reignitedprimes · 2 years
Solus Prime Headcanons
This isn’t Solus Prime’s first time being ‘reignited’. She never told the four bots she adopted this, but when she met them in the beginning of the golden age, Solus was on her second round of reignition. Oddly enough, Quintus had gone down, found her body-- or what was left of it, and dragged it out without Onyx or Micronous knowing and tried to ‘rebuild’ her. He thought, he had failed, but hadn’t. Solus-- Under the name Silversong, at the time, would go on to lead the rebellion against Quintus’s rule and drive them off. When Sentinel Zeta Prime took over, she vanished into the masses, and ended up forming with Orion Pax briefly. Alpha Trion was actually the one that had shown her to Redraven, Darkfire, Brimstone and Copperstorm on the streets of Kaon. Where, surprisingly, she also found Prima, trying to coax the four out from their hole in the wall. With some work-- and it helped that Brimstone dove for Alpha Trion and Orion upon recognizing his teacher-- Solus and Prima had a long talk. Solus explaining her part in everything thus far, and Prima explaining that, at least in this moment, Redraven had been shown to him in a vision. With a LOT of arguing amongst themselves, Prima and Solus decided to teach and guide the four young bots to be primes-- true primes. With, at least, Prima intending for Redraven and her siblings to overthrow Sentinel and the council.
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Name meaning: Copper- because of her fur color and to honor her father’s name. Storm- A cat with an unpredictable and dynamic nature. 
Gender: female cis
Sexuality: Bisexual
Life mate: ~
Reproductive mate: ~
Blood parents- Storkpelt and Copperface
Foster father- Privetcloud
Siblings- Cherryflower
Half-siblings- Cloudkit, Antkit, Foamkit, Cootkit and Sootkit
Personality: impatient, unpredictable, energetic, moody, overprotective and intimidating cat. Copperstorm has matured greatly over time; she used to be a really spoiled kitten when younger. When her father died in battle she became gloomy and difficult to talk to since she used to unleash her contained fury and sadness on others. When she became warrior, and with the help of Blackthroat, Palefeather and Sandclaw, she was capable of getting over her father’s death and started showing signs of recovery in the form of smiles and occasional laughs. Copperstorm tends to be an impatient cat, she is incapable of spending time with younger cats and refuses the idea of becoming mother or mentor. Spending time with her mother or sister make her impatient nature show too, her mother and sister are incapable of understanding her ways of thinking so Copperstorm must explain herself constantly, this tires and infuriates her. She can’t stand still for too long; if she knows there is work to do she will probably be on her paws ready to do a patrol or hunt. She is unpredictable and moody in a way that scares cats around her; she can quickly jump from one emotion to the other becoming easily aggravated or sad at other cats’ complaints or comments or plainly slashing at others without an actual reason to do so. She is extremely overprotective of those around her, she can’t stand the thought of losing someone or even watching that someone get hurt. Her personality gives her quite an intimidating reputation on Seaclan; kits tend to stay away from her for that matter.
Kit- Copperstorm was born alongside Cherryflower to Copperface and Storkpelt. While Cherryflower was Storkpelt’s favorite, Copperstorm was Copperface’s. Copperface would constantly take her out with him and would tell her how she would become his deputy when she grew older. Due to her father’s position as deputy and her his constant attentions she became bratty and vain.  
Apprentice- Became apprentice to her uncle, Ashclaw. She believed herself to be the strongest cat in the whole clan and wanted everyone to act accordingly around her. Her aunt Olivefang decided to teach a lesson on humility and made her train with Sandclaw, who was an apprentice back at the time too. Sandclaw won the first time they fought, it was the first time Copperstorm had lost a battle; feeling humiliated she decided to ask Sandclaw for a battle every day. She never won any of the battles but she did win a friend over time. When her father was killed in a border skirmish she completely shut down from her family. Her mother was devastated and got near Privetcloud searching for comfort; while Copperstorm saw this as a direct attack to her father’s memories, her sister, Cherryflower, saw it as an opportunity for her mother to truly feel loved and start anew with someone else. The different opinion of both mollies ended making them fight constantly making their differences more and more abysmal every day. Copperstorm would spend most of her time with Sandclaw who worked as a massive help for her; even though the molly would slash at her friend, Sandclaw always bore with her and eventually Copperstorm would ask for forgiveness. Eventually she decided to let herself be comforted by religion and so searched for Blackthroat and Palefeather’s help; her constants visits to the place made her become friends with both the seer and the Loanar Sasre and finally helped her overcome her father’s death passing her warrior assignment and becoming warrior.
Warrior- Became a –storm which caused her to be mad for a couple of days as –storm cats are a symbol of immaturity among Seaclan tough learned to live with it and now she takes pride in her name. When Sandclaw’s sister died she decided to be strong for him and tried to be as much help as the tom had been to her. When her mother finally decided becoming Privetcloud’s life and reproductive mate she decided to stay away from that union as she sees it as an offense at her father’s memories. Keeps a good relationship with Blackthroat and Palefeather, the first one intimidates her and the second one is like a living enigma she loves to spend time with. Her relationship with Sandclaw is still strong; she considers the tom her best friend.
