#Colts coach search
kenttsterling · 2 years
Shane Steichen to be #Colts coach (when ink dries!)! Right choice, right process! IU women @ OSU tonight! #Pacers host Jazz!
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yourfavewriteress · 2 years
right under our noses (part 5) | colton parayko
Teaser: "I feel it in my gut, Colt."
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“What are you doing right now?” Jayne’s voice sounded in your ear seconds after you answered her call. You had gotten home from work nearly two hours ago, taking time to only shower then collapse in your living room.
"Laying on my couch watching Netflix,” you responded.
“Well, we’re having some people over after 8 and I want you to come,” She said.
“Last minute invite, nice," You rolled your eyes. "What does 'some people' mean?"
“The team and close friends,” Was the reply. It was never just the "team and close friends."
“I don’t feel like doing my makeup, Jayne,” You groaned. “Or, even getting dressed for that matter. I just laid down.”
“Come on, please?” She pleaded. “It’s lowkey so you don’t have to really wear makeup if you don’t want to.”
"But I would need to change. Do you know how much energy that would require?"
"If we waited around for you to have energy, we would never see you!" You heard Alex yell in the background.
"Why am I always on speaker?"
"You have something to hide from me, Y/L/N?"
“Anyway,” You rolled your eyes. “Will jeans and a t-shirt satisfy you guys? It doesn't sound like I can get out of this.”
“That sounds perfect,” Jayne responded. “Just come by whenever you’re ready.”
“Do you want me to bring anything?” 
“Nope, we’re all good. See you when you get here!”
You definitely took your time getting ready. Although you said you wouldn't put in any effort, you ended up showering, doing light makeup, AND coordinating a presentable outfit.
By the time you pulled into Jayne and Alex's gate, you could tell quite the crowd had already started to form inside. You took a deep breath before pushing your way through the doors and the growing crowd. Saying hi to a few people as you made your way to the kitchen, you made a beeline for the Vodka bottle.
"I thought you weren't going to show," Alex appeared next to you within a few seconds.
"I considered it," You smiled.
"How's the job search going?"
You rolled your eyes, "Is that really the first question you want to ask me when I have a glass bottle in my hand?"
He laughed loudly, voice echoing over the music, "Understood, boss."
"I thought this was supposed to be a small get-together?" You asked.
"Is that what Jayne said?"
"Your wife is a liar."
"No argument there," He shook his head. "But, if you need a minute, the patio is always pretty quiet, because I always tell the guys to stay away from it."
"I'll probably head out there for a bit before I put on my social smile."
Alex left you alone in the kitchen, wheels already turning in his head. He pulled his wife, Jayne, away from her friends and into their bedroom.
"What? She was just going to give me what moisturizer she's been using!"
"One, your skin is beautiful, baby," She smiled at that. "Two, Y/N just got here and I think she's going to the patio."
"Is she okay? Should I go check on her?"
"She's fine. And no, you shouldn't go, but maybe someone else. If I'm the one to tell him to go to the patio, it's going to be obvious."
"Well, he was telling me earlier that he had a headache from the music."
"You have to be slick about it," Alex coached. "If he even smells bullshit, he'll figure it out once he gets out there."
"Okay, so what do I do?"
You made a deal with yourself: you could only stay outside for four songs. Anything more than that, you should have just stayed home. You knew Jayne wouldn't invite you out if the other half of the experiment wasn't here, and you had to make yourself seen.
The third song started to play, and you began to coach yourself to be the social butterfly you knew you could be. All before...
“Can I join you?” You turned around at the sound of the voice. You smiled widely when you locked eyes with Colton. My savior.
“Yes, of course,” You slid over, making room for him on the stairs. “Get tired of the crowd?”
“A little bit," He laughed. "This song is a fan favorite and I don't think my head can take the yelling. Plus, I saw you out here and wanted to make sure you were good."
“Oh,” I waved him off. “I’m fine, just needed to feel fresh air for a second.”
“It is getting a little tight in there now,” He commented, looking over his shoulder to Alex and Jayne’s home which had continued to fill up more and more in the past half hour.
“How’s your night going?” You asked.
He shrugged, “Pretty good, this was the only thing I got out of bed for today.”
“That sounds like such an amazing day,” You nodded. “I’m jealous.”
“You worked today?” Nod again. “When was your last day off?”
You thought back, “Last Tuesday, maybe? I’m not sure.”
“You’ve worked ten days straight?”
“I probably shouldn’t have told you that,” You sighed. 
“I’m not going to say anything,” He held up his hands. “You’re an adult, you make your own decisions.”
“Thank you,” You said, letting out a laugh after.
“But, you deserve better.”
“I remember our deal at the bar, Colton," You pointed out. “I plan on holding up my end, trust me.”
“How do you even work that much?”
"Well, not everyone is on an NHL contracted salary," You responded. "I do have to pay my bills."
"I get that part, but how do you actually make it through every day when you hate your job?"
You smiled, incidentally leaning closer to him as you reached into my left pocket. You pulled out the bag of gummy worms you had brought, “Sugar.”
Colton took a slightly deeper breath when he got a waft of your shampoo as you leaned closer to him. He had never smelled anything like it, like you. And your smile. His eyes flickered to your lips and back up before he could even register it.
You were doing things to him that even he had never felt before. That’s why it was so easy for him to mistake the goosebumps you gave him for being from the windy night air.
“No way,” Colton laughed. “The only thing that keeps me going sometimes is a soda.”
“Yeah, it’s either that or candy,” You agreed. “Sometimes I get worried that I might get diabetes.”
“Me too,” He responded. “If you had to pick one food or drink to have an unlimited supply of for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
“One?” You asked, earning a nod. “Hm, I’m not really sure. I feel like if I had an unlimited supply of gummy worms, that’d be great. They definitely raise the prices once a month.”
“You’d get a lot of cavities,” Colton commented.
“I wouldn’t eat it all at once, but to not have to buy it every single time I have a craving? Heaven,” You sighed, happily.
He smiled as he shook his head, “Heaven with cavities.”
“You’re one to talk,” You chirped lightly. “You’re going to get diabetes with all the sugar you consume from those cokes. At least my gummy worms are sugar-free.”
He rolled his eyes, “Then, does that really help? Anything sugar free is a scam.”
You laughed at him, your head thrown back. “It tastes the same!”
“I can’t believe you,” He shook his head, smiling. “Phony.”
A comfortable silence fell over you both for a few moments.
“You guys had a game yesterday, right?” You asked as another song began to play inside.
“Yeah,” He nodded. 
“I’m taking it didn’t go as planned?” 
“It was alright,” He shrugged lightly, looking back over Alex and Jayne’s yard. 
“That’s exactly what I said when you asked about work at the bar,” You teased, nudging his shoulder. “Should I be encouraging you to quit, too?”
He laughed, “Not at all.”
“Yeah, my job doesn’t come with traveling the country.” You said. “Honestly, I’m still super confused about hockey and the calls that refs make. I mostly just let Jayne translate for me.”
Laughing, “Refs definitely make bullshit calls a lot, though.”
“Is that what happened yesterday? I didn’t catch the game but Jayne was texting me about it.”
He shrugged, “There were a couple of questionable calls, but we lost because we’re not playing the way we should be.”
“Well, I guess you guys are going to be busy at your next practice".
“I just feel like my game has been lacking so much lately,” Colton sighed, eyes still trained on the yard ahead. “And, then we just keep losing so that solidifies it.”
“Or, it solidifies that the entire team needs to try something different?” You suggested, raising your eyebrows at him. “It is a team sport, right? You can’t take all the heat for yourself, just like you can’t take all the praise.”
“I’m pretty sure I deserve the heat, though.”
“Okay, break it down for me, since I’m a hockey idiot,” You started, turning to face him. “Tell me what you think is going wrong.”
“You’re not an idiot,” He rolled his eyes. “And, do you really want me to bore you with hockey at a party? You don't want to go back inside and have fun?
“To be honest, I lied before. I’m actually out here because I didn’t want to come in the first place but Jayne begged and also lied about how many people would be here. Which is very common for her, so I don't know why I fell for it.”
“I’m obligated to be here because of the team,” He let out a laugh.
“So, we both got screwed,” You laughed, making him smile. “I was going to just sit in silence anyway, so if you want to talk about hockey, I’ll listen.”
It was a genuine offer, and Colton knew that as he looked into your eyes. He felt something at that moment, but he really couldn’t figure out what it was. It was almost a calming feeling, like all the stresses he had been feeling were subdued for the time that he was with you. 
He explained everything to you, way more than you were ever going to be able to remember but you watched him relax as he talked. What started as a self-deprecating account turned into Colton going through some of his favorite hockey moments, of his career and of all time. 
“I wish I had something to be this invested in,” You let out a laugh after he had finished going over the team’s Stanley Cup run.
“Well, what are you interested in?” He turned to you, leaning back against the patio. He took another sip of his drink. “Now it’s your turn to talk.”
And, talk, you did. You surprised yourself with how much you told Colton, but he had given the same amount. It was only fair. You were reminded then how much you got along with him. Even though you guys only spoke at times like these where the team was gathered with close friends, he was always one of the easiest people to talk to. It wasn’t uncommon for you both to be catching up at parties.
Colton enjoyed your conversation and realized that you both had a lot more in common than he originally thought. And, you could clearly talk about anything. Well, obviously. We’re friends, he thought.
And, Alex. There was a voice in Colton’s head, telling him that you were the person he was being set up with. The louder voice, however, reminded him that Alex cared too much about you to ever set you up with someone on the team, let alone him. 
Colton vowed at that moment to completely remove you from his list of potential matches. It would only hurt him in the end, to wish it was you and then be disappointed. He felt that it was nearly impossible for it to happen, and he actually enjoyed having you as someone to talk to. She’s a friend. He had to respect Alex’s wishes, and if he was being honest, he thought you were out of his league too.
“Hey, Y/N?” You both turned at the sound of a voice behind you. “Jayne is looking for you.”
“Oh, okay,” You smiled at Ryan. “I’ll be right in.”
He nodded, disappearing back inside. 
“She’s probably going to make me drink something with her so I don’t know how conversational I’ll be after that.”
Colton laughed, “Maybe another time, then.”
“Definitely next time,” You corrected, pushing yourself up to your feet. “I want to hear all about the team’s crazy comeback, and your point streak.”
“How do you know that’s gonna happen?” He laughed. “What if you just jinxed it?”
“I feel it in my gut, Colt.” You said, right before you disappeared inside to find Jayne. 
Although you didn’t realize it, your words stuck with Colton. Not just your belief in him, but the nickname, too. It wasn’t the first time you’ve used it, but it was the first time it gave him goosebumps. 
A few hours later, as the party died down and people began to disperse, you were having a very tipsy conversation with an also very tipsy Jayne. “I’m really glad you came.”
“Honestly,” You paused, pursing your lips. “It was bad, at all. I actually talked to Colton for a bit and then drank, probably a bit too much, with Vince.”
“Really?” She quickly found something to occupy her eyes with because although she was drunk, there was no way she was going to blow up her own plan. “How was that? Your talk with Colton, I mean. We all know how Vince gets at these.”
“None of your business,” You joked with a serious tone. Jayne froze, looking back at you.
