#Corneal ulcer
fishthegenderwitch · 7 months
Murf's eye is healing but it looks hella gross still, as the blood vessels are trying to reach the centre of his cornea and can't yet.
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I'm still at under $40 in my bank acct and we need to see the vet tomorrow, so if ANYONE can donate anything to helping us get to his vet, the appt is $200. I promise this is the last time I'll ask.
Today is a holiday and p Aypal won't get money there in time, if you can help I have an email set up to auto deposit to my bank for him.
Thank you to everyone who's donated over the past couple of weeks, you got his meds paid for so he can be this far in his healing.
I appreciate you. 🥰
Updated photo of Murf's eye under the cut:
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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nevermind, she’s gone back to looking gooped to hell so I’m bringing her in today.
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madwickedawesome · 4 months
i need sleep so bad but im inventing a 5 week old dsh who weighs 1.7lbs whose name is mop
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sueanoi-the-vet · 1 year
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Superficial corneal ulcer from chemical burn in cat shown with Fluorescine staining.
This is a stray cat who fell into a paint can. the painter tried to help with thinner, but made everything worse cuz now the cat has thinner toxicity.
I won't get into the systemic treatment of Thinner toxicity, but the ulcers are treated like uncomplicated superficial corneal ulcers.
updated: the cat was able to reach a full recovery and both eyes have retained good visual function.
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starscelly · 10 months
https://www.nhl.com/stars/video/vgk-dal-postgame-thomas-harley-6341653212112 he’s so sad but also we can see the damage. I assume it looked much worse but.
oh my GOD .... look how they massacred my boy.. this is soooo sick and twisted i hope he's not in Severe discomfort
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rahulp3 · 1 year
Corneal Ulcer Treatment Market Size and Growth, Industry Analysis, Trends, CAGR, Segmentation, Opportunities, and Forecast 2022 To 2029
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The Corneal Ulcer Treatment Market is anticipated to develop as a result of rising contact lens usage, novel treatment options, such as anti-amoebic medications, and well-established supply chain operations. The market for corneal ulcer therapy is expected to grow significantly at 5.7% CAGR from 2022 to 2029, reaching an estimated market value of about US$ 867.3 Million as of 2022.
According to Future Market Insights, the market share for antibiotics is predicted to reach a huge 76.4% in 2021.The general public as well as ophthalmologists are becoming more aware of corneal ulcers because to a number of activities by international as well as regional organisations, governments, etc. to end preventable blindness caused by contact lens use.
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Further, universities and non-profit organizations arranging eye check-up camps further aids in enhancing awareness about corneal ulcers.
FMI – a well-established name in the market research domain – forecasts that, the corneal ulcer treatment market will experience a major upturn in the coming years, reaching a valuation of US$ 1.27 Bn by 2029.Key Takeaways of Corneal Ulcer Treatment Market StudyTreatment of broad-spectrum corneal ulcers using antibiotics is expected to gain traction and contribute more than 75% of revenue share during the forecast period.Growing bacterial keratitis requiring antibiotics for treatment will contribute significantly to the revenue share of the segment.Eye drops or eye ointments dominate the market by form type, as these are relatively cheaper and do not require other interventional and oral route for drug delivery.By distribution channel, retail pharmacies are expected to gain more than 50% of market share during the forecast period.North America is dominating the global corneal ulcer treatment market, while East Asia is expected to offer lucrative growth opportunities, owing to rising healthcare infrastructure and industrialization.Acquisition – Key Strategy Followed by Leading ManufacturersLeading manufacturers in the corneal ulcer treatment market are focusing on geographical expansion as well as increased product offerings through partnerships and acquisitions.
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Key Market Segments Covered In Corneal Ulcer Treatment Industry ResearchBy Drug class:AntibioticsAntifungalsAntiviralsCorticosteroidsNSAID’sBy Form:TabletEye Drops/ OintmentsVialsBy Route of Administration:OralTopicalInjectablesBy Indication:Bacterial KeratitisFungal KeratitisViral KeratitisAcanthamoeba KeratitisBy Distribution ChannelHospital PharmaciesRetail PharmaciesDrug StoresOnline PharmaciesBy RegionNorth AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeSouth AsiaEast AsiaOceaniaMiddle East and Africa (MEA)
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vetnews · 2 years
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mcytblrconfessions · 4 months
Thank you mcyt fandom for showing me that one sad mouse picture with cubitos drawn over them, because I saw that and jokingly said my sister looked like that because her eyes were sparkly and discovered that she had CORNEAL ULCER and could've gone blind. So thanks for that <3
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Alright, Google was unhelpful so I'm asking here: what can you guys tell me about what happens to an eye after it's burned, as in, directly exposed to fire?
