#Clay Language
African Love Is A Clay Language
I Am A Clay, Clay To Be Treasured, Clay To Be Held With Care, God Created Me. Ancestors Created-Assisted Me With Care, They Made Sure I Am Strong, Strong Ad An African Holy Queen, I Am A Clay. I Am Strong Inside, But Fragile Outside, A Clay That Is From Ancestors, A Clay That Can Be Found No Where, I Am A Clay. Beautily, I Look Modern, I Look Modern Wholly, The Real Holy Clay From…
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Beth Cavener
Through an empty place. 2017
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vader-anakin · 2 months
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Hayden Christensen as Clay Beresford — Awake (2007) dir. Joby Harold
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cookiesaddict · 8 months
When you want to watch tbt tomorrow in cinema but you have bad hearing and there are no subtitles:
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tali-zorahs · 2 years
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i have a prediction
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p4nishers · 5 months
"He gasped as Vimes shot him a glance like sunlight." i think about this quote once every few hours. cause like. sunlight. he shot him a glance like SUNLIGHT. which is often associated with warmth but in this context is the opposite. because sunlight can also fucking hurt and it can blind you. it can scorch you. just like sam vimes, who is kind when he wishes to be but absolutely VICIOUS when he's angry. god.
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slaviclore · 1 year
be like chopin, measure your body weight in number of cats your body could house if it were made of clay and used to build cat houses
"Moja glina teraz na ten deszcz się nie rozpuści, we środku jest 90 stop. Réaumura. Można – ach! nie, nie można – z mojej gliny chyba domek dla kotki zrobić."
-- Fryderyk Chopin, in a letter to Jan Matuszyński (November 24, 1830)
"In these rains, my clay will not dissolve since it's 90 degrees Réaumur* inside. It would be possible -- ah! no, it would not be possible -- to make maybe a little house for a cat from my clay."
*a temperature scale in which water boils at 80
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blueiskewl · 9 months
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3,800-Year-Old Cuneiform Clay Tablet Found in Turkey
Archeologists have discovered a 3,800-year-old cuneiform clay tablet in southern Turkiye during restoration work after the massive earthquakes in the region earlier this year, Anadolu reported today.
Murat Akar, an archeology professor at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, said a 25-member team found the clay tablet with cuneiform inscription in Akkadian language in nearly 4,000-year-old Accana tumulus in the southern Hatay province.
The Kahramanmaras-centred twin earthquakes on 6 February, which caused great destruction in Hatay, also affected the historical site, which was determined to be the location of Alalakh, the capital of the Mukish Kingdom during the Middle and Late Bronze Age periods.
Restoration and protection work have started with the leadership of the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry to repair the damages on some parts of the ruins of palace walls, Akar said.
As part of the study, the team that removed the rubble of the walls found a clay tablet among the ruins.
The first examination of the tablet in Akkadian language revealed information containing an agreement made by Yarim-Lim, the first known king of Alalakh, to purchase another city.
Akar said the tablet is not damaged and the finding was “so exciting.”
“It proves to us that those kings had the economic power and potential to buy another city in those times. There is also the name of the important people of the city who witnessed this sale on the tablet, most likely,” he added.
“The work came out as an extremely unique example, especially to decipher the economic structure of that period, the relationship between cities, the economic and political model,” Akar said.
The tablet will be transferred to a museum after the examinations, the head of the restoration team said.
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otterscaletta · 1 month
Animals spirits in nahuatl (lenguage indigenous in Mexico):
Mafia I
Tommy: Coyotl (Coyote)
Paulie: Mapachihtli (Raccoon)
Sam: Mitzil (Cat)
Mafia II
Vito: Acuitlachtli (Otter)
Joe: Tlacamayeh (Bear)
Henry: Kimichin (Rat)
Mafia III
Lincoln: Itzcuintli (Dog)
Donovan: Ocelotl (Ocelot)
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dimity-lawn · 1 year
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meirimerens · 9 months
you know i must have been bone-tired when this part of the herb brides lore didn't come to my mind when i discussed how the Kin fundamentally differs from the cultures it is inspired by um There Is The Human Sacrifice part. like it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you are doing human, or anthropomorphic (if you want to see the Herb Brides as closer to spirits, which comes with its own set of problematics regarding how to approach their oppression) sacrifice. it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you kill a woman, as part of the journey and in direct resonance with you ritualistically killing cattle earlier, and she offers herself to you with cultural and religious significance.
human sacrifices have been done across the globe for millennia, but i cannot, for the life of me, find any source at all that mentions the Buryats (since that was the discussion point) partaking in human sacrifices by the turn of the 19th-early 20th century (or even anything past the 16th). every single source mentioning offerings and sacrifices i've read mentions animals, things such as milk and vodka, and often both at once. would love to read anything about these rituals if papers exist, but i'm personally drawing a blank.
the Kin has Obvious and very Visible influences but it also differs from specific (in this discussion's case, the Buryats) or wider (here, turkic/mongolic as a whole) cultures from the area by so many pieces, big and small, that i wouldn't have enough appendages on my whole body to count them all. and sister. i have plenty of appendages.
