cardworksartblog · 2 years
Hi again. Heres a new creature.
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Sooo this is my slugcat sona guy. He/it pronouns. It lives on a Beachy area and survives off of a diet made up of crabs, small reef fish, seaweed, squidfly grubs and the occasional beached corpse of one of the horrifying creatures that call the depths home.
It inherited the venom of the rw equivalent of a man'o war jellyfish's venom from its actually fucking indestructible parents and thats why its got the funky biolumiant blue stuff. He's kinda just a guy, with no gender to speak of. Hes curious like all slugcats but also hates leaving his safe and secure home so it trades pearls it finds while diving in the reefs for weird stuff roaming scavenger packs find.
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spacefinch · 8 months
Octonauts characters, but I made them Warrior cats
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Leader: Barnaclestar (Captain Barnacles)
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Deputy: Sandclaw (Kwazii); former rogue.
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Medicine cat: Pebblefrost (Peso)
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Shellwhisker (Shellington)
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Dashfoot (Dashi)
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Twigpatch (Tweak)
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Stoneshade (Inkling)
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wildfire-rewrite · 1 year
Record of Cats: Fall Thunderbringer Sect
This record is specifically prior to the beginning of the Fire Period. Circa March 2000.
Cat Count : 53 cats
Notes: -- Around 2/3rds of these cats end up dead, slaughtered or murdered, by the end of the first arc. The surviving cats are not going to enjoy piecing the sect back together. -- You'll notice some cats' ages have been changed, along with some missing characters. Don't worry, I'll have a post explaining the changes soon.
Sun Bluefeather - a thick-furred gray ticked new-catte with vibrant eyes.
Redowl - a scruffy solid black and red tortoiseshell new-kater with a white face.
Spottedflower – a round black and red tortoiseshell catte with a white belly, paws, and tail tip. Training Ravenclaw
Featherwhisker – a pale gray and cream tortoiseshell kattu with warm yellow eyes.
Dappletail – a brown and ginger tortoiseshell tabby catte with green eyes. Lynxstorm – a gray colorpoint tabby kater with blue eyes. Training Sandclaw
Grouseflight – a pale cinnamon tabby with a white belly and a ripped ear.
Crowtail – a solid black kater with green eyes. Featherfur – a deaf solid white kater with strange red eyes. Frostfur – a white catte with vibrant yellow eyes. Cricketstrike – a pale brown tabby with a white belly. Training Darkclaw
Sparrowchest – a dark tabby kater with half of a tail and wild yellow eyes. Goldenflower – a cream and white tabby catte with yellow eyes. Cloverlegs – a pale brown tabby catte with distinctly darker stripes and a white underbelly.
Sweetberry – a mostly white catte with ginger and black tortoiseshell brindle patches.
Adderfang – an elderly ginger tabby kater with scars across his pelt. Thrushpetal – a pale brown kater with wide green eyes. Training Chestnutclaw Tigerchaser – a sturdy brown tabby kater with intimidating golden eyes. Brindlejay – a gray spotted tabby catte with calm hazel eyes. Patchedpelt – a brown spotted tabby and white kater with brown eyes. Speckletail – a ginger new-catte with scars across her chest and face. Rosebloom – a brown and ginger tortoiseshell tabby catte with yellow eyes. Mousefang – a short brown tabby kater with green eyes.
Smallsmoke – a solid dark gray kater with small ears and a lip scar. Poppydawn – a deep ginger catte with a huge scar down her flank. Whitetail – a mostly white, cream tabby catte. Training Dustclaw Darkleopard – a thin dark spotted tabby catte with wide green eyes. Robinfeather – a brown ticked tabby catte with narrow yellow eyes. Willowleaf – a gray ticked tabby catte with blue eyes. Training Cherryclaw
Swiftbreeze – a dark tabby catte with huge white dapples and brown eyes. Lionheart – a huge cream tabby kater with soft hazel eyes.