“-Dude, I was just kidding,” You furrowed your eyebrows curiously at her with a laugh. “What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” She recovered, taking a sip of her drink again. "I thought something happened."
“Okay,” You trailed off. In your drunken state, you didn’t bother to further question. “It was actually pretty nice, though. We talked about hockey and my job, nothing serious.”
“That’s cool,” Jayne said. “I’m glad, he’s been feeling down lately.”
“Yeah, I could tell. I just told him he doesn’t need to be because all I hear about him from the other guys is how good he is. Tonight was actually the first night I somewhat understood hockey,” You shrugged absentmindedly. Not knowing how to respond without blurting out “You’re perfect for each other!” Jayne began to recount what she could remember of her night. 
Later that night, Alex and Jayne settled in bed after making sure you were asleep in their guest room. 
“How drunk are you?” Alex laughed at his wife, pulling back the covers for her.
“Just a little,” Jayne responded with a laugh. “But, I think we’re making headway with the plan.”
Raising his eyebrows, “How? What did I miss?”
“Y/N and Colton were on the steps for at least an hour talking tonight!” Jayne whispered excitedly. “She said it was really nice.”
“Holy shit,” Alex said. “She figured it out, then?”
“No, no, I don’t think she has a clue. Maybe if she was sober, she would have put two and two together, but I tried not to pry too much and make it obvious.”
“What did they talk about?”
“She said this was the first night she actually understood anything about hockey.” Alex smiled, rolling his eyes. “And, I guess they talked about her job, too.”
“Well, it had to be good if they talked for an hour, right?” Alex shrugged. “Is that really where he disappeared to? I remember him saying he was getting a drink and then I didn't see him for a while.”
“I guess so.”
“Now that I think about it, he did seem like he was in a better mood when he came back,” Alex said.
“Do you think they’re going to figure it out?”
“I feel like Y/N is going to catch on sooner than we think,” Alex said, looking up at the ceiling. “She over analyzes everything.”
“I don’t think so," Jayne replied. "Do you see the way Colton looks at her?"
"No, how?" Alex looked over at her.
"Like she puts the fucking stars in the sky," Jayne laughed. "I only noticed it tonight, but I think he may already have it figured out."
"I highly doubt it, he would have said something to me."
"Well, until either of them say anything, the plan is still in motion. We should talk about next steps in the morning. I have to sleep."
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nfliplnews · 10 months
[ad_1] In January of 2023, Carolina hired former Colts head coach Frank Reich ending a coaching search that primarily saw ownership interview offensive candidates. Former Bills offensive coordinator Ken Dorsey, then interim head coach Steve Wilks, former Lions head coach Jim Caldwell and now Colts head coach Shane Steichen were among those interviewed. Who might Carolina interview and target in this coaching search? 1. Lions offensive coordinator Ben JohnsonJohnson, 37, interviewed with Carolina during the last coaching search. His NFL career spans 12 seasons with two franchises: the Dolphins and Lions. After an impressive 2022 campaign that coincided with elevated play from quarterback Jared Goff, Johnson burst onto the radar. His resume has only grown stronger this season as the Lions offense has dragged the franchise to an 8-3 record. His work with Goff will not go unnoticed as the Panthers work to identify a candidate capable of getting the best out of No. 1 overall selection Bryce Young. 2. Seahawks offensive coordinator Shane WaldronWaldron, 44, is in his third season as offensive coordinator of the Seahawks after serving as Sean McVay's passing game coordinator for three seasons. His career includes two Super Bowl championships as a member of the Patriots. Seattle quarterback Geno Smith famously said "they wrote me off, I ain't write back" and Waldron is the architect of the offense that has re-invigorated the former second-round pick. He is a forward-thinking coach with innovative play designs. 3. Texans offensive coordinator Bobby SlowikThere is nothing more trendy in NFL circles than coaches with a background working under 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan or McVay. Slowik, 36, was on the now infamous Washington coaching staff that included Packers head coach Matt LaFleur, Dolphins head coach Mike McDaniel, former Buccaneers head coach Raheem Morris, McVay and Shanahan. In addition to his impressive connections, Slowik has brought energy to a Texans offensive unit that has surprised everyone in the NFL. His work with C.J. Stroud is a feather in his cap as he enters the interview process. His father, Bob Slowik, spent 22 years in the NFL serving as defensive coordinator for the Bears, Browns, Packers and Broncos. 4. Ravens defensive coordinator Mike MacdonaldMacdonald spent seven seasons coaching in the Baltimore organization before Jim Harbaugh hired him as Michigan's defensive coordinator in 2021. The 36-year-old proved himself in that lone season with the Wolverines. His work in Ann Arbor led to John Harbaugh bringing him home to the Ravens. Following the 2021 season, Baltimore made the decision to move on from long-time defensive coordinator Wink Martindale and Macdonald took over in 2022. The Baltimore defense has not skipped a beat and adoration for Macdonald has spread. According to FTNFantasy, the Ravens are second in defensive DVOA, which measures efficiency and overall success. 5. Patriots inside linebackers coach Jerod MayoMost believe that Mayo, 37, has been given assurances that he will take over for Bill Belichick when the time comes. After eight seasons playing under Belichick, Mayo was hired as inside linebackers coach in 2019. The Virginia native is a Super Bowl champion known for instilling grit and toughness into his unit. There has to be concern about hiring a Belichick disciple because that has rarely worked, but Titans head coach Mike Vrabel is the exception. Moore, 35, was interviewed as part of Carolina's search a year ago. His six year playing career took him to Detroit and Dallas. Jerry Jones hired him as quarterbacks coach in 2018. The following year, he was named offensive coordinator. After four seasons in that role, the team elected to make a move and the Chargers hired him in the same role. Los Angeles is eighth in offensive DVOA, according to FTNFantasy. They finished 15th the prior season. Kafka, 36, had also been interviewed by the Panthers last year. Some of the shine has been removed this season as a result of New York's offensive struggles. His work with Daniel Jones in Year 1 was widely praised. Kafka has been coaching in the league for seven years. His first five years were spent in Kansas City learning from head coach Andy Reid, who was also his head coach in Philadelphia when the Eagles selected the Northwestern quarterback in the fourth-round of the 2010 NFL Draft.  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werollin · 2 years
Colts’ Shaquille Leonard backs Jeff Saturday, doesn’t appreciate ‘hate’: ‘Cut that out’
#Colts #Shaquille #Leonard #backs #Jeff #Saturday #doesnt #hate #Cut As the Indianapolis Colts search for their next head, one member of the team is throwing his support behind the guy who surprisingly was named the interim head coach in Week 10 of the 2022 NFL season.  Colts linebacker Shaquille Leonard spoke highly of Jeff Saturday on Friday, telling Pat McAfee that the interim head coach…
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sportfeed9 · 2 years
Kravitz: The Colts need a savior, and it ain't Jeff Saturday. The Colts need Jim Harbaugh
Kravitz: The Colts need a savior, and it ain’t Jeff Saturday. The Colts need Jim Harbaugh
A month and a half from now, when this Colts season is finally, blessedly over, the search for a head coach will begin in earnest, and it all feels like it needs to start with one obvious target in mind: Jim Harbaugh. Yes, he was in Indianapolis this past weekend. No, he wasn’t here to interview for the Colts job (presumably). But he might soon be. Has this franchise ever needed Captain Comeback…
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lovehugsandcandy · 4 years
One-on-One: Rematch (Part 4)
A/N:  Thank you all for reading and leaving such nice notes-they totally inspire me and keep me going! You all are the best. Last part (there might be some smaller one-shots in the future but, for now, this finishes the posting binge, apologies for clogging your feed). (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Pairing: Colt x MC, ROD
Length: ~3,700 words
Rating: R (Swearing. References to a fight.)
Summary: When Langston made it to Nationals, Ellie planned on spending the entire time studying in her room. It didn’t end up quite as planned.
Ellie told herself she would not think about it.
She would study, cram, finally understand the driving force between enthalpically-driven reactions, and get her entire life back on track.
At least that’s what she told herself.
But somehow time passed and she moped and she never truly understood organic chemistry. Instead, she could only recall a different type of chemistry, far removed from textbooks and lecture halls. However, like during labs, if the reactants went bad or if she made one wrong move, it all exploded, flames bursting out of flasks and bunsen burners until she had to leap back, fire licking at her eyebrows.
But this explosion was worse. Instead of singed hair, everything ached, with the gaping hole in her heart worst of all, throbbing incessantly, pain making it impossible to study or sleep or think.
Even during team practice, her limbs were unsteady, heavy. She didn’t look like someone who was preparing for an appearance on national television. She didn’t feel like someone who was practicing for the biggest halftime show of her life.
She felt like someone who had no clue what way was up... or which way her life was going.
She knew she shouldn’t look for him before the final game but, regardless of how hard she tried to stay focused on anything else, her eyes found the court, searching every single red-and-gold jersey running by or shooting layups. None were him.
The stadium was filling, fans filing into the seats, chatter and excitement echoing off the parquet floor. She tuned it out and stretched, getting ready for the start of the game and the most important performance of her life; the plod of feet and squeak of sneakers made their way over, stopping at her side. Ellie didn’t look up at the shadow that fell over her outstretched leg. Her quads were tight, and she needed to-
“What happened, Ellie?”
She glanced up and gasped. “What the hell happened to you?”
“What does it look like?” Logan’s smile was chagrined, a stark comparison to the massive shiner that darkened the skin around his left eye. “Kaneko’s violence-free streak ended.”
“He punched you?!?”
“We had a... disagreement.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Hey, I gave as good as I got.”
“He needs freaking anger management.”
“Ha. He’s in anger management. Coach has had him going since he started with the team.” Logan dropped to the ground next to her, wincing as his weight fell on his hand before sinking fully to the court. “You were doing a hell of a lot better than the clowns in there, though.”
She studied the floor. Colt wasn’t her problem anymore.
“You guys break up?”
“We were never together. We were…” She took a deep breath. “We were just hooking up.”
“Ha. Really.”
“Yeah,” she chided. “Really” 
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Colt doesn’t do anything by half. It’s never ‘just’ with him.”
“It was never gonna work. I know how you basketball players are-”
She continued as if he had never spoken, talking fast as if speed of speech directly correlated with the strength of conviction. “We were hooking up... and now we’re not.”
“Why aren’t you hooking up anymore?” Logan looked curious, sprawled next to her.
“Jesus, is this really everyone’s business?”
“Why does it even matter?!? He’s some massive basketball talent who is gonna move to Utah and what about me then?”
“Uhh, ok. ... what about you then?”
“I’m not fucking moving to Utah! I’m top of my class and I want to go to grad school and it was never gonna work anyway so there’s no point in dragging it out-”
“Uhh…” Logan’s mouth dropped, shocked and befuddled and concerned, but she was too far gone to stop now.
“And all you basketball players are the same-”
“Hey! I resent-”
“So this meant nothing to him and I’m sure he can find another fan to hookup with and I think...”
A heavy hand on her shoulder made her stop; she blinked the world back into focus. “You done?”
“I can keep going.”
“Dear God, please don’t,” he begged. She chuckled despite herself as Logan exhaled deeply through pursed lips. “There is so much to unpack there that I don’t even know where to begin. How the hell- did he talk to you about the Jazz?”
She inspected her hands. “No. I... the scout was in the box at the semifinals.”
