#Chinese Union Version Bible (traditional)
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詩 篇 23:1 ( 大 卫 的 诗 。 ) 耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 , 我 必 不 致 缺 乏 。
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. — Psalm 23:1 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) and New American Standard Bible 1977 (NASB77) Chinese Bible: Union (CUVMP Traditional) ©2011 Global Bible Initiative and New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 49:24; Psalm 34:9-10; John 10:11; Philippians 4:19; 1 Peter 2:25; Revelation 7:17
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What is the meaning of, “I shall not want” in Psalm 23:1?
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religioused · 3 years
Queen Esther and the Orange Shirt
Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 (Contemporary English Version)
The king and Haman were dining with Esther 2 and drinking wine during the second dinner, when the king again said, “Esther, what can I do for you? Just ask, and I will give you as much as half of my kingdom!”
3 Esther answered, “Your Majesty, if you really care for me and are willing to help, you can save me and my people. That’s what I really want, 4 because a reward has been promised to anyone who kills my people. Your Majesty, if we were merely going to be sold as slaves, I would not have bothered you.”
5 “Who would dare to do such a thing?” the king asked.
6 Esther replied, “That evil Haman is the one out to get us!”
Haman was terrified, as he looked at the king and the queen.
9 Then Harbona, one of the king’s personal servants, said, “Your Majesty, Haman built a tower seventy-five feet high beside his house, so he could hang Mordecai on it. And Mordecai is the very one who spoke up and saved your life.”
“Hang Haman from his own tower!” the king commanded. 10 Right away, Haman was hanged on the tower he had built to hang Mordecai, and the king calmed down.
20 Mordecai wrote down everything that had happened. Then he sent letters to the Jews everywhere in the provinces 21 and told them:
Each year you must celebrate on both the fourteenth and the fifteenth of Adar, 22 the days when we Jews defeated our enemies. Remember this month as a time when our sorrow was turned to joy, and celebration took the place of crying. Celebrate by having parties and by giving to the poor and by sharing gifts of food with each other.
The book of Esther does not mention God, prayer, or covenant,(1) and there is not even much theology in Esther.(2) The lack of religious behavior might have reduced the book’s popularity.(3) J.G. McConville, who wrote The Daily Study Bible commentary on Esther, notes that just because God is not mentioned that does not mean that Esther does not teach about God.(4)
There are times when the Bible is political. Esther is political, making the power people in the Persian Empire look bad. Subplots in Esther mock the Persian court and king.(5) The thinly disguised insults were probably enjoyed a lot by the ancient Israelites who listened to the story of Queen Esther.
McConville says Esther “is by any standards a brilliantly written story.”(6) Commentator William Neil gives us the sense that Esther might not be historical but contains enough history to feel realistic. There is enough drama and nationalism in Esther to appeal to the children of Israel.(7) Contributors to the New American Bible state one purpose of the book of Esther is the “glorification of Jewish people.”(8) One theologian considers the book of Esther to be a short novel, a novella, about Jewish people living away from their homeland.(9) While I am very uncomfortable with high levels of nationalism, members of oppressed minority groups need high levels of self-worth to thrive in the face of oppression.
The Bible is a book for the oppressed, for all the oppressed. As we remember Orange Shirt Day, I am going to say that again. The Bible is a book for all oppressed people. I am not going to tell Indigenous people what the story of Esther means to them. I will share some of what the narrative means to me.
The Israelites, who were carried off into slavery in other nations, faced oppression. The passage in the book of Esther is about an extreme act of oppression, the attempt to kill all Jewish people. We study this story on a day when we remember the oppression of Indigenous children who attended boarding schools. The Canadian Encyclopedia says an estimated 6 thousand children died at residential schools.(10)
The school day for Indigenous children started at 5:30 am when the children were expected to get up. Students were malnourished and vulnerable to tuberculosis and influenza. The teachers were generally poorly qualified, and students did not develop the skills needed to be successful when they returned to their communities or went into the larger workforce.(11) Students and parents protested the schools. A few students stole food, ran away, or set fires. Parents and political leaders protested the “harsh conditions.”(12) The students, parents, and political leaders who acted out and who protested strike me as the heroes of the Indigenous residential school era.
The impact of policies that oppressed Indigenous students in Canada continue to this day. While a few Canadians of European heritage see residential schools as an old problem and might not want to talk about it, many Indigenous people daily see the impact in the current lives of their extended families. One way that non-Indigenous people can recognize the inherent, God-given dignity of Indigenous people is to listen, with a sensitive heart, to the stories. I see that as a spiritual call, not as a political statement.
Jewish people around the world remember the story of Queen Esther, her courageous coming out, and the salvation of Jewish people. The holiday is Purim, a word that means lots.(13) The name of the Jewish holiday means lots because Haman cast lots to decide the day Jewish people should be executed. If we were naming the holiday now, we might call it lottery.
Wong Wai Ching Angela is a theologian. She was teaching at The Christian University of Hong Kong when she wrote a short commentary on the book of Esther. Angela makes the point that people in Hong Kong live between two competing sets of values, western values, and Chinese values. Those living in Hong Kong are like the Jewish people living in Persia – living with a tension between being under a colonial power and being Chinese.(14)
Indigenous people live with the tension of living as Canadians and having an Indigenous identity. While Canada is not a traditional imperial, colonial power, some of Canada’s institutions and approaches to First Nations people were developed when Canada was a colony. A few of the policies implemented regarding Indigenous people reflect Canada’s colonial history. Some members of minority groups living in Canada can relate to Esther and to the injustice Esther’s people faced.
