#black garnet
catulhu333 · 2 years
Some feats and scaling for SPOP Catra, Hordak and Scorpia
As detailed in this Deviantart post, Adora as She-Ra has multiple universal feats, but it wouldn't be fair to exactly scale other characters fighting her to this, especially that the story does not show them in this realm of power (there is also the power and durability inconsistency as mentioned in the comment, but on that latter).
Let's first start with Catra. We know Catra can contend as a near equal with She-Ra, even overwhelm her at times, and in the comic The Legend of the Fire Princess, Catra and Scorpia fighting together actually managed to defeat She-Ra.
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Scorpia also managed to force out the Sword of Protection from Adora (as She-Ra hands). Rebel Princess Guide does have Adora explain Scorpia is almost as strong as She-Ra, suggesting Adora was caught by surprise of someone being also so strong (Adora is a sincere and not arrogant person, and was impressed by Scorpia here, so I think she would wrote of se exceeded her in strength).
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The Battle for Bright Moon episode is also notable. In this, and previous episode, the overclocked Black Garnet caused a planet wide storm, that disrupted and weakened all of other Runestones, affecting all of the planet. As shown in the calculation here, just causing such storm is enough energy to destroy a "small planet" (akin in size to Mercury, dwarf planets objects are more or counted on vsbattles as large moons).
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And this not all the Black Garnet caused, only a part of it - it also caused Tidal Waves, Fire Storms, Earthquakes all around the planet.
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Adora, after regaining her faith in herself, dispelled the planetary storm, and other effects of the Black Garnet, even visibly overpowering it.
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Later, Adora empowered Glimmer, Bow, Perfuma, Mermista, Netossa, Spinerella and Frosta, and in turn they empowered her back. With this Adora (exceeding her past power when she overpowered the Black Garnet) used a rainbow beam that one shot the Horde army, though literally blowing them away as the energy rainbow touched them.
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Catra was also hit by this attack, but actually initially managed to struggle against it, and being struck by the full force of it (as opposed to others). She was kinda damaged by it, but nowhere close to critically, and retreated in part as she realized she and the Horde don't have now any chance at wining.
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In season 5, Catra got struck by lightning magic from a chipped Scorpia, and survived relatively unharmed, if weakened.
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The same attack after three strikes detransformed Adora, and latter caused her problems turning back into She-Ra.
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(Though it should be noted Adora was here at an disadvantage, as she was fighting fully defensively at Perfuma's urging to not harm Scorpia, but still shows the power of Scorpia's lightning.)
It should be also noted here it was stated in season 4 and 5 First Ones restricted the power of the Runestones and Princesses, draining their power to the Heart of Etheria. Adora partially lifted this restriction in Battle for Bright Moon (indeed it does seem Adora unlocked the Runestones power enough they can at least resist and stop the overclocked Black Garnet in the future, hence this plan wasn't repeated), and their was further released in the season 4 finale. So it is at least very much probable now Scorpia has access to greater power than the Black Garnet's power, than it even had when overclocked, especially seeing her feats in the battle with Season 5 She-Ra.
I's also worth mentioning this She-Ra transformation (that fought im season 5 with Scorpia) is one Adora can use to full power, not restricted by the First One made Sword of Protection. The same power was shown in season 3 as capable of destroying reality and collapsing time and space, as well as Adora using it it to restore reality. Not saying Scorpia outright scales to that, but shows the magnitude of her unlocked power by season 5.
These attacks wouldn't blow a planet, but probably contained similar amounts of share energy but much more focused. Especially that this level of power is consistent with what was presented in the series storyline.
It should also explored (as it's also relevant for latter feats) that in the season 4 episode "Pulse", the giant Pulse-Bot, when self destructing, would wipe out half of the Whispering Woods. Whispering Woods (at least in a large part) surrounds the Kingdom of Bright Moon, one of the largest kingdoms of Etheria (only rivaled by the Horde Empire and Kingdom of Frost), and it was similarly large in other canons. So this is probably an explosion powerful enough to wipe out a medium country (or medium US state) at least.
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It's also notable the Whispering Woods are supernaturally durable, with Horde forces not being able to destroy it for over two decades. In general previous an energy of a overclocked Black Garnet, was needed to do such damage. It wouldn't be all of these energy used, but still shows the amounts of energy required.
Now I mention this, as Hordak chosen to use his arm canon to blast through the Sea Gate, over using a variant of the Giant Pulse Bot even as a bomb, suggesting it's shots have more energy. (The Sea Gate itself before season one, survived over a decade at least of attacks by Horde Forces, slowly wearing it down, before Adora restored it to full operations.)
