inthrall · 7 months
Exploring Common Fields with ThrallDoor.360° - A Virtual Culinary Adventure 🍴🌐 Dive into a world where technology meets taste at Common Fields. My latest ThrallDoor.360° adventure takes us right into the heart of Corvallis' culinary scene. It's a journey of flavor, community, and sustainability, all from the comfort of my own space. Come explore with me! #ThrallDoor360 #CulinaryJourney #LocalFlavors
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artsycrapfromsai · 4 years
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thanks amy 🦄✨🎀🐇🩸
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krishna337 · 2 years
The SQL FULL JOIN is the result of combination of both left and right join tables with all the records from both tables.It replaces NULL on the place of matches not found. Syntax SELECT table1.column1, table2.column2... FROM table1 FULL JOIN table2 ON table1.commonfield = table2.commonfield;   Example let look at the following two tables Table 1 – Students ID Name Address Gender 1 Krishna…
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday ordered that the city of Cahokia Heights must take “immediate actions” to prevent drinking-water contamination after a recent inspection identified “serious problems” that could affect water safety, especially during sewer overflows.
The EPA did not specify exactly what the problems involve, but fixing them will involve more frequent testing and monitoring, a release from the agency stated.
For decades, residents of the former city of Centreville, now part of Cahokia Heights, have struggled with flash flooding and raw sewage in yards and homes.
In approximately 54 homes of the 4.29 square-mile area, flooding has made life difficult for the people who live there, so much so that the residents meet regularly on ways to pressure local officials to fix the problems. Two lawsuits have been filed.
“This order is an important step toward ensuring safe drinking water for the Cahokia Heights community,” said acting EPA Region 5 Administrator Cheryl Newton. “EPA is pleased to have the support of the state of Illinois and is working with them and with other federal agencies in a whole-of-government approach to fix these problems once and for all.”
Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the order requires Cahokia Heights, the Village of Cahokia Public Water System, Commonfields of Cahokia and the Illinois American Water Co. to increase its monitoring for bacteria, chlorine and water pressure in areas where sanitary sewer overflows occur, and address operation and maintenance issues including increasing staffing and making repairs to storage tanks and the distribution systems.
Cahokia Heights Mayor Curtis McCall Sr. said the city would start increased testing and monitoring immediately on Tuesday. He said he’d be “demanding” that any recommendations by the IEPA or federal EPA be put into action in the city.
“As the mayor, I’m going to work with the Illinois EPA and the United Sates EPA on both the sewers and the water to make sure we’re in compliance,” McCall said. “I will not, as the mayor of Cahokia Heights, take any excuses in this.
“This is something that has to be done, we have to fix our infrastructure.”
U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth, who has visited the area several times and promised aid to the people of Cahokia Heights, said she is “deeply concerned” for the safety of people who live in the city. She said the management of the city’s water system needs to be repaired.
”With this enforcement action, EPA is rightfully recognizing that the people of Cahokia Height’s health is the highest priority and is currently endangered by the state of their crumbling water systems,” Duckworth said in a statement. “Although this is a necessary step, it is a shame that these residents are in this situation at all. I am hopeful this action will help the city get back on the right track toward compliance and improving residents’ lives.”
U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, who has also visited the area to discuss the flooding and sewage issues, echoed Duckworth’s calls for quick action.
“Flint, Michigan, taught us to take the safety of our drinking water seriously,” he said. “That’s why this announcement by U.S. EPA is an important step to address the long-held concerns of residents in Cahokia Heights of drinking water contamination.
“These Illinoisans deserve the strongest, swiftest measures to ensure their drinking water is safe.”
McCall said he’d be calling on Duckworth and Durbin, as well as other leaders like St. Clair County Chairman Mark Kern and Gov. J.B. Pritzker to help fix the sewage issues in Cahokia Heights. He said his goal is to fix the problems by the end of his first year in office.
“Everybody knows that infrastructure is the biggest issue in America and its clearly the biggest issues in Cahokia Heights,” McCall said. “It’s too big of an item to do alone so we’re going to need help. But we’re going to do everything we can on our end.”
McCall added that the city’s water and sewage department is now fully staffed.
McCall’s pledge of fixing the flooding issues aren’t being taken seriously by everyone. Members of Centreville Citizens for Change, a group of residents whose homes have been most affected by the decades of flooding, have heard promises in the past.
McCall was the township supervisor of the former Centreville and served as the chairman of Commonfields of Cahokia, the agency that manages the sewer system in the area with the worst flooding. His son, Curtis McCall Jr. was the mayor of Centreville before the village was merged into Cahokia Heights following an April referendum.
Last week, 24 residents of the area filed litigation against Commonfields of Cahokia and Cahokia Heights under the Clean Water Act, in hopes the courts will force local government agencies to fix decades-long flooding problems.
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In-Person March and April Events Postponed
COVID-19 has led us all into unexpected space (and made us realize just how many mailing lists we really are on!) We explored, discussed, and even found a solution to move to a virtual event. While our brilliant and talented speakers serve as a crux to bring us all together, it's the community (YOU!) that makes our little morning breakfast lecture series so incredible. The health and well-being of our community is of the utmost importance, so we are rescheduling our March and April events. We'll be back on May 29 with Stephanie Ybarra (Baltimore Center Stage) speaking on the theme of NATURE. And then we're happy to invite Steve Chu (Ekiben) back to talk about IDENTITY on the rescheduled date of June 26. Our April speaker, Irena Stein (Alma Cocina Latina) will discuss PURPOSE on the rescheduled date of August 28. It's going to be a great summer.
Support our local community!
We can't emphasis and encourage you more to please consider supporting all our local partners. You can see a list of all our local partners from 2019 & 2020. If you're not able to support in person, please consider purchasing gift certificates.
