silvertsundere · 11 months
Silver Talks AniManga (23/07/23)
a p chill and uneventful week for me overall
however do want to mention, I stumbled across this bingo thing yesterday and was thinking of using it for my series list, instead of what you see under, I decided against it since I can't have the colour coding I've been using, or well, I could have it I'd just have to spend a bit of time editing it on PS instead of just copy pasting like I do now
I know basically no one even looks at these anyway, but if you do, tell me what you'd prefer from the 2 lists under this, the one with the pics/covers or the pure text I've been doing
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Pokemon Horizons Ep14
we finally got our first capture of the anime and sadly it wasn't riko ofc this was to be expected from how the previous ep went but it's still wack next episode we're getting iono tho so that should be fun
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Atelier Ryza Ep4
ryza is such a little idiot god I love her, was really channeling the megumin energy this episode too. was also p funny how she got scolded for being too good at alchemy
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Zom 100 Ep3
nice episode once again, it was p funny how it started off in a host club and I was like "yooo just like stardust" and then they zoom way out and show the kamurocho sign and I was losing my mind, which I also did later when they showed damn anime ryan gosling lmao. anyway the friend guy is nice, looking forward to their shenanigans together
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Dandadan Ch114
I figured the fight wouldn't end on this chap already but I didn't think this guy would show up to help, tho I also kinda forgot that he was on the way since it was so long ago tehe
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch15
it's to be expected from how it's been doing in rankings but looks like tenmaku's gearing up to finish, it's a shame we can't get more of this instead of other stuff but oh well I'll savour it while it lasts
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Blue Box Ch110
god their solo dinner was really good as expected, it's really funny to see how much of a tease chinatsu can be. I appreciate miura for taking the time and having plenty of cute scenes of them being lovey dovey together before going back to focus on sports for a while
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Cipher Academy Ch33
anonimity-chan showing off was very cool but my favourite part nisio working this in as a code, it might be a week late but it's still v cool
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Martial Master Asumi Ch6
nito didn't get clapped as fast as I expected but he for sure is gonna next chap, nice one tho
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Undead Unluck Ch168
the tournament arc came and went and next we have.. a high school arc??? honestly never expected chikara to be the next person but eh it seems like it'll be a fun arc from the set up
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My Hero Academia Ch395
idk why I didn't expect for this chap to be the aftermath of the fight but that's what it was, doubt toga actually actually died but we'll see not much more left now, next chap should be the start of all might vs AFO and then it's just deku vs shigaraki left
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Akane-banashi Ch71
incredibly good chap as it's come to be expected. despite all the stuff in this chap I still don't think akane is gonna win but I really hope I'm wrong
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch137
haven't talked about it in a bit but we're deep in a battle arc rn, shouldn't be the end tho, I'm expecting them to have 1v1 fights against the baddies later. but anyway new form for matsuri? very exciting stuff too bad we'll have to wait 2 weeks
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Wait Chinatsu were you actually there at the event?
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Well, no, but I can give you my best analysis of what happened.
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Well, you can be pretty accurate just from reading peoples’ faces.
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What can you tell us?
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Well, let’s think...given the way that the evening went, I think it goes without saying that there was some sort of argument. But how did it happen?
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Before we start, what can you all tell me about Nijiue Emina and Akemi? You all know them better than me.
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Emina-chan’s a self-centered, spoiled rotten, egotistical brat?
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And a massive coward?
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Someone who always wants to have control over other people.
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Mom and Dad always wanted us to follow in their footsteps, to be artists who lived up to the family name. But I was never that good at art, so...they locked me in my room and forced me to keep practicing until I got better. And anytime I tried to leave without permission...I got punished.
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Akemi, she...she always tried to get their approval. She has a lot in common with mom, at least on the surface. She’s got a bit of an ego, loves to talk about how great her art is, but she has the talent to back it up.
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She’s also pretty devious and clever. She challenged Iroha to a card game just to prove to their siblings that beating the impossible was possible.
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Yeah, exactly! She helped give them hope that they can all escape together.
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What’s wrong?
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Well...I think it’s fairly clear what happened that night...
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My best guess? Your sister was intending to use the event as a way to escape. Possibly to do what you’re intending and expose the parents’ treatment of you all.
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But somehow, she was caught by her mother, an argument ensued and...
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Well, you know the outcome.
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…She killed Akemi...because of that?
