#Children Aound the World
arclantis-blog · 1 year
Who Is Working on Poverty Alleviation?
Poverty has been declared public enemy number one, so there are many people working on poverty alleviation around the world. In its 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015, the United Nations listed “no poverty by 2030” as the first goal.[1] This would mean just three percent of the world’s population is living under the extreme poverty line.[2]Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has spoken on his optimism of meeting this goal, and indeed, the world poverty level has dropped significantly in the last three decades.[3]
With such big names involved and such progress, it could be easy to assume that poverty is solved; however, events of recent years have set this progress back significantly. Though the downward trend is now re-established, between 75 million and 95 million more people could be living in extreme poverty in 2022 compared to 2019.[4] Lingering effects of global shutdowns, conflict and inflation are expected to be felt in many countries through 2030, so the goal of bringing the global poverty rate to three percent is now beyond reach without major, significant, and swift action being taken by many of these struggling countries.[5]
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Thus, GFA World’s work to end poverty remains vital and life-changing in Asia and Africa. GFA focuses on income-generating gifts—sewing machines and farm animals—to improve circumstances and restore dignity and value. Rather than leaving impoverished people and families dependent on future help, they equip and encourage them to create their own better futures by providing general and specific education such as literacy and hands-on job skills like sewing. Women, who receive sewing machines and begin work as seamstresses, can earn four or five times more income than they did doing menial labor.[6]
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Dayita was an ambitious 17-year-old who wanted to help her family of seven. Her father’s small income from day labor was not enough to cover all their family’s basic needs. Dayita had faithfully applied herself to school and managed to enter the 11th grade, something many low-income children in her country struggled to do. Alongside academics, Dayita had enrolled in tailoring classes and discovered she had quite the talent. She had the skills, but the family couldn’t scrape together enough to buy a sewing machine to make a sustainable business, despite encouragement to do so.
Dayita’s family attended a GFA church, and her parents prayed for the elusive sewing machine. The GFA pastor heard the request. During a gift distributation, he gave Dayita a sewing machine. Now she could work, supplementing her family’s income by quite a bit, changing the course of their future and bringing them hope.[7]
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
HELLLO like i said ill be requesting and i read your rules so i hope this is fine.
Can you do young!Asl x f!reader like when Sabo and Ace was 10 and luffy was 7, reader here is 11. Reader wears a completely hair,chest and neck covering hijab and an muslim thob. Can you write a scenario where young!Asl meet f!reader when luffy and Ace were competing in their daily battle and while that happned that happned luffy hat flew off his head and flew away in the wind and Sabo,Ace and luffy go to find it and when they were looking aound they meet f!reader just walking in the forest with luffy hat on her head. Ace,Sabo and luffy hide behind a bush because they dont know about readers clothing and think she might be some dangerous pirate or assassin because living with moutain bandits dont really teach you about diffrent people around the world. But ofc luffy comes out the bush and trys to attack f!reader but she was able to pin him to the ground before he can do anything GIRL POWER and ace and sabo grab there metal pipe and they begin fighting with f!reader and at the end she gets beated by them and when she relize they want luffy hat she apologizes and gives luffy hat, blah blah *talking* (you can do this part between when they fight and back to Dadan place) when they reach Dadans place ofc her and the bandits want to fie because now they are taking care of 4 children now but luckly f!reader is actully helpful so Dadan actully like her.
How reader got on Mt.Cove
Reader was on a cruise with some of her relatives then a huge storm hit and broke the ship and she ploped into the ocean not able to swim because of the harsh waves then she passes out when her head hits a rock then later she washes up in shore in the forest and she wakes up and starts walking around then meets the brothers and when she gets to Dadans place they give her some bandages to heal up and she explains why she wear her clothing like this. Ace and luffy dont care, Ace still suspicous. Sabo intense listing. (So basically women in islam wear theses clothing because The hijab is about observing modesty and according to Islamic law should begin from the age of puberty. In Islam's sacred book, the Qur'an, two verses talk about the notion of hijab and how modesty should be observed by both Muslim men and women)
Sorry if this is to much
-You’re not completely sure where you were. It had been about two days since the storm that hit the ship your family was on, sending you into the rough waters below.
-You woke up, luckily, on a nearby island, after being unable to swim, but you were by yourself, you couldn’t see anyone else from the ship, the crew you had gotten to know or your family, there was nobody.
-You adjusted your hijab after removing your hood, only for a moment, making sure everything was covered and secure before you made sure your appearance was acceptable before you started walking through the dense forest, looking for someone else who would hopefully help you.
-You found some fruit trees along your way, picking just two for the moment, eating as you walked, listening for the sounds of other people, but so far there wasn’t any luck.
-You entered a small clearing, one that looked like it had been cleared out for a campsite, but here was no evidence of anyone being there for days, which made you pout slightly, a sigh leaving your lips.
-The wind picked up a bit and you held your hands to your cheeks, to keep your hood from blowing upwards, halting for just a moment before you heard a sound of something hitting a tree and you looked up, seeing a simple straw hat with a bright red band around it.
-This was a sign of civilization! Or so you hoped, as it was man-made as you picked up the hat before putting it on your head, to shield your eyes a bit as you looked around.
-It was only moments later when you heard a voice, “Give me back my hat!!” you turned, seeing a young boy, a small scar on his cheek, leaping out of the bushes to attack you.
-Your eyes went wide, only for a moment, before you dodged his blow, ducking down and he slammed into the tree behind you.
-You turned quickly, worried he had hurt himself but before you could ask him you heard two more voices, “Get away from Luffy!!” you saw two more boys, one with blond hair, wearing what looked to be a suit, and a boy who looked similar to Luffy, with freckles across his cheeks, both of them holding weapons.
-You ducked down again, dodging their weapons before you leg sweeped Ace, sending him to the ground before you rolled out of Sabo’s wait, “Wait I’m not-” you squeaked, only barely dodging another blow from Luffy who swung at you again.
-Sabo was the one who froze before he whacked both Ace and Luffy on their heads with his fist, sending them both to the ground with lumps on their heads, “That’s a girl!”
-A few minutes later you handed Luffy his hat back, after you explained you found it while looking for other people. Luffy beamed at you, “Thanks for finding my hat Y/N! It blew off when we were fighting earlier!”
-You were confused, tilting your head to the side, “Why were you guys fighting?” Sabo explained they fought every day to get stronger, but this time Ace hit him, “Shut up! Don’t tell this spy what we’re doing!”
-You blinked, your eyes going wide before you held a hand to your chest, “You think I’m a spy?!” the three looked at you, Sabo looking sheepish, Luffy smiling, and Ace glaring before Luffy spoke, “That’s what we all decided you were- that or an assassin, since you look like a ninja!”
-You tilted your head to the other side, “What’s a ninja?” they all looked at you, a bit surprised by your words before Ace sighed out loudly, “Fine. Let’s take you to Dadan, she would know what to do with you.”
-You thanked him warmly for his help, which made his cheeks burn, hearing your words as he turned, bristling lightly, “Yeah whatever!”