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This stacks with other things the power of the arm canon was shown to do. Notably, during Catra's fight with Hordak, it was clear Catra knew she wouldn't survive being shot by Hordak's blast a second time. It's possible even her surviving the first time, was due to her possible nine lives ability (as suggested by the series creator Nate Stevenson, though it's unsure if he was serious), which seemingly allows her to avoid certain death 8 times, though it's possible it allowed her to avoid latter blasts. And again it might been a joke.
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Both though options show the arm canon blasts were significantly more powerful than the rainbow energy blast, and Scorpia's lightning, with both being portrayed as less (even visibly less) of a lethal danger to Catra, while she avoided Hordak's blasts at all cost:
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Hordak's durability in this fight is also notable - he took multiple hits in succession from Catra, including to his unarmored head (on which an about 700 metric ton metal claw also was dropped) and back. Catra was here fighting fully with the intent to kill, as she was fighting here for her life.
Catra's kick also shattered Hordak's arm canon, which used the same technology and composition as his armor, and the arm canon could contain the massive energies it generated before firing them, further showing the share force here behind Catra's strikes in this fight.
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This curiously does suggest even without armor (and possibly supporting the idea the armor was depowered after Catra torn out the LUVD crystal), and in his decrepit state, Hordak is very durable (despite and outside of his body slowly falling apart on it's own), possibly strong, despite the same reason (as he had to lift the giant metal claw from himself), if certainly actions requiring large amounts of strength causing him immense pain, and causing further injuries to him. But the adrenaline rush from being immensely pissed at Catra (and despairing Entrapta's seeming death), and well just his psychological state, possibly overrode these (well the pain).
In general, I think this puts Catra, Hordak and Scorpia in the (at least) planetary range of attack power and durability.
To be clear, there are inconsistencies with some other situations characters seem visibly weaker or more vulnerable...but this happens a lot in fiction. Including other incarnations of Masters of the Universe, as written in the dA post I linked at start. And some examples from non-SPOP and non-Filmation shows:
He-Man being tied and fully immobilized by Tuvar's electric bola in the 2002 series (episode "Monster Within"):
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and in the same episode by Badra using aggressive vines
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In both cases, He-Man was presented as being at a visible risk of dying here.
in the DC Masters of the Universe comics, Despara/Despata keeping up in a fight with both Adam and Teela, and was doing very well, until Battle Cat's surprise attack interrupted the fight (2013 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #1-#2 He-Man):
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So I think we can agree these are understandable.
In general, I think this a good middle ground, as one could scale Hordak, Catra and Scorpia higher of Adora's feats, though I discussed also issues with that.
These are also my thoughts on the issue, and you are free to disagree :)
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lavenderrosiefan · 1 month
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slugmorelz · 1 year
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Melanite Garnet Crystal, Astro Gallery NYC
2.4 lbs, 4 x 3 x 3 inches
Ojos Españoles Mine (Mina La Prieta Linda), Chihuahua, Mexico
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heartnosekid · 4 months
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aquamarisejewelry on ig
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banana-peppers · 1 year
Steven Universe Garnet cosplay 💓😎
I’ll post pics soon!
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doweesig · 7 months
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Happy Black History Month, everyone!✊🏾
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macattackz · 19 days
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ive been doing college stuff but I had to make this abomination
steven universe fans Im sorry
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Hobie and Jessica core
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 3 months
Hey Sleepy, I was curious about the MI6 lore and about the other members of the mysterious group Jade was in. Like, are they still alive? What they look like and so on
Hello Anon! (。・∀・)ノ゙
So, I got this similar question about a few months ago, and I've answered it here !
However since then I've cooked some thoughts on the (fictional) MI6 lore and The Jewels!
💎 The Jewels Project Lore 💎
The Jewels Project commenced in 1975. Initiated by Oscar Fletcher, the Jewels are highly skilled individuals who are experts in information gathering, infiltration, espionage, sabotage, and silent assassination.
Oscar Fletcher picks out the members himself, who, at that time were children at the age of 8-10 years old. He specifically selects the kids whose parents abandoned them, died, or were criminals. In his own words, "start from clean slate".
Fletcher trained them with rigorous and harsh training regiments for years and years, teaching them how to manipulate, eliminate, and act. He forged and shaped them to his liking, executing countless black missions effectively and smoothly.
By the age of early teenagers, they're all sent to different missions, acting like an innocent child, and began their first missions, in which they had to assassinate the targets. If they succeeded, they're deemed qualified and given a code-name, which inducts them into the Jewels.
Throughout 1975-1995, There are 10 members of the Jewels (First Generation), sent out to various missions around the world, aiding British's military efforts and/or simply those who MI6 deems as an ally. The success rate exceeded more than the MI6 initially projected, leaving Fletcher an important and untouchable figure among the MI6 authorities.
