#Colts lease
kenttsterling · 1 year
Anthony Richardson looks good at Colts OTA! Shane Steichen not sharing about Isaiah Rodgers! Colts will want stadium reno soon!
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Supernatural AU of the Bats but it ends in like the first ten minutes of the first episode because Sam and Dean are Jason and Dick.
“Dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days,” Dick crossed his arms, rocking back on the soles of his feet and normal smile missing.
“Sucks for him,” Jason replied. “Fuck off, Dickie, I’m busy.”
And then Jason tosses Dick a drink and they’re like lmao dad can handle himself. Jason doesn’t have a girlfriend, he just has Roy, who’s also wearing the Smurf crop top thing. Bruce comes back to wherever the hell he’s been after stopping the whole war thing by himself (as if he’s gonna let angels or demons get near his kids, puh-fucking-lease.) and just goes “hey I brought back the colt. Jason, you can have it if you join us for dinner.”
And Jason’s like lol new gun me likey
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rowan-ravenlake · 7 months
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I've been out and about a lot in the last month trying potential project horses around Jorvik! These four were the greatest contenders- Romeo, an appaloosa gelding, Buttercup, a warmblood cross mare, Witch, an american paint horse mare, and Hummingbird, a tennesse walker colt. One of them will be coming home with me sometime this month- as soon as their old lease expires.
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midnightkens · 3 months
the difference between patrick's and colt's handling of ken's endometriosis is so staggering that ken doesn't know what to do with himself.
patrick calls him weak. lazy. dramatic. he makes ken go out and pretend that he's fine. he gets annoyed when ken tosses and turns at night because he's in so much pain and nothing takes the edge off.
he tries to make ken sleep on the couch when that happens, but ken puts his foot down. "this is my apartment and my bed. you're not on the lease. you go sleep on the couch if you're that fucking annoyed."
and colt?
colt makes sure a heating pad is always fully charged and ready to go. he stays with ken when he's sick. he doesn't make ken leave the house. he makes him toast and gives him powerade and lets him borrow his comfiest hoodie and sweatpants. he massages ken when the pain is still bad, but his stomach is more settled.
he does his own research, tries to find new ways to help the pain, even if only a little.
ken's not used to it. there's a catch. there always is, right?
barbie keeps telling him to let himself enjoy it, that he deserves to be taken care of, but for the first time? ken's not so sure he believes her.
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Lolita, the orca that was a star attraction in captivity at the Seaquarium, died Friday as plans to move her out of the Miami theme park were beginning to take shape.
She was believed to be 57 at the time of her death.
Now known as Toki, a name adopted by advocates urging her freedom, the killer whale had suffered health problems in her Seaquarium tank last fall before seeming to recover, according to recent interviews with her training staff.
In a social media post, the Seaquarium said Lolita developed a renal condition in recent days.
“Toki was an inspiration to all who had the fortune to hear her story, and especially to the Lummi nation that considered her family,” the statement said, referring to indigenous people in her natural waters off Washington state, where she was captured at age four.
A non-profit backed by Jim Irsay, owner of the Indianapolis Colts, had been partnering with the Seaquarium to move Lolita to a sea pen off Washington state and was training her for the eventual move.
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The non-profit, Friends of Toki, released the same statement as the Seaquarium, with some details about her failing health:
“Over the last two days, Toki started exhibiting serious signs of discomfort, which her full Miami Seaquarium and Friends of Toki medical team began treating immediately and aggressively.
Despite receiving the best possible medical care, she passed away Friday afternoon from what is believed to be a renal condition.”
Toki was a shortened version of Tokitae, the name given the orca by indigenous people in Washington state, who have for years advocated to return the mammal to her native waters.
Friends of Toki was in talks with tribes in Washington to assist with the plan to transfer Lolita to the pen, where she would continue being fed and given medical care but with far more room to swim amid natural waters with sea life traveling in and out of the netting.
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Some of her handlers in Miami planned to move to Washington to remain working with Lolita after the relocation in an ongoing care operation funded by Friends of Toki, Charles Vinick, the group’s director, said in a recent interview.
“All who want to, we’d want to move with her,” he said. “They’re the people she trusts.”
Friends of Toki had paid to upgrade the chilling equipment in Lolita’s Seaquarium tank.