-Needless to say, when you arrived at Dadan’s place, the home of the Mountain Bandits, she and the others weren’t pleased to see a fourth child there, Dadan quickly yelling at the three boys for bringing another mouth to feed.
-By the end of the day, you were Dadan’s favorite.
-You told her and the others of the storm you had been caught in, before falling overboard and waking up on this island, and how you were looking for others to help you find your family or your ship.
-Dadan agreed to help, sending out some of her men to try to gather information and you thanked her warmly, agreeing to help where you could, to pay back her kindness, which quickly earned you brownie points with her.
-During dinner, Dadan asked you about your clothes, as she had never seen anything like it before. You explained that in your religion, as stated in your holy book, the Qur’an, which stated that both men and women should observe modesty while out in public, and this is how you were taught to dress by your family.
-Many thought it was a bit odd, as they had never heard anything like that before, Luffy and Sabo weren’t bothered, mainly because Luffy was convinced you were a ninja, but Ace wasn’t so sure, still not trusting you. But then again he was like that with everyone.
-Dadan was okay with your explanation, as she voiced, “There’s a whole world out there with different cultures and religions boys. Once you’re strong enough to get out of my house you can go find them.”
-Luffy cheered at the prospect of adventure, something Sabo and Ace couldn’t help but grin at, and you couldn’t help but smile, seeing their sense of adventure. It was refreshing really, as you wanted to explore as well, going on an adventure.
-You couldn’t wait to find out what tomorrow held for you, looking at it as an adventure, in a sense, as you smiled, glad that you had found such good people to help you in your time of need.
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Doesn't Izana already run aound with a legion of kids who feel alone?
I mean technically he did with the S62 (well we think anyway) but I meant like kids younger then him. Izana just kinda running around with a bunch of younger kids which he's plotting world domination with (Kakucho is still his favourite though). He was already shown wanting to create a place for children who are alone and I think it would he funny for teen Izana to be running around with a bunch of these kids following him (would be super cute too, he pretends he's only using them but really he cares a lot about them).
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
“why do i love you?” please!
this has been in my inbox foreverrr & im pretty sure it was a writing prompt request from something id reblogged. 
anyways im sure it’s not quite what you were expecting anon, but reading this ask prompted this drabble all the same. 
also, i took the idea of sansa listening to the wind from the talk of elizabeth of york & her mother, elizabeth woodville, being able to hear the water (the white queen, anyone?). i feel like i use wind & wolves a lot in my fics about sansa, so i guess it fits my own personal narrative of her. 
anyways, sorry for the long wait, i hope you see this, and i hope you enjoy!
send me prompts
She's awake in the night, pacing the room like a caged animal.
In the hearth, the fire burns brightly, casting the room into a golden glow, though the shadows on the wall haunt her like her nightmares. She hasn't slept in what feels like weeks, she hasn't eaten in what feels like days. Outside, the snow falls and the cold comes in through every crack, proving that it was as her father had always said... Winter is coming.
And yet... Winter wasn't coming, winter was already here.
Winter was here and they were playing the most dangerous of games. Within the walls of Winterfell slept the enemy, though it felt like she was the only one who knew. Daenerys Targaryen was not their savior, was not their rightful queen. She was a tyrant in a dress that threatened to burn anyone who did not bend to her will, who did not kiss the ground she walked upon.
Sansa has to wonder when she'll be next.
She crosses the room to stand at the window, hand raising up to press against the frosty pane of glass. She can't even feel the cold anymore. She wishes she could. Leaning in, she breathes against the glass and watches the droplets of water race down the window to drop to the floor at her feet, looking back up only a moment later so she can rub away the frost and the water to peer out into the darkness of the storm outside. The wind is raging and she swears she can hear it whispering to her. It is like a howl of a wolf, telling her to be viligant, to be safe, to be smart.
A knock on her door pulls her from her thoughts.
She knows only one person who would knock so late into the night and so when she opens the door, she's not surprised to see him standing there. Jon looks as sleepless as she feels and she beckons him inside, shutting the door quietly behind him. "I thought you might be asleep," he says as he steps into the center of the room, noting her still neatly made bed and the black gown she still wears. He recalls that afternoon in the great hall, when she had snapped at Daenerys like a warrior queen, with her red hair tied back in braids and her sapphire eyes sharper than steel.
"The storm kept me up," she says as she comes to stand in front of him, not quite lying, not quite telling the truth. "The wind is howling." She explains, listening yet again to the scream of the storm outside, as if she can hear the words it wants the world to know. The words that the world ignores. Jon glances over his shoulder to the window she had once been looking out, already covered in a thin sheet of frost and when he turns back, she's frowning. "You should be resting," she gestures for him to find a chair and she moves a few steps closer to the fire, the heat reminding her of the warmth of his embrace. "The battle..." She trails off, shaking her head as she turns away from him.
She feels his presence before anything else.
He's so close to her she can feel the heat of his body, far more intense than that of the fire she stands before. When his arms wrap around her, she cannot help but to give into his touch, so warm, so strong. She slides her hands into place against his forearms, tilting her head back just enough so his mouth can find hers if he wishes. He doesn't. She leans against him anyways, swaying in time with the storm outside. "Why do I love you?" She asks as tears cling to her lashes, the truth of her sleepless nights suddenly there on the tip of her tongue. Jon only tugs her closer though she's not certain how that's even possible. "When you so clearly love her?"
At her words, he releases her, turning her so he can force her to look at him. "I told you... I don't love her." He whispers, anguished, his hands now on her shoulders. "I don't love her." Her repeats with a shake of his dark head, as if those four words were enough to make her understand. I love you, those are the only three words he needs to say, the only ones she needs to hear. So why won't they come?
He's afraid, in truth.
He's afraid of what happens tomorrow, of what happens the next day. He's afraid of what Daenerys will do to her, she's already on the edge when it comes to Sansa... He can't imagine what she will do if she found out the truth about them. He's afraid of what happens if he dies in the fight against the Night King and leaves her alone in the world. Jon knows that she loves him and part of her already knows he loves her back... And yet, neither of them have ever felt more lonely.
"What is the storm saying?" He asks instead and she draws back, head tilting, red hair a cascade of waves over a shoulder. "I can't hear it like you do." This is true- she hears whispers, he hears wind. She hears howls, he hears the sound of rustling trees.
"That you're making a mistake." Her stoic words make him blink and it's as if she's in a trance, staring at him but he knows she isn't really seeing him. "She'll burn it all." He knows she means Daenerys and he longs to hear more, but she's the one who blinks now, a look of confusion appearing. "The storm has stopped." She pushes past him to stand at the window as she had done before his arrival, though this time she forces it open, the rush of cold air bringing goosebumps to her skin. "Why..." Her voice is soft, trailing off as she turns back aound to face him, though the window remains open behind her. "I'm afraid for you," she admits softly and Jon closes the gap between them, pulling her into his embrace before she can utter another word.
He holds onto her as she cries into his shoulder, speaking soft words of comfort as he strokes her long red hair. They stand there for what could be hours or days, he loses track of time with her, until she is the one who pulls back and wipes at her eyes with the sleeve of her gown. "I don't love her, Sansa." He says again, this time with force, this time with meaning. Her blue eyes, now swollen and red, are still so beautiful. "When the battle is over... When I come back to you... I will tell you the truth." For several beats of silence she merely stares back at him until she softens, she understands. She always does.
