#Cole Hamels
phillyphangirl · 3 months
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Spring Training:
Anderson Espinoza is instead assigned 0
Cole Hamels assigned 43
Max Schrock is instead assigned 80
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psqqa · 8 months
it was a good game brent
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skoulsons · 3 months
definitely not crying over baseball players
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strawberryblondebutch · 3 months
Draft thoughts
Obligatory disclaimer: while I watch a lot of college hockey, I have not had the opportunity to watch the European leagues heavily, and my 'scouting' of Euro prospects is limited to international competition. My first round recap is here.
Boston: Boston took my two favorite players in the draft, for very different reasons. Out of everyone who went right from college to the draft, Bilka is the best-prepared to adjust to the professional level. Her game-breaking speed will help a relatively slower Boston team. Hadley Hartmetz - hey. Just vibes. Gotta support a Main Line girlie. Bard won't get you any goals, but she can block shots and make plays.
Minnesota: I mean, what do you want me to say here? They shit the bed. Britta Curl thoughts are here. Thompson over Barnes was ill-advised. Hymlárová over Boreen borders on malpractice. Brooke McQuigge is the one pick I like - she dragged Clarkson back to relevance this past season, but she has some injury concerns.
Montreal: I'm not going to say that Monreal got lucky. What they did is they didn't overthink their picks (which is funny, considering they were the only team to use those five-minute timeouts). Best player available whenever they came up. Barnes was the best D available in the draft. They swiped Boreen not just from Minnesota but from every other team. Saw their chance with Kessel available. Wilgren was solid for UW -- high floor, low ceiling player. You need some of those.
New York: I mean, if you get to go first in every round (before the pick trade), you pretty much have to knock it out of the park. I hope Fillier can get back to form and take more risks. She works best when she's loose and not thinking. Elle Hartje is an underrated pick - she was the only Yale Bulldog to declare, and they've been climbing up the ECAC Hockey ladder. Persson is also a three-time defender of the year in the SDHL, which legalized body checking a couple years ago, which means she knows how to play gritty, physical defense.
Ottawa: Shrug. I'm not thrilled with their picks, especially with how high they were in the draft order, but they did commit to the overall plan: get bigger and get meaner. Gwyneth Philips will make a great tandem with Masch, who I expect to slump this year (call it the Cole Hamels problem: newborn at home = not sleeping = there goes your command). I wouldn't be surprised if Sandy went back to Europe to get more playing time (as of writing, she has an offer she hasn't accepted from OTT).
Toronto: I said in my first-round recap that Toronto mostly has to tread water until Spooner comes back, and although that gives them the opportunity to make big swings, they played it pretty safe. Gosling is a solid bottom-six. Izzy Daniel slipped pretty far for the incumbent Patty Kaz winner. Sure, her numbers weren't great, but look at her team. No one else was doing shit. Raygan Kirk as Ms. Irrelevant would be the steal of the draft if I thought Troy Ryan had any intention of playing her, but he's probably just going to run Soupy into the ground and waste her talents.
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professorspork · 1 year
(previously on Leah Combines RWBY With Sports That Had Peak Popularity in The Early 20th Century: 2021 Kentucky Derby Horse Names as RWBY Weapons, Ranked)
Friends, it's that time of year again.
"Baseball season?" you ask. And I say: yes, but also.
"Oh. RWBY hiatus?" you groan, realizing I'm about to do something slightly unhinged.
To make a very long story short, I love these two things, and wanted to combine these two things, and have very strong opinions about these two things, so here we are: a post that makes a functional baseball team out of RWBY characters. True, the Venn diagram of people who like both these things as much as I do to serve as my audience is probably small. True, baseball positions aren't astrological signs and anyone of any personality can play anywhere, but lord knows there are Tropes and I plan to indulge.
SO. I give you the starting nine (plus some bullpen depth) of the Beacon Huntresses:
Pitcher: Weiss Schnee. Among several decisions that are no-brainers, this one is probably the no-brainiest. Weiss is a lefty (always highly in demand for pitchers) and her balletic combat movement style translates perfectly to a distinct delivery mechanic. Weiss is a high velocity, high strikeout pitcher who induces a lot of swings and misses with nasty breaking stuff that dances through the air and paints the corners. Because it brings me joy to think about, I'm going to say that Remnant uses old NL rules so Weiss has to bat, and I'll rank her at like a Cole Hamels-level "hey, that's not embarrassing for a pitcher!" career .400 OPS. Not afraid to sac bunt when she has to, but beats out the throw more often than you'd think.
