ilvinoeoltre · 2 years
La Degustazione: Barolo. Re dei vini, vino dei Re (28/10/2022)
(di Dimitri Domenichella)
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adrianomaini · 7 months
Nacque l’esigenza di una struttura occulta più efficace
Carmine Pecorelli risultava iscritto alla loggia Propaganda Due, ma la motivazione che spinse il giornalista a far parte di questo gruppo segreto resta a noi sconosciuta. Alcune fonti lo definirono un «massone con riserva» <59, altre un «piduista atipico» <60, molto probabilmente aderì per poter trarre informazioni riservate. Sappiamo che nel 1972 Licio Gelli, nella cornice dell’hotel Baglioni a…
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bagnabraghe · 7 months
Nacque l’esigenza di una struttura occulta più efficace
Carmine Pecorelli risultava iscritto alla loggia Propaganda Due, ma la motivazione che spinse il giornalista a far parte di questo gruppo segreto resta a noi sconosciuta. Alcune fonti lo definirono un «massone con riserva» <59, altre un «piduista atipico» <60, molto probabilmente aderì per poter trarre informazioni riservate. Sappiamo che nel 1972 Licio Gelli, nella cornice dell’hotel Baglioni a…
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jrdjgt1ykq · 1 year
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t-annhauser · 1 year
 Va aggiunto che il consumismo può creare dei "rapporti sociali" immodificabili, sia creando, nel caso peggiore, al posto del vecchio clerico-fascismo un nuovo tecno-fascismo (che potrebbe comunque realizzarsi solo a patto di chiamarsi anti-fascismo), sia, com'è ormai più probabile, creando come contesto alla propria ideologia edonistica un contesto di falsa tolleranza e di falso laicismo: di falsa realizzazione, cioè, dei diritti civili. 
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Intervento al Congresso del Partito Radicale, 1975
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beardedmrbean · 24 days
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The iconic windmill sails of the Moulin Rouge, a vibrant emblem of Paris´s bohemian lifestyle, collapsed Thursday after a show. No injuries were reported.
The incident took place shortly before 2 a.m., after the last performance of the night had ended and the audience had left the historic cabaret venue, renowned for its dazzling shows and can-can dancers.
Jean-Victor Clerico, the director of Moulin Rouge, told French media that a "technical problem" led to the windmill´s sails and part of the cabaret´s illuminated sign crashing to the ground.
Despite the setback, Clerico said that the show at Moulin Rouge will go on, emphasizing the cabaret´s resilience and commitment to continuing its legacy. "The show continues, that´s the most important thing," he said.
Eric Lejoindre, mayor of Paris´s 18th district, confirmed on X that the structure was not in danger of further collapse. He conveyed relief over the safety of both Parisians and visitors.
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head-post · 22 days
Sails of Moulin Rouge windmill in Paris collapse
The sails of the red Moulin Rouge windmill, one of Paris’ most famous attractions, fell to the ground early Thursday morning, The Guardian reports.
Jean-Victor Clerico, the attraction’s general manager, said that shortly before 2 a.m. on Thursday, the windmill’s sails “just unravelled and fell onto the pavement.” Fortunately, there were no passersby on the boulevard at the time. Clerico told reporters:
In 135 years of history the Moulin Rouge has experienced many adventures, but it is true that as far as the sails are concerned, this is the first time it’s happened.
More than 600,000 people a year watch performances twice a day at the Moulin Rouge at the foot of Montmartre Hill. Even more people stand on the pavement outside to take selfies against a backdrop as emblematic of Paris as the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower.
Founded in 1889, the cabaret became a global symbol of Parisian nightlife in the late 19th century, and its famous kan dancers were depicted in paintings by artists such as Toulouse-Lautrec. The 2001 film of the same name, directed by Baz Luhrmann, cemented its appeal today.
Read more HERE
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Franco’s regime should be classed as semi-fascist rather than fascist; which implies no judgment of value because until 1943 it was far more ferocious than Mussolini’s. [..] Franco’s system even in its hey-day should be described as clerico-bureaucratic military dictatorship – reactionary in the correct sense that it succeeded in reversing the trends and restoring the essential features of the ancien régime. It came into existence through a military uprising and its main props were the army, the police, the Church, the bureaucrats and the wealthy property owners, with the Falange playing only a small part. It is interesting, from the viewpoint of the present thesis, that among the pillars of the regime it was this small fascist party which showed most concern for the non-privileged classes and for the effect of the extremely unequal distribution of wealth. Employing the usual hackneyed metaphors, we can say that even in this case the fascists stood to the left of the conservatives and the clericalists.
Even less amenable to pigeon-holing is the case of Peron who (in his first and the only important reign) combined assorted items of the fascist ideology and institutional arrangements with stridently populist policies. This dictator, an admirer and avowed disciple of Mussolini, liberated the industrial workers from intimidation by their employers, set up unions, substantially raised the wages and organised welfare services, and (especially through Evita) engaged in extravagant flattery of the masses, while humiliating many members of the established upper class. I would not however classify Peron as a fascist because he had no militarised mass party. He was overthrown by the old military élite when they felt threatened by his attempts to set up such a party. Peronism is a very interesting phenomenon because it exhibited a conjunction of features which did not go together in other parts of the world. From the viewpoint of the conventional dichotomy, it could with equal justification be assigned to the Right or the Left or the middle-of-the-road, which shows how misleading these labels can be.
