luxshine · 10 days
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Sexy Cherry and a tiny call for help!
So, my kitties have... sort of broken my computer's screen. And because Apple is a monopoly and incredibly evil, I need about $800 to fix it.
So... in order to raise the money (Because I do not have the money on hand), I'm opening 20 Commission spots, from $40 dlls for either couples in half body or one character in full body, your choice.
I really need the computer for all my work, so seriously, anything helps!
you can DM me directly or check my artistree page at
(Prices listed there are my usual prices, not the emergency ones for 40 dlls, but that way you get an idea of what I do)
Please, share around too if you can!
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crinaboros · 4 months
Battle for environmental data won at Romanian court
A judge decided to reject Romania's Environment Ministry's information blockade and instructed the institution to release its SUMAL logging permits data to my team (Freedom House România, Brandon Roberts, Claudiu Postelnicu, Razvan Chiruta / PRESShub)!
This follows a long Freedom of Information battle for environmental data.
The Ministry may yet appeal. I expect they will.
Link to the Court's decision: https://tinyurl.com/loggingdatacourtcase
Romania is under a perpetually-extended EU infringement on illiegal logging and loss of biodiversity - actually 4 infringements focused on environment mention forests (there are more, btw)!
One of these top-level infringements also references Romania's unwillingness to release environmental data. The extraordinarily difficult task for investigators to obtain official data from Romania's public institutions has laso been recognised internationally. Our efforts, in particular, have been featured in a documentary by Channel 4 | Underreported World, entitled "Romania's Timber Mafia" - https://www.channel4.com/programmes/unreported-world/on-demand/76658-004. I have personally gone through a bullying case at the Environment Ministry's Forests' team last year, when I was documenting logging transparency in Romania, which has also been featured by the latest U.S. State Department's Human Rights Report - https://t.co/FSJyADY5y8 (page 13).
Thank you to our #IJ4EU cross-border investigative reporting grant family for their support so far, as well as for standing by - financially and morally - in case of an appeal: #LordsOfTimber project International Press Institute (IPI) European Journalism Centre (EJC). #infringements #courtcases #environmentaldata #transparency #FOI #investigativejournalism #crossborderreporting
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samethstarr · 3 years
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Chiruta, a Mountain Minish from the Legend of Zelda Minish Cap manga. Mountain Minish get no appreciation but they are definitely the cutest.
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space--cadet-glow · 4 years
Theory: Chilta vs. Chiruta vs. ...?
Okay. This might be me finally going off the deep-end, but I think I have theory defending a translation choice made by the French version of "The Minish Cap" manga version.
So. We all know that one particular apprentice of Melari. The one who helps Link. The reason I always called him "Chilta" is because that's what he's called in the German version.
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But, both English and Italian called him, "Chiruta":
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Both names make an equal amount of sense, especially after looking at the original Japanese version, "チルタ".
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The name can be transliterated to both "Chilta" and "Chiruta" due to the whole "Japanese doesn't have the letter L" issue. Therefore, this is something that caught my attention when reading the final version I have on hand. The French version, which called him...
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..."Tchilta". With a "T".
(I still don't have Spanish, so I can't vouch for what they went with at the moment).
But, here's where I think this might not have been a mistake, but a deliberate choice. The first syllable, "チ", can be both translated as "Chi" AND "Ti". And, ironically, I have an example STILL from "The Minish Cap".
That being, the original name of the Minish Realm, "チロリア", which I have seen people transliterate as "Chirolia".
German, Italian (game-wise), AND FRENCH all caught the pun of this name and properly translated it as "Tyloria", yes, with a "T"-- a reference to the real-life country of Tyrol, which is known for a specific type of HAT.
So, since both Tyloria and Chilta technically start with the same syllable (”チ”)... It makes me wonder if the French manga did this on purpose, as if trying to imply that Chilta ("Tchilta") was NAMED AFTER THE MINISH REALM ITSELF. In that case, would the name "Chilta" mean something akin to "world" or "earth" in the Minish language? No idea.