She nods.
And he goes back to holding her, for what else can he do?
[ x x x ]
The night after the battle, after the feast, he finds himself at her chamber door again.
Before he can knock, she's opening the door, standing there in her scaled gown with the firelight framing her from behind. "Sansa..." Her name has never sounded lovelier than when he's whispering it. She steps back, giving him the space to come inside, and she shuts the door behind him a moment before his hands are upon her.
His kiss is hungry, his kiss is full of hundreds of unspoken things between them.
When he breaks it, finally, it's to tilt his forehead against hers, lips so close he can feel when hers curve with a smile. "The wind told me," she whispers, leaning into the warmth of his embrace. "It told me you would live." The wind had howled so loudly she could hear it in the crypts, she could hear it over the soft crying of the women and children. No one else could hear it, but she could. She heard it say over and over again, he will live because you love him, he will live only to come back to you.  
"I told you I would come back to tell you the truth," he reminds her, tightening his hold on her hips.
"What's the truth?"
He smiles, slow and true, his heart beating fast in his chest. "That I love you," he says, his breath warm against the hell of her ear as he leans back in, breathing in the scent of rose water on her hair. "I love you, Sansa, no matter how it's seemed since I've come home." She's sinking into him and he can feel her steady pulse against his lips as he kisses her neck, thankful for the warmth of her skin against his palm.
He's thankful to hold her, to touch her, to feel her. He's thankful to kiss her, to love her, to know her. In an instant, it all could have been taken from him. When he had stepped out onto that battlefield, anything could have happened, any one of the enemies could have been the one to claim his life. And her... It could have been her down there in the crypts, dead by the blade of her own dead ancestor. Her own brother had raised a blade to a child in his reanimated state and it could have been her. It could have been her.
"Jon..." Her soft voice brings him back and he leans in, kissing her once again.
After all, it's the only thing that feels right.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 7 years
weirdmageddon was amazing! FAR better than most finales tend to be.
i wanted to know what the zodiac thing was all about though... i’d never seen it before but it was obviously important to the fans who had theorised about it.... couldnt we at least see what it would have done???? it didn’t have to be the final conflict!
ANYWAY i dont have as much to say about gravity falls as adventure time for obvious reasons so im going to rank it... Without further ado, it’s time to heavily overthink about cartoons!!!
Animation: 5 out of 5 hats - this is one of the most BRILLIANTLY ANIMATED childrens cartoon shows ive seen. there’s no weird inbetweens, the lighting for each scene is absolutely spot-on, it looks and feels amazing! honestly gravity falls looks like one of the strongest arguments for using script-driven shows instead of storyboard-driven shows, because cartoon network has never in its life produced something that looks this good.  When it used 3D CGI it was implemented smoothly. The characters had no absence of body language and cues either, it was never boring to look at. Disney does it again!!!
Humor: 4 out of 5 hats - While I dont think this show is the literal funniest thing I’ve ever watched, it is consistently entertaining throughout the entire series which is more than I can say for the two cartoons (AT and SU) that i’m unfairly comparing it to. Humor is one of GF’s strongpoints, because the jokes it throws at you out of complete nowhere will always have you on ground. I laughed SO hard during this marathon, and the jokes are obscure enough that I’ll probably do the same thing on a rewatch. The animation helps significantly too. The character designs alone, especially Mabel and her sweaters, allow for plenty of visual humor. Soos is the sort of character that you dont know what hes going to do next. Grunkle Stan conning people got some of the hardest laughs out of me. Wendy is just.... Wendy reminds me so hard of early Marceline, except she will occasionally do something really cool cos shes from a family of lumberjacks. Let’s not forget Waddles, the MVP in the humor department.
Story: 3 out of 5 hats - If I made this post yesterday, I’d have ranked it 2 out of 5 hats. I never felt that there was any “story” to gravity falls, only some kind of ARG that added nothing to the experience because none of the questions were solvable until the answers had been revealed. But the second half of season 2 ups the ante on story by focusing on the Pines family and their relationships to each other, and you can feel tension rise especially when Dipper starts to hang aound Ford a little too much and you sense that poor Mabel is gonna be left in the dust just like Stan before her. Weirdmageddon also was way more entertaining than I expected! And how it ENDED? Oh jesus! The show’s final scenes were heartbreaking, if I’d been following for longer I might have started crying.
Characterisation: 4 out of 5 hats- holy crap, it’s just so much fun seeing the Pines family play off of each other. Each group has an entertaining dynamic, whether it’s playful like Mabel, Soos, and Wendy’s shenanigans, or more serious like Stan and Ford’s conflict. There was barely any time throughout the entire series that I was annoyed by how someone was acting, or thought that it was out of place and agitating. I think I might be giving this point a rather generous score because of how feelgood it was, rather than complex or deep, which in many areas it wasnt. For example earlier in the show the conflicts felt dumb, like the Jurassic Park episode where everyone was acting vaguely out of character to cause a sense of drama? idk. But later on it got more heartfelt, if predictable. Where else do I think it can do better?
Worldbuilding: 2 out of 5 hats - Yep, the area where I think Gravity Falls does the worst is worldbuilding. For 2 big reasons: The wasted potential of Gravity Falls itself, and the way its inhabitants were used. Maybe I’m just spoilt by the AMAZING job Adventure Time and Steven Universe do with this, but the land of Gravity Falls fails to be as interesting as Ooo or as realistic as Beach City. Idk, i think it’s more ENTERTAINING than Beach City but more because I get more laughs out of the show than recent SU. The issue with Gravity Falls’ civilians is that unless you’re a Pines, youre a straight up Cartoon Character. That rules your characterisation and your purpose for existence. This is fine and yes there are some memorable characters but they never have those hilarious moments of humanity, like the episode Root Beer Guy where the title character gets into conflict with his wife cos she thinks hes too involved with his actual realistic mystery novels, or the Graybles ep where Starchy ran away from the candy kingdom to get rid of a tracker in his tooth cos he knows  PB was spying on him, and he runs a little club conspiring against her like some kind of real life political group. His club and Kim Kil Whan having King of Ooo memorabilia lmao. I’m getting too into this but its moments like that which make Adventure Time feel great. 
As for GRAVITY FALLS ITSELF, yeah because the world doesn’t feel as real as it could be I never wanted to see what it had to offer next, and there’s never explanation for all of this. The journals play a much smaller role in the series than Dipper’s reactions over them would have you think. The closest thing to an explanation is the pondering over whether a spaceship caused the weirdness in GF or was drawn to the area because of this weirdness. But is it magic? Is it science? Is it different dimensions? Fuck knows! Is there any hint about the truth? I’m not sure! Yeah, not all things need to have answers, but it helps fire off the thinkpan. In Adventure Time the Land of Ooo’s weirdness is linked to an apocalypse that helped bring magic back to the land. The hint is that the magic potential was always there, because there were magical societies around millenia before humanity. Did magic disappear because of a comet hitting the planet? Is magic actually based on scientific principles? Like GF, not all these questions have direct answers, but unlike GF, you have enough incentive and evidence to construct your own theories. It lets you get absorbed in the lore of Ooo, of the characters inhibiting it. This is my own perspective anyway. 
