#Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp
saltybenchday · 1 year
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Jamie's Sassenach is our version of dork/weirdo
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pensbridgertons · 11 months
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GIFTOBER 2023 • day 20: joy
happy birthday claire elizabeth beauchamp fraser 💖
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sassenach77yle · 3 months
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281 years ago {15 June 1743}
James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser took Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp to wife.💗
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall Fraser (Grey)
I wanted to go to sleep, happy enough with a no drama birthday.
Something was nagging me in this very carefully worded donation statement:
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Why Claire Beauchamp?
Why not Claire Fraser, which would have been the logical - hell, obvious! - choice?
So I was tossing & turning and instead of counting sheep, I was entertaining the earworm... "Beauchamp.... Beauchamp... Beauchamp"...
And then...
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Remember this?
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The mythical Hyde Park Walk, when ...uhm... things were said. Following which, a decision to have each other's back was made & set in stone.
I don't think (correct me if I am wrong) we do have the precise day for this pivotal moment in the S&C saga. But we know it was September 2013 and certainly after 9/11/2013, when C was cast as Beauchamp, hehe.
Remember also this?
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... followed by this:
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Two can play that game, indeed.
Something happened between 9/11/2013 and 9/16/2013. Five days (that shook their world, to paraphrase John Reed's seminal book on the Russian Bolshevik Revolution).
I amused myself a lot with Google Maps, tonight:
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It's a ten minutes walk from Hyde Park to Beauchamp Place. Ok, fifteen, at a more leisurely pace.
I would also suggest checking @ashmarie1687's post on this topic (https://ashmarie1687.tumblr.com/post/637622028553289728/where-it-all-began). I am not the only loon who connected these dots.
Tomorrow, I will be crucified for this, for sure. But just tell me: do you have a better explanation for this donation the size of the Spanish Indies, and then some more?
What fan would be so pathologically invested, as to remember these details and act upon them and state them in charming charade form?
Thought so.
Only a person involved in that 'two can play that game' episode would say Beauchamp instead of Fraser, exactly ten years after the facts occured.
A milestone, indeed.
Ok, Sir. Your kilt is showing. :) And this is the sweetest trolling of this entire fandom to date.
I rest my case.
[edit]: Thanks to Mushka's tantrum on X, I am now aware that OTP is One Tree Planted, the NGO chosen by S for the yearly MPC's big charity project in 2022. That good man spent his birthday planting trees on behalf of OTP with Peakers, by the way (https://onetreeplanted.org/blogs/stories/my-peak-challenge):
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outlanderrepublic · 8 months
Esta es la escena en la que nació nuestra #QueenB y #Outlander en la cabeza de la gran Diana. Ella misma contó el proceso en una entrevista para Penguin Libros en 2015
"La gente suele decirme: 'Escribís personajes femeninos muy fuertes', y yo digo: 'Bueno, no me gustan las mujeres estúpidas'. Claire siempre ha tenido opinión propia. El comienzo fue bastante accidental. Necesitaba un personaje femenino para enfrentarme a todos los hombres con faldas kilts, así que introduje a una mujer inglesa. No tenía idea de quién era ni cómo llegó allí, pero la dejé en una cabaña de escoceses para ver qué hacía.
Y ella entró y todos se dieron vuelta y la miraron fijamente. Y uno de ellos dijo: 'Mi nombre es Dougal MacKenzie'. ¿Quién podrías ser? Y sin pararme a pensar, escribí: 'Mi nombre es Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, ¿y quién diablos eres tú?' Y yo dije: 'Bueno, no suenas en absoluto como una persona del siglo XVIII'.
Así que luché con ella durante varias páginas, intentando ponerla en forma, hacerla hablar como un personaje histórico. Pero siguió haciendo comentarios modernos e inteligentes y ella misma se hizo cargo de contar la historia. Entonces dije: 'Adelante, sé moderna'. Averiguaré cómo llegaste allí más tarde. Así que es culpa suya que haya viajes en el tiempo en los libros.
Claire, esencialmente, siempre ha sido quien es. Ella siempre ha sido directa y con esa actitud de no dejar títere con cabeza. Su esencia no ha cambiado. Claire es una cebolla, al igual que Jamie. Una cebolla son personajes que sé quiénes son en el fondo de su alma, pero cuanto más trabajo con ellos, más capas adquieren. Se vuelven más redondos y picantes con el tiempo, pero siguen siendo quienes son.
Claire, por supuesto, ha pasado por partos, pérdidas de familiares, muerte, mudanzas, enfermedades graves, amenazas de muerte... y la lucha continua por expresar lo que siente que es su destino como sanadora. Ella simplemente continúa siendo quien es, pero ese "quién es" también se moldea constantemente por las experiencias por las que ha pasado. "
https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/2015/11/diana-gabaldon-on-claire. Nuestra traducción
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Foto: Panorama Helsinki / Finland - Dom und Parlamentsplatz (by   tap5a)
“We  only do this for Fergus!”  is a short Outlander Fan Fiction story and  my contribution to the  Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3: Fake  Relationship AU: Jamie Fraser  wants to formally adopt his foster son  Fergus, but his application will  probably not be approved… unless he is  married and/or in a committed  relationship. Enter one Claire Elizabeth  Beauchamp (Randall?) to this  story) @outlanderpromptexchange  
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Chapter 26: The Second Christmas Day (1) - At the French Cathedral
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Winter night Berlin by  Nathan Wright from Pixabay
Berlin, Grunewald district, villa of the von Klarenberg family, Friday, 26 December 2025, Boxing Day, 4.17 a.m.