I just thought this was an interesting translation... Quip? I don't know the term for it. Quirk, maybe? I've gone insane. Please tell me if I made a mistake anywhere.
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elstreem · 5 years
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Ok, random Minish Cap post: how are Minish feet supposed to look like? The only thing that seems to be consistent is that they have 4 toes on each foot. Easy, right? Well…
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In the manga, quite a few Minish are drawn with yes, 4 toes, but in a way that looks bird-like, with a toe pointing backward. Which is a little different from the official game art.
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Speaking of which, Melari is drawn with feet that looks more similar to how it is drawn in the official art. Chiruta too, but only in this panel, I think all the other times he has the bird-like feet.
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But wait there's more! Gentari is drawn with actual bird-like feet. So uhh…do Minish just have different types of feet? Or is this just a style inconsistency on Akira Himekawa's part?
I'm trying to make a reference sheet for myself since I'm planning to revive my MC fanfiction, but figuring out Minish anatomy is a little tricky (the legs especially). And yes, I made this post specifically because I've been drawing Minish with three toes on each foot all this time ^^;
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scifigeneration · 7 years
Alzheimer’s drug turns back clock in powerhouse of cell
The experimental drug J147 is something of a modern elixir of life; it's been shown to treat Alzheimer's disease and reverse aging in mice and is almost ready for clinical trials in humans. Now, Salk scientists have solved the puzzle of what, exactly, J147 does. In a paper published January 7, 2018, in the journal Aging Cell, they report that the drug binds to a protein found in mitochondria, the energy-generating powerhouses of cells. In turn, they showed, it makes aging cells, mice and flies appear more youthful.
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"This really glues together everything we know about J147 in terms of the link between aging and Alzheimer's," says Dave Schubert, head of Salk's Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory and the senior author on the new paper. "Finding the target of J147 was also absolutely critical in terms of moving forward with clinical trials."
Schubert's group developed J147 in 2011, after screening for compounds from plants with an ability to reverse the cellular and molecular signs of aging in the brain. J147 is a modified version of a molecule found in the curry spice curcumin. In the years since, the researchers have shown that the compound reverses memory deficits, potentiates the production of new brain cells, and slows or reverses Alzheimer's progression in mice. However, they didn't know how J147 worked at the molecular level.
In the new work, led by Schubert and Salk Research Associate Josh Goldberg, the team used several approaches to home in on what J147 is doing. They identified the molecular target of J147 as a mitochondrial protein called ATP synthase that helps generate ATP-the cell's energy currency-within mitochondria. They showed that by manipulating its activity, they could protect neuronal cells from multiple toxicities associated with the aging brain. Moreover, ATP synthase has already been shown to control aging in C. elegans worms and flies.
"We know that age is the single greatest contributing factor to Alzheimer's, so it is not surprising that we found a drug target that's also been implicated in aging," says Goldberg, the paper's first author.
Further experiments revealed that modulating activity of ATP synthase with J147 changes the levels of a number of other molecules-including levels of ATP itself-and leads to healthier, more stable mitochondria throughout aging and in disease.
"I was very surprised when we started doing experiments with how big of an effect we saw," says Schubert. "We can give this to old mice and it really elicits profound changes to make these mice look younger at a cellular and molecular level."
The results, the researchers say, are not only encouraging for moving the drug forward as an Alzheimer's treatment, but also suggest that J147 may be useful in other age-associated diseases as well.
"People have always thought that you need separate drugs for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and stroke" says Schubert. "But it may be that by targeting aging we can treat or slow down many pathological conditions that are old-age-associated."
The team is already performing additional studies on the molecules that are altered by J147's effect on the mitochondrial ATP synthase-which could themselves be new drug targets. J147 has completed the FDA-required toxicology testing in animals, and funds are being sought to initiate phase 1 clinical trials in humans.
Other researchers on the study were A. Currais, M. Prior, W. Fischer, C. Chiruta, D. Daugherty, R. Dargusch and P. Maher of the Salk Institute; E. Ratliff and K. Finley of San Diego State University; P.B. Esparza-Molto and J.M. Cuezva of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; and M. Petrascheck of The Scripps Research Institute.
