#Chris Heathfield's maids
Chris Heathfield's maids
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abybweisse · 1 year
Since we were on sharing theories, I was about to tell mine but as I was typing it, I started arguing with myself and finding counter-arguments and now this theory seems totally unlikely. Hope everyone is doing good! Let's look forward the 200th chapter! Hope it brings good news! (my theory was that the kids in the orphanage would be used for more than just blood collecting; UT said the BDs needs "episodes" to keep going, so they would raise the kids to be as close "mentally" to those who would "inherit" those episodes, except that's an awful lot of kids just to make fake memories of the future for those 4 stars people)
Collecting episodes?
I got an ask similar to that about a month ago, or maybe it was just brought up during a discussion. Either way, I argued that episodes are about personal goals in life, and even if these kids have the same blood types and are being "shaped" to have similar souls, their personal aspirations are going to be wholly different from the lords they are paired with.
Besides, as I also mentioned before, Undertaker says that real Ciel was "chock full" of episodes of his own. And don't forget that Undertaker sets these episodes on a loop. That's why the bd's on the ship just had their minds filled with Undertaker cosplaying Charlie Chaplin. And why someone like Arden (and his friends) who didn't seem to have much in the way of life goals, just repeats stuff about tea (or cricket, etc.). Those simple thoughts weren't strong enough to keep them in line, so to speak.
Like real Ciel, the other lords of the stars seem to have a fair amount of episodes. Polaris wants to serve his master, Layla/Al seems to focus on hedonism (to an extent, anyway) and living in the moment... though she/they might have some private goals we don't know about, and Doll wants revenge against our earl and Sebastian for her own death and the destruction of her friends. Why would they need more "episodes"?
I do agree, however, that Undertaker is interested in harvesting more than just blood. Most of them are being used just for their blood, yes. But the top students are probably being primed for using not just their blood but also their souls. It's back to the whole "soul shape" thing that Jane mentioned in Yorkshire, at Heathfield's manor.
Undertaker previously told our earl and Sebastian that bd's cannot use the souls of the people they attack, and he says he cannot make a soul... but he never says he can't manipulate souls that already exist. The bd's can't... but he probably can.
But I hope all the rest of the students can make it out alive....
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grelleswife · 2 years
These observations are somewhat premature since the translation has yet to be released, but I’m currently going insane over this panel from the raws:
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The orphans’ outfits bear a striking resemblance to a certain undead Phantomhive heir’s attire, don’t they?
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And, of course, the Fenian Cycle held great personal significance for both of the twins during their formative years:
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As my good fren and mutual @bapydemonprincess noted here last month, the orphanage’s layout as displayed thus far is eerily similar to the Phantomhive family manor…and now we have a gaggle of boys potentially being trained up as new Ciel copycats? The game is afoot!
I wonder if Undertaker is using this establishment as a means of molding the children’s spirits in R!Ciel’s image, thus developing a replacement soul for the little bizarre doll. (Perhaps a similar principal guided Baron Chris Heathfield’s trysts with his maids to assess the shape of their souls…was he looking for a suitable psyche to reanimate his deceased wife?)
It’s also quite apt that the Fenian Cycle receives a cameo during this Finnian-centric arc, considering that O!Ciel named the gardener after one of the heroes found within its pages.
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Not sure if this callback will have additional plot relevance down the line, but it’s an interesting detail! Our sweet Finny will probably need to be stronger than a whole herd of deer if he hopes to survive this mission unscathed. 😭
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 years
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Finally got to read ch 154 and I don’t get all the controversy... just reminded me of Monty Python. 😂
I wanted to include the SS from the manga but apparently tumblr is as prudish as the people who are complaining about ch 154
Let’s see if they’ll accept my fun-with-censoring version.
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shinigami-mistress · 5 years
Chapter 154: Summary and First Impressions
I’ve just read 154 for the first time, and I have a few thoughts.
