#gun permit
ncfcatalyst · 1 year
The great Floridian powder keg: permitless concealed carry passed in Florida
Florida is no stranger to lax legislation on the purchase and possession of firearms, and starting July 1, legal gun owners will no longer require a permit to be able to carry concealed weapons by way of the Gov. Ron DeSantis administration’s passing of House Bill (HB) 543 on Apr. 3. This bill has made Florida the 26th state to no longer require a safety or background check for concealed carry.…
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dosesofcommonsense · 11 months
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rileyflow · 1 year
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Nearly Everything You May Want to Know About Firearms and Firearms Safety and Shooting (Part 5 of 7):
Concealed Carry:
Laws vary, from state to state, on carrying a concealed firearm. Their qualifications range from taking a class, submiting proof of necessity, qualifying on a target range, background check, getting a permit, and all, or combination, of the aforementioned, to just being of legal age. If you have an interest in carrying a concealed firearm, research your own state laws and requirements, or search the web for those states that will issue a CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon) Permit to non-residents. As of the date of this writing (November 2017), there are over 30 states in the United States that will issue CCW permits to its general citizenship. Some of these states recognize that "anyone who can legally possess a firearm can carry it concealed WITHOUT a permit" (Constitutional Carry). For example, the state of West Virginia allows any 21-year-old resident to carry a concealed firearm as long as they do not have a criminal record. However, if a West Virginia resident wants to carry outside the state to other CCW states, a West Virginia Conceal Carry Permit is required and issued by the local county Sheriff through the State Police. A training class is required before the permit is issued. Most CCW states have Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity with other CCW states. Laws and procedures change so do your own research on current local and federal laws and procedures before carrying a concealed firearm. It should go without saying that training and obedience to the laws of the state of residence, or state being visited, are the signs of a responsible CCW Permit holder. Additionally, the ultimate goal of carrying concealed is the element of surprise by avoiding to draw attention to oneself. Here are some links to view for further information:
The Concealed Carry (Stealth) Lifestyle   [Link 2]   [Video]
U.S. Nationwide Conceal Carry for Law Enforcement (LEOSA)
Concealed Carry Mistakes, Don'ts, and Blunders and Choosing the Best Handgun for You
Tips When Stopped By Police and Carrying a Firearm
Summer Carry Compromises
Concealed Carry Map and Guidelines
Self-Defense Insurance:
Most of us would probably say "I'll do what I have to do to protect myself, family and friends." But very few think of the aftermath, and consequences, of taking a life or severly injuring an attacker. Self-Defense Insurance is available to help deal with the legal and financial impact after a self-defense action.
[Go to Part 6 of 7 - Nearly Everything You May Want to Know About Firearms and Firearms Safety and Shooting]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"NEW-COMER PAYS HEAVY FINE FOR CARRYING GUN," Winnipeg Tribune. December 9, 1913. Page 1. ---- In order to impress upon him the fact that no one can, without a permit carry a gun in this country, Alex. Trolley, a recent arrival from British Columbia, was this morning fined $50 and costs by Magistrate Macdonald at the city police station. The accused was picked up at 2.30 o'clock yesterday morning by Constable Gear, who found him loitering on Selkirk avenue.
James A. McDonald pleaded guilty to forging a cheque for $487 and was held over until this afternoon for sentence. The accused, it was admitted. had served a sentence of two years in the penitentiary for a similar offence. McDonald is the clerk of the McLaren hotel, who since the 'warrant was issued for his arrest some months ago. has been in St. Boniface hospital suffering from a nervous and cardiac trouble. His physician declares that even after his sentence he will have to be confined to the hospital for a considerable time before it will be safe to send him to prison.
Rufus D. Earle, a young man who is alleged to have beaten the management of the Corona hotel out of a large board bill, was arrested last evening in a down town hotel. He was arraigned this morning and was remanded for a week.
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kgreen200 · 1 year
John's Gun
By KathyG
Summary: This story is set not long after the events in the first-season episode, “A Study in Pink,” and it follows soon after the events in my story, “Background Check”. John is wondering how he’s going to deal with the fact that his military-issued handgun is now illegal. He’s in for a surprise! (Thank you, Doomsteady and Jolie Black, for beta-reading my story! And thank you, sgam76, for your suggestions regarding my story.)
The door clicked shut behind John as he returned to 221B from his daily walk. Sherlock, he knew, was at Barts, conducting an experiment. It would probably be some hours before the consulting detective returned home. Trudging up the 17 steps, he entered the flat.
