stuck with getting Joey ready.
After his morning bath, the two of you were now sitting in his room, on the carpeted floor in front of his wardrobe as you got him changed into his football kit.
“Alright, arms up, lovie,”You held the shirt in your hands as you watched him lift his arms up above his head, and slipped the shirt over his head smoothly.
Once the shirt was situated on his body, you smoothed down his brown hair that had become slightly dishevelled due to the friction of the shirt.
You pulled the little boy onto your lap, and pressed a few kisses to his baby chin cheeks, emitting laughs from his lips.
He was clad in wearing a kiss version of the Chelsea kit, the shorts, the socks and even some toddler football boots.
Instead of having his name on the back of the , he had ‘𝙼𝚄𝙼𝙼𝚈’ and number ‘𝟸𝟶’ on the back.
You had arrived at Wembley just before two o'clock like you promised your wife and was escorted to the family stand where everyone else’s friends and loved ones were sitting.
Throughout the entire game, your nerves were skyrocketing.
Manchester United were definitely the better team, they had scored goals in the first minute but it had thankfully been disallowed for being offside which meant a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
Overall, the Red Devils had been the better team.
Twenty minutes into the first half, little Joey had fallen asleep on the lap of one of his moms teammates.
Millie Bright was the chosen lap.
He had little ear protectors over his ears, and his thumb was in his mouth, a habit that you and the misses definitely needed to break soon.
He had stayed asleep right up until the 60th minute, and had woken up to see his mommy score in the 68th minute.
Joey was sitting on your lap when Sam hit the back of the net, you jumped up in your seat, holding him on your hip as you jumped up and down on the floor, cheering, he was cheering as well, head thrown back as he pointed at the field.
“Flip, mama,”Joey pointed to the field where he watched his mum perform a backflip, her signature celebration for occasions like this. “— mama, flip!”
Chelsea were officially three time FA Cup champions.
When the final whistle had been blown, the Chelsea fans were in hysterics at the final result, cheers coming from every direction as they all jumped with joy.
When the trophy celebration was taking place, all the family of the team had been escorted to the pitch, so that they could celebrate the victory as a family.
Your feet hit the pitch, and you were walking over to Guro Reiten when the toddler in your arms startled squirming to get down.
You settled him down on the floor, and watched as he began running off in the other direction, you squint your eyes but smiled hugely when you saw who he was running to.
His mommy.
Sam turned round upon hearing the voice of her little one and crouched down when she saw him running to her.
She accepted him in her arms and settled him on her hip as she pressed butterfly kisses to the top of his nose over and over again. “— m’little kangaroo!”
“You won, mommy!”Joey cheered, wrapping his arms around her neck and hugging her tightly.
Sam laughed, and hugged him just as tight. “I did, did you see mommy do her flip?”
You approached the conversation when you heard her ask the question and used your left hand to push some of her brown hair away from her face that had become dishevelled during the game.
“He most certainly did see you do the flip,”you nodded your head, resting your head on the shoulder of your wife. “— it was his favourite part,”
Sam smiled and turned around so that you were facing each other.
She unwrapped an arm that was resting around your son to take ahold of your hand. “You know what my favourite part was?”
“No?”you tilted your head to the side, watching as she smirked at you lovingly.
“Seeing the two of you in the stands, cheering me on,”She answered, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips. “— it made me love the two of you even more, which I didn’t think was possible.”
God, you were lucky to have her.
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matureddiva · 5 months
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purpleberiii · 8 months
"Calling the sinners by their correct name"
☆Prompt: How would the sinners react to you calling them by their correct name.
☆Warnings: Nothing too intense, a hit of pain towards the cinnamon rolls (Hamel, Anne), mentions of Chelsea having lots of sugar babies (including you)
☆Includes: Hamel, Anne, Bai yi, Shalom, Eirene, Chelsea, Cabernet, Oak Casket, Garofano, Sumire.
Hamel is a pure innocent baby; one whom you adore to death. While she's mostly quiet, she's very chatty with you, not the type of chatty to talk your ears out, but Hamel would express how she feels with you.
When you called Hamel by her right name, she was dumbfounded. You usually called her sweetheart, or dove so hearing you call her Hamel made her immediately think she did something wrong.
"I don't like that. Please don't call me Hamel," she pleaded with you, her eyes teary. Guilt immediately took over your body and you had to comfort her and tell her she did nothing wrong.