By the year 1997, 3 members of the Jewels died, and by 2000, 2 members ran away from Fletcher. In the midst of political tensions and wars, only 5 people remained.
After the events of 9/11, Fletcher recruited another 10 members of the Jewels (Second Generation), made them go through the same training, if not more grueling. Sending them to more missions globally until 2020.
As of today, Oscar Fletcher is no longer an active MI6 officer. But the Jewels are still at MI6's disposal unless they retire.
What do they look like?
They all look like normal people. Oscar specifically picked kids who looked ordinary. No striking featurs, and furthermore, he picked kids who are easy to befriend. Not a lot of people have this trait, so he picked every kid very specifically.
Currently each one of the Jewels live among the civilians. They're accountants, florists, janitors, photocopy machine operator, cashiers, retail workers, sales, and many more. They hide in absolute plain sight, and before you know it, they'll become your acquaintance, and they'll know you more than you know yourselves.
Where is Ruby, Garnet, and Jade in This?
Ruby and Garnet were recruited together in 1975 at 9 years old.
Ruby and Garnet participated in the Cold War conflicts (not with Adler and co.; they're somewhere else), Falklands War, Gulf War, and Kosovo War.
They're already friends from their training years, and they're often paired together in a mission.
Right after The Kosovo War, and along with the growing tension in the Middle East, Ruby and Garnet, who realized that their lives will never belong to them, and they'll always be deployed to warzones, decided to run away from MI6 in the year 2000.
9/11/2001 happened, and Fletcher's need of more Jewels were imminent. He started to look for more new members of Jewels, and search for Ruby and Garnet himself, deeming them as loose ends.
Lottie's orphanage got bombed. Ruby and Garnet found the lone little Lottie in the streets alone, and took them under their wing.
Fletcher caught up to them, and non-lethally shot Ruby and Garnet, declared them dead, and took the little Lottie to be the new member of the Jewels as Ruby and Garnet's replacement.
Along with 9 other additional members of Jewels, Jade were deployed to various parts of the world, preventing potential conflicts before it happens, and ended conflicts before it arises beyond control under the shadows.
at 2019, Jade decided to retire, and went to Verdansk as her last mission, where she met Simon "Ghost" Riley.
I think that's all I can tell you so far! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o I'll for sure delve deep into the Oscar, Garnet/Ruby stories once BOPS6 releases.
Stay tuned and thank you for asking!
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chevvy-yates · 5 months
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[NC_RES]_00003131 raver_ritter_scharfenberg_002_CCR_HB_JT_WB.file ///core:_tech_bitez.file\\\
⚠️ READ:
Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Ry and Garnet are old chooms.
They've known each other since Ry was able to attent one of his first underground techno(ise) raves Night City had to offer. They were also chooms with benefits some years back, now they are just chooms.
Ry and Garnet always complained about the NUSA techno and the rather boring parites. They sat down and developed the concept of Hell Bunker toegether once Garnet told Ryder about his idea to have his own location to host parties.
So Ryder helped him in the beginning whenever he had time. He helped turning the location into something cool and even created flyers for the events (mostly for Chrome Chamber Rave tho) and pushed the location a lot so that it grew quite big by 2075.
Garnet acts as a DJ often but has also a lot to do behind the curtains as he's the owner of Hell Bunker (tho I hc Ryder to join him after the big story is done). He even does sorting at the entrance for Chrome Chamber Rave as there are strict rules such as a certain dress code you gotta have to wear, otherwise you may not be able to enter.
Ryder still helps out when there is a shortage in staff, so it is not unlikely that he plays sorter at the entrance as well.
Their brotp name was the fasted I came up with. I gave Garnet sharp teeth like Ry has (my new hc is now that Ry got his bc of Garnet). Garnet's are fully chromed teeth tho with blood red canines. His entire mouth and tongue are chromed black.
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bbm80 · 2 months
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been sad hadn't drawn hadn't posted so i did this dump of fanart
it was fun :))
i dont like all the empty space but oh well
excited to see the deadpool and wolverine movie Friday :p
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sylverra · 2 months
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Shop update time!
We've got a fresh batch of new crystals for the weekend -- take a look, and don't forget to grab one of our Reopening Sale coupons to save up to 30% on your orders ✨💜💚
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banana-peppers · 1 year
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I’m made of love, and that’s stronger than you 💓
Steven Universe- Garnet cosplay
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pigeonneaux · 3 months
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garnet steven universe to heal my inner teen
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linisiane · 2 years
You know red and blue gays! Get ready to meet pastel and goth lesbians!
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piccolomostri · 3 months
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gems in fancy dresses~
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