ilvinoeoltre · 1 year
Barolo Villero 2017 (Azienda Agricola Giacomo Fenocchio)
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Umberto Fenocchio, Sigla, (prospectus), FTC – Fonderia Tipografica Cooperativa, 1970s [Archive of Styles, Alberto Tallone Editore, Alpignano (TO)]
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fapper · 18 days
Guys this was my first time trying the famous gelato place in france called Fenocchio i deadass walked like 5 hours today 20k steps my back is in pain anyways I got blackcurrent and raspberry flavors and the raspberry one was good but the blackcurrent.. not for me but its good they had SOOOOOO many flavors i was like wtf is all this THEY HAD A CACTUS FLAVORED ICE CREAM LIKE???? This other place had rose, violet and lavender flavored ice cream that TASTED EXACTLY LIKE WTF THEY SHOULD TASTE LIKE…. This was an amazing solo trip i kept being in disbelief that 1. im here and 2. people actually live here. Like i am so jealous of the ppl who live here i could cry… i sat at the park for a bit listening to some sad songs and almost cried bc of this LMFAO like damn i grew up in the slums and yet here we are, witnessing kids play at ssuch a nice park with nice facilities/ games or whatever outside in such a nice weather like damn yall got it easy fr. ANYWAYS MAN
france is BEAUTIFUL…. Its BEAUITUFL its insanely pretty here i wish i could live here for the rest of my life frfr ALSO I WANT FRENCH DICKQUE BUT THEY DONT WANT ME :((((( jk im celibate but i will be mixing blood FOR SURE
also the way i was like the only asian person walking on the streets most of the time that was scary but i braved it through fr fr. Not a lot of asians here but like, its expected lmao like we are literally in europe
ANYWAYS YALL IT WAS A GREAT DAY also earlier in the day i had russian class and its held in our prof’s airbnb and she had these 2 HUGEEE dogs with her and it was so cute so. We have classes with 2 dogs next to us :D also class was hard wtf fuck russian that language is hard as hell and ive been studying it for 10 yrs now 🙄
YALL IM REALLY HAPPY 🩵 im gonna go back tomorrow again (its an hour walk but its ok it was sooo beautiful… ugh . UGHHHHH WHATEVR
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prvtocol · 9 months
@badtrigger : send me ‘👀’ for something my muse has said about yours to someone else / when they’re not around. // bri about santiago, cbp verse ✿
The kitchen table becomes an impromptu craft station. Draped across most of its surface is an unrolled rectangular sheet of white craft paper and on top of that, a rainbow of crayons, markers, and colored pencils rolling about as tiny hands are busy in the act of filing its entirety with drawings. On two chairs, the twins sit perched up on their knees, their tiny selves raised over the edge and leaning on the table to reach all corners of the paperr. Their goal is to draw scenes of everything they did in the last two weeks while their father was away at sea and in anticipation of his return tomorrow.
Brianne sits at one corner of the table, attempting to save any roll-away crayons and markers from the floor and occasionally keeping the two on task.
“What this?” She points to one of Monte’s unfinished vignettes, trying to honestly gauge what the figures are up to — not that legibility really matters. Part of the enjoyment for the two will be going through the whole paper, one drawing at a time, and explaining everything in it to Santiago while also telling them stories about what they've been up to. A twin-sized presentation.
“That’s me. And that’s papa.” The boy points out each stick figure, and then to what’s scribbled in their hands. “We’re going to get ice cream at Fenocchio's,” which they know as the ice cream shop in town.
“That doesn’t look like papa.“ Miguel interrupts, lifting up in his seat and putting his face over the drawings to get an unnecessarily close peek. He has a blue crayon in his hand and starts to draw over one figure’s midsection. “Papa’s got a bigger tummy. And big arms.”
“Heeey!” Miguel whines, pushing his brother’s crayon away from his masterpiece. “I wasn’t done yet!” 
“Oh. Now I thought your plan was to draw what you did when papa was away.” Brianne casually interjects while also trying to dissuade them from arguing. “You know, we went to the park, mémé came to visit, we baked chocolate chip muffins,” she starts, giving open-ended suggestions. She does see Miguel’s presumed rendition of their grandmother in a very pink dress, however.
“Ooooh.” Monte animatedly exclaims, sitting back on his chair as his face unnecessarily contorts in defeat. “But I want to draw what I want to do with papa when he comes home.” 
