incomguru-blog · 6 years
Establishing Courage to Better Your Life
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Establishing Courage to Better Your Life
By Coach Maxwell, Once you establish courage, you begin to better your life. Constructing courage will help you take risks to a brighter future that you usually wouldn't take. When you establish courage, you put fear behind you. Bravery is the process of admitting that you have dreads, yet you're willing to determine a way to defeat those fears and not let these fears take charge of you. It's ok to experience your fears at suitable times. When you establish courage, you'll learn to self-direct your entire life. You'll learn to accept punishment and rewards graciously. A courageous individual will frequently feel motivated to accept blame and responsibility while critiquing their actions and utilizing what they learn to move forward. Brave individuals will step to the front, instead of stepping back when opportunities come their way. On the other hand, a brave individual will step back and take a view of his or her errors gracefully. An individual willing to better their life will relax. This individual will relax even when plans fail. For example, if it stormed the next day the individual will find something else to occupy his or her time and feel just as happy about joining this adventure. To get successful and better your life you'll need to learn how to trust you. When you trust you, you are able to trust others also. Regrettably, we live in a world where trust is difficult to find, yet when you trust you, you can’t blame other people when things go wrong. Bettering your life includes utilizing your creative and critical mind. When you can produce fresh ideas, you're off to the road to success. You've many options in this world; it takes you to pull up resources to find those choices. Occasionally in life, we feel uncomfortable. In fact, this is common. Are you willing to accept your irritations? Maybe in an interview, you feel lost. Are you willing to accept this irritation and discover a way to deliver a great speech to impress the interviewer? Alternatively, are you willing to allow negative energies cost you the job? Acceptance is your key to happiness. When you are able to learn to accept the good with the bad, you are able to learn how to live a happier and better life. If you can't accept, however, well, reread this material again. Join my FREE webinar and start "Mastering You". Read the full article
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footballghana · 4 years
I Can't Promise victory against Dreams FC - Kotoko coachMaxwell Konadu
Head coach of Kumasi Asante Kotoko Maxwell Konadu says his outfit will put up a decent performance against Dreams FC in match day 9 of Ghana Premier League on Sunday.
Kotoko will play as guests to Dreams FC in their next premier league this Sunday.
Ahead of the game, the gaffer said, "I can't promise a win but we will always go out there and do our best"
He expressed gratitude to the fans of the club for their unflinching support and has called on them to troop to the stadium on Sunday to cheer the porcupines up to victory against Dreams FC.
source: https://footballghana.com/
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
Business Coaching
BUSINESS NOT GROWING?                    
#BusinessCoaching I can help you find the stuck points in your business and direct you to answers you need to get your business flowing. Your business will grow by 6X to 8X if you follow my suggestions. http://CoachMaxwell.Com
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
WHY YOU IS POOR and why it will never change!
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Change the way you think and you can change your world!
Start at Marketing Guru Academy:
Are you new to making money online start here Got some experience but need help start here You know what you are doing but want the big money, click here Want to learn something specific, click here.
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Coach Maxwell with Robert T Kiyosaki at his office Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
Why Marketing Guru Academy?
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Marketing Guru Academy
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
Affiliate Marketing With Marketing Guru Academy
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Would like to make money marketing my school?
Ask to become an "affiliate".
I'll respond with your affiliate code and more information.
Become An Affiliate Today! Affiliates get paid 50%...Half.... 1/2 .... get it!   Click Here Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
List Building: Creating Leverage
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Leverage On Other People’s List
Internet marketing gurus always talk about building your mailing list. Mailing lists are important because it is true that the money is always in the list. Most of the time, some Internet marketers will beg other marketers (especially those with a bigger list size) to promote their products, do an ad swap or help them to build their own lists in general. But what if, instead of relying on YOUR OWN LIST, you can LEVERAGE on other people’s list? You see, in Internet marketing, there is always someone who has a bigger list size than you. These people will always want to sell products. If you can create products (such as master resell rights or no restriction private label rights products) and give them the rights to sell YOUR products with YOUR ads in it, you will be getting constant advertising for FREE and people are doing it WILLINGLY for you! After all, when you promote a product to your list, it is still limited in the sense that you can only mail your list once or twice, but having your products being promoted all over the Internet, will take the burden off the lists and give you additional streams of income.
