#Compiegne Palace.
mypepemateosus · 2 months
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ukdamo · 11 months
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Today's photo with the most hits: taken in the Italian Salon, at the Palace of Compiegne - this image of the Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III, mother of the Prince Imperial.
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themarblemortal · 2 years
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Compiegne Set- Part I
The Château de Compiègne, a royal residence built for Louis XV and restored by Napoleon. Compiègne was one of three seats of royal government, the others being Versailles and Fontainebleau.
Inspired by The Sims community’s most prominent Empire CC maker @cliffou29 latest set, I set out to finish the room for which he created his beautiful objects. I Created a set of objects & Wallpaper to finish of the Emperors bedroom.
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Part I of this set Includes Doors, both open and closed. Arches in two sizes, a Aubusson rug, a wallpaper and matching hidden doors.
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The door mesh is made by @felixandresims and can be found HERE. It comes in 7 swatches with 3 variations for each swatch.
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The Arch, another one of Felixes creations comes in 6 swatches and two different sizes. The mesh needed, can be found HERE.
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The Aubusson Rug comes in a variation of sizes, colours and styles fit for any Empire age palace. The swatch count comes in at 18. Standalone, no mesh needed.
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The wallpaper comes in the same swatches as @cliffou29​ furniture, as do the hidden entrances. For the little door, you will need my original hidden passage. Found HERE.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 months
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,267/∞) 11 November 2018 | King Felipe VI of Spain arrives for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI at Elysee Palace in Paris, France. The armistice ending the First World War between the Allies and Germany was signed at Compiegne, France on eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month - 11am on the 11th November 1918. This day is commemorated as Remembrance Day with special attention being paid for this year's centenary. (Photo by Aurelien Meunier/Getty Images)
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livesunique · 4 years
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Empress' bedchamber, Palace of Compiègne, Compiègne, Oise, France
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wanderinginjuly · 5 years
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Château de Compiègne by kausaustralys
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napoleondidthat · 4 years
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Compiegne Palace, Napoleon’s study.
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grandestates101 · 7 years
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Chateau de Compiegne, Hall Of Columns.
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cliffou29 · 3 years
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Empire Decor Set
Just a “small” set with :
New meshes :
- a new firescreen (the one I made months ago was one of my first mesh and it was not really good) : there are 4 different wood (gold, white, mahogany and white and gold) with 21 fabrics I used for seating … so 84 swatches 😅🤯
- a new mirror (4 swatches)
- new oval paintings (8 swatches : the “Four Elements” and the “Four Seasons” by Piat-Joseph Sauvage from Compiegne Palace)
Recolors :
- new swatches for my Jacob-Desmalter seatings (4 different fabrics including Empress yellow Drawing Room, Emperors bedchamber and bedroom in Fontainebleau + Breakfast room in Compiègne)
- new walls recolors fitting with them
- a recolor of @thejim07 Louis XV portrait with 8 swatches : various portrait of King Louis-Philippe’s family by Franz Xaver Winterhalter from Compiègne Palace
And I think that’s it 🤔🙄😅
Download Here
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jepsolell · 4 years
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🔑Gold, the blood of palaces. A new serie from my photo archives. - 📌The bedroom of the Empress in the Imperial Palace of Compiègne. Here we find a detail of an sculpture that holds part of the curtain’s canopy: it was designed following the orders of Berthault and executed in 1810 by Jacob-Desmalter. All the room emphasizes in abundance and natality, being this a message for its new occupant, Empress Maria Luisa of Austria. (en Palais de Compiegne) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZ4WMkAhHy/?igshid=xcmobeai4jq4
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A letter written by Napoleon to his wife Marie-Louise. Dated 21.3.1810
