#Christmas at Pemberley Manor
ardentlyinlovedarcy · 10 months
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nade2308 · 2 years
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One thing I did not expect today was to see "Matt Cooper" on my screen in a Christmas movie.
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Pride & Prejudice Master List
I've been watching all Pride & Prejudice screen adaptations in (mostly) chronological order, so here's a list of those posts.
I mostly pulled from a random IMDb list, but that list ended around 2016. Let me know if I missed any that you think should count!
Pride & Prejudice (1938)
Pride & Prejudice (1939)
Pride & Prejudice (1940) bonus
Pride & Prejudice (1952)
Pride & Prejudice (1957) - Italian
Pride & Prejudice (1958)
De Vier Dochtors Bennet (1961)
Pride & Prejudice (1967)
Pride & Prejudice (1980)
Pride & Prejudice (1995) In my defense, this is the intersection of both of my 2024 obsessions so posting got away from me just a little tiny bit
Furst Impressions - Wishbone (1995)
Pride & Extreme Prejudice (1999) (It's just a commercial but it's so unhinged I'm gonna include it here)
Bridget Jones Diary (2001)
Pride & Prejudice (2003)
Bride & Prejudice (2004)
Bridget Jones Edge of Reason (2004)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)
Lost in Austen (2008) Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3
A Modern Pride & Prejudice (2011)
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012) Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, bonus
Death Comes to Pemberley (2013)
Austenland (2013)
Pride & Prejudice (2014) - Kdrama, not affiliated
Pride & Prejudice (2014)
Prejudice & Pride (2014)
Darcy's Tales (2015)
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies (2016)
Bridget Jones' Baby (2016)
Before the Fall (2016)
Unleashing Mr. Darcy (2016)
Marrying Mr Darcy (2018)
Paging Mr Darcy (2018)
Pride, Prejudice, & Mistletoe (2018)
Christmas at Pemberley Manor (2018)
Becoming Ms. Bennet (2019)
Pride and Prejudice Atlanta (2019)
Pride & Prejudice Musical (2020)
Fire Island (2022)
Getting Dressed: Pride & Prejudice (2022)
An American in Austen (2024)
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Christmas TV Movie Scripts
Christmas in Homestead (2016) https://web.archive.org/web/20221217230249/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/shootingchristmas_v05-rev01.pdf
The Sound of Christmas (2016) https://web.archive.org/web/20221217231032/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/SOUND-proto-YELLOW-4.pdf
Christmas in Evergreen (2017) https://web.archive.org/web/20221217225702/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ChristmasinEvergreeen_final_clean.pdf
Enchanted Christmas (2017) https://web.archive.org/web/20221217230403/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/EnchantedChristmas_finalclean.pdf
Christmas at Pemberley Manor (2018) https://web.archive.org/web/20221217225509/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ChristmasAtPemberleyManor_Final.pdf
A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas (2019)  https://web.archive.org/web/20221217225034/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Blue-Ridge-Mountain-Christmas-Final.pdf
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (2019) https://web.archive.org/web/20221217230807/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Its-Beginning-To-Look-A-Lot-Like-Christmas-Final.pdf
Rome in Love (2019) https://web.archive.org/web/20221104204728/https://www.topherpayne.com/_files/ugd/91bb14_4c2fafc87d62459fbb0da6593a8d3f65.pdf
A Shoe Addict's Christmas (2019) https://web.archive.org/web/20220818232405/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/A-Shoe-Addicts-Christmas-Final.pdf
Christmas at the Drive-In (2022) https://web.archive.org/web/20231217042328/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Christmas-at-the-Drive-In-Final.pdf
A Christmas... Present (2022) https://web.archive.org/web/20231217042522/https://rickgarman.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/A-Christmas-Present-Final.pdf
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copperbadge · 2 years
Mr Badge, as an (unwilling?) connoisseur of Hallmark Christmas movies, do you have any recommendations for particularly good or enjoyable ones?
Ah, see, the problem is they're so much of a muchness, and I never pay attention to titles, so I could be like "well there's the one about the cookies" which, there's actually like 15 about cookies, and I have no idea which is the one I saw, and also because they're made in about two weeks by like, four guys with a binder and a camera, often the information about them online is incomplete.
