lena-casagrande · 1 month
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somenteniki · 2 years
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𐰢𐰢𐰢 traded all my technology for an⎙ afternoon with Socrates.
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Lake Erie phosphorus reduction
Protecting and preserving the state’s water quality continues to be a top priority for both the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and the administration of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist.One focal point of this mission is the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB), where sometimes-harmful algal blooms have affected aquatic life and drinking water in recent years. Factors contributing to algal blooms include nutrient-rich water from wastewater treatment plants and farm fields.While reductions of phosphorus at four of the key wastewater facilities in Michigan’s portion of the WLEB helped Michigan hit its 20% phosphorus loading reduction goal by 2020, they won’t be sufficient to achieve the 40% reduction target Michigan, Ohio, and Ontario agreed to reach by 2025 under the 2015 Western Basin of Lake Erie Collaborative Agreement.Moving forward, it will require new approaches to realize progress from agricultural contributions. MDARD is laser-focused on accelerating conservation in the right places across the WLEB watershed with programs and projects defining success through realistic and achievable water quality outcomes to restore the health of the Lake Erie ecosystem.While significant progress has been made with point sources (pollution from a single identifiable source or area), it’s time to put our foot on the gas pedal with agricultural nonpoint sources (pollution from many sources at once).In support of the governor’s MI Healthy Climate Plan, the Fiscal Year 2024 budget includes a total $15 million investment to support soil health, climatesmart agriculture practices, and regenerative agriculture. These priority areas aren’t solely about building stronger agricultural systems and resilient rural economies; they also place a specific focus on improved environmental outcomes.These investments in soil health to improve water quality are a notable shift in MDARD’s efforts to tackle nutrient losses. Managing agricultural systems to improve waterholding capacity and rainfall infiltration, while enhancing biological cycling to reduce the need for fertilizer inputs, is a paradigm shift in nutrient management for MDARD. Regenerative agriculture principles have been shown to not only reduce nutrient losses but mitigate the impacts of extreme weather – all while prioritizing the agricultural diversity that powers our rural communities.To better prioritize conservation practice implementation and quantify results, the Domestic Action Plan (DAP) Team, composed of staff from MDARD and the Michigan DNR and EGLE, is working with MSU to enhance the Great Lakes Watershed Management System to annually quantify phosphorus load reductions from conservation practice implementation relative to the 40% reduction goal. This public-facing online platform will include a dashboard that tracks water quality outcomes associated with social and ecological metrics, providing greater accountability for program implementation in Michigan’s portion of the WLEB.MDARD is dedicated to achieving demonstrable water quality improvements in Lake Erie. The state’s investments in soil health and regenerative agriculture principles hold the promise to not only improve water quality but enhance the climate resiliency of our agriculture systems, while placing value on how and where our food is grown.These new budget investments by Gov. Whitmer position Michigan to achieve long-term, tangible outcomes that take us beyond water quality.Take a deeper diveLearn more about phosphorus reduction efforts in Michigan’s portion of the Lake Erie watershed at Michigan.gov/LakeErieDAP.
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dawoduinc · 2 months
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letstalkbeautyuk · 8 months
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🌍 🌊 ♻️ ECO & Green themed badges >> available to buy in our online shop.
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etpplantbangladesh · 9 months
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waterislife8 · 11 months
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vngelskyy · 1 year
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jonostroveart · 1 year
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Sackett v. EPA
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afrodytis · 1 year
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Salvador,Bahía 9.00am
"A land like this is not seen around..."
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Source: Brooke Hampton of Barefoot Five
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somenteniki · 2 years
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cleanwaterchronicles · 7 months
Nearly 90 percent of the Great Lakes samples have high levels of microplastics
Alliance for the Great Lakes has been protecting, conserving, and restoring our Great Lakes for more than 50 years, and they have no intention of stopping any time soon.
Andrea Densham, Senior Strategic Adviser for Alliance for the Great Lakes, knows that one of the top problems for our Great Lakes is plastic pollution.
A new study conducted by University of Toronto researchers identified that nearly 90 percent of the surface water sampled across the Great Lakes have high levels of microplastics, which are extremely small pieces of plastic that occur in the environment as a consequence of plastic pollution.
Once in the environment, larger pieces of plastic can breakdown into smaller particles by way of several natural weathering processes. There is clear evidence that macroplastics harm individuals, populations, and communities in aquatic ecosystems.
"We estimate that around 22 million pounds enter the Great Lakes annually," said Densham. "Especially from Dr. Rochman’s research, that's probably a drastic underestimation of the amount of plastic that's entering our Great Lakes.”
The amount of microplastics it in the surface water and the Great Lakes is actually in a higher concentration than there is in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. We think about that being really, really dense and awful. But we actually have higher concentration here in the Great Lakes. And the thing to remember about that is that the Great Lakes is a source of drinking water."
According to Alliance for the Great Lakes, more than 40 million people rely on the Great Lakes for drinking water every day.
