#Conceal carry
defensive-tactics · 8 months
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Defend the Second Amendment
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tendie-defender · 5 months
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This is the ideal carry. You can’t change my mind.
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ancaporado · 1 year
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jtem · 1 year
That guy Dick Cheney shot in the face died.
Cheney didn’t know that you weren’t supposed to point loaded guns at peoples faces. It wasn’t his fault.
According to Reich wing Cancel Culture, if it happened today Cheney would go to prison. Oh, no, my bad; they liked Dick Cheney so gun safety never mattered. 
Cheney didn’t even have to resign from his position as Vice President, after shooting that guy in the face...
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0rionpax · 1 year
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Is anyone still on here?
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tinyshe · 2 years
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for all you radical rosary packing individuals
[source] Concealed Carry Card
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godisarepublican · 3 months
Real Christians don't vote Democrat. Just fakers. Democrat dumb fuck central.
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bobwess · 1 year
If you conceal carry a gun, but you don’t carry a first aid kit, you don’t care about saving anyone, you just want to shoot someone. 
And you’re stupid. 
This is something I said before, and I always get a chuckle out of the one moron who came into my comments with “If I shoot him, I’m sure as hell ain’t gonna go try to patch him up.” because in his hero power fantasy, I guess he saw the guy with the gun and shot him before any single other person got shot. Which is a nice fantasy, and sure it’s possible, but it’s idiotic to think that it’s always gonna be that neat and clean. 
I don’t think you’re gonna be patching him up, I’m assuming you killed him. I think the 12 year old down the road who got hit in the arm could use some patching. I think the grandma with a hole through her leg could use some patching. I think the gunshot wound you sustained before you managed to get a shot off could use some patching. 
A tiny first aid kit with a tourniquet and some gauze is small enough to keep into your pocket. Given the prevalence of car accidents, other types of assaults, and other disasters/accidents, you’re far more likely to encounter someone you could save with a first aid kit and some skills than someone you could save with a gun.
If you’re hot under the collar, I’m cutting off last time’s “Wah wah wah, but what about my first amm--” Let’s work on your reading skills. Conceal carry. Sure. Do it. I teach active shooter survival classes. Half the people I know conceal carry, I ain't against it. Great. Go get ‘em, tiger. 
But if you’re out here with a gun and no first aid skills, you’re just a fucking idiot playing pretend at being cool.
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diablo1776 · 1 year
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
If any of you are looking for a good IWB conceal carry holster that DOESN'T require you to wear a belt and you want to support a women owned American small business, Flashbang Holsters are having a Black Friday sale where everything is 25% off!
I have the Veronica holster in turquoise and I absolutely love it!
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tahyirasavanna · 1 year
A Portrait of the 2nd Amendment in Relation to Black Americans
The rise in both black gun ownership and NAAGA membership, coupled with the looming threat of conceal carry restrictions make one thing is clear: black Americans can reconcile history by getting behind 2A rights.
The rise in both black gun ownership and NAAGA membership, coupled with the looming threat of conceal carry restrictions make one thing is clear: black Americans can reconcile history by getting behind 2A rights. With insight from NAAGA’s Philip Smith and NSSF’s Mark Oliva. States such as New York have been signing conceal carry restrictions into law like there’s no tomorrow. And recently there…
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defensive-tactics · 8 months
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You can't struggle with your morality at the same time you are fighting for your life. Defensive Mindset...
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tendie-defender · 1 year
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ancaporado · 1 year
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Today is a reminder that cops can be paid 6 figure salaries to guard your children but if they hide during an attack and 17 kids die they get to retire with full benefits.
The level of privilege, contempt, and decadence our warrior class maintains is unsustainable.
Prepare yourself accordingly:
1. Take your kids out of public schools.
2. Own and maintain proficiency with a firearm.
3. Keep that firearm with you at all times.
No one is coming to save you.
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Nearly Everything You May Want to Know About Firearms and Firearms Safety and Shooting (Part 5 of 7):
Concealed Carry:
Laws vary, from state to state, on carrying a concealed firearm. Their qualifications range from taking a class, submiting proof of necessity, qualifying on a target range, background check, getting a permit, and all, or combination, of the aforementioned, to just being of legal age. If you have an interest in carrying a concealed firearm, research your own state laws and requirements, or search the web for those states that will issue a CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon) Permit to non-residents. As of the date of this writing (November 2017), there are over 30 states in the United States that will issue CCW permits to its general citizenship. Some of these states recognize that "anyone who can legally possess a firearm can carry it concealed WITHOUT a permit" (Constitutional Carry). For example, the state of West Virginia allows any 21-year-old resident to carry a concealed firearm as long as they do not have a criminal record. However, if a West Virginia resident wants to carry outside the state to other CCW states, a West Virginia Conceal Carry Permit is required and issued by the local county Sheriff through the State Police. A training class is required before the permit is issued. Most CCW states have Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity with other CCW states. Laws and procedures change so do your own research on current local and federal laws and procedures before carrying a concealed firearm. It should go without saying that training and obedience to the laws of the state of residence, or state being visited, are the signs of a responsible CCW Permit holder. Additionally, the ultimate goal of carrying concealed is the element of surprise by avoiding to draw attention to oneself. Here are some links to view for further information:
The Concealed Carry (Stealth) Lifestyle   [Link 2]   [Video]
U.S. Nationwide Conceal Carry for Law Enforcement (LEOSA)
Concealed Carry Mistakes, Don'ts, and Blunders and Choosing the Best Handgun for You
Tips When Stopped By Police and Carrying a Firearm
Summer Carry Compromises
Concealed Carry Map and Guidelines
Self-Defense Insurance:
Most of us would probably say "I'll do what I have to do to protect myself, family and friends." But very few think of the aftermath, and consequences, of taking a life or severly injuring an attacker. Self-Defense Insurance is available to help deal with the legal and financial impact after a self-defense action.
[Go to Part 6 of 7 - Nearly Everything You May Want to Know About Firearms and Firearms Safety and Shooting]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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4bworld · 2 years
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By September 2022, New York will implement a new law to assess conceal carry gun owners by reviewing their social media accounts for “character and conduct” in light of recent shootings across the country.
Was this right? Let’s discuss and vote at @4bnewsworld - Link for more!
#newyork #concealcarry #guns #gun #glock #gunsofinstagram #shooting #illinois #highlandpark #pewpew #gunsdaily #tactical #firearms #shooting #pistol #military #ndamendment #rifle #airsoft #pewpewlife #weapons #hunting #edc #freedom #america #gunporn #usa #army #weaponsdaily #merica
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