« Madame, vous m’avez écrit une lettre en date du 12 qui est parfaite come vous. L’assurance des sentiments de votre majesté m’est bien préciuse. Vos expressions ont tout du charme pour moi que je ne cesse de lire vos lettres. Mais comment vous exprimer tout ce que j’éprouve lorsque je lis ces mots. J’ai été à la cérémonie d’hier non sans émotion mais avec tout le calme que donne l’assurance du bonheur. Veuillez madame agréer toute l’expression de la plus vive sensibilité. J’étais arrivé hier à Compiegne. Je vais pendant ces longues journées parcourir la forêt dans tous les sens; mais mon idée sera constamment avec vous madame. Puis je espérer que quelque fois vos pensées vous devancent dans ce palais et que quelque fois vous êtes avec celui qui mets tant de prix à vôtre cœur et à vos sentiments? Permettez-moi madame de mettre mes hommages à vos pieds et de couvrir vos mains de mille tendres baisers. Compiegne 21 mars Vôtre dévoue Napoleon »
“Madam, you wrote me a letter dated the 12th that is perfect like you. The assurance of Your Majesty’s sentiments is very much before me. Your expressions are so charming to me that I keep reading your letters. But how to express to you all that I feel when I read these words. I was at the ceremony yesterday not without emotion but with all the calm that gives the assurance of happiness. Please accept the expression of the greatest sensitivity. I arrived in Compiegne yesterday. I will go through the forest in all directions during these long days; but my idea will be with you constantly, madam. Can I hope that sometimes your thoughts go before you in this palace and that sometimes you are with him who puts so much value on your heart and your feelings? Allow me, madam, to pay my respects at your feet and to cover your hands with a thousand tender kisses. Compiegne 21 march Your devoted Napoleon”
//My photo//
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Lafayette’s constant presence at Versailles not only strengthened the alliance between France and the United States, it strengthened Lafayette’s ties to the king, who sought to ass luster to his dull image with Lafayette at his side. Louis was only slightly older than Lafayette, but they had attended riding school together, and shared common interests in history, geography, political science, and military strategy. Despite Lafayette’s radical ideas for social reform, Louis XVI enjoyed his company and invited him constantly to dine and play cards at all his palaces - Versailles, Marly, the Tuileries, Fontainebleau, and Compiegne. Whenever Lafayette broached issues of social reform such as religious toleration for Protestants and manumission, the indecisive king simply sighed and said nothing. The king invited Lafayette to spend three days with him, inaugurating a huge new engineering project to expand the port at Cherbourg. Not only was Lafayette on the royal barge in the harbour, he rode back to Paris with the king in the royal coach - a conspicuous honor usually reserved for heads of state, but one which Louis gladly proffered to “the friend of Washington.” Louis considered Lafayette his personal link to the New World and gave Lafayette three Maltese donkeys and some pheasants and partridges from the royal aviary to send to Washington as a personal gift.
Harlow Giles Unger, Lafayette, (2002) p.215
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ukdamo · 2 years
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Today’s Flickr photo with the most hits is a quirky historical one: the Garter Star of Napoleon III. It can be seen in the Palace of Compiegne, close to Paris. 
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themarblemortal · 3 years
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Chateau de Compiegne
I finally got back to actually playing the game instead of just making recolors. I continued work on my baby palace; which is based on the real Chateau de Compiegne. Obviously im taking liberties but most rooms I try to decorate as close as possible.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 years
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Through the Years → Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (338/∞)
11 November 2011 | Henri the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and his wife Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg arrive for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI at Elysee Palace in Paris, France. The armistice ending the First World War between the Allies and Germany was signed at Compiegne, France on eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month - 11am on the 11th November 1918. This day is commemorated as Remembrance Day with special attention being paid for this year's centenary. (Photo by Aurelien Meunier/Antoine Gyori/Corbis via Getty Images/Getty Images)
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vivelareine · 5 years
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Reading Treasure: Museum Sunday: Folding stool for Marie Antoinette's gaming room
Marie Antoinette love for gambling has become infamous, and this folding stool, now owned by the Getty Museum, was privy to many games played in Marie Antoinette's apartments at the chateaus de Fontainebleau and Compiegne. This stool was one of 64 ordered for use between the two palaces; they were delivered along with 12 matching fixed leg stools, a folding screen and a fire screen.
Image: Jean-Baptiste-Claude Sené (French, 1748 - 1803, master 1769)/Pair of Folding Stools (pliants), about 1786, Gessoed, painted, and gilded beech; modern upholstery/41.3 × 72.4 × 53.3 cm (16 1/4 × 28 1/2 × 21 in.), 71.DA.94/The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
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