"Well. How about we do both? There’s plenty of room.” The suggestion comes lightly, knowing one cannot contain Monte's doodling, the prolific drawer he is. “And don’t leave your brother out. I’m sure Miguel wants to go to Fenocchio’s too.”
“That’s alright, Mummy.” Monte says sympathetically, halting his drawing of a tree and looking at her with utmost seriousness. The child sometimes appears a decade older than he is. “Papa is going to take me to see the boats instead, and then get me ice cream.”
Oh dear. It seems Santiago is going to have a lot of expected ice cream dates when he returns home.
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straubindeutschland · 7 months
The tastings and fancy eating commences!
Nov 10, 2023
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We had an amazing lunch at Bovio restaurant, just down the hill from our village of La Morra. We are in truffle season so that was the thing to order.
Friends (counterclockwise): Yours truly, Gareth, William, Dave, Michael, Fran and Barclay.
Everyone knows each other from their studies at Cambridge. And they are all British, very funny and have a large vocabulary.
Gareth - former priest that now focuses on refining his already exceptional culinary skills and wine tasting.
William - a psychoanalyst who studies people’s subconscious memories. He also rides horses and goes on fox hunts. He was another level of intellect.
Dave - Army Colonel and dear friend of ours!
Michael - Scotsman who is an eye surgeon in London. He is doing his one year fellowship in Denver , CO. He moves in January. He also had the option of going to Iowa City!! We spoke at length about his visit there.
Fran - a doctor for NHS in London. Former nun. Married to Gareth.
Barclay - my favorite person.
The truffle shaving experience!
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Wine tasting at Giacomo Fenocchio. The tasting room had a beautiful view!
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The wine maker welcomed us but then quickly departed as he was on his way to Argentina for a month vacation. It’s “off-season” in wine country now.
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This is one of the other wine makers, straight from the vineyards. In addition to the bottle tastings, he offered us tastes straight from the barrel. This allows us to taste the wine as it is aging.
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seasia2k18 · 2 years
Nice - Day 1
June 11, 2022
After an exhausting day at Disney we were up bright and early once again to catch a hotel shuttle to the main bus station, and from there catch a bus to the airport. We departed out of Orly on EasyJet, and flew down to Nice in about 1.5 hours.
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Our AirBnB was in the absolute best location! Right by the beach and walking distance to all the main attractions in Nice. Once we were settled we went to grab some dinner at what we later discovered was a very popular restaurant after it filled up almost immediately upon opening, and then had a lineup for the rest of the night!
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After dinner we walked to Fenocchio, a well known gelato shop in the area with an overwhelming number of flavours.
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The rest of the evening was spent wandering Nice’s old town, and spending some relaxing time watching the sun set on the beach.
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voyagecotefenetre · 2 years
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Direction Nice et la Côte d'Azur pour 3 jours au soleil !
J'étais déjà venue à Nice il y a dix ans et j'avais envie de redécouvrir la ville, de sentir ses galets chauds sous mes pieds, les parfums de fleur d'oranger, et d'entendre le roulis des vagues sur la plage.
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1- Le vieux Nice
J'ai beaucoup aimé me balader dans les ruelles colorées du vieux Nice, me rendre à la place Rossetti pour prendre une glace chez le fameux glacier Fenocchio et admirer l'Eglise Sainte-Réparate. J'y suis allée tous les soirs jusqu'à mon départ.
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Profitez de la fraîcheur du matin pour vous balader cours Saleya et son célèbre marché. Le soir, les restaurants investissent la place.
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2- La colline du château
En passant sous les arcades, vous arriverez à la promenade des arts.
À gauche, si le coeur vous en dit, vous pouvez monter à la colline du château admirer le coucher de soleil depuis le belvédère. Bonne nouvelle: il y a un ascenseur pour vous y emmener ! Attention toutefois, il ferme à 17h. Après, ce sont les escaliers !
Fun fact: tous les jours à midi pile, un coup de canon est tiré depuis la colline du château. La légende raconte qu'un bourgeois, lassé d'attendre sa femme revenant en retard de sa promenade matinale, aurait demandé à tirer un coup de canon depuis la colline pour lui indiquer l'heure. Quoiqu'il en soit, c'est une tradition qui perdure. Autre précaution: n'allez pas à la colline pour midi, car le bruit du coup de canon de très près est assez désagréable, surtout quand on ne s'y attend pas.
