#Chevalier Michel Act 2
judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
Chevalier Michel - Sequel Summary Master List
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. This is a SUMMARY of each chapter. However, some scenes may be translated within a summary if time permits. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with/// This has been discontinued as of 6/12/24.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Dramatic: Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Romantic: Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
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[Master List]
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eventinelysplayground · 3 months
Happy Father's Day
In honor of fathers day today here are some of my head canons about the princes and their kids. I hope everyone enjoys the day and yes I plan to do Ikevamp and Ikesen at a later time, Ikevil I have no strong opinions yet.
Jin: 4 kids, three sons, 1 daughter. They all love candy and got their Dads natural charm. The oldest son is a great swordsman, on par with his uncles.
Chevalier: 7 kids, four sons and three daughters. I had thought maybe he would have fewer but then I changed my mind. His four eldest are closer in age to each other and his younger three are closer together. The oldest son is very much like Chevalier while their middle daughter is the most like Emma. Unfortunately for Sariel their second youngest boy is a lot like Uncle Clavis.
Clavis: 4 kids, two sons and two daughters. Their youngest son and eldest daughter are very much like their father. Their youngest daughter seems tame but really she's quite bold and fierce and had her Uncle Nokto teach her archery which she excels at, she also has her father's knack for pharmacology and makes all sorts of medicines and a few poisons. Their oldest son is a good balance of his parents, very intelligent, friendly, outgoing but also very perceptive and can maneuver through may different situations with almost no effort, is best friends with his cousin continuing the tradition of the Lelouches and Michels being close.
Leon: A lot of kids all of them boys except for his eldest. That girl is scary chaos, she spends lots of time with either her Uncle Clavis or Sariel and she keeps her brothers in check any way she can. Their boys are all mostly just mini versions of Leon, friendly, outgoing, determined. They spend way too much time with Jin but not to worry Yves is usually not far behind trying to keep him from corrupting them too badly. All their kids except their youngest boy fall asleep within 5 minutes of opening a book, rip Sariles stomach with these kids.
Yves: After many years of issues they have a daughter. She is the sweetest most loving and devoted little girl ever and everyone loves her. She many not have any siblings but it's fine because all her male cousins act like they're her brothers. The older ones protect her while she mother's the little ones, her one female cousin is her best friend and she is always taking her out on adventures both on and off palace grounds, no worries though Leon is always there in the shadows keeping an eye on his niece and daughter.
Licht: Twin boys and does it ever send him for a loop. They're very happy boys but the youngest also has a huge serious streak to him. Yves is like a second mother to them and is always there for them. Like their father and Uncle Nokto they're incredibly agile and like their uncles Jin and Luke they grow freaking big! Due to some personal choices and unfortunate twists in fate when it's time for the selection of a new king they're the only ones the new Belle has to choose from.
Nokto: Karma came for him and he has 5 daughters followed by two sons. His 4 oldest daughters are all model princesses, his youngest, Maeve, is another matter. She's got a quick wit and sharp tongue and unlike her siblings holds neither of them. She's also incredible with daggers thanks to her Uncle Licht. She has quite the reputation and at some point earned the nickname of beastly princess. She ends up marrying Silvio's only child Dario who she can truly be herself with. Their oldest son is closest to Maeve with them being barely a year and a half apart. Their oldest son is very much like Nokto but with Emma's empathy. Their youngest boy is a lot more like Emma but that plays into his favor because he's able to observe situations and people better and he uses what he learns to his advantage later.
Luke: 3 kids, 2 daughters and a son. Those girls are spoiled rotten when they're little and his son his the apple of his eye. He teaches his kids everything: how to sew, how to fight, how to sniff out the best honey. Thankfully for Sariel they all got Emma's studiousness and her love for reading. Just like with Jin these kids got their father's natural charm and they have all their uncles wrapped around their fingers, even Uncle Chevalier indulges them more than anyone thought he was capable of.
Sariel: 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter. All of their kids are sharp witted, hard working and intelligent. His daughter, Violet, is also very cunning some might even call her devious. She's close to Chevaliers son Rene as they both share a deep love of reading and she used to spend a lot of time with him much to Clavis' sons, Tristan, annoyance. For all the time she spent with Rene though she spent even more with Tristan either partaking in or putting a stop to whatever hijinx he was up to. Eventually Violet and Tristan end up married with their own kids who cause no end of delight and headaches for their grandfathers. Thankfully Sariels sons give him a break, his oldest follows his footsteps and takes over his Dad's position under Leon's only son and his youngest tutors the next generation of royal kids.
Rio: I haven't put much thought into Rio but I see him with a lot of kids, at least one of each, who all enjoy ‘bothering’ their uncle Silvio who secretly loves it but will never admit it.
Silvio: 6 kids, three of each. His oldest son looks and acts almost exactly like him. Unlike his Dad though he can manage to be polite in public and act properly when he has too, Silvio's oldest daughter though forget it. She has her father's eyes and temperament and she never hides it. She may not be as crude as her Dad but she still says things she really shouldn't. She ends up falling for Nokto's son which causes her Dad to go into a fit and when his son's make smart ass comments he passes on the jewel of the Sea to his oldest figuring he thinks it's funny he can deal with the negotiations and grabs Emma and walks out. Along with her sisters she is one of the Jewels of Benitoite, her youngest sister is very much like their mother and she ends up falling for Chevalier's son which nobody even had a clue about until the same conversation about her sister and Nokto's son when it's brought up it's a double negotiation.
Keith/alter keith: Oh lots of kids, they name the oldest son after his brother. The King loves being a grandpa to all these little wild children. They're all gentle, sweet and some incredibly patient. They have bits of alter Keith in them though as well and they are very calculating and spontaneous. With the exception of their first born it's not clear who fathered who but both Keith's love them so much and they all love both of them. They each in time figure out about their father's situation and none of them seem to care, their both Dad after all. Liam has his hands full trying to help deal with these children and their Aunt is a favorite playmate when they are younger. They also all get their parents love for reading causing the palace Library to be expanded, twice.
Gilbert: He didn't want kids and freaked out when it happened at the time but when he saw how happy Emma was he relented. They had twins, a son and daughter and he is so overprotective of them. He makes sure there will never be any more children, what with the medical advances in Obsidian. They're lovely children and watching his son grow it sometimes makes Gilbert wonder if that's how he would have been if things had been different. Their daughter is an incredible dancer and plays piano while their son is an excellent marksman with both bow and gun.
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The best male Harem to have
Doubt anyone will listen to my rant but humor me. My mind got burnt by mangas
So these are my husbands (minus Satoru cause if I married Satoru it would not be like this) and their ranks in the harem. I goddamn swear to you this would be the best group to have. Lemme hear your thoughts though and do try to give your own husbands a rank.
Here are the spots for you to fill:
King Consort
Primary lover
2nd Lover - The Old Friend
3rd Lover - The Poet
4th Lover - The Noble you were Arranged with since childhood
5th Lover - The Foreign Prince
6th Lover - The Personal Guard
These are your seven husbands and I tag @rinnndoll @atelier-maroron @aquagirl1978
King Consort - Chevalier Michel
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It's not just cause I love him. It's also cause damn he'd be so freaking capable. He's a genius in everything and could 100% take care of the kingdom with me. He's also very mature and very disciplined so he'd be able to manage the other husbands (they're crazy). He has no male toxicity/pride. All his actions towards you come from pure love, while he's rational enough to act like a freaking King towards everyone else.
2. Primary Lover: Prince Heinrey
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He's just perfect alright? I wanna take Navier's place. Cause look at him! He's got it all. He'll do whatever you want, either let you take charge or show his his dark side. He's so freaking hot and yet he's got that golden retriever energy that I honestly can't resist! Also, I have a feeling he'd work well with Chevalier even though he'd be pissed to share with everyone.
Now I know we have two blondies so let's go on with darker shades now.
3. 2nd Lover: Getou Suguru - The Old Friend
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Satoru is not here cause honestly we are two alike so we'd be married by ourselves, but this is also the reason SUGURU is here. He'd be crazy for you. He'd only behave in the harem cause it'd make you sad if he didn't. But like...if anyone OUTSIDE of your harem tried to harm you whooooooooooooooooooooooo they'd be dead before you know it. He'd have a strange understanding with Chevalier and Heinrey cause even though he knows that you are more in love with them, you care for him more cause you would had known him from childhood.
4. 3rd Lover: Edgar Alan Poe (BSD) - The Poet
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He's the first one you'd run to for a hug. His love is pure and sweet and his devotion is uncomparable. He'd bare no grudges, he'd just give you a pouty face when it was time to say goodbye at night. He'd always listen to your concerns. His gifts are always handmade.
