#Coco Haggleslak
enteringdullsville · 5 days
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“It's easier to just let Coco get the zoomies out sooner than later, like at night.”
It’s Color Theory Episode 45.
Lloyd Knows
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This marks the first appearance of Lloyd in It’s Color Theory, his first appearance as Lloyd after going by “Pietro” in Rough Sketch, and the first appearance of any DNA Drewmans.
Lloyd went through many changes in color, from salmon as Sam, to gainsboro as Pietro, to light gray as Ray, to oil black as Pedro, to robin’s egg as Robin, to dark blue as Niles, and finally gray (blue) as Lloyd. No other character has gone through as many changes.
This is the first episode Olive appears without her beret since its debut at the tail end of RS’ second season.
Rudy and J. don’t wear the hoodies or shoes for the entirety of the comic.
This is the first time Rudy and Olive interact since the latter’s debut.
The Zanille household is the third outside of the Oobay-Monade house to be seen onscreen, after Ingrid and Geneva’s rental house and Aziz’s home.
Despite her prominent role, Coco doesn’t speak, nor does Lloyd.
This is the first episode to acknowledge J. as Coco’s joint owner.
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enteringdullsville · 5 months
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“Comment allez-vous (How are you), what’s up with you?”
It’s Color Theory EP. 25
‘Ello, Elo, Y’ello
This marks the first appearance of Eloise and Amber, having gone by “Skye” and “Charlie” in the old continuity. Incidentally, Olive and Paige used to have their names.
This is the first episode since “Back Again, I See” in which all six core characters appear.
Lyman is seen without his jacket, Bryan his vest, and Peony her ascot for the first time. We also see Peony’s hair down.
No Grey Drewmans appear. Geneva is also the only Red Drewman in the main cast to have debuted by this point and not be present.
Peony’s parasol debuts here.
This episode ends a mini-arc starting with “Violet and Scarlett” where the door is busted down.
Nobody in the Oobay-Monade household is seen in their regular clothes. This is subsequently the first time J.’s eyes are seen in full.
Chloe wears a sleep mask, much like her original continuity counterpart does.
This episode aired, although doesn’t necessarily take place, on Lyman’s birthday.
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enteringdullsville · 9 months
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“You caught me at a bad time. I’m still adjusting.”
It’s Color Theory EP 17.
Walk the Dog
This is the third episode in a row to feature Violet, Ingrid, and Geneva and the first in which the latter doesn’t speak.
Coco has spoken in her other appearances, but this is the first time she holds a conversation.
The real world reason for Coco’s redesign was because she looked too much like a person in a fur suit. It’s just dumb luck that it ties into the plot.
No Gray, Green, or Yellow Drewmans appear in this episode.
This comic takes place roughly half an hour after the previous one.
Tyler returns after dying the previous episode.
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enteringdullsville · 8 months
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“Don’t close the door don’t close the door DON’T CLOSE THE DOOR”
It’s Color Theory EP 18.
Scooby Dooby Don’t
This is the first Microsketch to feature Lyman, Coco, Tyler, and Chloe. This also marks Lyman’s second speaking role overall and the first episode since Tyler’s debut where he doesn’t speak.
This marks Tyler’s third consecutive appearance and the first episode in which he appears but Ingrid and Geneva don’t.
No Yellow or Violet Type Drewmans appear.
The fake parody names given here are all what the characters are literally named in the show’s version of Scooby-Doo. The Drewmans, unlike me, fear no copyright laws.
This is the first Microsketch to parody a specific franchise. This is also the first Microsketch to lack bloopers, instead having a post-episode skit.
After her difficulties walking the episode prior, Coco/Shooby is exclusively seen on all fours when in character.
Is Coco’s character a girl or is she playing a guy? I don’t really know.
While everyone else has a costume, Chloe/Irma only wears a palette swap of her usual outfit due to the ropes covering the insignia on her chest and her legs being offscreen eliminating the need to replace her pants with a skirt.
Despite debuting in episode three and already having a spotlight episode, this is the first time Peony’s colors are used for the title card.
Chloe is the only Primary Character to appear.
Noah and Lyman’s new “voices” are heard for the first time.
Ingrid Jelton wrote this sketch in-universe.
None of the characters use their regular outfits. This is also the first time a character appears but their face isn’t shown. In this case, it’s Tyler.
No, Tyler hasn’t died again.
This episode spoofs the “Scooby-Dooby Doors” bit by having the characters be trapped in the hall.
