#Choi yeonseung
belleandkurtbastian · 7 years
Yeonseung: “I don’t have a solid alliance” Dongmin: “Yeonseung. There’s no such thing as a solid alliance. There are just solid strategies.” Yeonseung: “Hyung, do you practice these comments at home?” Dongmin: “Yeonseung. There are no practiced comments, There are just practiced people.”
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crayonpopme · 7 years
Song Boram (Geummi)'s Photo Shoot + Interview For BNT
Song Boram (Geummi) has done an interview and photo shoot for BNT. Below, you can find the photos and the interview translated into English, below.
The translation for this interview is thanks to Twitter user, @Kar_Obsidian
[Interview] Boram Song “Converting to an actress, I’m scheduled to act not as Crayon Pop’s Geummi but under the name Boram Song”
[Journalist: Yeondo Hwang]
Geummi of Crayon Pop origin, has changed her name to Boram Song. The revealing of this news, this turn to acting has attracted the public eye.
Actress Boram Song. The reason for this strange name change maybe for a fresh start, but actually it’s a rather important result, helping and preparing to launch her as an actress forward.
She joined the next generation of Korean actors and actress through starting, firstly in the 2014 web drama ‘6 Persons Room’ and then in the Korean, Chinese collaboration drama ’28 Faces of the Moon’. Recently she demonstrated her strong acting ability in the KBS 1 drama ‘Lovers in Bloom’.
This is her 6th year since her debut. From the days ‘helmet dancing’ and Crayon Pop activities, she received a lot of love one way or another, but suffered from slumps in progress and experienced several ‘bitter tastes’. The one thing that her answers did reveal is that she has matured rather well through her years of experiences. Let’s look forward this acting path she is taking, as she tells me this a new start for the her, from the age of 30.
Q. What were your impressions of this photo-shoot?
Since I was able to do a variety of concepts that I couldn’t do before, this photo shoot was exceedingly good. Before this I almost only had them within a studio but today, it’s shot at unique and pretty location, so it was very gratifying and novel (laughs).
Q. What’s her current situation?
This time, I ended up entering an acting company. So now I’m taking acting lessons, while preparing for and considering my next project.
Q. What are your thoughts of your recent appearance in the KBS ‘Lovers in Bloom’?
Before that, I’d only done web dramas and so it was my first time doing a drama on public TV. Since it was also my first time on a film set, I learned a lot of things while filming. In truth it was a small and brief role as an ‘attractive glamour girl’ but it suddenly became a increasingly important role in my case. Although the role was lacking, I tried hard and wanted to give them the good look they wanted. At first, the character Seung Ah Choi wasn’t listed but now, I was surprised to notice that it’s raised up to ‘Dohyeon’s Ex-Girlfriend’. In spite of the role still lacking, it was a good enough role and I was thankful for being given it. (laughs)
Q. Was there anything difficult when acting the Seung Ah Choi role?
In truth, the character was very different than my normal personality and so it was difficult to act out the emotion. So I wrote a dairy from Seung Ah Choi point of view while injecting the emotion of the character. The role was mainly anger acting and I realised if I immersed myself repeatedly in that, it would have hurt my head too. (laughs)
Q. What was it like being among the other actors?
My first scene with the main character actress Soohyang Lim was a very immersive scene. There was a lot of standby time with her and I noticed when it was suddenly time to film, the expression in her eyes changed. I felt the force of her greater acting experience and while seeing such things I was envious of her and wanted to emulate her many acting qualities. With Bora Nim, I ended up meeting her while filming on set and we’ve become a lot closer. We’d meet personally for meals and drink tea. She is a really kind person and I found that we sync really well in conversation. Should I say it’s the ravishing eating that syncs well? (laughs). Although young, she started acting when she was 1 year old and so I’d ask her about my many curious questions about acting.
Q. Why did you change your name to Boram Song?
For now, since I was turning to acting and not Crayon Pop, my acting company representative suggested, why don’t I change my name? Since doing activities as Geummi gives a strong Idol image I think and since my real name Boram Baek was already used in acting, I will be using Boram Song for my future scheduled activities.