Ravenclaw – a black kater with a white flash of white on his chest. Dustclaw – a brown tabby kater with a white chest and yellow eyes. Cherryclaw – a dark tabby catte with huge white dapples. Chestnutclaw – a solid black and brown tabby kater with yellow eyes. Sandclaw – a pale cream tabby catte with narrow green eyes. Darkclaw – a dark gray ticked tabby kater with narrow yellow eyes. Grayclaw – a gray tabby kater with wide hazel eyes.
Cinderpaw – a brown colorpoint tabby catte with wide blue eyes. Ashpaw – a ticked gray tabby kater with brown eyes. Daisypaw – a ginger and brown tortoiseshell tabby catte. Swiftpaw – a gray and cream tortoiseshell and white kater. Fernpaw – a gray spotted tabby and white kater. Tulippaw – a gray spotted colorpoint catte with blue eyes. Berrypaw –  a gray spotted tabby catte. Brackenpaw – a ginger and white tabby kater with kind hazel eyes. Thornpaw – a cream and white tabby catte. Brightpaw – a cream and white tabby catte with narrow yellow eyes.
Windflight – a spotted gray tabby kater with a missing leg and brown eyes. Goosefeather – a gray ticked tabby with wide green eyes. Branchgaze – a lithe brown tabby with hazel eyes. Stormtail – a gray classic tabby kater with wild yellow eyes. Tawnyspots – a mostly white, heavily scarred, gray spotted tabby catte.
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wcphasesofthemoon · 3 months
BrindleClan Year Five
An abandoned kit is found and named Blossomkit.
Spiderstar is caught in a trap but escapes with just a scar.
Mr. Whiskers retires to the elder's den.
A rogue joins the Clan and becomes Tawnycloud.
Blossomkit becomes Sandtail's apprentice.
Old age begins to catch up to Spiderstar and it costs her a life.
Smokefur and Spikeclaw die of yellowcough. The same illness claims the lives of Applepad and Tiny just one moon later.
Tawnycloud retires to the elder's den after just a few moons in the Clan.
Sandclaw and Chaffinchfur break up (villain arc beginning???)
A GustClan warrior named Rottail defects to BrindleClan.
A loner named Hunter joins the Clan.
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sparkys-multiverse · 2 years
Haha funny multiverse askblog :)
Welcome to the multiverse
Walk around, chat with people, ask questions, whatever!
Just stay in bounds :)
Also thought i should update this with locations and people in those places
Rainbow Forest: jfac (my jsab au), melody & mute, iridana & zillah, the sanctity, harmony, iris, kalama, darya, karma, lyrie
Pastry County: butterscotch cookie, maple syrup cookie, sprinkle cookie, latte, espresso, coffee cake, red velvet cake, vanilla cake, chocolate cake, rainbow cake
Warriors Territory: wingclan (wingfern, brightgem, and sandclaw are askable), haypoppy, swanfrost, iceclan (anyone askable), flutterclan (anyone askable)
Starfall Haven: flotus & folly, ginger & glitch, stonewalker, osila, glistalline, verantel, percious, seaream, aquash, era, ivory, blaze, starry anon, smol caps anon, crystal anon
The Palace: sparky, pinksy, aries, maple, sparkil, lilystar, l0vec0re
Fandom: atma, riftix, rift, amaya, zillah, scrypt, arcana, stoat, b0t, mekh, xiela, nyiel, shifter, elodie, cupcake palette
The Labs: nicole (SS), project-8417, angel, k1tty, ember, oreo, milk, beat
The Gardens: tichi, omu, aerie, sira, mesi, whisper, daffodil, aconite, my kins and characters i like (unaskable)
Starlit Solar System: moon, sun, eclipse, solar & lunar, sunlight (shalin) & moonlight, star
Shadow Town: diamond, elais, xena, talei, olera, honey, wysta & anleth, sprimkles
The Void: |#*_, %|£{*!\, £%{>?\, *{£]!¥}
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sophswritingthings · 2 years
ship: leopardstar x Sasha, leopardsasha, wlw
After taking her kits to riverclan, sash meets leopard and quickly grows feelings for her. she lingers on staying or not; but in the end decides to stay for her kittens. she takes the warrior name Sandclaw for her sharp personality and sandy pelt. Leopard is definitely pining for Sasha. she’s a good mom, a good warrior. they even share some stuff in common, not feeling accepted so quickly in the clan cuz of their heritage (because leopard is technically a med cats kit). yeah they get together and live a happy lesbian life
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i love this au/ship. leopard is def a lesbian, like c'mon. sasha had so much trouble with tiger, and she just needs someone who can hold her up. and I think leopard would be good at that. they'd raise moth/hawk to be good cats. I think hawk would never be evil in this au, with two good mother figures.
