#City of Wexford SL
seawitchtales · 2 years
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Sometimes things had to be done to maintain a certain order. While the aimlessly wasteful trip to Snow Mystic had brought new life to Wexford, Carolina was not unaware of the hidden dangers that they faced beyond. In the setting Sun, after cooking for the children and caretakers at the Orphanage, she moved along the stone streets of town to admire how far they had come since the other Jarls had attacked them. She knew for a fact that Leviticus had been working like a mad scientist, supplying the town and their small group of allies new defenses. Carolina had to remember that she needed to speak with Jacob about fortifications to the wall around the City, and growing their Fleet. The water would be a strong ally to gain.
As the crickets chirped, bare footfalls carried her deep within the forests to the West of the City. In a small clearing there lie an alter right in the middle of a small flowing river. A steady stream cascaded from seemingly out of no where, collecting itself in a water-carved basin, only to spill into the currents of the river. Fingertips traced around the rim before a blade was retrieved from off her upper thigh, and in the same motion she sliced the palm of her hand wide open. As Carolina’s blood spilled over the alter, it met with the magical waters that flowed from the fountain, and mixed into the river. Deep within the forest a bright blue light would swirl through the river, shooting like a star until it hit the open waters of the ocean, and was sent out across the Sea.
She wanted to make a deal.
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cityofwexfordsl · 3 years
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my-sensorium · 3 years
A Few Changes!
Hello! So after some thinking and pondering, I decided it’s time for some changes that’s going to happen on my end and it may affect other people’s stories too. 
And, don’t forget: any info given on here should not be used to crossplay!
Wexford: I’m going to update Wexford’s SL tumblr. Now, there’s a few characters who haven’t been active at all within Wexford, so I’ll be removing said characters from Wexford’s Roster. If you have a character that you wish to remain in Wexford, please let me know.  Or, if you had a character that I took off the Char roster and wish to return them, again, let me know! If you plan to have a new character in Wexford, hit me or Aly (seawitchtales) up and once they make their introduction in the City State, I’ll add them on there! 
The Keepers: Okay so due to people no longer being around, I’m going to have to tie a few loose ends. So, I’ll be using my previously shelved character David Roderick to help with that. I’ll have to sort of smooth over the fates of certain characters, which sucks, but it’s something neccessary to proceed forward. In case y’all forgot: The Keepers were powerful dragon slayers who inherited the elemental powers of three legendary good dragons, who used those abilities to combat evil dragons, or dragons who tried to harm/abuse/take over humans.  
Shelving characters: So it’s time for me to shelve a few more characters. Katy will be a char I’ll most likely be shelving. She’ll be settling down in Lismore with her future husband Simon (that was always the plan,) living near her parents. That means Ben will most likely be taking over her duties as a silver keeper/slayer. Riley will be semi-shelved soon too. This doesn’t mean I’ll never write them again -- I’ll just have them in the background while I focus on other characters. Their PBs will still be in use. 
Annnnd that’s mostly it for now! Thank you for reading!
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my-sensorium · 4 years
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FUN FACT: Wexford, and Waterford (where Geir’s jarl friend Gunne is from) become part of Ireland way later on in history. They were, in real life, Viking settlements, which is why they’re being controlled by Vikings in my SLs. The Third Jarl is in Duiblinn, which is why he’s not really helping the Jarl - he’s busy fighting off Gaels from Leinster. Each green spot was a Viking city/settlement and while I took lots of liberty with Ireland’s history (obviously) - that’s how it’s set up in my SLs too. 
After a quick search from Google Maps, the journey from Connacht (where the Conans are from) and Wexford is about 2-4 days by foot, so if anyone plans to travel from Wexford to Connacht, and visa versa, just know that the journey isn’t too long, lol.
So I’m gonna keep this map on here for the reference. :) 
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cityofwexfordsl · 6 years
When you stand at the gate of Hel And when you have to tear free I will shall follow you Past the bridge of Gjöll with my song
You become free from the bonds that binds you! You are free from the bonds that bound you!"
Cattle die, kinsmen die, you yourself soon must die; but there is one thing that never dies, the fair fame that one has earned.
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