The timing of Purim, a day when Jewish people celebrate the story of Esther, remains meaningful. Joseph Stalin was a “ruthless” dictator, who was responsible for the deaths of “millions of innocent people.”(15) He was believed to have had “bloody plans” to solve what he saw as a ‘Jewish problem’ in the Soviet Union.(16) In 1953, when the situation was seen to be a crisis, Joseph Stalin died. He died on Purim.(17)
Some of you might remember the 1990s Gulf War that took place after Iraq invaded Kuwait. For months, Sadam Hussein, Iraq's president, threatened to use SCUD missiles containing “deadly chemical gas" to ‘burn half of Israel.’(18) I suspect many Israelis braced themselves for the worst. As I recall, Israel did not suffer an enormous loss of life. According to a Wikipedia article, three Israelis were killed by missiles, and 71 additional Israelis died as an indirect result of the missiles.(19) The conflict ended on Purim.(20)
The book of Ester is a story of fear, threats, courage, coming out, salvation, and celebration. After a competition, Esther, a beautiful Jewish woman, becomes the new queen of Persia. Esther’s Jewish identity was not well known.
Jewish people fell out of favor with powerful people in Persia. Haman was an important official in Persia, so important that people were supposed to bow to him. Mordecai, a well-known Jewish man, refused to kneel or bow to Haman. Mordecai explained that he did not kneel because he was Jewish. When Haman learned this, he wanted all Jewish people killed.
Mordecai learned of the plan to kill all Jewish people. He put on sackcloth and mourned. Queen Esther, who was a closeted Jewish woman, is notified of the plot. She is asked to appeal to the king to save her people, and she does that. Her first step is to go to the king and to invite the king and Haman to dinner. At the dinner, she invites the king and Haman to a second dinner. This is where we pick up the story in today’s lectionary reading. And you might be able to understand the sense of the poetic justice or the karma of the narrative. Haman had gallows built to kill Mordecai. Haman is hanged on the gallows that he built for Mordecai.
The poetic justice surpasses a modern case of poetic justice. Robert Watson-Watt is generally considered to be the ‘father of radar.’ In the 1930s, he worked with a team that invented radar, a technology that helped detect the presence of aircraft “at any time of the day and in any weather conditions.”(21) When in Canada, Robert was reported to have been caught speeding by a constable with a radar gun. Robert told the constable, “Had I known what you were going to do with it, I would never have invented it.”(22) And if you ever received a speeding ticket, you might be secretly enjoying the irony that the one who helped invent radar got a speeding ticket because of radar.
While a quick read of Esther may give us the sense that there is nothing particularly spiritual or religious about the book, Esther speaks volumes about God’s love and priorities. The fact that the book of Esther builds up the morale and self-esteem of oppressed people says a lot about God. It tells us that God is present and active whenever oppressed people are being encouraged and built up. As people of faith, it is a holy and sacred duty to encourage and build up people, especially people who face systemic oppression. That is not a political statement; it is a spiritual statement, and it is a statement about our God.
The story of Esther takes place after a disaster. Because they were displaced and enslaved by war, there were children of Israel living in Persia. Orange Shirt Day is a reality only because of a disaster of a policy of having boarding schools to teach Indigenous children. We are in the disaster known as the COVID pandemic. During times of personal pain that may blot out the word God and prayer in the narratives of our hearts and lives, Purim speaks to us.
I am going to conclude with a quote from Rabbi Manis Friedman, as he reflects on the meaning of Purim. “God became real enough that we don’t have to refer to Him to know that He is there . . . That is a real achievement. God has become real to us. Our relationship has gotten stronger after the destruction, not weaker.”(23)
1 Wong Wai Ching Angela. “Esther.” Global Bible Commentary. (Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 2004), 139, mentions lack of references to God, covenant, and prayer. McConville mentions a lack of references to God. J.G. McConville. The Daily Study Bible: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. (Edinburgh: St. Andrew Press, 1985), 153.
2 McConville (1985), 153.
3 Angela (2004), 139.
4 McConville (1985), 153.
5 Angela (2004), 137.
6 McConville (1985), 154.
7 William Neil. William Neil's One Volume Bible Commentary. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1973), 219.
8 New American Bible. St. Joseph Edition. (New York: Catholic Book Pub., 1992), 500.
9 Angela (2004), 135.
10 “Residential Schools in Canada.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. n.d., 22 September 2021. <https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/residential-schools>.
11 “Residential Schools in Canada.” (2021) <https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/residential-schools>.
12 “Residential Schools in Canada.” (2021) <https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/residential-schools>.
13 “What is Purim?” Tori Avey. n.d., 09 September 2021. <https://toriavey.com/what-is-purim/>.
14 Angela (2004), 135.
15 “Purim: What is Purim?” Chabad.org. n.d., 05 September 2021.
16 “Purim: What is Purim?” (2021)
17 “Purim: What is Purim?” (2021)
18 Tzvi Jacobs. “Purim Saddam.” Chabad.org. n.d., 19 September 2021.
19 “1991 Iraqi Rocket Attacks on Israel.” Wikipedia. July 2021, 19 September 2021. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Iraqi_rocket_attacks_on_Israel>.