5. 4th Lover: Akashi Seijuro or Gilbert von Obsidian- The Noble you were Arranged with since Childhood
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Oh you did not choose this one. This was chosen for you. You are required to take in a member of the aristocracy as your husband that has connections with the people's representatives. He would do ANYTHING in order to be chosen. And I do mean it. You two would have dated in the past before you were crowned and he did not take it well when you dumped him. It was not for the lack of love, rather that the two of you crave the same thing: power inside your kingdom. He would not play well with other husbands but would not do anything to them because he recognises that you're a hair away from kicking him out. He'll take his time being the best husband he can, doing things he doesn't have to to help you rule. You have a love-hate relationship to tell the truth and that translates into the bedroom (he's the best out of all in that department and that's one of the reasons you can't get rid of him)
6. 5th Lover: Guren Ichinose - The Foreign Prince
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So he's another one you did not choose to marry but gosh did you fall for his looks when you met him. He's very handsome but also very proud. Your relationship with him is another explosive one. Nothing makes him cockier than the times you pull him into your arms to give him a fervent kiss. But unlike the previous one, he wants the two of you to build something real. He's a fan of taking things slow even though things between you escalated quite quickly. He'll the the type to send his servants/subordinates on missions to find stuff about you, like your favourite flower, and then surprise you in front of everyone else.
7. 6th Lover: Sir Sonnaught- The Personal Guard
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As the title says, he was your guard. The two of you spend a lot of time together sneaking in and out of the palace you could not help the sparks flying between you. He was the last one to enter the harem but that does not mean the two of you had not been physical before that. He is disciplined and good at his job, and he continues to protect you even after he's your husband. He a great source for strategic advice for you, and the best person your other husbands can talk to if they want to figure out what is in your mind lately.
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
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A Trip to Wonderland (IkeRev x IkePri)
The One Where Belle Invites the Suitors to a Picnic (Licht, Gilbert, Sariel, Clavis, Chevalier, Jin)
Trick or Treat (Clavis, Yves, Leon, Licht, Jin)
What kind of undies do the princes wear? (Act 1 Suitors)
Women's Lingerie - Do they wear it and what would they wear? (ALL)
Suitors react when MC gifts them a plushie of their crest animal - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
Suitors react when MC gifts them a plushie of their crest animal - Part 2 (Leon, Yves, Licht, Jin)
Suitors react when MC gifts them a plushie of their crest animal - Part 3 (Sariel, Rio, Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors React to a Sick MC - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Sariel)
Suitors React to a Sick MC - Part 2 (Leon, Yves, Licht, Jin)
Suitors React to a Sick MC - Part 3 (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Jealous Princes - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Rio)
Jealous Princes - Part 2 (Leon, Yves, Licht, Jin, Sariel)
Jealous Princes - Part 3 (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors Reaction to Finding a Toy in Your Room (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Rio, Gilbert)
Children's Books (Chevalier, Clavis)
Dream Wedding (Chevalier, Gilbert)
Grocery Shopping (Chevalier, Gilbert)
MC Reacts to Fight with Suitor (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
Kisses (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors Reactions to a Curvy MC (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio, Jin)
Suitors as Vampires Biting MC for the First Time (Chevalier, Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors as Vampires Biting MC for the First Time - Part Two (Leon, Nokto, Clavis)
Suitors Reaction to an MC with a Second Personality (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors React to Finding Out Belle is Pregnant (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Jin, LIcht, Sariel)
Suitors React to Finding Out Belle is Pregnant (Gilbert, Silvio, Keith)
Chevalier Michel with a Lovey Dovey MC
General Smut/NSFW (Silvio)
Taking Suitor's Gloves Off (Gilbert, Rio, Chevalier)
Jin's Reaction to His Brothers Receiving Rose Insignias in Their Sword (Leon, Yves, Licht)
How the Suitors React to an Unexperienced Belle (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Jin)
Suitors Reactions to an MC Who Gets Lost Easily (Yves, Nokto, Chevalier, Clavis)
Suitors Reaction to Receiving Flowers (Silvio, Keith)
Suitors Reactions to Attending a Baseball Game (Leon's Faction)
Suitors Reactions to Attending a Baseball Game (Chevalier's Faction)
Suitors Reactions to Attending a Baseball Game (Act 2 Suitors)
Suitors React to an MC with an Eating Disorder/Body Dysmorphia (Leon, Chevalier, Clavis)
Suitors Reaction to MC Wearing a Bunny Costume (Clavis, Gilbert, Luke)
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naresnani · 2 years
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on Violence
Chapter 5
Chapters: [1] , [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Fandom: Ikemen Prince | Nokto Klein / Adam Kain | Words: 2k
Tags: Scriptfic, screenplay format, Political stuff, Slow burn, Route spoilers
Summary :
tagging: @altairring @tiny-wooden-robot @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
notes: Just for clarification, in my format the underline is for emphasis, while italic means something is said in another language besides Rhodolitian. When something is said in Yashpari, it's actually in Javanese. The translation would be right below the sentence.
A warden lays unconscious on the floor. No one dares to approach the door towards the stairs, not even to check on him. 
Because, they’ve been told that...
Prince Nokto is inside with his arms up, and a person disguised as a guard had a gun pointed at him. They want the other Rhodolite princes. If anyone else attempts to get inside… it’s his life on the line.
Sweat running through his skin, he could only see Adam standing behind his cell door, having all the power in the room.
You planned for this.
...A little.
You’re a bunch of Obsidianites, after all, huh? I should’ve known.
No. Sura doesn't speak Rhodolitian. At least she’s willing to compromise with a language you’ll understand.
The person behind him did not sound like a woman. Before he could care any further, the door to the cell block blasts open, letting in numerous heavy footsteps inside.
In the instant that Nokto turned around, Sura had already stepped behind him again, now pointing their gun towards his befuddled brothers that had just witnessed the scene. 
He saw Licht amongst them first.
Licht, don’t step closer!
Someone steps closer anyway. There’s no other man that silhouette could belong to but Chevalier Michel. He draws his sword faster than Nokto’s eyes could register.
The gun’s explosion blows right past Nokto’s ears. His heart stopped dead. But Chevalier’s sword hitting the ground sounds more deafening.
CLANG! The bullet had shattered the sword hilt, missed his fingers by a miracle. The blade then lands behind him.
There are six round bullets in the chamber. That was the first. There are five of you in the room.
All attention points straight towards Adam, and his shooter. That small, peculiar firearm produces so much smoke, it’s engulfing the nose, eyes, and throat. Noone had seen something that compact making that sort of sound, much less an explosion. Chevalier, Licht, Leon, and Clavis, they all stare with faces just as shocked. Who knows where the rest of them are. Nokto couldn’t hold in his coughs— Licht wants to jump towards him before he is immediately restrained by Leon.
—Five. It’s enough for each of you. Now listen carefully.
[Read more on AO3]
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Ikemen Prince Act 2 PV [Translation]
During PriNama #15 broadcast, together with Sariel’s route release which will be marking the start of Act 2 that was announced for Winter 2021… Ikemen Prince Act 2 Full PV was also unveiled! 
Gilbert: Won’t you teach it to me? What true love is
Chevalier: Get lost, Belle
Leon: Don’t take your eyes off of me again
Jin: Play with me a bit?
Luke: Can’t be helped, I’ll look after you
Clavis: Won’t you have a little fun with me, little girl?
Nokto: Stay by my side
Licht: Even though I hate you...
Yves: It’s alright if it’s you. If it’s not you then that won’t do
Leon: Well then, how are we going to overcome this storm?
The crisis that approaches the country of roses
The three countries surrounding Rhodolite
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Coming up against a new trial
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Gilbert: What would you do if I like you? You... won’t be able to escape from me
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Keith: The more I know you, I more I want you... This is the first time I’ve felt this way
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Silvio: Don’t leave my side, got it?
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Sariel: Well, what are you going to exchange? What do you wish for?
Rio: If by the end you remain, then that’s enough
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Gilbert: You can never escape from me as long as you live, because you’re loved by an arch villain
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Keith: I’m a terrible guy. I can’t love you in any other way but this
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Silvio: Give all of yourself over to me
Please, so that I can remain your #1
Because we have true love hereーー
Ikemen Prince: Beauty & the Beast’s Last Love
“End Roll” (End Credits) by Takeuchi Yuito
Lyrics: 佐伯youthK
Music & Arrangement: SHUKI (from I Don't Like Mondays.)
Note: Act 2 collaboration music "End Roll" (meaning: End Credits) is a ballad in His POV of the men's hidden painful emotional conflict
I’ll be translating the full song lyrics for “End Roll” once that becomes available
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
I Got Jade, You Got Rose - Keith Howell
----- I Got Jade, You Got Rose || Keith Howell x F! Reader (MC)
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Summary : You never know you will fall in love with your own kidnapper, let alone even think about improving diplomatic relations between the two countries with your relationship. But one thing you know, your love story with him has saved many people from conflict and war. Jade chose Rhodolite. The Prince of Jade chose the Lady of Roses.
WC : 3821 Words. (Longer than I thought, asdfghjkl SORRY, DEAREST!)