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3- Le Port de Nice
Depuis la colline, il a aussi une vue imprenable sur le port de Nice. Moins touristique, il reste très agréable de s'y promener le soir.
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4- La promenade des anglais
À droite, direction la très célèbre Promenade des Anglais. Très agréable à arpenter au soleil couchant, profitant de la vue sur la mer. Vous pourrez vous rendre au non moins célèbre hôtel de luxe le Negresco ! Faisant la réputation de Nice, ce sont des incontournables.
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De jour, profitez de la promenade pour une balade à vélo, en roller, ou tout simplement pour vous prélasser sur la plage.
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5- La place Massena
J'ai adoré la place Masséna, le motif damier du sol en dialogue avec les bâtiments rouges flamboyant des immeubles autour.
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6- Le miroir d'eau
Très agréable aussi de se rafraîchir au miroir d'eau juste à côté. Sans compter que ça fait de très jolies photos ! Point fort: la ville de Nice met a disposition des fontaines d'eau fraîche un peu partout dans la ville (notamment au miroir d'eau). On y trouve de l'eau plate et de l'eau gazeuse des montagnes alentours.
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7- La Place Garibaldi
Tout au bout de la coulée verte dont fait partie le miroir d'eau, vous reviendrez sur le vieux Nice et sur la place Garibaldi, moins prisée des touristes, mais très jolie toute parée de jaune.
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8- Les insolites
L'une des curiosités de Nice, c'est qu'elle possède une copie de la Statue de la Liberté. Mais en petit. Tout petit. J'ai mis du temps à la trouver. Située devant l'opéra de Nice, face à la mer, le bâtiment lui-même est tout à fait remarquable. Prêtez bien attention aux détails, vous y verrez des références à la Statue de la Liberté, notamment sur les lampadaires. Je trouve cet endroit complètement sous-côté et c'est bien dommage.
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Autre endroit complètement ignoré des touristes (et c'est tant mieux) et tout à fait curieux, c'est la Cathédrale orthodoxe russe Saint-Nicolas. Classée au monuments historiques, c'est une splendeur absolue. Il est possible d'y entrer gratuitement, sauf à l'heure du culte, comme dans toutes les églises. Elle se situe à 10-15 minutes à pied derrière la gare.
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Amateurs d'art, rendez-vous au Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain (MAMAC) de Nice. En plus de belle collection, son toit-terrasse offre une vue imprenable sur la ville. Pour plus d'art encore, vous trouverez le Musée Matisse et le Musée National Marc Chagall, la Villa Arson (également école d'art).
Mon avis
Nice est une destination de choix pour les vacances. Le Vieux-Nice ne saura vous laisser de marbre.
Les avantages: très agréable de s'y balader, pas mal de musées, la mer, la possibilité de faire de chouettes excursions d'une journée: Cannes, Eze-Sur-Mer, Villefranche-sur-mer, Monaco, Menton, Vintimille.
Les inconvénients: l'été c'est beaucoup trop prisée des touristes, mieux vaut y aller hors saison. Autre inconvénient: les galets (ça fait mal aux pieds, au fesses, au dos).
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burde · 4 years
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Giacomo Fenocchio Barolo Villero 2016 🤟🍇🍷 • • • • • • • • • • • • Vino intenso e piccante, dolcezza struggente , lavanda, mirto, alloro, lamponi mirtilli , eleganza e sottigliezza, carnosità quanto basta, finissimo serico, aristoctatico ma dolcezza nel finale è bellissima. La tenuta del tannino per tutto il sorso è precisa senza aggredire mai troppo nonostante la gioventù notevole : i grandi vini devono esserlo anche da giovani... #piedmont #piemonte #nebbiolo #villero #fenocchio #andreagori #wine #vino #andreagorisommelier #vin #winelover #tasting #degustazione #assaggimemorabili (presso Trattoria Da Burde) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8chUANC9uO/?igshid=b4ciwok4u7n1
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maagicmiss · 7 years
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"Petite" glace à Nice, au meilleur glacier ! #glace #fenocchio #chantilly (à Vieux-Nice)
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kakivino · 2 years
Giacomo Fenocchio 2016 Langhe Freisa
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Potting soil, leather, rose petal, orange zest and strawberry aromas lift from the glass. Almost indistinguishable from a young nebbiolo—that's stating the obvious given their parent-offspring connection—if not for its darker hue and initial feral edge. Fragrant and moreish with black cherry and spice on palate, given shape by tangy acidity and firmish tannins. Decant with abandon. A minor revelation.