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-HSA MC Information-
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[Gacha Club Mod Ver. Below]
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Character Bio
Name: Haruki Aikawa
(Japanese: 相川晴樹)
Romaji: Aikawa Haruki
Qoute: "Hey, can you stop looking at me? I'm playing the new mod right now."
V/A: Chinatsu Akasaki (Japanese)
Janice Kawaye (English)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: September 5
Star Sign: Virgo
Eye Color: Pale Peach Yellow (Original Eye Color)
Claret Red (???)
Hair Color: Medium Champagne Brown
Height: 175 cm
Race: Human???
Homeland: Asia (Korea)
Family: Kane Aikawa (Biological Father)-(Deceased)
Takashi Mirio (Step-Father)
Kokoro Aikawa (Mother)
Sasuke Aikawa (Younger Twin Brother)
Hatoko Mirio (Step-Aunt)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Tetravania (@hourglassstationacademy)
School Year: First
Class: 1-A (Same Class with Freya and Irelyn)
Student no. 19
Occupation: Student
3D Character Animator
Master Player
Club: Gaming Club
Best Subject: Science, Combat Simulation, and Target Class
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Can both feet count? XD)
Favorite Color: Beige and White
Favorite Food: Chocolate Milkshake, Vanilla Crepes, Fried Spicy Food, Spicy Noodles, and Hard-boiled Eggs,
Least Favorite Food: Onion Rings, Too much sweetness, Lime, Anything Tasteless, and Rock-cooked Food,
Likes: Positivity, Her family and friends, Music, Video Games (Mostly), Developing her games, Anime and Programming, Teasing her twin brother, The Weekend, Daily Internet Updates, VR Gameplay (Safely), Food, Sleep, Giant Pillows,
Dislikes: Negativity, Being the center of attention, Increasing Workload, Losing the Connection, Cliffhangers, Separated from her brother, Someone hurting her loved ones, Her Past 'Incident', Embarrassement, Getting a backfired tease, No Sleep, Worrying her family (her mother mostly), Her Father's Death,
Hobbies: Programming Created Systems, Game Developing and Updating, Making Morse or Unreadable Code (Mostly), Cooking, Napping/Sleeping, Cunning-like planning (Mostly), Foiling her Opponents Plans, Multitasking, Solving Riddles (Either Easy or Difficult),
Talents: High IQ, Fast Memorization, Inner Thoughts Examination, Outsmarting someone, Roasting or being a savage, Self-defense (either physical or weapon), Knowing someone is cheating or not (In a game system), Lying, Programming skills, Mastermind skills, ???,
Nicknames: Haru-san or Haru-chan, (From her family and friends)
Haki (From Chizuko)
Miss-Know-It-All (From Tatsuo, only a simple tease)
Big Sis or Sis (From Sasuke)
Aikawa-san (From Others)
Other Nicknames:
'Itzyour180-san' (Game Creator Identity, secretly hidden)
King (From ???)
Player no. 18 (From ???)
The Rumored Mental-down Player (From ???)
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Haruki has a average height but slender female body build. She has a long and straight brown medium champagne colored hair which it reaches to her back of her waistline. She has pale peach yellow colored eyes which they can strangely turn calret red, the trigger rather remains unknown. Haruki has a selective socialing behavior but hides of what she really is.
Personality: Born as the eldest daughter and twin in the family, Haruki used to have a normal childhood and often goes outside a lot with her twin brother, more fully the two are mostly watched over by their father whom Haruki was close to. Things were doing okay till his passing came in, enough for Haruki and her brother to stay indoors forever, the girl didn't help but to coop with it...
But it didn't last long after her mother had moved on from it and then met their step-father a month later, it took a lot of time and patience for Haruki to move on after her mother got remarried, despite her real father was now gone but she still promise to continue smiling for him to rest in piece...
The current Haruki we are now seeing is a typical teenager who often on her phone from time to time more fully on browsing on the internet for either which things she checked onto, for further notice she's an high-key technologist lover who is also a young game developer which her games has almost a high number of downloads.
Though she's mostly selective when it comes to socializing on anyone including the topic and talking as well, but Haruki would still speak but only in a blunt manner, mostly she can be expressionless no matter what's the case or two on others. On rare occasions, she can be sweet but slightly secretive on herself, which it's can be she's hiding her real self from others...
Though she's somewhat easy to impress on a thing or two if you try after you get close to her, Haruki can be slightly sly or playful on her main personality but in a friendly and cool way. But you'll see the the good in her eventually, meaning she knows her way with words and she's careful with it. especially on anyone she's communicating too.