The work and the researchers involved were supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, California Institute of Regenerative Medicine, the Nomis Foundation, the Della Thome Foundation, the Bundy Foundation, the Hewitt Foundation, the Paul F. Glenn Center for Aging Research at the Salk Institute and the Waitt Foundation.
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guardiannews24 · 4 years
Tokyo's Flying Ship Studio, U.K.'s Cloth Cat Animation Jointly Produce Original Series Chiruta - News
Tokyo’s Flying Ship Studio, U.K.’s Cloth Cat Animation Jointly Produce Original Series Chiruta – News
52-episode 3DCG anime about gnomes aimed at pre-schoolers Japanese 3DCG studio Flying Ship Studio announced on Wednesday that it has signed a contract with British animation studio Cloth Cat Animation to co-produce an anime series for children titled Chiruta. Chiruta will be a 52-episode 3DCG anime for pre-schoolers with each episode running for 11 minutes. The anime follows a woodland gnome…
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luxshine · 4 months
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A Tiger and a Cheetah are still felines, even if we're talking about fish. And of course, Cats will play chase, if you leave them be for a little while.
Since I have already shared the Chiruta (Chiruta means Cheetah, btw) now I am sharing the Sakthi trailer. It's a fun movie, starring Tarak, which really doesn't bring anything new t the table, but it has some amazing action scenes.
And of course, if you want these two fishes in your wall, you can do so here
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ఢిల్లీ అల్లర్లకు గిర్ అడవులు చెప్పే సమాధానం – చిరుత కూనను సాకిన సింహం #femalelion #chiruta #tiger https://telugu.newsmeter.in/female-lion/?feed_id=13524&_unique_id=5e5d058678972
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Raluca Chiruta - Fall Winter 2017/18
Raluca Chiruta – Fall Winter 2017/18
TWITTER: @FashionInsider1 / INSTAGRAM: TheFi_Mag Photos by Andrei Oprescu Bucharest, Romania – Raluca Chiruta is a young force making her debut this season at the Romanian Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week. Her collection is small, but does show promise in certain areas. Her jumpsuits are interesting, and the designer does appear to do descent work with pieces that require more structure for their…
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New Post has been published on JurnalulBucurestiului.Ro
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2kLTATR
Romania Libera : Cine are dreptate și cine nu ? Despre protestele de duminică
de Razvan Chiruta
Dacă nu ați înțeles de ce ordonanța privind grațierea nu are legătură cu supraaglomerarea din penitenciare și cu sancțiunile de la CEDO și de ce este doar un act menit să salveze câțiva politicieni infractori, nu e nici o problemă.
Dacă nu ați pătruns sensul ascuns al modificărilor din ordonanța privind dezincriminarea abuzului în serviciu și dacă nu v-ați prins de ce l-ar salva tocmai pe liderul PSD, Liviu Dragnea, nu e nici o problemă.
Cheia pentru a desluși ce se întâmplă în acest început de an în România este mult mai simplă. Nu presupune cunoștințe juridice, ci doar un pic de timp sacrificat pe Antena 3 sau RTV și puțină lectură despre istoria recentă.
Toată lumea de bună-credință este de acord, din perspectiva celor 27 de ani care au trecut, că în 1990 o forță politică ce dorea să mențină România în comunism i-a folosit pe mineri și a manipulat populația, cu ajutorul presei, pentru a înăbuși manifestările de stradă anticomuniste și pro-occidentale din acel an. Foștii nomenclaturiști, metamorfozați în politicieni, au obținut, după mineriadele din 1990 și 1991, ceea ce au dorit: România a amânat și mai mult startul deja întârziat spre o societate modernă. Istoria ne oferă, așadar, un model pentru a înțelege bătălia de valori care se dă, din nou, în societatea românească, între o mână de nomenclaturiști/politicieni cu dosare penale și zecile de mii de oameni care s-au săturat cu adevărat de corupți și de ticăloșia lor.