20 “Purim: What is Purim?” (2021)
21 “Watson-Watt, Sir Robert.” English Heritage. n.d., 18 September 2021. <https://www.english-history.org.uk/visit/blue-plaques/robert-watson-watt/>.
22 “Watson-Watt, Sir Robert.” (2021) <https://www.english-history.org.uk/visit/blue-plaques/robert-watson-watt/>.
23 Manis Friedman. “The Meaning of Purim in 2 Minutes.” Rabbi Manis Friedman. 08 March 2020, 25 September 2021. <https://youtu.be/kiMCYYEznfE>.
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prevodioci-blog · 6 years
Niehime To Kemono No Ou
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Chaucer translated the Roman de la Rose” from French, and Boethius's works from Latin. Sheldon Gilgore, 77, American physician, President of Pfizer (1971-1986) and Searle (1986-1995), died of pancreatic cancer. When McLuhan, who coined the term "Global Village," talks of"The Extensions Of Man," he is referring to how n individual or society creates or makes use something that extends the human body or mind in an innovative way. It is estimated that native English speakers can recognise around 3,000 Spanish words. 1) In this example, I am going to ask my device to help me translate French words to English. Bonus Feature - Learn and Master the pronunciation as English Arabic Translator has in built audio feature. Now you can learn Arabic or English language at your convenience, while driving, playing games, in class, while on travel, while commuting to work, with friends, etc. It would be a pleasure for me to teach you Persian,Dari , Pushtu and English languages Via Skype. She personally translates or reviews all translations done by Gaucha Translations. Friends, I recommend your to use to translate any numbers to Russian and English languages. Thanks for reading my list of translations, commenting in my article, and pinning and sharing my Hub. They provide a cheap translation for clients while giving a fair pay rate to its translators.
Although we translate birth certificate from Hindi to all Foreign languages but we mainly receive cases for translation of Birth certificate from Hindi to English, French, German, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Czech, Arabic, etc. The Wampanoag were a Native American people living in the southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island area at the time of English settlement. Following that is a quick demonstration on how to translate the words in question to English. Translating Spanish needs localising even if the business is already operating in a Spanish-speaking market so that communication is not hindered. It is this activating dimension of popular free radio that most distinguishes it from the usual pacifying operations of the mass media and that also posed the greatest threat to the authorities; if people were just sitting at home listening to strange political broadcasts, or being urged to participate in conventional, organised political actions such as demonstrations that would be tolerable but once you start mobilising a massive and unpredictable political affectivity and subjectivation that is autonomous, self-referential and self-reinforcing, then this is a cause for panic on the part of the forces of social order, as was amply demonstrated in Bologna in 1977.
Free Language Translator is a useful translating utility powered by Google Translate which enables you to translate texts between more than 40 different languages - just as many as the Google service supports. People who don't know foreign languages are bound to use free translation services on the Internet, which basically provide draft translations, or have to refer to the professional French translator If you speak the French language , you will be able to easily translate French , communicate with people while traveling in the French speaking countries, help your kids doing French translation for the homework, and use the French language in your job. I will show in this article that a complete reliance on translation is often not needed and detrimental to the student when learning English. Old English, sometimes known as Anglo Saxon, is a precursor of the Modern English language. I'm also an English-Spanish translator and interpreter and earned my national medical interpreter certification through NBCMI in July 2015. In this case, you are already well on your way to becoming a Japanese translator. All our translations into Spanish are always carried out by 100% native Spanish translators, working in the mother tongue, and who are completely fluent in the source languages, i.e. English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese.
It's a fast-paced Italian world, and sometimes all you need is a quick English translation to get you up to speed. I know that for studying Ancient Near Eastern studies, eventually you would have to have a good command of French and German because a lot of the scholarly material is written in those languages. It is as funny as Mark Twain's translation and retranslation of his Jumping Frog, from English to French and back to English. Today, thousands of people from western countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and from most of European countries have already some Japanese Kanji symbols tattooed into their skin. As the mother tongue of 480 million people, Spanish is one of the world's most widely-spoken native languages. I have heard foreign-language speaking people talk about thinking in their native language before they translate. Veritas Language Solutions is going insolvent and I doubt any of the translators will receive money once higher ranking creditors have been paid. What I'm saying is, instead of trying to figure out which existing translation is most accurate, one can learn the languages, and of course the history, and do their own translation. Another thing, translating English to Arabic may have "corny" results i.e. the sentence may sound poetic with a deep meaning in English but very silly & childish in Arabic.
Zanos died of ovarian cancer just a couple of days of her 60th birthday. Our translation team has many experienced document translators who specialize in translating different types of documents including employee handbooks, contracts, leases, books, birth and death certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, diplomas, transcripts, and any other Spanish document you may need translated. Interpreters and translators must have knowledge of medical terminology and of common medical terms in both languages. This is why, educators believe our kids understand computers and their programming languages better than the people who designed them. Below is an "opportunity" I received a couple of months ago from Wolfestone Translation (UK), click here which is encouraging translators to "post-edit" machine translations for GBP 0.015 per word. The democratic African National Congress (ANC) government was elected in 1994, after a half century of the nationalist government's racist policies under apartheid (the Afrikaans word for separateness”), which included political, legal, social and economic discrimination against black people. A virtual keyboard is offered for Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and French languages. So that, if Botha holler what he is purported to have been by the Sunday times article, it holds a whole stack of truths in it. If one understand Afrikaner history, the themes he hit on have been enforced and promoted or talked about by the Afrikaner people.