Beware cause Haruki hides what she actually feels if you underestimate her. She'll still have her typical cool personality but her words turned a bit harsh and cold, she even might used some words that could effect on anyone deep down or so, Haruki won't regret as long as she's still alive or not.
To this odd game developer, it's either that she's an protagonist, ally, or a stranger to herself... Considered she doesn't know which self to pick...
-The name 'Haruki' is boy's name of Japanese origin meaning "spring child". While her surname 'Aikawa' is meaning love, affection, favourite./ 川 meaning stream, river, river or three-stroke river radical (no. 47).
-She's based on a few Charactars. Compa (From Hyperdimensional Neptunia), Tsunade (From Naruto), Chitoge Kirisaki (From Nisekoi), Milly Ashford (Code Geass), and Yellow Heart (From Hyperdimensional Neptunia)
-She and her brother had been best friends with Chizuko and Tatsuo in the prequel storyline before entering HSA, the two have still kept in touch with them afterward.
-She has a dark secret with her brother... Could that explain why her eyes kept changing?
-Her father has passed away in a plane crash, she seems to be the most one who didn't take his death too well but moved on.
-She and her twin brother had became victims of a indoor brutal house murder after receiving an odd black letter online and then receiving an actual letter. Despite at an inch of dying, they survived but barely remembered anything.
-After her mother remarried to step-father and step-aunt. It took some time for Haruki and her brother to get along with him after her father's death.
-Her voice sounds would match her personality but the tone darken whenever she's underestimated. Which is why I chose Chinatsu Akasaki for her Japanese voice and Janice Kawaye for her English voice.
-She started developing and making 3D games at age 14 which it already became popular with a lot of downloads. But no one knows her identity as a game creator.
-Haruki can mostly tell if someone is cheating a game or not. Her senses never lie to herself. This could be the same if someone tries to hack to her system as well.
-A tomboy. Expect to see her on her stake board wearing baggy jeans and her favorite yellow jacket.
-Her Korean Name Is 'Lee Min-Jee'.
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arrakun · 2 years
30 days of takarazuka pt 1
on may 2022 i celebrated my 1st zukaversary by drawing every doodle according to this prompt. due to tumblr’s limit of picture, i will post them in bulk and about 5 parts!
day 1: the first show you ever watched
lupin iii by yukigumi
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day 2: your favourite troupes
yukigumi and tsukigumi
below are the troupes' respective current top musumeyaku, asazuki kiwa and umino mitsuki i love them so much
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day 3: your favourite otokoyaku
houzuki an
honestly i had so much stress choosing one because i have a lot of faves!! then i remember my love for the 92nds.. and chinatsu has been in a lot of my go-to shows when i feel sad
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day 4: your favourite musumeyaku
yumeshiro aya-chan!
this question is the most difficult bc i have more fav musumeyakus ahjhdsk she's so cute and her acting mesmerizes me, she has this unique charm that pulls you in to the play's atmosphere!
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day 5: your favourite OG
i cheated a little.. my classic problem is i can't choose one >_< and there are other OGs whose retirement hasn't really sunk in.. like rara, risa, yuunami, kari.. maaany many of them T__T
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dereksmcgrath · 2 years
To market themselves, comics typically need meme-able “reaction image” panels.
Last weekend, during a livestream (starting at 1:06:24), I did a live-reaction to the newest chapter (Chapter 65) of Koji Miura’s manga Blue Box. In the lengthy preamble before just getting to the chapter, while I had praise for a lot that Blue Box did well as “comfort food” reading, I may have been overly harsh in referring to the manga as “bland.” 
But from where I was coming from, most of my complaints were story-focused. Yeah, I don’t think it’s fair to judge a work by comparing it to other works in the same genre, or that have similarities in plotlines or characters’ personalities and roles. Then again, I also think that those other works show the potential that the work you’re judging can have, and when it fails to meet that expectation, or do something even better that the other works didn’t, it is hard for me not to look at Blue Box and say, when it comes to tackling romance stories and sports stories, it’s kind of underwhelming. 
Then I did the live reaction. And I paused for a moment when the story’s protagonist, badminton player Taiki, freezes at being asked a long delayed question: if he is getting all flustered that Hina confessed her love to him, then shouldn’t he ask himself whether he indeed has any feelings for her, or whether he is definitely attracted to only Chinatsu? 
