#Chris Destoryer
navybrat817 · 7 months
Which Motocross babe would you want to spend Halloween with? What would you two do??
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All of them, Cia! I would've wanted to spend the day with all of them.
Loser would've taken his niece to a pumpkin patch, which Lucky went as well. And after taking his niece trick or treating, it's off to the party at Hal's place.
Yes, Cowboy convinced Belle to come to his party. You even offered to help him set it up, which he won't let you do any heavy lifting. He may even convince you to cuddle under the stars once everyone has left for the night.
Beast helps Sweetart pass out candy in your neighborhood before the party, which makes you fall for him more. You also sneak in some cuddles before you head over because Ari is just so warm.
Hothead apologizes to Spitfire AGAIN for the movie night prank. Bucky gets your food and drinks all night because he is a good boyfriend like that.
Oh, Champ and Daisy. Maybe you finally admit your feelings to Steve. Unless he beats you to it when you take a moment to go outside for some fresh air and he follows.
Rusty and Princess bicker because Curtis doesn't understand why someone as prissy as you is at the party and you don't get how he can make Halloween NOT fun. If anyone catches you two making out in the dark hall, no one says anything.
Blue and Kitten may make eyes at each other during the first half of the party. It's only a matter of time before Chris drags you out to his truck.
I guess the real question is where is each couple hooking up. Or just snuggling because snuggles are great. Happy Halloween to all. ❤️
Love and thanks! ❤️
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opticblasting · 1 year
greatest team uniform ever. no contest.
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Guardians of the Galaxy variants by Marvel Stormbreakers
[ID: A variant cover for Avengers Beyond #3 by Chris Allen featuring the Guardians of the Galaxy - specifically the team from the 2008 run by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. They are all shoruded in shadows. From left to right, we can see Phyla-Vell, Drax the Destoryer, Gamora, Star-Lord, Rocket Racoon and Adam Warlock. Phyla is in her red suit and black cloak. Drax is shirtless, with red marks around his eyes clearly visible. Gamora is wearing a red and black version of her costume from the time, which consists of a dress that comes down from her shoulders and wraps into a skull belt, with a cut through the center and the sides, along with black and red thigh high pants. Star-Lord is in his 2008 costume, with the symbol of the guardians on his chest, big red gloves and guns. He is also wearing his helmet. In front of him, Rocket Racoon is wearing a helmet for breathing, has a big gun, and is wearing the same costume as Star-Lord. To their right is Adam Warlock, who is wearing a similar red and black costume.]
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Sweet Cherry Pops, Part 2
Summary:  Robert needs to know what you’re thinking
Pairings:  Robert “Mr. Freezy” Pronge X Destoryer!Chris “Cherry, Robert X Pretty Girl
Warnings:  language, mentions of sex, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.5K
Series Masterlist
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Robert sits up in the bed, looking over at your sleeping and worn body, cracking his neck, before he walks into the kitchen.  Ready for some coffee, and to start the day.  It had been a year since his last job, and he was aching to get the business started back up, especially since Cherry was officially going to be his partner.  
Walking into the kitchen, he lets out an inaudible groan at Cherry sitting there shirtless and holding onto Sundae.  Smiling down at the baby, who babbles up at him.  “You’re up early,” Robert informs him, walking to make him a cup of coffee that Cherry had already made a full pot of.
“Yeah, well, this little one right here, wakes up pretty early.  You don’t cry though, do you, Sundae?  Nope, she just giggles and does her little talking until someone picks her up.  She only cries if she gets ignored, huh?” The baby grabs at a ringed finger before she starts chewing on them.  Looking over at her father, with her chubby cheeks.
“You really bonded with my daughter, huh?”
“Yeah, well, Pretty Girl was…”
“Good morning,” you say happily.  Looking at your daughter who squeals, kicking her legs, and pulsing her fist.  “How long have you been awake, my beautiful Sundae?”
“About an hour.”
“Oh,” walking over to the sweetest thing in your life, you pick her up, turning to walk out the way you came, “Excuse me.”
Robert follows your body, until you completely disappear from the kitchen.  Leaning over he tries to get a longer look at your retreating, but ends up just frowning.  “She’s going to nurse.  The hand gesture, Sundae was signing for milk.  She nurses only once in the morning, once in the evening, and then she has stored milk that Sundae drinks out of a bottle.”
“Why the fuck can’t she just do that in here?  I barely got to fucking see my daughter, and then she just…ugh, it’s like I’m a stranger in my own goddamn house.”
“She doesn’t…I don’t think she knows how you will respond to her body being used for the baby.  Her breasts…”
“Tits.  They’re fucking tits,” Robert says angrily, still trying to look around the corner to no avail.
“Her tits have always been a source of pleasure for the two of you.  Now they’re being used for your daughter.  She’s just overwhelmed,” Cherry takes a long sip of his coffee, and takes a bite of his breakfast sandwich.  “There’s several in the fridge.  It’s easier for her to meal prep with the baby.”
“Meal prep?  Where the fuck am I?  This just so fucking…why the fuck are you telling me about my Pretty Girl?” Cherry slowly looks up at Robert as the man stands and looks in the freezer.  “What the fuck is this shit.”
“Easy, that’s Sundae’s milk throughout the rest of the day.  She switched to bottles to hopefully help you bond with her.  That way you can feed your daughter.”
“And this shit?”
“The breakfast sandwiches.  Put it in the microwave.”
“This is really starting to piss me off.  I come home, and everything is fucking different.  Your fucking room is upstairs and…”
Cherry’s brows furrow as he glares at Robert.  Trying to remain as calm as possible, because your room wasn’t that far away, and Sundae woke up in a good mood.  “My room is upstairs, because Sundae’s is in my old room.  It was easier for her to get to the baby without walking upstairs.  I told you the meal prepping has been the easiest because Sundae is needy.  She had some minor complications.  It’s nothing major, and breathing treatments seem to help a lot.  Her diet had to change because Sundae seems to have allergies to a lot of food.  Her body produces the milk.  But this is what we had to do to keep everything as normal as possible.”
Robert’s hand slams on the table, and Cherry bites at his lip.  He was getting to his irrational side, where only one person could talk him out of it.  And you were currently having your morning routine with his daughter.  “You know what’s best for my daughter and my Pretty Girl?”
“It’s not like that.”
“Last night you told me what was best for her mid-fuck.”