I think the most amazing mysteries I ever saw unwravel were Simon and Marcy’s adventures, and more relevant to my own experiences, PB’s age. Like there was puzzle pieces and hints around indicating Peebles had been around way longer than 18 years or whatever but we finally got confirmation in Season 5.2 where we saw consecutive episodes showing her in the past. The theory was that she was younger than 1000, but could be any age older than about 50. The Vault was a shock origin story for not just Finn having had a past life as a girl without an arm (THE ARM BEING ANOTHER ADVENTURE TIME THING THAT EVENTUALLY GOT some really back and forth PAYOFF), it was an origin story for peebles and the candy kingdom! but why would she make it?? ? yeah this was all stuff we were able to construct theories for, and accurate theories, because the evidence was there and more significantly the Writers were putting it together at the same time. It almost felt like we were having an INPUT in the story because of this natural way it evolved over time. That’s why AT’s mysteries are far more engaging than those of Gravity Falls, at least for me.... but maybe the same thing happened to GF fans????? Because I wasn’t there to put the pieces together, to study the Pines family or the Bill Zodiac which.... was almost as much a copout as Finn’s arm but its ok cos the stan deleting his memories shit was a decent end anyway. I just dont know why theyd  put a mystery like that IN there if it was always going to be a red herring???
To conclude this description which..... ended up being another reason to talk about Adventure Time again, I want you to know that I REALLY enjoyed Gravity Falls. It reminded me of Over the Garden Wall in how it’s told, the characters it has, but much larger and grander than OtgW ever was. 
My favourite characters were Stan and Mabel. Yeah, Dipper and Ford were very interesting characters too, but while they’re among the top of their trope, they still feel like an overdone trope to me.... especially dipper and his Issues,,, Stan meanwhile I liked that he was a runaway fuckup nobody as a child who became a professional conman after his parents kicked him out. That was an interesting backstory.  
Gravity Falls, all in All, gets 3.5 out of 5 hats. To keep it real. Spend them wisely.
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katzuyas · 7 years
story-kat replied to your post “story-kat replied to your post “so there’s a certain dj going aound...”
It's like Tumblr is a demented version of High School, or more appropriately Middle School, and us adults, that live in the real world, use it like normally. But everyone gets stuck on who's dating who and who just got caught smoking dope by the PE teacher. I think I've used the phrase "different is just different, it's not wrong" more with tumblr users than my own children. I do hope the author is going to be ok. I can't even imagine what they are going through.
And the phrase "you are responsible for yourself and keeping the things you don't like out of your life, not everyone else" "Your triggers (or things that make you uncomfortable) are your and should be respected, but they remain yours and not everyone else's."
oh man you put it into words better than I ever could, that is literally how this feels (also THE CLIQUES!!! holy fuck) orz so many of us complain that uni is difficult and we want back to high school... well there we are, a free trial once again. every day. forever.
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aroaessidhe · 7 years
50 bookish questions
@violaeade tagged me in this a million years ago
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time?
hahaha God i don’t know,,. Gonna say like, chaos walking or mortal engines but that's in part because I've loved them for so long and reread them a bunch. there are so many more recent books that I love too
2. What is the longest book you have ever read? How many pages?
.according to goodreads stats it’s A Dance With Dragons at 1125
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date)
I have no idea tbh, I haven’t read that many old books. lord of the rings? - I checked goodreads and apparently the oldest book (on my goodreads anyway) is the hobbit so there we go
4. What is a book series that everyone else loves but you do not?
a whole heap of them tbh. but I don't really bother with popular books I don't like? If I don't like them I just. Don't think about them for the most part
5. What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series?
idk??? to be honest I can’t really think of any. Maybe in other lands because I'm thinking about that a lot recently and it is the kind of format that would suit episodes, I feel?
6. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
uhhh gosh maybe The Wind City or Radio Silence
7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading?
8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not reading?
I mean there’s a billion books I want to read but haven’t yet, but that’s only because I haven’t had the time.
9. What is a book you have read that is set in your country of birth?
The Shattering, The Wind City, The Halfmen of O (kinda....it's mostly in another world but they start off near nelson which is where I & the author live so i wanna mention it)
10. What is a book that you own more than one copy of?
Pantomime and Shadowplay by Laura Lam, because I bought the rereleased versions
11. What horror book made you really scared?
I don’t read many horror books?? I'm sure there's a few but I can't think of anything
12. What book do you passionately hate?
c*ptive pr*nce
13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many books are in it?
the edge chronicles has what, 14? if you count all the shadowhunters books there’s about that many too..... I read a significant amount of the warriors books when I was a kid but I can’t remember how many
14. What book gives you happy memories?
Chameleon Moon/The Lifeline Signal are good and happy
15. What book made you cry?
What book didn’t make me cry is the question. Recently,  In Other Lands (I’m pretty sure I cried throughout 60% of it) and Eliza and Her Monsters
16. What book made you laugh?
man i’m gonna say In Other Lands again, when I’m not crying I’m laughing (or both)
17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character?
like 90% off the books i read have lgbtqia characters
18. Have you read a book with a male protagonist? What is it?
(i love how there’s this question but not female protagonist....as if male protagonists are less common or something.....?)
19. Have you read a book set on another planet? What is it?
Fourth World (and like many others lmao)
20. Have you ever been glad to not finish a series? Which?
I only read the third Throne of Glass book because I assumed it was a trilogy and thought I might as well finish it but boy am i sure I stopped there
21. Have you ever read a book series because you were pressured?
I don’t think pressured necessarily but ones that are super popular like throne of glass, game of thrones
22. What famous author have you not read any books by?
probably a bunch
23. Who is your favourite author of all time?
I always say like, Patrick Ness or Scott Westerfeld for these because they both have so many books I love? but there are so many authors I love who are not...white dudes, who I probably love more they just, only have a few books out so far
24. How many bookshelves do you own?
At my parent's house, two big ones and a small one, and at uni three small ones. (all of which are overflowing)
25. How many books do you own?
Maybe 400? At least as many ebooks.
26. What is your favourite non-fiction book?
I don’t read many
27. What is your favourite children’s/middle-grade book?
is the edge chrronicles middle grade?
28. What is your next book on your TBR?
uhhh I kinda don't have a specific order but one of these: when dimple met rishi, meg & linus, noteworthy, the library of fates, shadow run and ramona blue
29. What book are you currently reading?
the raising by steven dos santos! came out ages ago and I just...never got aound to finishing the trilogy oops
30. What book are you planning on buying next?
probably something from here
31. What was the cheapest book you bought?
I get a lot of ebooks on amazon when they’re on sale for <5 (or free sometimes)
32. What was the most expensive book you bought?
gosh idk. I try not to buy books more than $22 (which is pretty cheap for nz tbh) but I’ve gotten the occasional $35-40 one. not recently because I am a student and Cannot Afford That
33. What is a book you read after seeing the movie/ TV series?
Howl’s Moving Castle, though not immediately
34. What is the newest book you have bought?
Venturess I think? oh wait I preodered Warcross too... (I always preorder things and they usually come out of order so I forget)
35. What three books are you most looking forward to reading this year?
Warcross, Not Your Villain and Mask of Shadows are a couple
36. What is a book you love that has a terrible trope? (Love triangle, etc)
probably a bunch, but I can’t think of anything specific
37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it?