“Yeah... Colt hates that guy. We both do, actually, one of the very few things in this world we agree on. There is no way in hell he’s signing with the Jazz. I don’t think he’s signing with anyone right now.”
“No?” She blinked at him.
“I mean, his mom is on his ass to finish school but... isn’t this something you should talk to him about?”
She shrugged. “It didn’t seem worth it. The entire thing meant nothing, so, why bother?”
“Ellie, he gave you his box ticket. He never has anyone cheering for him up there.”
She narrowed her eyes.
“No, really,” he protested. “I mean, you know the guy. I’m not sure his antisocial behavior has given him a rabid fan base.” She looked down at the ground, turning Ingrid’s warning and Logan’s words over in her head. Finally, he interrupted her seizing brain. “But what do you want?”
“Huh?” She blinked at him.
“You’ve gone on and on about Utah and him being some big name basketball star but you never really said anything about what you want.”
She blinked again. What was he talking about? “I want... I have a plan.” She gnawed on a thumbnail. “I’m going to graduate summa cum laude, hell, valedictorian unless Ingrid beats me. I’m gonna get into the best PhD program in the US and I’m gonna complete my post-doc in the new mechanics lab that is gonna open up back home and-”
“I’m hearing a lot about what you’re gonna do.” He stood, lifting a long arm over his head to stretch his trapezius. “But I’m not hearing anything about what you want to do.”
“I…” She squinted through the arena lights to stare at him. “I…”
“I also don’t know where in your plan it says you can’t date. That sounds ridiculous.” He shook out his arms, and she watched intently, cataloguing the motion while her mind whirled. What did she want? She wanted to be valedictorian. She wanted to get her PhD. She also wanted to wake up next to a confrontational basketball player who threw himself into everything he did with a fire that only tempered with her. “You’re smart and something tells me you fight like hell to get what you want. Why can’t you have both?”
“You know what, Logan?” 
“What? You gonna tell me I’m right?”
“No, I’m gonna tell you that the pain in your left hand is from an undiagnosed sprain in your pronator quadratus and you need a wrist brace.”
“What the-?” She didn’t answer, only stood and stormed away, leaving him staring at his wrist in shock.
But when she flounced into her seat on the sidelines, she couldn’t stop turning his words over and over in her head.
“Let’s go, Langston,” Ellie shouted, cheering perfectly in time with her teammates, “let’s go!” She waved her pompoms in the air with a practiced grin, completing their timeout routine perfectly even though her mind was miles away.
She tried to focus on the game to distract herself from Logan’s words, but it was impossible. Besides, the game wasn’t much to focus on anyway: it was a catastrophe. She glanced at the scoreboard again, wincing as it showed Langston was winning by 11, and then immediately berated herself. She was a Langston cheerleader, for crying out loud; she wanted Langston to win. Didn’t she?
Her eyes cut to Colt, and she felt her gaze soften. He was having the worst game she had ever seen. He had scored two points all half, missing at least seven easy layups, and turning over the ball so many times even Ingrid wondered aloud who he wanted to win. And then, the worse he played, the angrier he got, earning a technical foul for a chippy elbow and getting into a furious argument with his Coach on the sidelines.
He did not look like a future pro. 
He looked like someone who was having the shittiest day of his life.
Ellie swallowed as the clock counted down to halftime. It wasn’t like she was having an exceptional day either.
When both teams stood to head to their respective locker rooms, she tried to catch his eye as she walked to half court for her cheer performance. He pointedly avoided looking her way, head down dejectedly.
Her heart cracked open in her chest. What did she want?
This routine would be broadcast nationally. Her dad was watching, eyes peeled for a shot of her on live tv; Riya and Darius were probably doing the same at university. This was the biggest show she would likely ever perform in.
And she barely registered a flip. 
As soon as her sneakers hit the sideline, she took off, pleading with the coach for a break, and then booked it, flying down hallways and flashing her cheer pass to security until she found the locker room. The door was closed but there was yelling, bitter screaming, the Coach shrill and loud, trying to rein in the shouts. She could just make out Logan and Colt, hollering over each other, the slam of a locker, a massive thump, and the door flew open, Logan and Colt grappling as they pushed through into the silent hall.
“Maybe if you got your head in the game-“
“Maybe if you got your head out of your ass-“
Logan saw her first, shoulders dropping in relief. “Oh thank God, you’re here. You deal with him.”
“What are you-” Colt spun and his jaw dropped as he saw her. Her heart fell; the fury on his face, paired with the bruise angry against his jawline, was intimidating, foreboding. “The fuck do you want?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“I think you’ve done enough talking.” He turned to follow Logan back into the locker room and she couldn’t, she had to-
“Wait,” she pleaded, wringing her hands in front of her. “Please, just wait.”
He stopped, turning back around to study her with guarded eyes. “What?”
“I…” She had to glance away, unable to bear the coldness in his stare. “I’m sorry.”
“No. Let me…” Tears were pricking at her eyes and she blinked furiously, willing them back. “I got into my head that this meant nothing, that we meant nothing, and-”
“We mean nothing, ok, so-”
“Let me talk!” She finally looked at him, trying to keep the tears from her eyes, tremor from her pleading. “Please,” she lowered her voice. “Let me talk.”
“... Fine.”
“I thought... You have a freaking ESPN bio and there’s talk of you going pro and I... I figured that this was a fling. That... that you just wanted to hook up. And, at first, I was ok with it; I’m focused on school and I guess I didn’t want to even entertain the hope that it was something more. But then your friend convinced me I should consider what I wanted, not what I assumed.”
“What? Who? What friend?”
“... Logan?”
“What?” Colt’s jaw dropped in disgust. “We aren’t friends! Logan is a goddamn idiot who-”
“I think you’re missing the point.”
He stopped mid spiel to cross his arms over his chest. “What’s the point?”
“That I never stopped to think about what I wanted. I was only following my plan, and doing what I was supposed to do, and I never really thought about what I wanted… or who I wanted. Colt, I don’t want to follow my old plan. I don’t want to go back to my life the way it was before.”
“Well, what do you want?”
“Ha.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Doesn’t seem like it.”
“I do.” She took a deep breath. “Colt. You’re tough. You don’t take my shit. You have high expectations of others, but you expect perfection from yourself. You’re smart and you don’t let anyone stand in your way.” She held her breath.
“... You sound like a fucking fortune cookie.” He ducked his head, but she could barely see the hint of an abashed smile. She exhaled as her lips spread into her own grin. “I thought you were too busy for me.”
“I ran down here after the biggest show of my cheer season. I can make time for you.” She stepped closer. “Logan convinced me that maybe I can have what I want, too. Maybe I can have both...”
“I’m not going to fucking thank him.”
“I would definitely not expect you to.”
He smirked, rocking back on his heels. “So how’s this gonna work?”
“I have a phone.” Her lips twitched, breaking further into a smile that she couldn’t quash. “We’re only two hours apart.”
“I dunno.” She felt her heart drop until she caught the way his eyes shone in the hallway light. “You dumped me, remember?”
“You’re gonna have to make it up to me.” He shrugged.
“Oh, for crying out, l-”
“I’m thinking post-game massages, nude, of course.” He contemplated the ceiling, considering. “Some really good incentives for solid play and, when we win, definitely some-”
She didn’t let him finish his inane list, jumping across the hall to throw her hands around his neck and kiss him, desperately, their lips meeting eagerly as she sighed relief and joy into the curve of his smile. His hands traced the waistband of her skirt until they reached the small of her back, pulling her forward so they were even closer, bodies colliding, his fingertips catching under her blue-and-white uniform while her fingers twined into red-and-gold. Just when her lungs ached for breath, he pulled back.
“I knew you liked me.”
She swatted his chest and groaned. “Oh my god, does your narcissism know no bounds?”
“Am I wrong?”
She gazed up at him. “Not wrong.”
She was about to kiss him again when the door to the locker room burst open again, slam echoing down the dull concrete walls as Logan ducked his head out. “Yo, Kaneko, we need you in here. Coach is drawing up some insane new play where he is relying on Toby to shoot threes out of a pick-and-roll.”
“Oh Lord. I gotta-”
“Wait,” she interjected, pulling Colt closer by his jersey. “You wanted to impress me, right?”
“As if the week when you were holed up in my room didn’t-”
“Shut up. You want to impress me?”
His eyes softened, fingers tracing the strip of bare skin above her skirt. “Always.”
“Win,” she said. “Win Nationals. Win.”
He ducked his head to kiss her again, greedily stealing breath from her lungs before he pulled away, turning towards the door. “Done.” And with that, he was gone.
It was a different game, a different universe, when the whistle blew again.
Whereas Langston owned the first half, draining shot after shot, the tide had turned. Colt had seemingly stolen the magic from them-he was everywhere, stealing a pass off the fingertips of one player, blocking a three-pointer from another. 
She watched, incredulous, as they started coming back, slowly, Langston growing weary and tired as the game continued, Colt only playing harder as the third quarter melted into the fourth and his team battled back, carving away at the Langston lead until they were only down by one point with less than a minute to play.
Ingrid shook next to her, nerves and excitement vibrating the pom-poms in her hands, but Ellie could only think in terms of numbers. They needed two more points, one more basket to take the lead, and then they could run out the clock and win. She bit her lip as Logan in-bounded the ball to Colt and he breezed down the court, rubber of his soles squeaking against the court as he passed half court.
She bounced on her toes. This is it.
She watched, transfixed, as the ball moved like lightning around the court-Colt flipped it to Logan, a foot outside the paint, but a sea of blue jerseys met him head-on. He bounced it back to Colt and her breath caught as he leapt, ball cradled in outstretched arms for a jump shot, feet leaving the parquet and eyes trained on the rim. 
He hung, suspended in midair, as the arena collectively gasped; right as the ball was about to leave his fingertips, a blue jersey slammed into him, arms flailing, chest flying, both players slamming to the floor as whistles screamed and the crowd started shouting.
Oh my God.
Colt went down like a rock, so hard he bounced, landing on his side twice. Ellie winced, but he was up like a shot: she just caught the fury in his eyes before he spun at his opponent, hands balling into fists.
No. She glanced at the clock. They were still down by one with 5 seconds on the clock and if Colt got a technical foul now? No no no no.
He stepped closer to the Langston player, shoulders tensing. She saw his fingers tighten, bicep tense, fist cock back in slow motion; she leapt to her feet. “Stop!” she screeched, praying he made out her voice over the yelling, the hungry crowd screaming for a fight. “Colt, STOP!”
Miraculously, he froze, arm hanging in the air, hand clenched; she let out the breath she was holding as he dropped his fist and spun to look across the court, eyes finding hers. She shook her head frantically, pointing at the scoreboard, and it was almost like he heard her silent prayer. He took a breath, then another, eyes locked with her the entire time, and then her legs buckled and she slid to the ground. It was enough. His teammates had arrived, rushing over to interrupt the fight, a sea of red jerseys swarming him, pulling him away from the Langston blues and the brewing brawl.
“What… Ellie, what are you doing? Wrong team!” Ingrid hissed.
Ellie exhaled, his eyes still locked on him, her gaze following him as he was pulled to the free throw line. She didn’t even respond, only watched, pom-poms hiding her crossed fingers, as he stood at the line, dribbling slowly. The entire arena was frozen, waiting, holding their breath. Closing her eyes, she gave a silent plea to any deity that was listening. 