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Learn How To Build Your Own List With Marketing Guru Academy. Every Course Teaches Different List Building Skills. Join Us Today!
The Power Of Exponential Growth
Many people neglect the power of viral marketing because they have this misconception that it yields very little at the start. They feel that they would rather promote their products by themselves rather than share the product with other resellers. The same applies to blog posts. Let’s do a little math. Would you rather make $100,000 a month or make build a campaign that doubles in revenue starting at $0.01 a day for every next day? The power of exponential growth tells us that you will become a millionaire after almost 30 days! (2 to the power of 30!!!) Do you see the power of viral marketing? Whether you are getting one new subscriber a day or one sale a day, you will be able to generate lots of traffic just by viral marketing alone! Now to be realistic, even with the UNLIMITED growth potential on the Internet, there will come a time where there is a saturation point. But it still doesn’t dispute the fact that there are millions of customers (and many resellers) that will market for you and expand your efforts FOR YOU! It is always a good idea to build several viral marketing channels. That way, even when your viral campaign starts to slow down (due to saturation), you will still be able to leverage on many channels and build your list or your affiliate commissions. Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
Winning and Retaining Customers
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Selling your business to people is an often daunting task. People have different wants that's why the manner you approach each of your customers is also different. Businesses that stand out in today’s competitive market are those that are able to harness emotional connections with people. Every business knows that positive customer service is important for a business to be successful. But what businesses struggle for is how to make use of their knowledge to change into action. Businesses that stand out in today’s competitive market are those that are able to harness emotional connections with people. Your goal as a businessperson is not to show how good you are but to develop a relationship with your customers. Along the way, you will have to educate your customers about the products you have to offer if ever you hope to make a sale. But after the sale retaining the customers is a more difficult task to do. Competition is always stiff that is why you need to show your customers exceptional value and service.
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This course features a comprehensive email & autoresponder training with very practical applications. You'll learn how to build your list, tools to enhance your reach, autoresponder ideas that are will boost your retention rate and sales. Most importantly the information in this course will help you to engage with your customers in a way that will make sure you are paid for months on end.  It is especially difficult when people cut back on spending. At times like this, you need to work harder to attract customers because all your competitors are doing the same thing. Wouldn’t it be good to have customers who stay loyal to you even in hard times? How could you possibly do this? First off, provide good customer service (having a good autoresponder service and sequencing). This should be a priority in any business because customers are likely to stay with businesses that treat them well. There is no such thing as too much stress on customer satisfaction. Making your customers happy always pays off. This will not only retain customers but will also attract new ones. Second, keep on improving your products and services. Keep in mind that the market is continuously changing. Thus, you should never be satisfied with your products or services. Do research and study your competitors. Keep up with any changes in the market. Third, create products or offer services that appeal to your customers. If your products lack quality, people will not come back to your business. Make sure that your products and services are something that they need not only what they think they need. Fourth, build a good rapport with your customers. You need to be more humane in your approach so that your customers can relate to you as someone who is more than a business provider but also a friend. So remember that attracting customers is more than just luck. It requires good strategy and planning. Do your best to win your customer’s trust. Take care of it and it will bring you good business in the years to come. Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
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Its that time of year again ... when everyone thinks about their new year's resolutions and what they hope, wish, and dream about achieving. Top of the list is PROSPERITY in some form or another. Some people try and be spiritual and they'll place God or health ahead of the money they need but we all know the truth. Money is on everyone's mind and NOT in our pockets. The truth is that we all want and need more money. We all want to be prosperous! Right?
