odinsblog · 1 year
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The path of Asteroid 2023 BU brought it between the Earth and some of our man-made satellites. (source)
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gblnews · 6 days
NASA warns that a 98ft plane-sized asteroid is heading towards Earth soon | - Times of India
NASA’s vigilant eyes in the sky have detected an asteroid, designated as 2024 LB4, that is projected to make a close approach to Earth. This asteroid, comparable in size to a commercial airliner at approximately 98 feet in diameter, is on a trajectory that will bring it within 1,800,000 miles of our planet. The anticipated date of this encounter is June 16, 2024, a day when the asteroid will zip…
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aldocerandaz · 7 months
Es la historia sobre los asteroides cercanos a casa y la tecnología para protegernos
Los conceptos basicos de Cneos el Centro de Estudios de Objetos Cercanos a la Tierra (CNEOS) calcula órbitas de alta precisión para Objetos Cercanos a la Tierra (NEO), predice sus movimientos futuros, evalúa su riesgo de impacto y publica estos resultados en el sitio web. Como componentes primitivos y sobrantes del proceso de formación del sistema solar, los cometas y asteroides ofrecen pistas…
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un-economics · 10 months
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thejewishlink · 2 years
Soccer field-sized asteroid to pass Earth Thursday - NASA
Soccer field-sized asteroid to pass Earth Thursday – NASA
Asteroid 2019 XS measures around 100 meters, just a bit smaller than a soccer field, per FIFA’s regulations. But unlike the soccer balls in Qatar, this asteroid won’t score any goals on Earth. By AARON REICH An asteroid just slightly smaller than an average soccer field is set to pass by the Earth this Thursday, according to NASA’s asteroid tracker. The asteroid has been designated 2019 XS,…
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direful · 2 years
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astroblogs · 2 years
Was de interstellaire meteoriet CNEOS 2014-01-08 soms een 'boodschapper' van Planeet Negen?
Was de interstellaire meteoriet CNEOS 2014-01-08 soms een ‘boodschapper’ van Planeet Negen?
De oranje strook is het gebied waar Planeet negen zich volgens de theoretische voorspellingen bevindt, het blauwe vierkant is de lokatie waar CNEOS 2014-01-08 vandaan komt. De groene stip is de apex, de richting waarin het gehele zonnestelsel zich begeeft. Credit: Héctor Socas-Navarro Het verhaal van de bijzondere interstellaire meteoriet CNEOS 2014-01-08 is vaker op de Astroblogs verteld, eerst…
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adrianusv61 · 2 years
Was de interstellaire meteoriet CNEOS 2014-01-08 soms een 'boodschapper' van Planeet Negen?
Was de interstellaire meteoriet CNEOS 2014-01-08 soms een ‘boodschapper’ van Planeet Negen?
De oranje strook is het gebied waar Planeet negen zich volgens de theoretische voorspellingen bevindt, het blauwe vierkant is de lokatie waar CNEOS 2014-01-08 vandaan komt. De groene stip is de apex, de richting waarin het gehele zonnestelsel zich begeeft. Credit: Héctor Socas-Navarro Het verhaal van de bijzondere interstellaire meteoriet CNEOS 2014-01-08 is vaker op de Astroblogs verteld, eerst…
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NASA System Predicts Impact of a Very Small Asteroid Over Germany
A small asteroid about 3 feet (1 meter) in size disintegrated harmlessly over Germany on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 1:32 a.m. local time (CET). At 95 minutes before it impacted Earth’s atmosphere, NASA’s Scout impact hazard assessment system, which monitors data on potential asteroid discoveries, gave advance warning as to where and when the asteroid would impact. This is the eighth time in history that a small Earth-bound asteroid has been detected while still in space, before entering and disintegrating in our atmosphere.
The asteroid’s impact produced a bright fireball, or bolide, which was seen from as far away as the Czech Republic and may have scattered small meteorites on the ground at the impact site about 37 miles (60 kilometers) west of Berlin. The asteroid was later designated 2024 BX1.
While NASA reports on near-Earth objects (NEOs) of all sizes, the agency has been tasked by Congress with detecting and tracking NEOs 140 meters in size and larger that could cause significant damage on the ground if they should impact our planet. Those objects can be spotted much further in advance than small ones like 2024 BX1.
Tiny asteroids like this one impact our planet from time to time. They pose no hazard to life on Earth but can provide a useful demonstration of NASA’s planetary defense capabilities such as Scout’s rapid-response trajectory computation and impact alerts.