#i AM reading a paper that mentions the human sacrifices at Mongol burials where people (typically servants or family) would be sacrificed#to accompany the dead; as well as the Shor practice of sacrificing women/girls (replaced apparently quickly by sacrificing ducks)#but those seem pretty old [the Mongol part mentions the 13th century] & like. nothing about the buryats in that time period#i'm like 85% sure i saw in the beginning of being into patho someone saying how equating the Kin; who practice human sacrifices [& others]#to correlate/be meant to represent Real Life ethnicities is insulting because They Don't Do That.#and like. everythingggg that touches upon representation/appreciation/appropriation/theft is subjective and#informed my how much leeway you're willing to give the creators so that's like#bro i'm just reading PDFs#also just found out the discussion of ''The Kin Is Obviously Inspired But Not Meant To Represent [x]'' is over 2yrs old. we're still at it.#as anon said. ''unless you're tolkien; coming up with a whole fictional language is hard''.#anyways appendage time. stuff that differs just out of the top of my head:#everything relating to the religion which is almost a complete inverse of buryat tengrist/shamanic faith + don't get me started on buddhism#the clothes. the homes. the creation myths; beyond the apparition of Clay; which is present in so many cultures on earth#no swan ancestor. no lake worship. no sky/heavens. no tens of named hierarchical deities. NO BURBOT! no hats. no hats (burts into tears)#NO HORSES? ON THE EURASIAN STEPPE?#the belief that earth mustn't be cut is so buryat. i'm sure i've read it. no idea if it is also in other mongolic peoples but buryat it is.#also a bull-ancestor/bull totem. that exists in buryat tribes; but they also have a bunchhhhh of other sacred animals (including. swans.#also horses. there's this [charm?] made out of horse hair there is)#neigh (blabbers)#i'm realizin how crazy i sound repeating shit that has been said 2yrs ago but like someone already mentioned the human sacrifice.#someone already mentioned the clothes. someone already mentioned the yurts/gers. someone already mentioned the religion#like i'm just. repeating stuff. and yet. give it up for year 2
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ceramicwings · 3 months
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small guys
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claitea · 3 months
girl help me i'm completely fashion illiterate but i am shoe shopping today
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orionowhere · 6 months
walk poem 11/19/23 + additional thoughts
(background below cut. enjoy!)
telling's in the lung and throat, full of air, vap'rous and spilling, coming out like extrusion, reservoir full of material, words chopped off one by one fast enough the quantity blurs by, but who needs piles and piles and piles of pieces, who's appreciating the craftsmanship, only the design brooks admiration, no individual goes enjoyed for more than a moment-
poetry's in tongue and tooth, chewing on its cheek- running over molars, lolling at a lozenge, sucking spit, it lingers- got you by the tongue, pulling on it, got you gagging- poem wants the meat in your hand to examine, cut muscle held under your eye, doesn't care you need it to keep singing, thinks the blood falling in your lap is pretty enough, good enough fruit to leave on the table, bruised and sweet and drawing eye-thought-flies back to taste and taste and taste- like a tongue at toothless socket- at the gnawed-cheek-sore- circle back at your tail, dog, poem gets chased, rarely caught, hurts to catch. gets a little deader every visit. same as any living thing.
addendum 11/29: conceived this in my brain on a dog walk and then wrote it out as soon as i got home. needed to express a frustration. continual problem here where poetry and verse has come easier than prose 'writing' (entirely different skillset than storytelling, we are finally discovering after... twelve years?) since we were about twelve. first memory of sharing any with another person was showing our mom a song we wrote in the style of owl city's ocean eyes... and her response was "it's really nice! but i don't really get what it's about." one of those benign awkwardnesses that ends up as part of a pattern of upset that twists into pain. any poetry we write is very present, real, alive and bodily felt for us- but as a medium it's perceived as less accessible/relatable/understandable writing than just, telling a story about some people. some people actively dislike it, blame their refusal to attempt engaging with the work (baffled, resentful, both) on writers' pretensions. the idea of having our work perceived as meaningless, shallow, pointless melodrama, and consequently ignored is... existentially horrifying! but we are working on it. mainly by how we are starting to post publicly instead of only hoarding to ourselves and occasionally dropping things in our groupchat. perhaps someone else's body will feel the same kind of alive we felt when writing it. we have to give it away to allow the opportunity.
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muirneach · 29 days
46 minute psychoanalytic russian interview with andrey? i’m so sat.
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