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To clear the air a bit I want to go against the grain and be truthful. I want you to truly succeed in life and have all that you are entitled too. To do that I have to be honest with you and that will make some of you very mad at me and you'll call me many different names. I DON'T CARE! ..................................... is that clear enough? So all you church people who read this get ready because you are going to call me every name in the book but a child of God. And I repeat ..... I DON'T CARE! Now the truth. It's all a lie.... if you think or believe that you can continue to do what you are doing right now and you are going to be prosperous in 2019. You are fooling yourself and no one else. It's all a lie.... if you think you can JUST call on God and pray and read your Bible every day and God is going to do something wonderful in your life and make you wealthy. You are fooling youself and no one else. It's a lie.... if you think that by chance you are going to strike it rich in a lottery and life will be grand. If you have not thought it through and planned to have large sums of money in your bank account, you'll be broke within three years. That's why I say you are just fooling yourself and no one else. Bottom line ... if you want to be prosperous this year you have to do two things and two things only. Plan your course to the amount of money you wish to achieve and the second thing is to take action. The bigger the action the more prosperous you'll be. It's the action that brings in the money and nothing else. Example and proof: Preachers (yep I'm going there): They plan their road to success. How? They study all the time. They want you to think they want to be close to God, but they study hard to get down pack what they are going to say to you from the pulpit. They know it inside and out. They know when they want to ask you for your hard earned money and when they should not ask you for money during their talk. Them studying is them planning their course, and them preaching is their action. The better they are at their studying the better their actions can be and the more you'll give up your money, the richer they will be, and the poorer you'll be. Advice: Copy the preachers. Study and plan your course of actions to gain your prosperity. Then take all out massive action. You need to act like you are a run-away-train with no breaks and no gears. If you do that I promise you'll be prosperous this year!  NOW THAT'S THE TRUTH! Need help in planning your road to success? Sign up for a FREE session of "Business Marketing Coaching". Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 6 years
I Am All About Business
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I Am All About Business
When it comes to understanding your business I find that it is best to focus on the parts that you are better equipped to work in. All of us have different talents = they are meant to help us grow as a human being. All of us have skills that we have developed = those are meant to aid us in our development and help us through our daily lives. All of us are given gifts = those are designed for each of us to apply them in our lives to help better other people's lives. I have a talent for research, I have skills in teaching & speaking, my gifts (like you) are many but among them, I am able to relate to people's needs, wants and desires quickly and without biases. If I lived in the 19th Century I would be known as a "Thought Teacher or Philosopher". Today I work with people who want to go into business all the way to those who have been in business for a long time. I offer coaching, and teach marketing and starting next year I'll open a "thought teaching school". For me, it all about helping people and I don't care where you are in the world or what you look like. I am here for you when you need me. But for now, I am willing to help people who are thinking about starting an online business @ IncomGuru.com website. If you become a little bit more serious about owning an online business, I can help you with your marketing. You can go to the Marketing Guru Academy. And, if you need some personal time and coaching to explore what type of business you might get into you can reach me at Coach Maxwell. I look forward to working with like-minded people who want to change the destiny of their lives. #MarketingGuruAcademy     #IncomeGuru     #CoachMaxwell Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 6 years
Marketing Guru Academy
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Marketing Guru Academy
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From beginners to the seasoned pro we all need one thing ... effective marketing! Without effective marketing our businesses are dead. There will not be any customers buying our stuff and that means there is NO revenue. There are many important parts to running a business that is true. But depending on your business you may need some things or not. Not every business needs an accountant! Not every business needs a CRM system! Not every business needs inventory! But for sure every single business needs to market their store, website, and often themselves. Marketing brings in customers and that's what we all want. To help people get the best out of their marketing - no matter what level they are on I have created an academy. A school where you can learn how to effectively market no matter what level you are on. I call my school, "Marketing Guru Academy". I have placed all of the important information in each course that you'll need.