         Matthieu von Klarenberg stretched extensively but carefully. Then he looked at the clock face of the alarm clock on his bedside table. The clock showed 04.17 am. Teresa always tried hard not to wake him when she got up at night for some reason, yet he woke up every time. Matthieu was simply too light a sleeper.          It had been very different in his youth. Especially during the time he had spent as a student at various European universities. "You can carry von Klarenberg away at night and he won't notice," his fellow students had often quipped. At the time, he slept like the proverbial marmot- But since he met Teresa, and especially after they got married, his sleeping patterns had changed elementarily. The reason for this was not only that his wife knew countless ways and means to keep him awake at night. After all, a bed wasn't just for sleeping, as she always remarked mischievously. Matthieu had always had this strong protective instinct when it came to people he loved or was responsible for. It was an integral part of his personality. But since he and Teresa had married, this pre-existing protective instinct had intensified and since the children had been born, there were no limits for Matthieu. There was nothing he wouldn't do to protect his family. If it became necessary, he would kill for them. He knew that. But von Klarenberg hoped that this case would never come to pass.
         Matthieu's thoughts wandered to James Fraser. Jamie, whom he and Teresa were to meet in a few hours and who he had known since childhood, was his best friend. Although the two men had very different personalities and it could sometimes appear to outsiders that they came from different worlds, there were many areas of life where they had not only found common ground but also worked very well together. What primarily united them was their sense of loyalty. Both von Klarenberg and Fraser possessed an extraordinary loyalty to the people they cared about. Once they had established a genuine relationship with someone, they did everything they could to protect and support that person. Von Klarenberg's introverted nature, had initially made him keep his distance from Fraser when they had met. Jamie was so very different, crossing boundaries set by the adults and having a blast doing it. Matthieu remembered very well how once during the summer holidays, when they were 16 or 17, Jamie had soaked the feed of the chickens on a neighbouring farm with grain schnapps. A short time later, they were staggering drunkenly around the farm. The story had not only caused a stir among the entire Fraser neighbourhood, but also some excitement within the Fraser household. The fact that Jamie constantly insisted that he had only given the chickens "grain" did not help to dispel this excitement. Matthieu had only been able to convince his father with great difficulty that he was not involved in this prank. Why should he have taken part in something that was so completely illogical, even pointless, and that would also have serious consequences? After all, Jamie had been under  house arrest for a whole month. No, Matthieu was different. He spent his free time in the summer wandering through the fields and forests of the surrounding area to find a quiet place and then read for hours in one of his books. In winter, he made himself comfortable by the tiled stove in his room, got himself a warm drink and ... read. Jamie Fraser, on the other hand ... well.
         Nevertheless, the two young men became friends over time, and not only because their parents had wished it. This shared value of loyalty laid the foundation for a strong partnership between them early on. It was also this shared approach to life that led to the protection of the people they loved becoming their primary concern. Both men were willing to do anything to protect their loved ones from harm. They would face all challenges and dangers to protect their families and friends. They had already proven this a few times. The common desire to protect others had not only strengthened the bond of their friendship but made it unbreakable over the decades. For what they were willing to do for their families, they were also willing to do for each other.          Both men also had a strong sense of justice. Like Jamie, Matthieu had a strong sense of justice and a desire to right wrongs. As a result, both were willing to stand up for what they believed was right, even if it meant encountering opposition or putting themselves in danger. The conviction that truth and truthfulness were among the most important values of all had also moved them time and again to stand up for causes and goals that were important to both of them or even just one of them.          Matthieu and Jamie might be very different in many ways. While Matthieu was a reserved and controlled person who was not always forthcoming with his feelings or intentions, Jamie had a passionate and direct personality. Fraser often wore his heart on his sleeve. But their shared values, principles and beliefs made it easy for them to work together effectively. The two men drew the special strength of their friendship from the fact that they were able to complement each other through their respective strengths. All this was only possible because they had already found a way to communicate effectively with each other in their youth.
         But since his last visit to Potsdam, Matthieu wondered if the latter was still the case. He had enjoyed meeting the friend again and the time with him, Fergus and Claire had been wonderful. But still, he had felt that something was wrong.          "Jamie?"          Teresa had laid back in bed, turned to Matthieu and then rested her head on her right hand.           "Yes."          Matthieu looked at her, thinking how grateful he was that his wife understood him so well. Before he could say anything, she had wrapped her left arm around his neck and pulled him down to her. As they broke away from each other after a lingering kiss, she said:           "Maybe you can talk to him today?"           "Yes, I hope so."           "I will try to spend some time alone with Claire, then you will have a chance to talk to Jamie."           Matthieu nodded.           "Thank you. Is everything all right with Friederike?"           "Yes, just the usual little hunger pangs in between. Everything's fine.           Maurice is fast asleep too. I stopped by to see him on the way back."           "Then we should get some sleep now too, the day will be long."           Matthieu pulled his wife to him, kissed her again and then pulled the covers over her.
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New Palace Potsdam on a Winter Morning by  Bernd Schmidt from Pixabay
Potsdam, Nördliche Vorstadt, Villa of the Fraser family, Friday, 26 December 2025, Boxing Day, 7.30 a.m.