“You were trying to shove her cock in your cunt where I already was.  She was fucking overwhelmed.”
“She wants to be shared by us, and then doesn’t.  You already have a relationship with my daughter.  You know more about my fucking house than I fucking do.  Do you love my Pretty Girl?”
Cherry leans back in his chair, shaking his head laughing, “You’re being stupid.”
“Do.  You.  Fucking.  Love.  My.  Pretty Girl?”
“Of course I do!  How the hell do you spend time with someone and protect them and not love them?”
“So you think you’re going to steal not just my daughter from me, but my fucking woman?  She is mine!”
“I never said she wasn’t.  That’s not even what I fucking mean.  I love you, too,” Robert clears his throat, laughing at the man.  “Our dicks were touching last night, and you allow me to fuck your Pretty Girl, and you think you don’t love me, too?”
“I’m not…”
“I never said you were.  Love.  You can love someone and be willing to die for them, and not be in love with them.  Ya get it?  Fuck,” he stands, and puts his plate in the dishwasher.  Turning to stare at him.  “She’s yours.  Okay?  Is that what you wanna hear?”
“Damn straight she’s fucking mine.  You’re the one that thinks he knows more than me about my Pretty Girl and my daughter.”
“Birthing Sundae changed her.  You going to prison changed her.  She’s not the same.  Why do you think she was acting like that last night?  There’s consequences for our actions and…”
“Don’t fucking tell me how my Pretty Girl is.  You have no idea.”
Cherry completely ignores Robert, continuing on his own monologue, and wanting so desperately to tell him everything.  Telling him all the truth, and how he knew you didn’t want to choose.  He could feel you wanted them both.  “I was there when she pushed that baby out of her.  Held her hand the whole time.  Slept beside her.  Walked her to the shower.  Helped her bathe.  Made sure she wasn’t drowning in her postpartum depression.”
“And I was in fucking prison because you fucking told me it was the only damn way!” Shouting now, Robert stands up, and walks even closer to Cherry.  Not sure exactly what he wanted to do, just knowing he was furious.  All those months without you, all so he could be here and try to take you from him.  Robert liked having Cherry around.  He was useful, and the sex was beyond hot.
“It was the only fucking way, and you know it.  You knew exactly what you were getting into, and you agreed to it, and that was before you ever got her involved!  You were the one that…”
“I fucking fell in love with her!  I had a daughter, and I missed everything.”
“Because you chose to cum in her every time.  You know how it works.  You secretly liked knowing that you could fuck a baby into her.  It was just something else you could throw in Paul’s jank ass face.  All those years he tried with her, and never could.  You had another upper hand over him.  But I’m done with this arguing.  It’s not good for her or your daughter.  Call me when you’ve calmed down, we have a job to do,” Cherry turns, grabbing his shirt off the couch before walking out the door.  He doesn’t come to see how you were doing, or even say goodbye.  
Cherry was frustrated that Robert just didn’t seem to get it.  He didn’t understand how the three of you had made this odd relationship work.  Robert was too possessive for his own good, and he hoped that it wasn’t his friend’s undoing.  He was fiercely protective of you, and Cherry knew it would extend to Sundae as well.  But dammit, Cherry knew the three of you could make it work, and it was tearing you apart trying to choose.  
He balanced Robert’s anger out.  You were the sweetness in the relationship, and he was the strong and steady one in the relationship.  But he couldn’t do this.  He couldn’t be in a competition with Robert, because you had this undeniable loyalty to him.  Cherry just didn’t realize it extended to him in the same capacity.  
Looking down at your daughter, she pulls off smiling.  Her mouth opens and closes, repeating dadadadadada over and over again, “You have got to quit calling Cherry that.  Robert is your daddy.  Cherry is your,” you didn’t know what to call him.  He played the father role for so long.  He loved her just as deeply as a father could his daughter.  
“Come on,” you say playfully, and her face lights up.  Wiping around her mouth, you walk back into the kitchen, only to find Robert sitting with his head on the table.  “Robert, what’s going on?”
“Do you love him?”
“I-I-I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Cherry.  Chris.  Daddy, whatever you’re calling him these days, do you love him?” You smile awkwardly at him, moving Sundae to the other hip, while she looks around for Cherry.  “It’s either a yes or a no.  Do you love him?”
“I love you.”
“That’s not…do you fucking love Cherry.”
“Dadadadada!” Sundae claps at Cherry’s name, and you give her a soft shush.
“You do,” he runs his hand through his hair.  Reaching towards the baby and you shake your head no.  “Give me my daughter.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I just want to hold her.  Do you actually think I would hurt her?” With tears in your eyes, you hand Sundae off to her father, and she slaps her hand on the table, still chattering about her dada.  “Did you or he tell her to call him that?”
“Nobody told her.  She does this mommy and me thing at the rec center.  Every now and then the daddy’s would come, too.  I had no one else, Robert.  She picked it up from the other babies.  It’s not her fault.  It’s not Cherry’s fault.”
“You would try to protect him,” you grimace at his words, wondering how he could be so cruel to you.  “Where does that leave me?”
“Here.  Right here with us.”
“And Cherry?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Maybe we should send him on his way?  His job here of protecting you is done.” You shake your head no, but can’t look him in the eye.  “Why, Pretty Girl?  Why don’t you want him to…freaking leave?”
“He’s your partner.  The two of you work together.  And you don’t trust people.  He’s good and loyal to you, and…Sundae is fond of him, and I…I don’t want him to go.”
“Because you love him and want him here with you.”
“I love you!”
“Yeah, well, it’s pretty obvious you…freaking love him, too, hmm?  It’s him or me,” you shake your head no, refusing to answer that question.  “You want both?”
“I want things to be how they were.”
“Oh, you, me, and him together.  Fucking…freaking…all the time?”
“Why is everything about sex with you?  Is that all I am?  Just flesh to get your dick wet?  I want to hear how you feel about me that doesn’t include your pussy.  Is that all you love?  I gave up everything to be with you because I love your weird psychotic self.  The one who is a murderer for hire.  I love you.”
“You think my pussy is the only thing I love?”
You shrug.  Throwing your hands up in the air, you start pacing around the kitchen.  So many of your memories with Robert revolved around sex.  And you wondered if that’s all it was from him.  He lifts his neck, and turns it to the side to show you the ice cream cone brand on his jawline, playfully pulling up Sundae’s hand to touch it, and she giggles at him.