Warning : Grammar errors, WMMAP Reference (Ch. 29-30), Violet Evergarden Reference, Maleficent 2 Reference, mention of violence; kidnapping; coercion; confinement; power abuse; and torture, mention of sexual activity (but not too explicit), possible mischaracteristics, etc.
A/N : LOOKS WHO’S SIMPING FOR KEITH HOWELL?! YUP, THAT’S ME! I’M SIMPING FOR KEITH HOWELL! Maybe out of the three new princes, I like Keith the most. Really! As we know, he may be a yandere or someone obsessive and manipulative. RED FLAG! BUT RED IS MY FAVORITE COLOR~
     A pink santin-silk dress around your body, your hair has been adorned with various hair ornaments—predominantly with roses ornament, jewelry that has adorned your hands; neck; and ears, also your face that has been polished with the best makeup on the continent. Even though you are in a neighboring kingdom, you still show all the elements of your home kingdom and you are proud of it.
     "What do you think, my lady?" one of the maids that helping you get ready asked a question, making you look in the mirror. "I'm sure you will be the most beautiful woman at tonight's ball party."
     You could only smile and whisper your “thank you”s. Your gaze falls on your lap where a dark blue velvet box was seated. You opened the box carefully.
     “Oh, what a beautiful tiara!” cooed the maids around you in awe. “Is that the tiara given by His Highness?”
     You nodded. Inside the the box was a beautiful tiara adorned with pretty jade and rhodolite garnet stones. The green and pink colors on the tiara can complete your angelic appearance that night.
     You suddenly blushed hard as you remembered what happened a few nights before, on the night the 1st Prince of Jade presented the tiara to you.
     That night, the moon was at its highest point. You woke up after receiving a “torture” from the 1st Prince of Jade. Your body still hurts so much that you can barely move.
     When a dark room greeted your eyes, you turned your face to the side only to find the figure of a prince who is still accompanying you, sitting on the edge of the bed. He seemed lost in his thought, looking up at the night sky through the huge window. His silver hair glistened in the moonlight. You looked at his body bathed the majestic light. Until you realized something and blushed. He's shirtless.
     You intended to pull up your blanket, hiding the intense blush on your cheeks. However, you were stopped when someone grabbed your wrist. "You're awake," he muttered in a very deep and seductive voice. "It's still just a little past midnight."
     "Prince Keith," you whispered hoarsely. "I thought you were back in your room."
     "And let my hostage escape?" he asked.
     You pouted your lips, pretending to be angry with him. "What do you expect from a prisoner who can't even feel her own hips anymore?" you asked. “After all, you still think of me as your hostgae? As the token for making peace with Rhodolite?”
     Keith chuckled. "There is no way," he mumbled. “Come here,” realizing you couldn't move your body, Keith helped you up and leaned you against his chest. You inhaled the scent of the sweet and fresh forest that enveloped him. “I intended to give you something when you wake up. But since you woke up early, I'll give it to you now."
     Your eyes followed where his hand moves, curious as to what he will give you. A dark blue velvet box. Keith opened the box, revealing a beautiful and shining golden tiara made with beautiful jade and rhodolite garnet stones. "This," you whispered, can not believe what you see.
     “I want you to wear this tiara at the upcoming alliance ball party. I want to show the entire continent that our relationship is a prove to the peaceful relationship between Jade and Rhodolite,” Keith explained carefully. "What do you think?"
     Yes, at the alliance party, you and the prince agreed to announce your relationship to the public. Even though he is the 1st Prince of Jade, he will still introduce you, the Maiden of Rhodolite as his partner.
     You nodded, agreeing with his idea. "What a beautiful tiara," you whispered. "Thank you, Prince Keith."
     Keith kissed your forehead. "Anything for you, my lady."
     Looking back at that moment, you couldn't control your blushing face. "Should we put the tiara on your head, my lady?" the maid asked.
     You cleared your throat and nodded. "Yes, please."
     When you're done, you stood up from your chair. The maids was immediately enchanted by your beauty in that dress and tiara. You stood up straight, staring at your reflection in the mirror.
     You too were surprised by your own appearance that night. You were like a masterpiece that Rhodolite has hidden from the face of the world.
     “Lady [Y/N], you should be heading out now,” the maid led you to the door. "Enjoy the party tonight, my lady."
     You nodded and smiled, thanking the maids who helped you get ready.
     As soon as you open the door, you found the smiling devil waiting for you. He looked up when he heard the sound of your heels. You could see he was slightly surprised. “Oh my, you look especially beautiful today, [Y/N].” Sariel held out his hand to you.
     "Thank you. I didn't know you were the one who would escort me to Prince Keith,” you said as you took his hand.
     Sariel nodded. "Of course, I am. You are one of Rhodolite's assets. I have to hand you and give you to the recipient officially.”
     "Oh dear, again! I'm not a mere item!"
     “But you are still a Belle, an important person for Rhodolite,” too lazy to fight, you decided not to reply to Sariel's argument. “The 1st Prince of Jade is waiting for you. Shall we?"
     Sariel guided you, helping you in every step you take. You descended the stairs slowly and carefully.
     At the end of the stairs, a gentleman was already standing and seemed to be waiting for someone. "Oh!" you gasped, surprised by the appearance of the man in his formal attire.
     Feeling your gaze on him, the man turned his head only to be equally surprised by you. The Prince of Jade might be the most surprised person by your appearance. No words can describe the euphoria he feels when he sees you. You can can and will die on the spot just by looking at your beautiful face.
     Keith suddenly smirked. "You still look so beautiful even after I tortured you," he chuckled. "Is my torture still not harsh enough to break you?"
     "Dear, God. And you look so handsome today, Your Highness," you forced a smile. You’re used to it now and not even surprised by such words of his. Your smile softened as you realized Keith was looking at you warmly. “Prince Keith, it is an honor for me to spend this pleasant evening with you.”
     Keith smiled gently at you. "You have to get used to it since starting from tonight, you'll always be spending the night with me."
     Like a gentleman, Keith reached out his gloved hand to you. You stared at the hand for a moment. Those hands once kidnapped you, tortured you, and made you cry in fear. That hand also managed to let go of your wild side, making you scream the voice of a sinner. But on the other side, these hands of him carry a special warmth that no one else can have, hands that will always hug you with love, and hands that will always protect you from harm.
     “You look so pretty tonight. I can feel the stars in the sky envy your dazzling eyes,” he complimented you. A nobleman must praise their partner before they escort them. Even so, the compliments Keith gave you still made you melt.
     You smiled sweetly, as if all the bad memories Keith had done to you were just a past nightmare. Sariel officially let go of your hand, handing you to the 1st Prince of Jade. "Thank you, Your Highness."
     The hall of the Jade Royal Palace was shrouded in golden light from the hanging luxurious chandeliers. Meals, sweets, desserts and some alcohols are neatly arranged foe the guests. The guests chatted with each other about the hottest gossip on the continent or even about the important business between noble families. Along with Keith, the sound of your footsteps was muffled by the red carpet that had covered the floor.
     “Make way for His Highness, Prince Keith Howell of Jade and his companion, Lady [Y/N] of Rhodolite!”
     Hearing the royal herald mention the names of Jade and Rhodolite in the same sentence, all the guests looked at you and Keith with looks you couldn't even tell with words. You immediately flinched and it made you very uncomfortable. All eyes were on you, making you the center of attention.
     You paused for a moment, hesitant to move. Keith who led you immediately stopped and looked at you. "What is it?" he asked you, making sure you were alright.
     "I-I'm scared," you whispered almost inaudibly.
     Keith sighed. He lifted his gaze, staring deadly at the guests, making the guests spontaneously feel the chills. With that, the guests bowed their heads and greeted the both of you. "If you're scared, I can forbid them to look at you and behead them if they dare to."
     You're surprised. "What?! Where did that idea come from?!”
     When you looked back, you could see some familiar faces. They didn't bow to you and Keith because they were on a par with Keith.
     Prince Gilbert von Obsidian of Obsidianate and Prince Silvio Ricci of Benitoite. Then, “ah!” you were once again taken aback by four familiar faces. The face you really miss. "They're here," you muttered, smiling under your breath.
     The four faces you see were belongs to the four Princes of Rhodolite who were in charge of foreign affairs. Prince Luke Randolph, Prince Nokto Klein, Prince Clavis Lelouch, and of course, Prince Chevalier Michel of Rhodolite.
     Seeing their faces makes your fear a little less. Especially after seeing Clavis and Nokto's sly smirks as soon as you entered the hall. You really wanted to get down there right away and hit the both of them.
     You smiled sweetly at the Prince of Jade. “I-I think I would be fine. Besides, You will be by my side, right?”
     Keith continued to led you down the stairs. “I was hurt when I found out that I wasn't the only one who could scare you. Moreover, the thing that scares you is such a trivial thing," said the prince as if he was really hurt.
     “Prince Keith, with all respect, please stop it!” you don't know whether to be upset or embarrassed, but you could have unleashed your anger then and there. “You are the most terrifying man I have ever met. Prince Chevalier is the second and Sariel is the third.”