CM/Bal community member, Alanah Nichole, has started an emergency fund for Baltimore artists and freelances affected by COVID-19. Donate if you can and apply if you need support!
Commonfield has put together an open-source community resource for artists.
Our friends in the Cincinnati CM chapter made these great cards (picture below) that you can print and use.
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cluboftigerghost · 7 years
This week's Junto was to create music using samples of clay bells Chris Kallmyer constructed from clay sourced on the banks of the Mississippi River in St. Louis. I named this "Y Gân y Clychau Clai" because I love the play between the Welsh word Clychau (bell) and clay. (The title is pronounced "Uh gaahn uh cluh-ch*eye clay" *ch as in the throaty Scottish "Loch" , eye as in the thing you look out of!) More on this 284th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Creative Commonfield: Make ambient music from the sound of clay bowls. — at: http://ift.tt/2r7qfe9 More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://ift.tt/2pEMRhk Subscribe to project announcements here: http://ift.tt/1iFaa50 Project discussion takes place on llllllll.co: http://ift.tt/2rRHvS2 There’s also on a Junto Slack. Send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for Slack inclusion. Image courtesy of fraenkelgallery.com and the artist Chris Kallmyer, who created the bowls and the source audio. More from Kallmyer at: http://ift.tt/1lOfxNx
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bathask · 3 months
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auプリペイドカードPontaポイントチャージしApple Payで先日QuicPay決済してau PAY残高300円getキャンペーン。大人の発達障害アスペルガー/自閉スペクトラム症の精神科等通院で処方箋頼むウエルシアの買物で反映。でもセルフレジで割引クーポン2枚スキャンAEON Payチャージ払い,かつWAON払いでまた未徹
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artsycrapfromsai · 5 years
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[on twitter] [on twitter] PLEASE DO NOT REPOST
so i was playing with the idea of making possible pin designs for... DnD characters....???
🌸 👨‍🌾 🦄 🍳✨⚔️ 🐇 🌹 
Jericho (c) @the-trash-kings-domain
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markrushtongallery · 7 years
Upstream (Ambient Rushton Podcast 120)
For this week's Disquiet Junto, the project was to make ambient recordings based on source audio from the artist Chris Kallmyer. He recorded the music using bells and bowls he constructed from clay sourced on the banks of the Mississippi River in St. Louis. The goal was to make recordings that can also be played in the San Francisco gallery where Kallmyer’s work is currently on display as part of the exhibit “Listening Is a Luxury.” Among Kallmyer’s sonic objects made from the St. Louis clay are ceramic bowls. When making a piece of music from the source audio I was asked do the following: (A) use no additional source audio, (B) aim for a sound that is just as gentle as the source audio, (C) consider using stereo effects to reflect the circular shape of the bowls. So I made this piece, and I think it fits in with the instructions for the Disquiet Junto.  I made a 3 minute version and published it on Soundcloud, but that was extracted from the 22 minute version heard here.
If you like what I do, and want to support, please consider making a donation via Paypal:  https://www.paypal.me/ambientrushton
Follow Mark Rushton at Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3o7In5aHAnzK7WYGHY5Khx
Buy Mark Rushton downloads at Bandcamp:  https://markrushton.bandcamp.com/
Mailing list:  http://www.markrushton.com/
This podcast is hosted by Libsyn at:  http://ambient.libsyn.com
Podcast RSS feed is http://ambient.libsyn.com/rss
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krishna337 · 2 years
The SQL LEFT JOIN returns all values from the left table and includes the matching values from the right table, if there are not match join value it’s returns NULL. Syntax SELECT table1.column1, table2.column2... FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.commonfield = table2.commonfield;   Example let look at the following two tables Table 1 – Students ID Name Address Gender 1 Krishna…
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punkasjunk · 4 years
Centreville mayor skips meeting with US senator on city&#39;s flooding, <b>sewage</b> issues
At her meeting earlier with residents, Duckworth heard stories of inaction from the city and owners of the local sewage system, Commonfields of ... from Google Alert - sewage system https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.bnd.com/news/local/article244303872.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjBmYTExMmY5ODc5OTYxMmI6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNEvyi3sKUyPbTbbawLeBkCOjbsk_A
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punkasjunk · 4 years
Centreville homes flood again. Residents say city and Commonfields won&#39;t help them.
Commonfields owns the sewer system. ... Fuse and other residents say the constant flooding and sewage issues rule their lives, draining their finances ... from Google Alert - sewage system https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.bnd.com/news/local/article243957097.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjBmYTExMmY5ODc5OTYxMmI6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNEQX63fTsJRbgPBaa5i0fKuC5hA7w
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cluboftigerghost · 7 years
Using only the audio sound and transposing and crossfading. Those loops were then panned and crossfaded for stereo fx. In master the lows were centered and mids panned a bit and highs very much panned (just like my last album-Dad joke). I will send 100 yen to the first person that can correctly guess the #1 80's song that has a beat just like the beginning and end of this track. More on this 284th weekly Disquiet Junto project — “Creative Commonfield: Make ambient music from the sound of clay bowls. — at: http://ift.tt/2r7qfe9 More on the Disquiet Junto at: http://ift.tt/2pEMRhk Subscribe to project announcements here: http://ift.tt/1iFaa50 Project discussion takes place on llllllll.co: http://ift.tt/2rRHvS2 There’s also on a Junto Slack. Send your email address to twitter.com/disquiet for Slack inclusion. Image courtesy of fraenkelgallery.com and the artist Chris Kallmyer, who created the bowls and the source audio. More from Kallmyer at: http://ift.tt/1lOfxNx - end -
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