“I ain’t never let a woman control me.  Never let a woman be anything more than a quick and easy lay.  You fucking…freaking own me.  You put your brand on my…freaking skin, and I wear that shi…stuff proudly.  And you want to question that all I love is what’s in between your legs?  I guess, we don’t really know each other like I thought we did.”
“You never tell me.  I tell you I love you all the time, Robert.  You never…”
“I fucking love you!  I love you, and I hate this arguing.  I hate this back and forth, and I hate that he knows my daughter more than me, and I’m also thankful that he was here.  She had lung problems?  You didn’t tell me.  I don’t know her routines.  I didn’t know why you were taking her out of the room.  I don’t know anything.  And I have all these things floating around in my head that I can’t explain, and I don’t…I don’t know, Pretty Girl.  I’m confused.  I’m not supposed to feel like this.”
“Robert,” you whisper, stepping closer to him and Sundae.  You needed him to put all his feelings into words, because you wanted to make sense out of things, too.  It seemed he was feeling the exact same confusing emotions concerning Cherry.
“Can you be in love with two people at once?”
“You love Cherry?” You ask, genuinely curious as to what his answer would be.
“I was talking about you,” you shrug, unsure how to answer.  Scared to answer truthfully, “Be honest.  Do you love him?” Although it was a small movement, you nod your head.  “What do we do?”
“You have to be okay with him in the relationship.”
“I’m not fucking him and he damn for sure ain’t fucking me.”
“Robert, your daughter is in your hands.”
“I’m not freaking him and he dern for sure ain’t freaking me,” you giggle, shaking your head at him.  “I’m serious.”
“You two have been close enough.  No one would ask that of you, Freezy baby.”
“I’m the husband.  He’s the boyfriend.”
“Oh, really?” Robert nods his head, puckering his lips up for you to give him a kiss.  “You’re going to have to apologize.  You know, if you two want to argue about me, maybe you should not do it in the same house.  But you need to apologize, and we need to…have a conversation with him.”
“A party,” you start to shake your head, but Robert puts his hand over your mouth.  “Not like that raging party like we had last time.  But do the stupid little grilling out, so Sundae can be there.  See how…”
“Don’t you think this is best to have a conversation with him alone.”
“A party is for him to get here.  And then we can have a conversation later that night,” you thought this wasn’t the best idea, but Robert wasn’t changing his mind.  He seemed completely content with having a get together with the neighbors, and maybe a few of your family members.  It would be so much easier just to call Cherry and have this conversation today, but Robert was never the one for subtleties, and that is why he left too much unsaid.  He should have listened to you.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @infatuatedjanes​ @missusbarnes-rogers​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @peaches1958​ @thedarkplume​ @rebekahdawkins​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​ @andydrysdalerogers​ @elrw24​ @randomagnes0210​ @buckysteveloki-me​
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I’m so excited about Destoryer!Chris!! I never read anything about him ☺️
I hope I can do him well
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marvelgirl7 · 4 years
The Four C’s
Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ based off this lovely prompt sent in by @book-dragon-13​ 
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Thank you to the amazing @the-wayward-robot​ for my amazing divider check out her edits! 
Warnings: None really just fluff and romance 
Parings: All The C guys X You lol
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Looking at your dating app you had four dates lined up with four men each with the same initials tattooed on your wrist. You were hopeful that one of these four men would be your soulmate. Taking a breath your first date was with a Cater Baizen. 
"Hi, are you Carter?" He smiles at you as he sits down, you could tell he was made of money his clothes his whole persona screamed rich. He was nice he flirted a bit you felt a little pull towards him but nothing that screamed soulmate.  
Plus the more you talked you realized his initials didn't match with yours he's was HC you smile and chat some more he may not have been your soulmate but you made a friendship with him. 
"We may not have been soulmates but this was truly the start of a beautiful friendship." 
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Your next CB was Chris Beck he was goofy cute and sweet you enjoyed the time with him. He wanted to show you the stars he was a doctor but he had also been to space, and you were feeling stars with him. 
You felt something with Chris Beck but you still weren't 100% if he was the one. But you wanted to see him again. 
"Your eyes shine like stars." He whispers shy and cute like. 
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Charles Blackwood, he also screamed rich and well... Assholish you eyed him as he boasted about himself and acted like he was the king. He annoyed you and you were grateful for the tiny little pull towards him but it was nothing compared to Chris's pull.
Saying goodbye to Charles was great.
"Yeah, your none brand-name clothes wouldn't work with me." He scuffed at you. 
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Next was Officer Chris Baker you were seeing stars again but you were confused. You felt the same stars as you did with Chris Beck. Your feelings and emotions were very confusing like a spider's web you were so confused so unsure of these feelings.
"I hope to hear back from you Kitten," Chris said with a low drawl as you two parted ways.
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Lost in your mind you walk around the park your eyes catch sight of the night sky and the stars shining bright. You stop to admire them.
"That bright star is Sirius its the brightest star in the sky." Your eyes light up as you see Chris standing wearing a cute NASA hoodie looking shy again. 
"It is beautiful," you say with a smile as he walks a little bit closer. 
"I said it was the brightest star but your eyes are the brightest I've ever seen." Your heart stops as you get lost in his baby blue eyes. 
Suddenly the stars aligned as you realized something. Your wrist starts to throb as you look down a star forms in the middle of the "CB" 
"Chris? I think you're my star." You blush as you hold out your wrist he runs his fingers over it and gently presses his lips to it.
"I think you're my star too." 
The pull was the strongest you've ever felt as your pulled in his big warm arms you suddenly feel home. 
"So star glazing for our first date and maybe hot cocoa after?" You smile big. As you snuggle in his arms.
Chris made his promise come true he truly did show you the stars. 
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Tags: @book-dragon-13 @godofplumsandthunder @jobean12-blog @jewels2876 @sebastiansloserclub @sallycanwait68 @loricameback @eurynome827 @evanstanwrites @bugsbucky @hiddles-rose @hawksmagnolia @the-wayward-robot @when-the-hell-is-bucky @prunes-said-bucky @randomfandompenguin @mushyjellybeans @marvelandotherfandomimagines @abovethesmokestacks @aesthetical-bucky @devildelaney @deaflikehawkeye @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @cchellacat @chuuulip @nerdypinupcrystal @auro-ora @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @iluvsumbucky @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @this-kitten-is-smitten, @angrythingstarlight, @prunes-said-bucky @hawksmagnolia @nano–raptor, @nomadicpixel
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nano--raptor · 3 years
right now
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Pairing: Destroyer!Chris x Reader
Words: 630
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Cursing, smut and implied smut, kissing, making out, grinding, teasing, slight dirty talk, bar atmosphere, alcohol consumption
A/N: This is for @happygowriting​ 500 Followers Celebration! Congratulations lovely, your work is amazing and so are you! I used the prompt below, and always love writing Chris. I hope you enjoy! 🥰 
“I wish we were at home so I could do terrible things to you.”