Mey-Rin and Ran Mao find all the maids hurriedly putting on makeup, which Mey-Rin finds odd, but she’s told that Baron Heathfield has returned. In this household, the servants greet the family and new hires stand in front. This is unlike anything that Mey-Rin is used to or has come to expect.
Thus we soon me Chris Heathfield, and find that he’s a handsome man. He’s especially interested in the four new maids. Along with Mey-Rin and Ran Mao, there are two other women - Matilda and Annie. He seems quite friendly (maybe too much so) and also wants to get a good look at all his maids.
Afterwards it’s explained that he likes for maid to join him in the bedroom each night. This seems to be an exciting prospect among the women, as one proclaims she wants to be the Baroness. It’s also mentioned that a previous maid had been his favorite, but she just disappeared. One maid suggests that he got tired of her and she simply left.
As the other maids hurry off to attend chores, the new hires are told to inspect their collars and cuffs to make sure they look presentable. When Annie checks her cuffs, she finds an invitation to the master’s bedroom that night at 10 pm. She hides this from the others, but Mey-Rin is able to read the invitation because of her farsightedness. 
That night, Mey-Rin tells Ran Mao to stay in bed and to tell everyone that she (Mey-Rin) is already in bed. Ran Mao agrees to this, and Mey-Rin goes to investigate. She goes to Heathfield’s bedroom to find that he and Annie are already...occupied. While she looks on, someone grabs her from behind and the chapter ends.
So, what are my thoughts?
The setup of the household was interesting. All of the maids we saw seemed excited by the prospect Baron Heathfield might call them to his room. None seemed upset or said that he was abusing his power/position - which he is of course. Rather the idea that this handsome, rich noble might choose one of them to be his favorite appeared to be tantalizing to them. It’s interesting because we know the type of maids this household employs. Most of these women probably don’t have any sort of connections. This sort of job is the best they can get in life...unless they marry into money. It’s like dangling this carrot in front of them; this prospect of a better life that would be like fairy tale.
It also can set up some conflict and even competition among the maids since more than one wants to be his favorite. The casual way one mentioned her roommate simply disappeared after going to his bedroom a lot might be attributed to this. Instead of being worried for her, they just assumed she couldn’t satisfy him anymore and left in shame.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen one maid who didn’t like this arrangement as much as the others. I want to know what would happen if one of the maids denied the invitation. Would she just be fired or would more happen? Are all of them just so willing to sleep with the Baron or are there other factors involved?
Next, while I see signs of connections to the other cults, I’m not sure how this relates to the taking of blood or anything like that. We see a mask, and most of the cults in the series have used some sort of mask, and there’s the idea that sex is involved. This reminds of that cult that sacrificed real!Ciel. Perhaps it’s another sign that all the cults are connected.
Could the other lords need something more than simply blood to remain as themselves? Maybe sex ties into that somehow.
The big question is who grabbed Mey-Rin and is she in danger? If it was someone like Jane, Mey-Rin could say she was simply curious since she knew about Annie’s invitation. That excuse would work. If it’s someone else, Mey-Rin might be in trouble.
And that’s my initial thoughts.
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abybweisse · 2 years
It occurs to me that, if Layla/Al turns out to be Heathfield's daughter, this could be a reason for Jane to return to the story. But that reason would only work out if Jane is still working or willing to work for Heathfield, in some capacity... or if she's actually working more directly with Undertaker.... 🤔
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Here are today's character polls! Characters are listed in order of perceived importance and alphabetically.
Arthur Conan Doyle
Cloudia Phantomhive
Grelle's chainsaw
Hilde Dickhaut
Trancy / Former Head Trancy
Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred face
the archeologist
the bear
the cats that Sebastian rescues from the rain
These character polls are ending tomorrow! Go and get your last votes in before they close!
John Brown
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Nina's assistants
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield's maids
Saneatsu Nekoma
demon crow
Prince Albert puppet
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The following is the lineup for the polls by date, made using a random number generator. New characters introduced in chapter 199 will automatically be added to the end of the roster.