     "Is that so? You didn't even include Prince Gilbert or Prince Silvio in your TOP 3," he joked.
     “Because I never once intended to find out how terrifying they were.”
     Keith chuckled. "And I never once had the intention of allowing you to do so."
     The ball wouldn't be complete without musics and dance. As the host of the party, of course the Prince of Jade will oficially open the party by dancing with his partner.
     In the middle of the dance floor, you and bowed to each other. One of your hand touched your chest and the other lifted your dress in curtsey, making you look graceful.
     You could feel the eyes of the guests surrounding you already staring at you and Keith. Some of them compliment you and admire you, but some also look at you with annoyance. The second option is usually from Jade noblewomen who feel themselves more worthy of Keith and think you've stolen their position.
     Noticing your stiff shoulders, Keith immediately reached out his hand to you. "Relax," he reassured you that everything will be fine, no matter what people say about you and him.
     The Prince of Jade pulled your little hand. You stared at your hand that he was holding, realizing how small your hand was in his. Maybe before this, the size comparison of your hands and his was frightening. But now, you feel safe and warm in those hands.
     Keith's other hand pulled your waist closer to him. Your free hand automatically gripped his shoulder tightly. “This is the night for us to have fun, no matter what anyone else says. The tiara you are wearing is proof that our relationship is not just any relationship. They should know what will happen if they mess with you.”
     Your grip on his shoulder tightened. What Keith said was true, but that couldn't change the fact that jade noble women could take your place by Keith's side so easily. That's what you're most worried about.
     Keith closed the distance between you and him. His lips brushed your ear. "They don't know the real me. Be grateful that you are the only woman who knows every single side of me, including the worst and most barbaric side of me,” his deep voice gave you chills. You nodded and leaned to his body, letting the prince to take the lead. "Good," he praised you.
     In the middle of your dance with him, Keith held your waist tightly. He lifted you up and spun you around, allowing you to get a closer look of the hall ceiling. Keith seemed to show the whole world that the woman he was dancing with was his.
     As soon as Keith landed you on the floor, you locked your gaze with him again. “Prince Keith, that was—” you were still shocked at the sight you had just seen. You could see the guests dropping their jaws in awe at the sight of Keith's earlier moves.
     “How was it?” he asked.
     “Fabulous!” your eyes sparkle beautifully. “I love their surprised and amazed expressions. I feel like I've won something, like only I can get it."
     Keith smirked triumphantly. "That's right. Now keep your head up, dear.”
     You do as he says. You continued your dance with confidence and a dazzling smile.
     Shortly after entering the climax of the song, Keith let go of your hand, letting you end the dance. The music stops and you drop your knees to the floor, paying a special curtsey to close your dance with the Prince of Jade.
     There was silence before the loud applause and praise roaring through the hall. You're still kneeling before Keith who is bowing to you too. Hand on your chest, you tried to control your gasping breath from the dance.
     A gentle smile touched Keith's lips as he held out his hand to you. "You did well. That was a splendid performance from both you and I,” he complimented. He pulled you up and helped you to get back on your feet.
     "Thank you," you muttered shyly.
     After the opening dance from the prince and his companion, the other guests dance with their partners too.
     With Keith, you welcomed the guests who came that night. You conversed with many nobles from all over the continent. From Jade itself, Benitoite, Obsidianate, and even from your home country, Rhodolite.
     “Prince Chevalier! Clavis, Luke, and Nokto too," you lifted your dress slightly to approach the princes of your country.
     "Oh, look at you. Our Belle became an angel while she was in Jade. Did you enjoy the kidnapping attempt Jade made on you?” you intended to thank Nokto for the compliment, but his question made you drop your intention and want to slap him instead.
     You sighed. "Ah, it was a nightmare here when I was first kidnapped," you whined.
     "And you enjoyed it?" now it was Clavis' turn to tease you.
     "I said no!" you snarled. You could have slapped Clavis if you want, but you chose to be safe. You can't tarnish Keith's reputation and you don't want to be dropped as a Rhodolite citizen. "Clavis, you think kidnapping is fun?"
     Clavis just smirked and chuckled evilly. "Oh, you know me too well, [Y/N]."
     "Jade's sweets and desserts are amazing," you turned to Luke who was filling his mouth with all sorts of sweets.
     His comment made you chuckle and eased your anger at Nokto and Clavis a bit. "Please help yourself, Luke," you smiled at the 8th Prince of Rhodolite sweetly.
     Feeling something was missing, you look at Chevalier who is sitting in his chair with a glass of champagne in hand. "Prince Chevalier?" you called his name.
     Hearing his name being called, Chevalier looked at you as intently as you could remember. His frozen blue eyes were still as piercing as ever. You haven't felt that feeling from Chevalier in a long time.
     Chevalier laughed bitterly. He stared at his champagne, twirling the glass before finally smirking and looking at you. “That tiara,” he pointed the hair ornament on your head with his chin. "How dare they," you could feel a tiger grumbling. "So this is your choice?"
     "Yes?" you look confused.
     “Making you wear that tiara, as if both kingdoms have accepted each other. After they stayed in the neutral zone for too long, they finally decided to siding us?” Chevalier explained in a bitter tone. “As if they were collaring some stray dogs, you are someone's possession, [Y/N]. The audacity they have!” Chevalier took a sip of his drink.
     Whether it's because you haven't heard any sharp words from Chevalier in a long time or because of the words itself, you swallowed your saliva from the fear and coldness you felt. “I'm… someone's possession?”
     “What Chev means is that you're a Rhodolitian. You are belong to Rhodolite," Clavis explained. “If another country want you, they have to get the approval of those in authority.”
     Nokto raised his gaze at the man who was approaching you from behind. The man brought an aide with him. “Speak of the devil,” Nokto said.
     You turned around to find the 1st Prince of Jade. "Prince Keith."
     Keith smiled at you before he faced Chevalier and the others. “Are you guys enjoying this alliance party, dearest Princes of Rhodolite?” he asked in such a polite manner. “Actually, it's such a shame that Prince Yves and Prince Licht couldn't join us tonight. It’s been a quite long time since the last time I saw the both of them.”
     “My twin brother and Prince Yves still have a lot of work on domestic affairs that can't be left out. I will convey your greetings to both of them if you want.” Nokto, who is an expert in communicating with foreign countries’ representatives, immediately came forward to represent Chevalier. “And Worry not, Prince Keith. We're enjoying this party. Although, I think there is one matter that bothers His Highness, Prince Chevalier," Nokto continued while looking at you and Chevalier.
     Keith laughed politely. "I see. I'm afraid I understand what the problem is.”
     You felt a very strong pressure around you. You're sure you can see the electricity as Keith and Chevalier stare at each other.
     Chevalier smirked. “Heh, please pardon my rudeness, but the audacity you have to collaring another kingdom's possession," you were surprised. You didn't expect Chevalier to be so forthright about what he had just discussed with you.
     You looked at Keith, curious about his expression. But Keith just smiled politely at Chevalier. "Oh dear. Collaring? I never thought the 2nd Prince of Rhodolite could speak such a word. But Prince Chevalier, I'm just trying to be with the woman I love. I never forced her to be with me. This is the choice the lady made.” Keith looked at you with his bedroom eyes. "Right, my lady?"
     You rolled your eyes in annoyance. So he doesn't think kidnapping is coercion? That was what you think in your heart. But indeed, once Keith realized his feelings for you, he can slightly free you from his grasp. He even offers you to return to Rhodolite just in case you miss the homeland.
     “I know my maiden here isn't an object, so I can't trade her or buy her for something. But please, take this small gift as a token of my gratitude for letting the lady stay in Jade.” Keith's aide came forward and opened the box he was carrying. “The lady told me that you are into romance novels, so I decided to give you this.”
     The items insidethe box was a latest novel series written by one of the famous romance writers in Jade. Chevalier looked at Keith suspiciously. He took one of the book and analyzed the its cover.
     After opening the first, middle, and thelast pages, Chevalier smiled with satisfaction and closed the book, returning the book to its box. “What a good offer you give me, Prince Keith. I truly must accept this present,” Chevalier said, allowing you to finally breathe a sigh of relief. “But Belle, is this really the decision you're going to make? A decision you won't regret?"
You smiled faintly. You took Keith’s hand and hold it tight, making the prince slightly surprised. You stared at him for a moment until Keith smiled back. You looked at Chevalier with a look of conviction and held Keith's hand tightly, proving to your kingdom’s princes that you will never regret your decision.
     Chevalier smiled again, satisfied with your nonverbal answer. Chevalier looked back at Prince Keith. “The 4th Prince of Rhodolite, Leon Dompteur asked me to pass this question on to you. This is indeed a troublesome question, but let me tell you this.”
     "Leon?" You look confused again.
     However, Chevalier's gaze made you locked away that curiosity. Chevalier sighed. “Prince Keith Howell of Jade, do you love her?”