Bussia Sottana, Langhe, Piemonte, Italy; 100% freisa; 13.5% abv.
Stockists  n/a
Distributor  Cuore Italiano
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sanchezsacco · 2 years
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Arrojas Poesía al Sur del Hemisferio celebra la llegada del Equinoccio de Otoño y sus 11vo aniversario en la apertura del 2do Festival de Poesía del Riachuelo.
Escenario 1: Altar Quinquela, Garibaldi y Olavarría.
Entre las 14.00 y las 15.30 conmemoramos a San Benito Quinquela, elevado simbólicamente a Santo popular por sus Devotxs, en su Santuario de Garibaldi y Olavarría. A 100 metros de Caminito, frente al Gauchito Gil.
Festejando su onceava edición, el ciclo Arrojas Poesía, al Sur del hemisferio en el marco del II Festival de Poesía del Riachuelo invita a celebrar la llegada del Equinoccio de Otoño y a encenderle velitas al Santo. Habrá estampado en vivo del Taller de Gráfica Comunitaria La Boca, a cargo de Lucho Galo; el poeta Facundo Ruiz recitará un fragmento de su escrito La Canción del expósito, de los Evangelios de San Benito Quinquela; confirmó su presencia el padre Toto. Los tambores de África Ruge llamarán al otoño a puro parche rugiente y la pintora de La Boca Alejandra Fenochio, autora del original de San Benito Quinquela que cientos de manos tallaron en tacos en distintos talleres, mostrará obras en tamaño pequeño y sahumaremos las primeras hojas del estío en el brasero ceremonial con Carlo Pelella.
Escenario 2: Camión
En este escenario sucederán las lecturas y los shows musicales. El camión estará ubicado sobre la ribera del Riachuelo en Pedro de Mendoza al 2500 frente a las dos grúas noruegas y a la empresa Martina Di Trento.
Poesía en la Cuenca + Arrojas Poesía, al Sur del hemisferio. Ciclo colectivo, estacional, itinerante, intermitente de La Boca.
16:00hs María Sueldo.
16:15hs Gino Bencivenga
16:30hs María del Carmen Colombo
16:45hs Guillermo Saavedra
17:00hs Cierre musical del segmento Pita Pawer
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ilvinoeoltre · 2 years
La Degustazione: Barolo. Re dei vini, vino dei Re (28/10/2022)
(di Dimitri Domenichella)
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yourlocalbpdbitch · 4 years
Hi, my name's Giulia and I'm from Italy. I'm here because I need some help.
I have this mental illness called "borderline personality disorder" and I need to get hospitalized in this private clinic that I can't afford.
I tried public hospitals but they can't help me because they're full. Also they think I need this clinic is better for me. I don't know what to do, I'm doing my best to keep myself up and alive but it's not that easy.
I ask your help to get there, because I really want to live a normal life, I just need a possibility.
Thank you so much.》
help her out.
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Help Giulia to get proper treatment for her bpd. A tiny amount is also huge help. Share this post if you can! Thank you for reading this post,sharing it or donating money. :) Have a lovely day! :)
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nevermind-undo · 4 years
Hey guys!
I don’t usually do this, but if you could donate or even just reblog, it would be really helpful! My friends are currently trying to make things right for themselves, and what they need right now is someone willing to make all of this even a bit lighter.
The description is in Italian, it’s for a specialized mental health clinic, here is the translation:
“Mental health in 2020 is still a taboo, and it’s not always treated as it should be. I started experiencing problems at 14, and a bit later I had to drop out because of the recourring hospitalizations. A lot of people would say that determination is key, and I would have thought that too, but to understand certain situations you have to live them, in my opinion. After years being hospitalized in public institutions, without great improvements, I understood I needed more specific and tailored help. I searched a lot, only to find private clinics, which are expensive. Some of these charge up to 150€ per day, with a minimum stay of 40 days, funds that I’m not able to have at the moment. But I still have a bit of hope, i want to live a normal life, and I’m convinced that with the right help I will be able to . I want to work, have a family, a house. I humbly ask for your help, a possibility for me, and I thank you in advance.
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monsterinmytumtum · 7 years
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Nutella, Thé Bergamotte, Irish Coffee, Coca-Cola, Bailey’s, Avocado, Biere, Mojito flavored gelato! #parissemester2017 #nicefrance #france🇫🇷 #fenocchio #gelato (at Glacier Fenocchio)
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