Anne is just like Hamel but she's much more talkative, even in public. Anne is not afraid to let anyone know that you are hers. Your relationship with Anne was quite the sweet one and you would act like a caring wife towards her even though you both only started dating for months.
When you called Anne by her right name, it took her a few minutes to process what just happened. "Did I do something wrong my dear?" She asked in a small voice. You knew to yourself that she was as innocent as an angel so it hit you in the guts when she used such a small voice. Like Hamel, you had to comfort her, the guilt crushing your soul for hurting such a small adorable baby.
Bai yi knew she was a case to deal with and she took it upon herself to annoy you or tease you everyday. She absolutely loves it when you shower her in cute nicknames and affection.
So when you called her by her right name, Bai yi chuckled before saying, "Oh? What's up with you?" She didn't take it to heart when you called her that but if you kept calling her Bai yi, she might just die.
Shalom is the type of lover to give you all sorts of nicknames and for her, just one nickname would do, 'Darling'.
"Shalom." When she heard her right name come out of your mouth, she'd just stare at you until you finally call her darling.
"I was beginning to think you didn't love me anymore," she sighed dramatically.
Eirene is a busy woman, she hardly had time to spend with you due to her work but nevertheless she loves you to the core.
When you called her by her right name, she didn't bother with it; well on the outside atleast. On the inside, she's panicking, asking herself what she did wrong. She checked back on her previous interactions with you, ensuring that she didn't say anything wrong.
When you told her it was a joke, then she'll be the one to call you by your right name until you beg for her to stop. She enjoys seeing you beg. She's not mean tho :/
Sugar mommy Chelsea is such a kind and caring person to all her sugar babies but you are her favorite.
When you called her Chelsea instead of Sugar mommy, expect to be bombarded in a ton of questions. "Is the food not to your liking?" "Did I do something to upset you?" "Is anyone being mean to you?"
When you didn't give her an answer that satisfied her, she tried her next strategy, gifts. Lots and lots of gifts that made the other sugar babies jealous of you.
How could her attempts not sway you? You had to tell her it was a joke and you felt had that she bought all of those gifts, but she didn't.
Oh boy don't mess around with those woman. Although she loves you, calling her Cabernet is a crime.
Like all the professionals you'd have to call them sir/miss, you HAVE to call Cabernet sweetheart.
"Cabernet." "That's sweetheart to you, little one," she pointed her staff to you in a threatening manner.
From that day onwards, her real name was never used again (by you atleast).
This woman is such a calm and composed woman. She gives off a motherly figure vibe so hearing you call her nicknames like 'darling' or 'love' or 'honeybunch' will absolutely make her fall even deeper in love with you.
When she heard you call her by her right name, she'd simply chuckle and say, "what have I done to upset you my dear?"
Things like that wouldn't bother her because she knows what when she's ready for you, you'd be definitely forgetting her name.
She's just like Oak Casket but a much less more quiet version. Hearing you call her Garofano wouldn't bother her, until she realises you weren't going to stop calling her that.
She loves the nicknames you give her and it makes her feel much more loved for so with a slightly upset expression, she'd ask, "Why are you calling me that?"
When you realised that she didn't like it, you stopped and immediately apologised. She forgave you of course but warned you to never do it again.
Pretty girl assassin has alot on her plate but always makes time for you. She loves having you rest upon her lap while she talks and rambles about her missions.
She seemed so engrossed in telling you how her mission went, it took her a few minutes to realise that you called her Sumire and not 'baby'.
"But I am your baby. Not Sumire," she'd stare at you, letting out a small sigh before plunging on top of you and prepping your faces with kisses, apologising for making you mad even though she did nothing. You just wanted to see her reaction to it.
A/n: took a few days to write this but I still don't like it 😭
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vanhelsingapologist · 5 months
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You could be something great, but something great is nothing new.
I had to redraw Vallaki’s angriest boy again! His hair is longer and he still uses mage hand for everything to prove that he can do magic.
