#Chinatsu Ode
saga-jihen · 1 year
Sung by: Iron Frill (アイアンフリル) Ai Mizuno (水野 愛) [CV: Risa Taneda (種田 梨沙)] Nono (ノノ) [CV: Mai Mochizuki (望月麻衣)] Kaoru (薫) [CV: Yuki Sato (佐藤優希)] Miyu (みゆ) [CV: Shiori Matsui (松井栞里)] Nina (仁奈) [CV: Chinatsu Ode (大出千夏)] Composed by: Ryuhei Yamada (山田竜平) & SHIBU Lyricist: Miho Karasawa (唐沢美帆) Album: Franchouchou The Best (フランシュシュ The Best)
“It’s like we fell in love, it’s like he’d known me A love that the world would envy Let's do it, let's grow Just love and courage is enough I want to look at you, I want to kiss you The achievement that will change your life Let’s make it come true, let’s connect Creating beauty with dreams and efforts Let’s make your heart flutter Fantastic! Just fall in love (Ah-Ha) Just fall in love Just fall in love (Ah-Ha)”
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I think one of the most interesting things about welcome to the ballroom is tatara and chinatsu’s dynamic. I like Tatara you know..he’s chill...but my dudes.... it felt like Tatara had to deal with a second main character of her own managa appearing when Chinatsu appeared. It gave case closed/detetive conan combining with Kaito kid main character energy...only the combination was permanent and they were forced to live with eachother. 
Its fascinating because Tatara was good before she appeared.  He was a bit of the nervious type at points but also  gave his all for dancing even when he was going with the flow a bit. We saw him get stronger and we saw some fo his hangups with partners splitting up...but he still focused on Mako and was helping her keep her brother as her partner like she had wanted.
But its AMAZING the affect Chinatus had on him. WIth Mako he was relatively understanding and gentle and more postive.  With the girl who led him to dancing he seemed a bit awkward around but did help her showcase more of her own competativeness and pride and we got to see her big rival was her own partner who was keeping a eye on tatara. and he is rather polite to everyone...even mako’s brotehr after things calmed down a bit.
but it just HIT like a truck that CHinatus was gettng under tatara’s skin like no one else. she was dishonest and was mean about dancing infront of him but then got caught in her love of dancing by him a an tournament which caused her to lash out a bit at him because he was open about his love of dance(even though not at home and getting to do what she was good at(lead). 
I loved seeing how Tatara was actually confused and frusterated with her behavior  especially early on eve whenhe tried to reach out basically. I loved seeing him more directly jealous as well...
Chinatsu was jealous because he was still hopeful and not bitter like she was becuase he was new to dance and could lead while she couldn’t lead becuase she was a girl...but more we saw her jealous also stem from how tatara clearly was a great follower...something she was struggling with because it had cuased her to not click with other partners she tried to pair with..becuase part of chinatsu wanted to be a good follower and do good in the female role due to emuslating her rolemodel. 
while Tatara also had his own rolemodel to some degree in his sort of coach whoc just so happened to be connected to her rolemodel...but we get to see HIM being jealous becuase she is a great leader and she has all this expereience that he is struggling to figure out. We see him frusterated as well becuase of her lack of honesty in her love of dance with him and her picking fights with him when he normally is the noconfrontational type.
I LOVE seeing Tatra struggle becuase not only did he feel like he had a bit od a deadline to catch up to certain dancers who told him they expect him to catch up soon....but we see him actually shwo frusteration with someone.
It really hit me like a brick when the managa/anime brought up the idea of comparing how tatra was around Mako vs how he is around CHinatsu. He was arguably a weird leader for Mako...but they did get along and he WAS able to lead her even if he go some bad habits after focusing on making just her shine. Mako is comparitively gentle to contrast Chinatsu.
The thing is...I was right there with Tatara in forgetting to count Mako as a partner..becuase he was only with Mako so she wouldn’t lose the chance with her own partner...he never expected to keep her. WE all know the sitaution was very different so Chinatsu shouldn’t have to feel jealous or betrayed...but I LIKE how she felt that anyway because from her view he was able to lead someone successfully and it wasn’t her. and he has someone he could comapre chinatsu to who chinatsu saw as a good follower. 
Its also fascinating because we also see it brought up that time tatara had danced with his crush before who is a very good follower to the point no one realized he wasn;t her original partner and he passed a round in a competitian.
but Tatra feels ALIVE around Chinatsu..really changed..he is anble to shout and fight back and get irriated...Chinatsu brings out how emotional Tatara reall can be....which we got hints of before but nothing this concrete...and it helped showcase how repressed Tatara really is as well.