Elder- ~
I hate her design. This character belongs to me, please do not use it without my permission.
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gay-muja · 7 years
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u ok there
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Chapter 1
Ravenheart padded to the Gathering Island, the moonlight hitting her and her brother’s pelts.
She glanced behind her, the other ShadowClan cats going today, Reedclaw, Copperstorm, Darkpaw, and Rainsong following. Their Clan’s only supervisor, Oaksong, had her ears up straight, looking around for any enemies that may attack.
“Oaksong, do you think Mudtail will heal soon?”
“I hope, but from what I could, her wound is deep. Copperstorm's lucky she didn’t get too wounded.”
Darkpaw licked her mentor’s shoulder. “I really hope Mudtail will be okay...”
“Ravenheart, we’re almost there.” Spiderheart’s words snapped Ravenheart out of her thoughts. They were always close, sharing a small mental bond. If they focused, they would feel what the other was thinking, communicate through thoughts. Spiderheart was more of the mind, planning out what they should do, what patrols would be best for them to offer to join, while Ravenheart was the heart, being more open, doing what she saw as right, or what her heart told her to.
The littermates climbed onto the log, carefully padding across. “The entire Clan expected a blizzard, we’re lucky we were able to come today.”
As the ShadowClan cats got off the log, a scent suddenly slammed against her nose, it had the terrible tang of fish. RiverClan.
“Hey! Who are all of you? I’m Blizzardmind, the best RiverClan warrior! Soon, I’ll be leader!” A white cat was standing infront of them, the cat’s paws blending into the color of the snow. Faintly, through the smell of fish, she could smell the scent of a tom. Ah, so it is probably a cat, and isn’t some annoying ball made for the purpose of ruining our day. Her brother’s thoughts faintly entered her mind.
Ravenheart let out a quiet growl, padding beside her brother. “He’s annoying.” They whispered in unison. 
Blizzardmind started rambling, and a nervous dark brown and ginger she-cat slowly came, attempting to drag away Blizzardmind. “I’m sorry...” She managed to shakily say through Blizzardmind’s fur. 
Darkpaw ran after the she-cat as Ravenheart padded to the Gathering Tree to try and think. This will be painful.
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hotissuelist-blog · 6 years
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[뽐뿌] 남해 무늬 - 2018-08-14 10:09:49
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bf-102x · 8 years
Role Playing History
Please repost instead of reblogging
Technically stolen by: @roseusregina
Crescent Sky (BPJD AU OC)
RedRaven, DarkFire, CopperStorm, BrimStone (Transformers Prime AU OCs [Hiatus])
Nightfury, Thunderflame, Venmwarp (Transformers OCs [Hiatus])
Natasha Stronghold (Fandomless OC [Hiatus])
Destiny (Fandomless OC)
Amelia Lannister (One Punch Man OC)
Bryn (Brave Police J Decker AU OC)
Maeve Lenox and Deckerd (Brave Police J Decker AU OC and Canon)
Sunstreaker (Transformers AU)
Goldwind (Transformers AU OC)
Bronzewind (Transformers AU OC)
Sideswipe (RID 2016)
Colorbird, Darkheat, Colorsound, Glowingstone (Transformers Prime OCS)
Deckerd (Brave Police J Decker)
Azuki (Brave Police J Decker)
Bumblebee (Transformers RID2016)
Optimus Prime (Transformers RID2016)
Helixia, Hyperdrive, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Razorwind, Hellfire (Transformers AU OCs)
Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp (Transformers)
Alicia Mayhem/Attinger, Wheelie (Transformers OC and canon)
Silversong (Transformers OC)
Sideswipe (Transformers tyran)
Skylar (Transfomers Prime oc)
Bronwyn Masters (Transformers Tran oc)
Raven Phoenixfire (fandomless oc)
Mixtape, screamo, Electro, Tapedeck (technically transformers ocs?)
Raven Phoenix (Brave police j decker & transformers oc)
Gabriella Attinger & Mirage (Transformers tyran OC and Canon)
Backlash (transformers oc)
Adira Rayne & Sideswipe (Transformers OC and Canon)
Adira & Sideswipe
Darkheat, Colorbird, Colorsound, Glowingstone
TAGGING :  Anyone who wants to do it. I don’t tag people ^_^
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reignitedprimes · 2 years
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𝓡𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓽
{Canon and OC RP blog}
My creations and I were displaced, killed and reforged into something new.
I, was Solus Prime. I, am reforged, reignited, reborn. I, am Silversong. Mind your step, The Lathe doesn't enjoy an audience.