I don’t know any other languages so nope, unless you count translated versions (or comics with an english translation throughout the entire thing)
38. What is a book you’ve read that is set in a time period before you were born?
gentleman's guide to vice and virtue
39. What book offended you?
same answer as #12
40. What is the weirdest book you have read?
ya know I'm sure I've read a bunch of weird books??? but nothing comes to mind
41. What is your favourite duology?
the scorpion rules, adaptation or the abyss surrounds us
42. What is your favourite trilogy?
gosh uh,,, micah grey
43. What book did you buy because of its cover?
Tbh We Are Okay is the first thing that comes to mind, it’s so pretty.
44. What is a book that you love, but has a terrible cover?
a lot of indie books (though definitely not all!) do, and that’s understandable. tbh there are a lot of trad published books with Bad covers too. I'm a design student and I'm picky. (But I try not to judge them publicly)
45. Do you own a poetry anthology? What is your favourite poem from it?
nah I'm not really one for poetry
46. Do you own any colouring books based off other books?
47. Do you own any historical fiction?
a bit
48. What book made you angry?
the sequel to love in the time of global warming tbh....it;s Not Good
49. What book has inspired you?
the wicked lovely series and micah grey series are the two things I’ve done more fanart for than anything else so I’m gonna say those
50. What book got you into reading?
there are different levels here because I’ve always read a lot, but probably the more significant ones are like.. the edge chronicles, inkheart, maurice gee books when I was younger, and then around maybe 10-12ish I just?? wanted to read but didn’t like the look of any books I found. my mum bought me mortal engines and sabriel and forced me to read them and they’re still some of my favourite books ever so there we go
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rodolfo10o936-blog · 7 years
How To Shed Cash With educator.
instructor: Just what A Mistake!
Nevertheless, I assume every instructor these days need to have some kind of site or blog site. On top of that, an educator who teaches English has to be inspired himself in order to keep the pupils interested in the lessons in course. However, as numerous instructors know, obtaining students to finish research could be an aggravating job to claim the least. I reach pick just how my students will remember me or if my trainees will remember me. If I make everyone unique to me, make everyday crucial to me, make every lesson crucial, and make learning enjoyable, I also can make a distinction. The even more musical capability your educator has, the better their capacity to share their expertise with you and also subject you to the musical world correctly. If the teacher was a Slacker (could not be bothered to follow his own formula) or a Rambler (chaotic), I don't recognize. . The first thing that is mosting likely to affect how effective a teacher goes to enlightening pupils on primary scientific research is the teacher's ability efficiency. I assume somebody must be making a great deal of loan with all these workshops and also the materials that opt for it. I likewise believe is a method of replacing educators with even more years of experience and a greater income. Know your restrictions and discover them to elevate on your own as a remarkable yoga teacher. Fifty UNITED STATE instructors were chosen for the program: 24 participated in a study scenic tour to South Africa and also 26 took part in a research excursion to Costa Rica. They have a high turnover of personnel, as well as choose teachers with no/little experience so incomes are kept at a minimum. Teachers and also trainees alike will gain from the tools picked up from specialist advancement. Given that 1998, the Toyota International Teacher Program has sent out an overall of 685 U.S. high school educators on extensive study trips to Japan, Costa Rica, the Galapagos Islands, and South Africa. This may be shown in a company's pay ranges or could be used by you to negotiate a greater salary. One -fifth, or 20%, of public institution teachers that had no previous permanent training experience gave up in the academic year 2004-2005. In almost all the great colleges of The U.S.A., graduate programs are offered in instructor education and also training. Wonderful one!wish all the educators on the planet would certainly understand that there is a site like this more power and god bless! It is incredibly important to discover the ideal instructor as it can make or break the pupil. Educators or trainers have to be very much useful and also seasoned in their topics. There are particular things during your yoga exercise teacher training program helps you to goji cream παραγγελια discover your personal limitations as well as fears of coming to be an incredible teacher. Nonetheless, many educators are not taking full advantage of their instructor resume objective.
teacher And also Love Have 4 Points Alike
How commonly her daddy, a lifelong educator, had actually wished for the perfect first-grade educator: a nurturing lover of learning whose genuine approval, excitement, as well as heat would certainly foster her curiosity and push her academic path. Despite the excellent development that has been made in virtually every element of education, we, instructors of English, still cling seriously to out-of-date methods, namely, in training grammar. Working in the education field, educators need to be anticipated to be lifelong learners. The educator must grasp the subject before instructing it, and then help others understand it. So, the initial task of the instructor is finding out. It aounds to me as if you will be one of those teachers who, their students remember lovingly for decades. Teachers will uncover the happiness of teaching and perform far better in their careers. A good vocal singing instructor will certainly aid you in becoming better at what you can sing now and also it is not his work to transform you in addition to the kind of songs you wish to sing. Teachers in districts with a year-round routine usually work 8 weeks in a row then have a break for 1 week prior to starting a brand-new education session.
12 Questions Answered Concerning instructor.
They intend to adhere to exactly how the vocalist sang them as well as they could demand the voice instructor to reveal them how to achieve this. Reality: Residing in a little city does NOT avoid you from getting guitar students ... if anything, it makes it easier for you to end up being referred to as the # 1 regional guitar teacher. The well worth of a teacher is not actions by the variety of suits he has, but by the quantity helpful which he makes to his trainees. Hugging children in a specialist setup is probably not a great idea in this day and age. Attempt to think of concepts the educator could do in order to help your child that are not widely time taking in every day. Although instructors ought to not be criticized entirely for reduced examination ratings or unmet needs, the quality of mentor definitely has some reflection on the resulting information. To end up being a specialist instructor you must have undergone teacher training universities, polytechnics, Universities to get the fundamental skills of training as well as obtained a certification as a teacher. Additionally, institutions should meet state demands which have been implemented by the government govermnet. In-addition, the administration should chat with teachers to find out which subjects they are qualified to show or would certainly feel comfortable training.
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How you can Offer instructor.
Are You Embarrassed By Your teacher Skills? Right here's What To Do.
One specifically harmful, but frequently neglected, result of dispute on education and learning is the expansion of strikes on schools ... as children, instructors or college structures become the targets of attacks. Still, in a lot of locations teacher jobs pay well and afford sufficient vacation time to earn them appealing. There are certainly great deals of strategies that could aid individuals grow these skills, yet lots of fantastic educators have excellent training instinct.
Take The Burn out Of instructor.