Catcher: Jaune Arc. Yes yes get in your "White Knight real" jokes while you can about Weiss and Jaune playing as the regular battery. This one was also an easy selection; catchers are valued most highly for their strategic minds and defensive capabilities, with any offense added seen as a bonus. As the latest kerfuffle with the Cardinals blaming Willson Contreras for *checks notes* not being Yadi Molina shows, having trust in your catcher to call the game and be thoughtful in his pitch selection in high-leverage situations is paramount. That's Jaune all over. Probably not much of a power guy but has pop when it counts and is excellent at pitch framing.
First Base: Yang Xiao Long. Okay I promise I'll stop calling every decision a no-brainer but THIS ONE REALLY IS. Yang is your classic slugging first baseman, of whom there are literally too many examples to name-- including many righties YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LEFTY TO PLAY FIRST OKAY. Yang's a Vladdy. Hits for serious power, but more than that embodies the quality that the best first basemen have: she's The Mayor. Truly iconic first basemen are fun to chat with! They are friendly to all their visitors as opposing players stop over on their way around the diamond; this is Yang to a T. Yang probably used to play center field in high school and got converted to 1B in the minors. Most likely on the team to induce very silly rundowns with goofy, clever, self-sacrificial baserunning. Has a penchant for always hitting homers the next time she faces a pitcher after she's been hit by a pitch.
Second Base: Blake Belladonna. She is all about those scrappy diving catches, and flipping to Ruby quickly so they can turn two (but I'm getting ahead of myself). Blake's a utility infielder who'd be comfortable anywhere but let's be real she likes playing the right field side because she gets sad when she can't easily make smirky meaningful eye contact with Yang at all times, so they keep her at second so she won't pout. Probably hits high average but low slugging. Most likely to volunteer to be a position player pitching during a blowout and then, like. Unexpectedly throw 93 with movement. Definitely steals a lot.
Shortstop: Ruby Rose. Ruby has the brains to be a catcher but to waste/ruin her speed on catcher's legs would be a crime; she's got zippy athleticism written all over her. She bats leadoff because she has excellent plate discipline; she's a hard out and gets on base a ton. Think a DJ LeMahieu or Bryson Stott at his best-- sprays to all fields, and sees pitches in the double digits like every other at-bat because she's happy to stand there and keep fouling it off with an infuriating smile on her face until the pitcher makes a mistake. Steals even more often than Blake does, but specifically is a tricksy little imp on the basepaths like Anthony Volpe-- like she would definitely induce a throw when she was already back at the bag because she dances around. (I s2g there's video of this but I cannot find it anywhere sry.)
Third Base: Penny Polendina. Fast hands, Gold Glove-level defense. Unfortunately she's built in the mold of an Adalberto Mondesi or Byron Buxton where it's like "no better player on earth when she's healthy but she's NEVER HEALTHY;" she's got glass bones and has had multiple weeks-long trips to the Injury List or needed season-ending surgery because something popped or snapped. The sort of player where it's like "god no you don't understand, the game is so much better when she's playing" and it's a heartbreaker because SHE KEEPS GETTING TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU. Once did a bat flip after a home run because Ruby encouraged her to and, like, the bat shattered on the grass somehow because she's that strong.
Left Field: Emerald Sustrai. Because if you ask her, her face turn was... out of left field! Eh? Eh??? Okay yeah sorry. To me Emerald is a 2022 Oswaldo Cabrera situation where they threw her in left because they had nowhere else to put her even though she'd never played it before in the minors but she was just. Instantly extremely good at it. Has great range for tracking down fly balls in foul territory. Very streaky hitter who either runs super hot and super cold with no in-between. Steals a lot but also gets caught stealing a lot because she's impatient (see also: streaky hitter, probably chases out of the zone and has really poor plate discipline). But she's getting better! Most likely to come up with cute home run celebration ideas and then absolutely refuse to take credit for them.