Stanislav Andreski, “Fascists as Moderates,” Who Were the Fascists: Social Roots of European Fascism
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rideretremando · 1 year
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Questo per le merde clerico-fasciste, diocristo
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Invitame pue a tomar un vino shekorasó
En navidad te invito clerico
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Ya vi unos cuantos gringos quejandose de que odian la navidad porque tienen que dar regalos caros a todo el mundo eskiusmi pero Latinoamerica is simply build different esta noche clerico y yo pago las estrellitas a las criaturas y ya esta ya
Que regalo ni que puta che sogue karacha
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gaiaitaliacom · 24 days
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alessandro54-plus · 24 days
Sono crollate le pale del Moulin Rouge, a Parigi
articolo: Sono crollate le pale del Moulin Rouge, a Parigi – Il Post Parigi, 25 aprile 2024 Il Moulin Rouge dopo il crollo delle pale – (EPA/Teresa Suarez) Nella notte tra mercoledì e giovedì sono crollate le pale del Moulin Rouge, famosissimo locale del quartiere parigino di Pigalle sulla cui sommità si trova appunto la riproduzione di un mulino. Jean-Victor Clerico, il direttore del locale,…
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gbhbl · 3 months
Horror Movie Review: BlackOut (2023)
Writer and director Luca Zanlorenzi’s low-budget horror movie, BlackOut, is 80 minutes of your life simply wasted.
Writer and director Luca Zanlorenzi’s low-budget horror movie, BlackOut, is 80 minutes of your life simply wasted. A poor story and bad characters, constantly dark to the point of being unwatchable, acting that is subpar, and a total lack of scares. Alice (Carlotta Nebbia) and her boyfriend Matt (Federico Clerico) seem like a happy couple, heading off to a remote farmhouse to meet their friends,…
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personal-reporter · 8 months
Cuneo Archeofilm 2023
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Dal 5 al 7 ottobre, il Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco a Cuneo sarà il protagonista della prima edizione del Cuneo Archeofilm, il Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Archeologia Arte Ambiente dove ogni sera, a partire dalle 21, saranno proiettate due opere cinematografiche scelte tra le eccellenze della produzione mondiale legata a questi temi. L’accesso alle proiezioni è gratuito e aperto al pubblico fino a esaurimento posti inoltre, ad arricchire l’esperienza, verranno organizzati incontri con autorevoli figure del mondo della comunicazione storico-archeologica, in un’occasione unica per approfondire e contestualizzare le opere proposte. Il pubblico avrà il ruolo di giuria popolare e potrà votare per l’assegnazione del prestigioso Premio Cuneo Archeofilm alla pellicola più apprezzata. Questa iniziativa s' inserisce all’interno del progetto europeo Interreg IV A Alcotra 2021/2027 – P.E.P.A. Patrimonio ambientale culturale – approcci interdisciplinari e strumenti innovativi, dove il Comune di Cuneo svolge un ruolo di partner attivo. Cristina Clerico, assessora alla Cultura del Comune di Cuneo, ha ideato il Cuneo Archeofilm come strumento di promozione del patrimonio archeologico locale dove, attraverso lo spericolato business delle ossa, si racconterà dei fossili di dinosauro, tra i capolavori dell’arte rupestre nella grotta Cosquer, perché il piccolo paese delle Alpi austriache, Hallstatt, noto per le miniere di sale, era già noto nella preistoria, fino ad arrivare alla grande architettura Incas e a raccontare la vera storia di Tutankhamon. Inoltre, il docufilm fuori concorso ripercorrerà la ricerca dell’opera più grande sognata da Gaudì, la Sagrada Familia di Barcellona e gli interventi di nomi e personaggi del mondo della comunicazione storica-archeologica, che si intervalleranno tra le proiezioni, saranno occasione per contestualizzare le opere e acquisire nuove conoscenze. L’evento è stato  promosso dal Museo Civico di Cuneo in collaborazione con Firenze Archeofilm, Archeologia Viva e la Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Alessandria, Asti e Cuneo. Read the full article
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hellobyeokgo · 10 months
Kitty Dare Restaurant Wine Tasting: Italy
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這次餐會的酒來自 Cantina del Taburno 以及 Domenico Clerico
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餐桌上的植物很刺 酷
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開胃菜 炸拿波里三明治 內餡是 Mozzarella 起司, 和鯷魚
鯷魚味道很濃郁、鮮味、鹹 外皮很酥脆 剛出爐 熱熱吃很讚
搭配的酒是 Folius 氣泡酒 果味強烈 偏甜
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這一道 Cod 魚 番茄醬汁
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搭配的酒 Fiano 嚐起來 味道不濃郁 有特殊的味道 類似清爽的 臭臭的 雞蛋味?!
與 Cod 魚一起吃 有松子的味道 滿神奇
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這一道是 Bass 魚 白酒魚湯 小番茄 這道菜我很喜歡
魚 味道清淡 魚肉 有彈性 皮皮 Q彈 魚湯 鮮甜 番茄突顯了甜味跟鮮味
搭配的酒是 Cantina del Taburno 'Dama' 品種是 Falanghina 是我第一次喝這個品種的酒 香味比較少 稍微酸一些
搭配起來 酒味道太強 酒精太多 果味太多 不搭
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這一道是 薄荷燉飯 蝦子 和 Burrata 起司 這道我不行 薄荷超量! 吃了我頭好暈
搭配的酒是 Domenico Clerico 'Visadi' 2021 產地是 Langhe 品種是 Dolcetto
聞起來很甜 喝起來很餐酒
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最後一道是 花椰菜苗?! 貝殼麵 義大利香腸 橄欖油 香腸很讚 當時沒記下其他的想法 XD
搭配的酒是今日最好喝的 Domenico Clerico Barolo DOCG 2018
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這瓶酒一出現 彷彿今天喝的其他酒都是陪襯
聞起來 很濃郁 很香 有點古董味
嚐起來 香 同時清爽 微酸
壯碩的結構 撐起 豐富的香氣 好喝!
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後來老闆幫我續杯 Barolo 開心
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