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prettygirlgerard · 11 months
gay Halloween costume ideas: Gerard Way tour outfits, alternative music album cover (ex. Demolition Lovers), smith college girls for I-D magazine 2004, something covered in blood, some vague couples costume like “dolls and their twink”, those guys from the Saw bathroom, vampire, Lady Gaga paparazzi VMA’s performance, Draculaura monster high and Gerard Way again but this one is just a flannel and jeans
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poppitron360 · 2 months
I’m just saying Jason being the only one who sees through Leo’s act is giving “Who else decodes you?/And who’s gonna hold you like me?/And who’s gonna know you, if not me?/…/Nobody/No-fucking-body/Nobody…”
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idanit · 5 months
Dear Jeeves and Wooster fandom, lovely fic writers, my betters in bertieprose. Why are we sleeping on Lady Malcolm’s Servants Ball, held annually in London from 1923 to 1938 specifically for people in domestic service, with a reputation of drawing in queer and gender-nonconforming working-class crowd? A servants' ball where people were, for a time, "allowed" to crossdress and dance with same-sex partners? (Before it drew too much attention and got banned.)
Where are my fics about:
Jeeves moving his day off around so he can attend the ball, crossdress, and/or dance with other men?
Bertie finding out about the ball and asking questions?
Bertie sneaking into the ball pretending to be a servant and crossdressing in order to dance with other men? Perhaps he has been doing this for a few years until the year he hires Jeeves, and that year they accidentally meet at the ball. Perhaps they're both in drag, or only one of them is in drag. Perhaps only one recognises the other, or both of them do (I believe this was a costume, though not necessarily a masked ball). Perhaps Jeeves has to explain that if he has questions, they're not precisely objections, and he only worries that Bertie might be recognised and blackmailed — or perhaps Bertie has to explain that Jeeves is not in any danger of losing his job and Bertie doesn't mind him crossdressing at all. And they dance.
Bertie ordering a fancy bespoke dress for Jeeves so that he can go to the ball? ("Wealthy households would fund their workers to go, with some even loaning them evening dresses." [link 2 - though it probably means dresses for maids]) Bertie getting some jewellery for Jeeves and watching him apply make-up?
Bertie finding out that this is the best ball for servants around and telling Jeeves that he should totally go because he always has to attend the fancy parties as a butler or Bertie's valet, not there to have fun, and Jeeves agreeing because he's very insistent? Perhaps Jeeves is very secretive about the costume he's preparing even though Bertie's dying of curiosity. Perhaps once Jeeves leaves, Bertie starts having all these Very Strange Feelings, and after suffering in the flat for a few hours, he ends up going as well. And then he either can't find Jeeves until Jeeves chooses to reveal himself to him, or he finds Jeeves and almost perishes on the spot. And then, of course, they dance.
or whatever silly plot come on this is so juicy
ADDED: I wrote all this and then I discovered a great Jeeves fic that does make use of the ball, except it's not Jeeves/Wooster, but Wooster/Haddock (which is how it initially escaped my notice). If you don't mind that, go read it and enjoy the queer dancing, the crossdressing, and a delightful version of Jeeves: We Want Haddock.
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audible301 · 5 months
Listen, I play dnd, I consume a lot of dnd media.
My favorite use of wild magic is still Zabbas Kinlin accidentally casting fireball in ep 6 of DnDnD.
They’ve snuck into a party. They’re in a small ballroom. They’re all dancing with people. Someone asks Zabbas if he should be there. Zabbas attempts to cast fog cloud. Zabbas instead casts a fireball centered on himself. Zabbas kills seven old ladies and drops a party member. Zabbas is level 1.
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I'll show you whatever you want
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tianalaurence1 · 4 months
Princess Anne and Sir Tim visited the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show in the evening!
The Princess Royal, Anne having achat with award-winning garden designer Ula Maria at @The_RHS
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a b o u t m e
hiya everyone! my names jordan, i’m 17 and a total bad. bitch scorpio.
i’m from england and am currently studying for a sports degree in college, although i like to write for a little bit of a pass time.
if you have any requests or would like to get to know me better, ask here.
linked here is my wattpad account.
r e q u e s t i n g r u l e s { c u r r e n t l y o p e n }🔓
i will not be taking requests from anyone that is a minor, if i find out then your request will not be accepted.
do i enjoy writing angst? yes, of course i do! but there will be some topics that i will 100% not write about.
these topics include:
non consensual themes,
characters being underage.
please be aware that this is my blog, as a human i have the right to deny any requests that make me feel uncomfortable and what i would deem to be uncomfortable for other people.
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w r i t i n g s
☆ { a n g s t } ,
♡ { f l u f f } ,
☽ { s m u t } ,
❆ { s e r i e s }.
m a s o n m o u n t
s a m k e r r
the fa cup final ♡
in which, you go to the fa cup final to support your wife and your two year old son tags along for the ride.