I do have a few, but I also want to caveat that Hallmark Christmas movies are rarely something you just sit down and watch. Usually they're something you put on in the background while doing other things, or you sit and "watch" them while surfing on your phone or doing handcrafts or something. Most of them are extremely difficult to focus your entire attention upon. :D
If you can catch the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries "Happy And Friends Yule Log", it is far and away the finest yule log out there. The focus will be, for a while, on a fireplace with a merry fire burning, flanked by gifts and Christmas trees...then it will cut to a Christmas ornament for a minute, and when it cuts back, kittens and puppies (and the occasional potbelly pig) will be cavorting in front of it. I believe all the animals in the film are rescues, and Happy The Dog and Happy The Cat, who are the "hosts", are adorable. (You can see an earlier year's here.)
Also if you're looking for a bit of a very gentle romcom without the Christmas angle, basically any Hallmark movie featuring or produced by Kavan Smith is A+ by Hallmark standards, especially since as he's gotten older he's generally cast women his age to play opposite him, and they don't really worry too much about airbrushing out the odd wrinkle or grey hair. He really loves Hallmark movies and he has really good taste in scripts.
Finally, if you're looking for ideas for movies to watch, listen to the podcast It's Christmastown -- they review and analyze Hallmark movies, so you can listen to the podcast, get their view on it, and then decide whether you want to watch it. Jeb and Dave are really funny, too, and super nice to talk to.
Anyway, I have a few titles below the cut...
Christmas At Pemberley Manor is a fun one especially if you like Jane Austen because it has nothing to do with Jane Austen. It's just a modern-day AU with about the skill level of a tenth grader just trying out fanfic for the first time. It is, however, still pretty charming, and has the closest thing I have ever seen to an actual villain in a hallmark movie. Also the Darcy character is fun to watch because he's so clearly a better-written character trapped in a Hallmark film. I believe it's got at least one sequel, though I haven't seen it. (I've heard the other Hallmark Austen AU nonsense, Unleashing Mr. Darcy and its sequels, are pretty good, but I haven't seen them.)
A Shoe Addict's Christmas was memorable at first mainly for the title, but if you can put up with Candace Cameron Bure's....bureness (I would normally recommend avoiding the ones she's in because she generally insists on a high level of evangelism) it's actually a really charming story and Jean Smart is fucking hilarious in it. :D And I think...the thing about A Shoe Addict's Christmas is that like many Hallmark movies, under the fluff there is something interesting about the way these movies view womens' lives. You can make all the jokes you want about Big City Woman Coming Home To Get Negged By A Man but that's actually pretty rare. Most Hallmark Christmas movies are about a woman who is unhappy with her life and is challenged -- yes, by the love interest generally, but that's how romances work -- to examine her choices and make ones that are better for her. Which is very much what this movie is about -- a woman reliving her life through memories of the shoes she wore and loved, and wondering what would have happened if she'd made different choices.
There's one about a bakery getting bought out that I thought featured a man as the baker and a woman as the Agent Of The CEO but I can't find that one so I think I must have mixed it up; in any case Christmas In Love is a movie about a kringle bakery that I recall as being pretty enjoyable.
This is a Lifetime movie and I'm going to caveat that also I am Not A Jew, but as a student of Judaism I actually really loved Mistletoe & Menorahs, which is about a toy executive who gets mistaken for being Jewish and has to learn Jewish custom and tradition in order to make a big pitch to one of the executives. It was written by a Jewish man and clearly some of the artistic staff were also Jewish, and I think there's a depth to it that I really found delightful. The example I always point to is that her Jewish love interest, at one point, is waking up from a nap and goes to the door wrapped in a blanket to let her in, and the blanket is fringed and draped to look (obviously deliberately) like a prayer shawl.
Netflix also has one, or had it, IDK if it's still available, called A Christmas Prince, and it was heavily influential in how I designed Fete For A King. I thought an extremely nice touch was that the prince's younger sister is visibly disabled and as far as I can recall it's not a huge deal ever, there's no magical healing or even a desire to be different, she's just...disabled and present as a whole human. (I'd need to rewatch so like, don't necessarily take my word for it, but I recall really liking the sister both as a person and as disabled rep.)