„România liberă“ a făcut, din această perspectivă, o comparație între minciunile propagandistice care au dus la mineriada sângeroasă din iunie 1990 și isteria anti-manifestanți desfășurată astăzi în voie și periculos de PSD și ALDE, plus cele două televiziuni menționate. Iată câteva exemple mai mult decât relevante:
  „Mai îngrijorător este însă faptul că se încearcă, pe această cale (prin protest – n.n.), substituirea nedemocratică a votului popular exprimat cu voința și interesele unor grupuri minoritare, utilizându-se ca instrument presiunea străzii“ – Ion Iliescu, 6 mai 1990.
„Sunt foarte respectuos cu dreptul cetăţenilor de a manifesta în stradă. Singura chestiune la care vreau ca toţi să reflectăm este legitimitatea şi reprezentativitatea. Este corect ca agenda unui guvern să o facă strada?“ – Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, 24 ianuarie 2017.
„Ne-am aflat în fața unei lovituri de stat, dată din partea elementelor de dreapta, extreme, cu nuanțe legionare, fasciste“ – același Ion Iliescu, tot în 1990.
„E un început de lovitură de stat. De fapt, președintele Iohannis vrea, așa cum a vrut și fostul președinte Băsescu, să pună în cătușe puterea legitimată prin votul democratic“ – Liviu Dragnea, 22 ianuarie 2017.
  „Oameni de bine (şi de culoare) anexaţi mişcării cu program de lucru în regulă, [au manifestat] la început contra 500 de lei (cu buletinul garanţie), apoi din ce în ce mai mulţi bani pe măsura «uzurii protestatare»“ – cotidianul „Azi“, 9 mai 1990.
„Există informații care zic că s-ar fi plătit 100 de lei de participant, copiii, tinerii, ceva mai puțin, 50 de lei, și pentru câini, 30 de lei“ – România TV, 22 ianuarie 2017.
  Acum ați înțeles care e miza ce se joacă în fața noastră?
Urmărește-l pe jurnalistul Răzvan Chiruță și pe rețelele sociale, pe Facebook
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telanganareporter · 4 years
Puri Jagannath's Pan India plans with Mega Power Star
Puri Jagannath’s Pan India plans with Mega Power Star
Puri Jagannath’s Pan India plans with Mega Power Star
It was daring and dashing director Puri Jagannath who has launched Mega Power Star Ram Charan successfully into cinemas through the film Chiruta. After that, there is no looking back for Charan. Currently, he is one of the top heroes in the industry. Ram Charan is currently working in the iconic role of Alluri Seeta Ramarajuin the…
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space--cadet-glow · 5 years
Interesting Things in the Japanese “Minish Cap” Manga
...Okay, in my quest to obtain literally every translation of every medium of "The Minish Cap", I acquired the original Japanese manga, and let's just say there's some VERY interesting things in there.
In no particular order:
1. The word Link uses for "I" is "oira", which is stereotypically used by people from rural areas. So, in other words, Link is a country kid confirmed.
2. Ezlo-- just like in-game-- uses "washi" for “I”; the way that old men stereotypically do.
3. When Ezlo refers to Link as "you", he uses... "Onushi". Which is a REALLY old-fashioned way of saying "you", in a way that also implies that the person using believes themself to be higher in social-standing than the one being addressed.
4. The guy that Vaati obliterates in two panels is still named Max. Max and Vaati's numbers are still 57 and 28, respectively.
5. Ezlo also ends a good deal of his sentences with "-ja", which is another old-man stereotype.
6. Also, take a drink for every time Ezlo says "Oi". You'll be dead by the time Chilta shows up.
7. Speaking of which, Chilta's name IS written as "Chiruta" because of the whole "L" vs "R" thing. That means that both English's "Chiruta" and German's "Chilta" are technically correct.
8. When attempting to speak Hylian, Festari's dialogue is written in katakana, but when speaking Minish, it's in hiragana. As soon as Link eats the Jabber Nut and the ability to speak Minish goes into effect, Festari's dialogue SWAPS FROM KATAKANA TO HIRAGANA MID-SENTENCE. That was just so cool to me, but that's REALLY impossible to translate. (At least German Festari spoke broken German-Hylian).