Do not click ‘keep reading’ if you are under 18, thank you.
* * * *
It started innocently enough, a brush of fingers here, a laugh and a wink there, brushing your fingers over his thigh, and suddenly Chris wasn’t playing anymore. He leaned over, his voice now a low growl in your ear.
“Is this where you wanna take this tonight sweetheart?” You smiled into your beer, your breath catching and your giggle turning into a moan when he snaked his arm around your waist to grab a handful of your ass. 
“Chris! Not here, we’re in public!”
“Come on baby girl, this dark, dingy bar hardly counts as public. No one will even notice if I have my hands on you.” He nipped at your ear, his stubble tickling your skin, and you had to clench your thighs together from the shiver that his light touches sent through you. “It’s what you want, isn’t it?” 
You nibbled your bottom lip and nodded. Yes. You did want it, you always wanted it. You could never resist him, even when you were out in public. You could see his grin in the dim lighting, the flash of excitement in his eyes, pupils dilating as his hand snaked over your thigh and in between your legs. He brushed his fingers over your core through your jeans, and even that slight touch sent a hot spark through you.
Finishing off the last of your beer, you set your glass on the table and turned your gaze back to Chris just as he was leaning in to brush his lips against yours. As soon as they connected, his hand was in your hair and he was pulling you close, kissing you hard. Your lips parted and he licked into your mouth, a whine getting lodged in your throat at the possessiveness. It made you  weak, it made you squirm, and you wanted more.
His hand trailed over your cheek and down your neck, grazing over your chest and further until he was grasping your thighs, strong hands easily pulling you into his lap. You squeaked in surprise and then his mouth was back on yours, kissing you hard and deep. Running your hands up his chest, you grabbed his shoulders and scooted closer, rolling your hips against his as your need for him intensified. Chris groaned, a low pitched growl that rumbled through you, making you clench again and squirm in his lap.
“Mmm, yeah baby girl, I know you want it.” He kissed you again, more gentle this time, before bringing his lips back to your ear. “I wish we were at home, so I could do terrible things to you.” At that he bucked his hips beneath you and you gasped at the feel of him, rock hard, pressing against your core. “I bet you’re as wet for me as I am hard for you. Do you think anyone would notice if I fucked you right here?” His voice was so low and gravely in your ear, so vulgar, you knew you wouldn’t be able to wait until you got home.
“Chris we need to go,” you rasped, throat dry. You kissed him again, hard, before climbing off his lap and tugging his hand until he stood. The two of you barely made it outside and across the parking lot, where he pushed you up against the side of his truck, attacking your mouth again. He left desperate, open mouthed kisses down your throat, his hands fumbling at the button of your jeans.
“No, inside,” you gasped, and when he finally got the door open and you scrambled in, you dove for each other's pants, getting his open and kicking yours off. You rode him in his truck that night in the parking lot, not caring if anyone heard you, with round two and three happening once you finally made it home.
* follow @nano--raptor-writes for my taglist! *
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book-dragon-13 · 4 years
HBC Cat Day
Josh & Steve
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Frank, Chase, & Clay
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Hal, Will, & Scott
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Jack & TJ
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Ben, Destroyer Chris, & Chris Beck
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Bucky, Carter, & Charles
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Dayton, Lance, & Jefferson
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@the-ss-horniest-book-club @eurynome827 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @jobean12-blog @cchellacat @beckzorz @marvelous-meggi @jewelofwinter @chuuulip @hiddles-rose @littledarlinhavefaithinme @jewels2876 @southernbell91 @lancetuckershairgel @cametobuyplums @louisianaspell
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ladywinchester1967 · 4 years
Bucky Barnes/ Sebastian Stan Fics
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Close Your Eyes (Bucky Barnes x Fiona Gerdes {OFC})
Part 1
The Prequel
The Epilogue
»»————- ★ ————-««
One Shots:
Welcome Home (Bucky Barnes x OFC)
Perfect (Bucky Barnes x OFC)
Under the Moonlight (Destroyer!Chris x OFC)
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lancetuckershairgel · 4 years
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Summary: Chris settles in at the elementary school and meets a new friend.
Word count: 737
Warnings: none
Taglist: @southernbell91 @book-dragon-13 @buckysforeverprincess @marvelgirl7 @jobean12-blog @tranquil--heart @i-have-arrived-bitch @mycupoffanfictionreplies @anxiousamandapanda @randomfandompenguin @brat-in-a-teacup @louisianaspell @marvelandotherfandomimagines
It had been two weeks since Chris had started his new job at the elementary school. He'd settled in and felt at home with the incredibly helpful and kind staff. The kids were great too, the little ones loved him and the older ones had a lot of questions any time they saw him. 
There wasn't a lot for him to do, most of the behavior issues were usually handled quickly by the counselor or the principal but he did teach a safety course to the fifth graders once a week and helped out where he was needed. Being in the kind of town, and the specific area, they were in a resource officer was needed, just in case. Chris spent a majority of his time just hanging out around the school, being a helping hand to the teachers or mentor to the students.  He didn't mind, he enjoyed less police work and more hands on opportunities. The experience would help him when he changed careers and the staff appreciate way he had with the kids. 
Chris made his way out to the playground, doing a general safety survey of the area. It was kindergarten recess time and the playground was filled with little kids climbing on the equipment or playing tag in the grass field. He stood and watched for a bit, amused. 
"Officer Haven! How are you?" Miss Hopewell asked as she approached him
"I'm good thank you. It's a beautiful day out." 
"It is, I'm glad it isn't cold, these kids need to get their energy out." 
Both adults chuckled and continued small talk as they watched over the students. Chris' eyes scanned the playground and landed on the blue bench between the two oak trees off the side of the playground. 