How It Was Predicted
The asteroid 2024 BX1 was first observed less than three hours before its impact by Krisztián Sárneczky at Piszkéstető Mountain Station of the Konkoly Observatory near Budapest, Hungary. These early observations were reported to the Minor Planet Center – the internationally recognized clearinghouse for the position measurements of small solar system bodies – and automatically posted on the center’s Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page so that other astronomers could make additional observations.
Scout, which was developed and is operated by the Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, automatically fetched the new data from that page, deducing the object’s possible trajectory and chances of impacting Earth. CNEOS calculates the orbit of every known NEO to provide assessments of potential impact hazards for the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
With three observations posted to the confirmation page over 27 minutes, Scout initially identified that an impact was possible and that additional observations were urgently needed. As astronomers across Europe reported new data to the Minor Planet Center, the asteroid’s trajectory became better known and the probability of its impacting Earth significantly increased.
Seventy minutes after 2024 BX1 was first spotted, Scout reported a 100% probability of Earth impact and began to narrow down the location and time. As tracking continued and more data became available over the next hour, Scout improved estimates of the time and location. Since the asteroid disintegrated over a relatively populated part of the world, many photos and videos of the fireball were posted online minutes after the event.
Tracking NEOs
The first asteroid to be discovered and tracked well before impacting our planet was 2008 TC3, which entered our atmosphere and broke up over Sudan in October 2008. That 13-foot-wide (4-meter-wide) asteroid scattered hundreds of small meteorites over the Nubian Desert.
In early 2023, another tiny asteroid, designated 2023 CX1, was detected seven hours before it entered Earth’s atmosphere over northwestern France. As with 2024 BX1, Scout accurately predicted the location and time of impact.
With NEO surveys becoming more sophisticated and sensitive, more of these harmless objects are being detected before entering our atmosphere, providing real exercises for NASA’s planetary defense program. The details gathered from such events are helping to inform the agency’s mitigation strategies should a large and hazardous object on a collision course with our planet be detected in the future.
IMAGE....This map shows the location where the small asteroid 2024 BX1 harmlessly impacted Earth’s atmosphere over Germany, about 37 miles (60 kilometers) west of Berlin, on Jan. 21. A NASA system called Scout predicted the impact time and site within 1 second... Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
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Asteroid the size of 100 Barbie dolls to pass Earth on Thursday - NASA
Asteroid 2023 OR1 is set to pass Earth on Thursday, July 27, and is the size of over 100 Barbie dolls. It won't hit the Earth though – it's fantastic!
An asteroid the size of over 100 Barbie dolls is set to pass by Earth on Thursday, July 27, according to NASA's asteroid tracker.
According to the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the asteroid in question has been designated 2023 OR1, meaning it was discovered this year. 
The asteroid is coincidentally set to pass the Earth on Tisha Be'av, the Jewish fast day mourning the destruction of the First and Second Temples of Jerusalem.
More: JPost
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mykittylittleb · 1 year
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It’s 🥶 outside!!! #cat https://www.instagram.com/p/CneO-Q6BOfb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Meant to be sorting my life out for a friend's wedding this weekend instead standing in the middle of the house like
Yes but don't you see how Jerott is used by La Dame de Doubtance - when he says he'll never love again do you think La Dame wants to hear it because actually nothing would be sweeter to Jerott Blyth at that moment than hearing Francis defend his right to love and then Francis says don't let me drive you away but this is part of La Dame's plan isn't it and when it's said he's adequate to his task what is that precisely? to love Francis enough to go back again and again and again to save him even when Francis doesn't want to be saved even when it goes against common sense and Jerott thought he might just leave actually, Francis Crawford lives because of Jerott Blyth's heart while La Dame has an army of people to get Francis into trouble because his fate requires it her stupid plan relies on Jerott to pull him out of trouble because a dead Great Man just won't do but Jerott couldn't serve the Voivoda it would break his heart too much so he needs to be driven away, just enough, but not so far that he won't be back again to save Francis when he doesn't want to be saved in Checkmate and to let him die when it's the only thing that can give him life, so Marthe is used as well, but Marthe's eyes are open to her fate and she hates him and she hates it but she thinks she'll be rewarded for playing her part - with gratitude maybe, with a brother at least, with a Great Man - and she's so trapped in the game she thinks kindness can hold a man together who has no purpose but to wait until it's required of him to love again and to fight again only it's not