April 19th - April 26th
Rian Stoker
Lord Ackroyd's son
FOL Orphanage staff
Claude Faustus
Baldroy / Bard / Baldo
Finnian / Finny
Sharpe Hanks
April 20th - April 27th
Soma's elephant
Sophie Smith
Finny's hat
Funtom Corporation's unicorn suit
Karl Woodley
Chris Heathfield
Sieglinde Sullivan
Fred Abberline
Stella Rose
Charles Phipps
the orphan that called Sebastian an old guy
April 21st - April 28th
Joanne Harcourt
Purple House dorm master
Agni / Arshad Satyendra Iyer
Yana Toboso
Grete Hilbard
the Mad Dog of Venice
Rachel Phantomhive
Charles Phipps's chicken
April 22nd - April 29th
Mrs. Mayell
the Rowdy Count
Georg von Siemens
Margaret Connor
Cedric Brandel
Mathilda Simmons
Sam / Old Man Sam
Grelle Sutcliff
Ellery Nixon
Eric Slingby
April 23rd - April 30th
Edward Midford
Luka Macken
Queen Victoria
Lord Ackroyd
the other children in the lab Finny was kept in
Reaper trainees
Green House dorm master
Vincent Phantomhive
Drossel Keinz
Lawrence Bluewer's sisters
Charles Grey
April 24th - May 1st
Margaret Turner
Edgar Redmond
Derrick Arden
Ronald Knox
Aurora Society member
Bloodbath Johnny
Soma Asman Kadar
Claude's birds
Sebastian's silverware
Chef Rickman
Susannah Connor
April 25th - May 2nd
John Brown
Saneatsu Nekoma
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield's maids
demon Crow
Nina's assistants
Prince Albert puppet
April 26th - May 3rd
Blavat Sky
Vicar Rathbone
Julius Pitt
walking stick shopkeeper
Grimsby Keane
Ciel's horse
Edward V
Jay the Undertaker
Gregory Violet
Jeremy Rathbone
the cat from the live action movie
Henry Barrymore
April 27th - May 4th
Lawrence Bluewer
Prince Albert
the Panzer
the train kidnapper
Chef Lach
Doll / Freckles
Sam's grandson
Bitter Rabbit
Japanese man with a katana
"Ciel" Phantomhive / Our Ciel / O!Ciel
April 28th - May 5th
Undertaker's mourning lockets
Purple House prefect from Vincent's year
Patrick the Grey Wizard
Johann Agares
the cultists
Baldroy Jr.
John Brown's horse
Sphere Music Hall staff
April 29th - May 6th
Jackknife Haywood
Nina Hopkins
William's death scythe
Angela Blanc
Wolfram Gelzer
Ronald's lawnmower
Arthur Randall
Aleister Chamber / Viscount of Druitt
April 30th - May 7th
Irene Diaz
beggar boy that Soma gives a necklace to, mother, and baby brother
kenpo master
Red House dorm master
Shiori Genpou
Cedric K. Ros
William T. Spears
Patrick Phelps
Japanese woman with a lunchbox
May 1st - May 8th
Arthur Conan Doyle
the bear
Grelle's chainsaw
Trancy / Former Head Trancy
Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred face
the archeologist
the cats Sebastian rescues from the rain
Hilde Dickhaut
Cloudia Phantomhive
May 2nd - May 9th
King's Bear prostitutes
Undertaker's death scythe
Sieglinde Sullivan's father
Charles Bennett Sato
demon Ciel
Arnold Trancy
Ciel Phantomhive bizarre doll / Real Ciel / R!Ciel
Arihito Genpou
Thomas Wallis
May 3rd - May 10th
Chef Tarpin
Queen Victoria (Season 1)
Lau's ladies
Harold West Jeb
Professor Sullivan / village crone
Anne Drewanz
CGI horses / driver
Margaret Connor's father
Ciel Phantomhive child / R!Ciel child
May 4th - May 11th
Maurice Cole
Alexis Leon Midford
bizarre dolls
the turnspit dog
the "werewolves"
O!Ciel's land renters
Sebastian the dog
Red House prefect from Vincent's year
the Sebastian Roomba
bizarre doll horses
Baldroy's cow
May 5th - May 12th
Hanae Wakatsuki
the iceberg
Alan Humphries
Ash Landers
Snake's unnamed snakes
Munemitsu Aoki
Alois Trancy / Jim Macken
Elizabeth Midford / Lizzy
Aurora Society purified water seller
Drossel's dolls
the timetable guy
Herman Greenhill
May 6th - May 13th
Azzurro Vanel
William's pigeons
Reaper managers
Countess Trancy and her baby
German countryman
Scotland Yard officers
Haku's henchman
Lorraine McDowell
demon "pet" (the xenomorph)
Hannah Annafellows
Angelina Dalles / Madam Red / Aunt An
May 7th - May 14th
Vincent Phantomhive's staff
Paul Jones
Francis Midford
Sebastian Michaelis
Phantomhive family ring
Edward Abberline
Baron Ridley
Sebastian's owl
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After the cut is the final list of characters that will be in the poll, aside from any new characters that are introduced in chapter 199.
