#Cirava and Marvus
Yo uh, I have a biology project where we have to mix three "couples" to get 3 babies, so anyways I decided to randomize which hiveswap character goes with who. Whichever 3 couples makes the cutest baby gets to be my project. Anyways, here's the crackships and my opinions on em. Each character is used once. Cirava x Marvus (Honestly? Crackship but kinda cute) (Redrom) Ardata x Lynera (I actually ship this one) (Blackrom) Folykl x Zebruh (Hehehe) (Blackrom)
Diemen x Vikare (Aww cuties) (Leave it to interpretation) Boldir x Fozzer (Actually ship this one) (Redrom) Marsti x Chixie (I never thought about it, but it's cute) (Redrom) Charun x Kuprum (Opposite energies, but sounds interesting) (Blackrom) Tegiri x Lanque (Hehehe) (Blackrom) Bronya x Konyyl (Cute, cute) (Blackrom) Chahut x Remele (I actually love this) (Leave it to interpretation) Elwurd x Galekh (Hehehe) (Blackrom) Polypa x Tyzias (Honestly? Slay) (Blackrom) Mallek x Skylla (E-boy and cowgirl) (Leave it to interpretation) Stelsa x Nihkee (Fun fun) (Just like Tyzias, Stelsa only has blackrom open for this project) Daraya x Azdaja (honestly? Another slay) (Blackrom) Tagora x Zebede (Last two! Last two! Anyways uhhhh) (Blackrom)
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otagoshi · 2 months
i love draw tiny
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gem-tavvy · 1 month
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i love the hiveswap trolls so i wanted to try and make redesigns of them for fun!! i'm not rly trying to improve the source material, i'm just doing a fun spin on it!
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deeeshka-14 · 8 months
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HS SKETCH DUMP:33333 6th one with a cat lusus is Diogen who is a silly trollsona i made for my bro:D
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kondaja · 4 months
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Kids!! Little doodle of my au ^u^ I like to think Mallek and Elwurd would get along. Probably
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johnstrider · 1 year
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I made some fake hiveswap album covers lol
marvus | chixie | cirava
feel free to request more
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notaspy-yah · 11 months
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i forgor
i had to leave censor like that with the text sorry
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gated888 · 3 months
hi give me prompts
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4ngelsb4sket · 1 year
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My moirails comfort ship but I made it a meme
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clownzt0wn · 2 years
Hiveswap characters!
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idk but these might be potential stickers, we’ll see.
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manty-monster · 1 year
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this game
i can't recommend this enough
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i think im in love
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jannevinegarr · 2 years
Cirava and Marvus!!!!! I rlly luv theze boyssssss
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froms8nsashes · 10 months
Joey hid behind her, looking around at the seadweller club the humans disguised as trolls found themselves in for jeevik week. The venue seemed to change just as they had gotten used to Cridea's hive party and were mingling with some trolls with Xefros' help. Of course, everyone's favorite friendly clown Marvus made sure that they weren't getting in trouble at the party, mostly he just wanted to look out for his lowblood friends.
Jeevik week day 2 had brought them to a club, Finz, located somewhere in the seadweller district. Everything was so fancy. Sometimes there were things made from solid gold. Cridea had handed them a bunch of cash before she disappeared into the partying crowd, apparently the dollars marked high were the only thing worth trading. Xefros was more anxious about the hundred bills, making Joey take them because she was so laid back about it.
"Omg! Cridea told me about You guYs! Love the horns bY the waY, theY reallY are blending in prettY well!"
"What! These- These aren't fake!" Xefros' eyes widened. He looked petrified.
"Dont worrY! Trust me when I saY this, no one cares. At least not here, people care about paryting and the music. It's not like in Outglut where You have to worrY about the heiress bombing us." She looked so laidback.
Isabel stole a look around the room noticing how all trolls from the hemospectrum mingled with one another. No one was terrified, no one was scared. It was convival.
"Even if someone causes a problem, we have some people to deal with." She giggled and put her hand on Xefros' shoulder. "MY matesprit is prettY strong." She nodded at the bar behind them. "Oh, You can call me Zilvie bY the waY. I'm a co-owner of this fine establishment,"
"Oh! I'm Joey, and this is Xefros, and my friend Isabel!"
"I... Still don't understand half of the things happening around us right now," Isabel whispered to Xefros, idly playing with the ends of her pink hair.
"Wait, co-owner? Does that mean the heiress owns this too?" Xefros asked.
"No, sillY! MY moirail and I own this place together, our whole deal was to create a place where people could mingle and feel safe,"
"Wow, that's not what I expected..."