They hired a trainer, veterinarian and others to help supervise her care and training.
That included introducing the car-sized sling that was planned to hoist her out of the tank and onto a transport truck for a cross-country flight to Washington for a new life in a sea pen.
“I am heartbroken that Toki has left us,” Irsay said in a statement. “I was honored to be part of the team working to return her to her indigenous home, and I take solace in knowing we significantly improved her living conditions this past year.”
The relocation plan was mostly aspirational, since the Irsay group hadn’t secured the federal permits or water rights needed to create a sea pen for the 7,000-pound mammal.
But it was the most definitive effort yet to move Lolita from a tank that had been flagged by federal animal inspectors and local authorities as needing a major overhaul to continue housing Lolita.
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While the Seaquarium continues holding dolphin performances, the Lolita shows ended in 2021 as the condition of the tank drew scrutiny from the United States Department of Agriculture and Miami-Dade’s Unsafe Structures Division.
When the Dolphin Company purchased the Seaquarium operations in 2022, including the site lease for the county-owned waterfront that houses the park, it announced Lolita would never return to public performing.
Animal-rights activists condemned the Seaquarium over the years for confining the orca in a tank small enough that it took just seconds to swim from end to end.
“Kind people begged the Miami Seaquarium to end Lolita’s hellish life in a concrete cell and release her to a seaside sanctuary, where she could dive deep, feel the ocean’s currents, and even be reunited with the orca believed to be her mother,” PETA, an anti-captivity group, said in a statement.
“But plans to move her to a seaside sanctuary came too late.”
The relocation plan had critics, too. Some former trainers of Lolita formed Truth4Toki and urged the Seaquarium to either keep the orca in place or move her to a more modernized tank at Sea World in Orlando.
After past battles with illness, the group said Lolita “is not a candidate for release.”
Tom Reidarson, a former SeaWorld veterinarian hired by Friends of Toki to work with her in Miami, said in a recent interview that he was concerned Lolita would die last fall after a serious bout with pneumonia.
“It became pretty dire,” he told the Miami Herald on July 8.
Though she remained on antibiotics, Reidarson said the orca’s lung problems appeared to have resolved well.
“She’s actually really healthy right now,” he said.
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In its statement, the Seaquarium described liver issues with Lolita, who was believed to be four when captured in Puget Sound and roughly 57 in 2023.
“Over the last two days, Toki started exhibiting serious signs of discomfort,” the Seaquarium said on X, the site formerly known as Twitter.
“Despite receiving the best possible medical care, she passed away Friday afternoon from what’s believed to be a renal condition.”
Miami-Dade’s mayor, Daniella Levine Cava, advocated for moving Lolita as part of the county’s talks with the Dolphin Company taking over the lease.
The company signed an agreement to move the orca once there was a safe and healthy option for her to leave the Seaquarium.
“Our collective wish was to see Toki in her native waters and we are heartbroken to learn of this sudden loss,” Levine Cava said in a statement.
“Alongside the many Miamians who grew up visiting her, the generations of activists around the world that were inspired by her story, and the caretakers who remained dedicated to her health until the very end — today we say our final goodbye to our beloved Toki.”
This story was originally published on August 18, 2023.
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Got to spend 5 days helping Roði & his new owner get to know each other. Spönn also helped, until the combination of first below-freezing days / first snow / opening weekend of hunting season turned her into a fire-breathing dragon 🤦‍♀️ Roði, however, was his sweet teddy bear self the whole way through 🐻❤️
He was imported in early October and will be headed home soon so his owner can take up the reins full time!
Also if the distinctive 🐻 quality of his cute face looks familiar to any of y’all, it’s because he’s very closely related to my own black mare, Hamingja, who I often referred to as my teddy-bear-mare. She is now on a breeding lease in Colorado, and had a beautiful blue dun pinto colt this past summer 😍
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Put On Your Raincoats | Teenage Sex Kitten (Perry, 1975)
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This movie is pretty much impossible to discuss without spoilers, so you have been warned.