She heard motion, Ingrid’s gasp, the swish of the net, a raucous cheer from the stands. He made the shot. One point. She opened her eyes with a smile. “Come on, Colt!” she shouted, flinching when Ingrid elbowed her.
“Wait a minute! Was that… You two? Seriously?!?” Ingrid gaped.
“Come on, Ingrid. Shut up.”
Colt looked over to their sideline, ball securely in his hands, waiting for his second shot. She stared back, mouthing ‘Good luck!’ He only raised his eyebrows, waiting for something; she groaned, shoulders falling when she realized what he wanted. He waited. 
She raised a pom-pom halfheartedly. 
He shook his head.
She groaned again, catching the smile on his face before she raised her hand higher and yelled, “Go Colt!” 
Finally appeased, he winked, then pursed his lips in a quick kiss her way before turning back to the hoop, 15 feet from him.
Ellie desperately wanted to shut her eyes but she couldn’t, wouldn’t look away. He bounced the ball, twice, echo thundering in the silent arena, eerie with only the flash of hundreds of cameras, aiming right at him. Every single seat filled but silent, every single person waiting, desperately.
Ellie couldn’t breathe.
He bounced the ball again, one last thundering knock, and he raised his hands, exactly how he taught her. Knees bent, aiming at the front of the rim, pushing the ball off his fingertips, following through with his right hand. The ball soared in a graceful, gentle arc, before falling through the netting.
She leapt to her feet, screaming. Ingrid pulled at her legs, trying to get her to sit, but she didn’t care; she couldn’t stop the high-pitched noise, the howl, the deafening screech being pulled from her lungs.
Langston in-bounded the ball, but there wasn’t much time, passing it up up-court. They didn’t even make it halfway, timer ticking down, only one second to go, and their center heaved the ball but it didn’t even matter because it bounced harmlessly into the crowd and she was sprinting onto the court as fast as her cheer shoes would carry her.
Fans were streaming down the bleachers, screaming and bouncing, camera crews grappling for the best shot, but it didn’t matter as she jumped into Colt’s arms, giddy laughter mushed into his cheek as he spun her around.
“You won!! Ohmygod, you actually won!”
He carefully lowered her so she touched the floor.
“I know.”
“Holy crap!”
“Well…” He smirked. “Did I impress you?”
“Oh, for crying out loud.” She wanted to punch the smirk off his face but contented herself in reaching up to brush a stray piece of confetti off his eyebrow. 
“What? Do I get that kiss now?”
“Oh my God! Just shut up and kiss me.”
And, with the roaring of the crowd in her ears, the confetti falling into her hair, the pulse of flashing cameras lighting up her face, he did.
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kenttsterling · 2 years
Jim Irsay gives timeline for #Colts coach hire! #iubb with validating win! #Pacers game tonight! Trades tomorrow?
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mitchintille · 4 years
2021 Mock Draft 1.0
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Super Bowl 55 is just a few days away, which means draft season is looming in the rearview mirror. In a class that is expected to produce an abundance of offensive talent, several teams could benefit from this year’s crop. With a reported possibility of 18 teams looking for a change at the quarterback position, there is quite a bit of ambiguity as we approach the draft, and this year could shape up to be one of the wildest drafts we’ve seen in recent memory. Without further ado, here are my early first round predictions for the 2021 NFL draft....
1. Jacksonville Jaguars: Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson
From the moment he set foot on campus his freshman season, Lawrence has always has shown the capabilities of being a future NFL star. He took no time bursting onto the scene. After a dazzling freshman season, in which he lead the Tigers to a title in blowout fashion over an absolutely loaded Alabama team, he followed it up with two more trips to the playoffs, including another trip to the title game.
The former No.1 overall recruit in the country offers everything one could wish for in a franchise quarterback.  He is a gifted, natural thrower of the football who is wise beyond his years at the position. Even new head coach Urban Meyer feels that he has the potential to be the best QB ever. Jaguars fans, your savior has come. Rejoice. 
2. Houston Texans: Zach Wilson, QB, BYU
Houston receives: 2nd overall pick (2021), 23rd overall pick (2021), 3rd round pick (2021), 1st round pick (2022), 4th round pick (2022)
New York receives: Deshaun Watson, 6th round pick (2022)
Let’s get weird. Deshaun Watson being traded has reached inevitability status, and the Jets are stockpiled with draft picks over the next few years. It has been rumored that Watson would prefer to play for the Jets under the tutelage of new head coach Robert Saleh. The Jets have the firepower to make this pick happen, and in this scenario they pull off the mega deal and get their guy. So where does that leave Houston?
 They luck into a talented, natural thrower of the football, with a very clean feel for the pocket. He has a rocket arm, and is particularly impressive when asked to go off script. The Texans rebuild will undoubtedly be a long one, but with Wilson, they have a fresh face of the franchise moving forward, and will look to continue adding more weapons around him to set him up for success.  
3. San Francisco 49ers: Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State
San Francisco receives: 3rd overall pick (2021), 5th round pick (2022)
Miami receives: 12th overall pick (2021), 43rd overall pick (2021), 1st round pick (2022), 3rd round pick (2022), 7th round pick (2022)
Between the Rams’ recent trade for Matthew Stafford, and Kyle Shanahan remaining noncommittal on Jimmy Garoppolo for the foreseeable future, it wouldn’t shock me to see John Lynch be aggressive and try to nab their QB of the future. 
Fields put up gaudy numbers in his first year as a starter, posting an absurd 51-3 TD/INT ratio. He showed a bit of regression in a COVID-shortened year two, but still displayed all of the tools you’d hope to see when searching for a franchise QB. 
Finding a way to get Jimmy G’s lucrative contract off the books, and adding a talented player like Fields would be a win-win for an organization whom I feel would GREATLY benefit from a changing of the guard under center. 
4. Atlanta Falcons: Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State 
With the arrival of new head coach Arthur Smith, it is time for a rebrand in Atlanta. Matt Ryan is expected to make over $40m a season for the next two years, and while he is certainly not the main issue with this team, the Falcons need to move in a new direction. 
Lance is perhaps the most polarizing player in this year’s class. Similar to Fields, he too posted video game like numbers in his first year at the helm. The Minnesota product threw for 28 TD’s, while posting another 14 on the ground. He also didn’t throw an interception all season. He possess all of the physical tools that NFL teams salivate over, and while questions will remain in regards to the inferior competition he’s been exposed to over his career, the opportunity to sit and learn from Matt Ryan could serve both himself and the Falcons some good.
5. Cincinnati Bengals: Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon
If Sewell is on the board, he will be the pick for the Bengals. After breakout rookie quarterback Joe Burrow suffered a season-ending ACL tear, the sense of urgency to upgrade the offensive line should be at an all-time high for the Bengals.
 Sewell allowed just one sack over 1,376 career snaps and will spend the majority of his rookie season at age 20. He is a smooth mover with easy power, who is capable of playing on either side of the line. He is the exact type of stalwart that is needed for the Bengals to protect their QB of the future. 
6. Philadelphia Eagles: DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama
I don’t know what to make of the Eagles’ current situation. They are in QB purgatory and have gaping holes riddled across their roster. With the recent hiring of Colts’ OC Nick Sirianni, I’d imagine adding offensive firepower would be at the top of his to-do list. Assuming they move forward with Jalen Hurts at QB, it is imperative to surround him with quality skill players. After drafting Jalen Reagor in the first round last year, they double dip this year and take the reigning Heisman Trophy winner.
 Smith is not the most conventional receiver, being that there aren’t too many 6′1, 175-lb receivers who have enjoyed prolonged success in the league, but Smith doesn’t care about your player profiles. Smith can make plays all over the field and beat you in a myriad of ways. He is a nuanced route runner with a seemingly natural feel for his position, and someone I can assume Sirianni will fall in love with as the draft process begins to heat up.
7. Detroit Lions: Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama 
If Lance were to have fallen to this spot, I’d have probably made him the selection. However, I’ll opt to give them a difference maker like Waddle.
 With Kenny Golladay’s impending departure and both Danny Amendola and Marvin Jones Jr. testing the open market, that WR room could get UGLY in a hurry. Waddle is essentially a supercharged version of his former teammate Henry Ruggs. He has legit 4.2 speed, and does a great job of tracking the deep ball. The Lions are desperate for speed on the perimeter, and Waddle would be an instant upgrade to what they have now. He’s a true, top-10 talent assuming he manages to stay healthy.
8. Carolina Panthers: Ja’marr Chase, WR, LSU
Now just hear me out on this. Curtis Samuel is approaching free agency and will likely be headed elsewhere. Aside from DJ Moore and Robby Anderson, the cupboard is bare. Chase put up record-setting numbers in his only year under current Panthers OC Joe Brady when they were at LSU, so a reunion would only be right.
 Chase is perhaps the best player in the entire class regardless of position. He is a physical route-runner who attacks the catch point with ease, and his RAC ability might be his best trait. He is very reminiscent of Moore, and pairing those two along with Anderson’s deep speed could perhaps create the most dangerous receiving trio in the NFL.
9. Denver Broncos: Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech
After an heavy offensive draft last year, the Broncos buck the trend and refocus on rebuilding their defense. Farley’s size and athleticism are a perfect fit in Vic Fangio’s versatile defensive scheme. I believe Farley has the potential to be a star in this league very quickly. 
10. Dallas Cowboys: Rashawn Slater, OT, Northwestern
After wrestling back and forth with myself on this pick, the Cowboys settle on Slater. The once elite Cowboys offensive line has suddenly deteriorated into mediocrity. With both Tyron Smith and La’el Collins returning from injuries, Slater can serve as an insurance policy at either position, or kick him inside if need be. 
His versatility and strong lower half are both commendable traits that should allow him to see a long career in the NFL.
11. New York Giants: Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama 
Truthfully, this might be the most unpredictable pick in the first round. Dave Gettleman is tricky, but recently he has invested into the secondary quite a bit. After signing James Bradberry to a pricy extension last off-season, they also invested a pick into Xavier McKinney, as well as the addition of guys like Logan Ryan and Jabrill Peppers.
With Surtain, he brings a combo of length and savvy to the position, and would serve as the Giants’ other outside corner opposite of Bradberry.
12. Miami Dolphins: Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida
San Francisco receives: 3rd overall pick (2021), 5th round pick (2022)
Miami receives: 12th overall pick (2021), 43rd overall pick (2021), 1st round pick (2022), 3rd round pick (2022), 7th round pick (2022)
Yes, I’m highly aware that Mike Gesicki exists. But hear me out on this one, Pitts is more than just your standard “tight end” prospect. If it weren’t for a TE listed next to his position, I’d say that he’s the second best receiver in the draft. 
He is nearly impossible to match up against. He’s too fast for linebackers and too physical for corners. He’s shown the capability to play in the slot, flexed out wide, or with his hand in the dirt. Pairing him and Gesicki together will give Tua Tagovailoa (assuming he remains their guy moving forward), a plethora of weapons at his disposal.
13. Los Angeles Chargers: Christian Darrisaw, OT, Virginia Tech
Keeping Justin Herbert clean and protected should be the top priority heading into the offseason for Tom Telesco. After a breakout rookie season, it seems the Chargers struck a goldmine in Herbert. Being that the Chargers haven’t had a decent offensive line in years, a trip out west would make sense for Darrisaw. 