     You were surprised when Chevalier uttered the question Leon had left him. You looked at Keith. And you were even more surprised when you saw a genuine smile touching the Prince of Jade’s lips.
     "Please do tell Prince Leon that—" Keith's grip on your hand tightened. “I love this woman with everything I have.”
     Chevalier closed his eyes after hearing the answer like soem cliché lines in romance novels he read. "Good. But since she was the Belle from our kingdom, we will not hesitate to declare war on Jade if anything happens to her, given that Rhodolite is also in an alliance with the Obsidianate now.”
     Keith just laughed lightly as if it wasn't a sensitive topic. He looked at you with a smile before turning the smile to Chevalier. “I can guarantee that It would be the last thing you will do, Prince Chevalier. So worry not about it."
     You're starting to feel like Keith was asking your brothers for their blessing. But at least, your love relationship with Keith can help diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms at once. You're happy to be able to help the two countries, telling what Jade would get if they allied with Rhodolite and vice versa. And finally, the end you've been waiting for arrives.
     Jade chose Rhodolite. The Prince of Jade chose the Lady of Rose.
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See you at the next works! Have a great day/night!
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brattata · 2 years
Hi I wanted to send in my info for a Genshin impact matchup. I chose B, I, L from the fluff alphabet. I’m over 18. My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men for my matchups. Thank you! ❤️
Personality: INTJ 3w4. I tend to act very arrogant and cocky as a defense mechanism. I don't like being vulnerable with people because it's not their job to worry about my problems. I come across very calm and collected and people rely on me for advice but not a very trusting person so I don’t really let myself depend on anyone. People have said I’m a lot more charismatic than I think I am. I'm really analytical and am good at finding loopholes and working around problems under pressure. I'm not good with emotional support and can come across a little cold because of that. I'm not that expressive (outwardly at least because I'm actually really emotional I just hide it well) and have a hard time relaxing or enjoying things because I've been conditioned to always consider how it will look on mine and my family's reputation. I'm a perfectionist and hold myself to very high standards. I appear very confident but it’s like a “I feel like I’m the worst so I act like I’m the best” situation. Because I’m not very expressive with my emotions and most people’s first impression of me is they find me intimidating and think I look mean. My intelligence is my favorite thing about myself (while I know I’m good looking I absolutely hate when that’s the only thing people compliment because it feels like empty words) because it’s undeniable and I know no matter what I can think my way out of anything. I look intimidating but I'm actually just socially awkward and suck at small talk (because it seems kind of pointless to me). I also have a short temper but there's only certain specific people that can get me to actually lose my patience and explode. I constantly chase perfection for myself and try to be the most idealized version of myself. My love language is giving gifts but I'm not sure what my love language to receive is. Some negative traits are I try to handle everything alone, I have a big ego, and and I can be kind of mean. If I’m really invested in a competition all bets are off and I will literally do whatever I have to do to win because I believe things don’t just happen within the bounds of the rules. As for dating I’ve notice I tend to get bored very quickly and once I do I completely lose interest in the person so whoever I’m with needs to be interesting enough for me to never feel bored or stuck in the relationship. (Some characters I really relate to are Chevalier Michel, Vanitas, Mikey and Ran Haitani (Tokyo revengers), Oikawa, and Kaguya Shinomiya.
Hobbies/Likes: I love fashion and I've been a model since I was 14, I used to do pageants as a kid, I make my own music and music is probably the thing I love the most. It's really what I use to process the world so music is definitely the way to my heart. I can't play any instruments but I can sing and do digital music production. (I've always wanted to be in a rock band) I'm a good artist but I don't like doing it on a deadline (I took an AP art class back in high school and didn't draw for 2 years after it cuz I hated being forced to draw. It's like when something you like becomes a chore) I've gotten back into drawing recently tho. I've also been doing martial arts since I was 7 + fencing. I'm good at chess and poker and made money from playing/betting on games when I was younger. I also love reading.
In order for me to like or fall in love with someone I first have to actually have a certain level of respect for them which must be earned. In the “get to know" stage I subtly test the person a lot to see how they react or respond to certain things. It's like a test they don't know his happening but that will determine if our relationship is gonna go further. And they will probably need to be persistent enough if they reciprocate my feelings to deal with the fact that it’s gonna take me a while to open up to them or trust them enough to get into a relationship and I might try to push them away several times (I’m just being realistic about what I do ik it’s bad😭). I also like people who challenge me and inspire me to be even better but not when they overstep and belittle me with their challenges. I also want to see effort and thoughtfulness from the person like for dates I don’t care if it’s super fancy or not I just want to see that they really put thought into the it and what I’d like. Same goes with gifts or any gestures really. And they also have to have a few screws loose and be crazy enough to go along with all my plans and trust that I’m smart enough to get us through unscathed. All this said I’m always the dominant one in my life and I don’t want to be the dominant one in the relationship I’m tired of taking care of everyone I want to be taken care of. I also despise the word mommy do not ever call me that
Dislikes/Dealbreakers: Misogyny (when people especially men undermine my intelligence and experience and end up making a mistake I warned them about only to listen when another man repeats the same thing l've been saying since the beginning), big egos with nothing to back it up, people who can't keep up with me (I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone whose hand I have to hold all the time. They need to be on the same level/wavelength as me and not drag me down), being a coward and not standing up for your own beliefs/motives, people that are way too nice (whoever I end up with has to have a mean streak because it shows they are able to take action when needed), being self absorbed and not considering the consequences of your actions. I absolutely hate being called spoiled or entitled or a princess (usually this happens because people are jealous), I may have expensive taste but that doesn’t give anyone the right to discredit the amount of work I put into myself and everything I do. People who talk big about what they’re going to do and never follow up with it. People who have a moral superiority complex that think they're better than me for not wanting to break rules to get what they want. People who can't take responsibility for what they do (Everything I do is on purpose so even if it's a bad thing I'll admit to it because whatever happens as a result is no one's problem but my own). Although I will say there's sometimes an exception to these things depending on the person and situation. Personality wise I do not usually get along with ESFPS and INTPS. (I don’t want to be matched with Itto. He’s so funny but I don’t think I could ever date him.)
Extra Stuff: I’m a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising and Cancer Venus. If I was in genshin (this is just based on quizzes I took) I’d probably be an electro polearm.
Welcome, and thanks for joining my event!
I thought a lot about this one. 🤔 Initially I was leaning towards Kaeya, and I do think you’d have chemistry. He would enjoy the challenge of trying to fluster get to know you, and you’d never be bored with him. But I think he’d give up a little too easily - and I also personally see him as a secret lonely softie who would want to be doted on a little more than you’re into. Instead, imo the best match for you is…
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Kamisato Ayato!
He looks so cool in this GIF
You have a lot in common in terms of your values, background, and personality traits, which helps you understand each other very well but may also lead to some challenges. I don’t see this being a super warm and fuzzy relationship, but it’s one with a strong foundation of mutual admiration and respect. Ayato can, and will, and loves to take care of you, but he also very much appreciates that you can handle yourself too (he’s overworked as it is 😭). He’s probably the Genshin guy who most understands the pressure of family reputation and obligations, and he’ll never view you as spoiled. He doesn’t have a mean streak per se, but he definitely has a sly/mischievous streak, and though his approach is usually subtle he’s not afraid to do what it takes to get things done. Also, as a Raiden/Xingqiu main, I just love that Electro/Hydro synergy, you know? 👌
B is for Beauty
Your poised and confident demeanor is what first attracted him to you. You're like frost on Mount Yougou - beautiful, elegant, and serene, but cold and distant at the same time. He's not easily intimidated, rather he thinks your carefully controlled persona is a testament to your mental fortitude. As he gets to know you more, he really comes to admire your observational skills and out-of-the-box thinking, and to appreciate the little moments of vulnerability you let him see from time to time.
I is for Inspiration
I think Ayato could help soften some of your edges a little bit, if you're open to that. Like you he's very calculating and charismatic, but he also has some of the smalltalk and schmoozing skills you lack, and he has a knack for winning without making others feel like losers. On the other hand, I think Ayato would find being around you very refreshing. Sometimes it's nice to spend time with someone straightforward and to the point who doesn't want or need anything from him other than companionship.
L is for Love Confession
In his (very limited) downtime, one thing Ayato enjoys is playing games with you. He has a lot of fun playing chess with you, and even more fun teaching you shogi. He's really amused (but not surprised) how quickly you pick it up. The first time you force him into a resignation he says, "Clever play, my love," and then just kind of keeps playing like he didn't say anything, leaving the next move up to you. If you express interest too, then I think his next step would probably be a formal proposal. I don't see him as the type for casual dating - if he's making time in his life for you, it's because he wants and expects you to have a future together.