His argument, in a nutshell, is that technology forms a mass of people, and conditions their essential humanity by restricting their freedom and displacing their responsibility. Anthony is a French translator who is also fluent in Arabic. Start applying it to your everyday life like change your all devices language setting from English to Spanish, start watching Spanish TV shows and serials, start reading or listening news in Spanish language, start learning about your favorite topic or subject in Spanish it will be fun to learn your favorite subject in Spanish language and it will your added advantage to know your favorite topic in two languages. For exceptional Spanish translation services, look no further than TransPerfect Blue Universe prevodilacka agenicja Translations. Let us say this is not true, it is mentioned in the bible that "the book is given to him who is not learned saying read this, and he says i am not learned." Not in those exact words but in the same meaning, mohamed is the only prophet in history to not be learned after the prophecy was revealed, and anyone who reads the story of prophet muhammad pbuh will know that this is him who is prophesized. I fell in love with them all over again and its all because of you translators. When we received the copy, there was no context at all, just the slogan and this sentence: Is it possible to have a few words translated into Spanish by Monday?,” followed by a request that we also translate the word small.
To support my argument, I will present several examples of the current media environments and personal experience, particularly in relation to music and music industries since music is one of the important mass cultural forms, representing current trends of peoples' mind and thinking. Without his work in the 1950s and '60s, there would be no field of study that sought to explain how the nuances and great sweeps of human history are made possible by media of communication—how media determine the thoughts and actions of people and society, in a soft” way. We know about it because we were at least, up to the coming of the Social Networks, reading books, listen to all types of different genre and good music and that has kept us as a "Sane Society' in this day and age. Then, tickled by curiosity, he read it and at the same time compared it with the previous translations. So long as Man Mind has existed, from the crude forms of mass mobilization to contemporary Meida technological mind control, it has always been the desire and aim of those who are rich, and have time to fine-tune and fine-chissel their distorted and concocted strategy of mass control to set and determine the final outcome, social arrangements and reality. John Carl Warnecke, 91, American architect (John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame), died of complications of pancreatic cancer.
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(經由 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q70MrmN8DkU) 
以西結書 39:23 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。耶利米書 25:17-26 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)17 我就從耶和華的手中接了這杯,給耶和華所差遣我去的各國的民喝, 18 就是耶路撒冷和猶大的城邑並耶路撒冷的君王與首領,使這城邑荒涼,令人驚駭、嗤笑、咒詛,正如今日一樣。 19 又有埃及王法老和他的臣僕、首領以及他的眾民, 20 並雜族的人民和烏斯地的諸王,與非利士地的諸王,亞實基倫,加沙,以革倫,以及亞實突剩下的人, 21 以東,摩押,亞捫人, 22 推羅的諸王,西頓的諸王,海島的諸王,23 底但,提瑪,布斯和一切剃周圍頭髮的, 24 阿拉伯的諸王,住曠野雜族人民的諸王, 25 心利的諸王,以攔的諸王,瑪代的諸王, 26 北方遠近的諸王以及天下地上的萬國喝了,以後示沙克[a]王也要喝。
Gog, of the land of Magog of Assyria, is definitely and absolutely the judge of Moab of Assyria, through contextual reading of the Christian Bible.[以西結書32:26]「米設、土巴和她們的群眾都在那裡,她民的墳墓在她四圍,他們都是未受割禮被刀殺的。他們曾在活人之地使人驚恐。Assyria, the work of the Lord Jesus’ hands, is the Assyrian Empire located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth. Nimrod is the emperor of Assyria. Tyre and Sidon, located at the bottom of the sea of the Earth, preside over Assyria’s rampart and wall, which are the sea of the Earth.[撒迦利亞書9:4]她海上的權力[Tyre’s power in the sea of the Earth]。[詩篇45:12]推羅的民必來送禮,民中的富足人也必向你求恩。[但以理書11:41]又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。
喜愛的名言佳句(路加福音 21:20)「你們看見耶路撒冷被兵圍困,就可知道它成荒場的日子近了。[The Destruction of Jerusalem.] fall - [v.] if people fall in a war, they are killed. [陣亡;戰死] (Luke 21:24) New King James Version (NKJV) And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. (Ezekiel 39:23) New King James Version (NKJV) The Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they were unfaithful to Me, therefore I hid My face from them. I gave them into the hand of their enemies, and they all fell by the sword. [彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。那時,主耶穌同他有能力的天使從天上在火焰中顯現,[Jeremiah 25:26] (NKJV) all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another; and all the kingdoms of the world which are on the face of the earth. Also the king of Sheshach shall drink after them. Here the restrictive clause which are on the face of the earth makes it clear which particular world is being referred to, and also implies that there are some other worlds elsewhere in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth.[亞述帝國] 耶利米書 25:26 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)北方遠近的諸王以及天下地上的萬國喝了,以後示沙克王也要喝。 以及:表示并列的联合关系,使用范围比“和、及”大一些,除像“和、及”那样可以连接词语外,“以及”还可以连接小句。“以及”的前面可以停顿,“和、及”之前则完全不可以。“以及”后面可以用“其他”,多用于书面语。(一)连接同类事物,有时表示前主后次,有时表示先后有别。例如:“书本、文具以及其他学习辅助用品要事先准备好。”(二)连接不同类的事物,不分主次。例如:“怎么生产,以及怎样营销要事先策划好,要制订一个周密的切实可行的计划。” 以及是一个汉语词语,读音为yǐ jí, 连词,表示在时间、范围上的延伸;连接并列的词、词组或短句;如还…和…同…。
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(經由 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNfxWBaOj2g) 
[In a series] When a sentence contains a series of items that are long or that already contain one or more commas, separate the items with semicolons. Punctuating this way groups the elements so that your reader can see where one item ends and the next begins. [TOEFL Grammar 101]
Gog, of the land of Magog of Assyria, is definitely and absolutely the judge of Moab of Assyria, through contextual reading of the Christian Bible.[以西結書32:26]「米設、土巴和她們的群眾都在那裡,她民的墳墓在她四圍,他們都是未受割禮被刀殺的。他們曾在活人之地使人驚恐。Assyria, the work of the Lord Jesus’ hands, is the Assyrian Empire located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth. Nimrod is the emperor of Assyria. Tyre and Sidon, located at the bottom of the sea of the Earth, preside over Assyria’s rampart and wall, which are the sea of the Earth.[撒迦利亞書9:4]她海上的權力[Tyre’s power in the sea of the Earth]。[詩篇45:12]推羅的民必來送禮,民中的富足人也必向你求恩。[但以理書11:41]又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。
Type - 0.73 - the infant - ...; and all the kingdoms of the world which are on the face of the earth. 