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 Is the first course and as it states it's for beginners. What is a beginner? If you are in business for less than a year and you just don't have all of your ducks in a row yet. You find that you are stuck in some places and can't figure out why you are not making the kind of money you want. Most likely it's because your system has holes in it. Emails not right, the website's not right, your not marketing to the right people, if at all. This course will give you exclusive insight that others who do not take this course will have. You'll get a real roadmap that will give you success in your marketing. We'll help you find the right products and the right customers. Show you how to build your list, some places to market your website that are FREE and so much more. https://MarketingGuru.Academy  
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You have been in business for a while now but you are still not making serious money. The problem might be that your system is not flowing correctly but I'll bet it's your marketing that is not good enough. You are most likely just on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and one or two other platforms. Having a roadmap is also important when it comes to marketing. There are just so many things you need to have in place and working together. If you don't have them all working for you and working together you can market effectively. We'll give you a system that will streamline your marketing, We'll help you focus on marketing that will impact your income greatly, and We'll show you where to market that will get you paid.  
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 This course is strictly for those who are serious about making money online and are ready to step up to the big boys level. In this course we cover FUNDING for your business, mastering certain skills like list building, product creation & launching, and we give you a host of secret exclusive little-known platforms that will change the way you market forever. This is the big boys and girls course of marketing. You'll be given marketing information that the big gurus use. In this course, Facebook marketing is the small guy! Not even close to the big marketing platforms you'll be introduced to.
Click the button to find out more.
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#MarketingGuruAcademy   #CoachMaxwell    #IncomGuru Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 6 years
[Video] Einsteins Method To Brain Power
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You've probably heard that we do not use the full part of our mind... In fact, Einstein said we only have access to 3%. If you're like me, you'd want access to the other 97%. For years now I have been searching relentlessly... For a way to access it, because I knew this is where all the power was. To tap into limitless power...Of our subconscious mind...And... ==> Access powers we never thought possible I found an unbelievably clever method... That I have been using for years... That has helped me achieve all my goals... ==> Watch this video Accessing the other 97% gave me an unfair advantage over other people, The law of attraction finally started working for me... All this and all I had to do was click play. Watch the video and you'll be thanking me later. Video Testimonial: #TheProcessOfManifestation Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 6 years
The Life Blood Of All Businesses
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Your Customer is Not a Statistic
I felt this was necessary in today's world to write. All money is good money no matter where or from who it comes from.  When a customer walks into your office, you want to make sure they feel welcome, you want to treat your customer as though they are a piece of gold, and not as a statistic. Have you ever been standing in a line, and when it comes to your turn to be waited on, the sales associate yells out “next?” Just thinking about that scenario makes me cringe. It is hardly a way to build a relationship with your customer.
Consumer Value:
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Click Here To Purchase I have been working in sales for more than fifteen years, and I have literally had customers tell me that the most important thing to them is to be appreciated and not treated as a statistic.      Keep this in mind the next time you wait on a customer, instead of yelling “next,” you can politely say, “may I help you, Ms. Jones.” We all have our daily, weekly, and monthly goals that we must meet. And with this pressure applied to our daily workday, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that it is the customer who is the most important thing when it comes to our company’s existence. They are the backbone. Without customers, we cease to exist. There is no company on the face of this planet that can solely exist on catering to one or even two races, people of certain beliefs or people who simply look like the owner. Not if you want to stay in business. There is not a single population out there that can support any company for a long period of time. We all need each other because we all have different buying needs. Consider this...when Africain Americans fell like a company has done them wrong, a national boycott may go out against the store nationwide. If the boycott successfully reaches enough people they will stay away from the store and effectively close the store down nationwide for a short period of time or forever. That's proof that every single company needs everyone it can possibly get to walk into their doors and purchase something. Here are a few tips to ensure that your customer is appreciated by you and your company, and not viewed as just another number in line. 1. Address Your Customer by Name When addressing your customer, make sure you call them by name. This will put your relationship with your customer on a personal level, and customers like to know that they are remembered. It gives them a feeling of importance with you and your company. 