italiasparita · 2 months
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William Henry Goodyear (1846-1923)
Corato. Palazzo de Mattis
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elmas-66 · 1 month
Al festival dell'arte del Panorama Internazionale ci sono novità annunciate dal presidente della Writers Capital Foundation International Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar
Foto cortesia condivisa dal presidente Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar – India *ANNUNCIO DEL PANORAMA NATION AWARD OF EXCELLENCE AL PANORAMA INTERNATIONAL ARTS FESTIVAL 2024!*   Siamo lieti di presentare il Panorama Nation Award of Excellence al Panorama International Arts Festival 2024.   Questo premio riconosce e celebra i primi 3 paesi che dimostrano prestazioni eccezionali durante il…
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webiosagency · 1 year
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pollicinor · 9 months
Tutti a prendere in giro i Carabinieri, e invece...
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yesterdaysanswers · 2 years
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Mauro Pagani - The interview (Mucchio Selvaggio n. 307, 26 May/1 June 1998)
Musician, producer and a thousand other things, Mauro Pagani is one of the most serious and significant figures of Italian rock (and beyond) of the last twenty five years: from activism in the former Premiata Forneria Marconi to the various collaborations with Demetrio Stratos and Fabrizio De André, from research in the world music field (well before this had become a fad) to the soundtracks, the multi-instrumentalist and singer was undoubtedly the most authoritative of the possible candidates for the difficult role of Musical Director of 1º Maggio. It is precisely in this capacity that we interviewed him, asking him for information on the workings and intrigues that govern the event
How did you get this artistic direction?
I think that the appointment is due to my friendship with Fabrizio De André, who mentioned my name to Riccardo Corato, the producer of the concert. There was a need to put some order into a chaos due to pressure from record companies to include anyone, to the television that wanted to have their say, to the technical madness caused by too many guests... but I'm sure they also chose me because they hoped that I would be able to convince Fabrizio to come… 
Being a musician, I take it that you were first concerned with technical issues.
Exactly. Having ascertained that it was not possible to obtain two stages, not due to problems of space, but due to the declared unavailability of RAI to double up on equipment and personnel, I convinced the organization to build a revolving stage, in order to reduce dead times to a minimum and avoid having to equip the stage in front of the audience. The one in San Giovanni is a large atypical concert, made extremely complicated by the needs of each artist and by the presence of the TV.
To what extent does RAI intervene on the concert?
The truth is that the TV, slave as it is to audience ratings, has become incapable of being a mere spectator and tends by its culture to "televise" anything, as the Sanremo Festival clearly demonstrates. At RAI they did not want to accept the idea of ​​leaving 1º Maggio the possibility of being itself, that is, a musical review with a political meaning behind it and not just a television event: they proposed Fiorello as presenter, and when they spoke of "inviting others, invite different ones”, they were referring to Cugini di Campagna. For them, starting off with Almamegretta in prime time was blasphemy, they would have liked someone who sang "O sole mio". Luckily the whole Network (the company that manages the concert, N.d.l.) has earned and defended the decisions taken: it was a courageous act, considering that TV still acts as a "timepiece" of what is happening in San Giovanni and serves as a commodity exchange to negotiate the availability of their artists with record companies.
Are you somehow responsible for the TV broadcast idea on one network?
Absolutely not. I don't know why they changed the system, maybe they understood that the old one was too cumbersome. Even so, however, problems were not lacking, given that it was a question of upsetting the schedule of a network for about seven hours, with all its journalistic and advertising needs. Perhaps all these complications also explain why we were denied a connection with C.S.I., who had already made arrangements to perform in Reggio Emilia and therefore could not be physically present in Rome as we would have liked.
How did you move, on the contrary, in terms of artistic choices?
A complicated matter, because in any case the chosen ones would have thought that it was up to them and that I hadn't done anything special except to notice their merits, while I would have had to explain to all the others the reasons for an exclusion that they wouldn’t have willingly accepted anyway; what's more, I also suffered from the handicap of the previous editions, for example the disheveled willingness of the Network to accept everything and to submit to a series of give-and-take games. At the beginning, adopting an almost terrorist tactic, I announced my intention to halve attendance, hoping - as it later happened - to limit them to 60/70% compared to last year: this is not only because of stage changes, but also to ensure that each participant could offer two or three songs and not just the classic "promotional" piece that usually makes it to Sanremo and Festivalbar. As a basic principle I have tried to avoid pop, not out of racism towards the genre but because those who play pop still have many opportunities to appear, while at 1º Maggio - which is not the same as the Festivalbar, whatever enemies and cynical trombones may say marketed like Luzzatto Fegiz - it should be the concert of others, of those who struggle to find spaces outside the specialized circuit. Then I decided to favor groups, and not only because the first two months I was hammered with offers from young soloists, more or less singer-songwriters: groups know how to better protect themselves from the deliberate or unconscious conditioning of record companies, there are more people who keep the job alive and they sow each other's souls. They are like a laboratory, and therefore usually bring more elaborate proposals. I sincerely believe these musicians deserve more official exposure.