Center Field: Pyrrha Nikos. This is the last of the extremely obvious no-brainers. Pyrrha is your star franchise player in center field; she is your Aaron Judge, your Mike Trout. Hits for average and for power, pure athleticism and grace, the player everyone's heard of even when they don't give a shit about baseball. Also now I'm just thinking about how Mike Trout would 100% be like "actually that cereal isn't very good for you" and Pyrrha would 100% stay up all night riveted to the Weather Channel and then call in to compliment the meteorologist they are the same person. Her catches at the fence are so spectacular, you could swear her glove's magnetized.
Right Field: Nora Valkyrie. Is there a very obvious "designated hitter" joke to be made about Nora "be strong and hit stuff" Valkyrie? Yes, of course. But I already said Remnant doesn't have the DH and let's be real, Nora's got a CANNON for an arm and thus belongs in right. Like I'm talking throws like this beaut from Hunter Renfroe the other day-- you do not run on Nora, because she WILL get you out on what you think is a routine double. Bats cleanup and probably has a whole Bash Brothers routine with Yang, including special handshakes. Definitely a pull hitter.
Regular starting lineup is most likely:
Rounding out the team in the bullpen are:
Long relief: Lie Ren. When your starter melts down and you need someone to keep things calm and give you like four quality innings without giving up more runs, Ren's your guy. Also very happy to play setup man. Throws a knuckleball, says Nora taught him how, and refuses to give more details when people ask.
Closer: Oscar Pine. Admittedly probably more of a ground ball pitcher than a strikeout guy; he induces weak contact and is always going for the double play. I see him as a David Robertson or Kenley Jansen type who gets himself into jams and then gets out of them and like. Yes more often than not he gets the job done but sometimes he'll give you a damn heart attack about it. OSCAR WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS.
In the process of writing this post Helen asked me who the manager would be and noted Qrow would give absolutely adorable A League Of Their Own vibes. She also suggested that Ozpin (well, Ozma) probably invented baseball in the first place, so... more proof that she's funnier than me.
okay I've been thinking about and then writing this for almost five hours now I have to stop. should I have put some of this behind a cut? probably! but I think it's beautiful, so... sorry but not sorry to all your dashboards <3 I want you to know this included way more specific baseball player comps at one point but I took some of them out so you might have a chance of understanding this <3
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 5 months
Sams Dragon au
Backstory: Savio (Creator) is a human who gain immortality and is a Dragon Hunter. His goal is to find the fabled "Dragon's Lair." He uses the assistance of his most loyal Wrym, Clovis (KC), to hunt dragons. Wryms are used due to years ago when Hunters discovered that they secrete a venom that weakens dragons and that they naturally prey dragons for blood. Usually, Wyrms do not kill their prey. This is because they want the dragons alive for later blood to be drawn. However, once Hunters started to breed Wyrms, they bred them to be more violent as well as obedient.
When Savio tried to find the Lair, he first used the bodies of 2 adolescent dragons he already killed and brought them back to life. He hoped to use them under his power, however, the melded dragon fled his grasp. Later, when hunting a mother dragon, he decided instead to raise dragon eggs in the belief that the lair was found through instinct. These dragons were Aelius (Sun) and Narvi (Moon). To keep control of the two dragons, he binded Aelius wings to keep him grounded and kept a leash around Narvi. The young dragons, though uncomfortable, didn't resist.
Under orders, Clovis was not to eat them so he mostly ignored the 2 or scare them for slight pleasure. At some point Aelius and Narvi saw Savio murder a dragon, including the young, and started to fear for themselves. Clovis and Savio found the 2 and, since they longer listened to orders, Savio let Clovis chase them. The 2 fell in the rapids due to the binds and leadh. Narvi hit his head and was unconscious. Savio felt the rapids would drown the 2 and left with Clovis. Instead, the two were found by a kindly Wood Nympth, Hortensia (Earth) who just woke up a few days ago. She healed the two and they stayed with her until they were too big and needed to leave due to the local dragons protecting their territory.
At some point in time, a dragon raided a village, burning it to the ground. The only survivor was a young elf, Brandr (Eclipse) . (Might make it Aelius and Narvi who did it, by accident, however I don't know yet. I just know for a fact that Brandr was the only survivor). Brandr was found by Savio and taken as an apprentice. His goal is to never be vulnerable to a dragon again. Once he was considered good enough to be independent, Brandr was given the offspring of Clovis, Karro and Kanik (Bloodmoon twins).