A kid left on his own would possibly just play computer game all day, yet it is the job of the educator and also parent to earn sure they are making use of modern technology for learning and except idleness. Look at your needs this week and also make modifications to discover even more equilibrium in your world. The very first thing we needed to do this week is obtain our study and instructions created. Both designs can have pupils transforming classes, or have the trainees remain in one class while the educator changes classes. Go as well fitnessdagelijks.xyz as go to a couple of performances by the potential teacher so you can make up your own mind on their skill if possible. Whether you are a brand-new instructor, or a teacher with years of experience, expert instructor development is an extremely valuable experience. You are an expert instructor as well as have considerable experience, still polishing as well as freshening your resume can obtain you a couple of challenging work settings. Teachers have a responsibility to their trainees to encourage them and also establish that inquisitiveness right into a need for understanding. Instructor education and learning is also commonly referred to as educator advancement and educator training. Right here, the hopeful instructor not only gets academic understanding such as lessons and lectures, but additionally obtains sufficient practical experience of training. Thus, if you are a Georgia Educator with an average revenue, you will have the ability to buy an extraordinary home. Furthermore, there need to be a workplace alloted at the institution for educators to plan and also prepare. I had several teachers that made a distinction in my life ... too much to inform right here. Teresa, whose dream to end up being an educator had actually begun years previously at a regional neighborhood university, had a hard time to work a full routine and also, at the same time, full programs and also her practice teaching. Some of the very best teachers I have had were additionally several of the very best experts in the nation.
Why A lot of educator Fail.
2 of the top qualities that exceptional teachers need to have are patience and also persistence. Do not forget ... the job interviewers undoubtedly want to hire the most effective educator, but they also want to work with an educator that they will certainly be able to deal with for a very long time to come. The instructor should master the topic prior to showing it, and afterwards assist others master it. So, the very first task of the educator is finding out. It aounds to me as if you will be among those teachers that, their students keep in mind fondly for decades. Educators will rediscover the delights of mentor and also do much better in their professions. So it is extremely needed for a perfect educator to be caring and also caring, then only he subsequently infuses the better high quality of begetting love in the youngsters in his charge. Along with financial assistance provided by colleges and universities, there are a number of financial aid programs to help Pennsylvania teachers complete their academic goals. Teachers as well as moms and dads can use the accumulated info to work out just how quick pupils are reading books and also to which trainees awards ought to be offered. Return to experts say that for a winning instructor resume, your return to ought to have training approach included. Particularly at the primary degree, the vital of a good educator takes completely a new degree. If you do decide to work in Greece be careful-check paperwork, agreements, be solid, check with various other educators or with IKA (insurance) what your privileges are. It is one means of revealing teachers that you value the efforts that they are making in mentor you exactly what you should learn. Head teachers at both colleges announced one early morning that, because of flooding damage to numerous class, s two teachers would certainly be required to interact in the fitness center with their corresponding classes side-by-side. I had to wait until my last year in college prior to I fulfilled the teacher who really made a distinction in my life, Ellen Lange. I will absolutely tweet about this due to the fact that I know every one of the teachers that follow me will certainly enjoy it! I wish to be a teacher one day since i believe mentor is one way of discovering. The Digital Teacher is a new web site where you can access ideas and free sources about training with innovation. My instructor Kelly told me last week that she was going to let me get away with hearing my ipod only that night.I recognized she was joking. The proprietor of the business, you, becomes a matchmaker, or broker, matching certified tutors and also teachers with kids in need of individualized tutoring. There are a variety of bodies made to impart, upgrade the expertise and maintain and professional standing of teachers.
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elvisharford89-blog · 7 years
The Anthony Robins Guide To educator.
What Could You Do Concerning instructor Right Now
With Christmas fast approaching, among individuals that need to be in your present listing is your instructor, especially your favorite teacher. However there is no Spanish chip that your teacher could insert into your mind, nor can they open up your mind and put a jug of Spanish in there. I have actually heard it's getting more difficult and also tougher to be an instructor today because of this. A few of the money will also be utilized to pay college charges for orphans and also various other under fortunate children. Aiding a brand-new educator feel confident with his/her authority as a class manager while additionally revealing them how you can prepare lessons for hard topics can be demanding. Nonetheless, given that I do not make a great deal of crafts myself my other recommendation for terrific educator gifts are decadent treats. One more task search service for Pennsylvania instructors is Pennsylvania Institution Applications Network - (PAREAP) which was established in partnership with state institution districts and also PAREAP.
Right here's A Quick Way To Solve An Issue with educator.
. The initial point that is mosting likely to impact just how efficient an instructor is at enlightening trainees on primary science is the instructor's ability proficiency. I assume somebody needs to be making a lot of cash with all these workshops and also the materials that select it. I additionally think is a means of replacing instructors with even more years of experience as well as a greater wage. The following day Kelly brought into job her papa's book, a collection of his writings. If I didn't remove her from her work, one of my instructor in the college could have make a distinction. After lunch, the trainee would attend a math and also scientific research course, after that go back to the original educator for social studies. The even more financial assistance alternatives the school provides, from federal financing to exclusive grants, the more acknowledged the institution remains in the outside world. Students have four days of various sorts with the pattern they're working with, and on the fifth day I provide trainees the following team of words. So, at the end of the day I do not like them in all within the college setting since the middle schoolers seem to refuse to use them at the appropriate time and in the correct fashion. You could acquire an educators job without having your masters, however just for a certain length of time.
Open up The Gates For teacher By Using These Easy Tips.
No matter how great or knowledgeable a teacher could be, if she cannot transfer that knowledge, she's worthless as a teacher. When I got to Paris, France for the very first time (With 2 years of secondary school French and 9 term hours of college debt in French) I quickly discovered that no person can recognize a word I stated! The methods which you could absolutely aid new educators can be enormously beneficial as well as exceptionally prominent on a brand-new educator's future and also job. Several site managers have actually currently chosen instructors that function as casual coaches to help the initial year teachers. I understand she's always there whenever I'm having a difficult day as well as just require a hug or if I have to talk as well as it truthfully implies the globe to http://ikhoudfitness.pink/is-goji-cream me. Bio data: The author is Supervisor of Instructor Training at OxfordTEFL, Barcelona Spain. Due to the fact that we need even more people like these in politics and high ranking business positions, I virtually desire they WOULD N'T ended up being educators. An ideal means of discovering whether you will actually be suited to ending up being a teacher is to talk with other instructors. Yes, I had a few fantastic educators - my secondary school English teacher (Mrs. A pupils prefer to find out is substantially impacted by the teachers ability to produce outcomes. The educator must master the topic before showing it, then help others grasp it. So, the first work of the teacher is discovering. It aounds to me as if you will certainly be just one of those educators that, their students remember fondly for decades. Educators will find the happiness of teaching as well as perform better in their jobs. You won't have the personal face-to-face interaction with students that lots of educators delight in. Teachers may offer guideline in proficiency as well as numeracy, workmanship or occupation training, the arts, religious beliefs, civics, neighborhood duties, or life skills. Commonly educators concentrate excessive on the trainees that are behind and they neglect the pupils that are performing at the ordinary level - however if instructors invested more time with those at the typical degree, they might become more advanced! However a robotic could be really practical for teachers and provide even more children face to face focus. Another extremely important high quality for an ideal educator is to be extremely comprehending in regard of the behaviour of the youngsters. As a result of the nature of the class and dimension, it is necessary that there be a suitable variety of instructor assistants to aid the teachers with daily tasks. While both training courses require an even larger investment in terms of training course prices, you will certainly be awarded by being eligible for promotion to a duty such as DOS/ADOS, with extensive pay advantages. I've had a team exercise instructor out since last month because of cancer cells then a cardiovascular disease.