Type 2 - Nimrod and his northern army of Assyria. [Obadiah 1:4] star - a huge mass of burning gas visible as a glowing point in the night sky. [以西結書 32:22-30]22 「亞述和她的眾民都在那裡,...26 「米設、土巴和她們的群眾都在那裡,...29 「以東也在那裡,她君王和一切首領雖然仗著勢力,... 30 在那裡有北方的眾王子和一切西頓人,... Assyria, which is located in the earth's mantle and in the sea of the Earth,... = the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord.
Type 3 - Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon and his people. [Revelation 18] The Fall of Babylon the Great.
Type 4 - The Medes. [Isaiah 13:5] ... from the end of heaven. heaven - [n.] the universe.
Footnotes:Jeremiah 25:26 A code word for Babylon, Jer. 51:41
Jeremiah 25:26 New King James Version (NKJV)26 all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another; and all the kingdoms of the world which are on the face of the earth. Also the king of [a]Sheshach shall drink after them.
Jeremiah 25:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 behold, I will send and take all the families of the north,’ says the Lord, ‘and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant, and will bring them against this land, against its inhabitants, and against these nations all around, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, a hissing, and perpetual desolations.
Ezekiel 30:10-11 New King James Version (NKJV) 10 ‘Thus says the Lord God: “I will also make a multitude of Egypt to cease By the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. 11 He and his people with him, the most terrible of the nations, Shall be brought to destroy the land; They shall draw their swords against Egypt, And fill the land with the slain.
Ezekiel 31:12 New King James Version (NKJV)12 And aliens, the most terrible of the nations, have cut it down and left it; its branches have fallen on the mountains and in all the valleys; its boughs lie broken by all the rivers of the land; and all the peoples of the earth have gone from under its shadow and left it. 
喜愛的名言佳句(路加福音 21:20)「你們看見耶路撒冷被兵圍困,就可知道它成荒場的日子近了。[The Destruction of Jerusalem.] fall - [v.] if people fall in a war, they are killed. [陣亡;戰死] (Luke 21:24) New King James Version (NKJV) And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. (Ezekiel 39:23) New King James Version (NKJV) The Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they were unfaithful to Me, therefore I hid My face from them. I gave them into the hand of their enemies, and they all fell by the sword. [彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。那時,主耶穌同他有能力的天使從天上在火焰中顯現,[Jeremiah 25:26] (NKJV) all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another; and all the kingdoms of the world which are on the face of the earth. Also the king of Sheshach shall drink after them. Here the restrictive clause which are on the face of the earth makes it clear which particular world is being referred to, and also implies that there are some other worlds elsewhere in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth.[亞述帝國] 耶利米書 25:26 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT)北方遠近的諸王以及天下地上的萬國喝了,以後示沙克王也要喝。 以及:表示并列的联合关系,使用范围比“和、及”大一些,除像“和、及”那样可以连接词语外,“以及”还可以连接小句。“以及”的前面可以停顿,“和、及”之前则完全不可以。“以及”后面可以用“其他”,多用于书面语。(一)连接同类事物,有时表示前主后次,有时表示先后有别。例如:“书本、文具以及其他学习辅助用品要事先准备好。”(二)连接不同类的事物,不分主次。例如:“怎么生产,以及怎样营销要事先策划好,要制订一个周密的切实可行的计划。” 以及是一个汉语词语,读音为yǐ jí, 连词,表示在时间、范围上的延伸;连接并列的词、词组或短句;如还…和…同…。
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memorylang · 4 years
February’s Holidays in America | #50 | February 2021
Been feeling great! 2O2I goes well for me. I’m excited to have received more word from the Peace Corps that they’ll be in touch when they have a final timeline for reinstatement. Till then, I’m savoring my weeks still stateside. 