The Guides | The Rules to an Old Spark | The Places We've been
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reignitedprimes · 2 years
x-de-con-struct-ed-x has entered the Lathe
Solus transformed the instant the other pulled up. She kept her war hammer loose at her side, white optics flickering over the other's form. Her other servo gestured for the Semi, and three pickups to stay there behind her. "I'm assuming there's no way you'll let me and mine walk away peacefully," she said slowly frowning now.
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This family tree has been on the making for at least 3 years now which kind of shows but whatever.  My plan was to make one of this for each of my fan clans (there are 5 of those) but, seeing how much time it took me to finish this one I am reconsidering it. I really don't have that much free time.
Anyway, this is Seaclan, the fisher clan that lives by the Sea. In this clan blue and cream furs are the most typical. Colorpoint is also quite common as legend say this trait first appeared when Winter fell in love with Seaclan’s founder. The children born from this union bore Winter’s colors, white at first and darkening as they aged. Ever since then this trait is considered lucky and a symbol of great beauty making it desirable. In order to avoid inbreeding, a system based on allowing new blood to enter the clan periodically is used. This allows for monarchs to choose reproductive partners outside their clan’s boundaries, although they would not be a part of their offspring’s lives. Meaning: Seaclanners can choose to reproduce with any other clanner for as long as this relationship does not develop into a romantic one (love relationships between warriors of different clans are indeed punished by their warrior code) or choose to reproduce with any of the outsider groups such as the Storytellers, The Worshipers of the Deep or loners. This is why there's so many outsiders in this family tree.
Their names are: From left to right, starting from the top to the bottom:
Willow (a Seaworshiper), Hazeltail (dead), Rookstar (dead), Daisyflower, Graystream, Flame (a storyteller) and Whitefur (who abandoned Seaclan to join the storytellers).
Pebblefoot, Otterstar, Bluestream, Privetcloud, Sturgeonstream, three dead unnamed kits, Spider (a storyteller), Moth (a storyteller) and Paleshine.
Carpkit, Chubkit, Chicorykit, Flamingokit (whose former origins are unknown), Storkpelt, Copperface (dead), Ashclaw and Olivefang.
Poppytongue, Cuckooleaf, Cloudkit, Antkit, Foamkit, Whitekit, Cootkit, Copperstorm, Cherryflower, Reedstripe (formerly a loner) and Dewspots.
Blackthroat, Rainpath, Tornpelt, Lythrumnose (formerly a loner), Mouse (dead), Lampreytail, Sandclaw, Shellclaw, Vervainpelt (dead), Mustardpaw, Cranepaw, Goosepaw, Heronpaw and Ibispaw.
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gay-muja · 7 years
Consider This: Warriors x YanSim
Everyone I current have a name and appearance for, sorted by Clan ThunderClan Osana - Foxstorm. Ginger tabby with amber eyes Budo - Swiftheart!!!!!!!!! Black with green eyes. SkyClan Muja - Paleberry. Cream and white with blue eyes (Medicine Cat) Megami - Snowface or Snowheart. White with yellow eyes (Deputy) Geiju - Russetwhisper. Ginger tabby with green eyes ShadowClan Ayano - Ravenheart. Black with yellow eyes Ryoba - Batstorm or Darkstorm. Black with amber eyes Yandad - Blueflower or Stormflower. Gray with yellow eyes Yankun - Spiderheart. Black with yellow eyes Osoro - Reedclaw. Golden tabby with yellow eyes Mida - Oaksong. Brown tabby with amber eyes Miyuji - Copperstorm. Her change in personality was a few days before her warrior ceremony. Tortoiseshell with amber eyes RiverClan Amai - Honeycloud or Honeypetal. Brown and white with green eyes Oka - Shellnose or Lichennose. Chocolate tortie with yellow eyes (Medicine Cat) Uekiya - Fawnflower. Brown with yellow eyes Gema - Stonestorm. Gray with yellow eyes Kaga - White with one eye green, one eye blue. Blizzardpelt or Blizzardmind WindClan Taro - Black tabby with yellow eyes. Blackpelt Hanako - Shadepelt. Black with amber eyes Asu - Creamheart or Creamwind. Cream tabby with green eyes Furredo - Goldenstalk. Golden and white with blue eyes Outside of Clans Kizana - Cherryfur. Calico with green eyes Akademi was a little group made by the Clan leaders on the gathering island to try and prevent any future battles. Apprentices were sent there, the chosen cats can stay until they're 26 moons old. They go every two nights A few Warriors and a Medicine Cat would be sent with them incase anyone gets hurt, and to make sure they don't do anything stupid. There were originally 3 clubs, the Fighting Group (Martial Arts Club), Herb Group (Gardening Club), and Breeze Group (Sports Club), some were groupless, while others joined a group based of what they wanna be good at, or what they like. Eventually, each group formed into two groups after a heated debate between the groups for some dumb reason, probably whichever would control the island. The seperations were wanna fight/dont wanna fight. Snowface (Megami) formed the Leadership Council (Student Council) when the fighting was at its strongest to try and create peace, eventually, after a month or two, the Leadership Council had gained control of the island, helping keep it peaceful, and make sure no groups that could harm someone are formed, or, if already formed, stay active. Copperstorm and Fawnflower are the only cats in the Clans with white toes, resulting in them becoming friends