At some point, Brandr also teamed up with a Lightning Elf village and worked alongside with Merriweather (Lunar). The two worked together and were able to catch 2 dragons, one with golden scales and another with dark blue and white. The reason Brandr didn't immediately kill them was because he wished to become invulnerable. Savio was immortal, but could still die to an arrow in the heart. Brandr wanted to never be vilnerable, so he found a way to drain the strength and power of dragons through a powerful stone. While holding the 2 dragons, Brandr let Merriweather weaken the blue one with Kanik while he himself used Karro to weaken the golden one.
Over time, Merriweather felt unloved by Brandr and gained sympathy for the blue one. Brandr, on the other hand, would let Karro terrorize the golden one and keep it submissive. Merriweather at some felt had enough of Brandr and escaped with both dragons. Later on, find Hortensia and Merriweather learns the dragons' names are Aelius and Narvi.
The story goes forward with the 4 traveling together and finding new friends along the way while Brandr tries to hunt specifically Aelius and Narvi because ego. (And potentially if their the reason his village burned down). Merriweather meets Cole(Solar), a blacksmith who ran from home as his mother blamed him for his father's death. Hamel(Ruin), a forced fushion of a human and dragon years ago, was found under a dark spell that was healed by likely Hortensia. Cole finds a skeleton dog and adopts him (Jack). Hortensia meets an Aligator and falls in love. A Fox adopts a kit and learns of a skeleton dragon in the woods that seem to be attached to the kit. A Water Nympth makes themselves known (nightmares seem to be less present now....). A Skeleton Deer befriends the Skeleton Dog. The Aligator has an adopted human child that also befriends the dog. Brandr meets an annoying bird creature. (These events are not in order lol)
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juergenklopp · 6 months
watched Cole Hamels's no-no and man what a game... and more importantly what a handsome motherfucker
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rikeijo · 2 years
Today's translation #169
Yuri!!! on Life official guidebook, Tominaga Keisuke/Matsushiba Taku/Umebayashi Taro, Commentary on all musical composition in Yuri!!! on Ice
Serenade for Two
Michele Crispino/FS Umebayashi Taro & Matsushiba Taku featuring Wouter Hamel
Umebayashi Taro
 It's a ballad love song. Because the theme here is this orthodox motif of "love ballad" and Michele's love for his sister, while composing this piece I made sure to not simply use a lot of flowery words to not make it into a comedy. It was my first collaboration with Matsushiba-kun, and I hope I'll have a chance to work with him again.
Matsushiba Taku
 It's another one of the compositions I like very much. I don't often have a chance to compose music of this style, so I was very motivated working on the arrangement. Since long ago I'm in love with this rich, American, spectacular, but very elegant jazz music with orchestra, like Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett or Natalie Cole among others, so I'm very happy I got the chance to compose such a piece. I'd love to compose more of this type of fantastic jazz in the future.  When it comes to the performance itself, we went through a few stoic trials and errors, especially with timing of brass instruments' vibrato and speed of string instruments' bows. Control over these tiny details of the performance wouldn't be possible, if it weren't Ensemble FOVE.
Tominaga Keisuke
 Composed by Umebayashi-kun, arrangement by Matsushiba-kun - it was the first ever collaboration of this duo. The opening, History Maker, is also their collaboration. By the way, a phrase from beginning of this piece, performed by Taku Jun'ichiro on flute, is used in each episode of the TV version of the anime, when the sponsor credits are on screen.
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collectingall · 12 days
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∀ Autographed/Signed Cole Hamels Philadelphia Pinstripe Jersey Beckett BAS COA http://blog.collectingall.com/TD90Wb 👉 shrsl.com/4fuj5 👈
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teetrend979 · 3 months
Cole Hamels Philadelphia Phillies 2006 2015 thank you for the memories shirt
Cole Hamels Philadelphia Phillies 2006 2015 thank you for the memories shirt
Yes South Jersey is affiliated with Philadelphia the Cole Hamels Philadelphia Phillies 2006 2015 thank you for the memories shirt the north is with New York. Just get an Eagles fan and a Giants fan in the same room to see how strong those affiliations are. But South Jersey doesn’t find it’s identity in it’s big-city affiliation the way the north does. South Jersey is largely rural, with a focus on agriculture over industry, with countless acres of cranberry bogs, sod farms and other crops. The towns are smaller, the people friendlier, the pace is slower and the living is easier. The South Jersey shore is where you’ll find the Victorian treasure that is Cape May, the world class beaches and boardwalks of Wildwood, Long Beach Island and others, the nightlife of Atlantic City, and getaway towns like Stone Harbor. South Jersey still has it’s own rodeo – the historic Cowtown Rodeo in Pilesgrove. South Jersey boasts the ecological treasure that is the Pine Barrens (home of the infamous Jersey Devil), as well as the New Jersey State Aquarium. I could go on, but I don’t want to brag too much – we’re not that kind of people. In the north, New Jersey is what people go through to get to the NYC, and where they go when they can’t afford to stay there. For them, New Jersey is like a consolation prize – you can’t be in the main room, but you can watch from outside. For people in the south, Philly is the getaway – a great place to visit, for sure, but not where they want to stay. And it’s where Philadelphians go when they need a break from city life, a place to relax, unwind, and rediscover an easier way of life.