February 2O2I encompasses many holidays, including Lunar New Year, U.S. Presidents’ Day, St. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday. Some Americans may consider the Super Bowl a holiday, too! (Ah, if only Kansas City could make lightning strike twice this year.) Anywho, this month’s tales are on how I’ve spent my holidays. I’m ecstatic to have gotten in another national parks trip!  
Lunar New Year 2O2I
I begin these tales from Lunar New Year’s. (I’ll double back to recount January adventures toward the end of my tales in this blog story.) This year, my LA sister who was in wanted to celebrate the Lunar New Year with more activity, so she’d returned to Vegas, she decorated, we wore red, and we cooked. 
We made dumplings and 包子 /bāozi/, which were tasty. I enjoyed getting to show my sister how Mom had shown me how to pinch them. I remembered too cooking with my Mongol host family two summers ago. This year, our older brother and his girlfriend came over to celebrate, as well as a couple of my sister’s friends. 
This year’s Year of the Ox is my zodiac year. It’s the first one I remember, since in that year when I’d turned 12, I’d been still adjusting to life in Vegas after having moved from Indiana with my family the year before. Here in 2O2I, though, at what was midnight in China, I called our relatives over WeChat. We chatted briefly in Chinese and English. Many got confused about which of my sisters was which, which amused me. I felt glad to have gotten to reconnect. 
For the rest of my friends and relatives, I shared photos from Tsagaan Sar 2O2O. Last year, I hadn’t posted much amid hastily packing as a Peace Corps Volunteer to evacuate Mongolia. This year’s been calmer. 
Later that Lunar New Year’s Day, I and my national parks friends like Victor Del Valle embarked on a new adventure, this time to Utah’s sites. Having my driver’s license felt empowering. 
The Mighty Five
By our trip’s end, I’d reach 14 national parks! I look forward to getting to share these experiences with folks abroad who want to visit the States. 
On Friday, our first day, my friends and I visited Canyonlands National Park then Dead Horse Point State Park. I enjoyed seeing the canyons within canyons. Since the Wednesday before was a virtual high school reunion, I decided to wear my ol’ student council shirt. 
That night we checked into this awesome and affordable place, the “Rustic Inn” in Moab, Utah. I recommend it to anyone coming through the city. It was so fantastic that I wrote a Yelp review. 
On Saturday, we reached Arches National Park early, standing below the iconic Delicate Arch before rain picked up. Despite the cold wind and rain, I loved the hike to the Double O Arches. The trek involved rock scrambling what I call the ‘rock vault’ and walking across elevated slabs that I consider the ‘train cars.’ On rock scrambles, I felt like Spider-Man. Across the elevated slabs, I felt like Violet Evergarden or Captain America. We’d taken so many cool photos that day that my recap post for social media contained numerous photos from Arches. 
For the Feast of St. Valentine, that Sunday, Feb. 14, my aunt who’d visited last summer had mailed ahead candy. Her gift was a pleasant surprise. Coincidentally on that Sunday, my friends and I saw Capitol Reef, to which she’d taken me last summer. But, my friends and I entered from a different side than when I’d seen with my relative. My friends and I also hiked to Cassidy Arch, along a remarkable trail that I hadn’t seen on our first trip. Though I first overshot the destination by a half-mile, I enjoyed the sights! That arch reminded me of Sedona’s Devil’s Bridge. 
"A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one”
On Monday, my friends and I had meant just to see Bryce Canyon but fate had other plans. Winter snow and ice limited our Bryce options such that after experiencing its safe sites we went to Zion. Still, we enjoyed the Dr. Seuss-like sound of “hoodoos” and questions like, “What do the hoodoos do when who doesn’t?” 
Zion felt like Disney, with its wonders at every turn. I’d never seen rock formations like those of the park. Its overlook path, which my friends insisted wasn’t even one of its best hikes, blew my mind. I wish that we’d had more time to see Zion. Our time was short. I resolved to return someday. 
Up next is Redwood National Park in a few months! I’m so excited. Redwood was one of the first national parks of which I’d heard when I was young in Indiana reading about California. I hope that those tall trees are amazing indeed. 
From 2O2I’s First Week 
Presidents’ Day made my friends’ and my trip possible this month. So, in honor of Presidents’ Day, I want to share some January 2O2I experiences with its major event, Inauguration Day! With all that led to it, this year’s was one to remember. 
I kick off my Inauguration Day stories with Wed., Jan. 6, an especially tense day for Americans. That morning, I’d been still in Reno, having arrived to ring in the New Year. That Wednesday, my folks and I were following results from the Georgia run-off election. Georgian friends said not to hold my breath. Well, I felt amazed to see that the two Democrats won. 
But later that day, when I and my D.C. friend were to begin our usual 3 p.m. EST video call on my week’s Bible readings, we began with a different conversation. She asked me if I’d heard about what was happening at the Capitol Building. I hadn’t. She said that police were trying to protect Congresspeople from rioters who’d broken in—American rioters. 
I hadn’t imagined that day that I’d be praying for the safety of our leaders, but I felt moved to do so. I tried not to let the news get to me, too much. I hoped that things would sort themselves out. I’d underestimated. 