Emitting a deep sigh, John sank into the red plaid armchair; the mattress sank underneath him as he leaned back. The Union Jack cushion flattened against his lower back. It felt so good to be able to walk without a cane once more! That stupid bloody cane had made him feel so crippled.
After I’ve caught my breath, I’d better go upstairs and go through my paperwork, he thought, resting his arms on the armchair’s rests. And I probably need to clean my gun while I’m at it. He glanced briefly at the window. At least the rain which had poured through the night had stopped earlier, and the sun had come out, so the pain in his shoulder had subsided back to its usual dull ache. The sunlight poured in through the window, forming a rectangle on the carpet. John smiled, and then looked at the teapot on the kitchen counter. When I’m finished upstairs, I’ll make myself a cup of tea. He dropped his hands into his lap.
For the next several minutes, he reclined there, his hands clasped in his lap, reflecting on the events of the last several months, from the day he had been shot while treating a seriously wounded soldier during a retrieval mission to the days after he had moved into the flat with Sherlock. So much had happened within that time! Being shot while attempting to stabilize the critically-injured soldier; waking up in Selly Oak Hospital after being in a coma for several days (he didn’t even remember being a patient in the hospital at Camp Bastion, or the intensive-care airlift back to England, since he had been unconscious then); the operations at Selly Oak and all the rehab he’d had to undergo; the life-threatening complications he had been forced to endure; being discharged; and moving into a London bedsit on the outskirts of the eastern side of Greater London, south of the River Thames, and then, two months later, into 221B Baker Street with Sherlock, where he had immediately started solving crimes with his new flatmate.
Shifting position, John furrowed his eyebrows. And speaking of which—I can’t remember why I still had my gun when I was discharged. It should have been taken off him, as he knew, but since he had been still in the RAMC when he had been sent to England from Camp Bastion, apparently, no one had thought to do that. After all, once his shoulder had been initially operated on, and his condition had been stabilised at Camp Bastion, he had been sent by military transport plane to an airport in England, and from there, he had been taken by ambulance straight to Selly Oak. He wouldn’t have been required to turn in his service weapon until his discharge. My gun must have been packed with the rest of my possessions the whole time, he thought ruefully. As I would have discovered before my discharge, if I had unpacked my army pack a lot sooner!
To read the rest of the story, click below:
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filosofablogger · 2 years
Maybe A Sticky Question?
Maybe A Sticky Question?
Parental responsibilities … to what degree are parents responsible for the actions of their children? You all remember the mass shooting in the Highland Park suburb north of Chicago on July 4th?  Seven people were killed and 48 more injured by a gunman shooting into the crowd from a rooftop.  The shooter used a high-powered rifle and ultimately fired no less than 83 rounds of ammunition.  The…
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skulandcrossbones · 2 months
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A.J. Cook as Jennifer “JJ��� Jareau in Criminal Minds | 09×04: To Bear Witness
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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Concealed carry permit requirements by state, 2023
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tendie-defender · 2 years
Imagine making fun of America when your own country reacts like this over carrying a knife.
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ncfcatalyst · 7 months
Sarasota County schools experience shooting threats over two days
On Jan. 31, Riverview High School and Lakeview Elementary School in Sarasota received anonymous shooting threats. At approximately 11:05 a.m., Riverview High was sent into lockdown, and students were instructed to take shelter within classrooms and locker rooms for more than 30 minutes. Parents were sent a message informing them of the situation at hand;  however, students themselves remained…
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allidrawscomics · 6 months
Tigress Queen page 217
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shivstar · 3 months
why do u hate wolfstar lmao like u saying ur getting harassed is funny as hell it’s just a ship 😭😭
For me to explain you that, I have to explain a bit of psychology.
In psychology, reactance is an unpleasant motivational reaction to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. Reactance occurs when an individual feels that an agent is attempting to limit one's choice of response and/or range of alternatives.
Reactance can occur when someone is heavily pressured into accepting a certain view or attitude. Reactance can encourage an individual to adopt or strengthen a view or attitude which is indeed contrary to that which was intended — which is to say, to a response of noncompliance — and can also increase resistance to persuasion. 
In crux, my hate for wolfstar stems from reactance.
Wolfstar works on the structure that it is a canonical ship because jkr was playing hide and seek and sprinkling around crumbs of clues that Remus and Sirius are boning each other. (Or should I say Sirius was getting f*cked by his moony, because that is what 90% of wolfstar is about. A top Remus and a bottom Sirius- add this to my reasons for dislike list)
But anyways whenever anyone says to (most) wolfstar side of people why the literal soulmate guys - James and Sirius are not much famous as a ship, the reply is 'ew, why would you want to downplay the importance of a friendship' ' I can never see James and Sirius in a romantic setting' 'but there is no chemistryyyy!!!!! '
But when the same reply is given that oh I see Sirius and remus as casual friends who dont know each other well because they distrusted each other, the fandom and it's defenders comes bearing weapons.