This is my third Ann Perry, and feels like a collision between the two others I've seen. There are the good vibes and hangout quality of Ballgame, manifesting in the rapport between Rene Bond and Eve Orlon and the sexual escapades they embark on. (Fucking a gardener, fucking in the pool, fucking their way to a free room are among the highlights. I cannot confirm whether Bond actually majored in poontang like the poster suggests, although if she's an autodidact, the results onscreen suggest she picked up the material pretty well.) And there is the cruelty of Sweet Savage, manifesting in the hard turn the movie takes without warning into roughie territory in its last third. It isn't just a shift in the subject matter, but in the textures as well, going from a warm and sunny atmosphere and a cheerful looking cast to a dingy looking hideout with boarded up windows, dirty walls, a hanging lightbulb, flies buzzing about, and disheveled looking assailants in tattered clothes, one of whom resembles Sid Haig circa The Devil's Rejects.
There is a precedence for this kind of structure with The Last House on the Left, which I'd wager was an inspiration on this movie. Last House foreshadows its violence with its structure, cutting between the innocent victims, goofy side characters and menacing villains until the different groups collide with horrifying results. What eventually transpires isn't exactly a surprise, although the sheer cruelty and finality of the violence still manages to shock (and when I rewatched the movie a few years ago, I found I had not been numbed to its impact). This one offers no such buildup. An attempted coupling outside a bar two thirds of the movie is cut short when the man is given a blow to the head and the woman is kidnapped, raped both while unconscious and awake, and then accidentally killed. The victims' male friends avenge their deaths violently, beating one of the assailants to death and emasculating the other by tying his genitals to their car and driving off. Cruelty is met with cruelty. The movie ends on a note that feels anything but triumphant, as the avengers promise to lie to the dead woman's female friend about her fate, so as to leave her as a happy memory.
I've watched far too many roughies than is probably healthy for one's sanity, but I do think this is a bit more ambitious than most. At the risk of boiling these things down to the demographic details of their creators, this is another one directed by someone other than a straight male that offers an interesting angle on the material. Maria Lease's Expensive Tastes lingers on the feelings of trauma after the assaults. Zebedy Colt's Terri's Revenge! adds an element of camp with Terri Hall's performance. Both those movies also afford their victims agency and allow them some catharsis in avenging wrongs. This does not offer such catharsis, placing the vengeance in the hands of characters not directly impacted, but an early exchange reveals an interest in the leniency afforded screen violence and punitive treatment of onscreen sex.
"Isn't it strange in movies you can show killing and people getting tortured and maimed. You can even show a baby getting murdered and that's not a crime. But if you show something beautiful like people making love, it's against the law. If we were in a movie and you showed what we did just now, some people would think it was disgusting." "Debbie, nothing so beautiful and so natural could be disgusting." "Did you know a few years ago you couldn't even show a belly button in an advertisement? It's like people are ashamed of being born or something." "That's reality, Debbie. I mean, people screw every day. Or should, I mean, you know. That's reality. This violence and murder and blood and all that other shit, that's, uh…" "It just doesn't seem right to me."
So perhaps this is movie's way of dealing with this hypocrisy on a structural level. So it's more ambitious in its grimy way than the other two movies I've seen by Perry, although if I had to rewatch one of these, I'd most likely go for Ballgame and hang out with my good friends Candida Royalle and Lisa De Leeuw rather than sit through the cruelty of the other two movies again. File this one under the "watch at your own risk" category, although its ambition does keep this from being too dispiriting an experience.
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catastrophicmind · 2 years
Get to know me (take two)
I came across this little prompt and thought we could continue sharing about ourselves. Believe it or not, but I’m invested in y’all and would love to get to know everyone! 😁
Are you named after anyone?: No, but everyone assumes my parents are huge Allman Brother fans because my name is Melissa. When I asked my mom about it, she informed me that she, in fact, hates the Allman Brothers. She just thought the name was pretty.
When was the last time you cried?: Ooh, boy. About a month ago when I made amends to my mom for all the hell I put her through. We both cried like babies.
Do you have kids?: None currently. I’d actually prefer to be a dog mom. The thought of having mini versions of me roaming the Earth is quite terrifying.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: It’s literally the only way I know how to communicate. I absolutely love sarcasm and dry humor.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?: Physically, I go for the eyes— they’re a window to the soul. I actually can read people very well. Someone’s eyes say a lot about who they are as an individual. I normally can accurately hone in on their intentions and emotions within the first five minutes of talking to them. I’m big on reading energy. Plus, I’m a sucker for pretty irises.