Q. What are your thoughts about turning to acting?
I started acting in a web drama. At that time, even though it was my first time trying to taking on the challenge of acting, my manager, the staff and the other actors were so accommodating and warming to me. I found that standing on the stage as a Idol and acting have different kinds of appeal.
Not so long ago, I asked myself the question about this process of turning to acting and not Crayon Pop. I said “I don’t know whether I want to spend my whole life pursing an acting career or not”. But to the point of wanting to spend my whole life on a career, I found I wanted to act. Although I didn’t have much acting experience, as I went from one job to another, every time I felt another appeal of acting. Actually, filming the scenes of the every day drama was strict and scary. But rather than getting daunted by being in such an atmosphere, I actually found it fun to learn from it. I wonder if I should say I felt something come alive in me (laughs). It’s cheesy expression to say, but I’m serious, haha. I want to raise my acting ability quickly.
Q. As you go forward in acting, is there a genre or a character you would like to try take on?
I’m unsure whether it’s because of my visual image, but the characters that I noticed that I get, are all strong and strong willed. I want to try play the innocent and quiet roles too. I would say I found that I seem to suit characters that are lively and stick out. If I looked just at my appearance, I would say I’m mature but actually I’m very dopey. A beautiful fool (laughs). There are many foolish ajummas characters like this too. But actually, I’m still not sure what roles fit me well. In the future I want to try various roles while finding my own colour.
From what I’ve seen recently, in JTBC ‘Youth 2’, a role like what Yeonseung Han is playing I want to try. A bright character that stands out. Another in KBS2 ‘Fight For My Way’, I would want to play a role like what Jiwon Kim was playing too. A vibrant, strong, and stand out character has become very appealing to me and I’d like to try play one.
Q. What actors would you like to work together with?
My role models are Hyesoo Kim and Doyoun Joen. Its so wonderful that they’ve acted in distinct and colourful ways and I too want to become such an actress. If I was to end up working with them I would learn a great deal I think. I always wanted to meet them.
Q. Soyul, who was a member of your idol group got married. What are your thoughts about it?
Together as members we always wondered who would be the first to get married. Well it ended up being our Maknae (youngest). It’s an unusual feeling and I was moved by it, during our 5 years together, I’ve seen her meet the person she would love and marry and give birth to her child. What is the most important thing? Isn’t it living happy together with the ones you love? I think she met a good man. They look good together and I want to always give them my blessing.
Q. Any marriage plans?
If I met a good partner someday, wouldn’t I get married? But there’s a time for everything I think. Anyhow this year, being 30 I’ve realised that the question of marriage is the most frequently brought up but I still want to remain focused on my work. For the time being, I want to realise my dream of being an actress and then after that I want to get married. If you just get married because it fits with your age, you will regret it later I think.
Q. What about turning 30?
In the past I wanted to quickly become 30. In my early twenties, I wasn’t getting any where and I wasn’t worried about my age. I wanted to become a stable, proficient and wise person and so I wanted to become 30 quickly. I wanted to pursue a look of a beautiful mature woman like Hyesoo Kim or Seongnyeong Kim. Of-course now it isn’t such a perfect place but it’s good to be thirty.
Q. Your style of dating?
I can’t stand uncomfortable situations very well. So I’ve not even had one blind date. Comfortably knowing someone and being on friendly terms first and after that there are many circumstances where you naturally start to date. I think I’ve met a lot of people based on the fact we are the same age.
Q. Your ideal type?
I don’t tend to look at height or appearance and I tend to be attracted to very masculine men. I’m usually sensitive to the person’s smell, if it’s a good and manly smell, it makes me feel great I’ve found. Personally, if I notice that they’re wearing a well matched cologne, it shows me they’re very sensible. In gestures or manner of speaking too, I feel attracted if they are masculine in conversation.
Q. Any intention to record a solo album?
Since I just turned my focus to acting, I want to focus on that.