“What a year this month has been” 
The next Monday, Week 45 (Jan. 8–15), I felt a bit ashamed to try explaining to my group of Mongols learning English about the U.S. Capitol events. I wasn’t certain about the facts, beyond that rioters opposed the certification of our November election’s results. Ultimately, I suspected that the media had overplayed the drama of the events. Still, I felt ashamed that not outsiders but American citizens had attacked our own Capitol. 
That week’s Sunday, I also attended and later spoke at a Zoom service in remembrance of my late supervisor, Rich Siegel, co-chair of the Honors Community Advisory Board for which I’m secretary. Many on the call wondered what that man, a champion of the American Civil Liberties Union, would have thought about the violence at the Capitol. He would surely have condemned it. After our service, I spoke briefly in gratitude for Rich’s mentorship. A woman at the service contacted me with thanks for sharing my experiences with him. 
On a later week, my English-language learners in Mongolia asked me to weigh in about my trust in the election results. I explained my usual position that I tend to believe whatever our courts conclude about the security of our processes. Our courts declared the election secure, so I trusted our results. Regarding America’s Capitol riots, to my amazement, my Mongol friends compared them to moments in Mongolia’s young democratic history of riots outside of their parliament building and leaders resigning. I felt strangely comforted by similarities. 
Inauguration Day
At last came Wednesday, Jan. 2O. I was back in Vegas, glued to the telly from dawn till dusk. This was the first Inauguration Day I could recall when I wasn’t in school, so I decided that I’d watch the whole thing. By that day, I’d also finished much of the yard work and had even gotten halfway through the “Kafka on the Shore” book to which I’d been listening. 
On Inauguration Day, I kept downstairs with a Snuggie, sitting in a soft rocking chair with a space heater between me and the TV. I set the telly to a channel showing four stations at once—this time showing CNN, FOX, MSNBC and the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC). I liked most the JCCIC broadcast since its hosts sounded passionate about our inaugural setting, having usually given tours of the Capitol. Commentators felt delighted that despite the violence just two weeks earlier, the area was safe and secure now. 
I felt a little disappointed to learn that President Trump had decided not to attend the inauguration, instead taking off quietly from Washington. I’d loved seeing U.S. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama gathered. I hope that in the future, Trump stands among them as a fellow past leader of our great nation. 
As President-elect Biden and VP-elect Harris arrived, I felt moved. I remembered my time as a young journalist reporting live during Election Night, November 2OI6. Seeing our new administration arrive in January 2O2I, I remembered the faces of people, many of color, who had felt saddened half a decade prior. 
Though I live in Vegas, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy much Lady Gaga’s performance of the national anthem. Generally, I’m not that interested in her music. Well, I felt awed. I found her rendition of our anthem among the most moving versions that I’ve heard. She performed in ways like a guide on our nation’s musical journey. 
In terms of speeches, I enjoyed hearing Rev. Dr. Sylvester Beaman bring to light important issues of diverse communities and felt blown away by the poet Amanda Gorman. Her words resonated powerfully. Her references to “Hamilton” were wonderful, too. That the Biden-Harris administration had given the green light to this magnificent speaker of my generation gave great hope. 
Inauguration Night
I spent the rest of Inauguration Day texting friends as I watched the feeds on traditional Day 1 activities of new U.S. presidents. I especially loved watching that afternoon the Biden-Harris administration’s first press conference. We’re returning to transparency. 
That evening, I saw the virtual concert commemorating our day. I enjoyed seeing talks and performances by Bon Jovi, Foo Fighters, Yo-Yo Ma, Broadway stars and John Legend. New to me yet delightful still were “Better Days (feat. Justin Timberlake)” by Ant Clemons and “Colors” by Black Pumas. Our sun set on what felt for many a renewed nation. 
I didn’t see much other inauguration coverage besides a James Corden treat. He’d made a parody of “One Day More,” which I showed many. I found its lines, “What a year this month has been,” and, “Politics are dull again,” so comical. 
As days went on, I felt delighted to see Dr. Fauci on TV looking far more chipper than during preceding weeks. I felt amused by Stephen Colbert’s return to jesting about political norms instead of contested facts. Thus our world turns. 
Back to Reno
After my Week 49 (Feb. 11–16) Mighty Five Utah parks trip with my friends, I returned from Vegas to Reno. That Tues., Feb. 16, I got to drive the hundred miles from Tonopah, Nev., to Hawthorne, Nev.! I felt delighted. Seeing the sunset while listening to my friend’s party music evoked joy in possibilities of where I can go and what I can do in life. 
The next day, Feb. 17, was Ash Wednesday. That day I returned to my college parish since I’ve been singing for this year’s virtual “Living Stations of the Cross” production. Revisiting the parish and chatting with our staff returned to mind among my favorite undergrad experiences. Meanwhile, our student coordinators have worked so hard to make their office into a recording studio. I look forward to sharing our performance video when it goes live this Lenten season. 
With Ash Wednesday as the first day of the season’s fasting, I had a bagel and tea for breakfast then water throughout the day. That evening, after a series of delightful meetings, I saw a long-time friend when he had a moment free. The homie was Darren Dang, one I’d met when we’d lived in the same residence hall, fall 2OI5. 
That afternoon, Darren and I visited Roberto’s Taco Shop down the street, where we caught up like we’d done a couple years ago, before I’d graduated the University. COVID causes weird circumstances, but we make the most of them. Coincidentally, I’d reconnected too with a mutual friend, through a Pokémon GO group chat when I’d asked what I’d need to do to complete the week’s challenge. 
