#Coleman Kcaj in my mind was head of the Artisans between the Yinchorr uprising and the fall of the Republic
kiwikipedia · 3 years
Thinking about Artisan Jedi who track paint everywhere, who show up to meetings and meals with paint on their faces, their hands, their clothes, and hair. About potters and sculptors with clay stuck to places no one would expect them to be (”how did you get clay stuck in your fur, anyways?”), metal workers covered in soot, handing off pieces of charcoal to the sketchers who wander down for more.
About the weavers and sewers creating tapestries that tell stories for the Jedi, about leather crafters who make ridiculous belts for the Jedi just for kicks and giggles, about carpenters making new chairs or stools for Madame Nu in the archives because the old ones are too wobbly or worn down.
About the glass blowers making beautiful works of decoration, but also wonderful glasses and tumblers who wish for them. About the book crafters working closely with archivists and archeologists to restore paper-texts, candle makers working with the agricorp to get wax, about paper makers, jewelry makers, about Artisan Jedi.
About how Painters and Textile workers, and soap makers, and potters would duel over  pigments to create paints, dyes, coloration, and glazes, about how artisans would tag along with other Jedi just to get materials, about how even though they were seen as some of the most passive Jedi, they were rather dangerous due to their one-track minds— who would get in the way of an artist and their materials, after all?
About how the metal workers worked with the Instructors to create lightsaber parts, about how the textile and leather workers worked with the Temple Guard to make their uniforms sturdier.
Thinking about Jedi Artisans.
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