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arclantis-blog · 1 year
What Is Food Poverty?
Food poverty is just one facet of global poverty, but it is crucial. One might think that poverty causes hunger; while that is correct, hunger is also a cause and maintainer of poverty. Being malnourished makes it difficult to work well, resulting in lost wages, which perpetuates the vicious poverty cycle.
Malnutrition also weakens the immune system, making it easier to catch diseases that can prevent people from working. Malnourished mothers pass on these issues to their children, resulting in smaller, more sickly babies, permanently impacting their futures.[1] On average, adults who were stunted as children due to a lack of necessary nutrient, earn 22 percent less than those who weren’t stunted.[2] In sub-Saharan Africa, one in three children experience stunted growth due to malnutrition. Stunted growth also affects cognitive abilities, meaning school becomes difficult for the few children who are even able to attend.[3] Struggles with education mean that poverty’s seemingly inescapable cycle continues.
Hunger is growing worldwide. The total number of people affected by hunger rose to as many as 828 million in 2021, which is a 46 million increase from just a year earlier, and 150 million more people than in 2019.[4] With such a daunting problem, it may seem impossible to tackle the monster of hunger.
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GFA World is one of the many organizations working to help. GFA works with the poorest communities, bringing food, care and the hope of Jesus Christ. A major ministry of GFA is providing farm animals, which produce nutritious food like milk, eggs and meat that can be eaten or sold. Simple gifts like this make a world of difference to families and communities.
Neha was a widowed mother of four who struggled to provide for her family by raising pigs and working as a day laborer. She received two chickens from GFA’s Sisters of Compassion, and suddenly her life of struggle was in the past.
“I am so thankful to you for giving this pair of chickens,” Neha said, “I believe they will be a great help in raising some amount of money and will help with my children’s schooling. I will take care of them safely so that they will produce many chickens.”[5]
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refugiofinch5-blog · 7 years
Little Understood Ways To Rid Yourself Of teacher.
The Anthony Robins Overview of teacher.
Enhanced discussion abilities for the grown-up EFL and also ESL learner are incredibly important for traveling, overseas study, as well as communicating with foreigners. Starting class treatments on the first day of institution assists the teachers acclimate students to a well-managed classroom immediately. Involving the following tip; Set aside a specific time each day that you can utilize for research study. When assessing a placement are the ESL TEFL TESOL sources provided by the college for the educator to prepare their lessons, another element that might come right into play with numerous teachers. The trainee does not notice this till the following class when the complying with teacher thinks that you do not know the material since YOU were not examining. Teachers see you differently as well as psychology assists them recognize why you do the things you do. Wonderful to recognize you are taking pleasure in school.
Boost Your educator With These Tips
Videoconferencing tools: with the aid of this modern technology teachers can conveniently 'call' any individual on the world to take part in the class - for example on marketing associated classes it is a fantastic idea to ask the executive of a successful firm to be readily available for some mins as well as inform the pupils some crucial demands to success in this field. Tablet computer (iPad): with this gadget teachers can take notes prior to class so they could be 100% certain that they won't neglect anything essential to inform the students. Considering that QiGong is a part of Conventional Chinese Medication (TCM), the instructor or practitioner should be highly acquainted with the Five Component Concept, Yin Yang Theory, Meridians and also Details and also other components of TCM. I would also like to go further more and also congratulate all elementary school teachers for the job that you all do enduring all sort of children negative or good currently as a grown up male with 3 youngsters of my own made me not just appreciate my moms and dads however a lot more so my instructors that tolerated me when i was a young boy. If you choose an accordingly located instructor, you could be much better inhabited practicing the piano during these hrs. But I additionally found out a dreadful great deal during 3 weeks from merely enjoying other instructors. Teachers need to communicate to information systems security (victorieslabire.info) moms and dads just how the class is conducted and that all academic demands will be met. When press involves shove this is one of the most essential classification of any educator meeting. Always bear in mind that regardless of just how much you differ with what is on your home tax obligation costs it is constantly better to pay the bill and also obtain refunded behind to have an outstanding tax bill on your residence. Adult female pupils could likewise review various definitions to it if it comes from male teachers. This is clarified at the start of the day so that they might work with them when their projects are completed. Clifton) was strict, however reasonable, and I assume I found out more from her than other instructor.
What Your Clients Really Think About Your educator?
As an instructor that sees the very same students every day, you understand which students have one of the most pressing concerns related to self-control and also which ones would make money most from a see with the counselor instead of a check out with the Principal or Dean of Trainees. I have the tendency to play the role more as a close friend to my trainees compared to as a stiff as well as stringent educator. As an instructor, paraprofessional or moms and dad of a child with asperger's disorder, it is very important to identify the child's presents along with constraints. Teachers and parents could use the accumulated info to work out exactly how rapid students are reading books as well as to which students honors must be given. Return to specialists state that for a winning instructor resume, your return to should have teaching approach consisted of. Just what an Unique Education Instructor do is they develop products which meet the requirements of such trainees to make certain that they reach their discovering peak according to their possibility. After completing the growth procedure, teachers will certainly have widened their instructive expertise, enhance their skill set, and also change their ideas, attitudes and also understanding of working with a diverse variety of pupils. The even more musical skill sets your educator has, the far better their capability to share their understanding with you and expose you to the music world appropriately. If the teacher was a Loafer (could not be troubled to follow his own formula) or a Rambler (messy), I do not recognize. Understanding music could be grueling at times and an imaginative teacher assists in lowering the routine by locating ways making the discovering process a lot more enjoyable, such as games or little competitions. Idea 4 is that keeping discipline and control of the students is one of the most essential thing you can do. As a teacher I cared much less concerning just how much of the work was done and also extra regarding just how well the pupils acted. Whether you're trying to find educator birthday gifts or educator novelty gifts, each of our GIANTmicrobes ® has info about the real germ it represents. Almost everywhere instructors require sources and also the on the internet market for TEFL/ESL extra handouts remains in its infancy. The instructor must understand the subject prior to showing it, and then help others understand it. So, the very first task of the educator is discovering. It aounds to me as if you will be one of those instructors who, their pupils remember fondly for years. Teachers will rediscover the pleasures of mentor and also execute better in their occupations. To handle aggravation the trainee might prefer to continuously tap a pencil on a workdesk (or one more turbulent actions) to concentrate themselves because s/he is experiencing sensory overload What shows up turbulent to the instructor et cetera of the course might really be a method for the asperger's student to handle the sensory overload.
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arclantis-blog · 1 year
Why Is Poverty a Problem?
Though there is no catchall solution to poverty, it is important to answer the question “why is poverty a problem?” There has been progress in ending poverty, but events in recent years have slowed things down; about 10 percent of the world’s population is still living under the extreme poverty line.[1] This has far-reaching impacts on people’s lives and well-being. If someone doesn’t get enough to eat, they won’t have the strength or energy to work. If they don’t work, they won’t earn money, and so the cycle of poverty continues.