I don't think this modus operandi made you very popular.
I know, but what can I do? There was a line to carry and I did it all the way, there was a choice and I chose. The bad thing was having to say no to some friends for whom participation could be important, such as Massimo Bubola: we've known each other for years, we've worked together, but for reasons of coherence with the project I preferred to invite Almmegretta, Subsonica or Afterhours.
In addition to being petitioned, have you also been subjected to bribery attempts?
No, not at all. The only time they offered me money was a few years ago, when I was part of the youth jury for Sanremo. However, I've been subjected to less pressure than I expected, perhaps because of my reputation as a grouch, or because when you always speak your mind people have a harder time breaking your balls.
In the end, those who should have been on your side broke your balls: RAI, Cofferati who wanted songwriters…
The controversy of the songwriters was born fake: Cofferati was afraid that the lack of "big names" could keep the public away, and therefore in good faith he almost decided to say not to "give up" on 1º Maggio because it was something more of a concert anyway. In reality, San Giovanni, beyond the fact that there are those who want to participate for strong personal reasons and those who are less touched by the implications that are not strictly artistic, it is a maxi-musical event with television broadcasting, and the reason why we are talking about it is because it brings fights, altercations, discussions. If it were just the union party in the piazza, no one would worry too much about it, at most you'd read a few reviews in the newspapers.
Do you think you have sown something important for the future?
I hope so. And I hope next year’s artistic director realizes that a new principle has been established which at least has made the participants more protected from a technical and organizational point of view.
You assume it won't be you again.
Since they were all very happy, except perhaps Freccero, they have already asked me if I was interested in repeating. I am very honored and proud of it, but I am a little afraid of being institutionalized as "the one of 1º Maggio". But if I decided to say yes, I'd start working on it as early as September, in order to be sure of having truly exceptional foreign guests and not having to accept what little or much that has finally arrived, also thanks to the bureaucratic delays of the recording world. Furthermore, I would try to open up television prospects at a European level, and perhaps reserve a half hour for five or six "brand new” particularly promising acts.
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italiaefriends · 15 days
"Pastificio Riscossa, una storia di passione e tradizione" di Riccardo Rescio
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Trani, traffico internazionale di droga dalla Spagna: arrestate 47 persone
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rugbyprime · 3 months
Transferts : Ducat, Corato, Jedrasiak… Castres annonce huit recrues
#TRANSFERTS 🟦⬜️ Castres s’est renforcé en vue du prochain exercice ⬇️
Nicolas Corato s’est officiellement engagé à Castres – Icon Sport Après avoir terminé à la septième place du Top 14, le Castres Olympique profite de l’intersaison pour annoncer l’arrivée de huit nouveaux joueurs qui rejoindront l’équipe tarnaise dès juillet prochain. Parmi les nouvelles recrues, on retrouve Nicolas Corato, pilier de Pau âgé de 26 ans (1,84 m, 123 kg), qui s’engage pour trois…
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olitaly · 4 months
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vointadivina · 7 months
V2.40 Isus îi spune Luisei: „Din iubire pentru tine nu voi lăsa Corato”. Pruncul Isus glumește cu Luisa (21 iunie 1899)
Isus îi spune Luisei: „Din iubire pentru tine nu voi lăsa Corato”. Pruncul Isus glumește cu Luisa (21 iunie 1899)
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Rapinò una tabaccheria nel Barese, in manette un 30enne
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italiasparita · 6 months
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William Henry Goodyear (1846-1923)
Corato. Palazzo de Mattis
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elmas-66 · 5 months
Dal Panorama Internazionale Letteratura, dal presidente Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar e dalla segretaria generale Irene Doura-Kavadia, sono stati assegnati i Premi Awards Golden book , pubblicazione di Elisa Mascia da San Giuliano di Puglia -Campobasso
Foto cortesia di Franco Leone pubblicata dal presidente Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar che ringrazio IL PANORAMA INTERNATIONAL LETTERATURA FESTIVAL PREMIA GLI AUTORI DISTINTI CON I GOLDEN BOOK AWARDS In una celebrazione dell’eccellenza letteraria, il Panorama International Literature Festival annuncia con orgoglio i destinatari del prestigioso Panorama Golden Book Awards. Questi premi riconoscono…
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webiosagency · 1 year
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campaniasport · 9 months
Cade la Miwa in trasferta a Corat
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donatoantonio75 · 9 months
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Così iniziare, per noi ed il mondo intero. Vivere in Divina Volontà ogni giorno, ora e sempre.
Info PDF del calendario per l'anno nuovo, tratto dagli scritti della Serva di Dio Luisa Piccarreta di Corato. (Invio gratis il file di stampa pdf).
+393669075262 [email protected]
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