There's a character in a major fandom I'm in who wears an eyepatch following a fight with his (pyrokinetic) brother, and I'd like to depict him with the kind of facial difference that would actually cause: burn scars, and... whatever would happen to the eye.
It seems like a reasonably straightforward thing to look up, but everything I got was related to either chemical burns (and much more about emergency care than the aftermath) or a burning sensation in the eyes, which is... not what I was hoping to find, haha.
So anyway, my question is, what would happen to an eye that was severely burned? Blindness seems obvious, but it feels like the kind of situation where they might lose the eye completely, is that a possibility? If not, what would the eye end up looking like? Sorry if this is an annoying question, I just had a really hard time finding anything online.
To put it simply, there's a lot of variation here - and to answer your question, losing the eye is very much a possibility if the damage is that extensive, or if there's a severe infection happening.
An important part of any eye burn injury is that there are eyelids in the way of the fire, so they're going to be damaged. Skin grafts are extremely common for that; without them, the eyelids will contract and not really serve their function. Having the eyelids removed and replaced with grafts will also help with preventing secondary infection and corneal complications. If the whole burn is on the milder side, and he keeps his eyelids he could have ptosis; i.e. an eyelid that doesn't fully open all the way.
When we get to the eye itself, you're essentially looking at a hundred different kinds of infections that could occur. Corneal damage will be the most obvious due to where it is, but it could go deeper if the burn is severe. E.g., keratitis and/or corneal ulcers can very much happen due to a burn injury, and if untreated they can cause corneal scarring (can look like white spots and/or lines on the eye), cataracts (can cause the pupils to appear lighter), glaucoma, and any further issues if that spreads - including the possibility of blindness in the other eye, as sympathetic ophthalmia exists.
After that, there's retinal detachment (which isn't visible) and actual globe injuries, which often tend to end up in the eye being removed (very much visible). We have a post about options following that!
Sometimes an injured eye can also be slightly discolored on the sclera part. Redness is the most common, but mine were mostly yellow-brownish on the sides after I had surgery (and still are, but not as much). So if he still has the eye, it could look like that as well, either due to the actual burn or the procedures that he could have.
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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100493503004422 · 9 months
podcast that's just me talking to myself for 90 minutes straight without connecting anything for the audience. it's called "baby I'm bored" & it's actually an avant garde art piece & it's going in video form on a tv from 2002 mounted to the basement wall of a modern art museum. next to it on a pedestal is my flower-themed fabric diary from when I was five years old & a framed photograph of a corneal ulcer in my eye. it's a commentary on mental and physical illness in the internet age. you wouldn't get it
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fishthegenderwitch · 8 months
Someone donated an amount that came to a little over $12, which PayPal won't let me move into my bank bc it's "below the transferable allowance amount". I can't find where they say what that amount is. That being said, I'm still in desperate need of getting the minimum $375, and that's not including testing and medications after we get there. (Original post pinned on my blog.)
He's been trembling on my bed for the past hour, despite the eye drops and the pain meds. I gently wiped his cheek where his eye's been leaking and he made sad pain noises and it's breaking my heart that my best buddy is in pain and I can't help him
If you want to send a donation directly to me without it going through PayPal, please DM and I can give you an email address to send to where it'll autodeposit
Thanks for reading. ❤️
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wofbutgood · 3 months
The Ocean is a Terrible Place
(aka im still working on my Seawing model, so have this in the meantime)
The false reflection, mostly encountered by deep-diving Seawings. This phenomenon occurs when ultra dense high saline water gathers in underwater brine pools on the sea floor. It appears reflective, like a mirror. Down in the deep, the only way you can see at all is to take some form of luminescence with you, which obscures the pool and shows you nothing but another dragon below, holding a light source. It's common for pelagic people to be unfamiliar with their own facial markings and reflection. They mistake the reflection for another Seawing, or a ghostly apparition, and reach out. But the salinity of the brine pool is such that even a brief touch can burn away the skin.