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Name meaning: Heron- (Ardea cinerea) fur color. Paw- rank
Possible future suffixes- -throat or - stripe
Gender: Female cis
Mentor: Cherryflower
Blood parents- Dewspots and Ashclaw
Raising parents- Dewspots and Olivefang
Siblings- Lampreytail, Goosepaw, Cranepaw and Ibispaw
Half-siblings- Lythrumnose, mousepaw (deceased) and Mustardpaw
Personality: flattering, shallow, dependable, squeamish and positive cat. Heronpaw loves her sister Ibispaw, all she ever wants to do is be with her. In her eyes, Ibispaw is the coolest cat ever. Even if her sister doesn’t feel the same way for her. She gets out of her way to help her with everything and compliment her in everything she does; she just wants her sister to acknowledge her. In an attempt of being like Ibispaw, she has adapted a lot of her traits such as being pretty shallow, squeamish or vain. Her mentor, Cherryflower, tries to convince that there is more to her than whatever Ibispaw has to say and so tries to make Heronpaw develop her own personality. One of the only traits that seems to actually be hers is how positive she is; she is the one that tries to cheer the rest of her sisters when something goes wrong and she is quite good at it too. Heronpaw also has quite the melodious voice and good memory making her a great storyteller.
Kit- She was born alongside Ibispaw, Goosepaw and Cranepaw to Dewspots and Ashclaw tough she was raised up by Dewspots and Olivefang. Dewspots does not have a favorite daughter, however, Heronpaw is really special to her; for generations, at least one of her blood has had silver fur. This is an uncommon characteristic in Seaclan often associated to mystical creatures such as Hisiruss (river spirits). Heronpaw takes pride in her fur color and loves listening to every story related to these creatures. It was around this time that she started to fell deep reverence for Ibispaw, she was braver than her being able of pestering seer, elders, warriors and leader as she pleased and she was even capable of catching her first prey even before being named apprentice. Since that day, Heronpaw has been Ibispaw personal side-kick. She used to spend a lot of time with the seers and elders too, she has always loved hearing stories and telling them to her sisters.
Apprentice- Became apprentice to Cherryflower. Cherryflower has proven to be a really mature and independable cat and, with her motherly and gentle nature, Rainpath, the clan’s deputy, awaits that Heronpaw will learn to stop being so dependable and impressionable. Heronpaw and her mentor don’t have the best relationship ever since Heronpaw considers that she is just trying to get her away from her sister since Cherryflower and her own sister (Copperstorm) don’t talk to each other all that much. She has a good relationship with her other sisters too, tough she tends to be really mean with them when Ibispaw’s around, when alone, she is really sweet and loves telling stories to them. She loves her brother Lampreytail too even tough, thanks to Ibispaw, she is not allowed to be nice to him. She would love receiving the suffix –throat as storytelling is one of her favorite things to do. Heronpaw considers Olivefang her mother and loves when she tells her legends and myths. When being with Dewspots, she loves hearing about her mother’s younger days.
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Name meaning: Privet- (Ligustrum vulgare) Because of his blue patches that resemble privet berries while the white on him resembles privet flowers. Cloud- cat that is gentle in nature, patient and not easily perturbed by anything.
Gender: Cis male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Life mate- Storkpelt
Reproductive mate- Storkpelt.
Parents- Daisyflower and Graystream.
Siblings- Bluestream and Troutstream.
Offspring- Antkit, Cootkit, Sootkit, Cloudkit and Foamkit.
Nephews- Chubkit, Carpkit, Dacekit and Flamingokit.
Personality: Soft-hearted, jokester, docile, calm and outspoken cat. He is quite good at fishing but not so good at hunting since his white pelt and huge body give him away easily. He loves to invent pet names for everyone in clan and will use them if given permission. Though eating is his favorite thing to do he is quite a reliable warrior and loves to spend time with kittens; he has a soft-spot for young apprentices and loves to mentor them being considered the best mentor in Seaclan right before who was his own mentor, Rainface. He befriends others easily and has a lot of friends outside his clan. His calm nature is outstanding, even in critical situations he will stay completely unbothered and maintain his composure.
Kit- Privetcloud was born alongside Troutstream and Bluestream to Graystream and Daisyflower. He took a liking in his father since really early on since they shared a similar personality. His father, Graystream would teach him jokes and funny stories, Privetcloud liked him so much that he would sneak out of camp just to follow his dad, luckily enough, thanks to his big size and white pelt he would get caught easily. He used to spend a lot of time with his siblings Bluestream and Troutstream (or how he calls then, minnow and moody fish).