kindness is it because no one believes it and it's love he needs and has always needed and the first one died the second one was a betrayal, hers is a trick too just like her wigs and her antique dresses, and the other the other is not for him it's not in his stars, so he's adequate to receiving kindness and how can Francis walk back into this illusion of life - it was the troop of St Mary's that should have been his - and say 'she's not your keeper' 'why did you marry her' when he didn't get kindness from Francis so turned to Marthe, when she married him for the work her grandmother started and Francis left them together at Volos all but making her his keeper - kindness. He shall have it. But what does La Dame or her granddaughter know about kindness? - and even after all this it's just like Fleabag said man he has all this love to give and he doesn't have anywhere to put it so he puts it in a single bullet fired into Austin Grey's head and then it turns out he's brought the stars into allignment Francis and Philippa can love and he can take his rightful place but Marthe Marthe never knew that was how things ended for her did she? did she not read her own stars as she looked over the tasks given to her the work she inherited when La Dame died and did she not read them and take out their injustice on the man who was going to cause her death which is the only reward in the cup for her, or did she not want to know did she suspect did she hope to the last that Francis would welcome her with open arms as a sister this is why Marthe's advice is 'lie back and think of England' you have to take whatever's coming to you so Francis can be a Great Man only he's already great and she doesn't understand it because she has no concept of a healthy family of love for parents and siblings, of being satisfied with enough just enough to live happily please give Russia to Marthe give Francis his fate back that is to say I know Jerott would never make him happy like Philippa does but I'd just like it to be known that being adequate to his task, no one loves like Jerott Blyth and you should take him seriously when he says you don't know what love is because he's a knight leaning his head on his lord's knee and þinceð him on mode þæt he his mondryhten clyppe ond cysse, ond on cneo lecge honda ond heafod, swa he hwilum ær in geardagum giefstolas breac. Ðonne onwæcneð eft manwineleas guma, gesihð him biforan fealwe wegas, baþian brimfuglas,brædan feþra, hreosan hrim ond snaw hagle gemenged. When he shoots is it La Dame he's serving or Francis? He believes it's the latter but events indicate it's still the former. Afterwards, does he even share any words with Francis? Nothing but practicalities, at any rate. It's like he might as well be dead to him. He's running away like he did after love's first death, to where love first betrayed him, there's nothing for him at St Mary's - just as he couldn't serve the Voivoda he can't serve Francis in love. What is love, Jerott? Not kindness and curiosity, but faith and fate. Being adequate to the task of bringing Francis' greatness to fruition, though you never understood the music and the art because you're a man who wishes for a leader and a companion and in the end you get neither.
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ateneanike · 2 years
Sarcófago de Publio Cornelio Escipión Barbado.
De la gens Cornelia fue bisabuelo de Escipión el Africano.
Barbatus fue un gran general que intervino en las guerras samnitas.
Su epitafio dice de él:
Cornelio Lucio Escipión Barbado, nació de Cneo, su padre, como hombre fuerte y sabio, cuya apariencia guardaba sus muchas virtudes, fue cónsul, censor y edil entre vosotros . Conquistó Taurasia, Cisauna, Samnio. Ssubyugó toda Lucania y liberó a sus prisioneros.
Museos Vaticanos
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aldocerandaz · 1 year
El sistema de la NASA predice que un pequeño asteroide pasará cerca de la Tierra esta semana
Este diagrama orbital del visor de acercamiento cercano de CNEOS muestra la trayectoria de 2023 BU, en rojo, durante su acercamiento cercano a la Tierra el 26 de enero de 2023.El asteroide pasará unas 10 veces más cerca de la Tierra que la órbita de los satélites geosincrónicos, que se muestra en la línea verde. . Crédito: NASA/JPL-Caltech El asteroide 2023 BU tiene aproximadamente el tamaño de…
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un-economics · 10 months
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yourantiquarian · 2 years
Greek epichysis
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ITEM Epichysis MATERIAL Pottery, Gnathia Ware CULTURE Greek PERIOD 4th Century B.C DIMENSIONS 183 mm x 80 mm CONDITION Good condition PROVENANCE Ex Emeritus collection (USA), collected from the 1950’s to the 1980’s by a distinguished university professor who served as Department head, Dean and Vice President of a major university. Epichysis, epichysis or epichise is a vessel similar to an oil cruet with a long, thin spout and a flat base without a foot, used in libations to pour its contents (perfume) almost drop by drop. It has also been described as a small jug with a long, narrow neck and a 'spool body', fitted with an upright handle. The Latin term "epichysis" comes from the Greek word for libation, derived from cneo (to pour) and epi (on). But as is often the case with names of this kind, the name is so vague that it can be applied to the wide variety of vessels, jugs, cruets, etc., used for pouring liquids, such as the kyathos or cyathos. Read the full article
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