Q. I discovered before your debut, your occupation was as a skin care professional?
I majored in skin care and worked at a dermatologists doing various things, from full body massages, skin care and so forth. Then my head of department recommended that I did ‘Hair follicle septicography’. It’s a job that implants hair lines, side burns, moustaches and so forth. I’d remove and separate a number of hair follicles from the back of people’s scalps.
Q. Working in hair follicle septicography then why the challenge of getting into a girl group?
When I was 20, my dream of becoming a singer started to grow. But my fathers health started to deteriorate and I took care of him for 2 years. At that time his behaviour was difficult and I wouldn’t be able take care of him if he to got the point where he couldn’t recognise his family’s faces. While I was at my father’s side taking care of him, I came to realise that in no time at all, I was 24. My father got better and I started to work again but I found I was reluctant to give up on my dream of being a singer. From that point, while I was working, I attended a dance school as well, beginning my preparations.
Q. You passed the Crayon Pop audition the first try?
When I was 24 I wanted to sing and so even while I was working in hair follicle septicography, I attended a dance school. I really liked dancing and so I went dancing 5 times a week. Then a friend let me know about a opportunity for a Crayon Pop audition. That was my first audition that went to and I was really lucky that I passed it first try.
Q. You received a lot of love from the helmet concept. Did you expect it to be such a big topic of conversation?
Before the debut I didn’t expect to it to be like at all. When people listened to it, there was a no-one saying it would work out. I worried a lot that such a unconventional concept would really be successful. But still, I thought we should have confidence from within ourselves. I think we tried to sing and enjoy our own concepts. Ultimately when we made the debut, I was so grateful of the enormous amount of people that gave their love for it. When I look back at the time, although it was tough on my body, I was truly happy I think, because I could receive much love and attention from the public.
Q. During the ‘DooDoomChit’ time, you were the one who proposed the uniform concept idea directly?
Before that time, I wanted to stand on stage in a flares concept. At that time, there were people around us that opposed them, saying they’re not fashionable but I just so happen to notice that they really suited the ‘DooDoomChit’ dance. It was good because we could attempt the flares concept I wanted to do. I got to fulfil one of my wishes (laughs)
Q. It’s already your 6th year since your debut. Were there any slumps in activity?
Our debut was about 5 years ago. At that time, even though we released an album there wasn’t much work. Work in the entertainment industry is very unstable and insecure, isn’t it? I started to get doubts of whether I should stay in this line of work. Once I started to worry, I found myself thinking was getting into this a bad idea. I felt giving up on the life in the entertainment industry but I found I still had a lingering feeling for a thing I’ve not done. That thing, was acting. So I composed myself again and set my mind on turning to acting.
Q. You are already a elder of the idol system. What do you think of the younger idols these days?
They are so cute, new and fresh. They remind me of my rookie years in Crayon Pop too. And on the other hand, the industry isn’t easy and I’ve realised that others have the desire to overcome the difficulties behind the stage too.
Q. If you were to let me in on your skin care know how as a former dermatologist
With skin, It’s about being faithful to the basics. Being meticulous with cleansing is important thing. I was a skin care professional but actually, there is no special know how (laughs). I don’t tend to apply a load of cosmetics, or use face packs often. But becoming 30, I plan to take care of my skin a little more. I think it’s good to use good cosmetics but I also think the most important thing with skin, is the right diet.
Q. Are you rather good at cooking?
I think I’m not very good at it. There are times at home when I cook too but my father does most of the cooking at home. My father is very good and efficient house keeper. I don’t know if it’s because he worked as tailor but, he’s dexterous and has extraordinary senses. So I ask his view on my everyday outfit before I go out. If I wondered if the colour and styles matched, he points it out and makes suggestions of better styles too (laughs). When I’m practising acting at home, he also points of things about my acting. Instead of as if I’m reading a book, I found if he responses to my dialogue, he tells me how act.