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SkyClan : Fire and Ice
Leader : Mintstar — sleek black molly with yellow eyes and a heavily scarred pelt
Deputy : Fennelfang — cream-colored tom with brown paws, brown ears, a brown tail, and a brown face
Seer : Sagetail — mottled brown molly with amber eyes
Guardian : Mothshade — small gray tom with a white throat, a white chest, and white front paws
Healers :
Cloudsong — pale gray tabby tom with an entirely white underside, green eyes, and tufted ears
Nutleaf — tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white chest, one white paw, and a plumy tail
Assistant Deputies :
Jaystrike — silver-gray tabby tom with a white throat and a plumy tail
Rockclaw — dark gray tabby tom with a scarred muzzle and spiky fur
Apprentice : Coldpaw
Swallowheart — dappled tortoiseshell molly with blue eyes
Warriors :
Quickstep — long-limbed red molly with a white throat, a white chest, a white underbelly, and a white-tipped tail
Icepelt — silver-gray tabby molly with a white throat and ragged ears
Finchbelly — dark brown tabby tom with a lighter brown underside
Acornspot — brown tabby molly with a creamy throat and chest
Apprentice : Sharppaw
Beetlewatcher — dappled golden-brown tabby tom with wide paws
Birchfoot — dappled golden-brown tabby tom
Crowstrike — sleek black tom with amber eyes
Juniperleap — dark gray tabby tom with a white throat, a white chest, white paws, and a white tail-tip
Apprentice : Sparrowpaw
Sandclaw — pale brown tabby tom with a scarred face and one blind yellow eye
Scorchwing — sleek black tom with green eyes
Redfrost — dark red tabby tom with a white throat and a plumy tail
Poppystep — dark red tabby molly with large paws and a plumy tail
Bramblewhisker — golden-brown tabby molly with spiky fur
Apprentice : Leafpaw
Sunsong — golden tabby molly with a white throat, a white chest, and dark blue eyes
Ashfall — large dappled gray tom with yellow eyes and torn ears
Stormshade — long-limbed dark gray tom with amber eyes
Apprentice : Tinypaw
Feathermist — silver-gray tabby molly with green eyes and an entirely white underside
Sedgescar — dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Flamefeather — tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white chest, red patches, and amber eyes
Littleblaze — small gray tom with a white throat, a white chest, one white paw, and a nicked right ear
Pebbleflight — dappled dark gray tom with a heavily scarred left shoulder
Apprentice : Cherrypaw
Briarpounce — dappled golden-brown molly
Vinespring — dappled golden-brown molly with a creamy underside
Brindlepatch — tortoiseshell molly with green eyes
Apprentice : Snowpaw
Slatepool — sleek dark gray tom with blue eyes
Graybird — gray molly with a white throat and blue eyes
Lionface — small cream-colored tom with red paws, red ears, a red face, and a red tail
Spiderstorm — long-limbed sleek white tom with black patches
Darkflame — long-limbed sleek white rom with black patches
Blossomwing — dark tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white muzzle, and a plumy tail
Dusktooth — dark red-brown tabby tom with a snaggletooth
Flowernose — dark red molly with a plumy tail and a pink nose
Rainfur — sleek gray tom with spotted tabby markings
Apprentices :
Coldpaw — silver-gray tabby tom with a white throat, a white chest, and tufted ears
Snowpaw — silver-gray tabby molly with an entirely white underside and blue eyes
Tinypaw — small dark red tabby tom
Sharppaw — dark red tabby tom
Sparrowpaw — brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Leafpaw — small brown tabby molly with a white throat, a white chest, and amber eyes
Cherrypaw — small tortoiseshell molly with a white throat
Helpers :
Clovertail — cream-colored molly with brown paws, brown ears, a brown face, and a brown tail
Thrushsong — dappled brown tom with a creamy throat and chest