"Wait, what did you expect?" Isabel looked around at all the grey-skinned trolls with candy corn colored horns. "Was something supposed to happen? Is this where we actually die?"
"Well... No one really knows what seadweller's are like, violet and fuschia kind of stick to their own crowd." Xefros was sweating and fidgeting alot, glancing at Zilvie every one in a while. Was he expecting her to cull him?
"The culture is fairlY different between the lower bloods on the spectrum, let's be honest." She chuckled. "AnYwaY! I hope You enjoY the partY," As quickly as she appeared from the crowd she had disappeared into the crowd again, although she was taller than most trolls she still blended into the sea of colors. With no idea where Cridea went Xefros and Joey looked a little lost. The trio were standing there, just standing without doing anything else.
"hey, wazz up lil rusties"
"Marvus!" Joey's face lit up and she relaxed.
"(oh no we're going to die)" Xefros whispered to Isabel.
"I ain't gon cull u wym" Marvus chuckled and ruffled his hair, towering over the three of them. "I saw u three bored so I figured I'd say hi lol :o)"
"It's just a little overwhelming is all, I mean, all these... trolls everywhere."
"Crowds get a lil easier more u be with 'em" Marvus shrugged. "Don't worry tho I could get you some seats" It surprised Isabel when he flashed finger guns and then waved for them to follow him.
For a juggalo and a purpleblood Marvus was the kindest they've encountered so far, even if he let Chahut hold Xefros and Isabel while Joey played his murder game. He was still very kind and very forgiving. The larger than life troll had sauntered over to table quite literally in the middle of the club. It was situated to face the stage where some lowblood seemed to be performing.
At further inspection there was someone sitting at the table. Another troll-- obviously cause why wouldn't they be a troll-- with violet colored hair. Their horns leaned toward another with a piercing connecting them at the pointed end. Red sunglasses covered their eyes and headphones hung around their neck. They wore a black hoodie over a dark violet turtle neck. Like the rest of the trolls there was a violet-colored symbol smack dab in the middle of their hoodie.
"/\Mmarvus I told you I'mm busy with sommethinng here./\" The troll didn't look up, just typing away on their husktop.
"yea I kno" The clown sat down and his eyes flickered to Xefros, Isabel, and Joey. "jo an her friends need somewhere to sit an this is the only open table"
"Oh, hey, that's the guy with the eye patch thingy up there." Isabel pointed at the mustard blooded troll. "What was their name..."
"Cirava." Xefros answered all too quickly, following suit as Joey sat down with the violet-blooded troll.
"So, I'm Joey and this is-- "
"/\Yea yea. I donn't have timme for mminnglinng./\"
"So, you're like some fish DJ?" Isabel asked.
Marvus' still looked pretty laidback but she noticed he tensed up a bit, looking the other way rather quickly. Xefros also looked like he was silently panicking, but he always was silently panicking.
"/\I amm nnot just a *fish DJ* actually callinng mme a fish is also derogatory./\"
"Well, aren't you a fish? I mean you have the webbed ears and I can see the gills poking out of the turtle neck." Isabel looked at Marvus and Xefros for a second, confused, then turned back to the other troll.
When the troll finally looked up they sported angel bite piercings and some pretty prominent fangs. The light of the husktop glinted on the red shades occluding their eyes from view. It was impossible to tell their reaction, mostly because the shades also covered part of their eyebrow. They really were too big.
"/\Get inn linne if you wannt to fill out mmy black quadrannt./\"
"I'm sorry what- "
"(I Xplained this to you on the train)" Xefros mumbled.
"Yeah, okay? I still don't get it." She said offhandedly to her companion. "There's no need to get worked up over some stupid nickname, you are literally a fish."
"/\Say that onne mmore timme.../\"
"Ok ok I kno things be getting rough especially bcause of the high energy but y don't u take it down a notch Chekrit"
And just like that Marvus was somehow able to smooth things over.
"Cehkrit? Like Cehkrit Fiahes?" Xefros' eyes lit up. "The faceless DJ that has been blowing up all over grubtube?"
"/\Yeah I'mm your faceless DJ kid./\"
"I didn't know trolls could have DJ's." Joey tilted her head. "Guess our planets really are similar,"
"Are you two moirails? You seem to listen to Marvus a lot." Joey asked.
"/\What nno mme annd Mmarvus are nnot mmoirails. Zilvie is mmy mmoirails./\"
"So then- "
"Joey! You can't just ask that!" Xefros threw a hand over her mouth quickly."