Apprentice- Became apprentice to Rainpath and become best friends with the older cat. He developed a huge crush on Storkpelt, who was just about to become a warrior and, who, herself, had a huge crush on Copperface, at the moment, an apprentice with a promising future.
Warrior- Even though a great mentor figure he was given the suffix –cloud due to his composed nature at all times. He had a romantic relationship with Shellclaw for some time but they quickly broke up and have remained good friends since then. Tries his best to keep her mother happy ever since she lost her second litter. He became really close to Storkpelt after she gave birth to Copperstorm and Cherryflower. He would take care of both of them though his relationship was always closer to Cherryflower. He was given Lythrumnose as his first apprentice; he was chosen as her mentor because his soft-hearted nature matched hers. He was then given Cranepaw as his apprentice since they both match a cheerful but responsible outlook of life and a paternal/maternal care of their families as the older siblings. Throughout the mentoring of Lythrumnose they became close friends. At the end, it was the young molly who helped him get near Storkpelt, after a lot of convincing the older molly gave him an opportunity and both became mates much later on. Storkpelt was really surprised to be pregnant again but also really happy about it, Privetcloud loved the idea of having kits since the very beginning. He loves his little nephews, especially Chubkit. He is worried about her sister and encourages her to think about not becoming  Otterstar’s life mate since he thinks that not the young leader not his sister are ready to have that kind of relationship.
Elder- ~
I hate this drawing with a passion! But have it anyway!! Please do not use my characters without my permission. 
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Name meaning: Sand- because of his fur color. Claw- represents any cat with a distinctively exceptional fighting ability and talent in combat. 
Gender: Trans male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Life mate: ~
Reproductive mate: ~
Blood parents- Tornpelt and Rainpath
Raising parents- Tornpelt
Siblings- Shellclaw and Vervainpelt (deceased)
Half-siblings- Otterstar and Pebblefoot
Half-nephews- Chubkit, Dacekit, Carpkit and Flamingokit
Personality: Attentive, sharp, thoughtful, quiet, discreet and imposing cat with a secret romantic side. Sandclaw is the best warrior Seaclan has; he is a fighting master both in water and land. He tends to be caught in thought, some cats think he is absent minded but he is always ready to pounce at the smallest noise or new smell he feels. He is quiet for the most part preferring to keep to himself and only trusting those really close to him. He is a great strategist which makes him a better warrior tan his sister Shellclaw. Once a cat pushes trough his imposing looking side, he is actually quite a reliable and discreet friend who you can trust on. He has romantic feelings for Copperstorm that only Blackleaf and Palefeather know about. He can be quite the romantic cat being extremely sickly-sweet with Copperstorm even if the molly stays oblivious (most of his clanmates get pretty uncomfortable when he gets this side of him out).
Kit-He was born alongside Shellclaw and Vervainpelt to Tornpelt and Rainface; however, he was brought up by Tornpelt. Sandclaw used to be a calm and obedient kit that didn’t like getting into trouble; he was quiet and preferred listening to the elder’s stories and watching warriors fight than getting into trouble with his sisters. Throughout his kithood he tried to convince Vervainpelt and Shellclaw to stop being mischevious but to not avail. He actually got some good laughs from her sisters’ messes. Tough he was brought up with Pebblefoot and Otterstar their interactions were short. The half-siblings were different in personality and behavior, Sandclaw and her sisters were older and rougher when playing too which kept their interactions small until Sandclaw and her sisters became apprentices and the interactions ceased almost completely.
Apprentice- Became apprentice to Olivefang. He quickly learned everything that was taught and proved to be a great fighter. She used to train daily with Shellclaw, Vervainpelt would cheer them through these sessions. She became friends with Copperstorm after Olivefang made them fight and he gave her the beating up of her life. Instead of giving up, Copperstorm would ask for a rematch everyday (losing everyday too) which caused the two cats to develop a rivalship that turned into friendship over time.
Warrior- Became a –claw after showing great fighting skills and tactical techniques. During his and his sister’s vigil, Vervainpelt walked away from camp and was found dead by Duneclan’s border showing multiple Spanish hound’s bites in her body. Sandclaw grieved his sister tough he preferred not to take the blame on anyone like Shellclaw did. She slowly got over it with the help of Palefeather who he got really close to after these constant visits to the seer’s den. He befriended Blackthroat too since the molly’s personality intrigued him. Sandclaw used to visit the seer’s den with Copperstorm who was trying to get over the death of herfather. He slowly started to develop stronger feelings for Copperstorm. He keeps to himself most of the time about this, however, he can’t help himself by being extremely and extravagantly romantic sometimes; from cautiously picked flattery to waking up to her favorite prey Copperstorm thinks Sandclaw is just the best friend in the world. Sandclaw, of course, understands that he can’t force love on her and knows that if he ever confessed his feelings and was rejected nothing bad would happen; he would still be her friend since he cares about her and it is her happiness what matters more to him. Sandclaw still keeps a close relationship to his mother and father; Tornpelt acts as an idol for him since he always looked up to his mother’s strength while he is really proud of his father’s position and, in return, his father tries to convince him about confessing to Copperstorm.