What’s your eye color?: Hazel to be vague. Normally they switch between green and gold depending on my mood. It’s actually pretty cool.
Scary movies or happy endings?: Scary movies hands down. Not a huge romance fan. I thoroughly enjoy reading fluffy fan fiction, but I’m not big on lovey-dovey movies. I need to be on the edge of my seat the entire time. I get bored watching people fall for each other over a two hour timeframe.
Any special talents?: Heh. I was in concert and marching band for eight years. I can play any type of symphonic instrument you put in front of me from a flute to a tuba. I specialize in reed instruments but that didn’t stop me from learning how to play them all. Also, I play by ear. You can play any song you wish and within thirty seconds, I can pick out the key and play it in its entirety without reading any sheet music. I actually wrote a lot of scores for the football game music.
Where were you born?: Good ‘ol Raleigh, North Carolina where I currently reside. I’ve lived up and down the East Coast, but always manage to make it back home. I don’t intend to leave this beautiful area any time soon.
What are your hobbies?: I’m actually pretty boring. I do a lot of writing and reading, I’m obsessed with music (you can almost always find me with my headphones in) and other lame adult things. I’m getting to an age where all I do is work and come home to relax. I try to keep a structured life. I’m horrendous to be around if I don’t plan my day out in advance.
Have any pets?: No, my lease won’t allow it. My mom still has our family Cockapoo, Cody, we brought home the summer of my Senior year. He may not live with me, but I love him immensely. He’s like the annoying little brother I never wanted and came to grow quite fond of.
What sports do you play/have played?: I was not a sporty gal. Did four years of marching band in high school. It was intense considering we were the top band in the state all four years. We’d travel to Grand Nationals every winter and place in the semi-finals for the country. I got to march on the Indianapolis Colts stadium— that was pretty fucking rad. Had me in phenomenal shape too. I used to be able to run a five-and-a-half-minute mile.
How tall are you?: I’m five-foot-seven-and-a-half. Sometimes I wish I could be petite like other girls, but it works in my favor when I want to reach something on the top shelf.
Favorite subject in school?: History and Psychology. I loved learning about anything to do with what happened in our country and the world long before we arrived. I also adore understanding the brain and why it functions the way it does.
Dream job?: Substance Abuse Counselor. I’d love to work in a treatment center to help individuals struggling with dual diagnosis. I have personally been fighting addiction since I was twenty. I’m coming up on a year of sobriety early March and my dream is to give back what was so selflessly given to to me in my time of need. I want to bring positive change to the world for addicts that believe there is no hope. It actually gives me butterflies thinking about it.
Tagging: @the-type-a @heysatanitsyourgirl @webui1tgwensface @sentimentalslut @plutosschild @honeynotgood @duncans-unibrow
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track2hack · 2 years
Poor Ed is my official baby colt sitter 😆
Even though he may look stupidly similar to Jasper, he’s not Jasper! This is Chester, and he’s ALSO a 2yo chestnut pinto colt 🤷‍♀️ Still need to measure him but he’s a large Cat B and still growing, probably around 35-36” at the moment? 🤔 I didn’t intentionally buy him, I went out to view him this morning as a lease friend for Jasper but I fell in love and now he’s here 🙈
Plans for this dude is to get him gelded asap (he’s got waaaay more manners than Jasper does and been more handled but he’s still a little boy and he knows it lol) and probably start taking him for walks in the reserve! Being that he’s 2 I’m not gonna thrash him and go for a 25km hill run, but maybe we’ll work up to that 🤞
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firstamafinance · 8 months
Jasa Pembiayaan Leasing Motor & Mobil | Bunga Rendah Tomohon : Firstama
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jasa leasing mobil motor tomohon dp rendah cicilan ringan murah