Agni / Arshad Satyendra Iyer
Alan Humphries
Aleister Chamber / Viscount of Druitt
Alexis Leon Midford
Alois Trancy / Jim Macken
Angela Blanc
Angelina Dalles / Madam Red / Aunt An
Anne Drewanz
the archeologist (Season 2 character)
Arihito Genpou
Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred face
Arnold Trancy
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Randall
Ash Landers
Aurora Society member (first one O!Ciel and Seb meet)
Aurora Society purified water seller
Azzurro Vanel
Baldroy / Bard / Baldo
Baldroy Jr.
Baldroy's cow
the bear
beggar boy that Soma gives a necklace to, mother, and baby brother
Bitter Rabbit
bizarre dolls
bizarre doll horses
Blavat Sky
Bloodbath Johnny
the cat from the live action movie
the cats Sebastian rescues from the rain
Cedric Brandel
Cedric K. Ros
CGI horses / driver
Charles Bennett Sato
Charles Grey
Charles Phipps
Charles Phipps's chicken
Chef Lach
Chef Rickman
Chef Tarpin
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield
Chris Heathfield's Chris Heathfield's maids
Ciel Phantomhive bizarre doll / Real Ciel / R!Ciel
Ciel Phantomhive child / R!Ciel child
"Ciel" Phantomhive / Our Ciel / O!Ciel
Ciel's horse
Claude Faustus
Claude's birds
Cloudia Phantomhive
Countess Trancy and her baby
the cultists
demon Ciel
demon Crow
demon "pet" (the xenomorph)
Derrick Arden
Doll / Freckles
Drossel Keinz
Drossel's dolls
Edgar Redmond
Edward Abberline
Edward Midford
Edward V
Elizabeth Midford / Lizzy
Ellery Nixon
Eric Slingby
Finnian / Finny
Finny's hat
FOL Orphanage staff
Francis Midford
Fred Abberline
Funtom Corporation's unicorn suit
Georg von Siemens
German countryman
Green House dorm master
Gregory Violet
Grelle Sutcliff
Grelle's chainsaw
Grete Hilbard
Grimsby Keane
Haku's henchman
Hanae Wakatsuki
Hannah Annafellows
Harold West Jeb
Henry Barrymore
Herman Greenhill
Hilde Dickhaut
the iceberg
Irene Diaz
Jackknife Haywood
Japanese man with a katana
Japanese woman with a lunchbox
Jay the Undertaker
Jeremy Rathbone
Joanne Harcourt
Johann Agares
John Brown
John Brown's horse
Julius Pitt
Karl Woodley
kenpo master
King's Bear prostitutes
Lau's girls
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Lawrence Bluewer
Lawrence Bluewer's sisters
Lord Ackroyd
Lord Ackroyd's son
Lorraine McDowell
Luka Macken
the Mad Dog of Venice
Margaret Connor
Margaret Connor's father
Margaret Turner
Mathilda Simmons
Maurice Cole
Mrs. Mayell
Munemitsu Aoki
Nina Hopkins
Nina's assistants
O!Ciel's land renters
the orphan that called Sebastian an old guy
the other children in the lab Finny was kept in
Paul Jones
the Panzer
Patrick Phelps
Patrick the Grey Wizard
Phantomhive family ring
priest (from Season 2)
Prince Albert
Prince Albert puppet
Professor Sullivan / village crone
Purple House dorm master
Purple House prefect from Vincent's year
Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria (Season 1)
Rachel Phantomhive
Reaper managers
Reaper trainees
Red House dorm master
Red House prefect from Vincent's year
Rian Stoker
Ronald Knox
Ronald's lawnmower
the Rowdy Count
Sam / Old Man Sam
Sam's grandson
Saneatsu Nekoma
Scotland Yard officers
Sebastian Michaelis
the Sebastian Roomba
Sebastian the dog
Sebastian's silverware
Sharpe Hanks
Shiori Genpou
Sieglinde Sullivan
Sieglinde Sullivan's father
Snake's unnamed snakes
Soma Asman Kadar
Soma's elephant
Sophie Smith
Sphere Music Hall staff
