#soul collection
abybweisse · 1 year
how do you think the Undertaker will go about these soul transplants? Unlike blood, souls are much more abstract in nature and can't just be (if I may put it to bluntly) be sucked out of someones body and pumped into someone else. But regardless, his plan is doomed to fail and I just hope that he's not gonna die in the end :(
⚠️ Long post ⚠️
Soul transplant "surgery"
It would definitely be more surgical-like than sucking it out and pumping it in. Less like blood transfusions and liposuction... and more like an organ transplant.
To humans, a soul would be ethereal, but to demons and reapers it's likely something they can hold, just about as easily as a kidney or heart. Maybe not quite that physically tangible but nearly. How else would reapers be able to collect them and demons be able to eat them?
And why else would Jane, Heathfield, and that matron at F. O. L. talk about making souls match, sometimes even referring to their shapes?
I think of souls in the Kuroverse being somewhat moldable but only to an extent. In Jujutsu Kaisen, the curse Mahito doesn't seem to be able to create souls, but he can definitely manipulate/reshape souls; when he changes the shape of a soul, it actually changes the shape of whatever body it's in. If he is injured, instead of healing himself, he just preserves or reshapes his own soul to fix the injury; he can even replace lost limbs this way.
In the Kuroverse, reapers cannot make souls, either. Reapers don't even have Mahito's soul-shaping abilities. That's why Undertaker has this orphanage running "clinical trials". They start out with children because they are less set in their ways; they are more moldable. First, they are separated into four classes, based on blood type. That's the first level of compatibility.
They also take those "aptitude" tests about favorite animals, foods, etc, but choosing the "wrong" answers on those tests doesn't get you placed in another class, since class is ultimately based on blood type. What they do is force kids who have the blood type but lack the same preferences to get used to those things that are expected of their "aptitude". Some of them never fit the mold:
Ginny (Corgi) still didn't particularly like horses.
Nick (Pom) wants to play outside and prefers foods served to the other classes.
Daniel (Collie) can't stand wearing a dress or doing so-called "women's work".
Milly (Collie) doesn't like the food served to "her" class. (Staff refers to Milly as a girl, so Milly might otherwise fit the aptitude pretty well, unless it's a translation error.)
These students who make poor candidates end up being used for blood and possibly some organs.
The top students match not just the blood types but also the "aptitudes" of their respective star lords:
Theo probably likes being indoors, likes dogs, likes the menus for the Pomeranian class (probably prefers strawberry cake over chocolate), likes to read and play chess, etc. He's smart and charming, too.
Oliver is shy and tries to make it seem like he's not a good match, but that's only because he knows something is wrong. But he's a good cook (when he's paying attention) and his embroidery skills are top notch. He seems skilled in the martial arts they learn. He must not care too much what he wears. He likes the food that the Collies eat -- or he just doesn't complain -- and he probably adores whatever animal Layla likes best.
Artie is stubborn and might not like some aspects of being in Mastiff class, but he doesn't complain, since he thinks/thought the orphanage is/was his only chance of finding a decent job later. He probably likes whatever animal Polaris likes best. He doesn't mind hard work. He takes pride in what he does and keeps the other students in line, even if they aren't in his class.
Mabel must like horses (though that option isn't on the aptitude test), sports/athletics, and being outside. She likes whatever animal Doll likes best, possibly the weasel. She eats what's served to her class. She's friendly and outgoing.
These are the four kids most likely to be used for not just blood and organs... but also their souls. It's particularly bad that in ch204 they've all now been caught snooping around the orphanage. They officially know too much now about the place. (Gee, thanks, Emily. 🙄)
Theo was about to be fledged, but now all four top students could get "mass fledged". I hope any attempt to kill them off fails! I don't want Undertaker to use their souls for the star lords.
He might have already tried with earlier candidates that seemed to fit their aptitudes well, but they didn't work out as hoped. And he could eventually try with our earl (for real Ciel, of course). Theo might survive simply because Yana-san wants Undertaker to feel forced to combine the twins, like as some last resort.
But what would a soul transplant procedure actually look like?
