#Chinese Pop
bang-chan-my-man · 2 months
WayV 'The Highest' Concept Photos
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neodreamgirl · 6 months
i got into NCT in 2023 (around july, august) and I am slowly entering that part of becoming a fan of an artist where I start to admire them musically. of course I was already a huge fan of their music and am quite literally obsessed with their discography, but I can't help but think of how artistic they are. people always say that kpop isn't real music, it doesn't produce real artists, etc., but I strongly beg to differ. 1. because there are many talented artists in kpop
2. that's just stupid to say because kpop is a form of art whether someone likes it or not
and in the case of NCT; their concepts are so well thought out, the music is GREAT, their voices? amazing. when they are given the opportunity to write their own songs they go all out and create some of the most iconic songs ever.
their work ethic is amazing, too. they work so hard. especially Haechan and mark, yet they deliver every time. 100%. I hope this is a very successful and fun year for every unit because they truly deserve it
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way2uchuu · 1 year
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容祖兒-說真的 / Joey Yung- Honesty, CD booklet (2001)
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kdram-chjh · 8 months
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#tanjianci #jct #檀健次
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/oWqMmjQ48nw
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highsummonertemptress · 5 months
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Favourite female artists🫶Jolin Tsai (10/20)
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fira54funko · 18 days
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Wang Rong Rolling-
Chick Chick
王荣滚滚-小鸡 小鸡
I saw this video for the first time a few years ago. It's definitely a memorable video, from the imagery and costumes to the odd chicken sounds that make up the chorus.
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China's version of the Doja Cat song, "Moo"?
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nomacam · 7 months
Embracing the Magic: Exploring the World of Asian Pop Groups and Dramas
Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I'm diving headfirst into the captivating world of Asian pop groups and dramas. If you're anything like me, you've probably found yourself falling down the rabbit hole of K-Pop or binge-watching your favorite Asian dramas late into the night. And let me tell you, it's a journey unlike any other.
For as long as I can remember, I've been enamored with the mesmerizing melodies, dynamic performances, and heart-wrenching storylines that Asian entertainment has to offer. There's something truly magical about the way these artists and actors can transport you to another world, evoking emotions you never knew you had and leaving you craving more.
One of my greatest loves is Asian pop groups, particularly those from South Korea and Japan. From the infectious beats of BTS to the dazzling choreography of BLACKPINK, these groups have a way of capturing your heart and soul with their music. Each member brings something unique to the table, whether it's their powerhouse vocals, mesmerizing dance moves, or magnetic stage presence. And let's not forget about the fan culture surrounding these groups – the concerts, the fan meets, the endless merch – it's a whole other world of excitement and camaraderie that I'm thrilled to be a part of.
But my passion for Asian entertainment doesn't stop there. I'm also a die-hard fan of Asian dramas, known for their gripping plot twists, swoon-worthy romances, and beautifully crafted characters. Whether it's a heart-wrenching melodrama that leaves you reaching for the tissues or a lighthearted rom-com that has you laughing until your sides hurt, there's truly something for everyone in the world of Asian dramas. And let's not forget about the talented actors and actresses who bring these stories to life, captivating audiences with their raw emotion and undeniable chemistry.
In this blog, I'll be sharing my thoughts, reviews, and recommendations on all things Asian pop groups and dramas. From the latest K-Pop comebacks to hidden gem dramas you might have missed, consider this your one-stop shop for all things Asian entertainment. So grab your favorite snack, settle in, and let's embark on this journey together. Trust me, it's going to be one wild ride.
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kpopulr · 1 year
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chowyunnafat · 1 year
After all of what I’ve seen, heard, and read (in the comments-I’ve been full participant!), I genuinely do hope that Jackson Wang is okay. I’ll always be an Ahgase.
I’m still a fan of the group and Jackson.
It’s just sometimes when I see Jackson I think about how hard it is to be a celebrity. It hits me.