Elder- ~
The amount  of warrior cats oc I have does worry me sometimes.
These characters belong to me please do not use them without my permission.
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Seaclan allegiances
Leader: Otterstar – Solid chocolate tom with white spotting that covers his belly, paws and muzzle. Short fur. Orange eyes. XoYaabbCcsDdiiMcmcSsLL
Deputy: Rainpath – Solid blue tom with white spotting over his belly, chest, paws, nose, muzzle and tail tip. Long fur. Blue eyes. XoYaaBBCCddiiMcMcSsll
Seer: Blackthroat – Solid black molly with white spotting that covers her muzzle and chest, she also has white bootees on all legs. Long fur. Yellow eyes. XoXoaaBBCCDdiiMcMcSsll
Privetcloud - Blue harlequin tom. Long fur. Yellow eyes. XoYaaBBCcsddiimcmcSsll
Troutstream - Gray classic tabby tom with white front paws, muzzle and chest. Short fur. Yellow eyes. XoYAaBBCcsddiimcmcSsLl
Pebblefoot - Lilac colorpoint molly with white paws, chest and muzzle. Short fur. Blue eyes. XoXoaabbcscsddiiMcmcSsLL
Shellclaw – Solid blue molly with white underside, tail tip, front paws and muzzle. Short fur. Green eyes. XoXoaaBBCcsddiiMcMcSsLl
Sandclaw - Blue calico tom with one white front paw, chest, underside and muzzle. His front legs and paws are scarred; he also has a small scar below one of his eyes. Long fur. Green eyes. XOXoaaBBCcsddiiMcMcSsll
Copperstorm - Black tortie colorpoint molly with white chest, front paws and underside. She also has curled ears. She has two thin scars on her back. Short fur. Blue eyes. XOXoaaBBcscsDdiiMcMcSsLlCucu
Cherryflower - Black calico van molly. Short fur. Green eyes. XOXoaaBBCcsDdiiMcmcSSLlcucu
Olivefang - Blue classic torbie lynxpoint molly, her chest is white.She has scars running across her back and one of her legs. Short fur. Blue eyes. XoXoAABBcscsddiimcmcSsLl
Ashclaw - Gray mackerel colorpoint with white on his chest and paws. Long fur. Blue eyes. His whole body is covered in scars but his fur covers most of them being only visible the scars on his legs. XoYAaBBcscsddiiMcmcSsll
Dewspots - Black spotted silver molly with white chest, front paws and tail tip. Has a couple of nicks in her ears. Short fur. Orange eyes. XoXoAaBBCcsDdIiMcmcSsLLSpsp
Lampreytail - Blue classic lynxpoint tom with white chest, tail tip and front paws. Short fur. Blue eyes. Has a thin scar across hismuzzle. XoYAaBBcscsddiimcmcSsLl
Reedstripe - Cream mackerel tabby molly. Short fur. Yellow eyes. XOXOAABbCCddiiMcmcssLl
Lythrumnose - Blue classic torbie molly with a splash of white on her nose and chest. Long fur. Bicolored eyes (blue and yellow). XOXoAaBbCcsddiimcmcSsll
Mustardpaw - Mackerel cream tom with low white spotting on nose, chest and paws. Short fur. Yellow eyes. Mentored by Troutstream. XOYAaBBCcsddiiMcmcSsLl
Heronpaw – Silver and black classic tabby molly with white spotting on chest and muzzle. Short fur. Yellow eyes. Mentored by Cherryflower. XoXoBBAaCcsDdIimcmcSsLl
Goosepaw – Gray mackerel tabby molly. Short fur. Yellow eyes. Mentored by Shellclaw. XoXoAaBBCcsddiiMcMcssLl
Cranepaw – Blue classic tabby molly with white spotting on her chest, nose, front paws, back legs and tail-tip. Short fur. Orange eyes. Mentored by Privetcloud. XoXoAaBBCcsddiimcmcSsLl
Ibispaw – Black tuxedo molly. Short fur. Yellow eyes. Mentored by Otterstar. XoXoaaBBCcsDdiimcmcSsLlSpsp
Bluestream - Blue classic molly with white front paws, chest, muzzle and tail tip. Has two scars across one of her shoulders. Short fur. Blue eyes. XoXoAaBbCcsddiimcmcSsLl (mother of Chubkit, Dacekit and Carpkit, nursing Flamingokit)
Storkpelt – Black harlequin molly. Short fur. Green eyes. XoXoaaBBCcsDdiiMcMcSsLl (mother of Antkit, Foamkit, Sootkit, Cootkit and Cloudkit)
Flamingokit – Red classic lynxpoint. Short fur. Blue eyes. XOYb’b’aacscsDdmcmcssLl
Chubkit – Black mackerel tabby. Short fur. Yellow eyes. XoYAaBbCcsDdMcmcssLl
Dacekit- Blue classic tabby with white underside, chest, paws and nose. Short fur. Blue eyes. XoXoAaBbCcsddmcmcSsLl
Carpkit – Chocolate classic tabby. Short fur. Orange eyes. XoYAabbCcsDdmcmcssLl
Antkit – Black solid kitten. Short fur. XoYaaBBCcsDdiiMcmcssLl