"What's that?" Chris gestured, unable to make out the writing from across the yard
 "That's our Buddy Bench!" Miss Hopewell replied cheerfully "If someone needs a friend to play with they sit on the bench to let the other kids know and someone will ask them to play."
"Oh yeah? That's a pretty good idea."
"Oh for sure. A lot of the younger ones are shy and it really helps with inclusion and building friendships." 
Chris nodded, rubbing his beard and wishing the schools had something like the Buddy Bench when he was in school. A few moments later a little girl who had been walking around the playground sat down on the bench and swung her legs. Chris waited to see if anyone would offer to play with her but minutes passed without a single student coming by. A few had glanced over but no one stopped. 
"Hmm." Chris pondered out loud "What's going on there?" 
"Oh…" Miss Hopewell sighed sadly "That's Lily. She sits there every day waiting for someone to play with her."
"Does anyone?" 
"No, no one ever does. She's a bit..different."
Chris nodded and made his way over to the bench. He sat down and smiled at the girl. 
"Hi there."
"Hi." Lily said quietly, looking up at Chris "My name's Lily."
"I'm Chris. It's nice to meet you Lily."
"Do you want to play with me?" Lily asked hopefully yet her tone anticipated rejection 
"Sure. What would you like to do?" 
"Can you teach me how to swing? I've never done it before."
Lily shook her head
"Sure. It's easy, come on."
Chris and Lily walked over to the swings and Lily climbed into the seat. 
"Not too high, okay?"
"You got it. Hold on tight."
Chris gave Lily a small push and told her how to swing her legs. Chris continued to push her carefully until she was at a good speed then he walked over to the side, watching. 
"Look at you, you're doing it!" 
Lucy happily continued to swing until the teacher blew her whistle indicating the end of recess. Chris stopped the swing and Lily climbed down and looked up at him. 
"That was fun!"
"I'm glad." Chris smiled as they walked over to join the class
Lily slipped her hand into his, swinging their arms as they walked. Chris smiled down at her. 
"Can you play with me tomorrow too?"
"I don't know if I can Sweetie."
"Oh." Lily dropped her hand from his and looked down disappointed "That's okay. Thanks for helping me swing. Bye."
Chris watched as Lily joined the rest of the kids in line.
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 2 years
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Another month, another rec list ✨ As always please check individual warnings for each fic. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog, and the majority tagged, are 18+ only and most of these fics contain adult themes.
Please give these insanelly talented folk some much desereved love 💕
Ransom Drysdale
Take one by @sweaterwearingdumbdork
Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
House cat by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Ransom Drysdale x reader
Bucky Barnes
*Heaven (won't) help you by @musingsinmoonlight
Dark prince!bucky barnes x female princess reader (modern royalty AU)
Whatever it takes by @angrythingstarlight
Mafia!Bucky x Reader
Sunrise kisses by @buckies-dolle
roommate!Bucky x fem!reader
Blow me away by @angrythingstarlight
Chubby!Baker Bucky x Reader
Just a little crpush by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Bucky Barnes x Reader
*Good to you by @sinner-as-saint
Boyfriend’s Dad!Mob!Bucky x Reader
Video call by @metalbuckaroo
DBF!bucky x f!reader
Waiting on fate by @kinanabinks
CEO!Bucky x reader
The louder the better by @theluxuriousfangirl
Bucky x Female Reader
*Portofino by @buckybleu
mafia!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Split you in two by @angrythingstarlight
Beefy Lumberjack Bucky x reader
Pink daisies by @buckyhoney
dom!bucky barnes x reader
Meet me in the city by @buckys-dollface
Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
*A sweet old fashioned notion by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Keep me warm by @metalbuckaroo
SugarDaddy!Bucky x F!Reader
After all these years by @softlysteven
bucky barnes x reader
Thank you, daddy by @sweeterthanthis
Sugar Daddy!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
There's always one by @summerofsnowflakes
Bucky Barnes x Fem!Avengers Reader
*Petal by @navybrat817
Beefy florist!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader (Petal)
Sam Wilson
Rulebreaker by @fluffyprettykitty
Sam Wilson x fem! reader
Steve Rogers
Wish you were here by @jobean12-blog
Steve Rogers x reader
Make you remember by @maroonsunrise83
Steve Rogers x black female reader
Spiced cider by @beefybuckrrito
Neighbour!steve x reader
Kiss my skin by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
Steve Rogers x Reader
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18
Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers
*Permanent by @navybrat817
Tattooist bucky barnes x female reader x tattooist steve rogers
Sugar by @ramp-it-up
College Steve x College Reader; College Bucky x College Reader
Lee Bodecker
Out of sight, out of mind by @honeystevie
lee bodecker x asian!reader
Never his by @navybrat817
Destoryer!Chris x reader
Steve Kemp
The hand that feeds by @shamevillain
Steve Kemp x Reader
Jake Jensen
Sweet dreams by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Jake Jensen X Reader
Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter & Bucky Barnes
*Parfois, Vous Avez Besoin D'un Public by @imanuglywombat
Steve Rogers x Reader x Peggy Carter x Bucky Barnes
Ari Levinson
Never enough by @jobean12-blog
Ari Levinson x reader
Splash by @beefybuckrrito
dad's best friend!Ari Levinson x f!reader
182 notes · View notes
ges-sa · 7 years
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review
New Post has been published on http://ges-sa.com/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-review/
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”25304,25301,25302,25303,25300,25291,25292,25293,25294,25295,25296,25297,25298,25299″][vc_column_text]Movie blockbuster season is almost upon us, so what better way to start things off early than with the latest entry into Marvel Studios’ ever expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Guardians are back, having previously saved the universe, and looking to make it a repeat performance as they traverse the outer reaches of the cosmos. The Guardians fight to keep their newfound family together while unravelling the mystery of Peter Quill’s, aka Star-Lord’s, true parentage while old foes become new allies and fan-favourite characters from the classic Marvel comics will come tour heroes’ aid. Sounds great right? And it largely is.
Viewers of the original ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ film in 2014 will feel right at home from the opening moments of the film as seeds are planted (literally) and we find the Guardians in the midst of a mission, featuring a crazy battle during the titles set to catchy music (more on that later), framing and visuals that will immediately set the tone for the rest of the picture and hearken back to the title sequence of the first film that kicked things off on the right foot. Director James Gunn doesn’t miss a beat in his second outing with this universe and injects this film with just as much energy as its predecessor, which aside from the setting, helps this movie stand apart from the other films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The action is fast and furious, and despite the frenetic nature of the action scenes, it never seems hard to keep up with what’s happening as these scenes are set to different and sometimes colourful backdrops, with plenty of humour to keep things entertaining and brisk. In 3D, the visuals and action will pop even more and provide you with more bang for your hard earned Rands.