The Virginia Tech product is a very fluid mover, whose length and quickness allow him to reach the second level with ease as a run blocker. He will be an instant upgrade to their run game, and has the maturity to protect Herbert’s blindside from day one in LA. 
14. Minnesota Vikings: Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami
After the loss of Everson Griffen to free agency, and Danielle Hunter missing most of the 2020 season due to a back injury, the Vikings should be looking to rebuild their pass rush. Mike Zimmer seems to have a knack for high-ceiling pass rushers with athletic upside. Rousseau fits the bill.
 The Florida native saw his star shine after a dazzling sophomore season, racking up an impressive 15.5 sacks. Rousseau has easy power off the edge. While he is still a bit raw from a technician standpoint, his natural power and length will be a nightmare for tackles to deal with from day one. If he can mature his game, he has the potential to be one of the most productive edge rushers in the league in due time. 
15. New England Patriots: Micah Parsons, EDGE, Penn State
After some recent concerns over Parsons’ character, he sees his stock slide and he falls into the lap of Bill Belichick. After being used in several different spots at Penn State,
 Parsons projects best as an EDGE, but has the necessary tools to develop his skills over time. Belichick has a fetish for hybrid linebackers that can rush the passer, and pairing the two together would do wonders for his development over time.
16. Arizona Cardinals: Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina
After adding Matthew Stafford to the division, and the Niners looking to upgrade at the quarterback position, it is time for the Cardinals to get better in the secondary. Quickly.
 Horn is an excellent press corner, with an alpha-dog type mentality that should fit in well in the Cardinals’ back end. He does have a tendency to be too grabby and aggressive at times, and his lack of size will hurt him against bigger receivers. He is not a perfect corner prospect, but the Cardinals don’t have much of a choice here. 
17. Las Vegas Raiders: Jaelan Phillips, EDGE, Miami 
Truthfully, I have no idea what to predict here. The front office is an absolute mess, and have proven themselves to be incompetent when it comes to drafting. After missing badly on Clelin Ferrell a few years ago, they have a chance to redeem themselves with the selection of Phillips. 
The former number one overall recruit had a late start to his career, after suffering several injuries and at one point declaring himself medically retired. After transferring to Miami from UCLA, Phillips began to improve his game, and vaulted himself into first round considerations after a breakout 2020 campaign. His injury history may force him to fall, but his combination of size, speed, and motor is very exciting, and he may be the exact type of player Mike Mayock falls in love with.
18. Miami Dolphins: Zaven Collins, LB, Tulsa
Brian Flores is one of the few Belichick proteges recently that has found success as a head coach. Much like Belichick, Flores places a large emphasis on versatility, particularly on the defensive side of the ball. This is why Collins would be a perfect fit on day one. 
Collins was truly a jack-of-all-trades in his time at Tulsa. He was one of the best players in all of college football last season, and did so in a number of ways. He can rush the passer, cover a runningback out of the backfield. Think D’onta Hightower type role for Collins if he were to head to south beach.
19. Washington Football Team: Mac Jones, QB, Alabama
With the trend in the NFL heading towards a youth movement at QB, it wouldn’t shock me to see Washington fall in love with Jones.
Although he’s not the most dynamic passer, Jones is a solid athlete with an incredibly comfortable feel for the game. He is a great processor with plus accuracy, and has shown impressive flashes of improvisation. He may not have a very high ceiling moving forward, but I can him instantly making that team better and elevating them into playoff contention on a year-to-year basis.
20. Chicago Bears: Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota
With Allen Robinson likely headed elsewhere in free agency and Anthony Miller’s slow start, the time is now to add playmakers on the offensive side of the ball. Insert Bateman.
One of the most forgotten men in the whole class, Bateman is silky smooth in everything he does, and will be the most physical WR on any field he steps on. He eats up intermediate routes, and is capable of being a vertical threat. His game reminds me a ton of guys like Keenan Allen and Michael Thomas, not the most physically gifted guys, but masters of their craft and play to their strengths.
Whether or not the Bears decide to move forward with Mitchell Trubisky at QB or not, it is imperative to give the man under center some more feasible options to work with in the passing game.
21. Indianapolis Colts: Kwity Paye, EDGE, Michigan
While the temptation was high to take a receiver here, I opted for the highly athletic EDGE with limitless upside.
Not having a combine will prove to affect Paye’s stock, as he was expected to test through the roof at his position. Once listed as one of Bruce Feldman’s “freaks”, Paye finally applied his athleticism to the field in 2020. He is very reliant on his natural power and speed, and has yet to develop any consistent counter moves. If developed properly, his size/speed combo alongside Deforest Buckner could prove to be deadly for an already improving defense.
22. Tennessee Titans: Azeez Ojulari, EDGE, Georgia
Being that the Jadeveon Clowney acquisition backfired on them, the Titans are still in search of a consistent pass rush opposite of Harold Landry.
Ojulari is young and lacks experience. But when his motor gets going, he could be the most explosive rusher in the class. He’d be perfect in their 3-4 defense, and has the potential to be a good player in space as he gains more experience. 
23. New York Jets: Joseph Ossai, EDGE, Texas
One of the staples of a Robert Saleh defense is consistent pressure off the edge. The Jets lack any and all types of pass rush at the moment, and Ossai’s intriguing upside in that defense could see him turn out to be a very productive player.
24. Pittsburgh Steelers: Liam Eichenberg, OT, Notre Dame
Man, Notre Dame just pumps them out, don’t they? With GM Kevin Colbert’s affinity for drafting players from big name schools, Eichenberg becomes the most recent, NFL product of the offensive line factory that is Notre Dame.
Much like any of the Notre Dame linemen of the past, Eichenberg is techincally sound in everything he does. He may not be athletic enough to play left tackle, but is a plug and play right tackle from day one.
25. Jacksonville Jaguars: Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas
Although the temptation would be to select a receiver here, the Jags have $100m in cap space to work with, which can be spent on one of the receivers in what is expected to be an impressive free agency class. 
Cosmi may be a little undersized, but is very athletic and light on his feet for the position. If he can bulk up and maintain his athleticism, I can see him being the Jaguars’ left tackle for the next decade. 
26. Cleveland Browns: Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, LB, Notre Dame
A surprising slide leaves Cleveland with one of the most gifted players in the draft. 
JOK is a heat-seeking missile, who showed very impressive flashes in coverage. He is the prototypical, modern-day NFL linebacker through and through.
27. Baltimore Ravens: Kadarius Toney, WR, Florida
Eric Decosta recently hinted at his lust for the dynamic Florida receiver. Toney was used in several different ways over the course of his career, but really seemed to find himself as a slot receiver in 2020.
On a team desperate for playmakers on offense, Toney would fit like a glove on that intermediate/short game offensive scheme. Toney is a menace with the ball in his hands. He has incredible contact balance and vision. If he continues to progress as a receiver, he would be a very nice addition. 
28. New Orleans Saints: Christian Barmore, IDL, Alabama
In what looks to be a fairly uninspiring IDL class, Barmore’s stock rose in his first season as a starter. The Philly native has clubs for hands, and he proved himself to be un-blockable down the stretch. Ohio State had no answer for him in the national championship game, and he seems to only be sratching the surface of what he can become.
In this case, the Saints don’t reach for a QB and draft the best player on the board, which just so happens to be Barmore. 
29. Green Bay Packers: Dyami Brown, WR, North Carolina
The Packers failure to address the receiver position came full circle this season. After losing their second consecutive NFC Championship, the lack of talent at WR cost them in the end. Enter Dyami Brown, one of the best kept secrets in the entire draft. 
Brown is a budding star. Only listed at 6′1, 185-lb, Brown consistently plays larger than his frame. He is perhaps the best vertical threat in the entire draft. Brown displays freakish ball tracking skills, along with 4.3 speed. Pairing him with Rodgers could be the missing piece that gets them over the hump moving forward, and would show that the organization is dedicated to Rodgers as their guy until he retires. 
30. Buffalo Bills: Nick Bolton, LB, Missouri 
With Matt Milano’s future with the Bills in question, it would not surprise me to see them cut bait and go after the athletic and physical SEC backer.
Bolton is a bit undersized for the position, so pairing him with Tremaine Edmunds would be the perfect complement. He great sideline to sideline speed, and will be an immediate upgrade over Milano from an athletic standpoint.
31. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Alex Leatherwood, OT, Alabama
With Donovan Smith set to become a free agent, I’d imagine the Bucs will look to replace him this off-season.
Leatherwood was a two-year starter at left tackle, but is capable of playing on the interior as well. Even if the Bucs were to bring Smith back, having a depth piece to the quality of Leatherwood could serve vital for a team who is destined ti make a run until Tom Brady’s retirement.
32. Kansas City Chiefs: Alijah Vera-Tucker, iOL, USC
An interesting storyline that has gotten lost in the mix of guys like Patrick Mahomes, Tyreek Hill, and Travis Kelce, the Chiefs have battled several injuries along the offensive line. They’re likely to play 3-4 backups in the Super Bowl this Sunday. 
Although the production remains elite and ultimately the deteriorating health on the line hasn’t bitten them yet, it is not a sustainable way to move forward. 
Vera-Tucker is a highly refined player, who has experience playing at any spot on the line. Much like the Bucs, adding quality depth and talent among the offensive line to protect your franchise should never be a move that is scrutinized.
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eagles · 4 years
Siri, Find Me A Coach
The Eagles coaching search is over. The team looked far and wide before finding their man. Eagles are hiring Colts' OC Nick Sirianni as their head coach, sources tell ESPN. Sirianni spent three seasons as a Chiefs' assistant coach, five seasons with the Chargers, and the past three with the Colts. Now the 39-year-old Sirianni […] from Iggles Blitz https://ift.tt/2Y5FoL2 via IFTTT
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hawkvalley · 4 years
Broncos Regular Season Week 4
Hawk Valley
Quick Review
Vic Fangio rocked his new face shield, but the Broncos still lost to Tampa Bay 28-10. It could have been much worse.
A longer review
Denver got the ball to start the game and whether or not the game plan called for lots of quarterback scrambles early, that's what Driskel did. Driskel's first scramble was called back due to holding. With 12:38 left in the first quarter, another scramble gained nine yards and a first down. The Broncos then called a reverse, which lost yards. After which the Broncos attempted a punt with 10:57 left, but the punt was blocked and returned to the ten yard line. At this point Tampa Bay declined a holding call on the Broncos. It's now first and 10, but a very long ten yards. The ball looked to be on the eleven yard line. At 9:58 Brady tossed his first touchdown pass of the day. Back on offense, the Broncos asked Triskel to roll out, he did but his pass was fell incomplete. On third and twelve, he threw a pass that should have been intercepted. The Broncos ended up punting with 9:08 left in the quarter. The Denver defense stops Tampa Bay from getting a first down, but on fourth and two with three minutes left, Brady attempted to draw the Broncos offsides for an easy first down. The Broncos didn't jump and Tampa Bay called a time out to talk about going for it. After the timeout, they went for and got the first down. With 1:40 on the clock, Tom Brady fumbled the ball but the Broncos were unable to recover the ball. The Bronco defense tipped the ball on third down, forcing Tampa Bay to kick a field goal, which they did with just 19 seconds on the clock. At the end of the first quarter the score was Tampa Bay 10, Denver 0.