Foamkit – Blue van.. Short fur. XoXoaaBBCcsddMcmcSSLl
Sootkit – Black colorpoint. Long fur. XoYaaBBcscsDdMcmcssll
Cootkit – Black solid with white spotting on nose and chest. Short fur. XoXoaaBBCCDdMcmcSsLl
Cloudkit – Blue colorpoint with a tuxedo pattern. Long fur. XoYaaBBcscsddMcmcssll
Graystream – Gray classic tabby tom with white spotting on his chest, muzzle and all paws. He has scars running across his shoulder and lower back, nicks on his ears and a deeper scar in one of his back legs that makes him walk with a limp. Yellow eyes. Short fur. XoYAaBBCcsddiimcmcSsLl
Daisyflower – Blue calico molly with scars running across her fur and nicks on both ears. Blue eyes. Short fur. XOXoaaBbCcsddiimcmcSsLl
Tornpelt – Blue tortie molly with white scars across her fur (damaged follicles) and nicks on her ears. Green eyes. Short fur. XOXoaaBBCcsddiiMcMcssLl
Palefeather – Pink-eyed albino tom with scars across one of his eyes, front legs and back. He has nicked ears and is missing half of his tail. Short fur. Pinkish eyes. XoYAaBBccDDiimcmcSsLl
Family trees: http://www.familyecho.com/?p=UMBT8&c=wjyjory41o&f=964662112862868835 (Take into consideration that the colors used do not represent the characters’ gender but wheter they are XX or XY.)
(I present to you the first clan, Seaclan! more information will be added about every warrior on different posts that will include a drawing, their personality, story and more. Information about the clan territory, behaviour and culture will be added in a different post too! I’m sorry this took so long, hope you guys love my little babies as much as I do! Please do not use my ocs without my permission.)
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Name meaning: Stork- (Ciconia ciconia) fur color. Pelt- “average” cat; they have no outstanding abilities, such as fighting or hunting, and their personality is not notable enough to warrant a suffix
Gender: cis female
Life mate: Copperface, Privetcloud
Reproductive mate: Copperface, Privetcloud
Parents- ~
Siblings- ~
Offspring- Copperstorm, Cherryflower, Sootkit, Cootkit, Foamkit, Cloudkit and Antkit.
Nephews- Chubkit, Dacekit, Carpkit and Flamingokit.
Personality: Sweet, caring, innocent, motherly and clumsy cat. Storkpelt is a really sweet cat that loves helping others with their problems. As she has aged, she has become a mother figure to most cats in Seaclan. She blindly believes in everything she is told; from religious points of view to ideologies she acts like a sponge absorbing everyone’s mentality and accepting them as valid. She would trust everyone with her life since, according to her, no cat has bad intentions. She is really motherly too, this part of her behavior has appeared as she aged since when she was younger she had no intentions on even becoming mother. She is actually a really clumsy cat that has problems fighting and hunting. When she was younger she wanted to be a seer.
Kit- Was a really calm and friendly kitten that loved to spend time with Barbelwhisker (at the moment, the clan’s seer). It was this way that a really young and just named apprentice Blackthroat and Storkpelt became friends. Ashclaw (at the moment Ashkit) used to play rougher with her and pick on her. She was a rather weak kitten.
Apprentice- She wanted to become a seer, however, she had her doubts as she had always been rather romantic and not eventually having her own family scared her. In the end she decided that it was for the best to become a warrior. Ashclaw continued to pick on her throughout most of her training; Copperface and Rainpath would defend her. Eventually their mentors had to take part in this as Ashclaw behavior started to be worse and worse. Ashclaw was put on harder training that burned his energy fast and made him less aggressive while Storkpelt was allowed to receive an superficial seer training. This training made the rest of the apprentices see her as important boosting her social status and helping her socialize. She mostly spent time with Blackthroat, Rainpath and Copperface. She would spend time with Privetcloud too who was a little younger and showed a lot of interest in her.