The pink cuffs on Peony’s sleeves disappear and reappear between shots…would you be willing to believe this was shot over the course of multiple in-universe days?
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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It’s been a while since I’ve drawn the whole group.
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enteringdullsville · 10 months
The Brown Drewman, Coco
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Aesthetic: Dreary
Age: 23 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Crossbones
Color Type: Orange
Debut: She’ll Remember You All in Therapy (Picture); Man’s Friend (Physical)
Effects: Bone Crusher (Coco’s aura forms the shape as jaws or claws as she bites the opponent); Tailspin (Coco spins like a wheel, running into the opponent); Wild Style (Coco rends the opponent with her claws); Night Howl (Coco produces a deafening screech)
Family: Rudy and J. Razbry (Registered Owners); Gwen and Collin Razbry (Sorta Parents)
Rank: A- (Main Character)
Standout Features: Ears, nose, freckles/whiskers, earrings, collar, vest, leggings, tail.
Character Bases
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Coco went through a lot of changes in development. Her original design (aka Brownie) was solely J.’s dog with little personality outside of being a general nuisance. ICT proper shrunk her down and distinguished her a bit more as snarky and conniving and transferred her ownership to Rudy and Peony.
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Unlike most of the cast, Coco got progressively older throughout the old show, being the size of an adult woman by the third season. After Rough Sketch was canned, I experimented with different designs with larger eyes to make her more visually expressive. The results were so cursed I stole her mouth as punishment unless she’s actively using it. Rudy and J. becoming brothers made her their collective pet(? Roommate? What are the moral implications of this?).
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Coco’s one of the bigger characterization shifts in ICT, her dry wit becoming more prominent. She kept some of her goofier traits on top of becoming more comically hypercompetent to tie her “female Snoopy” schtick together.
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Be Good
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
I’m still workshopping the main series, so enjoy an equally canon side comic in its steed.
It’s about pets and why some people should not be allowed to have them.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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“I’m literally just here to get my coffee.”
It’s Color Theory EP 11.
Average Joes
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This marks the first appearance of Noah, Whitney, Mr. Boss, and the Cosmic Latte Café, the first speaking appearance of any character outside of the ICT crew, the first comic to actually show anyone actually signing up for ICT, and the first to show an indoors location aside from the Oobay-Monade household.
This comic is a very loose adaptation of the Rough Sketch comic “Cosmic Latte”, which featured Whitney (then named Bianca) working at the eponymous coffee shop. Whitney’s initial concept was a workaholic who essentially worked at every establishment in Dullsville, despite her young age. She, like most of the cast, was aged up for It’s Color Theory, but ironically, the show’s plot means she only works the one job for most of the show’s run.
Violet is the only Primary Character to appear in this episode.
This is the first episode in which Bryan appears but doesn’t speak.
This is also the first episode Coco interacts with anyone aside from Rudy.
Cosmic Latte is a play on the color of the same name, estimated to be the average color of the universe. It’s also a riff on Starbucks.
Neither Mr. Boss’ name nor his alias are spoken onscreen. His actual name is Vance.
Bryan’s sweater vest has a sprinkle pattern on it from this episode onward.
Unlike most places, Cosmic Latter maintains a largely consistent color palette regardless of who is in the room. This is because both employees are Neutral Colored Drewmans, meaning their colors don’t impact the ambient background. Hiring an orange and green, red and green, or two yellow Drewmans would have the same net effect.
While fourth wall breaks have occurred in the interim, this is the first time since the first episode in which the audience and camera drones are directly addressed.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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It’s Color Theory EP 9.
Man’s Friend
This marks the first appearance of Coco. This is the first episode since “You and What Army” to properly introduce a new character or feature the character subtitles.
This is the first episode in which a character (Rudy) does not wear their usual outfit at any point.
This episode is also the first to feature only one Primary Character.
The interior of Rudy, Coco, and J.’s bedroom is revealed.
Yes, that is a cinder block where J.’s pillow should be. What of it?
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Coco Haggleslak, the Brown Drewman
Be Good
Rank: A- (Major Character)
Aesthetic: Cool
Visual Inspiration
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Other Character Bases
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The Best of Breed
Coco is Rudy and J.’s pet dog. Okay, well, maybe less “pet” and more “catty canine freeloader roommate”. Coco is highly intelligent and fancies herself the refined sort with her sophisticated tastes, but she’s still a dog with all the antics that entails.
Sometimes Coco has the incredible urge to enter establishments that are crawling with people with pet allergies. To that end, she becomes Karma, world famous movie star, fashionista, and gazillionairess. She’s, like, super famous, so you’ve definitely already heard of her.