The abyss, of course. Most of the sea of Pyrrhia is not as deep on average as the sea on Earth. But there are cracks and trenches in the sea floor that go down, and down, and down... they are poorly explored and sites of myth and legend for swimmers. The abyss is not usually dangerous, since it's easy to just not go down there, but sometimes the cracks seem to inhale and exhale - natural flows of groundwater, or attempts to fill a vacuum caused by a different crack releasing gas. So swimming over certain cracks might result in you being dragged down unexpectedly into the anoxic zone near the sea floor in the region... or it might result in you being unexpectedly shot up. These events are incredibly rare and usually passed off as tall tales, like those of some Seawings who claim to have flown due to being propelled into the sky.
The snowstorm. An event that occurs when the sediment is agitated enough to completely white out the water. If the particles are the right size, echolocation clicks bounce back immediately, making sight and echo useless. Seawing and others swimming trapped in the snowstorm could lose situational awareness and forget which way is up very easily, and the instant bounce-back of echo clicks is deeply unpleasant, giving the illusion of being 1 inch from swimming straight into a solid wall.
Shriekers. This is an issue where ice caps, glaciers, etc meet the water. The ice cracks and breaks, and to sensitive Seawing ears it's an unbearable shriek that can render them disoriented and deaf at long range, and break eardrums at close range. Around the southern ice wall, there's an almost constant background noise of screaming.
The false sky. A phenomenon that occurs when a swimmer loses situational awareness, and ends up diving deeper and deeper thinking that they're about to come up for air. Occasionally, a natural bioluminescence in deep water may produce an illusion of the sky viewed through the turbid water, making the disoriented swimmers even more certain that they are traveling up, when really they are diving. In Spiral mythos this is treated as a specific type of mania.
The wanderer. It looks like a Seawing swimming in the distance. You hail them, click at them, wave your lantern, but they don't respond. If you get closer, they'll flee. This is a really common story among nearly all pelagic people worldwide, and what they are seeing are the vanishingly rare fully-aquatic Seawing, those who did not adapt to becoming semi-terrestrial and became extremely solitary, and as such did not develop complex language due to not having complex cultures and societies anymore. They resemble smaller, less bulky Seawings, and are considered a type of (for lack of a better word) fairy or trickster spirit in Spiral culture, a false friend leading you astray.
Sharp sand. Some substrate is made of silica and appears glittery, like fairy dust. When the current picks up, these can form plumes which are hundreds of feet tall. They're not dangerous in and of themselves, but you had better make sure you close your eyes around it, no matter how pretty the dancing glitter might be. A common cause of corneal ulceration and abrasion.
Oracle's Tide. This is a big one. Tides are slow and rare most of the time, mixing the water and enabling life to flourish. But every so often, there are two different tides that come round, which can be predicted based on which moon is most prominent in the sky for the duration. Imperial's Tide is a high water apocalyptic event, but there are many monitoring stations and contingencies to avoid it. Oracle's Tide (similar to a neap tide) is far more unpredictable and occurs irregularly, as the moon Oracle is smaller, darker, and harder to see. This tide is a low-water event. Vast stretches of the sea floor are laid bare and the underwater ridges suddenly become towering cliffs and barriers for dragons who can't fly. This can last for weeks at a time, and without the water of course most animal populations who can't hide in substrate take a huge hit. It can happen fast enough to strand a swimmer at the top of a ridge, nothing but air below all the way to what was once the sea floor, and they might be stranded, unreachable, and without food or water for a fatal period of time.