         The day began as planned. When Jamie wanted to wake Fergus, he was already sitting awake in his bed, listening to his new CD "The Three ??? and the missing Dinosaur" for the umpteenth time. It didn't take much convincing to get the boy out of bed, because Fergus was very excited about all the things this day would bring and eager to finally meet his friend Maurice.           "Are we bringing Maurice a present? And do you think I'll get a present from Uncle Matthieu and Aunt Teresa, Dad?"          "Good morning to you too, Fergus. Did our Sir Knight sleep well?"          The boy sighed.           "Sorry. Good morning, Papa."           "Come here."           Fraser pulled the child close and gave him a warm hug.           "I understand you have a lot of questions, Fergus. But the sooner we finish showering and dressing now, the sooner you'll get closer to the answers to your questions."           When they emerged from the bathroom, Jamie helped Fergus blow-dry his hair and then, put on the clothes Claire had laid out the night before: Dark blue socks, dark blue trousers, a white shirt with a small blue bow tie and a blue velvet jumper that had the words "Finnjet" in white letters on the right side. When they came down to the dining room for breakfast, everything was already prepared there, but that morning there was only a "light version" of the opulent breakfast they had enjoyed the day before. Jamie and Fergus greeted Claire and then they were seated at the breakfast table.           After the meal, "the men" helped her clear the table and then Fraser accompanied the boy upstairs again so they could both brush their teeth. Ten minutes later they all met back in the hall, put on their coats and boots and headed down to the garage. Claire and Fergus took a seat in the back of the car. A few minutes later they had already left the Heiligensee behind them. It took about ten more minutes before they reached the Potsdam-Babelsberg motorway junction. Although the temperatures had changed slightly back into the plus range that morning, the sky was cloudy and shortly before they had left the house it had started to snow. Jamie was grateful that they had got out of the house so early. He could now drive slower than he had thought and in all probability they would still reach their destination on time.          They had been on the road for maybe fifteen minutes when Claire had pulled Fergus close to her. The boy had leaned against her as soon as he got in. But then she had noticed that he was getting tired. She gently pulled him towards her so that his head came to rest on her lap.          "You're welcome to sleep a little longer, Fergus. The day will still be long." The boy answered nothing but simply snuggled up to her. Claire spread his coat over him. Then she looked ahead and at that moment Fraser's eyes and hers met in the rearview mirror. They smiled.          Half an hour later Fergus woke up again.          "Well, slept well?"          "Hmmm."          The boy yawned, but this time he didn't forget to put his hand over his mouth.           "Are you hungry? I have another roll with salami in my bag for you."           "Nope, thanks, Claire."           He snuggled up to her again.           "Just let me know if you get hungry later."           "Hmmm."          At 9.40 a.m. Jamie steered the car into the underground car park of "Fraser & Son International" and parked. They got out and Claire helped Fergus put on his coat. Then she quickly combed his hair again and put on his fur hat. A moment later, they took the lift down to the company hall. Fraser unlocked the door to the street, let Fergus and Claire out and locked it again behind him.
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The French Dome at the Gendarmenmarkt/Berlin by Ansgar Koreng / CC BY 3.0 (DE), CC BY 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40394219
         Contrary to Jamie's fears, he didn't have to urge Fergus to hurry. For one thing, they had plenty of time, and for another, the boy was too excited that he would finally see his "Uncle Matthieu" and his friend Maurice. This excitement was quite enough to drive him.          Even from a distance, Jamie, Fergus and Claire could see Matthieu and Maurice. Father and son von Klarenberg stood, wrapped in their winter coats, under the large portal that protected the entrance to the cathedral. Fergus wanted to run to greet them, but Fraser held him back.          "Fergus, it's slippery, I don't want you to slip and fall. Be careful. We'll be right there!"          Shortly afterwards Claire, Jamie and Fergus also climbed the steps of the cathedral portal and before Maurice could help himself he was also being hugged and squeezed by Fergus.          "Great that we get to visit you today!"           The boy left his friend a little astonished and immediately turned to his "Uncle Matthieu" who had already leaned down to hug Fergus. When the two broke away from each other again, Jamie and Claire also had the opportunity to greet Matthieu and Maurice.          Then the bells of the cathedral began to ring. Jamie glanced at his wristwatch. It showed 9.55 a.m. It was time to take their seats in the church. Before they entered the church, Matthieu took off his feodora. Maurice also pulled his cap off his head. Fraser almost forgot to take off his fur hat. He quickly hurried to do the same to Matthieu. Then, with an extended hand movement, he pulled the cap off Fergus' head as well. He looked questioningly at his father, but he only pointed forward. Claire, who was unfamiliar with the customs, now wanted to take off her cap too, but Fraser told her to keep it on.          They quickly found a row with enough seats for all five of them. Claire led the way. She placed Fergus between her and Jamie. Maurice followed, so that he came to sit between Jamie and Matthieu. Good, Claire thought, the boys can be close but not get into mischief, because the fathers sit between them. She had to smile.          Now the first  accords of an organ piece were heard and the service began. Following the piece of music, the pastor welcomed those present. A silent prayer followed, during which Fergus unobtrusively tried to get a closer look at the church interior. The pastor ended the silent prayer with "Amen" and announced a hymn. Matthieu pointed to the hymnals laid out and opened his at the song number indicated. Jamie and Claire followed suit. Then those present rose to sing. Claire read the words to the song and tried to follow them. She regretted not asking Jamie about the schedule or details of the service in the days before. But when she looked over at him, she realised that he was as clueless as she was. For he too did not sing, but followed the words of the hymn reading as well. Fergus, she observed, seemed more preoccupied with scrutinising all the details of the church hall than singing. Unlike her, Jamie and Fergus, neither Matthieu nor Maurice seemed to have any problems with the song. She clearly heard Matthieu's clear baritone voice and, albeit softly, Maurice's squeaky singing voice.          When the song had faded away, a presbyter stepped in front of the altar. After a moment of silence, he read the 10 Commandments and their summary by Jesus Christ. Then he said a prayer, which was followed by another song. After the congregation was seated again, the pastor stepped up to the pulpits and began to speak. First he read the sermon text, which for this Sunday was taken from the 3rd chapter of the letter to Titus:          “At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Saviour, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.” (Titus 3: 3 - 8, NIVUK)          In his remarks, the pastor emphasised the new life made possible for people through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Claire looked over at Fraser. She noticed that the minister's words had some effect on him. Following the sermon, there was another hymn. Then there were some announcements. The collection followed, which was again accompanied by an organ piece.          Then, to Jamie's and Claire's surprise, those present rose and once again a presbyter came forward and offered the greeting of peace. Then the pastor said a prayer of thanksgiving and intercession and led into the Lord's Prayer, which was said by the whole congregation. Claire glanced at Fergus and could see that he was clearly watching everything closely and also trying to memorise a lot of things. He will be asking a lot of questions in the coming days, she thought and hoped fervently that Jamie and she would somehow be able to answer them. After the common prayer had ended with a loud "Amen", the pastor extended the invitation to the Holy Meal. The organ began to play a piece of music softly and when Claire saw Jamie and Fergus sit down again, she too took her seat. Matthieu motioned Maurice to sit down too and then whispered something to Jamie. The latter nodded briefly. Matthieu stopped and shortly afterwards joined the queue of people who were now walking step by step towards the table to receive the Holy Meal.