Q. You have an excellent body figure too. How do you manage it?.
I usually exercise a lot. I go to a health gym, practically every day. I go about 5 or more times a week I think. I really love eating so I don’t want to give up on that joy. And so my belief is ‘Let’s eat happily and move a lot’.
Q. I’ve heard you were a big eater (laughs).
The people around me know this truth well. I do eat rather a large amount. I love chicken so much, it’s ‘1 day, 1 chicken’ (laughs). So in return I move as much as I eat.
Q. I saw you got the nickname ‘Golden Thighs’ (Today)
They prepared clothes for my lower body at today’s photo shoot and I have a very sturdy lower body. In the past I really wanted to have super skinny legs. I have slightly larger hips too. At the time of becoming an Idol, I hated my large hips and pelvis. But nowadays, isn’t it the trend to have a beautiful healthy body figure or ‘Cola bottle’ body shape?, So now I just try to love the body I was born with. I try to highlight a beautiful healthy body figure with it’s merits.
Q. What parts of your body are you most confident in?
My shoulder line is rather nice. So off the shoulder clothes suit me rather well, making my shoulders stand out. And I’m confident of my waist line too I think.
Q. Is there anything else besides acting and singer, that you want to try take on?
I have great interest in beauty so I if had the chance, I would like to try take on being a ‘Beauty MC’. It would great to share my skin care experience, beauty know how, and also demonstrate them directly. (laughs)
Q. Do you rather enjoy drinking?
Although I handle drinking rather well, I don’t really know if I like drinking. If I go to party, normally I don’t have to drink to let myself go. But I try to remain in control if I do drink. A woman drinking and becoming dishevelled isn’t a good thing I’ve seen.
Q. Any entertainment shows you would like to appear on?
I want to appear in SBS ‘The Law of the Jungle’, showing that a natural look can be shown rather than a artificial one is a good point to show. Showing a no make-up look too, I have no big problems with.
Q. If you were to appear on ‘The Law of the Jungle’, don’t you think that it will put a strain on you to show a no make-up look to the public?
Of-course I have a lot freckles and dark circles too but isn’t such naturalness, my original and natural appearance. Showing a no make-up look, I have no big problems with I think.
Q. How do you relieve stress?
Exercise. At the time of Crayon Pop activities, if things got difficult I would run while trying to forget the problems. I relieved stress doing that and I came to realise that, so exercise has become my main habit to relieve stress.
Q. What is your goal?
More than just another label in my bio, in the future I want to be recognised as a character actress. I want to play various roles as I grow older. Someday I’d like to play a mother role. I may have started late but I want to grow, doing many pieces of work. I want be happy and so I wanted to face this start as an actor enjoyably.
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Source: BNT 1, BNT 2, BNT 3, BNT 4,
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3.9 Middle Race II: Choi Yeonseung ↳ ❝ Watch how I’ve changed. ❞
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langyabangs · 9 years
Personally, I’ve always been fascinated by the diversity of human personalities so I tend to have misgivings over the act of ranking people. Each person has different strengths and those strengths can become weaknesses at times too. Humans are three-dimensional beings that aren’t simple enough to be ranked in a set order.
Choi Yeonseung, The Genius
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blackgarnets · 9 years
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Youhyun: When Ahyoung came to the death match with me, she actually expected to lose... She came into the game thinking she was going to lose anyway. So I was able to trick her like that. GeniusCast: A week later you're back in the death match, the same death match, against Yeonjoo, who seemed to not have any more confidence than Ahyoung had— Youhyun: No. She seemed like that, but in her mind it was completely different. Ahyoung was expecting to lose. Yeonjoo was expecting to win. [ x ]
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“—as fellow ordinary contestants.” [ 4/4 ]
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3.8 Investment and Donation: Kim Yoohyun ↳ "I'll keep taking these misers." "Then you can't be saved." "It can't be helped. As long as we prevent that scenario. We just need to avoid Dongmin-hyung coming last and doing the black mission to make both of us go." "You're saying we have to thwart Dongmin-hyung's plan for now, right?"
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Failed tactic(s).
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