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kinukos · 1 year
I hate to make this kinda post but for some reason my health has gotten bad. My stomach has been bloated for the past month so I had an ultrasound for almost $500 but it came back fine but blood work says my liver enzymes are high, my eczema has flared up severely to the point that it’s weeping and now my corneal ulcers have returned
I got to the cataract specialist tomorrow and we asked how much co-pay is and it’s $60, I don’t know how much the medication for my corneal ulcers but it’s probably expensive
I’m unemployed, my job was supposed to start oct 1 but it’s been postponed. my grandma works part time but we barely make ends meet
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Anything will help
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sueanoi-the-vet · 1 month
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a year after conjunctival transplantation to fix a ruptured cornea in a brachycephalic cat.
the owner declined another surgery to remove the bridge and to fix the entropion due to a newly developed heart disease, so we opted to regular follow up every few months.
coincidentally, the conjunctival bridge served as a protection against fur rubbing on cornea. the cat has no corneal ulcer within this year long follow up. the visual function is excellent, as the transplant became gradually more transparent.
unrelated note: the cat hates me but loves the vet nurse. understandable but i’m still sad about it.
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feluka · 5 months
your kitties are so beautiful 🥹 if it’s okay to ask, what eye condition do they have? is it genetic since they’re siblings? curious as i know little about that kind of thing. please give them some pets for me!! 🥰
hello! thank you so much! and it's completely okay to ask :]
yes they were born this way by lady gaga. i'm a little shaky on the medical terms but i'm pretty sure it's as follows:
both of their left eyes have microphthalmia, meaning that the eyes weren't fully developed and ended up being very tiny/almost not there at all. this is why their left eye sockets look empty. there's an eye in there but it's very small and sunken.
both of their right eyes have leukoma, which meand that their eyes are an opaque solid color (blue in this case) that doesn't show a pupil or lens. in some cats this results in a "galaxy eye" look but my babies just have a solid deep blue color to them.
shams still has a tiny bit of vision left (he can see "movement" and changes in light, but can't make out beyond that.) and noor has no sight left.
in addition to these genetic conditions, they both quickly caught an upper respiratory infection because of the unsanitary conditions under which they were born which worsened things because their eyes got infected too. they were in pretty bad shape :( shams has some visible damage on his right eye from where he had a corneal ulcer (that cleared up without surgery, thankfully, thanks to a very kind and patient vet who refused to be paid for it!)
they had a rough start in life but by the time they became one year old most of the problems had cleared up and they became absolutely spoiled babies <3
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bunnywip · 10 months
Achilles tendon rupture.
Aerosol burn.
Asthma attack.
Abdominal pain.
Ankle sprain.
Adrenaline crash.
Aortic disruption.
Anaphylactic shock.
Bear trap.
Blunt kidney trauma.
Broken bone.
Buried alive.
Blood poisoning.
Blunt cardiac injury.
Burn out.
Blood sugar crash.
Black eye.
Cat bite.
Coping mechanisms.
Car crash.
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Chemical burn.
Chilli burn.
Cardiac arrest.
Corneal abrasion.
Dangerous diet.
Diffuse axonal injury.
Dog bite.
Diaphragmatic rupture.
Electric shock.
Electric burn.
Emergency surgery.
Ear infection.
First-degree burn.
Flail chest.
Flash burn.
Food poisoning.
Falling from height.
Falling over.
Friction burn.
Groin pull/strain.
Gunshot wound.
Heart attack.
Herniated disc.
Human bite.
High fever.
Home invasion.
Heat exhaustion.
Hay fever.
Hidden injury.
Heart palpitations.
Ice (slipping, falling through, etc).
Internal bleeding.
Jet lag.
Knee dislocation.
Kidney stones.
Memory loss.
Muscular atrophy.
Muscle bruise.
Muscle overuse.
Menstrual cramps.
Neck sprain.
Open fractures.
Penile fracture.
Perforated eardrum.
Pulled muscle.
Pinched nerve.
Puncture wound.
Rotator cuff tear.
Rib fracture.
Shoulder dislocation.
Shark attack.
Stubbed toe.
Skull fracture.
Sting (wasp, jellyfish, etc).
Smoke inhalation.
Slipped rib.
Smoke inhalation.
Second-degree burn.
Stomach ulcers.
Spiked drink.
Stab wound.
Snake bite.
Skinned flesh.
Scraped flesh.
Sleep deprivation.
Sleep paralysis.
Subconjunctival hemorrhages.
Traumatic aortic rupture.
Torn muscle.
Third-degree burn.
Traumatic asphyxia.
Uterine perforation.
Vomiting blood.
Wisdom teeth.
Worked to exhaustion.
Water infection.
Yeast infection.
Zombie apocalypse.
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