In the second quarter, the Broncos are back on offense and once again they ask Driskel to scramble. He gains 12 yards this time. On the very next play, Driskel rolls out but gets sacked again. The Broncos then kick a very long field goal. Tampa Bay's offense wasted no time on their next drive as Brady quickly tossed a 47 yard bomb. Later in the drive, after an incomplete pass, which the Broncos defense argued was intentional grounding, Brady connected with Gronk which moved the ball up to the three yard line. Tampa quickly scored with 6:35 left in the second quarter. The score at this point was 17-3 Tampa. On the next Denver drive, an x-Bronco sacked Driskel ending the drive. The Broncos punted with 5:23 left. On this drive, Tampa Bay started from their 44 yard line. They don't believe in wasting time, so Brady went deep on the first play. Just like that they had moved the ball to the Denver 23. On this play, the Denver defense was flagged for pass interference. Tampa Bay then decided to run some clock by calling successive running plays. Perhaps Brady thought the Denver defense was ready to head to the sidelines for the two minute warning break, becuse with twenty seconds left before the two minute warning, Brady threw another touchdown pass. The Denver defense rallied and blocked the extra point. At this point Tom Brady had 167 yards passing and three touchdowns. The Broncos offense returned to the field and moved the ball... thanks in part to a pass interference call. At the two minute warning, Driskel was sacked again. Then Driskel found Patrick and he became the star of this drive. His first catch was for 26 yards on a third and twenty play. He then caught a touchdown pass with 14 seconds left in the quarter. Driskel was 7-7 operating in the two minute offense. The half ended when Brady took a knee. Tampa Bay lead at the half, 23-10.
Before the third quarter began, Fox displayed a graphic on average starting position. The Denver Broncos average starting position was their own 23, Tampa Bay's average starting position was their own 44 yard line. Tampa Bay got the ball to start the half but their drive went nowhere. Now it was Denver's turn for offense, but they had to start from their own eight yard line. Gordon gained a few yards, but his run was called back due to holding. Then, with 11:39 left in the quarter, Tampa Bay got a safety. Once again, it's the x-Bronco making the play. Tampa Bay received the kick and ran it back to midfield, but they were flagged for a block in the back which moved the ball all the way back to their 25. Tampa Bay ended up punting at the 9:30 mark. Locally, light drizzle started to fall. Denver's offense didn't infuse anyone with confidence and the next drive didn't help as Driskel's pass was deflected, but not intercepted. With 8:03 left in the third, Driskel either dropped the ball or completed a pass to Field Turf, I'm not sure which. After that, not much happened in the game untill there was 3:25 left. Tampa Bay blitzed Driskel and due to the pressure, he attempted a free throw. Tampa Bay caught the ball and took over on downs. At this point, the Denver defense decided to bring pressure which helped Tampa's offense make a series of errors. Feeling the pressure, Brady either tripped or was sacked with 1:03 left in the quarter. The defense stepped up again and Brady was sacked, which forced Tampa to kick a field goal. They made it as time expired in the third quarter. The score is now 28-10 Tampa, which ended up being the final score.
In the fourth quarter with 14:16 left, Driskel threw what should have been an interception on third and one. Denver then called a quarterback sneak which worked, first down Denver. Tampa Bay sacked the quarterback again with 13:37 left in the game. The Denver offense called a pass play on second and twenty that picked up five yards. On the next Bronco drive, Rypien, the backup backup quarterback walks onto the field. Driskel was benched with 9:56 left in the game. Brett Rypien came in and he ran the last Bronco drive of the day, which lasted maybe seven plays. His final play came on fourth down with one yard to go and four minutes remaining. Brett then threw an interception in the end zone. Tampa got the ball back and just ran out the clock.
The Game Stats
Time of Possession
Passing Attempts
Passing Yards
Rushing Yards
Time of Possession
Passing Attempts
Passing Yards
Player Stats
The Running Game
* AYPC is average yards per carry
PlayerCarriesAYPCLongTD(s) Fumble(s) Gordon83900 Driskel 35900 Freeman22200 Hamler1-2-200
The Passing Attack
PlayerReceptions%LongTD(s)Fumble(s) Fant550%1800 Jeudy556%2200 Gordon467%600 Patrick4100%2710 Hamler360%1700 Freeman2100%2800 Butt1100%500 Spencer1100%700
The Quarterbacks
compypaTD(s)INT(s)LongRating 57%6112871
AttYardsLongTD(s) 31490
TimesYards LostFumble(s) 5450
compypaTD(s)INT(s)LongRating 89%6012252
AttYardsLongTD(s) 0000
TimesYards LostFumble(s) 101
compypaTD(s)INT(s)LongRating 66%83047116
AttYardsLongTD(s) 5010
Time(s)Yard(s) LostFumble(s) 2121
During the week
The Broncos have opened the season 0-3 for two consecutive years. This is a franchise record. The media enjoyed talking about this. The conclusion seems to be that Vic is gone after this year. I don’t know where I heard this, but it was probably on sports talk radio, that 0-3 coaches never survive. So, perhaps, they’ve launched a secret search for a new coach. According to media personalities and some fans, the Broncos would love to take the offensive coordinator from Kansas City, but why would he leave? There was also talk about how the Broncos need an owner, and the future of John Elway.....pretty standard Bronco talk these days. There was some odd talk of the good old days with Vance Joseph lol.
There was also talk about Fangio benching Driskel. Is this the start of another quarterback controversy in Denver? I don't thinks so. Lock is the starter when healthy. The starter this week will be Rypien, but there's already talk of replacing Rypien in the following game.
Some fans and some media want the team to tank for a draft pick, but what draft pick have the Broncos ever turned into an NFL winner? Now’s a great time to remind you that Elway and Manning were drafted by the Colts.
The Pittsburgh vs Tennessee game scheduled for October 4th has been postponed due to covid 19 the NFL Announced on Thursday.
Today’s teams ranked by stats
Broncos (0-3)
Lost 3
Jets (0-3)
Lost 3
These two teams are essentially the same. The Jets are slightly worse than Denver. As you can see from the rankings above, the Jets rank dead last in a few offensive categories. The rushing attacks are essentially the same. The Broncos have faced a tougher schedule. The teams that have played the Broncos have won 89% of their games. The Jets have faced a tough schedule as well, their opponents have won 78% of their games. Is that the end of the story? No. Denver's opponents have a higher winning percentage because their opponents have played terrible teams. For example, Pittsburgh is undefeated, but their opponents have been defeated. They have played the Broncos, the New York Giants and the Texans.
There are four AFC teams without a win so far. They are the Bengals, the Broncos, the Texans and the Jets. The Jets are the worst, they are getting outscored by an average of just under three touchdowns per game or just over six field goals. The Texans are next up, losing by an average of just over four field goals and just under two touchdowns. This is where the Broncos find themselves. They are losing by an average of just over one touchdown per game or just under three field goals. That leaves us with the Bengals as the last team in the AFC that has yet to win. They are losing their games by just over a safety or two point conversion of just under one field goal. There are also four winless teams in the NFC, but their worst team, also from New York, is losing by just under two field goals per game. The other three NFC teams are losing like Cincinnati.
This is conference game. The Jets have only played one conference game so far and lost by 29 points. The Broncos have already played two conference games. In those games the Broncos are averaging 18 points on offense and giving up 21 points on defense.
Someone has to win? I'm sure NFL meme-ers are hoping the game ends in a tie, 17-17 lol.
Game Time
Thursday evening, 6:20 PM MT
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kenttsterling · 2 years
New coach just one item on #Colts punch list! What #iubb MUST do to beat Boilers! #Pacers lose!
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Running Epilogue
Colt x MC
Previous Part: Part 3
Bonus: Interlude,  Ficta
Author’s Note: A short epilogue to Running! AKA my big chance to write Colt as a daddy.
Word Count: ~1500
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“CT, come here.” Colt beckons, standing at the fence behind the dugout.
Colt Teppei Kaneko tries to ignore his father, drawing patterns in the dirt with his bat. Colt is left looking at the ‘Kaneko 3’ emblazoned on the back of his son’s red jersey as he refuses to turn around.
Colt’s jaw clenches, not appreciating being ignored. If this is what CT is like at only 7 (although he’s almost 8), he can only imagine the attitude he’s going to give him as a teenager. “Colt Teppei Kaneko, come here.” Colt repeats.
CT reluctantly stands, the use of his full name letting him know that his dad means business. He leaves his teammates to approach the fence. “What Dad? I’m up to bat soon, so make it quick.” He demands with the slight southern drawl that he’s picked up from his classmates.
Colt quirks a brow at the attitude in the statement, so CT amends his response. “I meant, what did you want to talk about?” After a few moments, he adds “Sir?” for good measure.
“Don’t be afraid of the ball. You’ve got this. Do it just like we practiced, okay?” Colt coaches.
CT nods. “Got it. Can I go now?”
Colt frowns but nods anyway. CT runs back to his teammates, joining them on the dugout bench as he awaits his turn at bat.
Colt returns to the spectator stands, taking a seat beside his wife and toddler daughter. Ellie adjusts Bailey in her lap, scooting over a little to give Colt more room on the bleachers. Bailey claps excitedly as her big brother heads up to home base to bat. “Go CT!!!” She cheers adorably, in that way only an adorable almost-3-year-old can.
The first pitch is thrown, and CT doesn’t swing. “Strike one!” The umpire calls.
Colt’s jaw clenches. He should have swung at that one. The pitcher throws again, and it’s clearly a ball but CT swings anyway, getting his second strike.
“Unbelievable.” Colt mutters under his breath, and Ellie gives him a dark look.
“This is supposed to be fun for him Colt.” Ellie admonishes.
The pitcher throws again, a perfect pitch. CT swings early, and the ball soars past him into the catcher’s mitt. “Strike three! You’re out!” The umpire calls, a little too joyfully for Colt’s taste.
“All those hours at the batting cages, and in the backyard, wasted.” Colt mutters, slouching in the bleachers as CT heads back to the dugout, looking dejected.
“It’s just a game.” Ellie reminds him.
“But I know he’s better than that. He’s great at home. He has stage fright or something. That’s a serious issue we need to nip in the bud before it follows him his whole life.” Colt explains his irritation. “CT!” He yells out, “Get out of your head!”
CT flushes, looking embarrassed as he continues to the dugout.
“You’re so embarrassing.” Ellie insults, but there’s fondness in her tone.
“You’re one to talk. You practically fought that mom at Bailey’s tap recital.” Colt retorts.
“She was a bit-“ Ellie cuts herself off, remembering that her toddler soaks up curse words like a sponge. “B-I-T-C-H” She spells out.  
“Who’s a bitch? Hope you’re not talking about me!” Raya, Colt’s mother, announces as she approaches the family.
“Bitch bitch bitch.” Bailey predictably parrots. Ellie shoots a somewhat annoyed gaze at her mother-in-law, but Raya doesn’t notice as she gets situated.
“Hey ma.” Colt greets, letting his mom plant a kiss to his cheek as she squeezes between him and Ellie.
Raya plants a kiss to Bailey’s dark hair, and then gives Ellie a one-armed hug. “How’s he doing?” She gestures to CT with a tilt of her head as she searches through her bag for snacks.