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Bersama Firstama Finance pencairan dana tunai adalah solusi cepat & mudah untuk menjawab segala kebutuhan Finansial Kamu. Firstama didukung oleh layanan jaringan secara Nasional serta sudah menjalin kerjasama dengan banyak Multifinance ternama seluruh kota/kabupaten cabang di Indonesia. Firstama Siap Melayani Kamu di Seluruh Indonesia
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Dipercaya oleh 1100+ Klien Dimulai Dari Perorangan, UMKM & Perusahaan Yang Tersebar Di Seluruh Indonesia Pelayanan Terbaik kami Konsultasi Pembiayaan & BI Checking
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Kami memberikan pelayanan konsultasi pembiayaan baik dengan jaminan BPKB, SHM & SHGB serta membantu anda apabila terkendala BI Checking (Status Kol.1 - Kol.5) dengan menjaga kerahasiaan data. Jual-Beli & Take Over Motor, Mobil & Rumah
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Kami melayani Jual-Beli & Take Over kendaraan Baru & Bekas serta kami juga melayani Jual-Beli & Take Over Rumah. BPKB Motor & Mobil
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Kami menawarkan Fasilitas Pinjaman Dana dan Kredit Multiguna/Jasa dengan jaminan BPKB sepeda motor & mobil dengan proses mudah, pencairan dana cepat, kemudahan pembayaran angsuran & pilihan perlindungan asuransi yang lengkap. SHM/SHGB Rumah & Ruko
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Kami menawarkan Fasilitas Pinjaman Dana dan Kredit Multiguna/Jasa dengan jaminan SHM/SHGB Rumah & Ruko dengan proses mudah, pencairan dana cepat, kemudahan pembayaran angsuran & serta layanan yang bersahabat di ratusan kantor cabang atau perwakilan. Kebutuhan Modal Kerja, Usaha & Pendidikan
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Kami menawarkan Fasilitas Pinjaman Dana Tunai untuk kebutuhan Modal Kerja, Usaha & Pendidikan. Wujudkan cita - cita untuk mendapatkan pendidikan terbaik sampai kamu bisa menggapai impian yang ingin kamu raih & kembangkan usaha ke level puncak tertinggi bagi UMKM / Pengusaha. Kebutuhan Dana Tunai Renovasi Rumah & Lainnya
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Bersama firstama finanace, wujudkan kemudahan akses pembiayaan dana tunai untuk kebutuhan kamu dalam renovasi rumah, nikah & lainnya dengan bunga rendah, proses cepat & pencairan tinggi. Contoh Simulasi Kredit
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Mitsubishi Xpander Ultimate 2019 AT 12 Bulan X 17.675.000 18 Bulan X 12.485.000 24 Bulan X 9.910.000 30 Bulan X 8.430.000 36 Bulan X 7.425.000 48 Bulan X 6.305.000
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Toyota Grand New Avanza 1.3 G 2022 AT 12 Bulan X 19.250.000 18 Bulan X 13.520.000 24 Bulan X 10.675.000 30 Bulan X 9.035.000 36 Bulan X 7.915.000 48 Bulan X 6.660.000
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Toyota All New Grand Innova G 2019 Diesel AT 12 Bulan X 24.505.000 18 Bulan X 17.305.000 24 Bulan X 13.730.000 30 Bulan X 11.675.000 36 Bulan X 10.280.000 48 Bulan X 8.725.000
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Mitsubishi Xpander Ultimate 2019 AT 12 Bulan X 17.675.000 18 Bulan X 12.485.000 24 Bulan X 9.910.000 30 Bulan X 8.430.000 36 Bulan X 7.425.000 48 Bulan X 6.305.000
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Toyota Grand New Avanza 1.3 G 2022 AT 12 Bulan X 19.250.000 18 Bulan X 13.520.000 24 Bulan X 10.675.000 30 Bulan X 9.035.000 36 Bulan X 7.915.000 48 Bulan X 6.660.000
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Toyota All New Grand Innova G 2019 Diesel AT 12 Bulan X 24.505.000 18 Bulan X 17.305.000 24 Bulan X 13.730.000 30 Bulan X 11.675.000 36 Bulan X 10.280.000 48 Bulan X 8.725.000
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Suzuki Carry Futura 2019 MT 12 Bulan X 6.370.000 18 Bulan X 4.550.000 24 Bulan X 3.650.000 30 Bulan X 3.130.000 36 Bulan X 2.785.000
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Daihatsu Granmax Pickup 2019 MT 12 Bulan X 6.805.000 18 Bulan X 4.860.000 24 Bulan X 3.895.000 30 Bulan X 3.345.000 36 Bulan X 2.970.000
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Mitsubishi Colt L300 Diesel 2019 MT 12 Bulan X 10.860.000 18 Bulan X 7.750.000 24 Bulan X 6.215.000 30 Bulan X 5.335.000 36 Bulan X 4.740.000 *Perhitungan diatas contoh beberapa unit & sewaktu - waktu bisa berubah