Thanks again for participating, and for your follow. Hope you enjoyed the matchup! 🥰
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anischa22 · 3 years
Ikemen Prince Masterlist
👑 All Suitor Introduction 👑
🎂 All Suitor Birthday Campaign List 🎂
🌠 Gacha Banner List 🌠
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
🗒️ Events List 🗒️
⚔️ Ikepri Act 2 ⚔️
New Characters
🏰 Rhodolite Castle Tour 🏰
MC's room
Leon's room
Chevalier's room
Yves's room
Other prince's room
🎉 1st Jp Anniversary 🎉
Campaign List
Mid-Result Vote
Final Result
Other :
🎙️ Interview with Ikepri VA 🎙️
Kazuki Kato (Leon's VA)
Yuki Ono (Chevalier's VA)
Yuuma Uchida (Yves's VA)
Eguchi Takuya (Nokto's VA)
Shoichiro Omi (Licht's VA)
Kenji Nojima (Clavis's VA)
Hiroki Yasumoto (Jin's VA)
Shion Yoshitaka (Luke's VA)
Hayami Show (Sariel's VA)
Mineta Hiromu (Rio's VA)
📝 Dev's Note 📝
Leon Dompteur
Yves Kloss
Chevalier Michel
✨ Memes & other funny stuff ✨
Chevalier route be like ...
Meawhile, Leon's route ...
Disaster Man
Drama in Nokto's route
Reactions : Go to bed!
Reactions : my mom is calling
Reactions : Can i copy your homework?
Reactions : boring ads
Reactions : I'll die for you
Reactions : runs into someone crying
Reactions : what's your evil laugh?
Reactions : when things go (horribly) wrong
A moment that you can find in Yves's ending
Let me be a rose too!
Eye patches united!
Welcome to Ikepri World ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
Chevalier Michel - Sequel Chapter 3 Summary
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. This is a SUMMARY of each chapter. However, some scenes may be translated within a summary if time permits. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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The day after the heavy welcoming party that felt like a psychological battle, the Rhodolite delegation was informed by Roderic that the alliance talks can not begin because Gilbert has gone missing. 
Yves rolls his eyes, Leon is upset and Chevalier never breaks his normal face. Chevalier asks Roderic if they can move up the inspection since Gilbert is missing, and Roderic says they can tour the city as it has no restricted areas as the castle does. (Remember, they can only tour those areas once the alliance is signed). Now they are stuck in Obsidian until the search parties find Gilbert. However, when Leon asks what Chevalier thinks of this situation, Chevalier says it’s all within his purview. Clearly, it's a trap.
Chevalier tells “Black and Show-off” to checkout the industrial sector, while he and Emma check out the commercial district. The guys are bummed out, so Chevalier asks if they have a problem with his instructions. They tell him it’s disappointing that Emma is called by her name, but they are still called weird nicknames. Yves wants to at least be called his name while in another country. Chevalier says if they offer him equal value that Emma holds to him then he’ll consider it. They both reply: "Impossible". (LOL.)
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Chevalier asks Roderic who’s standing behind him and he introduces Walter, who remains silent and stern looking, but offers a simple bow. Roderic says that as they both remain at Gilbert’s side, so they can ask them for anything if need be. Chevalier’s icy blue eyes probe Walter. (He has caught on.)
Chevalier changes into everyday clothes and takes Emma to town, who is excited, but due to the crowded and bustling market is easily bumped by many people. Chevalier leads her into an alleyway and as she says sorry for making trouble for Chevalier, he drops a kiss on her lips calling her a simpleton. As they watch the people pass in the alleyway Chevalier mentions that their population is easily 100 times more than the main town of Rhodolite. Emma notices that everyone is thriving despite rumors of war, heavy taxes and food shortages. Chevalier notes that the sanitation and security is up to par as well, though the outskirt towns are less so, the centralized areas are better off. 
As they discuss who is responsible for the positive changes in Obsidian it’s obviously Gilbert, since the Emperor has no care for such things other than war. The way Chevalier speaks about Gilbert causes Emma to hesitantly ask if Chevalier knew him before? Chevalier admits that it was  long time ago, but now they are enemies, and despite the alliance, he is a threat to Rhodolite. So, they can never be how they were before 🥺 Since they are a country that invades other they must stay on their guard. 
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Emma mentions that these people are just like the ones in Rhodolite and she doesn’t want something like an invasion happening again. Chevalier clumsily strokes her head and tells her that’s why he’s there in Obsidian. Emma says she’ll do whatever it takes to support him, and he tells her that first she needs to learn how to walk through the crowd. He grabs her hand to walk with her even though they are on an official tour.
At first Emma wonders if it’s okay to do this, and she THANKS HIM, at which point, Chevalier kisses her again. She’s shocked since she didn’t say sorry this time, (he’ll kiss her each time she apologizes), and he said this time it was because of the stupid look on her face. He tells her what to look for when they inspect the shops and other businesses for the inspection. He also tells her to let him know what catches her eyes personally, so he can be sure to introduce those things into Rhodolite.
Emma asks Chevalier to let her know if there is anything he sees that interests him, but he tells her there wouldn’t be anything because he’s only interested in her. That evening at the castle, Gilbert’s “trap” takes shape when he still hasn’t reappeared. Apparently, this is different from one of his “normal” disappearances. Roderic and several soldiers appear at Chevalier’s room with the decision from a council that had been held. It was concluded that foul play may be at hand and the delegation is asked that they each remain in their own rooms until they are interrogated. Soldiers begin to surround Emma, but Chevalier quickly wraps his hand around her waist and asks, “Why must I be separated from my fiancée?” 
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Intimacy check: Chevalier’s Sequel Gold Eyes.
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ikemen-banshou · 3 years
Anon: hey can I have ikemen prince boys (Leon’s team or chevalier’s team which ever you prefer). (But also if you don’t mind who ever team you choose can you make the same for the other). Can I have their reaction to their s/o giving them a peak on the lips
Part 1 here
Part 2
Chevalier michel
Chevalier will think your teasing him. And he will get you back. He won’t let it go
Chevalier will go right to your room give you a kiss and when things get heated. He leaves
Yes he can be this cruel
Clavis Lelouch
(I don’t know much about him)
This guy act will be a something similar to chevalier. He’ll also think your teasing him and then get you back
There you give him the peak , he’ll make jokes or stuff about it on how you your teasing and stuff
He’ll get what he wants in the end though after teasing you to the point of tears
Nokto klein
He’ll stand there for a moment processing what happening,then he have his famous smirk on his face
He’ll go to you. And will tease you until you well not to the point of tears but you..well you’ll hate
You’ll get what you want though don’t worry
Luke Randolph
(Honestly idk what he’ll do to this :( )
Okay he’s innocent (I think) you’ll leave before he can pull you to get more
He’ll follow , catch you kiss ya then done
Rio Oritz
Rio would be happy with anything, he’d be happy that he at least got contact with your lips
But it’ll bother him the whole day, trying to contain himslef
But in the end he’ll go and get that kiss
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aoi-aoi-chan · 4 years
Ikemen Prince Character Introduction
All character introductions are from here: https://ikemen.cybird.ne.jp/title/prince/original/character/
Other Ikemen Prince Related Posts
Ikemen Prince PV: https://aoi-aoi-chan.tumblr.com/post/615023541978546176/ikemen-prince-pv-you-can-watch-the-pv
Ikemen Prince Story and Card Preview: https://aoi-aoi-chan.tumblr.com/post/615026153840934912/ikemen-prince-story-and-card-preview-story-the
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Leon Dompteur Fourth Prince Daring X Oresama CV: Kato Kazuki
“The disposition of a king, is it in the blood, or is it in the personality, I will prove it with my way of life.”
Birthday: August 1 Height: 182 cm Crest Motif: Lion
The fourth prince who emits the dignity similar to the king of the beasts.  With his both daring and cheerful personality, everyone ends up liking him, feeling his charm. However, inside of him, seems to be “a past that will shake the court” that no one knows......?
Voice Clip 2: Belle, don’t look away from me. I will also not take my eyes away from you.
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Yves Kloss Fifth Prince Tsundere acting tough X Ill Fate CV: Uchida Yuuma
“I am not a pitiful prince. Even if no one recognizes me, I recognize myself”
Birthday: September 16 Height: 174 cm Crest Motif: Cat
The fifth prince who is a tsundere, and just like a cat, is both whimsical and beautiful. His attitude is extremely arrogant, and he often talks down. This seems to be related to his unfortunate childhood and delicate heart......?
Voice Clip 2: I just realized now, that this is the first time I am told “I love you”. It somehow makes me want to cry. This is all your fault. You will be responsible, right?
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Licht Klein Sixth Prince Dislike Human X Cool-dere CV: Oomi Shouichiro
“You don’t need to follow me. I will not become the king, and there’s no necessity for you to know me”
Birthday: October 9 Height: 178 cm Crest Motif: Wolf
The six prince, and the twin elder brother of Nokto. He strongly dislikes making friends, and he keeps to himself no matter when he is in the court or on the battlefield. Inside of his cold behaviors, is something that changed a sweet teenager to a lonely beast?
Voice Clip 2: Being with you, I am different from usual. I have never known myself to be like this. Take the responsibility.