It’s not just that Taiki’s teammate Kyo finally gets through the nonsense and asks the direct question–and, not to skip ahead for any potential anime adaptation, this chapter would be nearly perfect to cap off a season before a break–but also how the artwork rises to meet this moment. And it’s hilarious. 
Look at Taiki’s face! You could isolate just his face in that panel on the right and have it be a “disgust” reaction image! That’s great! That’s meme-able!
One of my nitpicks with any comics series is whether it has that moment, that one panel or short sequence of just a few panels, that, when isolated and shared online, can be meme-able. It’s what I wanted to see happen with Magu-chan: God of Destruction, and it’s what I see as helping the popularity of not just other Jump manga but United States comics as well. Yes, there are cases where isolating a moment for just a visual gag means that people may only ever see that image and use it solely as a reaction image, without ever seeking out the original to read and enjoy. But it is a worthwhile endeavor, and one that not only shows how great an illustrator and a writer can be at condensing a complicated feeling into something that resonates with an audience, but also is so iconic that it can be shared over and over again–and does the marketing for that series. 
Weeks ago, Netflix disabled the option to screencap. I had read responses by creators behind Netflix series complaining how that decision compromises marketing, because now the fans–the people who sat through the series, know the content, and can condense it down to its essence to share with fans and anyone else online–can’t do the marketing work for Netflix, especially when, in some cases, these series have almost no budget for marketing. (And, if Warner Bros Discovery is any indication, more cutbacks on promotions will be the future for a lot of industry work.) 
But this is not a problem isolated to just streaming content: it can be a comics problem, too. The Manga Up app doesn’t let you screencap content, either. And that’s ridiculous, when being able to share an image with your friend can help that series connect to more readers. 
That’s why a moment like this, with Taiki just losing all composure works. Even in black and white, I can imagine the color has just drained out of him. So, while I may have been too harsh in criticizing the tone, plot, and characters of Blue Box, a moment like this with Taiki shows how good Miura’s artwork is, and creates an image that I hope can be a meme that gets more people reading the series. 
Thanks for reading through to the end! If you like this post, please leave a comment to let me know that you read it. Or, let me know how to improve this kind of a post, as well as any comments you have on the topic. For example, have you thought Blue Box was too bland? Or am I missing something, beyond just the artwork, that shows just how good this series is? I’d be interested in knowing–feel free to leave a comment. 
And if you like what you read, please share this post–and consider offering a Ko-Fi tip. All tips are appreciated, as they help keep me online and financially surviving in ongoing trying times. Thanks in advance!
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notrin · 3 years
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Esta vez traigo un poco de bailes de salón!
Han visto "Welcome to the Ballroom" o Ballroom e youkoso? Preciosa serie de un deporte poco conocido pero hermoso!
Les dejo el paso a paso de Tatara y Chinatsu 
♡ Nos vemos pronto ♡
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auroralynne · 4 years
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Chitara - “Undisclosed Desires” by Aurora Lynne
That's one nice partnership <3 I've been a fan of Ballroom e Youkoso (Welcome to the Ballroom) for over a year now and I had yet to draw a proper fanart of it. Chinatsu and Tatara have SO MUCH CHEMISTRY! If you haven't checked this anime/manga out yet, I highly recommend it!
Hope you like this piece!
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coloshosify · 4 years
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kudnx · 7 years
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kurrusu · 6 years
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Wait, I don't remember who is that Ms. Oowada. Is Mondo's mom or something? And how she correlates to all this?
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Yeah, and wasn’t Oowada the biker guy who was helping the Owari’s?
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The very same. His wife works with us in the psychology department.
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You’ll probably remember her, Nanami-san.
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I did? Who’s-
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Hello, everyone.
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Oh! Chinatsu-chan!
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This is...well, this is odd. I met you a few weeks ago, but for you, that was...what? 18 years?
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Yeah, but believe me, I remember it in detail.
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And from your perspective, we go from one evil woman to another.
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Still, I’ll do what I can to help.
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senboago · 4 years
@krinji​ said: ♡ china chan
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
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FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance /  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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thecircusfreaks · 6 years
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[ Dai ] No, I understand it. It must be weird, hearing from me that I already knew who you were while you still had no idea. I really should have told you sooner. I was just scared that maybe you didn’t like me. So, I guess we’re pretty much the same ^^”
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yattymoriarty · 7 years
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hello-project-zone · 6 years
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A day, an idol ⭐
Hoo-chan Tuesdays!
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chaossuta · 6 years
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quick doodle of tatara and chii-chan on a date (  ´艸`)
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