Stella Rose
Susannah Connor
Thomas Wallis
the timetable guy
the train kidnapper
Trancy / Former Head Trancy
the turnspit dog
Undertaker's death scythe
Undertaker's mourning lockets
Vicar Rathbone
Vincent Phantomhive
Vincent Phantomhive's staff
walking stick shopkeeper
the "werewolves"
William T. Spears
William's death scythe
William's pigeons
Wolfram Gelzer
Yana Toboso
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Here are today's character polls! Characters are listed in order of perceived importance and alphabetically.
John Brown
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Nina's assistants
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield's maids
Saneatsu Nekoma
demon crow
Prince Albert puppet
These character polls are ending tomorrow! Go and get your last votes in before they close!
Baldroy / Bard / Baldo
Finnian / Finny
Claude Faustus
Rian Stoker
Sharpe Hanks
FOL Orphange staff
Lord Ackroyd's son
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abybweisse · 2 years
I think Jane is a reanimated corpse just like Layla 👀
Jane a bizarre doll?
I highly doubt it. They are quite literally programmed to follow whatever goals their cinematic records have been altered to follow. If their "episode" breaks or "runs wild", like it did for Agares, then they turn into the mindless "animal weapons" we saw on the Campania. Jane didn't lose her mind and start trying to bite them. And she didn't even stick to the task she was hired for. She gave up and walked away. So, no. Not a bizarre doll.
But this doesn't rule out the possibility she's... something... not quite human. At first, I thought she might be a demon, because she talks about her employment contract in similar ways as Sebastian talks about his. But, the more I think of it, the more I think she's a highly skilled human who's heart just wasn't in it enough. The pay wasn't good enough to deal with Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao levels of trouble. Besides, Heathfield had been exposed, and her job was likely to end, anyway.
I did take note of Jane saying something like "see you around", though. We just might see her again.... 🤔
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abybweisse · 4 years
Ch167, Ran-Mao’s strengths
It’s hard to post about this chapter and show images without posting the whole thing (it’s so short), but here ya go. Some panels.
Definitely a deadly weapon, not just formidable.
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He acts like he doesn’t know what happens to these women. Then he’s about to “confess”, but...
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...Ran-Mao is poised to punch him again, and maybe she’s about to get some information out of him. However, I don’t think he knows the truth, just lies he’s been told... or at least he doesn’t know the whole truth.
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Because after Jane knocks Ran-Mao out with the blow dart, she simply tells Heathfield “we’ll dispose of this woman.”
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It could be that he knows what she means by “dispose of”, but it’s also possible he doesn’t. He might know about looking for “shapes of souls” and not know about the blood collections. It’s also interesting how in-charge a maid is being to the supposed “master of the house.”