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phillyphangirl · 3 months
Cole Hamels Tribute Video
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glassseagull · 3 months
my father is not believing that cole hamels was my favourite pitcher ever in 2009 snd thus we have to go to his retirement night
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diarioelpepazo · 11 months
La primera vez que el experimentado antesalista jugó en un Clásico de Otoño fue en 2008 Harold Capote Fernández A pesar de que su carrera ha estado signada por constantes lesiones e inconvenientes físicos, Evan Longoria ha logrado perdurar en las Grandes Ligas por 16 temporadas ininterrumpidas entre 2008 y 2023; en ese primer certamen causó gran impacto siendo elegido al Juego de Estrellas e investido con el premio Novato del Año. Con la versión de 2008 de los Rays de Tampa Bay, el antesalista participó en la Serie Mundial 2008 contra Phillies de Filadelfia; para el careo que se disputó durante el 22 y 27 de octubre recién había cumplido las 23 primaveras, nació en la 7ma fecha del mes 10. Para él realmente se trató de una experiencia difícil, vista desde la óptica de producción ofensiva, al punto que ligó 1 solo imparable que llegó en el 5to y último encuentro de esa beligerancia. Esa conexión fue un sencillo ante el abridor Cole Hamels. Ahora, con el 1er duelo del Clásico de Otoño de este año con los D-backs de Arizona, para Evan Michael consiguió su 2do inatrapable en la instancia final de cada temporada; en esta ocasión se trató de otro hit, ese a expensas del también iniciador Nathan Eovaldi. De acuerdo con la prestigiosa periodista Sarah Langs, Longoria pasó a ser apenas el 4to jugador de la historia que consigue indiscutibles en Series Mundiales con 23 años o menos y 38 o más. Los otros 3 son Eddie Murray, Pee Wee Reese y Willie Mays. En el caso de Murray, consiguió el 1ero en la Serie de 1979 con los Orioles de Baltimore, que cedieron con Piratas de Pittsburgh, el otro se materializó en 1995 con los Indios de Cleveland que perdieron con Bravos de Atlanta; respecto a Reese ese hit inicial lo dio en 1941 con unos Dodgers de Brooklyn imposibilitados por los Yankees de Nueva York, mientras en la Serie de 1956 sus esquivadores igualmente fueron doblegados por los Bombarderos. Por último, Mays concretó su primer imparable en 1951 con los Gigantes de Nueva York que sucumbieron contra los Yankees, el otro en 1974 con los Mets de Nueva York que no pudieron con los Atléticos de Oakland. ¡Qué grupo de perdurabilidad en el tiempo! Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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blogynews · 11 months
Unveiling the Thrilling Odyssey of the Phillies’ Playoff Pitching Sensation
Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Aaron Nola, who made his debut with the team in 2015, was initially seen as the potential successor to star pitcher Cole Hamels. However, over the course of his nine seasons in the majors, Nola’s performance has been frustratingly inconsistent, which has been a source of concern for the Phillies organization. In the current postseason, however, Nola, now 30 years…
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blogynewz · 11 months
Unveiling the Thrilling Odyssey of the Phillies’ Playoff Pitching Sensation
Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Aaron Nola, who made his debut with the team in 2015, was initially seen as the potential successor to star pitcher Cole Hamels. However, over the course of his nine seasons in the majors, Nola’s performance has been frustratingly inconsistent, which has been a source of concern for the Phillies organization. In the current postseason, however, Nola, now 30 years…
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