WE also get to see other thing that parallel and contrast....Tatara overthings and overadapts to his partners at times to th epoint he struggles to dance how HE wants and being more assertive in knowing himself...while Chinatsu was used to only one partner while leading and deciding things on her own...her bieng pretty stubborn...though we also see why due to her friend unintentially stifling chinatsu being the follower due to enjoying the lead but also in how how Chinatsu failed to figure out what her follower might want(her friend.
We see that chinatsu had figured out this passion of her earlier than he did, who only founnd his recently by accident. Both were bullied and put down to some degree but for different reasons and they approached it differently....Tatara being saved by his coach from the bullies...beiing pushed around ...but being firm in protecting the coach/dance studio when they tried to target them instead of focusing on himself...while CHinats was the one protecting he rfirend from a bully and was targetted becuase she stood out in a positive way.
its fascinating becuase we KNOW both want to make this work...but they stuff fight and struggle against eachother.
It weirdly feels like the most indepth hetro couple I have seen in a while...when the argue it feels like there is weight to it....I know Tatara might have a thing for teh frist girl at the beining of teh show who ia a amazing follower...and I love hsi dynamic with Mako and they are so sweet...but THIS feels like chemistry.
It feels like the chemistry that proper rivals in shounen tend to have...where there is some nuance or weight to the relationship...like maybe Matt and Tie frm Digimon. or other rivals where there are LAYERS you can feel.
They change each other and I love it. Its also interesting becuase as hs other rival/sort of friend says....Tatara can be a bit twisted in adapting to others...if he became willing to put someone else over himself and make this shine with Mako...with Chinatsu it feels like he learns he has to speak up more yet he used how he adapts to others to help get that character progression for himself which he probably would have t=struggled to do on his own. 
Its also fascinating because we see Chinatsu was also clearly changing and that she was juts as invested as Tatara in making thsi work despite it feeling lke she was the one picking fights at first.
Thye make a point of pointing out his issues not helpingher issues...
but its just SO GOOD seeing them go at it and seeing Mako muse that tatara wasn’t like that when he was leading her.
Chinatsu and Tatara are definitly not anywhere near romance which I like alot...but damn that   just makes me hope these two are able to refine themselfs into diamonds at dancing and eventually do fall for eachother. the chemistry is that good. but even just platonic it works so WELL(and admittedly I feel the potential romantic rival in her ex partler akira).
I can only hope chinatsu and Tatara stay a pair and continue t challenge eachother. Chinatsu just FEELS like her own protagonist and if he isn’t careful she might steal the spotlight XD
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thanidiel · 5 years
It was a lucky thing that they had not offered food to her.
She didn’t think she could stomache it - that the tightness of her belly and the balled-up string of frustration in her throat would send it all purging onto grasses and step-packed earth. The simplicity of the milk tea, salted to a swordpoint through the layers of fat on her tongue, was more than enough to refresh her of the journey traveled thus-far. If not the morrow and its exertions as well.
The bonfire crackles like her temper.
And such a blaze it is; persistent and renewing with every gust of wind.
But it’s not about Vander and Avenai this time. The charcoal of it does not bloom like red heat-petals from bud. It does not demand its own brilliance, nor does it quake and swipe in a warding stop; don’t draw near.
Something else has riled the young woman.
And there is no satisfaction to it.
It is dull, exhausted, compared to the flare beckoned of her just the night prior. Once-fuel deprived of purpose and righteous, so it has no choice but to break under its own flamebite. And its hewn pieces falter onto soil, take on the bleak look of white ash.
She doesn’t have a right in any domain to be displeased, there is no argument of soul nor mind to contest.
But she is.
Because it fucking pisses her off.
It pisses her off that Oosra has a fucking choice.
That he has these choices.
To decide that, yes, he ought to return home. To accept the touch and words of his mother, painful or comforting. To say, with only the hesitation of hurting another, that he chooses Xiaohu and the Runner over home. The choice to fucking make these choices.
It’s not like she’d prefer the other possibility.
That’s not it.
It’s not dissatisfaction with the way he flows through Fate - how that affects her.
It’s that she wants his simplicity. Everything is so simple for Oosra all of the fucking time. It is, or it is not so. He makes this choice, or he makes the other choice. There is no confounds, no noise, no obstacles like flood and roadway. There is himself, and there are things he could do, or not do.
To know that he will live dignified with this choice fucking gets to her.