There are over two billion people around the world who don’t have access to clean water at home. They must walk for hours over long distances to fetch water, causing many more problems.
Poverty also causes a lack of education, which, in turn, perpetuates poverty. The barriers to a proper education include a lack of money for uniforms and books and cultural biases against girls’ education.[2]
Because of these ongoing and serious issues, GFA World is working to address poverty on the continents of Africa and Asia. GFA’s Child Sponsorship Program makes sure that the kids receive an education along with nutritious food and medical care. Education is one of the best ways to overcome the cycle of poverty, opening doors that are closed to the uneducated.
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Another highly effective way to end poverty is through the gift of farm animals, which produce income for impoverished families. They can eat or sell the milk, eggs and meat. When the animals reproduce, they can sell the offspring, which also greatly increases the income of a family.
“I am really happy to receive this pair of chickens,” said Mayra, a widow who received two chickens from GFA’s Sisters of Compassion. “But I am so happy because of your love and concern for me. I actually wanted to have chickens for a long time, but I did not get the chance to buy them because I do not have any source of income now. My son’s income is just hand to mouth. I believe this chicken will help me to raise at least some amount of income in the days to come.”[3]
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arclantis-blog · 1 year
What is the War on Poverty?
The term “war on poverty” is usually used to refer to expansive social legislation introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s to end poverty in the United States. He introduced an “unconditional war on poverty” in his first State of the Union address in January 1964. This rhetoric quickly found its way into laws and the creation of new programs and agencies.[1] The efficacy and impact of this legislation in America are not within the scope of this article. Instead, this will be looking at the wider range of a modern war on poverty around the globe.
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To address the issue, the question “why is poverty a problem” needs an answer. There are over 700 million people living on less than $1.90 a day, which is about 10% of the world’s entire population.[2] Poverty has dire consequences with malnutrition, contaminated water and poor sanitation and hygiene causing many preventable deaths, especially for children under five. The 2017 UNICEF Child Mortality report states that in poorer areas, one child in every thirty-six dies in their first month of life, many of them from curable diseases like malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia.[3] Of all these children living in extreme poverty, 75 percent of them live in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia,[4] which is where GFA World has focused its efforts over the last forty years and will continue to do so moving forward.
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GFA World addresses food poverty with its efforts by focusing on providing children with proper education and nutrition. The task is vital because as many as one in three children in sub-Saharan Africa experiences stunted growth, not getting the vitamins they need from their food. This stunted growth impacts a child’s cognitive ability, making it even harder for them to learn in school,[5] assuming they can attend school at all. In that region alone, 32 million children—mostly girls—do not go to school.[6] Thus, one of the first initiatives GFA began in Rwanda was a branch of their child sponsorship program, which helps ensure that children get an education, food, necessary medicine and supplements. The medical ministry includes distributing vitamin A—which helps in eyesight development—and deworming tablets—which remove parasites from the body.
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Worsening the food shortage is a water crisis in Africa; more than a quarter of the whole continent has no access to safe drinking water.[7] GFA World installs Jesus Wells, bringing clean water to villages and families that never had it before. Two wells have been drilled in Rwanda—with many in place in Asia already—and more are on the way in Africa. These Jesus wells can serve an average of three hundred people daily and can last around twenty years.[8]
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Another way that GFA World contributes to poverty alleviation is by gifting income-generating gifts to impoverished families. These include sewing machines that men and women can use to become tailors and earn extra income. GFA also distributes farm animals, such as cows, chickens and pigs which give poor families and villages brighter hope for the future. They can use the meat and milk from the animals to better feed their kids or sell for extra money. Larger creatures can help with plowing and fertilizing crops, which increases yield and profitability. The animals reproduce, and their offspring can then be sold, leading families out of extreme poverty and substantially brightening their circumstances.[9]
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arclantis-blog · 1 year
Solutions to Extreme Poverty
Solutions to extreme poverty start with meeting the basic needs of those living on less than $1.90 a day.
Clean water and proper sanitation are fundamental to health and, therefore, to solutions to poverty.
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About 4.2 billion people worldwide lack sanitation services, which could prevent the spread of debilitating and deadly diseases (from dysentery to polio and hepatitis A).[1] Proper sanitation also means that women and girls do not have to risk their safety by relieving themselves in fields, in the streets, or behind bushes.
GFA has built more than 32,000 outdoor toilet facilities in many countries in Asia. The privacy and safety these facilities provide have saved countless lives. Between 2000 and 2016, improved sanitation contributed to a 15% decrease just in diarrheal deaths alone in Southeast Asia, East Asia and Oceania.[2]
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Likewise, clean drinking water can prevent a large percentage of the 2.2 billion people who don’t have safely managed water[3] from contracting deadly illnesses like typhoid, giardia and cholera and others which cause life-threatening diarrhea.
About 2.4 million people per year could be saved from diarrheal deaths by providing clean water, sanitation and basic hygiene education.[4]
GFA digs Jesus Wells down to 200 meters or more to make sure villagers can access water year-round, even during droughts. Local churches maintain the wells, ensuring they work constantly.
Clean water and sanitation mean more girls attending school
Clean water and private sanitation facilities also encourage girls to attend school. Girls are more likely to miss school than boys because 1) they are the ones who travel to collect water in 80% of households without nearby water services, and 2) girls often miss school during menstruation due to a lack of private bathrooms.[5]
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arclantis-blog · 1 year
Solutions to the Poverty Cycle
There are a variety of solutions to the poverty cycle. The cycle begins when children are born into poor families and is passed onto their children when they don’t have opportunities to overcome poverty.
Different levels of poverty exist, from malnutrition due to the inability to afford food to lack of education. Illnesses caused from contaminated water and poor sanitation and inadequate healthcare fuel the cycle of poverty. It’s difficult to earn income or concentrate in school when you’re constantly battling illness.
GFA World addresses solutions to the poverty cycle, including solutions to extreme poverty.
About 53% of children in low- and middle-income countries cannot read by the age of 10.[1] This fact alone keeps them in the cycle of poverty.
“Illiterate people lack the power and knowledge to compete in the marketplace, and they are unable to develop economically,” according to WorldAtlas.[2]
Teaching children and adults to read, write and do basic math can change lives. Strong literacy skills can translate to up to a 33% higher salary than that for adults with poor literacy skills. In addition, adults with solid literacy skills are twice as likely to get a secure job.[3]
GFA offers solutions to poverty by teaching literacy skills through two main programs: Child Sponsorship and Women’s Literacy Program.
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GFA’s Child sponsorship and gives children solutions to the poverty cycle through nutritious food, education and free medical care. It helps provide the hope and direction children need.
More than 850 million adults worldwide are illiterate, and two-thirds of them are women. Half of the people who are illiterate globally live in South Asia.[4] Cultural norms have prevented many people, especially women, from obtaining an education. Oftentimes, females are married off at relatively young ages, so parents don’t see value in educating girls.
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