He experiences anxiety, euphoria, depression, anger, and what have you, and it’s hard to remember celebrities are human. I’m guilty of this. I may never understand the celebrity world, but I can empathize human to human. Regardless of his behavior and what we’ve all speculated for the past couple of months (from drinking/depression to him living in his “IDGAF era”, I can see how it can be hard to trust anyone and keep on smiling).💚
Can’t wait for Jackson’s new material and promotions after he takes a real break.
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stardustmuseum · 1 year
some people say that if you dream of someone, that person is thinking about you. Jackson Wang can you confirm (we’ve literally never met)
anyway, Jackson if you would like to be besties, i’m available 🤭
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bang-chan-my-man · 2 months
WayV 'The Highest' Concept Photos
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neodreamgirl · 7 months
Label V fumbled so bad...They should have chosen Poppin Love as the title track...Ugh they can't do anything right!!! I feel like it's more catchy than On My Youth, which is also a great song btw, but idk if their plan was to release a catchy song to gain fans...why tf didn't they pick Poppin Love...just dumb.
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way2uchuu · 2 years
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林曉培 Shino Lin- Shino For (2001)
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周杰伦 -- 《以父之名》(Jay Chou -- In the Name of the Father)
Twenty years ago, 《以父之名》, or "In the Name of the Father", premiered on 50 radio stations all across Asia in what would be known as "Jay Chou Day".
Also, I personally think this is his best ever song. Filled with dark influences and intriguing twists, I was obsessed with this song when I first listened to it in 2014.
微凉的晨露沾湿黑礼服 --晨露(chen2lu4): morning dew --沾湿(zhan1shen1): to moisten, to dampen 石板路有雾父在低诉 --石板路(shi2ban1lu4): road lined with flags 无奈的觉悟��能更残酷 --觉悟(jue2wu4): to realize, consciousness, awareness 一切都为了通往圣堂的路 --通往(tong2wang3): to lead to (something) 吹不散的雾隐没了意图 --隐没(yin3mo4): to vanish gradually, to fade out 谁轻柔踱步停住 还来不及哭穿过的子弹就带走温度
我们每个人都有罪 犯着不同的罪 我能决定谁对 谁又该要沉睡 争论不能解决 --争论(zheng1lun4): to argue, to debate 在永无止境的夜 --永无止境(yong3wu2zhijing): neverending 关掉你的嘴 --关掉(guan1diao4): to shut off 唯一的恩惠 --恩惠(en1hui4): grace, favor
挡在前面的人都有罪 后悔也无路可退 以父之名判决 --判决(pan4jue2): to pass judgement on, to sentence. 那感觉没有适合词汇 就像边笑边掉泪 凝视着完全的黑 --凝视(ning2shi4): to gaze at, to fix one's eyes on 阻挡悲剧蔓延的悲剧会让我沉醉 --阻挡(zu3dang3)P: to stop, to resist, to obstruct
低头亲吻我的左手 换取被宽恕的承诺 --换取(huan4qu3): in exchange for 老旧管风琴在角落 --管风琴(guan3feng1qin2): organ, pipe organ 一直一直一直伴奏 黑色帘幕被风吹动 --帘幕(lian2mu4): curtain 阳光无言地穿透 --穿透(chuan1tou2): to penetrate 洒向那群被我驯服后的兽 --驯服(xun4fu2): to tame, docile
沉默地喊叫沉默地喊叫 孤单开始发酵 --发酵(fa1jiao4): to ferment 不停对着我嘲笑 回忆逐渐燃烧 曾经纯真的画面 残忍地温柔出现 脆弱时间到 我们一起来祷告
仁慈的父我已坠入 看不见罪的国度 请原谅我的自负 没人能说没人可说 好难承受 荣耀的背后刻着一道孤独
闭上双眼我又看见 当年那梦的画面 天空是蒙蒙的雾 父亲牵着我的双手 轻轻走过 清晨那安安静静的石板路
低头亲吻我的左手 换取被宽恕的承诺 老旧管风琴在角落 一直一直一直伴奏 黑色帘幕被风吹动 阳光无言地穿透 洒向那群被我驯服后的兽
沉默地喊叫沉默地喊叫 孤单开始发酵 不停对着我嘲笑 回忆逐渐燃烧 曾经纯真的画面 残忍地温柔出现 脆弱时间到 我们一起来祷告
仁慈的父我已坠入 看不见罪的国度 请原谅我的自负 没人能说没人可说 好难承受 荣耀的背后刻着一道孤独
仁慈的父我已坠入 看不见罪的国度 请原谅我 我的自负 刻着一道孤独
仁慈的父我已坠入 看不见罪的国度 请原谅我的自负 没人能说没人可说 好难承受 荣耀的背后刻着一道孤独