"/\I donn't have the ennergy to fill my red quadrannt or anny of mmy quadrannts at the mmommennt./\"
"I don't believe you at all, if you didn't have the energy then why- "
"I'm so sorry about her! Joey, let's go get something to drink!" Isabel moved so that Xefros and Joey could scoot out of the booth. She laughed at how protective he was being because she swore he said something about how cerulean's get protective of the people in their quadrants. Maybe that was all trolls?
"/\For ann alienn you still have a lot to learnn./\" Chekrit was back looking at his husktop.
"Wait, you two know I'm- "
"It's p obvious yo ur skin ain't gray" Marvus added a honk, leaning back on the side of the booth he took over completely.
"/\You also have traffic connes onn your head. I donn't knnow how people took that seriously./\"
"Do you get out, even a little? That is not how you talk to people."
"/\. Seadweller's are seperated fromm the the land-dweller's. Annd there is nno way I would talk to annother violet blood. All they wannt to talk about is cullinng./\"
"Why are you seperated?"
"Cuz we all b seperated" Marvus answered.
"Then how do you visit each other?"
"/\That's... *commplicated.*/\"
"I still don't get it,"
"/\You donn't get a lot of thinngs./\" Chekrit looked like he was rolling his eyes.
"hey play nice"
"/\This is starting to feel like ann ashenn quadrannt./\"
"Mayb it is mayb not"
"/\Sommetimmes I hate how laid back you are./\" Chekrit lowered the husktop screen but didn't fully close it. "/\You both are pitifully innfuriatinng but I also like it. Are you suggetinng ann ashenn quadrant./\"
"A what?" Isabel looked between the two trolls curiously. "What is going on right now? Am I being courted by the two of you or- "
"/\Technnically yes. I tennd to like the innsufferable onnes./\"
"/\What's this. What's that. Pick up a book. Clearly you havenn't./\" Was Cehkrit smiling?
"I don't mind the hate flirting but those lil rusties might" Marvus just sat there watching them like it was a show, or was he waiting to jump in when it got too intense?
Understanding quadrants and the way of relationships on Alternia was hard. It was weird. Most of all, where the hell do pails come in with all of this?
"Hate flirting? This isn't- What?!" Her face went red and she hid it in her shirt collar.
"/\I cann sennd you a book about quadrannts if you're really that clueless./\" Cehkrit chuckled.
"It might go 2 jo"
"/\Eh I donn't thinnk I care right nnow. I figured I swore of quadrannts but I guess I was wronng./\"
"You're so unenthusiastic."
"/\Annd you read like ann openn book./\"
"hey hey no pailing on the table we eat here"
"Butt out Marvus!" / "/\Butt out Mmarvus./\"
"aight just trying to loosen tension" He couldn't hold in his laugh and there was a hint of a smile.
"/\I'll take it you donn't knnow auspustice./\"
"Wha- "
"/\The ashenn quadrannt inn which conntainns three people. Let's say you me and Mmarvus for exammple. Mmarvus mmakes sure we donn't actually cull each other, but sommetimmes cann joinn inn onn the hating./\"
"So basically just enemies to lovers with a polyamorous twist?"
"/\What to what with a what twist./\"
"I'm not going to explain it." Isabel chuckled awkwardly. "So basically we have hate sex and sometimes Marvus watches?"
"tf yo" Marvus rose a brow.
Clearly these two trolls wouldn't understand speech from Earth.
"/\So technnically we're datinng annd Mmarvus is like the wisdomm or advice personn./\"
"Oh, okay. That makes sense."
Joey and Xefros were sitting at the bar. The redblooded troll couldn't help but keep glancing over at the trio sitting by the stage. He was anxious. Wringing his hands together worriedly as he sipped on a water. Well, barely actually touched the water. Joey was waiting for him to say something first. Happily drinking her water. It tasted very fruity. Better than the tap water back home.
"I can't believe she didn't get culled."
"She is naturally charismatic," Joey giggled. "It make sense how she can make friends so quickly.
"I was getting the vibe that he wanted to form a quadrant with her."
"But didn't he say- "
"Sometimes trolls don't say what they mean."
"Which quadrant?"
"Doesn't that mean they hate each other?"
"No, well yes. It does. Like I said, all relationships are different. Our quadrant is not a one size fits all. X("
"So auspustice can be like polyamory?"
"Dating multiple people."
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selenesaysstuff · 2 years
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lusus concept doodles as well as some trolls being sillies
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i got no clue whats going on here ever at all - guy whos trippin globes
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kabutoden · 3 months
sorry if you don’t do anon requests, but I saw that you did cirava and was wondering if you could do a lil bug marvus please?? thank youuuu :3
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here he is.... THE SCARY. totally trustworthy bug ringmaster, dont worry about it :)
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