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Inside view of the French Dome, Berlin,  by Andreas Faessler - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30533293
         Fergus turned in a whisper to Jamie, who had his left arm around Maurice and his right around his foster son:          "What is Uncle Matthieu doing there?"          "I'll explain later," Fraser whispered back.          Claire followed Matthieu with her eyes. The tall man, who measured at least six feet nine inches, even kneeling, still stood out from that group spread out on the three kneeling benches that stood in front of the table.          Only a few minutes later, von Klarenberg returned to his seat, where he stopped again for a moment and prayed silently. Then he too took his seat again.          The pastor announced another hymn shortly afterwards and after it had faded away, the sending and the blessing followed. Then the organ started for the last time and the pastor left the sanctuary towards the church door. Those present rose and slowly followed him to the exit. There, one by one, they were bidden farewell by the clergyman.          When Matthieu and Maurice took their turn, von Klarenberg immediately introduced James Fraser ("my friend"), Fergus Fraser ("his foster son") and Claire Beauchamp ("his fiancée") to the pastor. Jamie froze when he heard the words "his fiancée". Where was Fergus? Had he heard that? How would he react? But then Fraser could breathe a sigh of relief, for he saw that Fergus and Maurice had already arrived at the bottom step of the stairs leading down to the Gendarme Market. Quite obviously, the boys had not noticed anything about the whole thing either. While Matthieu and Claire were still talking to the pastor, Jamie hurried after the boys.           "Stay here, gentlemen!"           The boys looked up at him.           "Come on, we're all going to lunch right now!"           Fifteen minutes later, Claire, Fergus and Jamie were back in Fraser's car and driving to the von Klarenbergs' house.
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A villa at Berlin-Grundewald by Bodo Kubrak - Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19272619           "Why wasn't I allowed to go with Maurice and Uncle Matthieu?" asked Fergus, who was clearly annoyed that Jamie and Matthieu had separated the two friends again for the return journey.           "Fergus, that makes sense," Fraser replied and then added, "because we need your help!"           "Why?" the boy now asked curiously.           "Why? Well, it's quite obvious! There are all the presents in the back of the boot. For Aunt Teresa, for Maurice and for Uncle Matthieu. You'll have to help me and Claire carry them."           "Ah," was all Fergus said, then fell silent. He's probably pondering what we'll bring to the von Klarenbergs, Claire thought. Then she glanced ahead and saw Fraser smiling at her again through the rear-view mirror. She smiled back.          When they arrived shortly afterwards in front of the von Klarenbergs' house in the Grunewald district of Berlin, the tall wrought-iron courtyard gate opened immediately so that Jamie drove through and stopped directly in front of the house entrance. Claire was amazed when she saw the property. Fraser House was an imposing mansion, and yet it was nothing like this city mansion.          The von Klarenbergs' mansion was two storeys high and had a roof truss that had obviously been extended as well. The house was kept in a light, cream-coloured shade that went well with the red roof tiles. A two-storey extension had been added to the left of the almost square main house, probably at a later date. This was smaller than the main house, but still larger than the annexe that adjoined Fraser's villa and in which the Curtius couple lived. When Claire got out of the car, she immediately noticed the surveillance cameras mounted under the roof. They were coloured in the same tone as the house and were guaranteed not to be noticed by an observer who was not standing directly in front of the house. Only if you stood close to the house and looked up could you see them.          As the small group got out of the car, the front door opened and Matthieu von Klarenberg came down the steps of a staircase leading into the house. Once again Matthieu greeted each of the visitors warmly. Then he led Claire into the house while Jamie held Fergus back:          "We're going to move the car into the car park," he said, addressing his foster son, "and then I'll need your help carrying the presents."          Fergus nodded, got back into the car and waited. Fraser got in too and then drove the car a few yards away to a spot where two other cars were already parked. When Jamie had parked the car, he got out, opened the door for Fergus and then took some bags and a large bouquet of flowers wrapped in cling film from the boot.          "What do you want me to carry?" asked Fergus.          "You take the bouquet, I'll carry the bags. They're too heavy for you,"  Fraser replied. Then they followed Matthieu and Claire into the house.
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Claire Beauchamp has been striving for years to become a coach in the Major Leagues, a feat no other woman has accomplished; James Fraser has been working his whole life to play in them. Now they both have their shot, but they didn’t count on meeting each other…
From First to Home: Chapter 1
Over the last five years, Claire Beauchamp has been a first base coach in the Minor Leagues, bouncing from team to team with most people looking at her as a gimmick. She was anything but— she had spent almost her whole life dreaming and working hard with the sole purpose of joining the world of Major League Baseball. It was her only focus as she made her way across the world; first with her Uncle Lamb who had introduced her to the sport she fell in love with, and then on her own. She’d known early on that to become a player was the most unattainable route for her, but that was fine, she just needed to be part of the game somehow. Now, years later and having paid her dues, she was starting to lose faith that she would reach that biggest stage. She didn’t crave the potential fame that would come with reaching the Majors, she simply wanted to be on the field where it happens, where she could have the most impact and see the results of her steadfastness. Everyday, that moment felt farther out of reach, but if there is one thing Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp will do, it’s rise to a challenge; and having a bunch of men repeatedly underestimate her only fueled the fire.