那斑驳的家徽 我擦拭了一夜 孤独的光辉 我才懂的感觉 烛光 不 不 停的 摇晃 猫头鹰在 窗棂上 对著远方眺望 --猫头鹰(mao1tou2ying2): owl 通向 大厅的长廊 一样 说不出的沧桑 没有喧嚣 只有宁静围绕 我 慢慢睡著 天 刚刚破晓
The cool morning dew moistens the dark ceremonial robes. There's fog along the flagged road, as the father whispers. A helpless consciousness can only be crueler-- everything is on the way towards the sanctuary. The fog which isn't blown away obscures intentions; who quietly strolls and stops? There's no time to cry before the bullet passing through takes away the warmth.
Each one of us is guilty of committing different sins. I can decide who is right and who should go into eternal sleep. Arguing cannot solve [anything] in the endless night-- shutting your mouth is the only grace.
The people lined up in front are also guilty; their regrets also at a dead end. Sentencing in the name of the father, the feeling is not suitable for words-- it's like crying while smiling, fixating at the complete darkness. Stopping the tragedy which expands the tragic will intoxicate me.
Bow down and kiss my left hand in exchange for the promise of forgiveness. The old organ is in the corner always accompanying. The black curtains are blown by the wind; the sunlight wordlessly penetrates [and] sprinkles towards the beasts I've tamed, silently shouting, silently shouting. Loneliness begins to ferment, endlessly laughing at me as memories gradually burn through. The once pure memories cruelly and tenderly appear-- the time for fragility has come, let's pray together.
Merciful Father, I have fallen through into the kingdom of unseen sins-- please forgive me for my vainglory. There's no one to talk; no one to talk to; it's so hard to bear. Loneliness is carved on the back of glory.
Closing my eyes, I once again see that image from once before; the sky was covered in fog. Father takes both of my hands and we quietly walk, along the quiet, cobblestone road early in the morning.
Bow down and kiss my left hand in exchange for the promise of forgiveness. The old organ is in the corner always accompanying. The black curtains are blown by the wind; the sunlight wordlessly penetrates [and] sprinkles towards the beasts I've tamed,
silently shouting, silently shouting. Loneliness begins to ferment, endlessly laughing at me as memories gradually burn through. The once pure memories cruelly and tenderly appear-- the time for fragility has come, let's pray together.
Merciful Father, I have fallen through into the kingdom of unseen sins-- please forgive me for my vainglory. There's no one to talk; no one to talk to; it's so hard to bear. Loneliness is carved on the back of glory.
Merciful Father, I have fallen through into the kingdom of unseen sins-- please forgive me for my vainglory… loneliness is carved…
Merciful Father, I have fallen through into the kingdom of unseen sins-- please forgive me for my vainglory. There's no one to talk; no one to talk to; it's so hard to bear. Loneliness is carved on the back of glory.
I wipe the mottled badge the entire night finally understanding the glory in solitude. The candle doesn't stop moving; an owl is on the window's frame, surveying far away. The promenade leading to the hall shares the same unspoken ups and downs. Nothing makes noise--there's only a serene center. I slowly fall asleep as the dawn just broke.
Translation by Elda Mengisto/孟乐达
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