Netflix also has a whole series of Christmas movies starting with The Princess Switch which are about a princess and a baker who look startlingly alike, and both The Princess Switch and Princess Switch 2: Switched Again are fascinating. I can't really say whether or not they're good, but they're so fucking bonkers it almost doesn't matter. They're the best kind of zany because they're not playing it for ironic laughs, they really commit to the bit.
Lastly, I have mixed feelings about the Signed Sealed Delivered For Christmas movie (which is a holiday movie based on a pre-existing series, but you don't have to have seen the series to understand it) because it's got some weird problematic evangelical stuff in it, but also the Signed Sealed Delivered films/series -- about a crew of people who work in the dead letter office of the USPS -- are kind of charming. They have a really compelling setup and feature a number of characters that very obviously code as autistic, who work in jobs where their skills are appreciated and get nice romances with pretty people. And the romantic hero drinks YooHoo out of a wineglass which you really have to see to understand the weird hilarity of.
Hallmark also has an app that if you download it will put every new Hallmark Christmas premiere movie on your google calendar (ask me how I know: my mother did this and it put every Hallmark film coming out that year on our family calendar) and they usually release between 20 and 40, so sometimes it's good for a laugh just to sit down and watch one and giggle at the production values or weird writing.
Anyway, I hope you find some enjoyable ones to watch this holiday season! If you see any you like drop a comment or a reblog so other people who are interested in the bizarre cultural phenomenon can watch too :D
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
This holiday season… how does your MC feel about Hallmark movies? Does she like them? Does she watch them to make fun of them? Or doesn’t she like them at all? If she does like them…does she force Ethan to watch them or does she enjoy them on her own? Any favorite?
Not me answering Christmas asks in March kdhdkhdkdb Please, forgive me the delay, dear Anon! I had so much fun with your questions, thank you for thinking of me ❤️
Tiffany doesn’t vibe with the Hallmark type of movies, whether they’re Christmas-themed or not, so Ethan is safe ksbksbskb
Sienna on the other hand is a seasonal fan and watches a few every year just to get in the festive mood, so of course Hallmark movie nights had to become a sacred roomie ritual—one that Jackie would rather skip. However, she made an exception during the second year of their residency and decided to join Elijah and Tiffany in making fun of the clichés.
My girl investigated the reason behind Jackie’s unexpected change of heart, unfortunately with no useful results. But as soon as Christmas at Pemberley Manor began, and the female lead entered the scene, Tiffany got the answer she was looking for…
Jackie almost burst out laughing at the sight of the actress, when Elijah pointed at the screen in absolute astonishment.
„Holy shit, Si, you were right—Tiff has a doppleganger!”
Utterly confused Tiffany gave Sienna the side-eye. „Tiff has what now?”
„Surprise?” An apologetic smile went along with her response. „I found your twin!”
Tiffany took a long moment to get a good look at her ‚doppleganger’, analyzing her features, moves and energy, just to deny any real resemblance. „Nope. No, I don’t see it.”
„But it’s right there.” Jackie chirped teasingly. „You’re a part of the cheesy holiday crap whether you like it or not.”
When Aurora came home from work, she was forced to voice her opinion the second she stepped into the apartment; she thought Tiffany and Jessica have a similar smile.
Ethan was presented with evidence the following day; he immediately sided with Tiffany and dismissed the doppleganger claim.
Bryce was in for the joke, so his winning vote inspired endless teasing. Tiffany will probably never live it down ksbkdbdkbd
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deadlinecom · 2 months
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hallmarkchannellove · 4 years
Me: The perfect man doesn't exist.
Michael Rady as Mr. Darcy:
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Me: ... Okay, he is pretty perfect.
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watchinghallmark · 4 years
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Jessica Lowndes - on location for Christmas at Pemberley Manor 
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tropesofhallmark · 3 years
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janeykath318 · 4 years
I ship the sunny one with the serious/grumpy one. ❤️❤️❤️
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halfagony-halfhope · 6 years
so christmas at pemberley manor was basically just an hour of darcy and elizabeth flirting. i’m so here for it.
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jlowndesdaily · 6 years
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Jessica Lowndes talking about her hallmark christmas movie “Christmas at Pemberley Manor”.
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theheartoftv · 6 years
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Christmas at Pemberley Manor
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Christmas at Pemberley Manor photos.
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