Read the rest on ao3
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renee-writer · 4 months
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A Rescue Chapter 38
“They are dead. I am safe.” She repeats to herself, over and over.  The second day back home, she is still not completely comfortable.
Jamie and Mary are a phone call away. She knows this. Besides, she is preparing to go to work. She will see him soon.
It is three o’clock in the morning and a nightmare woke her up.  She isn’t ringing him. No, it is just a dream. She is safe. They are dead.
Knowing she won’t be able to get back to sleep, she rises and heads down to the kitchen. A cup of tea will help sooth her nerves.
Uncle Lamb always said that a cup of tea will fix anything. They are very English that way. She grins. No matter how long she lives in Scotland, and all the other places she has lived , deep in her heart she is an English woman.
“Because my parents were, Uncle Lamb.” She thinks to herself as she waits for the water to heat up.  And then… No! I won’t be thinking about him!
“He is dead. His nasty twin as well!” This time she says it aloud. “They can’t hurt me!”
A deep breath as she takes her favorite tea cup down. Her uncle brought it for her in Cairo. Her tea strainer came from the same place. She places her favorite blend in it and waits for it to seep.
“Great tea can’t be rushed, Claire darling. It takes patience. Like all good things.”
She realizes with a start that she had stopped hearing his voice. All those years with… him, she had lost his voice not just her own.
This thought has tears filling her eyes. “My darling uncle, I am so sorry.”
Another thing he had taught her comes back. “My darling girl, there is nothing you could ever do to make me not love you, ever.”
She remembers he told her this after she was caught sneaking out to meet a boy. He ended up breaking her heart. Her uncle had held her after she caught him with another girl.
“You were right!” she had sobbed, “he was a bloody jerk.”
She was fourteen and thought him her first love.
“I love you. I always will. There will be jerks. Always. Just don’t forget who you are. If you remember that, you will land on your feet no matter what.”
Recalling, the tears are freely following. She has forgotten that. Now…
“I am Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. Daughter of Henry and Julia Beauchamp, niece of Quinton Lambert Beauchamp. I am strong, brave, smart, courageous. My bloody late husband or his late twin aren’t changing that!” She screams out. Immediately, she feels better.
As she drinks her tea, she goes over in her head all the wonderful things that her uncle had taught her.
By the time the sun comes up, she is feeling one hundred percent better. She rises to shower and prepare for the day.
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
I turned to Jamie in sudden panic. "I can't marry you! I don't even know your last name!"
He looked down at me and cocked a ruddy eyebrow. "Oh. It's Fraser. James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser." He pronounced it formally, each name slow and distinct.
Completely flustered, I said "Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp," and stuck out my hand idiotically. Apparently taking this as a plea for support, he took the hand and tucked it firmly into the crook of his elbow. Thus inescapable pinioned, I squelched up the path to my wedding.
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sassenach77yle · 11 months
Happy 105th Birthday to a lady of grace, a woman of strength and an astonishing beauty. Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. Dr. Randall. Mistress Fraser. Wife. Mother. Grandmother.🌸
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Through the rabbit hole
Long, lazy Sunday: I am late with the Persian analysis and I apologize to those who were waiting for it. However, I do have an excellent excuse: I found myself unexpectedly engrossed in - hallelujah! can I say hallelujah? - Drums of Autumn, once I finally managed to be done with the very laborious first two chapters.
I continue to find the modern timeline slightly better written than most of the French shenanigans, for reasons I have already explained (yes, it is fiction, but the underuse of that particular trope left me hungry and not in a good way). The 1969 Boston episode (Moon landing included) can easily and will probably be among my favorites: it is short, lively and she does not go overboard with pedantry. Also, to my great surprise (or maybe also because the SS&RR tandem is so cataclysmic in the series), Brianna & Roger are (possibly) way better sketched and, overall, more interesting and endearing in the books. Fun fact: in my mind, they don't even look like the Painful Duo. But J&C look as S&C and whoever tells you otherwise did not watch the series and/or lies.
Unpopular opinion and I will probably get strong reactions to this: book Claire is, at times, insufferable to me. There are (mercifully) fleeting moments when I hear and almost see a poor travesty of Herself in her. If there is one person in this Universe who was ever able to masterfully round those edges and elevate Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall Fraser to legend, well: that is (and I suspect it could only be) C.
Conversely, I once read on a Mordor blog something as idiotically enormous as "Jamie Fraser is, we all know it, a brute and Claire is the only person making him look human". This is Hate 101, transferred from the guy you spew on all day long to the character that guy decisively shaped and gave a destiny to, on screen. Writing such inanities lacks culture, taste and empathy. Jamie Fraser is a brute because he protects his family, whatever the costs? Is he a brute with a deep appreciation for the Greek and Roman Classics? Is he a brute just because he happens to be imagined and given life to in the 18th century Scottish Highlands, a place and time you obviously have no familiarity with, spare these books? And what about the other feminine influences in Jamie's life, that shape his unique sensitivity and understanding of the emotional needs of a 20th century woman, such as Claire? What about Ellen, Jenny, hey even the tiny (blink and you'll miss her) Annalise (dreadful name, Herself) de Marillac? I really pity you, woman. Really do.
All in all, I have no idea about what happened in LAX, other than the kilt apotheosis and the subsequent drooling, fainting and yelling that accompanied it. I still saw many young women in that crowd and I am cautiously betting for less drama, this time. But I do wonder why *urv never shows up at any event in the area, when the effort would be, for her, minimal. Things that make you go hmmm, once again.
A new (hectic) week just started. Onwards.
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outlanderrepublic · 2 years
Super #FeliCumpleañito 104 a nuestra #QueenB suprema, Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. Doctora Randall. Señora Fraser. Madonna. Ma. Sanadora. Esposa. Madre. Abuela. Feroz. Justiciera. Defensora de los sin voz. Leal. Amorosa. Sarcástica. Sufrida. Nuestra idola máxima, modelo a seguir con la que muchas nos identificamos.