9. Ezlo calls Librari "Bukuta-dono" instead of "Bukuta-chourou" at one point. "Bukuta" is Librari's original Japanese name, and "chourou" just means "Elder", but... "Dono"... Is a really old-fashioned way of respectfully referring to someone, which is somewhere between "-san" and "-sama", respect-wise... It could potentially be translated as "noble"... So when English had Ezlo call him "Sir Librari", that's actually pretty darn accurate.
10. I'm pretty sure that Vaati only says "I" ("watashi"), like, twice in the entire thing. I can't even remember if either of those were his "kono-watashi"s like in-game off the top of my head, though...
So, yeah. It's a work-in-progress.
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kokorakotv · 4 years
#Chiruta_is_underway_In_Hyderabad #chiruta_hulchal #Kokorako_TvExclusive Visuals: Operation Chiruta is underway In Hyderabad || chiruta hulchal || KOKORAKO TV
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Best Telugu movies to watch online and see at your convenience and pleasure, Aha Films will certainly cater to your delight by presenting to you only the best list of movies in the world of Telugu cinema. Prepare to be drenched in tears of drama and romance, soaked in excitement, and immersed in the action of Telugu flicks. Here are three of the most heart-racing movies of both action, romance, and comedy that are a must-watch at Aha Films
The action-comedy movie Arya 2 pertains to the three leading characters of the first Arya film - Arya, Ajay, Geetha. This time, however, the film focuses mainly on the relationship between the businessperson Ajay and the troubled Arya. This exciting voyage of a Telugu motion picture is filmed by Director Sukumar.
The 2007 film Chiruta tells the story of the main character Charan, who takes vengeance for his father's killing during his juvenile years. During his seeking to bring justice and retribution, he stumbled upon a love interest - Sanjana, his damsel in distress. Puri Jagannadh leads as director of this feature film.
Badri the movie details about the struggle of love between a man named Badri and his true-hearted other, Vennela, As the film progresses their loyalty for each other is tested and trialed. This 2000 movie of drama and romance is also directed by Puri Jagannadh during his years in debut.
Telugu genres are diverse and create a new-found perspective on life and the arts. The films not only channel through a person's soul but also engage the folks streaming at home to strive for love despite challenges faced in life. 
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Android - Aha Playstore 
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grimesu-blog1 · 5 years
If you fancy on your own being at home for the weekend and yearning for the very best Telugu films to see online and also see at your benefit and satisfaction, Aha Films will certainly satisfy your pleasure by offering to you just the most effective checklist of films worldwide of Telugu movie theater. Prepare to be soaked in splits of drama and romance, soaked in exhilaration, as well as submersed in the action of Telugu flicks. Here are 3 of the most heart-racing motion pictures of both action, love, and comedy that are a must-watch at Aha Films
The action-comedy flick Arya 2 pertains to the 3 leading characters of the initial Arya film - Arya, Ajay, Geetha. This moment, however, the movie concentrates mostly on the connection in between the businessperson Ajay and the struggling Arya. This amazing voyage of a Telugu movie is filmed by Supervisor Sukumar.
The 2007 movie Chiruta tells the tale of the major character Charan, that takes vengeance for his papa's killing during his juvenile years. Throughout his seeking to bring justice as well as retribution, he stumbled upon a love passion - Sanjana, his damsel in distress. Puri Jagannadh leads as supervisor of this feature film.
Badri the flick details concerning the struggle of love between a man called Badri and also his true-hearted other, Vennela, As the movie progresses their loyalty for every other is examined and also trialed. This 2000 movie of drama and also love is likewise directed by Puri Jagannadh throughout his years in debut.
Telugu genres vary and create a new-found viewpoint on life as well as the arts. The movies not just channel through a person's soul yet additionally involve the individuals streaming in your home to pursue love despite difficulties faced in life.
To download app
Android - Aha Playstore  
I Store - Aha App Store
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