As mentioned, there is no shortage of humour in this film, which was a staple of the previous ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. Not limited to a few select characters, nearly every character in this film gets the opportunity to quip, pun or put a smile on our faces. Whether hero or villain, this film doesn’t discriminate when there’s a good joke comedic line or moment to be had. There were times when not every joke quite hit the mark and other times when it felt like there were just too many jokes and gags, perhaps some undercutting opportunities for a few more serious moments, to the point where doubt was creeping in my mind as to whether this might be one of the few major missteps for a Marvel Studios movie, but for the most part the humour does its job and the films comes together. If you’re in the mood for a serious, brooding and complex superhero movie, you’re fresh out of luck. This film never takes itself too seriously or gets bogged down in angst for too long, even in its most serious moments.
The returning cast are in top form and despite the ensemble nature of these films, everybody gets moments to shine, even minor characters. Chris Pratt brings his charm and wit, along with a chiselled physique, to the forefront in leading man style as Peter Quill/Star-Lord. Zoe Saldana brings the stoicism and reason as Gamora and Dave Batista (aka WWE’s Batista) reprises his role as Drax, getting further opportunity to flex much more of his comedic muscle in addition to his sizeable physical ones and receives more screen time, once again being one of the standout characters amongst an accomplished cast. Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel once do not disappoint as the voices of Rocket and Baby Groot respectively, ensuring that Rocket Raccoon will remain most viewer’s favourite Marvel movie characters and the adorable Baby Groot will be a meme sensation once against and likely children’s most requested toy or merchandise item, so brace yourselves parents. Karen Gillan returns as the emotionally damaged and dangerous Nebula and Pom Klementieff does a great job bringing Mantis to the big screen. Kurt Russell impresses (is that a surprise?) as Ego and for those unfamiliar with this character’s comic origins or from appearances in other media, I won’t spoil it here, but suffice to say that this marks another successful adaptation of a classic, albeit sometimes obscure, Marvel character. Michael Rooker gets more time to shine this film as the blue-skinned buccaneer Yondu Udonta, with a slightly more comic accurate look, and might be the stand-out character of this movie when it’s all said and done. Keep an eye out for quick cameos too.
Undoubtedly one of the major highlights of this film; more so than the story, cast or effects; has to be the use of music throughout. Just as in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ beautifully incorporates classic 70’s and 80’s tunes in amongst the action and quieter character moments in the form of ‘Awesome Mix Volume 2’. This makes the film as much a audio sensory treat as it is a visual one, so much so that it would be hard to imagine what either of these films would be like without this music playing big of a role as it does. The score by Tyler Bates is good too gets the job done but will likely be forgotten by the time the film ends due to being overshadowed by songs like ‘Mr. Blue Sky’, ‘Fox on the Run’, ‘My Sweet Lord’, ‘Brandy’ and others.
Despite some minor fears early on, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ is ultimately another successful entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe films and will surely please nearly all who see it when the films opens nationwide on Friday 5 May 2017. Beyond just seeing spacemen, aliens, talking racoons or major action; at its core this is a film about family, on multiple levels and that sense of family drives each major character throughout the story, and adds the right emotional resonance that help brings things full circle and complement the abundant humour and heavy action by the time the credits roll. For families or fans of Marvel and superhero movies, you will need no convincing to go see this, and for casual film goers looking for a good weekend movie, you will no doubt be entertained too. Highly recommended viewing in 3D! Parents, be mindful of language if going with younger children and as always, stay until the final frame to catch all the mid and post-credit scenes, of which there are many.
In these times of hardship, just remember…We…Are…Groot![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Additional Information
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Reviewed on: 4DX Available on: Cinema 2D, Cinema 3D, IMAX 3D, 4DX Genre: Superhero, Action, Adventure Age Rating: 10 – 12 PG L V Estimated RRP: R50 – 175 Release Date: 5 May 2017[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Humour and light tone, never takes itself too seriously
Returning and new cast
Frantic Action
Emotional Heart
Too much constant humour at times?
Skimpy on references to larger Marvel Cinematic Universe
0 notes
noisysmudge · 6 years
Finally say down to watch Thor
I've seen it before but its not something I ever seriously watched. I kinda of did all of the Marvel movies backwards in that while I've seen all of them the only ones I ever watched seriously are phase 2 and beyond. I watched everything out of order. Being born in the late 90s means that I was in middle school when phase 1 came out. So of course they showed these movies in school and on tv all the time. The fandom was everywhere. And when there's only 6 movies its not that big of a deal. And now there's 20 so its a lot more important now.
As for the actual movie it wasn't as bad as I remember. I joined the fandom when Ragnarok came out so a lot of people told me they were horrible. There was also the issue with. Watching movies casually you expect certain things and this definitely didn't feel like a superhero movie.
The effects felt very 2010. The colors were bland. The human characters were very normal and it felt almost out of place for a movie about space vikings. The asgardians were almost awkward and felt like an afterthought. It added what should have been a connection between Thor's old life and his new one but it clashed very strangely.
That doesn't mean I didn't like the movie. Loki was amazing and his breakdown in the vault was wonderfully done. Thor felt very personal. While I already loved him it was amazing to watch him grow as a person. And as much of a patchwork, to me, the story felt I still liked the characters. Jane had so much heart. Darcy was funny. Selvik was interesting and had a dash of learned helplessness that went so well with Jane's stubbornness that I just loved.
I've said this a lot but I think this movie would have been better as a mini series. So much more buildup would have done it wonders. A lot of the MCU movies would have been better as like. 10 episode long shows I think. But even with the short amount of time that it had, the pacing was still pretty good. The beginning did feel rushed and the middle had this weird thing where it felt drawn out but I also wish it was longer? If that makes any sense. I liked the ending. I liked watching Loki spiral. I loved watching Thor change over time.
An issue I hear a lot is that Loki doesn't do as well character wise in Ragnarok. And while I disagree, I can understand where this is coming from. Tom Hiddleston flourishes in drama. And Loki plays off the drama too. He does well as a character and actor when in serious situations.