Fun Facts
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Coco’s surname is derived from the Dutch hagelslag, essentially chocolate sprinkles eaten on bread.
Coco’s alter ego, Karma, derives her name from “caramel”. Also because, y’know, Karma’s a-
Coco is the only main character to have a nose or ears.
Coco’s tail is meant to resemble a cartoony piece of kibble.
Coco, during the Rough Sketch era, was originally drawn by Rudy. This connection is still canon to It’s Color Theory, but the shifted ages of both characters means it happened much longer ago.
Coco steadily grew up as RS went on. In ICT, she starts off as an adult, and with more of an attitude at that.
Coco was originally named “Brownie”.
Coco was J.’s dog in her very first design, Rudy’s throughout Rough Sketch, and both (them being retooled as brothers) in ICT.
Coco is one of very few characters to have a color aside from one of their own on their color palette. In her case, it’s a red tongue.
Coco is technically a Drewman, just an animal-type one.
Coco has the uncanny ability to generate thumbs when she wants to. Not just from her hands, mind you. She can infinitely create thumbs on any surface. This is a cursed ability she has sworn not to abuse again.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
The Blue Drewman, J.
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Aesthetic: Creepy
Age: 21 (Season One)
Alignment: Accomplice
Badge: Four-Point Star
Color Type: Blue
Debut: Welcome to Dullsville
Effects: Blueshift (J. teleports in and out freely); Light Distortion (J. fires lasers of the light his powers derive from); Pin Drop (J. drops a Light Pin to better focus his teleportation to faraway places); Pulse Shock (J. circles his arms, then emits a pulse that briefly stalls all electronics it passes through)
Family: Rudy Razbry (Stepbrother); Coco Haggleslak (Dog); Joy and Collin Razbry (Stepmother and Father)
Rank: A (Primary Character)
Standout Features: Massive cowlick, eyes with blue pupils obscured by bangs, two-tone hoodie with giant zipper
Character Bases
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J. changed abruptly between his first two designs, dropping his initial gentle and poetic nature to become a mischievous prankster.
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The Rough Sketch era made J. (then named “Lou”) a far deeper shade of blue in anticipation of other blue class characters being introduced. His usual stoicism debuted here.
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From there his outfit was all that needed changing with pale blue cuffs and a new zipper.
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Be Strange
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
The Red Drewman, Rudy
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Aesthetic: Cute
Age: 21 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Scalene Triangles
Color Type: Red
Debut: Welcome to Dullsville
Effects: Hair Cut (Rudy’s hair bristles and sharpens, allowing it be thrown like needles or swung like a blade); Rollaway (Rudy curls into a ball and rockets forward); Scratch Damage (Rudy scratches and bites like an angry cat); Rage Beast (Rudy becomes enraged and his physical stats rise, switching to blunt hits like punches)
Family: J. Razbry (Stepbrother); Coco Haggleslak (Dog); Joy and Collin Razbry (Mother and Stepfather)
Rank: A (Primary Character)
Standout Features: Tall and spiky hairdo, freckles, tooth gap, hoodie.
Character Bases
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His hair and tooth gap were partially inspired by Mike from (and by extension Chester, Svetlana, and Manitoba) Total Drama, as well as the former half of the eponymous Calvin and Hobbes, but I don’t have that kind of space.
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Rudy’s earliest designs emphasized his sharp shapes, but his anime hair, freckles, and tooth gap were permanent design elements. He was a more typically rebellious kid, and his literal edginess symbolized that.
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From there, the only permanent change was the decision to make his eye extend from his profile and to make the man himself less pink.
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Any differences from then on are just the inevitable consequences of drawing him by hand.
Season One
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Rudy debuts along with the rest of the core cast in The Violet Act, in which he tries to introduce himself to the viewer before J. cuts him off, incensing him. This goes on apparently quite a while after the scene changes, and Rudy eventually accidentally attacks the camera.
“Who Needs Enemies”, the season’s B-Plot, initially chronicles Rudy and J.’s efforts to gather a full set of main characters. It starts in You Live Like This?, where Rudy attempts to dissuade an angry Tyler from attacking the present party, only for the latter to be knocked over the head by a door. Rudy drags Tyler back to the Oobay household as a new employee which, come Hiring Squad has resulted in him becoming the company talent scout (where he manages to win over Olive).
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Be Excited
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
Bryan: You tricked me!
Coco: You were stupid enough to let me trick you!
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