Felices 104 jovenes añitos a una dama llena de gracia, una mujer fuerte y de una belleza incomparable, como diría el #KingOfTodo al momento del brindis. Y por muchos más, rodeada del amor de ese familion que lograron construir. Slàinte!!! #TeQueremosClaireTeQueremos.
Y gracias a Diana Gabaldon por regalarnos semejante personaje al que adoramos
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Foto: Panorama Helsinki / Finland - Cathedral and Place of the Parliament (by   tap5a)
“We only do this for Fergus!”  is a short Outlander Fan Fiction story and my contribution to the  Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3: Fake Relationship AU: Jamie Fraser  wants to formally adopt his foster son Fergus, but his application will  probably not be approved… unless he is married and/or in a committed  relationship. Enter one Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (Randall?) to this  story) @outlanderpromptexchange  
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Chapter 19: Back to Potsdam
          It was good that Jamie had sent Claire and Fergus to the Gadem right after the tour of the castle, because the influx of tourists had now increased. But Claire and Fergus had still managed to get a nice table for themselves and Jamie in time. They chose from the menu and only a little later their food was brought.
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Front court of Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, Eisenach, Germany * Picture by Krzysztof Golik - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=81861557
          Fergus got a small Thuringian dumpling with cress and sour creamed sauerkraut, Claire was delighted with smoked salmon with creamed horseradish and dill, and Jamie smelled with joy his venison stew in a clay pot with peppered mashed potatoes. Then another bowl of steaming potatoes was brought, which Claire and Fergus shared. After the meal there was for dessert warm chocolate cake with cream, vanilla ice cream and cherries.          When the waitress asked the adults if they wanted coffee with their dessert, Jamie and Claire declined. All three were tired. The early departure from Potsdam and the many impressions the nearly three-hour tour of the castle had left on them had made them tired. Even Fergus, whose energy often knew no bounds, now seemed exhausted. Right after Jamie paid the bill, they headed back to the hotel. They all needed a break and some sleep now.
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Roast rabbit filet, Thüringer Klöße, and red cabbage * Picture by Sebastian Wallroth, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30471749          They did not meet again until 4:00 p.m. and once again visited the castle cafe. There they drank coffee (Jamie and Claire) and hot cocoa (Fergus) and enjoyed the different kinds of cake. They would have liked to visit the castle garden, but it was too late now. It had become dark and cold and Claire was glad that she had insisted when planning the trip that everyone take their winter jackets, scarves and hats with them. This made it possible to still take a short walk along the south wall of the castle. Then Jami sent Claire and Fergus back to the hotel, promising to follow shortly. When he was sure that Fergus could not see him anymore, he went to the museum store where he bought a number of souvenirs, CDs and books.          Once at the hotel, Claire took Fergus to the Wartburg suite that Jamie had booked for himself and Fergus. Once there, they peeled out of their thick jackets. Then Claire made tea for herself and Fergus. Together they sat down on the sofa and watched a children's movie.
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Wartburg Hotel * Picture by Von Kora27 - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=93728877
         Meanwhile, Jamie took his groceries to the garage and packed them in the trunk of his car. Then he too joined Claire and Fergus. As he entered the suite's living room, Claire motioned for him to be quiet. The children's movie wasn't over yet, but Fergus had dozed off from exhaustion. Jamie turned off the TV, then carefully carried the boy into the bedroom, laid him on the bed, and tucked him in. He left the nightlight on the other side of the bed on and just leaned the door to the living room. If Fergus woke up, he shouldn't be frightened, but should be able to find him and Claire right away. Back in the living room, Jamie went to the bar, picked up a bottle of whiskey, and looked questioningly at Claire, who nodded at him. He poured whiskey into two glasses, then motioned to Claire for them to sit in the two large armchairs in the bay window. Once there, Jamie handed Claire a glass of whiskey and sat down. When they had both taken a sip, Jamie said:          "I think Fergus is quite ..."           "Exhausted?" finished Claire his sentence.           "Yes, perhaps it would be good if we cut the visit a little short. I would have liked to see the town with you, but we still have to drive back ..."           "And it's back to school on Monday, too," Claire pointed out.           "Right. What do you say we take another little walk around the castle grounds tomorrow and then head back home? We could have lunch on the way?"           "I think that's the right idea. However, I expect Fergus will object."
         Jamie smiled, then took another sip of whiskey and Claire did likewise.          "I know, but I'll promise him that we'll make another trip here next year and then see the historic sites in the city."           Jamie was silent for a moment, then added:           "If that would suit you, Claire."           Claire looked at him but said nothing.           "Fergus will insist that you come along, and ... I'd be delighted, too."          "You two ...," Claire said, adding, "Who can say 'no' to you?"          She then took the last sip from her glass, then held it out to Fraser and said:          "I'll get another whiskey for that, though!"           Jamie grinned, then got up to get the whiskey bottle and fill the glasses again.           Afterwards, they reviewed the day with Fergus.          The boy woke up shortly after 7:00 p.m. and came into the living room, still slightly sleepy.          "Well, did you have a good rest?" asked Jamie, spreading his arms, Fergus nodded, then let Jamie take him in his arms. The latter carried the boy to the sofa and sat down with him. Claire got up and took one of the wool blankets she had brought and wrapped Fergus in it.
         "Well," Jamie then asked, "shall we go and choose something for dinner now?"           "Oh yes," it shot out of Claire, who promptly put her hand over her mouth and looked guiltily at Jamie.           "See, Claire's hungry, I'm hungry too, and you?"           Fergus, who was slow to wake up, just nodded, then pressed himself closer to Jamie. Clearly he needed physical contact with his dad now.