But Chris Hemsworth does so much better in comedy I think. That's part of why Thor Ragnarok took off. He's been trying to be funny for a while. And these are movies about space vikings. So while Thor was still great in this, I think he does better with a brighter color scheme.
That's probably why I think the movie felt so awkward and thrown together. Characters fit into groups and none of those groups fit together in this movie. Everyone was sort of there. If this had just been about Jane and her friends meeting Thor it would have been great. If this had been about the warriors three trying to get him back it would have been great. Entirely about Loki descending into madness would have been a masterpiece. Or if it focused more on Thor it would have been amazing. But with the opening with Odin narrating, with the 10 min exposition, and with the story jumping around too fast to focus on any one group for too long it was all impersonal.
I think impersonal is the word I've been looking for this while time. So sorry yall have to read an entire essay on this but its 2:30 in the morning. So the movie felt impersonal. From the cold way that SHIELD treated Jane to the formal way Odin treated his children, everything felt like I was being told a story not living it. It was only in rare moments when charcaters like Loki showed raw emotion that I felt a connection to these people. There was very little bonding beyond Thor and Jane. Only the relationships involving Loki made me really feel anything. And while it did succeed in making me ship Jane and Thor, I only really felt strongly for the relationship when Thor was destorying the Bifrost.
Again, I'm not saying it was a bad movie. I'm not saying you can't like it. I am saying that other than about 4 characters, everyone felt one dimensional. Darcy was funny, Sif was a warrior, Volstagg liked to eat, Frigga was their mom. But beyond a few defining things I walked away knowing very little about anyone besides Thor, Loki, Jane, and Selvik. I could say I know some about Odin, but not a whole lot. And you can't have this many potentially interesting characters and not give them anything beyond one or two character traits. Like, I know jack shit about Fandral and he's supposed to be at least somewhat important. Its like all the side characters were accessories to the main characters and weren't developed beyond that.
What I liked about movies like Thor Ragnarok or The Winter Solider is their side characters had something. Korg wanted to start a revolution but he also spoke funny. Miek was a robotic bug that was down to fight. Odin loved his sons and he knew they were strong. Even in his like. Two scenes I got from him in that movie than I did from this. Topaz who had two lines felt more real than half of these guys.
Now I didn't open this to bash on the movie. It was fine. I liked the characters. I liked the plot. I cared about some of it. Its definitely something I'll watch again. But they don't treat their characters like people. They treat them like accessories to the characters. Which. Isn't wrong but it makes me not care as much. Which kinda sucks.
Also I loved the ending when they I thought the entire last 20 mins with the destoryer and everything after was really well done. The acting was amazing. The stuff on the bifrost was gorgeous and beautifully done. The music was great. I wanted to cry. And I liked the scene on the roof when Thor explains the nine realms to Jane
0 notes
nano--raptor · 3 years
Pretty lucky
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Pairing: Destoryer!Chris x Reader
Words: 313
Warnings: 18+ ONLY Injury mention and mention of wounds, implied smut, fluff, feelings
A/N: Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ Luck in Love for Day 11: Fortunate. A little something with Chris today, and it always ends up being pretty fluffy with him, but I would gladly take care of him. Thank you for reading!❤❤
Do not click ‘keep reading’ if you are under 18, thank you.
“You’re pretty lucky, walking away with only minor injuries.”
“You call this gash minor?” You rolled your eyes and pushed Chris’ arm out of the way as you cleaned him up yet again in your bathroom.
“Ok, it’s a pretty good gash. But you won’t always be so fortunate. One day it’s gonna go a lot deeper.” Chris was quiet then for a little while, hissing quietly as you cleaned the wound and stitched him up. When you finished, pressing the bandage over top, you noticed him watching you with hooded eyes, dark lashes fanning his cheeks.
“I am fortunate,” he stated, eyes locked on yours with a heavy gaze. “So lucky to have you, privileged to call you mine, to come home to you, to have you here for me.” He reached up to cup your cheek, calloused fingers gentle against your soft skin. “I’d be nothing without you.” Then he leaned in, guiding you gently into a heated kiss, his mouth exploring yours, lighting a fire in your belly and suddenly you weren’t sour at him anymore, you were craving him, needing him. All of him.
When he pulled back, his eyes were dark, their usual bright blue nearly swallowed up by blown pupils. “Come to bed with me…” You nodded, unable to find your voice in that moment, and then his mouth was on yours again as he stood and urged you out of the bathroom. He’d have picked you up if it wasn’t for the wound in his side, but as he led you to the bedroom, your heart raced all the same, excitement flowing through your veins. You couldn’t stay frustrated at him, he didn’t go out looking to get stabbed, and every time you patched him up you thought, it could have been worse, and thank God it wasn’t. You were lucky to have him too.
* Follow @nano--raptor-writes​ for my taglist! *
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nano--raptor · 3 years
For drunk drabbles: “Ouch, that must’ve hurt.” with the character of your choice, please?
@nomadicpixel thank you for the prompt! I hope you’ll enjoy a little Destoryer Chris for this one!
Written for Old Fashioned Drunk Drabbles with @the-ss-horniest-book-club
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Pairing: Destoryer!Chris x Reader
Words: 480
Warnings: Implied smut, fluff, oral (male rec), mentions of fights and injury, softness and feelings, this got a little softer than I intended but. I just love loving on him. 18+ only please!
Please do not click ‘keep reading’ if you are under 18! Thank you!
Laying in bed, sunset bathing the room in soft pinks and oranges, you traced your fingers over Chris’ skin. He held you close and you curled into him, resting your head on his chest, listening to the soothing rhythm of his heart beat.
Moments like this were your favorite, soft, quiet moments after moments of passion, sometimes rough, urgent, needy, as if you might never see each other again. As often as you could, you crawled into his bed at night, but sometimes missions took you away from each other. Nothing compared to his strong embrace after days, or even weeks apart.
Tonight you lay in his arms, lazily tracing over the scars that dotted his skin. You’d asked him before, but you never tired of hearing his stories, soothing him, kissing the scars, tasting his skin and making him feel wanted and loved. You wanted him. You loved him.
“What’s this one from?” A jagged scar on his side, just beneath his ribs. 
“Knife.” You hissed at the thought of taking a knife there, pressing a kiss to it. Your hand ran up his chest, over his shoulder and down his arm.