My friend wished me Happy Lunar New Year in a traditional Vietnamese greeting! I enjoyed that greatly. I knew informal New Year’s greetings in Mandarin and Mongolian, so I said those in exchange. Seeing long-time friends warms my soul. 
Lent 2O2I
Later this February marks the first anniversary since I learned that I’d evacuated from Mongolia. So by the time I next blog, I’ll have been back in America for a year. Expect March tales to feature my reflections. I’m coming back to Vegas in March to see off my LA sister before she moves for work in Seattle! 
The rest of February, I mean to focus on singing for the church production and revising my research for resubmission by early March. I’ve enjoyed seeing WandaVision while not working. My language and outreach projects continue. 
This Lent I've also resumed my habit of praying a rosary a day in addition to daily walks and stretches. I've added, too, Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer. Let me know if you'd like to pray with me! For now, I leave you with this copy of the text that I’d found cited on Wikipedia (195I): 
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did, This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it, Trusting that You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
You can read more from me here at DanielLang.me :)
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以 賽 亞 書 17:7 當 那 日 , 人 必 仰 望 造 他 們 的 主 , 眼 目 重 看 以 色 列 的 聖 者 。
At that time men will trust in their creator; they will depend on the Holy One of Israel. — Isaiah 17:7 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) and New English Translation (NET Bible) Chinese Bible: Union (CUVMP Traditional) ©2011 Global Bible Initiative and NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved. Cross References: 2 Samuel 22:42; Psalm 95:6; Isaiah 10:20; Hosea 3:5; Hosea 6:1; Micah 7:7
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詩篇 56:3 我懼怕的時候要倚靠你
When I am afraid, O LORD Almighty, I put my trust in you. — Psalm 56:3 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) and Good News Bible - British Version 2017 (GNBUK) Chinese Bible: Union (CUVMP Traditional) ©2011 Global Bible Initiative and Good News Bible - British Version 2017 © 1992 British & Foreign Bible Society. All rights reserved. Cross References: Psalm 1:1; Psalm 55:4-5; Psalm 55:23
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路 加 福 音 9:26 凡 把 我 和 我 的 道 當 作 可 恥 的 , 人 子 在 自 己 的 榮 耀 裡 , 並 天 父 與 聖 天 使 的 榮 耀 裡 降 臨 的 時 候 , 也 要 把 那 人 當 作 可 恥 的 。
(For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.) — Luke 9:26 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) The Chinese Union Version Bible (Traditional) is in the public domain Cross References: Matthew 10:33; Mark 8:38; Luke 12:9; Acts 10:22; 1 Timothy 5:21
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Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you. — 1 John 3:13 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) and New International Version (NIV) The Chinese Union Version Bible (Traditional) and the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ® All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: Proverbs 29:27; John 15:18; John 17:14
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約 翰 福 音 1:1 太 初 有 道 , 道 與 神 同 在 , 道 就 是 神 。
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. — John 1:1 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) and King James Version (KJV) The Chinese Union Version Bible (Traditional) and the King James Version Bible are in the public domain. Cross References: Genesis 1:1; Proverbs 8:23; Luke 24:53; John 1:2; John 1:14; John 8:58; John 17:5
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詩 篇 34:13 就 要 禁 止 舌 頭 不 出 惡 言 , 嘴 唇 不 說 詭 詐 的 話 。
(Keep your tongue from evil,    and your lips from speaking deceit.) — Psalm 34:13 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) The Traditional Chinese Union Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Psalm 39:1; Psalm 141:3; Proverbs 13:3 James 1:26; 1 Peter 2:22; 1 Peter 3:10
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( 大 卫 的 诗 , 交 与 伶 长 。 调 用 慕 拉 便 。 ) 我 要 一 心 称 谢 耶 和 华 ; 我 要 传 扬 你 一 切 奇 妙 的 作 为 。
(I will thank you, LORD, with all my heart; I will talk about all your wonderful acts.) — Psalm 9:1 | Chinese Union Version (CUV: Traditional) The Chinese Union Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Psalm 26:7; Psalm 86:12; Isaiah 12:1
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3 耶 和 華 不 輕 易 發 怒 , 大 有 能 力 , 萬 不 以 有 罪 的 為 無 罪 。 他 乘 旋 風 和 暴 風 而 來 , 雲 彩 為 他 腳 下 的 塵 土 。
(3 The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means clear the guilty. His way is in whirlwind and storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.) — Nahum 1:3 | Chinese Union Version (CUV: Traditional) The Chinese Union Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 19:16; Exodus 34:6-7; 2 Samuel 22:10; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 103:8; Psalm 104:3
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因 為 神 賜 給 我 們 , 不 是 膽 怯 的 心 , 乃 是 剛 強 、 仁 愛 、 謹 守 的 心 。
(For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.) — 2 Timothy 1:7 | Chinese Union Version (CUV: Traditional) The Chinese Union Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Isaiah 11:2; John 14:27; Romans 8:15
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耶 和 華 啊 , 求 你 照 著 我 們 所 仰 望 你 的 , 向 我 們 施 行 慈 愛
(22 Let thy lovingkindness, O Jehovah, be upon us, According as we have hoped in thee.) — Psalm 33:22 | Chinese Union Version - Traditional (CUV) The Chinese Union Version - Traditional Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Psalm 33:21; Psalm 34:1
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