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View of the Wartburg from Vachaer Stein at Rennsteig * Picture by  By Hfuss64 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=82359983
         They agreed that they would order the so-called "Wartburg Classic" twice for dinner. A variety of dishes were served in bowls with a selection of freshly baked bread: Roasted Thuringian ground pork, cured country ham, homemade tomato chili, small Thuringian bratwursts with horseradish mustard, organic cream cheese with cress and honey, small potato dumplings with parsley and sour cream sauerkraut, Eisenach aspic sausage salad with radishes, smoked Schkölen catfish with apple horseradish, and venison stew with root vegetables and rosemary crumble. In addition they ordered two bowls of field salad with goat cheese, orange fillets and walnuts, a bottle of white wine for the adults and apple spritzer for Fergus.           The food arrived just before 8:00 pm. The waiters, who brought the food on serving carts, placed them in front of the sofa. Jamie pulled up a chair and sat across from Fergus and Claire, both of whom were looking quite enthusiastically at the large platters of food.          "Bon appetit!" said Jamie, and then they began to eat.
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Dinner * Picture: Pixabay          While Fergus feasted on the bratwurst, Thuringian minced meat and some bread now and then, Claire reached for the salad, cream cheese and smoked catfish. Jamie watched her when he thought she wouldn't notice. A feeling of deep pleasure and inner satisfaction spread through his chest. He was pleased to see Claire so relaxed. Clearly she was enjoying both the meal and being with Fergus and him. Anyone who saw them like this would think they were a happy little family. The thought flashed through his mind, but he immediately forbade himself to think it any further. He didn't want to deal with questions now, which would only make him sad again. He wanted to enjoy the moment, the time together with the two people who meant the most to him. The two people, yes, the two people.           Ninety minutes later, all three were "more than full" and Fergus was getting tired again. Together they put him to bed and before Fraser could even ask him to read to him, he was asleep.           Together, Jamie and Claire put the dishes away and then moved the food carts to the aisle. The staff would take them back from there. Then Claire said goodbye. She too was tired, but she wanted to take the opportunity to have another bath. She had been delighted to discover the morning she had checked into her room that the “Luther room” Fraser had booked for her had a bathroom with a very nice bathtub. Just a few minutes after they said goodbye to each other, she ran water into the white tub, poured in one of the bath additives that were on a small shelf for guests to use. Then she undressed and immediately slipped into the warm water. She stayed in the tub for only 15 minutes, or sleep would have overtaken her. Dried off and dressed in her pajamas, she went to her room, slipped under the covers and was asleep shortly after.
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Illuminated Wartburg by night * Picture bySchnufflsurfer - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3557281
          Just a few rooms away, James Fraser stood in the dark bay window of his suite, gazing through the window at the majestic view of the night-lit Wartburg. He took a deep breath. Then he brought the glass of whiskey to his lips and sipped it. Once again he went over the day in his mind. He had enjoyed doing these things with Fergus and Claire. He had enjoyed seeing the joy Fergus had in seeing the historical sites and artifacts and learning all about them. But he had also enjoyed seeing how much Claire enjoyed Fergus being so interested and exuberant. It had made him happy. That day had made him happy. Fergus and Claire had made him happy. If only things weren't so complicated. He almost cursed, but at the last moment he recollected himself. If Fergus woke up and came into the room ...          There was no point in brooding about the future any longer. There was nothing he could do about it now. He had to let "things" come to him. But that was exactly what he hated. He hated not being able to be active, not being able to actively shape something. And when it came to Claire, he didn't dare either. What would happen if she felt pressured and quit? What if she stayed just for the money? Fraser turned and walked to the bar to set his glass down. There was just no point in replaying the thoughts over and over. He had to go to sleep. He needed his strength for the next day.          When he got to the bedroom, a smile spread across his face. Fergus was lying in bed almost completely covered by the quilt. Only his mop of hair peeked out from under it - and the head of Rexi, a stuffed T-Rex that Claire had recently given him and that had since become his nightly companion and, of course, had to be taken to Wartburg. Quietly, he undressed and then slipped into bed.          Shortly after 11:00 p.m., James Fraser fell asleep. He dreamed of Fergus and Rexi and .... Claire. At 4:30 he awoke to Fergus sleepwalking in front of his side of the bed. The boy searched the bathroom and after Jamie escorted him to the bathroom, he carried him back to bed, wrapped him in his comforter and marveled at how quickly the child fell back asleep. Carefully, he slid Rexi under Fergus' right arm. Then he lay down in bed and together they spent another 3 hours in “the Land of Smiles”.          At 8:30 a.m. Claire picked up Jamie and Fergus for breakfast. In the dining room of the hotel, a beautifully laid table with fresh coffee, rolls, orange juice and many delicious side dishes was already waiting for them. They took plenty of time to eat breakfast and Jamie could once again see Fergus and Claire enjoying this time together.
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Breakfast * Picture by Bild von Juri at Pixabay           An hour and a half later, they made their way to Wartburg Castle once again. During the day, they could visit the grounds for free and Claire had asked that they take a look at the castle gardens before they left and this request had reconciled Fergus, who was not particularly pleased about their early departure, with his fate.          Together they strolled once more through the outer castle and past the large cistern, then they came to the castle garden. While Claire looked around, Fergus was fascinated by the cannon standing there. They stayed for a while, enjoying the view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Then they slowly made their way back to the hotel and half an hour later they were in the car. Two hours later they reached Halle, where they took a break and had lunch in an Italian restaurant.           When they arrived back at their shared home in Potsdam at just after 4:00 p.m., they were first greeted by Mr. Curtius, who helped Jamie carry their travel bags into the house. Shortly after, they were also greeted by Mrs. Curtius, who had already set the table in the dining room with tea, sandwiches, cakes and pastries.          After tea, Jamie allowed Fergus to play with his train set in the conservatory for a while. He himself sat down in the living room and went through the daily papers of the last few days.