“And this one?” A cleaner scar, straighter, but still marring the flesh of his bicep.
“Broken glass.” He’d told you the story about the bar fight before, he’d joke that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, when in fact he’d been in exactly the right place, preventing a fight that would probably have ended someone’s life that night.
“And what about this one?” You trailed your lips over the scarred skin along his jaw and he hummed at the feeling, warm and soft.
“Brass knuckles actually.”
“Ouch, that must’ve hurt.”
“Well, it didn’t feel good. Split the skin right open.” You continued kissing his jaw, trailing your tongue over the scars, trailing down his neck and finally back to his chest. You lay there for a while again, lacing your fingers together with his, before propping yourself up on one arm. You leaned in to kiss his lips, soft and slow, then pulled back again. His brows furrowed ever so slightly when he caught the glint in your eyes, but you leaned in to press more kisses against his skin, moving down to his collarbones, chest, stomach, and then even further.
When you shimmied further down the bed, trailing your lips over the sensitive skin of his lower abdomen and hips, Chris groaned, his hand sliding up your arm to cup your face, his eyes dark and wanting again.
“Baby…” You simply smirked at him, batting your eyes innocently, gently licking along his length before slowly taking him into your mouth. You hummed around him and his head fell back against the pillow, his hips slowly rocking into your mouth as you swallowed him down, showing him just how much you loved him.
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nano--raptor · 4 years
Be good.
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Pairing: Destroyer!Chris x Reader
Words: 675
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamics, light bondage, mistress kink, riding crop/whip, light spanking (kind of), oral (female rec), implied smut
A/N: Today’s prompt for Kinktober Day 17: Dom Reader/Sub Character. Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​, and I really loved the idea of Chris in this situation, letting go of the stress of work and letting his woman take the lead. This took almost all day to write, but I’m happy with how it came out. As always, thank you for reading, and enjoy! 💕 * * * * The corset. The heels. The riding crop that you trailed along his shoulders as you walked around him. Wrists bound behind his back with a silky black fabric. His eyes had darkened at your words as you bound his wrists,  “I want you on your knees baby boy.”
And now he kneeled before you, looking up at you from under those gorgeously long lashes, nibbling his lip, flushed and sweaty, just looking absolutely beautiful. You wanted to ravage him, but you had to take your time with him first.
Today you were in charge. There were times when the dynamic would shift, but quite often Chris loved when you dominated him, after the stresses of his job. He didn’t have to think or make decisions, and if he did as you said, you’d always make him feel good.
You ran the crop down Chris’s side, over his ribs and down his leg, then up his inner thigh, stopping right at the top of his thigh, standing square in front of him now. Brushing the end of the crop along the underside of his balls, you smirked when his breath caught, his gasps sending a tingle through you as well. His cock twitched and you bent over, brushing your fingers over him, humming at how hard and excited he was, his muscles straining against the ties around his wrists as he longed to touch you.
“Who does this pretty cock belong to?” Chris whined as you stroked him with a feather light touch, rutting his hips, trying to find more friction.
“I-it belongs to you, mistress, please,”
“Please what, baby?” You asked the question with a pout, enjoying watching his squirm for more.
“Please touch me mistress, I need more.” You tisked and stood up, tracing the crop up his abs and chest, under his chin to tilt his gaze up to you.
“So greedy, is that how good boys behave?” Chris frowned slightly, his lips parted and eyes dark, he cast his gaze downward as he answered quietly.
“No ma’am.” Pulling the crop from his chin you swung it sharply through the air, the crack making Chris jump. You smiled sweetly and pressed it back against his skin, his chest starting to heave now as he drew in a shuddering breath. Walking around him, you traced it up over his throat and then down his back, humming as you went.
“I know what you can do for me baby boy,” Chris whimpered again, low in his throat as you ran the crop down his spine and over his ass, smacking it lightly, and then running it down his thigh again as you came to stand in front of him. Smirking, you took the crop between your teeth and slowly peeled your lace panties down your legs, holding his gaze the whole time. Stepping out of them, you kicked them aside and stepped closer to him, one heeled foot on either side of his legs. You raked a hand through his short hair, tugging gently, and guiding his face towards your heat, soaked and needy, as needy as he was for you. 
“You wanna please me honey? Make me feel good, and then you’ll get what you want.” Chris moaned and ran his nose over your mound, flicking his tongue out to lap at your pussy. You pulled him close as his tongue dove deep between your folds, sighing and rolling your hips gently as he quickly took you apart. Soon you were trembling and crying out his name, orgasm rolling hotly through you. Standing back on shaky legs you took his chin in his hand, wiping your juices from the corner of his mouth as he licked his lips.
“So good for me baby, you did such a good job. You want some attention now, huh?” Chris nodded eagerly, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, all flushed skin and heavy breathing.
“Yes please mistress, thank you.” “Then get on the bed baby, it’s time for your mistress to make you feel good.”
* * * *
Tags ❤  @cristie24​ @skkye​ @sfreeborn​ @jobean12-blog​ @crushedbyhyperbole​ @mannatgalhotra​ @bubbabarnes @buckysthing​ @marvelgirl7​ @ikaris-whore​ @aesthetical-bucky​​ @littleredstarfish​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @winterboobear11​ @stuckyinamoose​ @winterboobear11​ @our-whitetulips-us​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @mannatgalhotra​ @jesslovesyouall @buckybarney​ @my-own-private-library​ @hawksmagnolia​ @peaceinourtime82​ @infinity-saga​ @kenzieam​ @sallycanwait68​ @hailmary-yramliah​  @ballyhoobarnes​ @earthworthies​  @tinymalscoffee​ @thefandomimagines​ @kianifan​ @dark-academics-and-florals​ @buckys-henley​ @wearemisunderstoodlove​ @mrsbarneswillseeyounow​ @palaiasaurus64​ @starlightcrystalline​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @addikted-2-dopamine​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @Mackevanstan80 @harrysthiccthighss​ @lady-pswrld​  
Join my taglist here!
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lancetuckershairgel · 5 years
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Crackship Tuesday
Chris & Max forever
@the-ss-horniest-book-club @eurynome827 @definitelychrisdestroyer @stuck-y-together @southernbell91 @spacemansam @book-dragon-13 @buckmesideways22 @marvelous-meggi @marvelgirl7 @jobean12-blog @anxiousamandapanda @cametobuyplums @loricameback @louisianaspell
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