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Jin Grandet First Prince Casual Adult X Bad Beau CV: Yasumoto Hiroki
“I am not going to become the king. That, I was done...... However, I will protect the future you choose”
Birthday: Mar 5 Height: 182 cm Crest Motif: Eagle
The first prince who is mature and reliable...... or so you thought, is actually a womanizer and openly lewd. However, this man has a reason to firmly decide never falling in love with you, the Belle.....
Voice Clip 2: The straightforward love, will end up making people unhappy. I used to think that. It’s troublesome that looking at you, I ended up reaching for these foolish things.
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Chevalier Michel Second Prince Dangerous X Sadist CV: Ono Yuuki
“I don’t need you. No matter who Belle is going to choose, the future of me becoming the king is definite”
Birthday: November 1 Height: 180 cm Crest Motift: Tiger
The brutal and merciless second prince who is feared by the beast in the beasts. For his goals, he doesn’t choose how he accomplishes them, and he has been seen, from time to time, soaked in blood. Even though he’s an unapproachable existence, he has a surprising secret......?
Voice Clip 2: I allow you to love me. The woman to receive the king’s love, before and after, is only going to be you.
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Clavis Lelouch Third Prince Mysterious X Dauntless CV: Nojima Kenji
“Compared to deciding the king smoothly, isn’t it more fun to have some trouble? Do you want to play some tricks together?”
Birthday: June 17 Height: 179 cm Crest Motif: Leopard
The third prince who likes joy and is slightly dangerous. He is fine with whatever makes him happy, and therefore, the court’s number one problem child. He likes Chevalier as “the person to play with”. He is recently suspected of something......?
Voice Clip 2: You are the most pleasant woman. Ah, I don’t mean it in the bad way. What I mean is, you are my irreplaceable and most loved woman.
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Nokto Klein Seventh Prince Clowning X Womanizer CV: Eguchi Takuya
“Me as the King? Hm, I don’t hate that play, if you absolutely obey me”
Birthday: October 9 Height: 178 cm Crest Motif: Fox
The seventh prince, and Licht’s twin younger brother. His head is very fast in reacting, and he is very good at socializing. An absolute womanizer. Because his lighthearted seductive behaviors, you are cautious of him. However, inside his frivolity, is a heroic past......?
Voice Clip 2: Fall in love with me as if there’s no tomorrow. I will make both your heart and your body lingering, with the king’s love.
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Luke Randolph Eighth Prince Lazy X Friendly CV: Yoshitaka Sion
“Hmm, No. Official business is too much trouble. Let the others deal with that, while we lazy away together”
Birthday: May 19 Height: 185 cm Crest Motif: Bear
The eighth prince is big, like a bear. Even though he is a lazy prince who is not enthusiastic about doing anything, he treats you well like a younger sister. However, even though he is friendly with you, his eyes seems from time to time, dark and stagnant......?
Voice Clip 2: For you who love the useless me, I will draw my sword. From now on, always.
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Sariel Noir Court Official Fiendish (Kichiku) X Wisdom CV: Hayami Shou
“Until you are done selecting the next king, I am the real power in the shadow in this palace. It won’t hurt if you flatter me and wag your tail”
Birthday: Jan 20 Height: 180 cm Crest Motif: Snake
He is the court official in the kingdom, and the ward of the previous king. Because he is very good at acting behind the scene and plotting, and not following anyone’s order in the court, he is oftentimes called the “demon”. His origin, past, and true identity, are all wrapped inside mystery. What is his goal......?
Voice Clip 2: The price of teaching a demon what the taste of love is, is very high. You have made up your mind, right?
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Rio Ortiz New Butler Spoiling X Freedom CV: Mineta Hiromu
“It’s my job to make all your willfulness come true. Because no matter what others say, I am a butler only for you.”
Birthday: April 13 Height: 179 cm Crest Motif: Dog
Both a friend and a butler who is blindly spoiling you. Since a rainy day three years ago, when he collapsed while walking, losing all his memory and you helped him, he has been by your side 365 days a year. Him, who is like a loyal dog following you, has a huge secret hidden inside his lost memory......
Voice Clip 2: I love you so much that it also makes me scare. Look at just me. It’s fine if you can’t consider things other than mine.
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daegupaksu · 3 years
Otome Games Route Completion (06/12/2022)
R = Romatic, D = Dramatic, E = Eternal, 2 = Act 2, P = Passionate, B = Blissfull, T= Tragic, * = En route
Ikemen Sengoku
Oda Nobunaga | D, R
Date MasaMune | R, D, 2P, E
Sanada Yukimura | R, D, E
Tokugawa Ieyasu | D, R, E
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | R, D, E
Uesugi Kenshin | R, D
Takeda Shingen | R, D
Ishida Mitsunari | R, D
Sarutobi Sasuke | R, D
Akechi Mitsuhide | D, R
*Kennyo | R
Mori Motonari
Maeda Keiji
Ikemen Revolution
L = looking glass sequel
Lancelot Kingsley | D, LR
Johan Clemence | R, LR
Edgar Bright | D
Zero | D
Kyle Ash | R, D
*Ray Blackwell | D, LR
Sirius Oswald | R, LD
Luka Clemence | D
Fenrir Godspeed | D
Seth Hyde | D
Loki Genetta | R
Harr Silver
Oliver Knight
Ikemen Vampire
Napoleon Bonaparte | D, R
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | R, D
Leonardo da Vinci | R, D
Arthur Conan Doyle | D, R
Isaac Newton | R, D
Vincent van Gogh | R, D
Theodorus van Gogh | R
Jean D'Arc | D
William Shakespeare | R
Comte Saint-Germain | D
Osamu Dazai | R
*Sebastian | R
Vlad | R
Samurai Love Ballad : Party
D = Divine end, N = Noble end, Ds = Destiny end, F = Fates end, C = Cherish end, S = Shadow end, L = Light end
Radiance Arc
Nobunaga Oda | D, 2Ds
Akechi Mitsuhide | D, 2F, 2Ds, N
Sanada Yukimura | D, 2Ds
Kirigakure Saizo
Date Masamune | D, 2E, N
Katakura Kojuro | D, 2E
Toyotomi Hideyoshi | D
Maeda Toshiie | D
*Tokugawa Ieyasu | D, 2E, N
Ishida Mitsunari | D, 2Ds
Takeda Shingen | Ds, F
Uesugi Kenshin | Ds, UD
Date Shigezane | D
Sanada Nobuyuki | D
Kakizaki Kageie | N
Nezu Jinpachi
Shadow Arc
Fujibayashi Sakuya | L
Sarutobi Sasuke | L
Hattori Hanzo
Fujibayashi Genya | L
Kirigakure Hotaru | L
Narukami Kyoichiro
Mistuba Kaede
Mochizuki Shima
Ikemen Prince
*Leon Dompteur | R
Chevalier Michel | D, R
Yves Kloss | R
Nokto Klein | D
Licht Klein | D
Jin Granet | D
Luke Randolph | R
Clavis Lelouch | R
Sariel Noir
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comtegermain · 4 years
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       he  called  himself  major  fraser,     lived  alone  and  never  alluded  to  his  family.  moreover  he  was  lavish  with  money,  though  the  source  of  his  fortune  remained  a  mystery  to  everyone.  he  possessed  a  marvelous  knowledge  of  all  the  countries  in  europe  at  all  periods.  his  memory  was  absolutely  incredible  and,  curiously  enough,  he  often  gave  his  hearers  to  understand  that  he  had  acquired  his  learning  elsewhere  than  from  books.  many  is  the  time  he  has  told  me,  with  a  strange  smile,  that  he  was  certain  he  had  known  nero,  had  spoken  with  dante,  and  so  on.
                 albert dresdan vandam, 1820
OH, WHAT A COINCIDENCE! i was just thinking of [ THE COUNT OF ST GERMAIN ]. most swear their resemblance to [ DEV PATEL ] is unmistakable, but he has been around since the [ RENAISSANCE ]. it is rumoured that the [ CIS MALE ] was born in [ LONDON ] in the year [ 1636 ], even though they don’t look a day over [ THIRTY ]. what a shame, though: they were once famed for being [ INTELLIGENT ] and [ AMIABLE ] ; yet now, they seem more and more [ DISHONEST ] and [ MATERIALISTIC ]. but while [ LEOPOLD ] spends their days working as [ MUSICIAN ], they are already notorious around town for [ A COLLECTION OF GEMSTONES, PRECIOUS METALS, AND ROYAL FABRICS THAT MAKE IT EASY TO PRETEND, TO BELIEVE HIS OWN UNTRUTHS ;  A REFUSAL TO BEG FORGIVENESS, AND A GIFT AT CONVINCING OTHERS THAT PERMISSION HAD BEEN ASKED ;  HIS ARTS HAVE FOUND PATRONAGE, BUT IT FEELS EMPTY, AS INSINCERE AS HE IS ]. when you live forever, you might as well make the most of it.
full name: leopold. whether the family name of his birth was forgotten, never present, or simply omitted is unclear. 