How many times has she considered this journey in her own light, her own dreams? To walk through the plains of Yanxia to its mountains, to feel the yellow dust of home caking on her skin and swirling around her feet? To walk, and walk, and walk, until she breaches that hill of old, sees the family home that has housed generations? To present herself, forehead flush with the earth - to Father, and Mother, and Uncle Hao, and Jie, and Auntie Xu, and the Magistrate, and his First Wife, and her siblings, and every individual of that old village who had touched her life in one way or another - and be shown the open embrace that would never come in her true Fate?
To hear, just hear, for her name to pass through someone’s lips for the first time in cycles?
He is so lucky.
To choose that he will be leaving with her, and yet still welcomed to spend bells and days with a Mother that he has not seen in equal duration as Xiaohu and her own.
The wooden bowl they had presented to her resounds with emptiness when it is brought back to her lips. It is not the elders, not Duua, or the wives, that rush with the sacred hospitality of ladling it back to brim when this realisation strikes those beyond herself.
It is the children.
The Iriq children, with those varied fleshtones and hair. She cannot tell if they are well-versed by the palms of their elders, the way that Father and Mother, then later Chinatsu and Geigu, all imparted to her the laws of womanly etiquette, or if they are excusing intrigue with manners.
But then the fact of it elucidates with their distractions at the task: their hands touching skin only to be rivaled by their squalling ‘siblings’, their fingers rearing back to their own heads to compare delicacy with the richness of their sprouting hair, or running across jewels and silk that they will not see in such refinement again with this life.
She wonders if she appears to them the way that that perfumed niang did to her, so many years ago. Beauty and wealth beyond anything ever witnessed in their little lives; vibrant and foreign in an exhilarating fashion; every sensation experienced of her being like a singsong ode to the greatest of a destiny unallocated to them; the memory forged of her an oath of adventure than to the shackles of home.
And then it strikes her.
It strikes her then, and it has only stricken her now, that she had lost that wish of mimicry at some point down her river. She lost her wonder with that pretty and ethereal niang when she had seen the bloodwork that makes such a thing, and had developed homesickness in her bones like the sore living of elders beyond her time.
Would she have run away, sailed away, to the ports of Kugane if she had known the realness of that dream-woman?
“<Thank you,>” stops those retreating children and their missions well-performed in their tracks.
“<Sit. Talk,>” returns them to her knees.
Xiaohu flicks up the flowing sleeves of her robe, gesturing inward to her chest, “<Mountains. South.>”
I come from nearer than you think.
Then to the yurt containing her partner, “<Connect. Nhaama, Azim.>”
We are together.
Finally, pointing at the young ones themselves, “<Iriq, talk.>”
Tell me about yourselves.
@cynfuldax @stormandozone @atomicdeke (mentions)
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saga-jihen · 1 year
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The voice actresses of Franchouchou performing at the Zombieland Saga LIVE-Franchouchou Let's all get together! (featuring all a special guest appearances by all of the voice actresses for Iron Frill, both of Ai Mizuno’s 2008 era & the modern line-up with Shiori Baba as center.)
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saga-jihen · 8 months
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Backstage photos from Franchouchou’s first live concert Zombieland Saga LIVE ~Franchouchou let's all go together!~ of the surprise guests— the voice actresses of legendary idol group Iron Frill, both past & present. This time joined by Risa Taneda, the voice of the legendary center & Franchouchou’s No.3, Ai Mizuno. With the modern line-up lead by Sora Tokui (the voice of  Iron Frill’s modern center Shiori Baba) and featuring Chisa Kaneko (Yui), Aoi Hino (Makoto), MAO (Hikari) & Mayu Tohno (Julia.) And the 2008 line-up being lead by Risa Taneda (Ai Mizuno) and featuring Mai Mochizuki (Nono), Yuki Sato (Kaoru), Shiori Matsui (Miyu) & Chinatsu Ode (Nina)
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saga-jihen · 6 months
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Backstage photos from Franchouchou’s first live concert Zombieland Saga LIVE ~Franchouchou let's all go together!~ of the surprise guests— the voice actresses of legendary idol group Iron Frill, both past & present. With the modern line-up lead by Sora Tokui (the voice of  Iron Frill’s center Shiori Baba) and featuring Chisa Kaneko (Yui), Aoi Hino (Makoto), MAO (Hikari) & Mayu Tohno (Julia.) And the 2008 layout featuring Mai Mochizuki (Nono), Yuki Sato (Kaoru), Shiori Matsui (Miyu) & Chinatsu Ode (Nina)
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