Alliance for the Great Lakes has a hand in reducing the amount of plastic through their Adopt-A-Beach volunteer program. In addition to removing the plastic, what they pick up during their volunteer events is converted into data and then sent out to researchers. Alliance for the Great Lakes says that the bottom line is reducing how much plastic we use.
For ways you can help our Great Lakes and volunteer in their Adopt-A-Beach program, visit their website.
Source: Fox17 West Michigan
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dawoduinc · 2 months
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dudydoodie · 1 year
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D. (43)
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etpplantbangladesh · 9 months
Best Effluent Treatment Plant Supplier in Bangladesh
Best effluent treatment plant (ETP) supplier in Bangladesh, you want an accomplice who not just grasps the intricacies of industrial water treatment yet additionally offers dependable pollution control equipment and thorough water treatment solutions. In the domain of environmental administrations and wastewater treatment in Bangladesh, one name stands apart over the rest - our organization.
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Industrial Water Treatment in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a quickly growing industrial center, with incalculable manufacturing units and production lines spread the nation over. With industrial development comes the pressing requirement for proficient industrial water treatment solutions. Our organization represents considerable authority in providing first rate industrial ETP plant in Bangladesh.
The Importance of Industrial Water Treatment Effective industrial water treatment is urgent in light of multiple factors:
Environmental Compliance: With increasingly stringent environmental guidelines, industries in Bangladesh should follow severe norms for wastewater release. Inability to do so can bring about heavy fines and harm to an organization's standing.
Resource Conservation: Water is a finite resource, and mindful water management is fundamental to guarantee sustainability. Our water treatment solutions point not exclusively to treat wastewater yet additionally to work with its reuse, reducing the weight on freshwater sources.
Operational Efficiency: Clean water is fundamental for the majority industrial cycles. Investing in excellent water treatment guarantees the smooth activity of manufacturing units and expands the life expectancy of equipment.
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Our Industrial Water Treatment Solutions We invest heavily in offering an extensive variety of industrial water treatment solutions customized to the particular requirements of our clients. Our administrations include:
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Installation: Our ETP are intended to treat industrial wastewater, removing contaminations and ensuring compliance with environmental guidelines actually.
Turn around Assimilation (RO) Frameworks: For industries that require super unadulterated water, our RO frameworks are the ideal arrangement. They eliminate pollutions and contaminants, providing water of the greatest quality.
Chemical Dosing Frameworks: Exact chemical dosing is fundamental for viable water treatment. Our cutting edge frameworks guarantee precise dosing, enhancing treatment efficiency.
Wastewater Recycling: We have faith in sustainable practices. Our wastewater recycling solutions assist industries with reducing water utilization by treating and reusing wastewater within their cycles.
Pollution Control Equipment in Bangladesh Pollution control is at the center of our environmental administrations in Bangladesh. We offer a thorough scope of pollution control equipment intended to moderate the effect of industrial exercises on the climate.
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Key Pollution Control Equipment Sack Channels: Our pack channels are exceptionally productive in capturing particulate matter from industrial emanations, ensuring cleaner air quality.
Stack Monitoring Frameworks: To follow air quality guidelines, our stack monitoring frameworks give exact information on emanations, helping industries diminish their environmental footprint.
Clamor Control Solutions: Commotion pollution can be a worry for industries. Our commotion control solutions are intended to minimize the effect of industrial clamor on surrounding networks.
Environmental Administrations in Bangladesh Our obligation to environmental sustainability goes past water treatment and pollution control. We offer an exhaustive set-up of environmental administrations in Bangladesh, including:
Environmental Effect Appraisals: We assist industries with assessing the possible environmental effect of their activities and foster systems to minimize adverse consequences.
Environmental Reviews: Ordinary reviews guarantee compliance with environmental guidelines and distinguish regions for development in environmental practices.
Environmental Consulting: Our group of specialists gives direction on sustainable practices and assists industries with adopting environmentally agreeable cycles.
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Wastewater Treatment in Bangladesh Wastewater treatment is a basic part of our administrations. Our high level wastewater treatment advances guarantee that industries in Bangladesh can mindfully deal with their wastewater while meeting administrative necessities.
Industrial Supply Store in Bangladesh Notwithstanding our environmental administrations, we work an industrial supply Effluent Treatment Plant in Bangladesh. Here, you can find an extensive variety of chemical plant equipment and waste management solutions to help your industrial necessities.
Chemical Plant Equipment Our chemical plant equipment is obtained from confided in makers and is fundamental for different industrial cycles. From tanks and reactors to siphons and valves, we offer an extensive scope of equipment to meet your necessities.
Waste Management Solutions in Bangladesh Powerful waste management is fundamental for maintaining a spotless and sustainable climate. We give waste management solutions that envelop waste assortment, recycling, and removal, ensuring that industries in Bangladesh can deal with their waste capably.
All in all, with regards to finding the best effluent treatment plant supplier in Bangladesh, look no further. Our organization succeeds in providing exhaustive industrial water treatment solutions, pollution control equipment, environmental administrations, wastewater treatment, and a scope of fundamental industrial supplies. We are focused on helping industries in Bangladesh flourish while ensuring environmental obligation.
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