That's your main question. We don't know much about the nature of souls in the Kuroverse, especially in manga canon. We just know that the anime staff for s2 let Claude steal "Ciel's" soul and keep it in a ring in a tin of tea leaves. He also traps Alois/Jim's soul in a ring. It's not explained how he does that... or how he transfers these souls back out of the rings and into bodies. We do know that the concept of soul shapes exists in s2, or at least compatibility based on similar life experiences; Claude reinforces the similarities between "Ciel" and Alois/Jim before combining both souls into one body. Again, the how isn't explained.
No telling whether Undertaker will ever explain how to transfer a soul from one body to another, but he might also use some device as a temporary vessel. A hair locket, perhaps. The new soul would need to "fit" the shaped "hole" left behind by the soul that's gone. If the fit isn't just right, the person is likely to behave erratically or maybe even become lethargic -- some sort of physical reaction that shows it's not working right. Could even be the person spouting nonsense or screaming in agony. Such reactions would suggest the person is experiencing some form of existential crisis or something, right? Struggling to separate body from soul. Worst case scenario might be the person trying to rip out the soul but in reality they just rip themselves apart. These different reactions are basically organ rejection... but against souls instead of a kidney or liver.
If the soul matches well enough, the person might start to behave pretty much the same as before they ever died, though they might develop certain quirks they didn't have before.
It would be interesting -- dreadful, but interesting -- to see our earl's soul placed into the body of real Ciel, since it's been emphasized they are mirror twins. Presumably, their souls mirror each other, too. If that's true, then our earl's soul would essentially have to be implanted backwards/faced the opposite direction. This could lead to a particularly dangerous mismatch!
When Undertaker is finally confronted again (by our earl and Sebastian, as well as by reapers), he's likely to eventually be forced to give up, if he doesn't just fight to his own death. By then, his experiments are likely to have failed, in some way. Sadly, his chances of surviving the series are pretty low. He might even end up on Othello's examination table. 😔
Truth is, what does Undertaker have left, if this all-consuming project is a major failure? Where does he go? What does he do? His doomed end is almost an inevitability, in terms of storytelling traditions....
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amongthefallingstar · 11 months
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lrdv0x3lr0t · 1 year
why exactly do you collect souls?
Easier to get rid of the body.
Idk, too many assholes in the world not getting their dues. Kinda leveling the playing field by taking a chunk of them outta circulation.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
G̴̩͍͆͆̈́e̵̹̣͆t̷̬̋ ̸̻̮̎̒ĭ̸̏̃n̵͙̋͐ ̸̛̳̃t̶̪̣̅ḣ̸̳̇͜è̵̠̲͖̔̑ ̶̢̹̖͗͐̀Wa̵̬̞͝ṫ̴̩̣̣e̶͉̲̯͂̏̎r̴̉
It was a simple mission. Damian was working with Father to confirm the existence of a Lazarus Pit below Gotham, as Ra's Al Ghul speculated. And they had found it, deep in the caves below Gotham. A Pit the size of an Olympic sized swimming pool, bubbling and steaming. He'd only looked away for a moment.
Standing waist deep in the water stood Damian's reflection. The hair might be white, and the eyes glowing with the waters, but it was his face. But not his face alone.
Danyal's ghost glared at him. "Get in the water."
Father threw a batarang at him, but the metal flew straight through his head like it was air. Danyal didn't even glance at him, his eyes fixed on Damian. "Get in the water," he ordered again. He stepped closer to the shore and the green water sloshed up the bank higher than it was before. "Or I'll raise the tide so high, all of Gotham will die. So get in the water."
Damian's heart jumped into throat. "Wait-"
"Get in the water."
Father shoved Damian behind him, as if it would protect him, as if he could stop Danyal. "Stop this, please-" If he could just explain-
Another step and the waters surged forward, nearly touching Father's boots. "I'll make whirlpools so profound, your entire family will drown," he promised.
"NO!" Not his brother, his kind brother-
"THEN GET IN THE WATER!" Danyal snarled, revealing monstrously sharp teeth and a black tongue from Damian's poison. "G̴̩͍͆͆̈́e̵̹̣͆t̷̬̋ ̸̻̮̎̒ĭ̸̟̰͙̏̃n̵͙̝̟̋͐ ̸̛̳̃t̶̪̣̅ḣ̸̳̇͜è̵̠̲͖̔̑ ̶̢̹̖͗͐̀w̵̜͍̤̌a̵̬̞͝ṫ̴̩̣̣e̶͉̲̯͂̏̎r̴̉͜!̷̡͔́̀̽" He lunged and Father pushed them back down the passage they'd come. "Don't mistake this for a bluff, brother. You've lived more than enough. Just get in the water." Damian swallowed, throat dry. Was this Danyal's revenge? Did he finally have to face what he had done?