“Just struck out.” Colt reveals, taking the cold water his mom offers him. It’s another hot day in North Carolina, and although they’re in the shade there’s no escaping the humidity. He always misses LA in the summer.
“Coltie baby, it’s okay! You’ll get them next time sugarplum!” Raya yells out.
CT grimaces as his teammates chuckle. “God Grandma, don’t call me sugarplum in public!” He bites back.
Raya gives CT an apologetic look, making a motion to zip her lips. “I guess I’m embarrassing now. I thought I had a few more years until my grandbaby got too big for nicknames.”
“CT is 7 going on 17.” Ellie jokes, resting a reassuring hand on Raya’s knee.
“Well, give me my baby. You’re not embarrassed by me, are you sweetie?” Raya asks, taking Bailey from Ellie and pulling her into a hug.
“I’m not a baby gramma. I’m going to be this big!” Bailey exclaims, raising three fingers when she pulls away.
Raya smiles fondly. “My my, what a big girl!” She praises, handing Bailey a popsicle from her bag. She turns to Colt. “What are the plans for the b-i-r-t-h-d-a-y  p-a-r-t-y tomorrow?” She asks.
Colt rolls his eyes. “It’s not a surprise party mom. Bay knows she’s having a party tomorrow. It starts at noon at Chuck-E-Cheese. Try not to be late like usual.”
“I’m fashionably late.” Raya insists, turning her attention back to the game as CT’s team gets their third out and switches to the outfield.
CT catches the first hit by the other team, throwing it to first base in time to get the other player out.
“Great catch CT!” Colt calls out, beaming with pride. CT grins back before exchanging high fives with the first baseman. Colt’s phone starts to vibrate in the pocket of his basketball shorts. He checks the caller ID and sees it’s his property manager.
“Hey Jim, what’s up?” Colt answers. He listens to Jim’s concerns about the new trailer park Colt has just acquired. They’re major money makers, with the land rent he gets to collect. “That’s not the price he quoted last week.” Colt complains, attention still half focused on the baseball game. Jim continues, but Colt gently cuts him off. “Jim, I’m at my son’s baseball game. I’ll call you back in an hour. Yeah, okay, thanks.” Colt ends the call.
Ellie looks at him curiously. “Problem?” She asks. Ellie got her real estate license while pregnant with Bailey, and now sells houses. Her contacts come in very handy in Colt’s line of work.
“It’s nothing.” Colt assures.
“Bailey, you’re getting popsicle all over my skirt.” Raya complains, handing Colt his now sticky daughter, melting popsicle getting everywhere.
“I could have told you not to give her that.” Colt informs his mother, pulling a packet of wet wipes from his pocket. He takes the mostly finished popsicle from Bailey, popping the rest of it into his own mouth before tossing the stick into the trash. He cleans off Bailey’s sticky hands, and wipes at her face despite her squirming.
Raya heads off to the bathroom to try to get the stains out of her clothes.
Colt uses the wet wipe on the ends of Bailey’s hair, where she’s somehow managed to get popsicle. He pulls a hair tie from his wrist (ever since his daughter’s hair started getting long, he’s found that he always has a hair tie around somewhere) and gathers Bailey’s dark hair into a messy bun.  
Bailey reaches into her grandmother’s bag, looking for more snacks. She triumphantly pulls out some animal crackers.
CT’s team gets a third player out, and heads back to the dugout for their turn at bat.
Colt starts to hand Bailey to Ellie. “And where do you think you’re going?” Ellie asks, not reaching out to take Bailey.
“He’s getting another pep talk.” Colt informs her.
“He doesn’t want one.” Ellie insists.
“Well, he’s getting one anyway.”
Ellie rolls her eyes but doesn’t try to stop him. “Take your daughter, I think you’ll be better behaved with her there.” Ellie demands.  
Colt places Bailey on his shoulders, and she grasps at his hair with one hand. Good thing her hands are no longer sticky. “No crumbs in my hair this time, okay Bay?”
“Otay Daddy.” Bailey promises.
Colt smiles fondly, resting his hands on his daughter’s legs to steady her. “Otay.” He parrots.
Colt approaches the chain link fence behind the dugout once again. “CT.” He calls, and this time his son comes without further prompting. “Great job in the outfield. Carry that momentum with you to the plate. You’re beating yourself out there, you just need to be confident.” Colt assures him.
“Go CT!” Bailey adds, continuing to munch on the last few animal crackers in the packet.
“Bailey is getting crumbs in your hair.” CT informs his father.
“Of course she is.” Colt acknowledges, quickly returning to the task at hand. “Play your best. I know you can do it.”
“I’ll try.” CT promises.
“That’s all I ask of you.” Colt responds, giving his son a fond smile before heading back to the bleachers.
Bailey finishes the animal crackers and starts to pick the crumbs out of her father’s hair, eating those as well.
“Bailey Grace Kaneko!” Colt admonishes. “You are not a monkey, don’t eat crumbs out of my hair!”
Bailey laughs and starts making monkey noises as she continues to do as she pleases, munching on the crumbs. Colt takes her off his shoulders when they reach Ellie, handing the toddler over to her mother.
“Your daughter is out of control.” Colt tells her.
“When she’s being bad, she’s your daughter.” Ellie retorts before placing a kiss to Colt’s lips.
taglist:  @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicesarehard @lovehugsandcandy@desiree-0816 @regina-and-happiness @iplaydrake @hazah @maxwellsquidsuit @eileendannie @liamzigmichael4ever @lady-dianelewis @client-327 @cora-nova @umiumichan @angrypainterfarmopera @badchoicesposts @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @sparklinglilac @pixel-thirsty @mrskaneko @lovemychoices
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1822 Thursday 6 June
11 50/60
Took two pills last night of pilulae rufi and colocynth, each two grains and one grain calomelain each pill. They operated a little before eight - Came upstairs at 11 - letter from Miss Maclean (Hunter’s Esquire 26 Queen Street Edinburgh) 3 pages and the end the 2 first pages and 1/2 the 3rd crossed - her brother young Coll (Hugh Maclean) expected in Edinburgh as today - to stay a week, and then take her back with him to Quinish - she says is a great deal better - “my strength increases daily, but the gentlest zephyr gives me cold which always seizes on my throat” - She afterwards speaks of her health as being “so very precarious” and says she is sitting for her picture which she promised to give to her darling Vere (her niece Miss Hobart whom she brought up from the age of 11 months) “As to the discovery of the author of Juvinus, it is hushed up for the present - I believe there were too many discoveries making - the person who was making the search found many very odd papers - he dined here a few days before my arrival, and gave a good many hints to my brother-in-law which he committed to paper the moment he was gone - I shall ask to copy it for you, and enclose it in your purse - It is certain that Mr Bell has received a snuff-box set with diamonds from his majesty 10 months ago, and that he has stopped the intended publication” - Sat down almost immediately after coming upstairs sat down and wrote 3 pages to Miss Maclean in answer to her letter -
About 2 1/2 Thomas (Greenwood) arrived with the 2 year-old bay colt bought of a Mr Otley of the village of Brighton close to Selby for 29 pounds - a man led him to Leeds last night for 5/. and 4/. more to pay his fare back by the coach - and Thomas himself walked and led the colt from Leeds this morning - He is a beautiful animal - Thomas said he was 15 and an inch, but he looks more - his dam was a 1/2 blood, his sire full-blood - Sugden (the horse breaker) says he has not seen such a colt for long - and valued him at far above 30 pounds - asked Thomas if had given 36 or 40 pounds for him but Thomas would not tell how much - Dawdling about in the stable - and in the hall croft where we turned the colt to run with the 4 young calves (2 of them James Smith’s) about 4 -
In the evening at 7 1/2 sauntered with my aunt to Mytholm and back - afraid of rain - then walked 20 minutes in the terrace and came in at 8 1/2 - then came upstairs and wrote the above of today - My uncle paid all Thomas’ expenses and gave him a couple of guineas for his trouble in buying both the horses - the colt to be called Hotspur - he is indeed a beautiful animal and is to be mine - I shall pay for him myself with the legacy my aunt Lister left me - my pills worked me twice before breakfast and the same number of times afterwards between eleven and two - Very hot day Farenheit 74* at 11 a.m. and 72 1/2 at 9 1/2 p.m. Barometer 3 3/4 above changeable at 9 1/2 p.m. - [regarding her venereal disease: 3 treatments no discharge] Came upstairs at 10 3/4 downstairs quarter hour airing things
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/6/0014
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alitheamateur · 5 years
The Grind- Chapter 16
Warnings: Language.
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We parted ways in the café parking lot, only for a brief hour or so, giving me just enough time to swing by my building to swap into the proper apparel, and shove some small essentials into a ratty gym bag from high school.  I was whispering regretful murmurs to myself as I pulled into the lot of Temple Fitness.  I draped the bag over my shoulder, water bottle in hand, and hesitated towards the main entry. It was a newer structure, but it’s reputation of cleanliness, a well-stocked weight room, and a staff equipped to provide nearly any fitness services on the market had flourished by word of mouth throughout the tristate. The atmosphere of this establishment leaned way more pristine than the damp, mildewed basement ambiance at Mac’s place. Skylights haloed the front lobby with welcomed July sunlight, and I heard the whine of a juice machine in the corner where I turned to discover a small juice bar. Teal round arm sofas lined walls down each side, and what I would assume were artificial potted plants were carefully arranged about. Clearly, this place had a woman’s touch.  
“Hey Elliott, you showed,” I heard the familiar voice of the very person who had suckered me into this plan. “C’mon, I wanna introduce you to a few people.” 
She motioned me to follow, and we marched down a narrow, quiet hall that eventually opened up revealing what seemed to be a training room of some sort in the back of the building. There were a couple guys going through the motions of what my very amateur opinion would’ve gathered to be Muay Thai, or perhaps Jui Jitsu? I was clueless in that moment, but something told me by the time Tia and her crew were done with me, I’d be able to effortlessly distinguish the difference between the two, along with most likely being able to demonstrate them as well. I was lagging behind Tia’s strides trying to get a handle on all the yoga studios, and the saunas cutting the halls, as she greeted a woman, and two men she was waiting to introduce me to.
“Ok, so Austin, Cal, Willow, meet Liv,” she pointed down the line naming out the strangers. “Liv, meet my team.”
“Nice to meet you all,” I indirectly smiled, making friendly eye contact with each individual set of eyes, and wiping my clammy palms over the slick spandex of my joggers.
“I gave them a little play-by-play on our chat from lunch LC, and we decided it’d be best to stick you with Cal here first for a while. A while will be determined by how long you think you’re gonna stick this out, ya’ wuss. He’s my personal trainer. He’ll be essentially laying the ground work here to see what you’re made of. Doing some basic cardio, and weights, oh, and gettin’ a meal plan in place for you, too.” Tia’s laugh turned dark at her ending remarks, and mockingly menacing. She knew what a hopeless, dedicated foodie at heart I truly was, and that I wouldn’t take kindly to someone limiting my calorie and carb intake all the live long day. “How much do you weigh, anyhow?”
She didn’t waste any time, ay?
“Um, I don’t really know like, exactly. Around 130, I guess? And 5’3”.” I spoke back to the peanut gallery hanging on my every word.