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Serah Terima, Akad Kredit & Pencairan Kenapa Firstama ? Pencairan Maksimal Bersama Firstama pencairan BPKB Mobil & Motor anda hingga 90% dari OTR dan tidak ada batas maksimal pencairan selama nilai aset memenuhi. Pencairan Pasti Hitungan terkait pencairan dan angsuran yang Firstama berikan merupakan hitungan final bersih yang diterima anda dimana tidak ada potongan apapun kecuali biaya pajak, bbn, atau STNK apabila dibutuhkan. Suku Bunga Rendah Bersama Firstama anda dapat melakukan komparasi pilihan suku bunga yang terendah. Banyak Pilihan Tenor Bersama Firstama anda dapat memilih tenor mulai dari 1 tahun sampai 5 tahun. Jangkauan Seluruh Indonesia Firstama memiliki kerjasama dengan lebih dari 1000+ cabang Multifinance di seluruh Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Konsultasi Pembiayaan dan BI Checking Kami memberikan pelayanan konsultasi pembiayaan baik dengan jaminan BPKB, SHM & SHGB serta membantu anda apabila terkendala BI Checking (Status Kol.1 - Kol.5). Melayani Jual-Beli & Take Over Kami melayani Jual-Beli unit dengan syarat tahun unit yang ingin dibiayai sudah ada. Selain itu kami juga melayani Take Over Unit antar lembaga pembiayaan. Melayani Pengajuan Perorangan & Badan Hukum Dalam mendukung anda mendapatkan pendanaan kami melayani konsumen baik itu perorangan atau atas nama Perusahaan. Melayani Pembiayaan 3 Jenis Jaminan Kredit Bersama Firstama kami melayani pembiayaan 3 aset berupa BPKB Mobil, BPKB Motor & SHM/SHGB Rumah/Ruko. Melayani Pembiayaan Syariah Kami melayani anda yang ingin melakukan pembiayaan BPKB mobil dengan prinsip dan skema syariah. Firstama sudah bekerja sama dengan beberapa multifinance yang menggunakan prinsip syariah.
jasa leasing mobil motor tomohon dp rendah cicilan ringan murah
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laresearchette · 1 year
Thursday, August 24, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Nationals vs. Yankees (SN1) 2:00pm: Red Sox vs. Astros (SN Now) 7:00pm: Rangers vs. Twins (SN) 7:00pm: Jays vs. Orioles (SN1) 9:30pm: Reds vs. Coyotes
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN2) 8:00pm: Colts vs. Eagles
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN3/TSN5) 9:30pm: Alouettes vs. Blue Bombers
AUSSIE GOLD HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm: The Gold Devils pin their hopes on an exploration mission to a rugged outback lease; Jacqui and Andrew struggle to break a gold drought; flood waters cripple the Gold Retrievers' new plant.
OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm: JC returns to White Cliffs after his accident while Blacklight Xavier misses a massive pocket of opal passing through the noodling machine; the Tunnel Rats start their season in a vermin-infested mine.
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: Going Away Party; You Will Still Be Here Tomorrow
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dollar-store-eq · 2 years
Pinned post!
(horses who will live with me forever)
Mia is a 27 year old registered palomino appaloosa. I’ve owned her for 8 years in August, but have been riding her for 9 years as of February 14. She was the first horse I rode in lessons, and we ended up buying her because my trainer was moving and the barn she was at wasn’t sure if they’d get a new trainer in. She’s now retired, after giving me her all for 8 years of showing western pleasure and 7 years of barrel racing. She lives in the big pasture now with the other three horses, and the only reason she comes out is when she’s groomed and lightly lunged to keep her in shape.
Jazzy is a 14 year old grade thoroughbred who was given to my family. She’s technically my fathers horse, but I do almost all of the care for her. She has severe lameness issues that have been difficult to diagnose. Our farrier is hoping that he can help her without shoes, but that’s looking to not be a possibility due to her issues. Our current farrier is the only one we’ve found who will let him work on her back feet. My favorite moment with Jazzy was probably the day our farrier said “Her hooves are done, but don’t expect her to be running in circles anytime soon” and Jazzy immediately ran out of the run in he does hooves in and literally started running in circles.