Tawnyfang — tortoiseshell molly with a plumy tail and tufted ears
Brownpelt — mottled brown tom with amber eyes
Queens :
Silverspeck — sleek silver-gray molly with an entirely white underside and green eyes
Mate : Ashfall
Kits : Petalkit, Echokit
Kits :
Petalkit — dappled silver-gray molly with a twisted front right paw
Echokit — silver-gray tabby molly with an entirely white underside and green eyes
Elders :
Oatspots — sleek brown tabby tom with a lighter brown underside; retired early due to weak lungs and intermittent illness
Twigtuft — golden-brown tabby tom with spiky fur
Sweetrunner — long-limbed cream-colored molly with brown paws, brown ears, a brown face, and a brown tail
Rowaneye — dark red tabby tom with a white throat, white paws, a white tail-tip, and yellow eyes
Spottedfur — dappled tortoiseshell molly with a white throat, a white chest, ragged fur, and a scarred muzzle
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willowthegraycat · 1 year
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Here is a FINE selection of cats!!
First up, Charlene! She's a kittypet
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Second up, Bob Webber!!! Warrior name: Webtail :) He's OKAY!
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Third up, LINDANA HERSELF!! Warrior name: Flameclaw(?)
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Fourth up, Tiana Webber, Linda's sister!! Warrior name: Sandclaw
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Fifth up, HEINZ DOOFENSMIRTZ!!! :D Warrior(?) name: etēbud dūf ētu [--translation incomplete, please try again--]
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Sixth up, ROGER!!!!!! This is Charmstar, our lovely leader :D
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years
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Zenyatta is a player character our upcoming campaign! We ran Session 0 last Saturday, and spent most of the session speaking about safety tools and expectations. Everyone else is still working on their characters, but I'll post some artwork for them as soon as the characters are finalized.
Zenyatta's full bio is still a work in progress. All we know right now is that they're a T'av-K'ohma hermit who lives on the edges of Brothelton, only going into town to buy their favourite brand of Sandclaw.
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brainrotsmoothie · 2 years
The Unimaginative and Old-fashioned
LEADER STARLINGSTAR—a short-haired, black she-cat, with gold eyes.
DEPUTY SNAKECLAW—a short-haired, chocolate mackerel tabby tom, with amber eyes.
MEDICINE CAT FIREDSUST—a short-haired, red mackerel tabby she-cat, with copper eyes.
WARRIORS STORMFANG—a hairless, blue mackerel tabby tom, with green eyes.
SOOTSTREAM—a black tom, with short fur, and green eyes.
FOGFUR—a short-haired, blue she-cat, with amber eyes.
DARKPUDDLE—a black tom, with long fur, and yellow eyes.
APPRENTICES CROWPAW—a short-haired, black she-cat, with gold eyes.
PLUMPAW—a cinnamon and red, classic tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes.
THISTLEPAW—a long-haired, blue she-cat, with copper eyes.
MARIGOLDPAW—a red spotted "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes.
NIGHTPAW—a black she-cat, with curly fur, and green eyes.
BLEAKPAW—a blue she-cat, with short fur, and copper eyes.
QUEENS ROOKWHISKER—a black spotted tabby she-cat, with sparse fur, and yellow eyes.
OWLBERRY—a short-haired, chocolate she-cat, with yellow eyes.
ELDERS MURKCLOUD—a short-haired, black spotted tabby tom, with copper eyes.
BLACKSTREAM—a short-haired, black tom, with hazel eyes
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The Affectionate and Stupid
LIONSTAR—a short-haired, cream mackerel "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with copper eyes.
LIGHTSTREAM—a short-haired, white tom, with copper eyes.