"Robin, who is this?" Father snapped, trying to keep retreating down the cave. But Damian wouldn't let him; the waters, and Danyal with them, would only follow.
Danyal looked between them, scowling. "G̴̩͍͆͆̈́e̵̹̣͆t̷̬̋ ̸̻̮̎̒ĭ̸̟̰͙̏̃n̵͙̝̟̋͐ ̸̛̳̃t̶̪̣̅ḣ̸̳̇͜è̵̠̲͖̔̑ ̶̢̹̖͗͐̀w̵̜͍̤̌a̵̬̞͝ṫ̴̩̣̣e̶͉̲̯͂̏̎r̴̉͜!̷̡͔́̀̽" he snapped again. "I'll take your father and gouge out his eyes, unless you want to stop being a coward and choose to die. Now... get in the water."
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braisedhoney · 9 months
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fighting back? against who? they're so happy—they've been waiting for you.
you are wonderful. don't you know that?
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bonus: they play sims together :)
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chanrizard · 2 months
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it's a chanlix thing
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linkedin-offficial · 2 months
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chimera vivi batch of stuff #1million
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braxiatel · 11 months
Mumbo to Grian: Look you do have beautiful eyes but they are slightly soulless
Almost like someone juiced the soul right out of him, huh, Mumbo? Crazy. Wild, even. Who would do such a thing.
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mournfulroses · 10 months
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John Keats, from Selected Poems & Letters of John Keats; "Endymion,"
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feral-ballad · 6 months
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Julia de Burgos, tr. by Jack Agüeros, from Song of the Simple Truth: The Complete Poems of Julia de Burgos; "Night of love in three cantos"
[Text ID: "your life and my life have kissed... / and our souls are nearing each other!"]
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abybweisse · 2 years
Just a quick question. Did Vincent and Rachel’s souls get collected and the only reason why they can’t become bizzarre dolls is because they have no body to the host new cinematic records?
Why Vincent and Rachel can't become bizarre dolls
Their souls should have already been collected by active reapers, and that's what technically makes them dead, right?
They can't become bizarre dolls because:
1. Their bodies have been destroyed. Well, we know that's the case with Vincent. We are only assuming the same fate befell Rachel's body, since her body was right next to his when our earl found them.
2. If their bodies were destroyed, so were their cinematic records, which are stored in the brain.
No bodies. No cinematic records. No bizarre dolls.
That's why I theorize that whoever set the fire either knew Undertaker was a reaper or was acting on the instructions of someone who knew. And probably not just that he's a reaper (who can glean information from viewing cinematic records) but a reaper who has been messing around with corpses and cinematic records....
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normasshearer · 11 months
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CANDACE HILLIGOSS as Mary Henry in CARNIVAL OF SOULS (1962) dir. Herk Harvey
It's funny... the world is so different in the daylight. In the dark, your fantasies get so out of hand. But in the daylight, everything falls back into place again.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 months
Thank you for all the Pigsy art you have ever drawn I love Pigsy and he's one of the reasons I stay in the fandom but I don't see that much art of him where he's not just there as a background character. There is some but he just isn't as popular as some of the other characters (Same with Sandy, and also Tang even I think-) Also the way you draw him makes me grin 👍
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every time someone enjoys pigsy i draw 52599 pieces of art
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hyunpic · 1 month
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lamentofspring · 7 months
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— haley nichole green, excerpt from hope & a cup of tea
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madamzea · 11 months
Hey !!!!!
If you’re a African-American Hoodoo practitioner, please do not get these three books, as they are written by white people who are doing digital blackface.
Hoodoo is a closed African-American spirituality practice that only African-Americans can practice. We do not have a lot of resources or books written by African-Americans so I will try to provide all the books that I use by actual African-Americans.
It’s upsetting that I find a book about Hoodoo thats written by a white person or a non-African-American person. I don’t like that.
Some African American Hoodoo authors I suggest are:
Stephanie Rose Bird
Monique Joiner Siedlak
and Tayannah Lee Mcquillar
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