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t a g s
mood boards
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meademalove · 10 months
Viv MOVED the moment Beth asked her to. She's SOOOOO whipped. 😻
It sure looked like that, yes. And yes, they're both SOOOO WHIPPED. 😅
(Tbf, I think there was something on the seat in between them, and that's why Beth didn't sit there in the first place. So she asked her to move the stuff and scoot over. Anyway, they're soooooo cute. 🥹❤️)
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matureddiva · 3 months
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purpleberiii · 8 months
"Sinners with a little sinner in MBCC"
☆Prompt: You are the youngest sinner in MBCC (about the age of 5-6). How would the characters treat you?
☆Warnings: None
☆Includes: Zoya, Anne, Nightingale (I know she's not a sinner), Chelsea, Caberent, Bai Yi.
Zoya's first impression of you was that you were smol and tiny but she felt you were strong.
Despite her scary nature, she was extremely gentle with you. Always carrying you around on her shoulders.
Zoya plays fight with you. She would throw light punches and when you throw a punch, she would dramatically fall to the ground saying you win.
Some nights, you would climb up on Zoya's lap and snuggle against her chest and fall asleep, soon after, she would as well, holding you close to her body.
Anne absolutely adores you. Your chubby cheeks makes you look like a baby in her arms.
Anne loves having you around whenever she takes care of others. She'd dress you in a little nurse outfit and give you small tasks like wetting a cloth and bringing it to her, throwing away unnecessary papers and stuff like that.
Anne also loves braiding your hair in her free time as well as reading books to you. She'd have you in her lap and a book opened up while she reads.
Eventually, you'd fall asleep, leaving her to tuck you in. Kissing you forehead and bidding goodnight is also a must.
You were the only sinner nightingale liked because you weren't constantly hogging all of chief's attention to you. Instead, you'd sit there and listen to her rant about her obsession with the chief even though your tiny brain can't comprehend any she says.
You followed her around like a puppy, whenever she has a task, she always made sure to bring you. If she sees one of the employees harassing you, immediately she will report them.
Nightingale loves feeding you. She loves watching the way your chubby cheeks worked to chew your food and while she remained calm on the outside, she was literally squealing on the inside.
Whenever you're feeling cold, expect her to wrap you up in her coat and place her hat on your head, she does literally everything to make you feel warm.
Chelsea spoils you. Literally with anything. She gives you new clothes every week, and even have the best shampoos brought in for you.
She made sure your cell was as clean as anything, even going long lengths to make sure your cell is designed however you deemed fit.
Chelsea had her tailor made matching outfits for you and her on occasions, for the chief as well, so you'd all look like a big family.
You're the only person she trusts with sitri and sometimes she even finds you sleeping on the big cat. She won't wake you, she'll take pictures.
You were scared of Cabernet no joke. The things she tell others had you thinking about it. "Will she really eat my soul?"
Once Cabernet realised this, she tried to be more gentle and loving around you and slowly, you warmed up to her.
Because of her wealth, Cabernet always bought expensive toys and books for you, also clothing.
There was always rivalry between her and Chelsea to see who you'd like more but in the end you choose them both, saying that you couldn't pick.
Cabernet always carried you around attached to her hip. Her favourite thing to do for you was to cook and believe it or not, she was a really good cook. She always looked forward to hearing your praises about the food.
She even went against the chief's orders and snuck a tiny bit of non alcoholic wine for you which made you all energetic.
Bai yi was your idol. You wanted to be like her when you grew up and you made sure she knew it. She was always so carefree and relaxed, making you think that she didn't have anything to worry about.
Bai yi was the one who'd go against all the rules for you, just so you could be happy. She has a weakness for you and everyone knew it.
She would take you on motorcycle rides at night, driving at a slower pace than normal. She bought you food and took you to a nice spot where you two sat down and admired the stars.
Eventually, she left with you sleeping peacefully in her arms, your head resting on your chest while her usually opened jacket was closed so that you fit snuggly in it.
When she returned to MBCC past curfew and while she being scolded by Nightingale, she would turn around and show them the position you were in and immediately they all would shut up. She never woke you up, she wanted you to sleep on her chest all night and you didn't mind as you fell asleep listening to her heartbeat.
A/n: you can clearly see who's my favourite from there. I might do another part with teenager reader.
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Whole place is booing m*son m*unt… Y/N would weep
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I love Mother. Not as your daughter-in-law. But as a woman
Durian's Affair | 아씨 두리안
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