SPIDERFACE—a short-haired, black tom, with hazel eyes.
SLUGNOSE—a long haired, black spotted tabby tom, with yellow eyes.
SHADOWWHISKER—a short haired, black mackerel tabby she-cat, with hazel eyes.
FOGPELT—a blue mackerel tabby tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
BEESTONE—a short haired, red spotted "pseudo-tabby" tom, with copper eyes.
SPRUCEFUR—a red ticked "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with short fur, and hazel eyes.
DAWNCLOUD—a long haired, red classic tabby she-cat, with hazel eyes.
RAVENPAW—a black mackerel tabby tom, with short fur, and copper eyes.
SOOTPAW—a black tom, with short fur, and green eyes.
SANDCLAW—a short haired, cream mackerel tabby she-cat, with gold eyes.
POPPYPELT—a red she-cat, with short fur, and gold eyes.
GOLDENFACE—a mostly white, chocolate and red spotted calico she-cat, with short fur and amber eyes.
HOLLYTAIL—a short haired, red classic tabby tom, with green eyes.
FROSTTHROAT—a white she-cat, with short fur, and blue eyes.
The Restless and Sharp
REDSTAR—a red ticked "pseudo-tabby" tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
SNAILBERRY—a black tom, with long fur, and hazel eyes.
HORNETLEG—a red classic "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with short fur, and hazel eyes.
BLACKLEG—a black mackerel tabby tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
SQUIRRELSTONE—a short haired, red mackerel "pseudo-tabby" tom, with amber eyes.
MISTLETOENOSE—a white she-cat, with short fur, and blue eyes.
BEEHEART—a short haired, red mackerel tabby tom, with green eyes.
ROOKNOSE—a short haired, black mackerel tabby she-cat, with copper eyes.
BURNETHEART—a red mackerel "pseudo-tabby" tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
SOOTPAW—a black tom, with short fur, and hazel eyes.
CORMORANTPAW—a short haired, white she-cat, with a black and red spotted calico tail and ears, and green eyes.
NIGHTNOSE—a long haired, black mackerel tabby she-cat, with hazel eyes.
CROWTHROAT—a black she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes.
WILLOWCLAW—a short haired, caramel she-cat, with amber eyes.
PLUMCLOUD—a red ticked "pseudo-tabby" tom, with sparse fur, and yellow eyes
The Boisterous and Well-behaved
MALLOWSTAR—a mostly white, chocolate and red spotted calico she-cat, with short fur and yellow eyes.
BLEAKBRIAR—a short haired, white she-cat, with a blue and cream spotted calico tail and ears, and gold eyes.
STARLINGBLAZE—a black classic tabby tom, with short fur, and green eyes.
CINDERFUR—a short haired, blue mackerel tabby she-cat, with yellow eyes.
POPPYBERRY—a long haired, black and red, classic tortoiseshell she-cat, with gold eyes.
ROOKFANG—a long haired, black tom, with copper eyes.
SOOTNOSE—a black tom, with short fur, and amber eyes.
HEATHERFOOT—a long haired, cream mackerel tabby tom, with yellow eyes.
BRINDLEPAW—a chocolate and red, mackerel tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with long fur, and copper eyes.
CAMPIONCLAW—a red she-cat, with long fur, and amber eyes.
ROWANLEG—a red ticked tabby she-cat, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
CROWEAR—a long haired, black she-cat, with green eyes.
SNAKEBLAZE—a chocolate classic tabby tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
Randomized clan generator guys , some names are subject to change, here’s their territory, purple is lagoon, blue is cliff, yellow is field and orange is Forest
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feathershinewritez · 2 years
Some No Matter What art featuring Snowberry and Moonstar. I feel like Moonstar is either talking about a super cool kick she saw that morning or enthusing about Firestar.
No Matter What takes place post cannon, and Firestar has become one of the most important figures in clan history. Stories range from his resurrection of Skyclan, to stuff like fighting an entire pack of dogs with “Sandclaw.” yeah, about 75% of the stories had either been extremely warped, or made up completely.