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Tea Time * Picture by Pexels at Pixabay          Claire had taken her leave for her apartment. There she first opened the windows to let in some fresh air. Then she unpacked her travel bag and put away the laundry. When she had closed the windows again, she let herself fall on her sofa. She closed her eyes and immediately Wartburg, Fergus and Jamie were before her eyes again.          When Jamie had pulled her close to him during the conversation with Mr. Klaußner, had he done that just to keep the narrative of their "engagement" going? Surely that was basically unnecessary in front of Mr. Klaußner. Besides, there was the danger that Fergus would see him and ask questions. She didn't know. What she did know was how much she had enjoyed her time with Jamie and Fergus. If only the situation weren't so complicated. What did Jamie have to think if she confessed to him what her feelings were toward him and Fergus? If she told him that she wanted nothing more than for them to become a family? Not because she wanted to help him adopt Fergus, but because she loved both of her "men"? Didn't he have to think she was doing all this for his money? Hadn't Matthieu mentioned that Jamie had had two relationships that didn't end so well?  Matthieu! She had to find an opportunity to talk to him. Maybe then she would find a solution. Maybe then she would find a way to at least talk to Jamie about her feelings.          When Claire opened her eyes again, she had made a decision. She would talk to Matthieu. Although she did not yet know when and how this would be possible, the mere fact that she had made this decision helped her to feel better. She would no longer passively accept this condition, suffer through it. She would do something and even if the outcome was not what she wanted. Anything was better than burying all' these feelings inside and feeling like she would eventually have to burst like a balloon that can't hold its air.          The sun had long set by the time Claire made her decision and the small table light in front of her, gave only a limited glow. She got up to turn on the overhead light when her smartphone announced the arrival of an sms. Mrs. Curtius was calling them all to dinner. Claire went to freshen up a bit. She would go to dinner. Perhaps afterwards she would put Fergus to bed along with Jamie. She would have Monday and Tuesday off, that was the arrangement with Jamie. After that, everyday life would return and soon she would have to start preparing for Christmas.  
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legends-of-time · 6 months
The Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander Story) Timeline - Fraser Descendants
A/N: Is this needed? Maybe, maybe not but I find this kind of thing satisfying to look at.
Up to 1770
Brian Robert David Fraser (b. 1691 - d. October 1740) m. Ellen Catriona Sileas Mackenzie (b. 1695 - d. 1729) on 1716
Their children:
William Simon Murtagh Mackenzie Fraser (b. 1716 - d. 1727)
Janet (Jenny) Flora Arabella Mackenzie Fraser (b. 1719 - ) m. Ian Alastair Robert MacLeod Murray (b. May 1720 - ) on 1740
(1) James (Young Jamie) Alexander Gordon Fraser Murray (b. 1741 - ) m. Joan
Henry Murray (b. before 1766 - )
Matthew Murray (b. before 1766 - )
Caroline Murray (b. before 1766 - )
Benjamin Murray (b. 1766 - )
(2) Margaret (Maggie) Ellen Fraser Murray (b. November 1743 - ) m. Paul Lyle
Angus Walter Edwin Murray Lyle (b. before 1766 - )
Unnamed child (b. before 1766 - )
Anthony Brian Montgomery Lyle (b. between 1767 to 1770 - )
(3) Katherine (Kitty) Mary Fraser Murray (b. February 1745 - )  m. George (Geordie) Silvers
Josephine Silvers (b. before 1766 - )
Abigail Silvers (b. before 1766 - )
(4) Michael Fraser Murray (b. 1748 - ) m. Lilliane (Lillie)
Unborn child (1766/67)
(5) Janet Fraser Murray (b. 1748 - )
(6) Caitlin Fraser Murray (b&d. December 1749)
(7) Ian (Young Ian) James Fitzgibbons Fraser Murray (b. 15 November 1752 - )
James (Jamie) Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser (b. 1 May 1721 - ) m1. Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (b. 20 October 1918 - ) on November 1743; m2. Laoghaire MacKenzie MacKimmie (b. 1726 - ) on 1765 to ann. 1766
(1) Fergus Claudel Fraser (b. 1735 - ) m. Marsali Jane MacKimmie (b. 1751 - ) on Spring 1767
Germain Alexander Claudel Mackenzie Fraser (b. December 1767 - )
Joan Laoghaire Claire Fraser (b. September 1770 - )
(2) Brian Ian Randall Fraser (b. 12 May 1744 / 1946  - )
(3) Ellen Julia Randall Fraser (b. 23 November 1948 / 1746 - ) m. Roger Jeremiah Wakefield MacKenzie (b. 1941 - ) on October 1770
Jeremiah (Jem or Jemmy) Alexander Ian Fraser MacKenzie (b. May 1770 - )
(4) William (Willie) Clarence Henry George Ransom (illegitimate son by Geneva Dunsany Ransom (b. 1739 - d. 9 January 1758)); (b. 9 January 1758 - )
Robert Brian Gordon Mackenzie Fraser (b&d. 1729)
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visenyatargaryn · 2 years
basic, but favorite characters of all time? 👀
I wouldn't call it basic because that's a very difficult question you're asking there lmao
So let's see here... daenerys targaryen(asoiaf), arya stark(asoiaf), jon snow(asoiaf), james flint(black sails), john silver(black sails), emma swan(ouat), regina mills(ouat), geralt of rivia(the witcher), yennefer of vengerberg(the witcher), ciri(the witcher), cahir aep ceallach(the witcher) claire beauchamp(outlander), jamie fraser(outlander), tony stark(marvel), elizabeth swann(potc), arthur morgan(red dead redemption), anakin skywalker(star wars), din djarinn&grogu(star wars), obi wan kenobi(star wars), pamde amidala(star wars), ezio auditore(assassin's creed), desmond miles(assassin's creed), alistari therin(dragon age), zevran arainai(dragon age), garrus vakarian(mass effect), thane krios(mass effect)... I believe that's all, but I'm sure that I'm probably missing quite a few.
send me “what’s your favorite..” asks 💫
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