My point is I was pretty neutral towards the ship.
Then i went looking for Jegulus. Because I was interested in marauders side kf stories. I found jily to be bland. Wolfstar was downright signaling towards toxic relationship I was never interested in. (I believe that canon Sirius deserved so much better than canon Remus, who is such a rag tag kf a guy) ( you guys have found a cure to that too by innovation of fanon Remus. The macho man. The alpha leader. The casanova. The sex guru. But the problem is that his name is still Remus Lupin and I have read hp books with all devotion. I can only see him as a guy shirking away from his personal responsibilities. Not checking up on Harry. Running away from pregnant wife. Naming a 17 year old kid with the biggest target on his back as the godfather to his child. Hitting Harry when he was trying to explain to Remus that he is a coward. Not telling Dumbledore about Sirius's animagus status. {Please do not romanticize his reasoning, I beg you. It is about hundreds of students's life. Including James's son. Also do nit say that he thought that Sirius didn't do it. Then he should have done a better job in helping Sirius out of azkaban. Atleast found him in yr 3 and helped him than. CLUE - he is the co creator of marauders map, don't tell me he didnt know where Sirius was} You get it....
Still I was pretty neutral towards wolfstar. I never interacted with it because I was nit interested.
But reading Jegulus comes with the added bonus of free wolfstar. All the time.
I left the fandom not liking how the marauders I loved were never found in either jegulus nor wolfstar. Disappointed.
But then i entered the World of Prongsfoot. Found mostly writers doing justice to the James and Sirius and Peter and Remus I was initially intrigued as a kid.
Also I am not talking about following canon plot in the fics... I am saying the wibe is always off. Like my hc is Sirius and James as top dogs and then Remus and peter. While the basic given in wolfstar and jegulus is Sirius+James + Remus and then Peter, if they are feeling charitable. Otherwise it is Remus and then James and then Sirius and then Peter.
Then tumblr through - 'you may like this because you like this' and extra excited wolfstar and jegulus fans through wrong tagging decided that I should see these incorrect marauders era post . Where Sirius is always dramatic or stupid or idiot and a combination thereof. That was the day where this intense dislike begin.
Now this unnecessary shoving in my face something I am not interested in, made me hate wolfstar.... The reactance theory I explained earlier. I am just reacting to this incessant need to believe wolfstar is canon. That Sirius only belongs to his moony and no one else. That Remus and Sirius are soulmates. ...
PS - do not comment or message me etc to make me change my opinion or make me see things from your side. The truth is that i cannot suddenly make you like a ship say Prongsfoot in the Romantic light when all you see is two friends. Similarly I won't suddenly start liking wolfstar Or Remus Lupin. This is my post with proper tagging so that I am nit hurting sensible feelings of anyone. I have right to have my own views and opinion. And that in this case is that I despise wolfstar and Remus Lupin. I am not inviting people to make me see light. I am just answering to a simple ask.... 😊
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umemiyan · 3 months
what if i just went full redneck and did open carry. bitches would think twice about standing in my way at the grocery store 🔫
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
thinking about rayk in the infamous season 3 episode 2 crypt scene going "do you find me attractive?" and fraser taking a second before answering "very much so, yes" and ray almost accepting this answer that he clearly likes a lot, before turning back and worriedly verifying "you're not just saying that?" and then fraser hesitates a second and goes "well, i'm not really qualified to judge, ray" which is just. the most fraser thing he could possibly have said. it vaguely implies he could be (or he might think he is) straight while absolutely not saying that in any way, which leaves almost every option open, but it does sound like it's an actual answer, exactly in the way you'd expect from a guy who grew up with his librarian grandmother. it gives off demi/ace vibes. not to mention that it sort of sounds like he might think there's an actual qualification he'd need to get to be allowed to decide whether a man is attractive or not, making it entirely plausible to fill out the background of this situation as benton fraser, gay man, being asked if he thinks a guy is attractive and mentally reasoning that well, he's only ever had any romantic/sexual experience with victoria, so clearly he doesn't have the right stamps in his passport. he can't say, because he doesn't have the requisite two years experience minimum for the position. he's still on his learner's permit. he didn't graduate from Deciding If A Man Is Handsome university, so, sorry ray, but his opinion is that of a layman, not a man who's been laid (by another man). apologies that he couldn't be more helpful.
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