“Okay, okay. So that’ll put her at bantamweight, I think. Right, Cal?” The sculped man towered over me by nearly a whole foot, dressed in black from dri-fit shirt to sneakers.
“That’s right. We’ll start there at least, then I’ll leave the final decision to you and Willow once you guys see what she can do in the ring. Liv, you feel comfortable with cutting some weight if need be?” Cal rubbed his palms flat together. These guys weren’t playing pretend with all this, it was clear. But, I elected if I was going to step into this world, I might as well commit fully, and skip the lazy dabbling. “You guys are the experts, I’m just the silly girl behind the computer.” I saluted them lightheartedly.
The first two weeks I spent under the watchful eyes of Tia and her three ruthless minions wasn’t a walk in the park by any means, but I made it through with only two bouts of splintering muscle cramps, and one upchuck all over the crisp white tile floor of the weight room. My past in athletics familiarized me closely with cardio, so the 3 miles a day on the treadmill, along with 30 added minutes on the stair climber hadn’t killed me. Definitely wounded, and maybe caused me to develop asthma, but hadn’t killed me. My visits to the weight room however might as well have been sure fire, mortal combat. Cal had precisely mapped out a specific regime to suit me, and scheduled each day to target a specific area. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays were upper body strength, leaving us to work on muscles such as bicpes and traps, and some brutal core exercises as well. Wednesday and Friday, had very abruptly became the very most dreaded days of my always demanding week. Legs. Cal seemed to get particular delight in leg day. He and Tia would watch idly by and smile like Cheshire cats as I grunted, and sobbed my way through 3 sets of one-leg barbell squats, and 4 sets of lying leg curls.
“You’ll thank us when you’ve got a fine ass man pinned between those legs of steel, Liv.” Tia piped and cheered alongside Cal as he coached me through the punishing onslaught.
As much as I wanted to break both of their smiling jaws for dropping the bombs of leg day, I was very much mastering the 4,000 calories a day he’d laid out as my goal to keep building my muscle mass. It may not have been the ideal menu, but eating was one step in this whole process I felt I wouldn’t falter. I carried what felt like pounds of almonds in my purse to work daily, snacking them with the power bites I discovered online of peanut butter and oatmeal. I should’ve bought hefty amounts of stock in chicken farms considering the quantity of eggs I cooked for myself. Scrambled. Poached. Tia even pressured me into downing a raw one if I needed a quick intake.
My new team of the 3 amigos decided to settle with a game plan of at least a month of basic training with Cal before I was passed on Willow and her Muay Thia, and fight training. During the given time that had passed the first few sessions, I began to notice miniscule results as I dressed in front of my floor length mirror. Only a slight thigh definition, and a barely there tightening of fabric through the spans of my blouses over my biceps. I was happily surprised in the progress I was making in adventuring this previous unexplored territory. In the short days spent in shadowing Tia, the respect and admiration I already had for her, flourished immensely. And although I was losing sleep due to the nerves that had commenced in thinking about actually stepping into a sparring session possibly sometime sooner than later, was also a growing thrill in the thought as well. I contemplated what the danger, and power, and adrenaline, and ferociousness would feel like swimming through my own veins, and it caused carnal arousal to flicker to the center of my belly. I understood now the orgasmic energy of command that Tia and Colton must feel when they step toe-to-toe with an opponent.  The fuming high fell quickly at the thought of him. What would he think of me now? I blushed a little, and surging tears burned into my eyes wishing Colton was walking this quest at my side.
 It was day one of expedition with Willow and Tia on the mat. I made sure to fall into bed at a decent hour the Friday night before. We determined the Saturday day before a Monday holiday was the most appropriate day to dive into the more rigorous aspect of my training, in case I took a face to the mat, or hyperextended some sort of body part from incorrectly executing a kick to the punching bag. The long weekend would give me time to recover if necessary, and soak in lots of Epsom salt and ice baths, as Tia said I would definitely be needing it, along with making a trip to the market to hunt down some Turmeric, a natural inflammatory she suggested. I had taken a shopping trip earlier in the week only in search of some seemly attire for the kickboxing I gathered I’d be learning, and that particular morning I pulled on a thin gray spandex short, and tossed a lightweight zip up over my elastic sports bra. Chocolate almond milk protein shake in hand, I headed in pursuit of the Temple. It was barely 6 a.m., and traffic on the commute was next to none at this weekend hour, so the drive was soft and refreshing. The brown-noser in me, I arrived a little over half hour early, just minutes before Tia turned into the spot beside me. I gathered my necessities to head inside with her to the torture chamber, but halted opening my door when Tia jumped enthusiastically through my passenger side.
“Morning, you. Ready for this?” she sighed with a toothy grin.
“To be honest, I’m not really sure,” I cocked a look of genuine contemplation toward Tia. “But, I think I am. I mean, I’m excited, but I feel like a could hurl up those two raw eggs I smashed down this morning.”
“You’ll probably do that anyway before the day is done, my dear.” Swarms of busy butterflies flapped inside my nervous, roaring belly at her harsh truth.
“God, I saw Colt project some barely digested broccoli right in the face of his partner during an intense sparring session the before his championship match. I’ve hated the color green ever since.”
I reminisced aloud to my friend next to me swiping through her phone. She turned her attention to me at the mention of my missing other half.
“You heard from him lately? I mean, does he try to reach out to you?” she pried, more with concern than displeasure this.
“Nope, haven’t seen him since the conference that night. He doesn’t have any cards coming up though. News usually travels fast around the city when he’s got a fight. Why? I mean, is there something I shoud’ve heard?”
My peculiar, shaky tone didn’t go unnoticed by Tia, I’m sure. Did something happen? What had she heard, and why I hadn’t I heard it too?
“No. Not really, I guess. Cal…uh, he just mentioned that he ran into him at some bar last weekend. They apparently went to high school together, strangely enough.”
Then, she just, stopped. Didn’t make another peep, just peered blankly out the window, watching the parking spots fill up as the city woke up.
“Oh, gotcha. Well, did he say anything else? Like, did Cal talk to him? Was he alone, or…?” I was waiting timidly for my lecture, like a child who’d just said a curse word to their mother.
“He was with his trainer, and a couple other guys, Livvy. And yes, Cal said they talked briefly……” The look in Tia’s eye gave away that she had more to say, but she was stifling it with much reserve.“I don’t know that I should spill the rest though.” She chewed her lip.
“Oh no you don’t, ma’am! There’s no way you can’t finish what you started now. Go on.”
“I just, I don’t want you to get sucked in, Liv. You’ve seemed so clearheaded the last month. Happy, ya’ know? I don’t want you to get all heavy, and emotional again. You’ve worked hard to get things pretty close to normal.” She was fidgeting. The snarky, loud, poignant spitfire I knew, was brutally stammering on her words.
“Wait a minute, Tia. It wasn’t long ago that you told me, if I’m recalling right, that it was okay for me to love him still. You said that. Your words.” My rebuttal instantly sounded thornier than I had intended once I unleashed my tongue, but it was too late to pull it back in now, so I waited for her comeback.
Tia nearly snapped her head right off her shoulders when she threw her daggering eyes at me. “You’re right. And I meant that, but it doesn’t mean I want you running right back to him either, LC. He’s fucked up. That’s not news to you, or anyone else. He may have treated you like a queen in the beginning, but the way he dropped you, Liv? Damn it, you didn’t deserve that! I just don’t want it to happen again, okay?” Her angry, heeding eyes were visibly softening as she trailed on, the anxious hands that were nearly rubbing the hide right off her sculpted arms, had now slowed. “And I’m afraid once you hear all the shit he was talking to Cal about, you’ll peel outta this parking lot on two wheels to find him…” What could he have possibly said to my now trainer. I firmly settled on the fact that Colt must’ve been incredibly tanked for him to go spilling his feelings to some other dude in a bar. It was the only logic behind the scenario. He wasn’t the man always in touch with his feelings, and he certainly wasn’t the man to let outsiders be involved in his feelings. Unless his feeling being that he was seething, fuming and wanted to smash your orbital bone, he’d let you know that emotion one way or another. Rage and darkness were two emotions he was well acquainted with.
“Please, Tia. For the sake of my sanity, just tell me.” I took a much more pleading, and soft approach with her this time, partially because I felt shitty for being so short with her a moment ago, and partially because I knew she’d cave in.
“Cal just asked how he’d been since they hadn’t crossed paths in a while, then Colton dug into him about how he’d lost to Mendez, but he was keeping the ring hot with all the fights he’d had scheduled, the usual fighter talk, I guess. But apparently the small talk led to him asking Colt if he was with anyone, had kids, how his parents were doing, things like that…”
Okay, T, let’s get to the gist here.
“Cal said he went on for about 10 minutes, spilling about a girl he had fucked over, and he hadn’t been right ever since the whole thing went down. Said he scared the only good thing he ever had away, but she was probably better off. Something about him being too twisted, and mad all the time, and had too many issues to ever truly give any woman what she needed.”
Tia hadn’t looked at me until that second. She finished the details of what she knew, and now waited reluctantly to gauge my reaction. I could almost hear the prayers silently passing through her mind, hoping what she said hadn’t just sent me spiraling back into Colton Ritter’s black magic trance. I situated in the seat to face her, and nudged playfully at her left arm, I wanted to tell her that truth about how I felt hearing the news, and I intended to do exactly that. For the most part, at least.
“I mean, yeah, that tugs at my heart strings for sure. I wouldn’t be human if I said it wasn’t a relief to hear that the first man I ever loved, regrets stomping on my open heart then practically spitting on it. Yeah, it’s good to know he has the balls to finally say out loud what I knew was true all along. He did love me, and it scared the coward shit out of him. He let his emotions from the loss cloud his better judgment, and yours truly just happened to be the weakest link in the chain for him to place that anger on.”
I was muffling the cries I so, so desperately wanted to express, but I was finished, bound and determined to never shed another ounce of salty pain over him.
“BUT, he said those things to the wrong person, T. Where’s MY explanation? My closure? Colton Ritter is going to have to do a lot better than professing his apologies in regards to me, to some dude in a bar, babe. There’s a lot of love for him in here for that foolish asshole.” I stroked open palmed over my thrashing, unsteady heart, “but it’s been smothered and stoned with a harsh hatred. Hate that I don’t know will ever go away. And as long as I’m holding any hate for him, no amount of love can overtake that. And I won’t be with a man who I hold all this resentment toward.”
Tia seemed a bit cautious at my words, hasty to believe honestly what I had admitted to her, but her clouding anger seemed to have subsided.  
“Alright, alright. I’m gonna take your word for it. Only because I love you. And, as a matter of fact, I love you soooo much, that I’m ready to go inside and rip you to shreds in the ring with Willow. Hope you are your Wheaties this morning, Elliott. I’ve got 911 on speed dial for ya’.”
Tia exited the car as quickly, heading inside without so much as a glance back to me. I sat in the silence alone for a moment with the white noise. A smile had snuck like a thief in the night across my quivering lips. I’d never say it to Tia, or Sara, or anyone for that matter, but hearing then and there, receiving the needed conformation that Colton was still with me, heartstrings still intertwined with mine in a steadfast Fisherman’s Knot, made my body temperature rise with hope of what may come. But, the itching question of forgiveness was one that just wouldn’t go away.
TAGS: @torialeysha @eap1935
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cheapjerseys28-blog · 5 years
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