Casanova, mostly known as Cas (didn’t want to just straight up name him Castiel ..) is a yearling appaloosa colt. He is Mia’s great nephew on his dad’s side. His sire is TFW Lets Do It from Carousel Farm in Fulton, NY. I don’t have a completely solid plan for what discipline I’ll train him for, but I do know that he will eventually be able to do everything, from roping and working cows to competing in hunter jumper classes. Doing hunter jumpers was supposed to be what I did last year, but I wasn’t able to.
(horses who won’t always be with me)
Captain is a 12 year old OTTB. I’ve been leasing him since July 2022, but will probably unfortunately have to send him back in late August or early September due to me starting college, unless his owner says that I can take him with me. I’m planning on going to a college that is out of state and is about an hour further from his owner than I am. I competed him in English pleasure, western pleasure and barrel racing last year, but I think that was too big of a workload for him so I’m going to take it down to just English pleasure and barrel racing this year to see how he does.
(The human running this blog + caring for the horses!)
Hi! I’m Aspen, I’m 17 years old and I’ve been riding horses for nine years. I’ve cycled through a lot of horses to get where I am today. Last year was a rough year for me, since I was on a new horse and was still coming back from a bad fall on Jazzy from the year before. Normally I’m back in riding by March, April at the latest, but I wasn’t able to last year. I didn’t get to start riding again until July of last year when I got Captain.
College Plans:
I’m planning on attending Wilson College in PA, and majoring in Equine Studies. I want to bring at least Cas with me, but I’m kind of hoping that Captain’s owner will let me take him too so I can keep riding while I’m at school. Cas wouldn’t be able to be ridden until my junior year there, so for everything else I’d have to use a school horse.
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hiphoprolli · 2 years
Plant tycoon flower breeding chart
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",fresco,ochreous,jaipur,willamette,quercus,eastwards,mortars,champaign,braille,reforming,horned,hunan,spacious,agitation,draught,specialties,flourishing,greensboro,necessitated,swedes,elemental,whorls,hugely,structurally,plurality,synthesizers,embassies,assad,contradictory,inference,discontent,recreated,inspectors,unicef,commuters,embryo,modifying,stints,numerals,communicated,boosted,trumpeter,brightly,adherence,remade,leases,restrained,eucalyptus,dwellers,planar,grooves,gainesville,daimler,anzac,szczecin,cornerback,prized,peking,mauritania,khalifa,motorized,lodging,instrumentalist,fortresses,cervical,formula_15,passerine,sectarian,researches,apprenticed,reliefs,disclose,gliding,repairing,queue,kyushu,literate,canoeing,sacrament,separatist,calabria,parkland,flowed,investigates,statistically,visionary,commits,dragoons,scrolls,premieres,revisited,subdued,censored,patterned,elective,outlawed,orphaned,leyland,richly,fujian,miniatures,heresy,plaques,countered,nonfiction,exponent,moravia,dispersion,marylebone,midwe" (Indicator: "ntice") "eration,commissioning,yukon,archaic,reluctantly,retailer,northamptonshire,universally,crossings,boilers,nickelodeon,revue,abbreviation,retaliation,scripture,routinely,medicinal,benedictine,kenyan,retention,deteriorated,glaciers,apprenticeship,coupling,researched,topography,entrances,anaheim,pivotal,compensate,arched,modify,reinforce,dusseldorf,journeys,motorsport,conceded,sumatra,spaniards,quantitative,loire,cinematography,discarded,botswana,morale,engined,zionist,philanthropy,sainte,fatalities,cypriot,motorsports,indicators,pricing,institut,bethlehem,implicated,gravitational,differentiation,rotor,thriving,precedent,ambiguous,concessions,forecast,conserved,fremantle,asphalt,landslide,middlesbrough,formula_7,humidity,overseeing,chronological,diaries,multinational,crimean,turnover,improvised,youths,declares,tasmanian,canadiens,fumble,refinery,weekdays,unconstitutional,upward,guardians,brownish,imminent,hamas,endorsement,naturalist,martyrs,caledonia,chords,yeshiva,reptiles,severity,mitsubishi,fairs,installment,s" (Indicator: "ntice") "o,emerge,modeled,adjoining,counterparts,paraguay,redevelopment,renewal,unreleased,equilibrium,similarity,minorities,soviets,comprise,nodes,tasked,unrelated,expired,johan,precursor,examinations,electrons,socialism,exiled,admiralty,floods,wigan,nonprofit,lacks,brigades,screens,repaired,hanover,fascist,labs,osaka,delays,judged,statutory,colt,col.,offspring,solving,bred,assisting,retains,somalia,grouped,corresponds,tunisia,chaplain,eminent,chord,22nd,spans,viral,innovations,possessions,mikhail,kolkata,icelandic,implications,introduces,racism,workforce,alto,compulsory,admits,censorship,onset,reluctant,inferior,iconic,progression,liability,turnout,satellites,behavioral,coordinated,exploitation,posterior,averaging,fringe,krakow,mountainous,greenwich,para,plantations,reinforcements,offerings,famed,intervals,constraints,individually,nutrition,1870s,taxation,threshold,tomatoes,fungi,contractor,ethiopian,apprentice,diabetes,wool,gujarat,honduras,norse,bucharest,23rd,arguably,accompany,prone,teammates,perennial,vacancy,p" (Indicator: "ntice")
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midnightkens · 3 months
The bar bustles around him. Ken grins and takes a sip of his drink. He closes his eyes and hums happily. Patrick isn't here tonight, and he gets to drink as much as he wants. There's no one to bitch about him drinking, no one to tell him what he can and can't have. Out of spite, he's vowed to drink nothing but tequila. No margaritas, though. He's always been a tequila sunrise guy.
"I'm sorry." A familiar presence plops down next to him, and Ken smiles into his drink. "Am I interrupting something? Should I leave you two alone?"
Ken smirks and rolls his eyes. "Ha ha. Look at you. You're a real comedian."
Colt raises his cocktail glass and grins before taking a sip. "You're calm today. It's nice."
"I'll drink to that." It's easy to relax when Patrick's away. His partner isn't due back until Tuesday. It hasn't stopped the barrage of texts, but they're easier to ignore than Patrick's steely eyes. "Have I really been that bad?"
Colt hums noncommittally. "More like he's been that bad. He doesn't appreciate you."
There's nothing to appreciate. He can't say that, though. Colt doesn't like it when he talks about himself like that. "I've given up trying. There's really no point."
What's the point? No matter what Ken does, it's always wrong. He cleaned the apartment? He missed one spot, fucking idiot. He made dinner? I'm sick of this vegetarian shit. He invites Pat on a night out? I hate your friends, why would I want to go? He goes alone? Fuck you and don't come home.
Patrick's name isn't on the lease, yet he acts like he owns the place. It's less embarrassing to tell sheepishly tell Colt that he forgot his keys, but the stuntman isn't stupid. He's just kind enough not to mention it.
Colt reaches over and grabs his hand, almost like he can hear Ken's spiral. Immediately his brain begins to settle. He's not sure what he and Colt are. Ken is hopelessly in love with him, and he knows Colt feels the same.
But he can't escape. He fantasizes about leaving, packing his things to be with Colt and never looking back. Patrick's entwined himself in every fabric of Ken's life. Ken's trapped in his web.
And he's not strong enough to break free.
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leasedlineuk · 3 years
There are some differences between leased line vs broadband connectivity solutions that can highly impact the speed you can get. Although the internet leased line is a reliable connection, you can choose among the leased lines and broadband according to your company’s applications and the number of employees.
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horsesarecreatures · 2 years
This looks like a very nice colt. Normally I’m not crazy about quarter horse crosses and have never been an overly huge fan of appendix qhs and quarabs (nothing wrong with them, just haven’t personally met any that I thought were exceptional). But a lot of the Aztecas I see for sale are actually a lot nicer and a lot cheaper than the non-imported supposedly purebred Andalusians in the U.S.
This horse is is an Ameritano, which is a lusitano x foundation quarter horse. There is no adult photo of his lusitano dam, but her sire is Halconero, a 98% Vega bred lusitano who did dressage, bull fighting, and grand prix show jumping. His sire is the 100% foundation qh Jaz Poco Zorro, who I’ve posted on here before. 
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^Jaz Poco Zorro
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^ Halconero 
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