Moonstar hyperfixated on any stories about him during her early childhood, and too this day refuses to acknowledge Mudtail’s claims that the stories are exaggerated
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perchpawz · 3 years
"I don't know how it got this way."
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a drawing of the final leaders from the @warriors-but-cats-die au! headcanons under the cut
-She/her transfem lesbian
-Biggets out of the leaders
-Tinted blue (got it from her grandpa)
-She/they nb bi
-Funky eyes bc i say so
-Possession arc? 😳
-I like her
-He/him gay trans man
-No clue what sagestar saw in him
-Incompetent but trying his best
-They/he agender aroace
-Part lykoi probably
-She/he/they bi demiboy
-Oh he is so pretty
-Kinda reminds me of the bottom of a lake tbh
-Soft spot for kits
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riverclan — final allegiances
i decided i'd do one more set for each clan.
leader: sandstar (7y). white flecked she-cat.
deputy: nettlerun (9y). mink tom. (apprentice — hemlockpaw)
seer: squailear (5y). calico mink golden spotted tabby she-cat with long fur. (apprentice — frostpaw)
seer: noddingwing (4y). black she-cat.
orangepetal (5y). large, thick-furred, cinnamon and red tortoiseshell mink chinchilla tabby she-cat with dark amber eyes. (apprentice — juniperpaw)
rainstep (4y). blue tortoiseshell she-cat with pale eyes.
harelight (3y). white tom with a long tail. (apprentice — yellowpaw)
softpelt (3y). grey she-cat. (apprentice — moonpaw)
bluestrike (2y). cream and pale silver tom with long fur. (apprentice — pinepaw)
leafnose (2y). pale, almost white she-cat.
maplesong (1y). black tortoiseshell and white sepia silver ticked tabby she-cat.
gustpelt (1y). intimidating, black and white silver mackerel tabby tom.
galestream (1y). silver tom with black spots.
fogfang (1y). grey and white she-cat.
mistshimmer (1y). pale she-cat.
greyjaw (1y). grey tom.
fadewillow (5y). blue calico chinchilla tabby she-cat with long fur. (kits — sprucekit, dandelionkit, shadekit, freckledkit, slugkit, palekit)
bayheart (10y). large blue calico mink shaded tabby she-cat with long fur with a twisted front leg.
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wcphasesofthemoon · 4 months
BrindleClan Year 3
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A loner joins the Clan and is named Spikeclaw. He retires to the elder's den one moon later.
Sandclaw gives birth to Chaffinchfur's kits: Wolfkit and Midgekit.
Weedpaw becomes Weedheart.
Yarrownoise dies from old age.
Wolfpaw becomes Lora's apprentice, and Midgepaw becomes Cherryclaw's apprentice.
On their first patrol, the mentors and apprentices find a loner and her kits. The loner becomes Mistleclaw, and her kits are named Lightkit and Cinnamonkit
Wolfpaw is bitten by a snake, but lives with just a large scar.
Yet another lone mother joins the Clan, becoming Applepad and naming her kits Sandkit and Eaglekit.
A third loner, named Mr. Whiskers, joins the Clan and keeps his name.
Applepad brings a loner named Fluffy to the Clan, who decides to keep her name.
Sandclaw gives birth to Chaffinchfur's kits again: Lightkit and Snipkit.
Wolfpaw is scarred again while protecting kits in a battle.
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So I touched up a few shattered hopes designs
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I didn't change the designs all that much because I actually really like what I was doing with the designs
Also I should probably say this now. Yes shattered hopes is a danganronpa warrior cats au. I will not be depicting the content that personally makes me very uncomfortable nor will I be designing a certain character
So some design notes:
I will finish the thh cast, then I'll probably do the rest of udg and then I MIGHT design the dr3 anime characters
The reason the dr3 cast is only a possibility is because I'll have to watch it if I want to make the designs accurate to the personality
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gammaray-burst · 3 years
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Happy pride month from the SoTL couples!
(SoTL is a warrior cats story made by me and @zephyrian-vitriol!)
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