Warrior- Became a –pelt cat after not showing any notable qualities. Her relationship with Copperface quickly developed into something more serious and both started to date. At first Copperface used to be really caring and sweet but, after becoming deputy, he was always busy and stopped spending time with her. Storkpelt knew that he loved her and that it was his responsibilities what kept him away from her. Storkpelt got pregnant for the first time sometime after Copperface was named deputy; the tom would spend more time with her but, with the rising border problems Seaclan was having, he was still really busy. Subconsciously, each parent took one as a favorite, Storkpelt’s one was Cherryflower and Copperface’s was Copperstorm. Copperface used the littlest time he had to spend time with Copperstorm; the time he would spend with Storkpelt was reduced even greatly making them fall apart and start fighting. Storkpelt would complain about how little time he would spend with her or their offspring and Copperface would response saying that he would be busy as long as there were border fights and that he did indeed spend time with Copperstorm. Copperface died in a border fight making things difficult for the family. Cherryflower took the news badly but she was capable of getting over it fast, Copperstorm completely shut from her family and Storkpelt searched for comfort in Privetcloud. With time and with the help of various clanmates Storkpelt was capable of getting over Copperface’s death and, eventually, start a relationship with Privetcloud. Recently she gave birth to Cloudkit, Sootkit, Cootkit, Foamkit and Antkit. After giving birth both cat decided to become official life mates. Copperstorm does not accept her mother’s relationship with Privetcloud as she considers it a betrayal to her father’s memories. Cherryflower completely accepts it and is really happy about taking care of her little half-siblings.
Elder- ~
This character belongs to me please do not use it without my permission.
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Name meaning: Olive- (Olea europaea) because of her predominant pale grey fur. Fang- cat who is be reasonably good at hunting and fighting.
Gender: female cis
Sexuality: bisexual
Life mate: ~
Reproductive mate: ~
Parents- ~
Siblings- Copperface (deceased) and Ashclaw
Nephews- Lythrumnose, Mousepaw (deceased), Mustardpaw, Lampreytail, Heronpaw, Goosepaw, Cranepaw, Copperstorm, Cherryflower and Ibispaw.
Personality: Hard-working, strict, patient, religious and confident cat. Olivefang is an extremely hard-working cat that puts work above everything else; it is her duty and goal to live and die for her clan, not her family not her legacy, just her clan. She believes that the gods defend every cat and it is a warrior’s duty to expand these thoughts further from the clan so every loner and kittypet knows how good and merciful they are; this is why she accepts the idea of accepting loners into the clan, getting all clans to form a bigger clan where religion settles down as a sole one, etc. She does, however, believe that those who praise false gods or false doctrines should be severely punished too.  She is extremely confident of her capabilities but not presumptions; she takes huge pride on her name as she has been working her whole life to earn it. She is strict and patient with those she talks to or mentors trying slowly to make her ideas reach the other cat and stay with them.
Kit- Olivefang was born alongside Copperface and Ashclaw. From very early on, she loved hearing legends and stories from the seers and elders easily believing everything she was told. She used to tell all of the stories she was told to her brothers who would consider her smartest than them and listen to everything she had to tell. Decided to become medicine cat apprentice but, after talking with the maximum religious representative of the clan (Paleclaw), decided that she could do more good by being a warrior.
Apprentice- Became apprentice to Paleclaw Themselves who was considered a Loanar Sasre (meaning Moon Blooded; they were considered a son of Marr Loanar, that is, the son of the most important god, Marr Loanar, moon goddess and mother of everyone and everything). Kept a close relationship with her brothers and became a guide to them so both toms would wait for her to tell them the stories Paleclaw had for them.   Sacrificing her free time training until exhaustion she quickly became a great hunter and fighter. Paleclaw had to stop training her when their health worsened so her training was finished by whitefur, one of Paleclaw’s offspring.
Warrior- Became a –fang after succeeding at both hunting and fighting. She stayed by Paleclaw’s side as he slowly worsened and finally died, tough devastated, she knew that he was now in a better place. She watched how Whitefur gave birth to Palefeather who she considered a spiritual successor to Paleclaw; this caused problems to appear between Blackthroat, Whitefur and herself as the seer wanted to keep Palefeather in her den and protect them while Olivefang wanted them to become warrior just like Paleclaw had done. Blackthroat finally kept Palefeather by her side after Whitefur attempted to leave the clans with her kits. She was eventually caught and exiled, Palefeather was raised by another queen and educated by Blackthroat. Olivefang spends a lot of time by Palefeather’s side from that moment on. She received Sandclaw as her first apprentice and, tough she tried to make him as religious as she is, Sandclaw remained skeptical of Olivefang’s ways. Became dear friends with Dewspots when she became Ashclaw’s mate so she was enraged when her brother decided to leave her life mate for another cat tough she decided to support Dewspots and remained in good terms with her brother; since this moment she has worked as a second mother to Dewspots’ kits. Grieved Copperface’s death and took the news of Otterstar’s deputy and later leader naming with outrage as practicly everyone would have made better choices. Her relationship with Dewspots has improved over time to the level where both mollies have thought about becoming life mates. Heronpaw, Goosepaw, Cranepaw and Ibispaw consider her their second mother and love her so.
This character belongs to me please do not use it without my permission.
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