moniker / nickname: many ... it is one of his favorite past times. weldoun, de saint-noel, saltikov, montferrat, bellamarre, bedmar, tzarogy, rakooczi, belletti, fraser, d’aymar, giovanni, simon wolff, surmount, frater lacius tertiarius, denis s. m.
titles: comte de saint germain is one of his favorites, though he’s also claimed to be a prinz of transylvannia, a marquis, and a major, among other things.
gender && pronouns: cis male; he / him
dob && age: june 2nd, 1636; about 384 years, though he has appeared to be about thirty since he woke up from his first death in 1665
place of birth: london, england
previous residences: primarily england, france, and the dutch republic; he’s a traveler though, and the true list is somewhat extensive, and the false one is certainly extravagent
zodiac sign: gemini
ethnicity: indian
sexual orientation: bisexual
romantic orientation: biromantic
occupational history: adventurer, musician, composer, diplomat, general renissance man, con artist
face claim: dev patel
height: 6′2.
physical build: not particularly athletic, somewhat lanky
eye colour and shape: a very deep brown, eyes that often inspire trust despite themselves
hair colour and style: brown, though nearly black, worn in loose curls just short of his shoulders
usual expression: a slight smile, always friendly
accent and speech style: he switches, somewhat unpredictably, between british and french accents 
distinguishing marks / characteristics: plague scars on his torso and left arm, though he takes car to keep them covered. 
clothing style: extravagant and expensive, but with some degree of tastefulness. he toes the line of being too eccentric, but his goal is really to either blend in with the well to do around him, or to convince others that he is one himself, not to appear as if he is new money with no knowledge.
jewellery and accessories: a collection of rings, there’s a certain glint to the gemstones when he plays the piano. he’s got a story to tell about most of them, but it is up to you if you believe any of them. he used to wear large chains, brooches, and more, but these days it is just the rings. 
father: a london merchant; sometimes claimed to be francis ii rakoczi of transulvania
mother: wife of a london merchant
siblings, if any: none
extended relations: none
significant other(s): quite a few he’ll claim, but nothing that’s stuck
children: none that he’s aware of
household pet(s): it’s best he’s only responsible for himself
colour: royal blue
weather: bright sun in the spring, temperate afternoons
food item: he’s quite adventurous with food, and will claim to love any number of dishes deemed fancy enough, but he’s got a soft spot for comport food. a warm soup of a chill day... there’s nothing better.
beverage: wine or tea.
time of day: early evening
television genre: he’s not really a tv person
favourite era lived: besides the few months he spent imprisoned for espionage, the 1700s were really his golden years. he also enjoyed the early 20th century. 
hobbies: playing violin, reading, painting
pet peeves: --
phobias: --
allergies: --
mbti type: esfp
enneagram type: 7w8
positive traits: intelligent, amiable
negative traits: materialistic, dishonest
morning routine: --
beauty routine: --
sleeping habits: --
oldest belonging: a copy of the letter where voltaire sarcastically refereed to him as the wonderman, it’s a bit of a badge of honor
living space && home: --
the  lie  he  has  told  is  that  he  has  existed  since  the  beginning.  he  received  gifts  from  a  great  grandson  of  moses,  he  lived  under  the  rule  of  valentinian  i,  lived  in  the  tower  of  london  while  king  edward  ii  held  the  throne,  worked  with  raymond  lull,  studied  speculative  chemistry  with  francis  i  of  france  and  was  personal  friends  with  michel eyquem de montaigne.  the  fact  that  the  deceased  prince  of  transylvannia  would  be  similar  in  age  to  him  and  they  shared  a  birthname  allowed  him  to  fold  that  into  his  identity  as  well,  although  contradictory  to  the  earlier  claims.  there's  something  quite  romantic  about  being  the  long  lost  prince.  though  he  used  a  variety  of  names,  depending  on  the  location  and  his  mood.  marquis  de  montferrat,  comte  bellamarre,  chevalier  schoening,  count  weldon,  comte  soltikoff,  graf  tzarogy,  though  prinz  ragoczy  was  likely  his  favorite  identity  besides  the  count.  these  days  he  let's  people  call  him  leo.
the  truth  is  that  he  was  the  son  of  a  london  merchant,  who  died  for  the  first  time  during  the  plague  year.  he  had  been  granted  some  education,  and  now  had  the  time  and  lack  of  identity  to  put  it  to  use.  he  used  his  musical  talents  to  impress  the  aristocrats  and  become  one  of  them.  it  was  his  music  that  caught  the  most  attention.  lady  jemima  yorke,  prince  frederick  of  walkes,  prince  charles  of  hesse - kassel,  king  louis  the  beloved  and  others  were  endeared  to  him,  though  voltaire  seemed  to  have  other  thoughts.  leopold  did  his  best  to  make  himself  useful,  besides  just  being  liked,  such  as  completing  diplomatic  missions  on  behalf  of  louis  in  the  late  1740s.
he's  never  been  one  to  be  overly  cautious  when  protecting  the  truth  about  him,  and  rather  is  quite  open  about  it;  something  most  deem  as  another  eccentricity  of  the  strange  man.  however,  it  is  likely  such  actions  that  have  lead  to  most  of  the  trouble  he's  run  into,  such  as  being  arrested  in  london  for  suspicion  of  espionage  during  the  jacobite  rebellion.  centuries  later  and  he  has  yet  to  learn  discretion  of  this  kind,  or  perhaps  he  just  had  no  wish  to.  being  mysterious,  hard  to  understand,  to  the  point  of  fascination  not  rejection,  is  part  of  his  act,  and  it's  how  he's  been  able  to  support  himself  over  such  a  long  life.  if  you  endear  yourself  to  the  wealthy  and  powerful,  they'll  often  take  care  of  you  while  they  try  to  figure  you  out.  they  like  to  feel  like  they're  smart,  like  they're  just  on  the  edge  of  solving  the  puzzle.
he's  put  away  enough  by  this  point  to  live  comfortably,  but  he  gets  oh  so  incredibly  bored  if  he  cannot  entertain  ――  for  that's  what  this  all  has  been  really,  an  entertaining  endeavor  where  he  is  the  star  of  the  show.  the  decline  of  royalty  really  did  put  a  damper  on  his  fun,  and  so  did  the  rise  of  mass  communications  that  made  it  more  difficult  to  claim  various  identities.  these  days  he's  a  musician,  a  pianist  mostly  who  is  equally  comfortable  at  dingy  jazz  bars  or  wigmore  hall,  though  he  does  enjoy  the  grandeur  of  the  latter.  when  he  isn't  playing,  he's  something  of  a  socialite,  enjoying  expensive  parties  where  he  can  continue  to  tell  his  stories ,  both  true  and  false .
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
◆Ikemen Prince Character Relationship Chart◆ Act 2 Ver.
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With the relationship chart updated to include Act 2 suitors, I’ve just got time to edit the chart so here it is!
I’ve also made some minor adjustments to my previous translations since back when I translated this a year and a half ago I had some trouble with figuring out which English vocabs convey the message best.
For more translations of content on Gilbert, Keith, and Silvio...
→ Ikemen Prince New Suitors Reveal Announcement PV [Translation]
→ IkePri Act 2 New Characters Basic Profile + Voice Lines Translation
→ IkePri Act 2 New Characters (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio) Full Profile + Voice Lines Translation
→ Ikemen Prince Act 2 PV [Translation]
→ About IkePri Act 2 Prologue [Translation]
→ ◆Devil Bureaucrat & Loyal Dog Butler’s 『Beast Encyclopedia』◆ Part 2
→ Ikemen Prince - Act 2 LINE Chat #1 (Gilbert, Chevalier, Clavis, Luke) [Translation]
→ Ikemen Prince - Act 2 LINE Chat #2 (Keith, Yves, Licht) [Translation]
→ Ikemen Prince - Act 2 LINE Chat #3 (Silvio, Nokto, Rio) [Translation]
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
My Theory about Our Best Boy, Rio--
I haven't read anything about ACT 2 Ikemen Prince. So, don't hesitate to give me as many spoilers as you can. But regarding Rio, I have one theory that has actually been in my mind for a long time--?
Was it possible that Rio was a long lost royal family member of foreign kingdom? I mean, as explained, the MC was the one who saved Rio. Rio's memories don't seem very clear either, right?
I also found a scene in the latest Ikemen Prince ACT 2 trailer, Rio being in the same frame as Silvio Ricci.
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Is it possible that Rio is from Benitoite? Either he is a member of the Benitoite royal family or just has an important relationship with Silvio and Benitoite.
Even if he wasn’t a royal family and if I could theorize more wildly, I could just say that Rio was Silvio's runaway slave. You know like the slave auction that happened on the Motonari (Ikemen Sengoku) Route. Yes, sort of. Our dear Vio is rich after all, he can and will do something like that.
So, what do you think? Do you have any spoilers to share with me regarding this discussion?
By the way, have a good day/night!
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