2. Don’t Hurry Them Out the Door The last thing the customer wants is to be hurried out the door. Remember, You are running a business, where people are your greatest asset. You are not on an assembly line manufacturing cars, so don’t treat your customer as though you are. When you are finished with your customer’s transaction, ask if there is anything else you can do for them, or if they have any questions for you. You could even use this opportunity to ask if you could go over some of your companies products with them, which you feel could benefit them. The last thing you want to do is get them in and get them out! 3. Discuss Non-Business Topics There is more beneath the surface of your customers than just the business that they do with you. People love to talk about themselves, such as their family, their job’s, their pets, their hobbies, etc. So ask your customer about one of the topics mentioned above, I guarantee they will be delighted to tell you all about it. This is also a great way to get to know your customer and build a strong relationship with them. A strong business relationship is a great opportunity to obtain all of your customer’s business as well as the business of all of their friends and relatives through referrals. So remember, don’t treat your customer like a statistic, treat them as you would treat one of your friends. Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 6 years
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Household Budgeting 
KNOWING WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES EVERY MONTH IS SIMPLY A SMART THING TO KNOW! When you make less then $100K a year you IS poor! Okay, "working class poor"... It's basically not enough money to pay for all the things you want to do. Most of us work hard to earn a living. We should make sure we spend the money we bring home wisely. That’s where a household budget comes in. It’s a good tool to see at a glance what we have coming in, what’s going out (and what that money is paying for) and if there’s anything left at the end of the month to put into savings. Before we dive into exactly what a budget can do for us, let’s consider for a minute what will happen if we’re not tracking income and expenses. We may end up spending more than we’re making in a given month (or two, or three). Over time that can put us into some pretty hot water financially. We may also spend a lot more than we’d like to believe in things like eating out, going to the movies or new clothes. Having a budget gives us more control over where we want to really spend our hard earned cash. Maybe that’s dinner and a movie, but maybe it isn’t. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an actual choice?
It Tracks Where Your Money Is Going
A budget simply tracks your money. You record where the money comes from each month (your income) and then write out everything you spend it on, starting with your regular monthly bills like mortgage or rent, car payments, utility bills etc. What’s left after all the bills are paid is your discretional income. Lazy people who do not track their money incoming and outgoing are poor people! Rich people track everything!
Helps You Identify Things You Waste Money On
Having it all in front of you in black and white helps you identify things you’re wasting your money on. Being "pulled up on your awareness" is one of the first steps towards gaining control of your money. It makes you reconsider if you really want to spend well over $200 a month on Cable TV or $150 on your large cell phone plan. Or how about that yearly magazine subscription to something you no longer read? Go through your expenses and reevaluate if this is REALLY how you want to spend your paycheck. Remember it's, "You control your money or your money controls you"!
Allows You To Be Proactive About Savings
Saving money without a budget is hard. We go in with the best of intentions at the beginning of the month, but somehow there isn’t anything left at the end of the month. A budget gives you a chance to be a bit more proactive. Set aside some money for savings at the beginning of the month, even if it’s just $20. That's $240.00 saved up a year. What could you do with that money? Poor people think of Christmas right away, But rich people think about investing that money. Put that $20 in the budget as a regular expense, just like you do with your other urgent bills. If you need to, open separate savings account so you’re not tempted to spend it.
Ensures You’re Not Spending More Than You’re Making
Most importantly, your budget will keep you on track and help you make sure you’re not spending more than you’re making. And I don’t have to tell you that that’s pretty important for your financial wellbeing. Poor people love to help out other poor people and give them what they don't have enough to give in the first place. Rich people only extend a hand when they have completed their goals and have an overflow. CashFlow Game
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The CashFlow game can help you with all of the above and more. Understanding your money is critical to getting you and your family out of the rat race. You'll gain a clear understanding of the hidden challenges that are sabotaging your success. By the end of the game, you'll have a clear understanding of what you need to change and how to calculate your budget correctly. You'll also have a clear direction as to what investments you could make. Read the full article
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incomguru-blog · 5 years
Marketing Problems
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Need to reach more people?
Business Coaching Available…
Click Here => Coach Maxwell
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