#Compostable Transparent Garbage Bags Supplier in India
biononplastics · 7 months
Compostable Transparent Garbage Bags Supplier in India
Bio Non Plastic offers high-quality Compostable Transparent Garbage Bags Supplier in India.As a leading supplier of eco-friendly Garbage Bags we tend to serve humanity and try to build a good future for all. These biodegradable bags are a conscientious choice for individuals and businesses, providing a responsible alternative to traditional plastic packaging. To know more about our aim, products, and services, feel free to visit our online website today.
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jagannathpolymers · 5 years
How plastic alternatives are really ‘bad’?
Plastic are usually consist of synthetic or semi synthetic organic polymer which is derived from petrochemical  and other natural products  such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil. Due to their low cost , ease of manufacturing  versatility plastic have become the choice of modern consumer.
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(General Use of plastic grocery bags. Source: Google)
Everywhere you see from the pen you write with , medicine you take , car you drive everything contain plastic . plastic makes it possible to fulfill today’s need with environmental benefit .
Because of its extremely strong shock resistant  lightweight, and moldable quality it makes it possible to used in thousands of products and it also  add comfort, convenience, and safety to our everyday lives of our customers which is  Our prime concern  as it is our believe that customer is the king of the market 
So even if we think of getting rid of plastic today thousands of people get  sick because of loss of food packaging. Millions of people  would be starving or loose their life within the year .
In this article we would like to discuss the much talked alternatives of the plastic products which we are using right now. 
What are alternatives of plastic?:
There are numerous traditional products which are replaced by the plastics in last 2-3 decades. Plastics have become so good that it could replace paper, glass, tin, aluminium and what not? Lets see bad aspects of each of them as under. 
Bioplastics - Biodegradable/Compostable Plastics Material 
Biodegradable or compostable plastics are one of the strongest competitors of plastics (especially in the carry bag segment) but there are major problems with this product. Firstly, there are more fake than real compostable polymers and it products. May it be the raw material suppliers, plastic producers, testing agencies or the consumer itself, all are involved in this fake biodegradable plastics business. 
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(A cup made from bioplastics in real life use. Source: Google)
Secondly when we test the product on acceptability triangle, we find the market acceptance is quite less due to the higher price. The developed nations in the Americas and Europe have drafted policies for pushing this but the end user cannot accept the higher cost on the packaged product.
Also, there is a lack of awareness in the general public which causes the throwing of compostable plastic with regular ones. 
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(Acceptability Triangle Chart Source: Google)
Bioplastics are generally considered to be more eco-friendly than traditional plastics, but that's not necessarily true when the materials’ life cycles were taken into consideration. Bioplastics that don’t biodegrade quickly are called “durable,” and some bioplastics made from biomass that cannot easily be broken down by microorganisms are considered non-biodegradable. The researchers determined that bioplastics production resulted in greater amounts of pollutants, due to fertilizers and pesticides used in growing the crops and the chemical processing needed to turn organic material into plastic. The bioplastics also contributed more to ozone depletion than the traditional plastics, and required extensive land use. 
Glass is an inorganic , solid material that is usually transparent or translucent material that is used in numerous ways in our daily lives . glass is made from liquid sand but it  can be made by heating ordinary sand until it melts and turns into liquid but sand melts at the incredibly high temperature which is directly responsible for the greenhouse effect. Glass can be used in multiple replacement of plastics but are these good enough to replace the bad plastics? 
Production of glass needs a lot of fuel which increases CO2 in atmosphere which is directly responsible for the greenhouse effect even if we switch from heavy fuel to non-renewable natural raw materials such as sand and minerals it might reduce CO2 and SO2, but increases NOx. 
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(Cost of plastic bottles vs cost of glass bottle for milk packs)
Glass is not biodegradable which is a big concern and the amount of dumping  glass wastage  is increasing day by day and another problem is that broken glass can injure humans and animals.
Paper is made from wood, a natural resource that  can be renewable, recyclable and can be managed sustainably. But as the use of paper rises the problem of deforestation has become a major problem in both developed and developing areas. Paper is bad for the environment from  beginning to end its starts off with cutting the trees and  paper production need lots of water and then ends its life by being burned and it causes carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and even if paper is disposed of in dumping sites, it is subsequently broken down, and methane is produced, which is a potent greenhouse gas 
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(How many trees will you cut to save environment? Source: Google)
Hence, paper is damaging for the environment in all ways. Paper must be stopped in uses for packaging immediately to save the trees from being cut and saving the water wasted in recycling. 
Reusable shopping bags:
We all think and believe that reusable shopping bags are the savior for our planet but actually they are not . Reusable shopping bags are also called as ‘bag for life’. It can used as a grocery bag or even as a shopping bag and can be reused many times . It is considered as an alternative of using plastic grocery or shopping bags in supermarkets. As a pro, these bags are made from fabric such as jute, nylon, denim, canvas and this material can be machine wash user can clean it and use it again .
But, reusable shopping bags are doing more harm to the environment then good because Reusable bags require more energy to produce than common plastic shopping bags. One reusable bag requires the same amount of energy as an estimated 28 traditional plastic shopping bags or eight paper bags. 
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(Different types of reusable bags in use. Source: Google)
Research shows that these bags can have a bad impact on the  health because the  most reusable bag shoppers do not wash their bags once they return home, and the bags may be leading to food poisoning, It's easy to spread bacteria from meat, fish, or poultry to other foods – in your kitchen or in your grocery bags. So it is a good idea to carry those items in disposable bags. 
The mother earth has given us abundant but limited resources. May it be plastics, paper, glass or any other material, irresponsible use of any of these will create problems for the human race in the future. The best thing about plastics is that its processing, manufacturing, usage and recycling is very less resource consuming compared to any other alternative. The plastics have a very small footprint and impact if these are used responsibly. We must educate our future generations about this and make sure this scientific miracle is accessible to all of us forever. 
Rather than wasting our resources by saying no to plastic we should say reuse, recycle plastic and save our planet from all rubbish garbage.
About Us:
Jagannath Polymers Pvt Ltd is a Jaipur, India based organisation involved in manufacturing of plastics. We have taken this small step to initiate education in favour of plastics, which have been misbranded for long time now. We strive to inform every human on planet that the plastics are good for life. #PlasticAcchaHai 
Written By: Nidhi Agrawal Edited By: Piyush Singhal
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