Like Stoker, Heathfield might be in the dark about much of what’s really going on. But, unlike Stoker, he knows he’s deep into some shady activities. I do not feel sorry for Heathfield the way I felt sorry for Stoker, despite Heathfield losing his wife and child.
Oh, but who all was it who mentioned that Ran-Mao’s presence around all that opium might help her overcome any drugs she’s given at the manor? Well, time for you to celebrate.
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abybweisse · 4 years
Ch169, Initial/pre-translation thoughts, part 1
I really need translations to verify, but it looks like Jane helps Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao... and then she’s over it all.
Jane confronts Abbie, the House Keeper, and it looks like Mey-Rin confronts the head butler. I don’t recall his name. The women who had been kept drugged wake up the other maids in the manor, and they all confront Chris Heathfield... and beat him up even more!
I do not know whether Jane and Mey-Rin got much information out of Abbie and the head butler, but hopefully they learned something useful. Then Jane walks away as she removes her apron.
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Then we get a cut to Phantomhive Manor, and I will talk about that in part two....
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abybweisse · 4 years
Ch166, What is Ran-Mao? Really.
Completely out of context, I initially mistook this...
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...for Sebastian going into demon form, with black tendrils flying out from his hair. I thought he had somehow kept an eye (or three) on the events taking place at Heathfield Manor, and that he waited until the last possible moment to jump in and save Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao.
But no. In context, it’s clearly Ran-Mao, who must not have truly been knocked out... or at least not for very long. I suspect she completely faked being subdued and knocked out, particularly since she apparently gave Chris Heathfield the beating she told Mey-Rin she would (if she found incriminating evidence) back in ch155. 🤛
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And, damn. She’s fast. I mean, we knew that, but so fast that she moved and got into attacking position before Jane could even register it? Jane’s crazy fast, too.... 👀
Now I’m back to wondering if Ran-Mao isn’t entirely human. Maybe any blood they were collecting from her isn’t useful? Idk. 😐
Sure would help explain why Lau rose so fast in the ranks at Qīng Bāng.... 🤔
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abybweisse · 4 years
Ch169, The shapes of souls
I’ve been wondering for some time what Jane knows about souls. In ch168 she doesn’t mention it at all when she’s explaining about the cloaked figures but says she doesn’t even know why the blood is being collected.
However, she definitely previously mentions it when she’s chatting with Mey-Rin about Heathfield’s search for a new wife. Someone to replace his wife... be it because of her personality, her appearance, her sexual chemistry with him, or the “shape of her soul”.
In ch169, the “bride candidates” confront Heathfield about the false promises he made them.
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And about his lack of proper technique.... 😏
But now I’m thinking it’s possible that Jane simply heard the things Chris Heathfield told those women, and then she started to repeat the same terms... without actually understanding where it came from. Perhaps she thinks that’s something Chris came up with. That he’s simply crazy.
But I think it had to have come from Undertaker. Either he spun stories that Heathfield wanted to hear, just like he did with Rian Stoker, or he really was experimenting with placing souls from “donors” into the lifeless corpse of Heathfield’s wife.
And now Chris Heathfield is in Yard custody. What will he say while in custody?
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Also, note that this was the “blood factory in the north”. I suspect that the orphanage will turn out to be the other major “blood factory”. The sanatorium could also turn out to be a “blood factory”, but I have a hunch it will be more like a transfusion location, like what was found in Bath... a place where the cult receives funding in return for providing medical treatments.
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abybweisse · 4 years
Ch168, Jane is a quitter
These two pages were left out of the spoilers I saw.
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She’s a lot like Mey-Rin, in that she was hired to be a guard disguised as a maid, but they are very different in that Jane is only in it for the money. She has no emotional ties to Heathfield Manor.
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And after being hired, she was introduced to the hidden chamber where all the young women were being kept to collect blood.
(I will post more later today, but I need to get dressed for work right now.)
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